Beram & Tajine E-Magazine, Issue 5 : The Continental Issue

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Presents to you the ...

Moroccan CUISINE

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ALIA AL-KASIMI Born and raised in Rabat. She received her Bachelor’s degree inEngineering from Al-Akhawayn and Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Indiana inBloomington. She is currently pursuing her MBA at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. Soon after she moved to the U.S. 9 years ago, she spent the first twelve months discovering new foods around her, not missing Moroccan food, which she had eaten her whole life. Then homesickness crept in. A full time job and a busy schedule with American standards didn’t leave much time for cooking the traditional way. Her longing for home drove her to learnhow to cook Moroccan food the easy way and she started awebsite www.cookingwithalia.comand a YouTube channel with easy to follow videos on preparing delicious Moroccan cuisine using ingredients and utensils available in the US. With over 14 million views, is the leading English language destination for learning how to make the most intricate gastronomic creations despite a busy schedule. Alia’s viewers come from all across the US, Europe andMorocco. Some are people who visited Morocco and after returning back to their countries are trying to recreate those unique flavors they experienced while inMorocco. Many are Moroccans living abroad, trying to re-create a taste of home for themselves or their friends. In 2012, CookingWithAlia was part of the YouTube Next Chef program and Alia has recently signed with the TasteMade, the first online food network partnering with YouTube.



Ingredients : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Chicken: 2 pounds (1 kg) of chicken drumsticks Chicken: 1 pound (500 grams) onions (grated) Chicken: 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro Chicken: 1/4 cup finely chopped parsley Chicken: 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric, a pinch of saffron threads Chicken: 2 cinnamon sticks Chicken: 1 tablespoon olive oil Chicken: 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Chicken: 1/2 teaspoon smen (ghee / clarified butter) Chicken: Water to cook the chicken. Dried Fruits: Blanched almonds Dried Fruits: Dates, raisins, and walnuts Vermicelli: 1 pound (500 grams) of Italian vermicelli (very fine pasta) Vermicelli: Water + salt Vermicelli: butter




1 Step 1: Making the Chicken * In a pot, drizzle the olive oil and vegetable oil. Add the grated onions, chicken spices, cinnamon sticks, and the chicken. Mix all the ingredients together using a wooden spoon. * Cover the pot and cook the chicken on medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir the chicken from time to time. * After 5 minutes, add the finely chopped parsley and cilantro as well as the smen (ghee). Make sure to adjust the amounto salt you are using in this dish to the saltiness of the ghee you are using. Otherwise, the chicken may become too salty. * Mix all the ingredients and add a little bit of water, just enough to cover half the height of the chicken. * Cover the pot, increase the heat to medium-high, and let the chicken cook until done. * From time to time, check on the chicken, stir it, and add water if necessary. The water should be covering half the height of the chicken until the chicken is cooked. * The chicken should be done within 30-40 minutes. Taste the chicken, it should be soft. * Remove the chicken from the pot and place it in a bowl. * Uncover the pot, increase the heat to high, and let the sauce cook for 10 minutes until the liquids evaporate and the sauce becomes thick and silky. * Once the sauce has reduced, turn off the heat, bring back the chicken to the pot, cover and keep it there until ready to serve the dish. 2 Step 2: Preparing the Dried Fruits * You can use any dried fruits of your choice, in the amounds your want or just skip them. * Soak the dates and the raisins in two separate bowls filled with warm water at least 30 minutes before using them. * To blanch almonds, just place whole almonds in boiling water for 5 minutes, then rinse them and rub them using a towel. The skin of the almonds will easily be removed. * First, we are going to fry the almonds. In a flat pan heat vegetable oil. When the oil is hot, place the blanched almonds in the hot oil and fry until the almonds get a nice golden brown color. * Once done, remove the almonds from oil and place them in a plate covered with paper towel to absorb any excell oil. * Optional: Take some of the fried almonds and mix, using a food processor, with a bit of orange blossom water and powdered sugar. * Steam the raisins and pitted dates separately for 10-15 minutes until they soften up.

3 Step 3: Steaming the Vermicelli * To steam the vermicelli, I am going to use my couscous pot. However, feel free to use your regular steamer. * Fill the bottom of the couscous pot with water and add 1/2 lemon. * Take 2 tablespoons of the oil where your fried the almonds (or just regular vegetable oil) and using your hand, mix it gently with the vermicelli until it is completely coated with the oil. * Place the vermicelli in the top portion of the couscous pot, cover, and steam on medium-high heat until you see the first steam coming out from the vermicelli. This will take around 15-20 minutes. * Remove the vermicelli from the top part of the couscous pot, and place in a large plate. Add 1/2 cup of salted water to the vermicelli, mix with your hands, and let the vermicelli rest for about 5 minutes. * Return the vermicelli to the couscous pot and steam again until you see the steam coming out from the vermicelli (this will take around 10 minutes). Note that while the vermicelli was resting, leave the fire on the bottom part of the couscous pot filled with water. * Check the vermicelli. If it is not ready, you may have to steam it for a 3rd time. Remove it from the couscous pot, place in a plate, and add a bit of water (not salted this time, if the vermicelli is salty enough). Let it rest for 5 minutes and place back in the couscous pot. Steam for 5-10 minutes until done but make sure not to overcook it, otherwise, it becomes too soft. * When the vermicelli is ready, place it in a large plate and fluff it (using forks) with a little bit of butter. Step 3: Final Steps * In general prepare the chicken the dried fruits in advance, and the vermicelli just right before serving the dish. Heat the chicken if necessary. * To plate the dish first mix the hot vermicelli with the steamed raisins. * In a large plate, place a layer of vermicelli. Put the chicken on top of the vermicelli and cover it with the thick sauce. * Cover the chicken with the rest of the vermicelli into a dome shape. * Optional: Place the ground almonds (with powdered sugar and orange blossom water) at the top of the dome. * Decorate with the almonds, walnuts




GRATIN Ingredients : • • • • • • • • •


Bechamel: 5 tablespoons (70 grams) butter Bechamel: 2/3 cup (80 grams) all-purpose flour Bechamel: 4 1/4 cups (1 liter) cold milk Bechamel: 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Bechamel: 2 bay leaves, salt (to taste) Fish: 1 pound shrimp, 1 pound tilapia filet (you can use the fish / seafood of your choice) Fish: 2 tablespoons butter and 5 green onions Rice: 2 cups of cooked rice (basmati, white rice, brown rice, or any rice of your choice) Grated cheese (parmesan, mozarella, or any cheese of your choice)


1 Step 1: Making the Bechamel Sauce * First, we are going to make "Roux", which is basically cooked butter and flour. In a saucepan, melt the butter on medium heat. Once the butter has melted, add the flour, and reduce the heat to medium-low, and cook the flour and butter for around 5 minutes until the flour loses its "raw" taste. * Once the surface of the "Roux" become bubbly, add the cold milk. It's important that the milk is cold because the switch of temperature stops the flour from cooking further and get a smoother taste to the bechamel. Use a whisk to stir all the ingredients. Make sure that you stir constantly while cooking the bechamel to break all the lumps and get a smooth texture. * Add the salt, nutmet, and bay leaves. * Cook the bechamel sauce on medium-low heat for 5 minutes (when you add the milk) then increase the heat to medium and cook the bechamel until it becomes thick. Stir constantly. * Watch the bechamel very closely when cooking it. Make sure not to overcook the bechamel otherwise it will become very thick and pasty when it cools down. You want it to be thick but still liquidy, which is the consistency you would have if you stop cooking the bechamel when it reaches a boiling point. * If you want to keep the bechamel, place it in a bowl, and cover the surface with a plastic wrap (the plastic directly touching the bechamel surface) so it does not create a skin. Then place it in the frige for 2-3 days. 2 Step 2: Preparing the Fish * Cut the fish into medium sized pieces. * In a flat pan, melt 1 tablespoon of butter and add chopped green onions (only the white part). You can replace the green onion is challots. Cook the green onions for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. * Add the fish to the pan, season with salt and pepper. Do not salt too much if the bechamel sauce is too salty already. * Cook the fish on medium heat until the shrimp becomes slightly pink and the fish is half cooked. Do not overcook the fish, some pieces of the fish may be undercooked and that's what we want. The fish will be baked and will finish cooking in the oven. If you overcook it at this step, the texture of the fish will become rubbery.

3 Step 3: Layering the Gratin * Preheat your oven to 400 F (200 C). * Use a medium sized baking pan, preferably made of clay. * First, layer the cooked rice in the bottom of the baking pan. * Place the fish over the cooked rice. Do not add the 'juices' of the fish - make sure to separate the fish pieces from the juices where they cooked. * Add the bechamel sauce all over the fish. * Finally cover the top with grated cheese. * Place the gratin in the middle-rack of the oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes then broil the top until it creates a crust of cheese with a golden brown color.

Serve it hot Immediately


SESAME GAZELLE HORNS ... Ingredients :

• • • • • • • •

1 pound of blanched slivered almonds 1 cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of orange blossom water 2 tablespoons of butter 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder 1/8 teaspoon of ground mastic gum 2 egg whites sesame seeds


1 Mix the blanched almonds and sugar using a food processor 2 Once the almond mixture has a powdey texture, add the orange blossom water, butter, cinnamon and mastic gum, and mix well until you get a smooth almond paste 3 Shape the almond paste into rolls that are 3 inches long and 1/2 inch wide (it will make around 35 almond paste rolls) 4 Dip each almond paste roll in egg whites and cover it with sesame seeds. Place the rolls on a baking pan with parchment paper and shape them into a crescent. 5 Preheat your oven to 360 F degrees. Bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes. Note: when the cookies are still hot they are soft, but as they coold down, they become chewy. Do not overbake the cookies. Let the cookies cool down before serving with Mint tea!




Presents to you... The German Cuisine


ANJA SCHWERINIS the creative mind of the blog Anja’s Food 4 Thought which she started more than 3 years ago as her journal of healthy eating. Her recipes are free of refined flours and sugars or processed ingredients. Living in Dubai, a cultural melting pot, she gets inspired by various cuisines and has a weakness for quirky ingredients. Many of her recent recipes are gluten and even grain free. She wants to show that it easy and doesn’t take much time to cook from scratch. She works as a freelance photo editor, photographer, and food stylist. When she is not cooking, you’ll find her running. She is currently preparing to run her 3rd marathon.


Ingredients for Soup:

• • • • • • • • • • • •

1 whole small chicken (about 800g) 1 carrot, halved lengthwise and sliced 1 small leek, halved lengthwise and sliced 1/2 cup celeriac, peeled and cut into small cubes 1 handful of parsley, chopped 3 litres water Salt to taste 1 cup asparagus (white or green), cut into 1 inch pieces, cooked Meatballs (optional) 300g (10oz) pork or beef mince 1 egg - 1/4 cup breadcrumbs salt and pepper to taste

Ingredients for Custard Royale : • • • •

2 eggs 4 tablespoons milk pinch of freshly grated nutmeg salt and pepper to taste


In a large pot, place chicken, carrot, leek, celeriac and parsley and pour over 3 litres of water. Season well with salt. Bring to boil, then simmer for about 1 hour. Take out the chicken, and let cool until it can be handled. In the meantime, combine all ingredients for the meatballs. Form balls of the size of a cherry or walnut. Put meatballs into the chicken broth and cook until done, about 10-15 minutes. For the custard royale, whisk eggs and milk together until well combined. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Place mixture into a small lightly, greased bowl. Cover the bowl and place it into a pot of slightly simmering water. Cook for about 30 minutes or until egg mixture has set. Take the sold egg mixture out of the bowl, cut into cubes. Set aside. Pull the meat off the chicken and into small pieces. Put it back into the soup. Add the asparagus. Heat the soup and add the eggs cubes at the end, heat for another 2 minutes. Transfer to serving bowl and garnish with chopped parsley.


Ingredients for Soup: • • • • • •

1 whole chicken (ca. 1200g) 1 carrot 1 small leek 1 small celery root bunch of parsley salt

• 1 tablespoon butter • 1 heaped tablespoon of wholemeal flour • 300ml-500ml chicken broth • 250g mushrooms (quartered) • 300g fresh green asparagus (or 1 can of green asparagus), cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 tablespoons capers

Method :

Wash the chicken under running water and put it in a big heavy-bottomed pot. Cut celery roots, carrot and leek into big chunks and add to the pot. Add the parsley. Fill up with about 2 liters of water. Season generously with salt. Bring to the boil. Once it boils, turn down the heat and let simmer for about one hour. Take the chicken out. Drain the broth and keep it. Discard the vegetables. Let the chicken cool. Once it's cooled down, tear of all big chunky meat from the bones. Cut the chicken meat into bite sizes and set aside. In another heavy-bottomed pot, let the butter melt. Once it's melted whisk in the flour. Slowly add the chicken broth bit by bit, altogether about 300ml or up to 500ml of you like it with lots of sauce. Keep on whisking. Once the sauce thickens, add the mushrooms and the raw asparagus. Cook them in the sauce until crisp to tender (if you use canned asparagus, add it at the very last, as the canned ones are usually quite soft and dissolve quickly). Add the chicken chunks and the capers and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Transfer to serving dish. Serve with rice or boiled potatoes.

Grandma's Sweet & Sour Cucumber Salad

Ingredients :

• 1 English cucumber OR 6 Lebanese cucumbers • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 3/4 tablespoon white vinegar • 1 tablespoon neutral oil (e.g. sunflower or canola oil) • 1 tablespoon sugar • freshly ground pepper

Method :

Thinly slice the cucumbers. Sprinkle with salt and let stand for 30 minutes. Squeeze them gently to get rid of excess water. Transfer to serving bowl. Combine the white vinegar, oil and sugar. Mix into cucumbers and adjust seasoning, e.g add more sugar if the vinegar is too dominant. Top with freshly ground pepper. This salad can be made in advance and is especially refreshing when cooled in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours before serving

EGGS ...

Serves for


in mustard sauce

Ingredients :

• 2 tablespoons butter • 1 medium onion, finely chopped • 1 tablespoon flour • 2 cups milk • 2 cups vegetable or chicken broth • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard • Grated nutmeg • 2-3 tablespoons capers (optional) • 6-8 hardboiled eggs, peeled (at room temperature)

Method :

Melt the butter over medium heat. Add onions and fry until softened. Stir in the flour. Immediately add milk and broth and bring to boil. Add mustard and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Season with some freshly ground nutmeg. Puree the sauce. Add 2-3 tablespoons of capers (optional). Cut hard-boiled eggs into halves. Add them to the warm sauce. Serve with boiled potatoes



Filling :

• 1/2 cup butter (100g), at room temperature • 1/2 cup palm sugar • 4 eggs • 750g/26oz Quark fresh cheese* • 1/2 lemon, juice of

Alternatives to Quark fresh cheese :

It’s desserts time

Base :

• 1 cup whole wheat flour • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder • 1/4 cup palm sugar • 1 egg yolk • 1/2 cup butter (100g), at room temperature

• fromage blanc • three parts ricotta cheese and one part sour cream • Equal parts of cottage cheese and yogurt

How to make Quark fresh cheese at home : Combine one quart whole milk with 1/2 cup buttermilk in a clean container, cover, and let the mixture stand at room temperature for two days. Gently cook the mixture for about 30 minutes. It's done when the curd has thickened slightly and begun to separate from the whey. Let it cool and pour it into a colander lined with several folds of cheesecloth. Put the colander into a larger container, wrap with plastic, and let it drain overnight in the refrigerator until the quark is reduced to the consistency of yogurt. Makes about 1 cup. Yields one 9 inch cake • Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Line bottom of 9 inch spring form with parchment paper and grease the sides. Combine flour, salt and baking powder. In another big bowl, beat together sugar and butter until creamy. Whisk in the egg yolk. Slowly add the flour mixture and beat until well incorporated. Roll out the dough. Make sure it is slightly bigger than the spring form. Press the dough into the bottom and sides of the spring form. The dough should be 3cm/2 inches up at the sides. Prick the dough with fork a few times. Bake for 10 minutes. Take out of the oven. For the filling, whisk egg, sugar until creamy. Beat in the butter until creamy. Stir lemon juice into the Quark fresh cheese. Then add to the egg mixture. Blend until well combined. Pour the fresh cheese filling into the prebaked dough in the spring form. Bake at 180C/350F for 60 minutes. If the top of the cake gets too dark cover with aluminum foil. Let cool in the form for 10-15 minutes before taking out.


Presents to you the



Dalia Moussa is a house wife and a mother of one young boy. She has always been interested in watching cooking shows and going through cooking books. She says that she has always watched her mother in the kitchen but her real experience with cooking was when she got married and lived outside Egypt. She started experiencing different food cultures and after being a full-time house wife she took up cooking as a hobby. She adds that she likes trying new recipes but not extreme ones :)

Fırın Beyti



Ingredients : • • • • • • • • • • •

For the kebab (kofte) 500 grams minced meat 1 med. onion minced 3 tablespoon grounded pistachios 1/2 cup shredded parsley salt and pepper to taste 1 cup mozzarella cheese or any type of yellow mild cheese you prefer. 2 tomatoes cut into small cubes - 2 onions sliced 5 lavash breads (or more if needed) - 1 egg 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 2 tablespoons nigella seeds

For the kofte mix all ingredients then form into long tubes of kofte. Grill or place covered with foil in a hot oven till done

Method :

On the lavash bread place some cheese, tomato, onion and the cooked kofte. Roll the bread and place in a greased oven dish.Repeat till all is done.Brush the bread with the beaten egg and sprinkle sesame and nigella seeds on top.Bake in a hot (200 C) preheated oven till top is golden in color.Leave to cool down a little then cut in slices and serve warm.

Sıcak Kısır


Ingredients : • • • • • • • •

1/2 cup fine bulgur 1 medium sized tomato 1 medium sized cucumber 2 iceberg lettuce leaves to serve 1 green onion (spring onion) 1/2 cup finely shredded parsley 1 small onion 1/2 tablespoon dry mint (you can use fresh if available)

Ingredients For the dressing : • • • • •

2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses 1/2 tablespoon tomato paste 1/2 tablespoon hot pepper paste (you can use sweet pepper paste if you don't like it hot) • 1 garlic clove minced • salt and pepper to taste

Method :

Soak the bulgur in warm water for half an hour then drain it and squeeze out all water and place it in a bowl. shred all other salad ingredients into small pieces (as small as you can get it) and mix. Mix the dressing then place it over the salad and mix.








Ingredients : • • • • • • •

500 gms long eggplants (long medium sized ones which will make around 3 eggplants) 500 gms minced meat 1 medium sized onion finely grated salt, pepper, chilli flakes and allspice to taste 1/4 cup of olive oil 2 tablespoons melted butter 1/4 to 1/2 cup water

Method :

Wash and peel the eggplants in stripes or leave them unpeeled then cut them into 2-3 cm thick slices. Mix the minced meat, grated onion, salt, pepper, allspice and chilli flakes and mix well with your hands. Shape the meat into balls that are close in size to the eggplant pieces. Using skewers place the eggplant pieces and the meat balls alternately until you finish them all. In a greased baking dish place the skewers then add little water (while baking check if it needs more water. Distribute the olive oil and butter on top of the meat and eggplant then sprinkle some extra salt and chilli flakes on top then cover with aluminum foil and place in a preheated oven on 200-220 C for half an hour then remove the foil and leave for another 10-15 minutes. Serve with yogurt and green salad and some rice

Turkish cuisine is full of delicious recipes

using eggplant as it is one of their favorite vegetables

This dish is a very easy and healthy one and can be either grilled or baked in the oven

Ingredients: • • • •

2 tomatoes 1/2 cup shredded parsley 1 small onion 1 green pepper (hot or mild)

Ingredients For the dressing :

• 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1/2 tablespoon hot pepper paste • 1/2 tablespoon tomato paste • 1 garlic clove minced - salt

Method :

Cut all the salad ingredients into very small pieces mix the dressing and pour it over the salad and mix well. Refrigerate before serving.

This salad/dips is usually served TURKISH SALSA (HOT TOMATO DIP)

with grilled meals (fish, chicken or meat)


• 500 grams carrots finally grated

(use the fine side of your hand grater or your fine piece of the food processor cutter)

• 1/2 cup sugar • 1 tablespoons honey • 1/2 glass water • 1 tsp corn starch + 2 tablespoons water to dissolve cornstarch • 2 tsp powder gelatine + 2 tablespoons hot water to dissolve gelatine • 1/2 cup whole hazelnuts roasted (you can divide them in hales and you can use any other type of nuts you prefer) • 1 cup shredded coconut • optional spices • 1 tsp allspice • 1 tsp cinnamon • 1/2 tsp ginger powder

Method :


grate the carrots finely and put them over medium heat together with the sugar, honey, spices if you are using them and water. When it starts to boil lower heat and leave uncovered till carrots are soft and water reduces (it might take 20-30 minutes). Keep stirring to avoid any sticking to the bottom of the pan. Dissolve the cornstarch and the gelatine separately then take the pan off the heat and stir them in. Return pan to heat and stir for 5 more minutes than turn heat off and stir in the hazelnuts. Divide the mixture into silicon trays after lightly oiling them or if you don't have ones you can use a cupcake tray lined with cupcake paper. Leave to cool in the refrigerator (preferably over night) then take them out of their trays and dip them into coconut so that they are covered from all sides.

Dalia Moussa

Where Do You Go?!?!

DEEMA Presents to you. . .

The Jordanian Cuisine


Our beloved Deema is a Jordanian Food Specialist and author of two state of the art cook books; her first book Tasty Temptations was published in 2009 and her second book The Secret Ingredient was published in 2011. Deema co-cooked with professional chefs during her early work while she hosted and presented cook shows, and her passion for cooking grew bigger and bigger. Currently Deema appears on Ro’ya TV– a well known Jordanian TV Channel – and she has her own live cooking segment twice a week. In 2012, Deema established her own cooking club and started giving cooking classes on weekly basis to all those looking to learn new recipes that are new, creative and most important recipes that do actually work. Her recipes are derived from the true traditions of countries around the world, developed with her own special twist and simplified for perfection each and every time.

yakhnit zahra...




You can cook this recipe

with fillet of beef instead of lamb



Cooking rice with ghee is optional, you can cook it with vegetable oil

Jameed is fermented dried yoghurt that can be bought from middle eastern food markets

Make sure to strain jameed one more time before assembling in serving dish



To make special musakhan salad mix 4 chopped onions, 8 chopped tomatoes, 1 green chili chopped, 1 lemon chopped with skin, 1 green onion chopped, 1/2 cup of olive oil, juice of 2 lemons, 1 teaspoon of salt. Cooking the whole oil quantity from the beginning will add a bitter taste to musakhan. This is why i only added 1 cup at the beginning and the remaining 3 cups later.




I soaked the chickpeas in cold water overnight, then changed the water in morning and added 1 teaspoon of baking soda and set aside for 30 minutes.Then strained and boiled in clean water for 45 minutes. There are many variations of magloobeh such as cauliflower chicken magloobeh.


Cauliflower Stew (Yakhnit Zahra)

Jordanian Mansaf




Method :

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 Kilo of lamb chunks (boneless) 1 Head of cauliflower cut into florets 2 Litres of cold water 4 Tablespoons of vegetable oil 1 Onion chopped • 1 Onion cut into quarters 1 Cup of chopped coriander 12 Cloves of garlic minced 1 Tablespoon of five spice mix 1 Teaspoon of cumin 1 Teaspoon of crushed cardamom 2 Bay leaves • 2 Cinnamon sticks 4-5 Whole black pepper corns 2 Whole mistika pods Salt and pepper (according to taste) Vegetable oil for deep frying

• In hot oil, deep fry the cauliflower until golden brown and set aside. • To cook the meat: place lamb chunks in a saucepan, add cold water, bring to boil and skim off any impurities that rise to the top. Add onion quarters, cardamom, mistika pods, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks and black pepper corns to meat, cover and let cook for at least an hour. Strain meat and reserve the stock. • In 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, cook the chopped onion until soft and translucent, add the cooked meat and stir, add salt, pepper and the five spice mix and stir well. • Add the warm stock and mix well. Then add the cauliflower and cumin and let boil for 20 minutes. • In a separate skillet add some vegetable oil, sauté the garlic, add the chopped coriander stirring continuously for 2 minutes. • Add the coriander/garlic mixture to cauliflower sauce, adjust seasoning and serve hot with rice.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2-3 Balls of jameed 1 Kilo of yoghurt 1 Kilo of shaneena (salted yoghurt drink) 6-7 Kilos of lamb meat cut into pieces (with bones) • 2 Litres of cold water 4 Cups of short grain rice • 2 Cups of long grain rice 1 Teaspoon of salt for rice 1 Tablespoon of ghee • 1 Cup of fried pine nuts 1 Cup of fried blanched almonds 1 Tablespoon of corn starch 1/4 Cup of cold water • 1 Onion chopped 1 Teaspoon of crushed cardamom 2 Whole mistika pods 2 Cinnamon sticks • 2 Bay leaves 4-5 Whole black pepper corns 3-4 Pieces of shrak (lavash) bread

• Place jameed in a plastic bag. Crush jameed until powdered using a heavy saucepan or hammer.• Soak jameed in boiling water overnight stirring at least once during that time. • Next day, place jameed with water in food processor and process. Strain jameed and transfer to a large saucepan, add the yoghurt and shanina. Dissolve the corn starch in the 1/4 cup of cold water and add to saucepan. Whisk very well and bring mixture to boil over medium heat. • Place meat pieces in another saucepan, add cold water, bring to boil and skim off any impurities that rise to the top. Add the onion, cardamom, bay leaves, mistika pods, cinnamon sticks and black pepper to meat, cover and let cook for at least an hour. Strain meat from stock, add the meat to yoghurt mixture, and add some of the meat stock to yoghurt sauce and let all boil again. • To prepare the rice: Mix 2 kinds of rice, wash, soak and strain well. Melt the ghee in a saucepan add the rice. Mix well, add some salt and boiling water enough to cover the rice. Cover and let cook for 30–40 minutes. • To assemble the mansaf : Place the bread onto a big round platter, add the rice and strained meat pieces on top, add the fried almonds and pine nuts and serve the jameed yoghurt mixture on the side. • Serve with white onions, whole green hot chilies and pickles on the side.

Palestinian Musakhan Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

10 Medium sized taboun bread rounds 30 Medium onions chopped 1 Cup of sumac 2 Tablespoons of five spice mix 1 Teaspoon cumin 6 Cups of olive oil 2 Cups of fried pine nuts Salt and pepper (according to taste) 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil 5 Medium sized chickens cut in half 2 Bay leaves • 2 Whole mistika pods 4-5 Whole black pepper corns 1 Onion cut into quarters 2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Teaspoon of crushed cardamom 2 Liters of hot water

Method :

• To make chicken stock: In large saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, cook onion quarters, add chicken pieces, mistika pods, cardamom, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, black pepper and stir for 4–5 minutes. Add the hot water then cover and let cook for 40 minutes. Strain Chicken and reserve stock. • For musakhan: Place 1 cup of olive oil in a big saucepan, add the onions and cook over medium heat until soft and translucent. Stir occasionally and let onions cook for around 40–50 minutes. • Add remaining olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, sumac and five spice mix. Combine well. • Add 2 cups of reserved stock to onion mixture. Remove onion mixture from heat. • Preheat oven to 180°C. Dip chicken pieces in onion mixture, arrange in roasting pan, sprinkle with more sumac and add 1/4 cup of chicken stock to chicken, roast for 30 minutes then broil for 15 minutes. • Dip bread rounds in onion mixture removing excess oil. Arrange bread rounds on roasting pan. • Ladle 5 tablespoons of onion mixture on one bread round. Sprinkle with more sumac and fried pine nuts. • Repeat with remaining bread rounds. Bake for 5–10 minutes until hot and a little crispy. • Top with chicken pieces and serve hot with yoghurt and special salad. (See salad recipe in tips)

Magloobeh Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 Cups of short grain rice • 1 Cup of long grain rice 3 Medium eggplants cut into rounds 3 Medium potatoes cut into rounds 3 Medium tomatoes cut into rounds 1 Whole fillet of beef cut into chunks 2 Onions chopped finely • 12 Cloves of garlic 4 Tablespoons of vegetable oil 1 Cup of cooked chickpeas (see tip) 2 Whole mistika pods • 4-5 Whole black pepper corns 3 Tablespoons of five spice mix 3 Tablespoons of turmeric • 2 Bay leaves 1 Teaspoon of crushed cardamom 2 Cinnamon sticks • 1 1/2 Litres of hot water Salt and pepper (according to taste) Vegetable oil for deep frying 1/2 Cup of fried pine nuts 1/2 Cup of fried blanched almonds

Method :

• Sprinkle your eggplants with salt and let stand in a strainer or colander for 30 minutes, then squeeze with kitchen paper, and set aside. Mix the five spice mix with turmeric, salt, pepper and set aside. • To cook the meat: Cook 1 chopped onion in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add the meat, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, mistika pods, black pepper corns and cardamom. Add hot water and some of the spice mix, and let simmer for 30 minutes. Then strain the stock, reserve the beef chunks and set stock aside. • Mix the 2 kinds of rice, wash, soak and strain well. Set aside.• In vegetable oil, deep fry the potatoes until golden brown and set aside, then deep fry the garlic cloves in same oil until golden brown and set aside, then deep fry your eggplants until golden brown and set aside. In a big pot or saucepan, cook the second onion in remaining 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil until translucent and set onions aside. • In same pot, layer the sliced tomatoes and fried garlic cloves, sprinkle with some chickpeas, add the meat and onions, sprinkle with some of the mixed spices, layer your potatoes and sprinkle with more of the mixed spices, then layer the eggplants and sprinkle with more spices. Add the rice and remaining chickpeas and spices and mix gently with a fork. Add the stock and more hot water if needed (rice should be covered with stock). Cook on high heat until it comes to a boil, then cover and let simmer on low heat for 45 minutes.• Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. • Flip pot onto larger platter and lift pot carefully so as to not lose the shape of the magloobeh. • Garnish with fried almonds and pine nuts and serve with yoghurt and salad.



Ingredients :

• 2 cups of semolina • 2 cups of fine semolina(Ferkha) • 1 cup of vegetable shortening • 1 stick of butter • 2 tablespoons of powdered milk • 2 tablespoons of flour • 1 tablespoons of active yeast • 1 teaspoon of mestica • 4 tablespoons of sugar • 1/3 cup of orange blossom water • 1/3 cup of rose water • 1/3 cup of warm water or a little more

Date f illing :

• 4 cups of pitted dates • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder • 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom • Pinch of nutmeg • Mix all together and prepare date balls and set aside

Pistachio filling :

• 4 cups of ground pistachios • 1/4 cup of thick sugar syrup • 2 tablespoons of orange blossom water

Method :

Mix semolina and ferkha with shortening and butter ,rub well until crumbly then cover and let stand for at least 24 hours. Next day add the sugar, mahlab ,mestica,powderedmilk,flour,yeast, then add orange blossom water, rose water and warm water and mix well to form a soft dough.Form small balls from dough .. Flatten each ball and add your choice of filling seal well and decorate using special tool or use special molds then transfer to cookie sheets and bake for 10 minutes in a 180c oven.Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.







I've always loved spending time in the kitchen , my first ever cooking was when i was 11 and it was a lemon cake [:)] .. since then my passion for cooking has grown and nothing was the same.. the result of this was eventually starting my very own cooking page and successfully having my own cooking show on Tv under my name LAMEES'S DINING TABLE which airs in Ramadan on Al Sharqiya Channel. I'm currently working on my Diploma in Hot Kitchen and hopefully finishing it very soon . People might ask : what do I have to offer or what makes me different from others ? my reply is simple : A lot of people are still not aware of Iraqi traditional food and how lovely our food is , I want a chance to show people how delicious they are and what a huge variety of food we have, plus being born and raised in the United Kingdom then moving back to my own country Iraq affected how i cook and how I approach cooking , combining food techniques between English cuisine and Iraqi cuisine is my signature hence you can find middle eastern cooking but with a British twist , not to forget about my love for food presentation ( and as they say : your eyes feasts first before your stomach ) , that’s why you will see all my dishes neatly presented whether being Middle eastern or British . Basically Cooking is my passion and I would love to show people how easy it is to prepare great dishes and combine different cuisines together , I already started working on my cooking book and I hope once it is completed that people will enjoy the recipes within it.





Most famous Dishes ...

in the Iraqi Cuisine

Easy to Prepare

and Delicious

Ingredients :

• • • • • • • • •

350 gm Carrots cut into cubes 2 onions cut into medium cubes 1 tbsp Curry 1 tbsp cup cinnamon 350 grams basmati rice Water or meat stock Two tablespoons cup salt Whole chicken Olive oil

Method :

heat oven to 180 degree Put olive oil in a pot ,stir fry the carrots in it (approximately 10 minutes) and after that let it sit then Add the onion and mix and leave to cook for up to 5 minutes over medium heat. Add the spices (cinnamon, curry) and mix it all together and after that ,add the water or meat stock and salt and allow to boil then Add the rice then cover the pot and simmer over low heat to medium, taking into account to stir occasionally .. At the same time salt and pepper the chicken and brush ketchup on it , seal with foil and then place in oven for up to 1 to 1.5 hour.. then place the rice on the dish and put the abit of the chicken






Ingredients :

• • • • • • • • •

900 gm Broad Beans, peeled 500 gm Rice 2 medium sized Onions , cut into cubes 3-4 cuts of Lamb ribs 2 bundles of Dill , fine cute 4-5 tbsp Olive oil Labna to serve with Meat stock 2 tsp Salt ( or more depends on taste)

Method :

Salt and pepper the ribs on both sides , make a small cut in each one of them and place one cardamon in it , now since that meat is 60% water and to try to maintain the most of it before it evaporates while cooking , we need to brush some oil on each one and on both sides then prepare a pan on high heat ,then placing the meat in the pan and let it fry for 1 minute on each side , this process is called " Sealing the meat " then put them in a Pyrex ,cover it with foil in a 160 degree oven and leave to cook for up to 1 hour .to prepare the rice , put oil in a pot and add the chopped onions , and leave on a medium heat while siting occasionally then add the peeled broad beans and leave on heat for up to 15 minutes , add then the chopped Dill leaves to the mixture and leave for another 10 minutes until tender, then add the meat stock ( or salt and water if not available ) and bring to boil , then add the rice and simmer until it gets cooked ( for up to 30 minutes on medium to low heat , steering occasionally ).Put the rice on a plate with the Ribs and Labna ..Serve immediately



which is very traditional and usually Iraqis make this like 3

Ingredients :

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

900 gm minced meat (should have a bit of fat in it) 100 gm rice 4 medium sized rounded onions 2 tomatoes 1 green pepper 1 Zucchini 1 eggplant 2 cloves of Garlic 4 tbsp tomato paste 3 tsp salt 2 tsp citrus lemon or Pomegranate juice 1 pack of broad beans 2-4 pieces rib meat 1 pack of Chard leaves

Method :

remove the fillings of the tomatoes , Zucchini , eggplant in a bowl and add to the bowl the minced meat, the rice , the cuts of garlic ,tomato paste , salt , citrus lemon, black pepper and mix all well together. peel the onions and then make a cut into half of the onion then place into warm water so as to ease peeling it's leaves. ,after the peeling of the onion is done , place the salted ribs in the bottom of the pot and start filling all the vegetables( onions , eggplant ,green pepper, Chard leaves and tomatoes) with the mixture and placing them one by one into the pot , int eh middle of the filling put the broad beans.Bring to boil on the stove and keep boiling for up to 1.5 hours ( first half hour start with a strong fire then lessen it to medium ). if you notice the water to be less try adding a mixture of water , citrus lemon , tomato paste ,oil and salt to it , the overall dish should be juicy and not dry . after it cooks turn over on a large plate .

3 to 5 times per month since it is soo delicious and juicy


Ingredients : • • • • • •


3 cups flour 1 cup butter softened 1 Cup of Milk,2 tsp. Yeast , melted in a ¼ cup of warm water 4 tbsp. Flour,1 tsp. salt, 1 egg,


For the date filling :

• 300 gm. Dates without seeds • 4 tbsp. butter,2 tsp. cardamom

For the Walnuts filling:

200 gm crushed walnuts,50 gm Sugar,2 tsp Cardamom

Method :



Heat oven to 180 Degree . Prepare the dough by mixing the flour , salt and the melted yeast together then rub in the butter , add now the milk gradually until it starts to form a dough , cover the bowl with a foil and wrap it with a warm cloth and leave it aside for 30 minutes .Start preparing the 2 mixtures of the dates and the walnuts . for the dates :Place a pan on a stove and add the butter to it , once melted add the dates and Cardamom and start squashing them using a wooden spoon until it becomes like a dough , remove and let it cool down for 10 minutes. For the Walnuts : mix the walnuts , sugar and Cardamom together well and leave a side. Now we start with the dough , cut it first in half and place the first half on a non-stick silicon mat ( if not available use 1 tbsp of olive oil and spread it on the surface) , start spreading it using a rolling pin into a rectangular shape until it becomes thin ( less than ½ cm thickness) , spread the date mixture gently using a spoon first then fingers and cover it completely leaving only ½ cm on the edge ,once this is done , fold it like a swiss roll then gently press on it using the rolling pin to give it more of a rectangular shape , using a knife start cutting pieces and placing them on a greased oven flat tin .Roll out the second part of the dough with same thickness , using a round pastry cutter 2.5cm diameter ( or more based on preference) make cuts in the dough and fill them up with 1 tbsp of the walnut mixture , make sure that’s the ends are clear so you can seal them by twisting the edge little by little until completely sealed .Whisk one egg and brush the pieces , place the tin in the oven for 20 minutes or until brown .Can be served immediately or later on

NESRINE Presents to you The Italian Cuisine

Nesrine , her passion for cooking started in Italy. She is a doctor by day in the white coat , a food blogger by night in the white apron. Furthermore, she is passionate about Cooking Baking, I get crazy when seeing my baked goods come out of my humble oven...

Special ItalianFood




Ingredients :

• • • • • • • •

3 Cups bread flour. 1 1/2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon active dried yeast 1 3/4 teaspoon fine salt. Homemade tomato sauce 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese. Some fresh arugula 1/2 cup shredded parmesan.


1) In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, salt and yeast. 2) Add water and mix until a shaggy mixture forms. 3) Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside for 12 - 18 hours. I left it overnight . 4) Make the sauce: You will need one can of crushed tomatoes or 400 gm peeled and diced tomatoes, 2 garlic cloves, crushed, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon oregano, ½ teaspoon pepper. Heat all your ingredients over medium heat for five minutes.

To assemble the pizza:

5) If you are using a pizza stone, heat in a 200 c degree oven for one hour. Alternately: A baking sheet may be used in place of a pizza stone. Well oil the baking sheet before placing pizza on it. 6) Divide dough in half, with generously floured hands and working surface. 7) Carefully form into a circle and place on a pizza peel that has been dusted with cornmeal. 8) Spread half of the tomato sauce over the pizza. 9) Layer with mozzarella cheese. 10) Carefully slide the pizza onto a heated pizza stone and bake for 10-12 minutes or until bubbling and golden brown. 11) Shave your parmesan with a potato peeler, prepare your arugula 12) When the pizza comes out of the oven, top it with the parmesan cheese shavings and arugula and serve immediately!






• 1kg ripe tomatoes, stalks cut out cross cut in the bottom of each using a sharp knife• 100 ml Extra virgin olive oil ( good quality). • Fresh basil, about 3 tablespoons, chopped . • Salt and pepper to taste. • 500 gm spaghetti pasta.


• Wash your tomatoes, cut a cross in their bottom . • Bring a pan of water to the boil. Lower the tomatoes into the boiling water and boil for ten seconds, then remove them from the pan using a slotted spoon and immediately plunge them into a bowl of ice-cold water. • When the tomatoes have cooled, peel and discard the skins. Continue to chop the tomato flesh to a pulp. • Put your tomatoes in a sauce pan and simmer for 15-20 minutes • Season it with salt and pepper, drizzle some olive oil and add your basil. • Cook your pasta according to packet instructions, add your sauce and some grated parmesan cheese.



Meet the Cook... Ingredients :

• 1 packet ready-made pumpkin-ravioli pasta

Ingredients for the sauce :

• • • • • •

1/2 cup hazelnuts 8 TBSP (1 stick, or 1/2 cup) unsalted butter salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste 1-2 TBSP good quality balsamic vinegar freshly grated Parmesan, for topping. Some rosemary leaves for garnish.

Instructions :

1 - Preheat the oven to 180 c. 2 - Spread the hazelnuts on a baking sheet, and toast in the oven for 8-12 minutes, or until golden and fragrant. Give them a shake or stir every few minutes to keep them from burning.( i did this step on the stove top) 3 - Dump the hot hazelnuts into the center of a clean dish towel, and bring the edges of the towel up around them. Rub the hazelnuts together inside the towel to remove their dark, bitter skins. Sift the nuts out of the towel and give them a rough chop. Set aside. 4 - In a pan over medium-low heat, melt the butter. Add the chopped hazelnuts, and cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the butter turns a rich golden-brown. Be careful not to burn the butter! Immediately turn off the heat once the butter has browned. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and set aside.

Boiling the pasta :

1 - Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. 2 - Drop 8-10 ravioli at a time, and cook for 2-5 minutes, or until al-dente (time will vary depending on how thin your pasta is and the size of your ravioli). Remove finished ravioli with a slotted spoon and drain off any excess water. Repeat with the remaining pasta, then add the ravioli to the pan with the browned butter. Toss to coat, and drizzle lightly with balsamic vinegar. Serve hot with freshly grated Parmesan.



Ingredients :

• • • • • • •

1 cup Italian arborio rice 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped 1 small yellow onion, peeled and finely chopped 250 gmpumpkin, seeded, peeled, and cut into 1 cm pieces 3 springs rosemary and some sage leaves (optional) Salt 4 cups (boiling) vegetable stock

Instructions :

• Heat vegetable broth in a saucepan and keep warm. • In a large saucepan, heat 3 Tbsp. butter over medium heat. Add onion and cook until translucent, 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and keep stirring. • Add rice, your pumpkin. Stir for about a minute, making sure all rice is coated in butter. • Add 1 cup chicken broth, stirring well; reduce heat to low. Once broth is incorporated, add 1/2 cup more broth, stirring constantly. Continue to add broth in 1/2 cup increments as rice absorbs liquid, until rice is cooked. Rice will take about 25 minutes to cook and should be al dente when done. • After removing risotto from heat and stir in 2 Tbsp. butter, fresh cream, Parmesan, sage, salt and pepper. Let rest a few minutes before serving.



Ingredients :

• 300 ml heavy cream • 100 ml milk • 80 gms –sugar • 3 sheets (6 gms – 0.2 oz.) of gelatin or 2 tablespoons of gelatin powder • 1 tsp of vanilla extract. • 200 gm strawberries or whatever berries you prefer

Method :

• Put the milk, cream, sugar and vanilla in a pot and heat it on the medium high heat. • Stir gently until the sugar dissolves. • Put the gelatin sheets ( or powder as mine) in cold water for 10 minutes then put them in the hot cream mixture and stir well to dissolve. • Wet 4 ramekins with water (this will help release the panna cotta when you are ready to serve them) or you can use silicone molds "best". • Pour the mixture in the wet molds and keep them in the fridge at least 4 hours or overnight to set. • Top it with your berries and ENJOY!


















THE SAUDI CUISINE Nona from the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a simple modest lady in love with cooking. My passion for cooking started with me at a very young age and day after day this passion grew in me. In the beginning baking was the main area of my inetrest but after that I started to focus on salads, smoothies, casseroles and many other recipes. I am not a pro but I am sharing my passion trough the internet to help others learn how to cook the same way I learned from others myself. Many thanks to Beram and Tajine’s editors who have given me this opportunity to presents KSA dishes to the whole world.

Saudi Kabsa

Ingredients : • • • • • • • • • •

2 cups basmati rice 1 onion, finely chopped 1 tomato, chopped 1 whole chicken 1 chicken stock cube 2 tbsp tomato paste Mixed Khaliji spices Yellow food color Oil Mixed nuts for serving

Method :

Soak the rice in some salted water for 15 minutes. Wash out the salted water and set aside. In a deep cooking pan sauté the onion and once it soften add the chopped tomato. Add just 1 tbsp of tomato paste and any kabsa spice mix or any khaliji spice mix you like. Add the whole chicken and cover with water. Add the chicken stock cube and let it cook on medium heat. Once the chicken is done transfer it to a roasting pan. Mix 1 tbsp tomato paste with some Khaliji spiced and rub it all over your chicken. Add ¼ cup of the stock To the pan and let the chicken roast and get a nice golden color. Cook the rice in the chicken stock and 5 minutes before it’s done mix the food color with some water and color your rice unevenly to give a nice look to your dish. Serve the rice with the chicken on top garnishing with some mixed nuts,

Al Gashd

Ingredients : • • • • •

½ cup barley flour ½ cup semolina flour ½ butter stick (about 50 gm) 1 small can crème fresh 3 cups date paste

Method :

In a saucepan, melt the butter and add in the barley flour. Mix until golden brown. Add in the semolina flour and mix. Add the crème fresh and mix well to avoid any stickiness. Pour in the date paste and stir for 10 minutes until the dates soften. Serve it immediately with Khaleeji coffee


Al Saleek

Ingredients : • • • • • • • •

2 cups Egyptian rice Oil - Water - Salt Mesteka ½ cup powder milk mixed with 1 cup water 1 kg shredded chicken breast, boiled 1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper, finely chopped Mixed spice - Salt

Method :

In a cooking pan add some oil. Add the rice and 4 cups water. Season with salt and let the rice cook and absorb all the water. Once the rice has cooked add 2 more cups of hot water. Let the rice melt into the water and get very soft. Try to mash it and break it down with a spoon. When the mixtures turns very soft add 4 tbsp oil and some mesteka. Pour over the powder milk mixture and bring to a hard boil. Remove from heat and set aside. In another pan sauté the onions, peppers and chicken seasoning with salt, pepper and mixed spice. Once done add the mixture on top of the rice and serve hot.


Ingredients : • • • • • • •

4 cups barley flour, sifted 3 tbsp icing sugar 2 tsp instant yeast 1 egg 3 tbsp milk powder ½ cup oil A pinch of saffron plus ¼ tsp cardamom powder, both soaked in 1 ¼ cups of water

Ingredients For the Stuffing : • 2 cups sugar • 2 tbsp black loomi, blended • 1 tsp cardamom powder • 1 tsp cinnamon • ¼ tsp cloves powder • ½ cup honey

Method :

Mix all the stuffing ingredients in a saucepan, cook on low heat until sugar dissolves. Set aside. Meanwhile, mix the flour with yeast, sugar and oil. Add the egg and work the dough with your fingers. Add in the saffron – cardamom soak and knead until obtaining a little hard dough. Let rise for 30 min. Take a small part of dough and roll out in a round shape. Stuff with one teaspoon of the hot stuffing, then close the edges and roll as balls. Give it a shape using a knife and place in an oiled baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven until golden. Serve with tea.

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