Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.
Ezra & Nehemiah
SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: Nehemiah 2:11-3:32 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Nehemiah goes to Jerusalem and takes a nighttime tour of the walls in secret. He had not told anyone what he was doing. After surveying what needed to be done, he called together the priests and nobles and officials, and he called them to all work together to rebuild the walls. He also told them how God had been with him and had given them favor with the king. They all agreed and began to build the wall. Their enemies tried to discourage them, but they all worked hard together and made great progress. LESSON FOCUS: Following God often means enlisting the help of others. We need to follow God’s timing when we are doing His work. God calls leaders to help people do what is right and to accomplish things for Him.
Nehemiah Begins To Work On The Wall
God works through people, and often that means people in groups.
Following God’s Call
It is God who brings people together to do things as groups.
This Week’s Memory Verse:
RESPONSE: We need to be ready to share our skills and abilities with others in Jesus’ name so that we can lighten the load and burden of other Christians and to build bridges of relationship to non-believers.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168
February 3, 2013
Read Nehemiah 2:11-16
Monday—Nehemiah Arrives In Jerusalem Nehemiah came to Jerusalem because: A. He needed a vacation from his work in Persia. B. God was sad that Jerusalem’s walls were in ruins. C. God wanted him to visit friends and family there. D. God needed a new prophet to speak for Him.
How long was Nehemiah in Jerusalem before he looked at the condition of the walls?
3 minutes 3 hours 3 days 3 weeks
Why did Nehemiah wait until night to go look at the walls?
He wanted to enjoy the starlight view of the city. The sunlight was to bring during the day. He wanted to keep the project a secret. How may people went with him to view the walls?
_____ zero ______ two _____ three ______ four
Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle This week, we read how Nehemiah followed God’s call to do something about Jerusalem’s broken walls. When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he set out to look at the damage. Help Nehemiah find his safely through the rubble as he inspects Jerusalem’s gates and walls.
Friday—The Remedy For Discouragement
Tuesday—Nehemiah Surveys the Walls
Read Nehemiah 2:12-17
Read your verse three times! How did Nehemiah keep from becoming discouraged by all the work that needed to be done? (Choose two)
_____ He complained often. _____ He prayed often. _____ He believed that fixing the wall was possible with God’s help. _____ He hid in his room and didn’t ask anyone for
Nehemiah went out to look at the wall at night. Which order did he visit these places?
_____ Valley Gate _____ Dung Gate _____ Fountain Gate _____ Reentry to Valley Gate
_____ Jackal Well
Do you ever get discouraged?
_____ King’s Pool
What is one thing you can do right away when you are discouraged?
P ___ ___ ___ !
God also gives us each other to help and encourage one another. This week’s memory verse shows us how important it is for people to help each other. Test your memory: cross out the incorrect words and write the correct works above it. Three are better than two, because they have a good reward for their work: If a camel sits down, his master can help him up. But pity the camel that stubs its
How damaged was Jerusalem’s wall? Choose three of five.
Only a few bricks were broken. The gates were burned. Large parts of the wall were broken. Nehemiah could not guide the animal he rode through some areas of rubble. Nehemiah shared his thoughts about the broken wall with: A. The priests B. The officials C. The nobles D. The Israelites E. All of the above
t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ we are in: Jerusalem lies in r ___ ___ ___ ___ , and its g ___ ___ ___ ___ are burned with f ___ ____ ___.” Nehemiah said to them, “You see the
foot, and has no one to bandage him up! Chronicles 4:9-10
Can you recite part or all of this week’s verse? Try it!
Wednesday—The People Respond
Read Nehemiah 2:17-20
Do you think people felt safe having a broken wall around their city? Yes
Not sure
Circle the correct works: Nehemiah told the officials, “Come, let us (rebuild, ignore) the (temple, wall) of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in (favor, disgrace). “ How did people respond to Nehemiah’s concern? “ Let us __________________________ building.”
Thursday—Working Together
Many of the people helped repair the wall in front of their own homes. Check five of seven who helped with rebuilding the wall.
Nehemiah 3:1-32
_____ High Priests
_____ Goldsmiths
_____ Perfume Makers
_____ Shepherds
_____ Daughters
_____ Tent Makers
_____ Rulers of half—districts Nearly everyone helped with the work except: A. The goldsmiths near the Sheep Gate B. The high priests C. The nobles of Tokoa
Not everyone wanted the wall to be repaired. Who made fun of Nehemiah and the people for rebuilding the wall. A. Sanballat
D. The Levites Why didn’t these people help rebuild the wall?
They thought they were too good to help
B. Tobiah
with a lowly job.
C. Gesham
They didn’t have the tools for building. They were traveling to another city.
D. All of the above
Are you willing to do good things for God, even if people make fun of you? Yes
Not sure
Can you help someone with a repair today? Here are some ideas: fix a book page that has a tear, replace the batteries in a clock, glue a broken toy or game, or replace some worn out shoe laces. Now go do it!
Dear God, I want to be ready to answer you call! Help me to serve you and others eagerly. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.