4,5,6 Grades 1-27-13

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: Nehemiah 1:2-2:10

Ezra & Nehemiah

BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: Nehemiah met with some men who came from Jerusalem with news that the walls to the city had been broken down, and the gates burned so that they had no protection from the people around them. Nehemiah was very sad so he mourned and fasted, and prayed about what to do. When he prayed he remembered God’s promises and Israel’s unfaithfulness. At great risk to himself, he let the needs of his people be known to the king, and the king granted his wish to go to Jerusalem to repair the walls, and provide for his journey and materials for the work. LESSON FOCUS:  We need to be sad for the things that make God sad.  When God calls us to do something for Him, He also provides the things to make it happen.

Broken For Jerusalem

 We are a part of God’s plan—He does His work through people. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:  God loves His people and wants to provide for htem.  God does His work through people; He does not usually do things directly Himself. RESPONSE:  It is easy to be indifferent to the suffering of our world and those around us. We need to see the world with God’s perspective and then live our lives accordingly. When prompted by the Holy Spirit, we need to let our live for God show through the attitude and actions of our heart.

Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

This Week’s Memory Verse: I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all Your works and consider what Your hands have done. I spread out my hands to You; My soul thirsts for You like a parched land. Psalm 143:5-6

January 27, 2013

Read Nehemiah 1:2-4

Monday—Trouble In Jerusalem Who was Nehemiah;s brother?


Where did he and the other men come from?



_______________ What was wrong with the gates? _________________ What happened to the wall in Jerusalem?


What did Nehemiah do when he heard these things?


xatrexesa _________ ______________ bucpareer ____________________________

Why do you think Nehemiah was so upset?

______________________ ______________________ What does it mean to fast?

______________________ ______________________

hudja________________________________ sejwhi _______________________________ mjeelraus ____________________________ raypre_______________________________dna

What is something that makes God sad that also makes you sad?


_____________________ _____________________


Read Nehemiah 2:4-8

Fact Finder: What did Nehemiah do first when the king asked him what he wanted?

 

Listed off wish list Prayed

Have you ever said something that you wish you hadn’t said?

  

Yes No I’m pretty sure everyone has

What would you have done/said differently if you would have done what Nehemiah did and prayed before you spoke?

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ God was pleased with Nehemiah, so He softened the king’s heart. Was the king going to let Nehemiah go to Jerusalem?

 

Tuesday—Running Straight To God First

Friday– Pray First, Then Act

Yes No

Sometimes even when a situation seems impossible, God will change it around to make it work. Think about a difficult situation you are in right now and pray about it!

Fact Finder: Who did Nehemiah talk to in these verses?

Read Nehemiah 1:5-7

__________________________ Why was Nehemiah confessing to God?

______________________________________ When you pray, here’s a trick to help you: Write what each of these words mean. (use a dictionary if you don’t know) A—Adoration

______________________________________ C—Confession _______________________________ T—Thanksgiving _____________________________ S—Supplication ______________________________

Which of these things did Nehemiah use in the first part of his prayer?

   

Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication

Practice, practice, practice! Write a prayer using the same 2 elements of prayer that Nehemiah used.

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Read Nehemiah 1:8-10

Fact Finder: What was the instruction that God gave Moses?

“If ____________________ are

____________________, I ____________ ____________ you _______________ the ________________, but ___________________ _______________ return to _________________ and __________________ my _______________, then even if _________________ _____________ _________________ are at the ____________ ____________, I will _______________ them . . . “ Remember ACTS? What do these letters stand for?

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Which element do you see in Nehemiah’s prayer that you read today?

   

Thursday—Taking Action!

Wednesday—Nehemiah Keeps Praying

Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplicaton

Write a prayer using these elements:

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Fact Finder: What was Nehemiah’s job?

   

Read Nehemiah 2:1-3

Construction worker Priest Cook Cupbearer

What King did Nehemiah work for?

_____________________________________ Had Nehemiah ever looked sad in front of the king before?

 

Yes No

Why was Nehemiah afraid when the king asked him why he was sad?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ Nehemiah could have said, ’Nothing’s wrong” and walked away. Instead, what did he say?

__________________________________ __________________________________ He trusted God to soften the King’s heart. Have you ever needed to trust God to change a person’s mind or heart?

 


No How did you feel when this happened?


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