Information for Relatives Following a Bereavement of an adult
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to hold in your heart.
We would like to express our sincere condolences to you and your family, for your loss.
(Worcestershire acute NHS trust)
What This Booklet Is For
This booklet will guide you through the first formal steps you need to take, following a bereavement.
The first step is for you to contact the bereavement team on the number 01905 760762 to enable them to obtain your details and wishes.
Some of the notes apply in every case, some may not be so important to you, or will only apply in certain cases.
There is a section for notes, to help you make sense of this process but if you have any questions or concerns, please call the bereavement team on 01905 760762.
Medical Examiner Role
The Medical Examiner (ME) is an independent doctor, who reviews the medical records and circumstances of the patients death to ensure that the information contained on the medical certificate of cause of death is correct.
A key role of the Medical Examiner and Medical Examiner Officer (MEO) is to help the bereaved to understand the wording on the Death Certificate. They will call to discuss this.
At this call, you will have an opportunity to ask any further questions if you wish to do so. You will also be asked about the care provided.
Although the ME team may not be able to answer your questions immediately, they will assist in seeking clarification as appropriate and advise you about sources of additional support available.
Coroners Involvement
Coroners Process
On occassion a death certificate can’t be issued by the team of doctors and the death will be referred to the Coroner. If this happens the Coroners team will contact you directly to talk you through the next steps.
A referral to the Coroner does not automatically mean a Post Mortem is required. The Coroners role is to investigate further and record a cause of death where it is currently unknown.
Wills and Funeral Directors
You should find out if your relative or friend made a Will. The Will may give the names of the executors or the people legally entitled to deal with the deceased’s estate and any questions relating to taxation.
You may contact any Funeral Director of your choice. You don’t have to wait until the Medical Certificate is issued. In some cases it may not be possible for the hospital doctor to issue a Medical Certificate showing the cause of death (e.g. if the death is referred to the Coroner). In these circumstances notify your Funeral Director and follow his advice. Providing there is no Coroner’s involvement, you will have a telephone call from the Bereavement Office as soon as the death certificate has been completed by the appropriate doctor and checked by the Medical Examiner. Please wait for this telephone call before making an appointment with the Registrar.
Can I Come And Pay My Last Respects?
If you wish to see the deceased person you may arrange this directly with the mortuary.
Worcester Hospital mortuary: 01905 760343
Alexandra Hospital mortuary: 01527 512045
There are currently only limited slots each day Monday-Friday.
Chaplaincy Service
If you would like to speak to the Hospital Chaplain, please ask the Ward Staff or Bereavement Staff who will be available on the ward and are happy to arrange this for you. They can contact representatives of all faiths as requested.
Property And Valuables
Any valuables i.e. jewellery/money will be available from the ward. All wards have housekeepers. The next of kin will be asked to produce some form of identification i.e. driving licence or credit card before signing for money or valuables.
The personal effects e.g. clothing and toiletries may be collected directly from the ward.
Registering The Death
Once the MCCD has been completed, the ME Team will contact you and then you can make an appointment to register the death.
Book your appointment by telephone on: 01905 768181 or online by following these instructions:
• go to
• click council services
• then click on option ‘births, deaths and marriages and citizenship’
• then scroll down to ‘deaths’ button
• then click on ‘registering the death’
• then click ‘book an appointment and fill in the form’
Alternatively a member of the bereavement team can help you with making this appointment when they speak to you.
Out of area regulations:
If you don’t live in Worcestershire (or are unable to travel), you can register a death by ’declaration’. Please contact your local registry office to do this.
When You Speak To The Registrar
The Registrar will need to know:
• The date and place of death.
• The deceased’s last address.
• The deceased’s first name(s) and surname (and maiden name if applicable).
• The deceased’s date and place of birth.
• The deceased’s occupation.
• Whether the deceased was getting a pension or allowance from public funds.
• If the deceased was married, the date of birth of the surviving widow or widower.
• Which funeral director you are using.
The Registrar will:
• Give you a copy of the death certificate (certified copy of the register entry) - which will be purchased at a cost.
• Send the certificate for burial/cremation (also known as the green form or form 9) to your chosen funeral director, unless the Coroner has already given an order for burial or cremation to the funeral directors.
• Provide you with a reference number for the DWP (BD8) for pension purposes unless you are using the Tell Us Once service
• Provide you with a unique reference number for the Tell Us Once service (see page 7)
Tell Us Once Service
Worcestershire Registration service also provides the National ‘Tell Us Once’ service when you register a death. On your behalf they will notify all central and local government and council departments to inform them of the death, such as council tax, pensions and blue badges.
Information and documents you are required to provide:
• The deceased person’s National Insurance number and their NHS number.
Stopping Unwanted Junk Mail
Stop mail is a free of charge service provided by the Bereavement Support Network, helping you to stop mail and reduce the likelihood of identity theft in your loss.
Tel: 0808 168 9607
Beginning The Funeral Arrangements
Most burial grounds and cemeteries have set fees for burials, of which your Funeral Director can advise you. The costs may be higher for the burial of someone who lived outside the parish.
Cremation can not take place until the cause of death is definitely known, the death has been registered and the green form sent to your appointed funeral director.
Ashes can be scattered in a garden of remembrance or in a favourite spot - permission for this may have to be granted. They may be buried in a church yard or cemetery or they can be kept.
If you have any other questions do ask your Funeral Director. A helpful booklet “Questions People Ask About Cremation” can be obtained from your Funeral Director.
Charitable Donations
If you would like a donation to be made to a favourite charity rather than flowers at the funeral, please discuss this with your Funeral Director.
People To Inform
There are various people, companies and other interested parties who need to be informed of the death.
Organisations Tick ()
Local social services if meals on wheels, home help, day centre transport were used
Bank and/or Building Society
GP Surgery they were registered at
The local Council / DWP office to cancel pensions, allowances, benefits etc
Any employer or trade union
A child’s or young person’s teacher, employer or college, should be informed if a parent, brother, sister, grandparent or close friend has died
Car insurance company. People driving a car insured in the deceased’s name are not legally insured
Utility bill suppliers
Royal Mail deliveries, local newsagents, milkman
Professional organisations
Local Authority Housing Department, if the deceased was receiving Housing Benefits/Council Tax benefit, also if the deceased was living in property rented from the Council
Private Landlord
Birth / Marriage Certificate
Funeral Plans
Life Insurance Policy
Home Insurance Policy
Shares / Investment Certificates
Mortgage Papers
Property Deeds
Premium Bonds
Bank Accounts
Pension Details
Doctors / Hospital Appointments
Driving Licence
Child Benefit
Car Documents
National Insurance documents
Membership Cards
Debit / Credit Cards
DWP Bereavement Service
The DWP bereavement service will check if you are eligible to help with funeral costs or other benefits. You may find more information online at
Telephone: 0800 731 0469
Textphone: 0800 731 0464
Support available
Bereavement can turn your world upside-down and is one of the most painful experiences we have to endure. Most of the time it is something that we all go through without need for medical attention. For those who do run into problems however, there is help available and you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your GP.
Bereavement for many is a stressful and uncertain time. On occassion you may feel overwhelmed and require some support. Your GP can offer you or your family emotional or physical support through the process.
Please contact the bereavement office if you need any further support or advice.
Help And Support After Someone Dies
Bereavement Support Payment
You may be able to get Bereavement Support Payment if your husband, wife or civil partner died after 6 April 2017.
You could be eligible if your partner either:
• paid National Insurance contributions for at least 25 weeks
• died because of an accident at work or a disease caused by work
When they died you must have been:
• under State Pension age
• living in the UK or a country that pays bereavement benefits
You can’t claim Bereavement Support Payment if you’re in prison.
If your husband, wife or civil partner died before 6 April 2017
You may be able to get one or more of the following:
• Bereavement Payment (a one-off payment)
• Bereavement Allowance (monthly payments)
• Widowed Parent’s Allowance (if you’re bringing up children)
What you’ll get
You’ll get a first payment and then up to 18 monthly payments. The rate of this may vary depending on circumstances.
You must claim within 3 months of your husband, wife or civil partner’s death to get the full amount. You can claim up to 21 months after but your payments will be less.
Your payments will be paid into your bank or building society account.
If you get benefits
Bereavement Support Payment will not affect your benefits for a year after your first payment. After a year, any payment you have left over could affect the amount of benefit you’re eligible for.
You must tell your benefits office (for example, your local Jobcentre Plus) when you start getting Bereavement Support Payment.
How to claim
How you apply depends on where you are.
If you’re in England, Scotland or Wales
You can apply using a form or by phone. Download a Bereavement Support Payment pack (from BSP1) from or order it over the phone from your local Jobcentre Plus.
Take the completed form to your local Jobcentre Plus or send it to:
Bereavement Support Payment
Mail Handling Site A
Wolverhampton WV98 2BS
Bereavement Service helpline
Telephone: 0800 151 2012
Welsh Language: 0800 731 0456
Textphone: 0800 731 0464
Welsh language textphone: 0800 731 0456
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 and then 0800 151 2012
Monday to Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Grief In Children And Adolescents
Generally children do not understand the meaning of death until they are three or four years old, but they feel the loss of a close friend or relative in much the same way as adults. Even in infancy it is clear that children grieve and feel great distress.
Children experience the passage of time differently to adults and can therefore appear to overcome grief quite quickly.
It is important that the grief of young people is not overlooked as they will often not want to burden parents by talking about their feelings. They should not be discouraged to take part in the whole bereavement process. Wherever possible they should be allowed to attend the funeral and to express their own grief by talking, writing, drawing pictures, buying flowers from their own money or in whatever way they wish.
• Express your feelings as much as possible. Try to bring out into the open whatever you are feeling. This is important in working through your grief.
• Give yourself time to overcome your grief. There is no fixed time to get over bereavement.
• Talk through what has happened with someone you trust e.g. your family, a close friend, an appropriate support group.
• Do take good care of yourself, get lots of rest, eat well and give yourself lots of time to grieve.
• Contact your GP if you feel unwell.
• Keep in touch with friends and family - remember that most people feel honoured to be asked to help. Many people feel awkward and embarrassed about offering their help, so it may be left to you to ask for it, even though this may be difficult for you.
• Begin to make longer term plans for the future so that you will always have something to look forward to, but avoid rushing into making any big changes in your life.
Useful Information for support
If you would like to talk to someone about the care of your loved one or have any concerns you would like to discuss please contact our:
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Tel: 0300 123 1732
Complaints team
Tel: 0300 123 1733
General and practical advice following a bereavement
Text: 0798 44 39 479 stating (i) your name (ii) your postcode (iii) the type of advice needed (for example DEBT, HOUSING or BENEFITS). We will then call you back on your mobile phone. Online at for initial contact by email.
Tel: 116 123 (free)
Tel: 0330 094 5717 (local charges apply)
Advice for carers
Worcestershire Carers Association
Tel: 0300 012 4272
Specialist Bereavement support
Bereavement Support South Worcestershire
Worcs tel: 0190 576 0934
Compassionate Friends
TCF offers many different kinds of support for bereaved families whatever the cause of your loss, wherever you are in the UK, and whatever your circumstances.
Please contact bereavement team on 01905 760762 if you would like this leaflet in another language or format (such as Braille or easy read).
Reference: Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Bereavement Book (ALH)
Review Date: October 2026
Publication Date: October 2024
The Hospital would like to thank RNS Publications for publishing this information and the following pages contain some features from services o ering their help at this time.
Whilst the Hospital is grateful of their support it does not endorse or recommend any of the services that they provide.
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stopping mail
It is distressing to deal with a bereavement and unsolicited mail can be insensitive and destructive during a grieving process.
By scanning the below QR code on your phone or visiting, we are able to securely share this information with mailing organisations and under the Data Protection Act the information will not be used for any other purpose.
Other benefits reduce the possibility of identity fraud, such as assumed identity and you will only have to supply the information once.