South Warwickshire Medical Examiner Bereavement Booklet

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Information and advice for bereaved families and friends when a loved one has died out of hospital

What is the Medical Examiner Service? What happens next?


We would like to offer our condolences on the loss of your relative/ friend and reassure you that there is help available should you require it. This booklet is provided to guide you through the Medical Examiner process and explain what happens next.

Following the death of a loved one you will need to contact your relative’s/ friend’s GP surgery in order that the necessary paperwork can be completed.

If the death is expected the GP will complete the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). However, if the death was unexpected the death may need to be referred to the Coroner for further investigation. You may be advised that the death will be reviewed by a Medical Examiner before the death can be registered.

This booklet will explain the reason you may be contacted by their office, what will be discussed and why this system has been introduced.

Who are Medical Examiners and Medical Examiner Officers, and what do they do?

Medical Examiners are senior NHS doctors who, after completing specialist training, work part time in this role. Their job is to give an independent view on causes of death and the care provided (except for those deaths which must be investigated by a Coroner).

Since 2019 Medical Examiners have been reviewing deaths that have occurred in hospital and from 9th September 2024, it has become a statutory requirement for all deaths, apart from those taken on by the Coroner, to be reviewed by a Medical Examiner before a death can be registered. Medical Examiners and their staff (usually called Medical Examiner Officers) offer families and carers of the person who died an opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns about the causes of death or about the care the person received before their death. This will usually be through a telephone call or sometimes a meeting. They can explain what medical language means and make it easier to understand what happened. Medical Examiners also look at relevant medical records and discuss the causes of death with the doctor who is completing the official form (known as the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death).

You can be confident Medical Examiners and Medical Examiner Officers will provide an independent review. They will never scrutinise the causes of death of a person they provided care for.

Why has the Medical Examiner service been introduced to review patient deaths?

Following the public enquiries into Harold Shipman, Mid-Staffordshire and Morecambe Bay, it was recommended that a national network of Medical Examiners be introduced. In all these cases, concerns were raised by various people but there was no single body to listen to these concerns and identify themes and patterns. This service will now give the bereaved an opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns to an independent body.

The Medical Examiner must always be independent of the case and cannot know, or have treated, the deceased patient on which they are carrying out the review into the circumstances of death.

Why am I being asked if I have any concerns?

You are being asked to have a conversation with an independent, specially trained person – the Medical Examiner or a Medical Examiner Officer – about anything that may be worrying you about how the person who died was cared for. You may simply want to understand why the person died including by having medical terminology explained, or you may want to raise something about the care which did not feel right or ideal.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns.

Medical Examiners and Medical Examiner Officers will discuss your feedback, questions and concerns. If they consider any issues with care need further investigation, they will refer these to someone who can do this work.

As well as answering your questions, talking to a Medical Examiner helps the NHS provide better care for other patients and carers in future; for example, by identifying ways in which patient and family care could be improved.

Can I ask the Medical Examiner to talk to someone else if it’s too difficult for me to talk to them?

Yes, of course. The Medical Examiner or Medical Examiner Officer may contact you to ask who you would like them to speak with instead, or you can let the medical team know if you would like someone other than you to be the first point of contact. The Medical Examiner or their office will usually call you after the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death is completed – but we can arrange another way of contacting you if you let us know what you prefer by contacting our office on

What questions will I be asked?

The Medical Examiner or Medical Examiner Officer will explain what is written on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death and why and check if you have any questions or concerns. They will also discuss the Medical Examiner’s review and ask if you have any concerns or questions about the care the person received before their death. This is the best time for you to ask any questions and raise anything that concerns you. The Medical Examiner Office will ask whether your relative/friend had any implantable devices within their body; these include, but are not limited to, pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) or loop recorders, as this information will be included within the new Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.

What if I don’t want to talk to the Medical Examiner or Medical Examiner Officer, or I don’t want to tell them about my concerns?

We understand this is likely to be a difficult time for you and it is your choice whether you speak to a Medical Examiner or not. If you are unsure, you can contact the Medical Examiner or Medical Examiner Officer on 01926 495321 ext. 8141, 8140 or 8165 and ask for more information before deciding if you want to go ahead – they are trained to help bereaved people and will be very understanding.

Medical Examiners and Medical Examiner Officers provide an independent view, so if you can, we encourage you to speak to them. They can explain things to you and are specially trained to answer your questions. If Medical Examiners find any potential issues, they will be able to raise these with the people who were responsible for the care of the person who died or refer the issues to someone who can investigate further.

What will happen if something was not right?

The Medical Examiner and Medical Examiner Officer are here to listen to your concerns and answer your questions and, if necessary, contact someone who can investigate further. Medical Examiners will not investigate your concerns themselves, as they must complete their work in the time before the death has to be registered by law.

Will funeral plans or release of the body take longer?

Medical Examiners make every effort to avoid any delays and work with families and carers of the person who has died to meet the legal requirements for registering deaths. Medical Examiners and Medical Examiner Officers will try to be flexible, for example where relatives would like the body to be released quickly. An out of hours service is available for faith deaths where a burial is required within 24/48 hours. Whilst we do our best to minimise any delays, Medical Examiners will endeavour to complete their review within 24 hours of receiving the paperwork, there may be occasions where this may not be possible. This may be because the cause of death needs to be amended or clarification is needed from the certifying doctor before the Medical Examiner can authorise the release of the paperwork to the Registrars.

The next steps

Following the death of your relative/ friend, their GP will establish the cause of death and complete the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). This will be done in a timely manner; however, these are legal documents and a doctor who cared for your relative or friend may not always be available immediately due to working patterns.

When someone dies, the doctor must issue a medical certificate giving the cause of death. This is called the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), this is a legal document which must be completed in accordance with certain regulations. In order to complete the MCCD the doctor must have treated the patient previously, there is no timescale as to when the doctor saw your relative/ friend but the doctor must be able to offer a cause of death to the best of his or her medical knowledge. The doctor must complete the MCCD as soon as they are able but there is no longer the requirement to register the death within 5 days.

The MCCD and relevant medical records will then be passed on to a Medical Examiner for an independent review. Once the Medical Examiner has completed their review and approved the cause of death (occasionally the cause of death may need to be amended or the death may need to be referred to the Coroner), a Medical Examiner Officer will contact the next of kin or a nominated representative. This call will be to discuss the cause of death and answer any questions that you may have and explain any medical terminology that you may not understand. You will also be asked if you have any concerns about the care that your relative/ friend received prior to their death that the team should be aware of. Following this conversation, the MCCD will be sent electronically to the Registrar of Births and Deaths along with your contact details in order that the Registrars can contact you to make a suitable appointment for you to formally register the death. If a referral to the Coroner is required, the doctor will complete an electronic referral to the Coroner and a Coroner’s Officer will contact the next of kin or nominated representative once the case has been allocated.

We advise you not to make an appointment with the Registration Office until you have been advised that the cause of death has been received and approved as the appointment cannot proceed without the MCCD.

When the Coroner has to be involved

In certain circumstances the doctor cannot issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death and will need to refer the death to the Coroner’s Office. The Coroner is an independent judicial officer with statutory responsibility for the legal investigation into the cause of death in some circumstances. This does not mean that there is anything to worry about, it is purely a legal requirement. These include:

• Where the cause of death is unexpected, unknown or unnatural

• Where the patient had a fall or a fracture which needs to be included on the medical certificate

• If the death is due to an industrial disease

• Where the death occurs during or shortly after surgery, unless the surgery was deemed to be life saving and known to be high risk

If the cause of death is unclear but is natural causes the Coroner will refer the case to the Medical Examiner Service for review. If the doctor can offer a possible cause of death to the best of their medical knowledge and the Medical Examiner accepts it, the MCCD can be passed to the Registration Office in the usual way. If a cause of death cannot be offered the case will be referred back to the Coroner’s Office for a Post Mortem.

The Coroner may order a Post Mortem examination to identify the cause of death. This is a legal decision and does not require the consent of the next of kin. Once the Post Mortem has been held, the Coroner’s Office will issue the appropriate paperwork to the Registration Office to allow the death to be formally registered.

In some circumstances the Coroner may hold an inquest into the death; this is common when a fall or a fracture is included within the Medical Certificate. This can cause a small delay in registering the death so please inform your chosen Funeral Director if this is the case.

Registering the death

Registering a death takes place at a Registration Office in the area where the person has died. The formal death certificate is created at this appointment and the death is officially recorded.

From 9th September 2024, the requirement for the death to be registered within 5 days of the death will be abolished. The 5 days will now start from the date the MCCD is received by the Registrars but doctors will still be expected to complete the MCCD as quickly as possible.

• To be eligible to register the death, you must be a relative, present at the death, the Occupier (this is the occupier of the house or an official from the public building where the death occurs, e.g. the hospital or care home) or the person making the funeral arrangements. You may wish to take someone with you for support whilst you register the death. The appointment should last for approximately 40 minutes.

It is preferable that the death is registered in the registration district where the person died to avoid any delay and to enable certificates to be obtained at the time of registration. If this is not convenient due to travelling, you may register by declaration at your local Registration Office in England and Wales. Please contact your nearest office for further information and advise the Medical Examiner Office which office you wish to use.

Warwickshire Registration Offices are located at:

• Warwick

• Stratford upon Avon

• Rugby

• Nuneaton

The registrar will need to know the following information about the person who has died:

• The full names and surname (with correct spelling)

• Any previous surname used, including maiden name

• The date and place of birth (it may be useful to take their birth certificate but it is not essential)

• Occupation

• Usual Address

• The full name, date of birth and occupation of their spouse or civil partner (it may be useful to take the marriage certificate, but it is not essential)

The Registration service provide a ‘Tell us Once ‘service which informs government organisations about a death on your behalf. The Registrars will provide you with a unique reference number which is used either online at organisations-you-need-to-contact-and-tell-us-once or by telephone.

You will need the following information for the person who has died:

• surname

• date they died

• name, address and contact details of the person or company dealing with their estate (property, belongings and money), known as their ‘executor’ or ‘administrator’

• the name, address, telephone number and the National Insurance number or date of birth of the surviving spouse or civil partner if there is one

• if there’s no surviving spouse or civil partner or their spouse or civil partner is not able to deal with their affairs, the name and address of their next of kin

• if they died in a hospital, nursing home, care home or hospice, the name and address of that institution – you will also be asked if the stay was for 28 days or more

You may also need:

• their passport number if they had one

• their driving licence number if they had one

• the vehicle registration numbers of any vehicles that they may have owned at the time of death

• if they were paying Council Tax or getting services from their local council, such as Housing Benefit payments, the name of their local council and which services they were receiving

• their Blue Badge number if they had one and you know it

• if they were getting any benefits, tax credits or State Pension, information about which ones they were getting

• if they were getting money from an Armed Forces Pension or Compensation Scheme, details of that scheme

• if they were getting money or paying into public sector pension schemes, details of those schemes

You will also need their National Insurance number if they were getting money or paying into any of the following pension schemes:

• NHS Pensions for NHS staff in England and Wales

• Scottish Public Pension Agency schemes for NHS staff, teachers, police and firefighters in Scotland

• Pension Protection Fund and Financial Assistance Scheme

• Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS)

If you do not have their National Insurance number please do not worry, but it will help some organisations match their records faster if it is available.

Death Certificates

The Registrar will provide you with copies of the formal death certificate; there is a fee for any death certificates issued. The number required is dependent on the person’s individual circumstances, but they will be required by organisations including banks, building societies, private pension and insurances companies.

In addition to the formal death certificate the Registrar will issue:

• Form BD8 – Registration or notification of a death for the Department of Work and Pensions

• The Certificate for Burial or Cremation (Green Form) –this can be scanned by the Registrars or handed to the Funeral Directors. The green form authorises them to make the funeral arrangements on your behalf.

Arranging the funeral

A funeral is your opportunity to celebrate a person’s life and say goodbye. It is important for your grieving that the funeral is conducted in the way you and your relative/ friend wished. It may be that your loved one discussed their wishes prior to their death, and you know the type of service they wanted. Sometimes this conversation has not been held and you may not know what your relative/ friend wanted; at these times you can only do what you think is right for them.

Your chosen funeral director will help you make arrangements for the funeral and can also advise you on the procedures and documents you will need as well as the timing for the service. This can often be done in the comfort of your own home if you prefer. Most funeral directors belong to one or more of the recognised associations listed which have a code of practice which they must adhere to:

• National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD)

• The Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF)

It is not essential to employ a funeral director and some families will choose to arrange the funeral themselves. However, please be aware that there are guidelines which must be followed. We would suggest contacting the Cemeteries and Crematorium Department at your local council for help and advice. You will need to consider the following arrangements:

• Organising care and transportation of the deceased

• Booking a cremation or burial date

• Completing the correct paperwork and submitting it on time

• Purchasing a coffin or casket

• Arranging any funeral service that you may wish to hold

Once your relative/ friend is with the funeral director, you will be able to visit them at their Chapel of Rest, where you can spend more time with them if you wish. Sometimes, families decide that they would like their relative to spend time at home, usually in the hours before the funeral. This can be arranged with your funeral director. You will also need to think about the clothes you would like them to wear. Take your time with the arrangements and do not rush into any decisions.

Funerals can be expensive and although basic costs tend to be similar the final cost can vary considerably. You may wish to contact several funeral directors to compare prices and service before you make a decision.

The person arranging the funeral is usually responsible for meeting the costs incurred. It is advisable to check if the person who died had contributed to a funeral plan, or if there are any insurance policies in place which can be used to pay for the funeral.

The funeral director will need the Certificate of Burial and Cremation (Green form) before they can complete all the arrangements.

If you have any worries at all about the cost of the funeral, please ask for advice before making arrangements from the funeral director. A funeral payment is available from the Department of Work and Pension Social Fund. To qualify for this, you must be receiving an eligible benefit. Please ask your local social security office for Form SF200 – Help when someone dies. Alternatively find out more at

Wills and estates

When a person dies somebody must deal with their estate (money, property and possessions left) by collecting in all the money, paying any debts and distributing what is left to those people entitled to it. You should check if your relative/friend had prepared a Will as soon as possible as this may include special requests about funeral arrangements.

If there is a Will, it should confirm who has been appointed to administer the estate, they will be the executor. Where the person did not leave a Will or left a Will which did not name an administrator the estate is usually dealt with by the next of kin.

The person administering the estate may need to apply to the Court for Probate. A grant of probate is a legal document that is sometimes needed to access bank accounts, sell assets, and settle any debts after someone has died. This can be completed online or by post if preferred, If there is no will, the Probate Service will issue either:

• Grant of Representation or

• Letter of Administration

These give the applicant the Court’s authority to administer the deceased person’s estate.

You will not need Probate if the estate:

• Passes to the surviving spouse/civil partner because it was held in joint names

• The value of the estate is below a certain amount

It should be noted that the first item to be paid out of a person’s estate is the cost of the funeral and this has priority over all other payments. If you have difficulty in dealing with the deceased person’s estate you should seek advice from a solicitor or the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Stopping junk mail to the recently deceased

If someone you know has died, the amount of unwanted marketing post being sent to them can be greatly reduced which helps to stop painful daily reminders.

By registering with the free service the names and addresses of the deceased are removed from mailing lists, stopping most advertising mail within as little as six weeks. If you cannot access the internet you can call 0808 168 9607, where you will be asked for very simple information that will only take a few minutes to complete. Alternatively, ask the Medical Examiner officer for a leaflet that can be returned in the post.

This free of charge service provided by the Bereavement Support Network will actively reduce the unwanted marketing mail but can also help reduce the likelihood of identity theft following the death of someone close. The information is not used for any other purpose and you only have to complete this once. Additionally, to Stop Mail a comparable service can also be accessed from the Bereavement Register or Deceased Preference Service if you would prefer to use them.

Further advice and support

Over the coming days there will be people who can provide support and advice to you. These include the funeral director, the person conducting the funeral service and your GP. You can also contact the Medical Examiner Office should you have any questions or concerns.

Please see below for a list of services and their contact details:

Medical Examiner Office

Warwick Hospital 01926 495321 ext. 8141, 8140, 8165

Coroner’s Office

Leamington Spa

01926 738409, 738410, 738411, 738413, 412542

Warwickshire Registration Service

0300 555 0255 registrations

DWP Bereavement Service

0800 151 2012

The Pension Service

0800 731 7898

Probate and Inheritance Tax


0300 123 1072

Warwick District Council 01926 450000

Stratford on Avon District Council 01789 267575

Citizens Advice Bureau

Leamington Spa

0300 330 1183

Age UK

Leamington Spa 01926 458100 coventryandwarwickshire

Cruse Bereavement Care

0808 808 1677

New Hope Counselling Leamington/ Stratford/ Warwick

07799 015650

Bereavement Café Café Lomas at Stratford Hospital 3.30 – 5pm First Wednesday of the month.

Open to anyone

The Child Bereavement Charity

0800 02 888 40

Evelyn’s Gift (support for bereaved parents and children)


C-A-S-T-L-E Bereavement Support Care And Support Towards Life’s End counselling-bereavementsupport.htm

What can I do if I have questions or concerns about the medical examiner process?

If you are not satisfied with the medical examiner’s advice, please first discuss this with staff in the medical examiner’s office, and if you are still not satisfied, you can also contact the Patient Advice Liaison Service on 01926 600054 or email:

How can I contact the medical examiner office?

You can contact the medical examiner office and ask to speak to a Medical Examiner Officer:

Telephone 01926 495321 ext. 8141, 8140, 8165 or Email

If you are unable to speak or understand English, or if you need a British Sign Language interpreter, please let us know and we will make arrangements to help you.

It is helpful if you can let us know, as soon as possible, before we speak with you as it may take time to make these arrangements.

The NHS would like to thank RNS Publications for publishing this information and the following pages contain some features from services o ering their help at this time.

Whilst the NHS is grateful of their support it does not endorse or recommend any of the services that they provide.

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