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Book of Remembrance
The remembrance book is kept in the Chapel and there is one at Eastbourne and Conquest. You are able to visit the Chapel at any time to look at the book and for your particular entry this can be organised with the Chaplain. The book will be open on your page when it is your baby’s anniversary. Once your entry has been printed in the book a copy will be sent to you for your mementoes.
Teardrop sticker
SANDS refer to a pregnancy after loss as a Rainbow pregnancy. A teardrop sticker will be placed on your Pregnancy Passport (which would have been given to you at booking) to highlight to professionals caring for you that you have previously had a baby loss. As your maternity notes are electronically kept this will enable professionals to check information online to help prevent you repeating your pregnancy loss journey.
Registration birth / death
In England and Wales all births, stillbirths and deaths are required by law to be registered by the Registrar of births and Deaths.
If your baby was born sleeping (stillbirth) after the 24th week of pregnancy a Stillbirth certificate will be issued to the Registrars office electronically to enable registration and funeral arrangements to be formalised.
If your baby was born alive and then died (neonatal death) a Neonatal Death Certificate will be issued to the Registrars office to enable registration and funeral arrangements to be formalised.
There is no legal requirement to register your baby if he / she were not born alive before the 24th week of pregnancy. There is a certificate within your memory box which will be completed by the midwife/support worker who will be caring for you. If you would like to complete this yourself then please let us know.
The Registrar will ask for:
• The mother’s name, occupation, date and place of birth and any other names that the mother might have used, including maiden name if applicable.
• The father’s name, occupation, date and place of birth and any other names the father may have used.
• The date of your baby’s birth.
The Registrar will enter your baby’s name in a stillbirth register. You can have your baby’s first name (s) entered if you wish as well as the surname, so you may want to give thought to names for your baby before registering.
The mother or father may register their stillborn baby alone when they are married to each other. Parents who are not married to each other have to see the Registrar together if they want to have the father’s name entered in the stillbirth register.
Please ring the registry office to book an appointment,
• Hastings registration Office
Town Hall
Queens Road
Hastings TN34 1QR
Opening hours Monday – Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Telephone 0345 60 80 198
• Eastbourne Registration Office
Town Hall
Grove Road
Eastbourne BN21 4UG
Opening hours Monday – Friday 9.00 to 5.00pm.
Telephone 0345 60 80 198