What happens now?
Information for Bereaved Relatives
If you have been given this booklet, you have experienced the death of someone close to you. We are very sorry for your loss and we know this can be a very difficult and distressing time. We hope this booklet will help you understand what you can expect from Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust.
When someone dies there are many decisions and arrangements that have to be made. Whilst it is impossible to cover every detail, we have tried to provide help and advice in this booklet on the main issues to be faced when arranging a funeral. There is also information about how to comment on the care your loved one received and what happens if a death will be looked into by the Coroner. It also provides details of the processes involved if you have any significant concerns about the care provided and gives practical advice, support and information. The Gov.uk website (www.gov.uk/after-a-death) also provides practical information on what to do following a death.
This booklet has been prepared to help you in these first difficult days following your loss. It covers Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust. Arrangements may differ in each hospital, therefore please call the telephone number specific to each hospital.
Information contained in this booklet may need some explanation. There are members of staff who are available and are happy to help you. These include the Nurses, Doctors, Bereavement Officers and the Chaplaincy Teams and Medical Examiner Officers.
If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. All numbers can be found in the following pages.
The Bereavement Office works closely with the Medical Examiner Officers coordinating Doctors and Treating Teams to complete important paperwork in a timely fashion.
Once the MCCD (Medical Certificate of Cause of Death) has been completed, the Bereavement Staff will send it electronically to the central registrar together with next of kin information. Next of kin will be called straight away informing them that an appointment can now be made with the registry office to complete the official death registration.
The Bereavement Team will work in unison with appointed funeral directors ensuring documentation is sent enabling funeral directors and families to make arrangement to lay loved ones to rest.
Experiencing the death of a loved one can have a profound effect and can bring up a range of emotions that effect people in different ways.
Here at Darent Valley Hospital we offer counselling services dedicated to our bereaved families and friends. Please do reach out to us and give us your permission to be referred.
• 01322 42 81 65
• 01322 42 81 68
• dgn-tr.bereavementservices@nhs.net
The Medical Examiner Office is hosted by Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust and staffed by a team of medical examiners, supported by medical examiner officers.
• 01322 42 81 49
• 01322 42 81 70
• dgn-tr.medicalexamineroffice@nhs.net
The Medical Examiner is a senior medical doctor trained in the legal and clinical elements of death certification processes.
There is a process in place to ensure proper scrutiny of all deaths occurring in hospital - this is a non-invasive review.
Your relative / friend’s medical notes will be scrutinised by the Medical Examiner. He/she will discuss the findings with the treating consultant / team who were responsible for your relative / friend’s care and to guide the treating team to establish the correct cause of death.
The Medical Examiner Officers will also contact you to establish if you have questions or any concerns with medical care before death. If so, you have the opportunity to raise any concerns to a doctor not involved in the care of your relative / friend.
At this point, three situations can happen:
1. A cause of death can be established. The Medical Examiner or Medical Examiner Officer will inform you of the cause of death and how the Death Certificate (also known as MCCD) can be issued.
2. A cause of death can be established but there is a legal requirement to inform the Coroner’s Office (for example, if your relative underwent surgery before death). In this case, the doctor will do the referral to the Coroner’s Office and a Coroner Officer will contact you for further information.
3. A cause of death cannot be established, the Coroner’s Office is informed and there is a high chance of a Post Mortem being instructed. A Coroner Officer will contact you for further information.
Either way, you will be guided and updated throughout the process.
There are a number of reasons why a death must be referred to the Coroner:
• The cause of death appears to be unknown
• The death occurred during an operation or during the recovering of the operation – this can mean weeks or even months
• There was a trauma or injury before death
• There was an injury or disease attributable to any employment held by the person during the person’s lifetime - Asbestosis (this is just one example)
If the death must be reported to the Coroner, we will do the referral here at the hospital. If the coroner determines the death is the result of a natural disease or illness, no additional investigations are needed, the Death Certificate can be issued by the hospital and sent to the registry office and again, a Bereavement Officer will oversee the process.
However, if the coroner requests a post mortem examination to be held, the coroner will issue the Death Certificate and cremation paperwork needed in place of the Death Certificate issued by the hospital.
In cases where the cause of death is unnatural, remains unknown or unexplained, the coroner will decide to hold an inquest and the registration of the death will be delayed.
Either way, you will be contacted by the Coroner’s office.
We understand this is a difficult time for you to consider such an issue as post-mortem examination. Post-mortems are only carried out to ascertain cause of death. (A post-mortem will not be carried out if the doctor gives a cause of death which is acceptable to the Coroner).
Legally, your consent is not required by the Coroner to hold a post-mortem; however, you will be kept closely informed by the Coroner’s Office.
If a post-mortem is considered necessary by the Coroner you will be given further information and the details discussed with you.
Many families find donation of organs or tissue a source of comfort, as something positive that can come out of something so sad.
One donor can save the life of several people, restore the sight of two others and improve the quality of life of many more. Transplants are the most miraculous achievement of modern medicine, however they depend entirely on the generosity of the donor and their families, who are willing to make a life saving or life enhancing gift to others.
During this difficult and painful time you may wish to consider helping others through the donation of organs or tissues.
Organ donation
The donation of organs to help those who are awaiting a transplant. Organs include the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and pancreas.
Tissue donation
Tissue donors can help people who require corneal transplants, skin grafts and heart valves. It may also be possible to donate bone and tendons. Tissues can be donated up to 24 hours after death.
Families need to consent in order for tissue donation to take place and if you do agree we can assure you that your loved one will be treated with respect and dignity throughout. Being a donor does not cause delay to the funeral arrangements. If you wish to discuss the possibility of donation, please ask a member of staff.
If after reading this you wish for your loved one to undergo tissue donation, please call the Medical Examiner office as soon as possible to avoid any delays (24 hour window).
Once the Medical Certificate Cause of Death is issued by the hospital, the death can be registered with the registrar.
The Bereavement Team will inform the family that an appointment can be made with the registrars to register the death.
The registry office operates via appointments. Please contact 03000 415 151 for the registrar.
If the death was referred to Coroner and further investigation is needed, the Coroner will contact you and advise regarding registration.
Please be prepared to give the following information to the Registrar.
1. The date and place of birth and death.
2. The full name of the deceased.
3. The home address of the deceased.
4. The marital status of the deceased.
5. The occupation (if any) of the deceased.
6. If the deceased is female, her maiden name and her husband’s full name and occupation.
The Registrar will issue a Green Certificate for burial or cremation which will be emailed directly to the Funeral Director.
Copies of the Entry of Death (Death Certificate) may be obtained from the Registrar on payment of the appropriate fee £12.50 per copy.
Tell Us Once reduces the amount of time you need to spend contacting government departments and organisations because you provide all the information to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) who then pass that information on to the people who need to know.
Now you have completed the death registration, the details of the death have been added to the Tell Us Once system. You now have 28 days to complete the Tell Us Once process.
You can do this in the following ways:
• Online at www.gov.uk/tell-us-once
• By telephone: 0800 085 7308
• Alternatively, you can book a face to face Tell Us Once appointment at the Registry Office.
Please ask the registrar at the time of registration details of how to activate.
Tell Us Once can notify the following departments after you have registered a death:
• Adult Social Services
• Attendance Allowance
• Blue Badge parking permit
• Bus Passes
• Carer’s Allowance
• Child Benefit
• Child Tax Credit
• Children’s services
• Council housing
• Council Tax
• Council Tax Benefit
• Disability Living Allowance
• Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
• Electoral services
• Employment Support Allowance
• Housing Benefit
• Incapacity Benefit
• Income Support
• Jobseeker’s Allowance
• Library services
• Owe payments to council
• Passport service
• State Pension
• Tax Help for Older People
• Working Tax Credit
• Personal Taxation
• War Pension Team
Where applicable, Tell Us Once will pass details to these departments on your behalf. The departments you choose to notify will contact you directly if they need any more information to process your change in circumstances.
Tell Us Once is a partnership between Kent County Council, the London Borough of Bexley, Kent’s District Councils and departments across Government.
When someone dies the ward staff will invite you to take home any property that your relative had at their bedside. The ward will also arrange for the medical notes and any personal belongings that have not been collected to be sent to the Bereavement Office.
Any jewellery in situ can be removed at the funeral home.
Any valuable items handed in for safe keeping will be returned to the next-of-kin or named representative by the bereavement team at your appointment with them. Unfortunately it is not possible to store property after 30 days and arrangements should be made for collection prior to this time. Make an appointment to collect belongings.
The respect and dignity of all individuals will be upheld at all times. All staff working in this area are trained to a high standard and will ensure the care, safety and dignity of the deceased is respected before they move into the care of a funeral director.
Please contact the Mortuary on 01322 428428
For many people, talking to friends or family is all the support they need but for some this might not be an option.
Please contact the bereavement office who will be happy to make a referral to our grief counsellor.
If you have any questions please contact us:
• 01322 42 81 65
• 01322 42 81 68
Contact a funeral director who can advise and discuss the funeral arrangements with you.
Funeral arrangements cannot be made until you have been informed that the death does not have to be reported to the Coroner. If the Coroner is involved this may affect the date when the funeral can be held.
The hospital is not able to recommend a particular funeral director. There are no universal standards that apply to funeral directors, however some are members of professional organisations, which operate a code of conduct. The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) and the Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) are examples of these.
National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD)
Tel: 0121 711 1343
Web: www.nafd.org.uk
Each hospital has a Chaplaincy Team. They have links with most faith groups and can usually contact an appropriate representative for you. The Chaplaincy teams can offer support and advice at this time. You do not have to be a member of any particular faith group to ask for help from the Chaplaincy Team. If you are, then one of the team can put you in touch with a local minister who will also be able to help.
During office hours there is usually a member of the Chaplaincy Team available in the hospital to help if needed. A 24-hour emergency service is available via the hospital switchboard.
The Chaplaincy Teams can be contacted on the following number: 01322 428100 ask to be put through to Chaplaincy.
The following services may need to know about the death
Bank, Building Society, Insurance Company etc
Social Services
(if they are providing any services)
Inland Revenue & Benefits Offices
Employers and Trade Unions
Schools, College, University attended
Any hospital the person was attending
Local Gas / Electric / Telephone / TV Licence / Water Companies (the relevant office should be informed)
Local Council (e.g. Council Tax)
Professional Organisations
Please note, some organisations may request the National Insurance No. of your loved one.
You may find help and support from some of the following national and local organisations. Ring the national number for details of local branches if they are not listed here or search online.
Cruse Bereavement Care
National: 0808 808 1677
The Compassionate Friends: 0345 123 2304 (for bereaved parents)
The Ellenor Lions Hospice: 01474 320007
The Samaritans: 116 123 (Freephone)
The Terence Higgins Trust: Switchboard: 0207 812 1600 Enquiries: 0808 802 1221
SANDS (The Stillbirth & Neonatal 0808 164 332
Death Society)
Mon - Fri 9.30am-5.30pm Tues and Thurs 6.00pm-10pm
Email: helpline@sands.uk.org
Inheritance Tax & Probate 0300 123 1072 (for wills & probate) www.gov.uk/applying-for-probate
LGBTQIA+ Support Line 0800 0119 100 www.switchboard.lgbt
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide 0300 111 5065 (SOBS)
Email: support@sobs.org
At a Loss
National signposting support 0800 448 0800 www.ataloss.org
Age UK 0800 678 1602
Offers advice and support to older people, including financial and legal, health and well-being, hobbies and community support www.ageuk.org.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau Advice Line 0800 144 8848 www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Respond 0207 383 0700
Supports people with learning disabilities and their families and supporters who have experienced trauma in their lives www.respond.org.uk
RoadPeace 0800 160 1069 www.roadpeace.org
Support after Murder & 0121 472 2912
Manslaughter (SAMM)
Support Line 01708 765200
Providing a confidential helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. www.supportline.org.uk
Child Bereavement UK 0800 02 888 40
Helping children, young people, parents and families rebuild their lives. www.childbereavementuk.org
Release the Pressure 0800 107 0160 Life can get tough sometimes but talking can help. We have a highly trained and experienced team available 24/7 to provide expert support no matter what you are going through.
Text: SHOUT to 85258
Calm 0800 58 58 58
Opens at 5pm – midnight 365 days a year. For anyone in the UK who is feeling down or like they have hit a wall and need to talk or find out information and support.
Webchat - The CALM zone
PALS is the first point of contact for any assistance you might need as a patient, carer or visitor at Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust.
PALS is not a clinical service. However, we can provide confidential advice, information and support, help you with any concerns you may have about the care we provide, guide you through the different services available from the NHS, our Trust and other local organisations.
We will listen to you and take action on your behalf.
You can visit PALS
Main hospital reception
10.00am - 4.00pm Monday - Friday
You can telephone PALS
Tel: 01322 428382 - please leave a message if we are unable to take your call or you can email us: dgn-tr.PALS@nhs.net
We want to hear your thoughts about your loved one’s care, together with the Medical Examiner and Bereavement Service receiving feedback from families helps us to understand (i) the things we are doing right and need to continue; and (ii) the things we need to improve upon.
Website: www.dgt.nhs.uk
Email: dgn-tr.medicalexamineroffice@nhs.net dgn-tr.bereavementservices@nhs.net
Reference: Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Bereavement Book
Review Date: October 2026
Publication Date: October 2024
The Hospital would like to thank RNS Publications for publishing this information and the following pages contain some features from services o ering their help at this time.
Whilst the Hospital is grateful of their support it does not endorse or recommend any of the services that they provide.
Dartford and Gravesham