1 minute read
What to do first....................................................................................... 1
You will need to know
• The full name and address of the deceased (maiden name if applicable) • Their date and place of birth • Occupation of the deceased • The name, date of birth and occupation of spouse if applicable • If married more than once, the names of former spouses
The Registrar will give you
• Certificate for Burial or Cremation (known as the Green
Form) unless the Coroner has given you an Order for Burial or a Certificate for Cremation. Whichever form you are given will be needed by the Funeral Director so that the funeral can be held • A certificate of Registration of Death (form BD8) for the
Department for Work and Pensions • In addition you may buy as many copies of the Full Death
Certificate as you require, for example for banks or insurance claims
Certificates are now sent out by post and need to be reordered online www.cumbria.gov.uk/registrationservice/certificates/ copy.asp or by phone: 0300 303 2472