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Burial or Cremation
If you choose cremation, an additional form is required. If the death occurred in the hospice this form will be completed by one hospice doctor. The GP may contact a relative asking if they have any concerns or they may speak to one of the nursing staff who cared for the patient. This will be collected by your Funeral Director. Costs of crematoria are governed by local authorities. Ashes can be buried in the churchyard or cemetery or they can be kept or scattered (although in some places, consent may be required to do so).
Your family may already have reserved a burial plot for which you will have a deed or grant. This will show the plot number of the existing grave. You will need to take this document to your Funeral Director. If you do not have a reserved plot then your Funeral Director will advise and assist you on the availability of a new plot. Some churchyards are no longer open for burials because there is no space left.