1 minute read
When someone dies in the community
When someone dies at home, their district nurse or the single point of contact (SPA) should be contacted. In most cases the nurse will verify the death. If this is not possible, they’d make contact with the GP to attend, in or out of hours, to verify the death.
Within 12 hours of the death, you’d need to contact a funeral director of your choice to begin funeral arrangements. This may require them to collect your deceased loved one. Your funeral director can also arrange for you to visit your loved one if you wish. You may have special religious needs, which your spiritual advisor can help with.
If there is a nurse present at the time, (possibly a district nurse or a nurse from the hospice team) they may offer to wash and change the body. You or a family member can assist if you wish, or you may prefer the funeral director to do this once your loved one is taken to the funeral home.