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Bereavement COVID-19
Bereavement COVID-19
Dear Next of Kin,
We would like to express our deepest condolences to you at this very difficult time.
Due to unprecedented circumstances because of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the information in this booklet will not apply. This booklet contains additional information and support, but please note the below changes due to COVID-19.
• The Bereavement Team will make an appointment with you, for the Registrar. This will be done by telephone.
• The Death Certificate will be sent to you via post and the appropriate forms will be sent directly from the Registrar’s Office to your chosen Funeral Director.
• Personal items of the deceased will be stored securely at on the Ward. Please contact them directly to discuss this further.
There are resources available in the back of this booklet, however additional resources are listed below:
Dying Matters dyingmatters.org