Luton & Dunstable Hospital Bereavement Booklet

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What to do after a death

A simple guide

NHS Foundation Trust Luton Site
Bedfordshire Hospitals

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital Lewsey Road, Luton, LU4 0DZ Tel 01582 491166

Dear Relatives,

On behalf of Luton & Dunstable University Hospital we would like to offer our sincere condolences on your bereavement. We understand the distress and upset that losing someone we love brings and the grief that follows. However, we would like to assure you that our Chaplaincy Team and Bereavement Services will provide all the care and help that you may need during these traumatic times.

Following the death there are many arrangements to be made. It is very difficult to think about these at a time when someone we love has passed away. However, we have produced this booklet to provide you with some help and guidance in the steps that you may need to take following the death. We hope this will help steer you through these arrangements.

In the event that you need any further assistance please do not hesitate in contacting either of the following who will provide further assistance.

Chaplaincy Team: 01582 717370,

Bereavement Services: 01582 497344,

We would like to reassure you of our commitment to the highest level of care to our patients and relatives.

“Memories are the loveliest thing, they last from day to day, They can’t get lost, they don’t wear out, and can’t be given away”



If you would like this leaflet in large print, braille, audio version or in another language please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 01582 497990.

Bereavement Office

Mon-Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm Tel: 01582 497344

Copyright ©
2024 P P P P P
RNS Publications
CALNWOOD ROAD PEDESTRIANS AND AMBULANCES ONLY A/B Outpatients, eye clinic, ENT and respiratory C- Children’s Outpatients D- Obesity Centre E- Urology One Stop Clinic A/B C D E A505 Urgent GP Clinic Pathology Fertility Centre Breast Screening Centre Emergency Department Endoscopy Main Reception & PALS O ce Women’s & Children’s Unit Main Building Bereavement O ce Estates Building Surgical Block 3
Our sympathy 5 Steps you will need to take 1. Collecting belongings 6 2. Wait for the medical certificate 7 - 8 3. Register the death 8 - 11 4. Tell Us Once 12 - 14 5. Arranging the funeral 15 - 20 Tissue donation 21 Viewing the deceased 22 Common emotions whilst grieving 22 - 24 Support and things that can help 25 - 26 Important contacts 27 - 28 Advice and support organisations 29 - 31 The Medical Examiner 33 Death in hospital summary 34 Your Experience 35 - 36 Funeral Directors 37 - 38 Contents 4

Our sympathy

We wish to express our deepest sympathy to you and your family at this very sad time. We understand that the time ahead may be difficult and painful and we are here to support you through the coming days.

The bereavement service is a dedicated service to advise the family and next of kin of patients who have passed away in hospital. This booklet explains the practical steps you will need to take, as well as the emotional aspects of losing someone you love.


Steps you will need to take

The bereavement service team will prepare the necessary paperwork and liaise with other people that may be helping you with arrangements such as funeral directors or the Registrar. We will be your main point of contact at the hospital throughout.

Please telephone the bereavement service after 9.00am on the next working day after the death on 01582 497344. We will take a few details and you will be able to ask any questions.

We will ask you for:

• Your full contact details as next of kin

• Whether there will be a burial or cremation

• The name of the funeral director you would like to use

We will keep you informed of the progress of any paperwork either when we have further information or at the end of the working day. However if you do not wish to be contacted daily please advise the Bereavement Office.

1. Collecting belongings

You will be able to arrange collection of any property/valuables from the ward by contacting the ward clerk, please bring some personal identification. Personal belongings need to be collected within one month.


The Medical Examiner

Luton & Dunstable Hospital, in line with the new Government requirements has introduced the role of the Medical Examiner, who is a senior doctor not involved in the care of the patient, but understands the circumstances surrounding the cause of death.

The aim is that they will make it easier for you to understand the wording on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death and will check all details before the certificate is issued. This means you may receive a call from the Medical Examiner to discuss the death certificate in the first few days after your loss. The next of kin will be called by the Medical Examiner’s Officer to explain the process.


Steps you will need to take

2. Wait for the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death

We will prepare the necessary paperwork and arrange the medical certificate stating the cause of death. You will need to take this document to the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages to register the death.

We will arrange this as quickly as possible, but it is a complex legal process that can take up to 5 working days. Please bear this in mind when making funeral arrangements. The deceased cannot be released into the care of your appointed funeral director until this process has been completed.

A doctor may need to refer the death to the Coroner if it:

• was sudden (without regard to age)

• involved violence or was caused by an accident

• resulted from industrial injury or industrial disease

• happened when the deceased was undergoing an operation or under the effect of an anaesthetic.

If the Coroner is satisfied that the death was due to natural causes, he or she will authorise the doctor to write the medical certificate.

If the cause of death is unclear, the Coroner may order a post mortem to accurately establish the cause of death. When the result of the post mortem is known, the Coroner will issue a form to the Registrar’s Office giving the cause of death. You will need to contact the Coroner’s Office on the telephone number below to confirm that you can now register the death.

If the cause of death was not natural causes, the Coroner may decide to hold an inquest into the circumstances of the death. In this case, the Coroner’s Office will contact you to explain the procedure.

If you need to speak with a Coroner please call their office on 0300 300 8383. If there is an inquest the Coroner will give the burial order or a certificate for cremation to the funeral directors, and will explain what will happen next.


Steps you will need to take

You will need to give consent for your loved one to be removed from the hospital by your funeral director.

3. Register the death

Who should register the death?

A relative should register the death.

If a relative can’t register the death, you can do it if you:

• were there at the time of death

• are an administrator from the hospital (if the person died in hospital)

• are in charge of making funeral arrangements

What you need to do

Take the medical certificate showing the cause of death (signed by a doctor) with you.

If available (but don’t worry if not), also take the person’s:

• Birth Certificate

• Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate

• NHS Medical Card

• Passport


Steps you will need to take

You’ll need to tell the Registrar:

• the person’s full name at the time of death

• and names previously used, eg maiden name

• the person’s date and place of birth

• their last address

• their occupation

• the full name, date of birth and occupation of a surviving or late spouse or civil partner

You should also take supporting documents that show your name and address (eg a utility bill) but you can still register a death without them.

Documents you’ll be given

When you register a death you’ll be given:

• a Certificate for Burial or Cremation (the ‘green form’) which gives permission for burial or an application for cremation

• a Certificate of Registration of Death (from BD8) - you may need to fill this out and return it if the deceased was getting a State Pension or benefits (the form will come with a pre-paid envelope so you know where to send it)

Please note that if you are writing to a Solicitor, Bank, Building Society or Insurance Company you will need to include Death Certificates. Photocopies are not accepted for insurance or legal reasons. A fee is payable for each certificate.


Steps you will need to take

Where & when do I go to register a death?

You can make an appointment online to register a death. This can be done if there is no involvement from the Coroner. This will be at your convenience and you will be able to choose a time-slot to suit yourselves.

Please go to

Of course, for those without internet access, you can make an appointment by phoning 0300 790 0341.

If the Coroner is investigating the death you need to register, please phone 0300 790 0341 and a call centre team member will be able to make the appointment for you.

The appointment will be at the Registry Office:

6 George Street West Luton, Beds LU1 2BJ

They have their own car park and there are other car parks, clearly signposted (see location map on page 12). The Registry Office opening hours are between the hours of 9.15am - 4.15pm Monday - Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.

If you are unable to attend the Registry Office in the district where the death occurred, you can register the death by making a declaration to any Registrar of Births and Deaths in England or Wales. They will forward the declaration and any certificate fee to the correct registration district, who will record the death in their register.

Any certificates requested and, where applicable, the form to allow the funeral to go ahead, will be sent out by post. However this is a longer process and may delay the funeral.

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Steps you will need to take

4. Tell Us Once

The Luton Registration Service offers an innovative service called Tell Us Once (TUO). The service aims to reduce the number of local and central government departments that you may have to notify after bereavement.

Tell Us Once is delivered straight after a death registration. The Registrar will issue a unique reference number which is valid for 28 days. You will be given a telephone number and website to complete the service. This service is optional but most people who register a death choose Tell Us Once because it will greatly reduce the number of departments you need to notify. It saves time at a stage in your lives when you are busy dealing with emotional difficulties that come with bereavement.

What key local and central government departments are involved?

Tell Us Once can notify the following departments after you have registered the death.

Local authority departments:

• Adult Services

• Blue Badge

• Electoral Services

• Library Service

• Council Housing

• Housing Benefit

• Council Tax Benefit

• Council Tax

Identity and Passport Service, and DVLA

• UK Passport

• Driving Licence


Steps you will need to take

Department for Work and Pensions:

• Bereavement benefit

• State Pensions

• Pension credit

• Attendance Allowance

• Disability Living Allowance

• Carers Allowance

• Incapacity benefit


• Working Tax credit

• Child Tax credit

• Income Support

• Jobseeker’s allowance

• War pension scheme

• Employment & Support allowance

• Overseas health

• Child benefit

• Personal taxation

Tell Us Once will pass details to these departments on your behalf. The departments you have chosen to notify will contact you directly if they need any more information to process your change in circumstance.

Can I use the service?

If you would like to use this service you will need the following:

• The deceased’s National Insurance Number

• Details of any benefits or services they were receiving

• Their driving licence or driving licence number

• Their passport or passport number

• Their Blue Badge, if they had one

If you’re not the Next of Kin (or Spouse/Partner), you must have permission from them before you give any information to the Tell Us Once Service.


Steps you will need to take

Who receives the notifications?

Customers have the choice of who they notify and this will dictate which services receive notifications. However, it is mandatory for Electoral Services and Council Tax Office to be informed.

Some customers, following a bereavement and before the registration of a death, contact the DWP and believe that they have completed the full TUO process. This is not the case, because the DWP will only deal with matters relating to central government.

The central and local government departments referred to above can only be dealt with during the TUO process, following registration of a death, which then enables those details to be forwarded to the relevant services.

Steps you will need to take

5. Arranging the funeral

Who can help with funeral arrangements?

A funeral director can help you with all the arrangements for the funeral. A local minister of religion may also be able to help.

If you’re having difficulty contacting a suitable minister, the Hospital Chaplains will be able to help. You can contact the Chaplain on 01582 497370.

If you know a will has been made, it may be worth contacting a solicitor to check whether your loved one left any specific funeral instructions or had already made or paid for any funeral arrangements in advance.

How many days should I allow to make funeral arrangements?

You can begin to make funeral arrangements as soon as you feel able. Before you agree a funeral date, you’ll need to check with the Bereavement Office whether there will be any delay in the paperwork, which may happen if there needs to be a post mortem or inquest. Once you have the green certificate from the registrar you can confirm a suitable date for the funeral.

The cost of the funeral

Paying for the funeral can be a worry. Costs for funerals can vary considerably from one funeral director to another so don’t be afraid to discuss options and costs with several funeral directors before making a choice.


Steps you will need to take

Paying for the funeral

Funeral costs are normally recoverable from the deceased’s estate, but the person organising the funeral will be responsible for paying the bill. It is advisable to check where the money will come from before you make arrangements. Many people now purchase their funeral in advance through a pre-purchase funeral plan. You may need to check if this has been arranged.

Many funeral directors require payment before probate is granted, so ensure you discuss payment from an early stage. Where probate is being requested, many banks and building societies will release money to pay for the funeral before probate is granted but not all.

Where payment for the funeral is an issue, you may be entitled to help with the funeral costs through the Social Fund. There is now a One-Stop contact number at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) (0800 731 0469) which will cancel all DWP benefits, as well as help you establish if you are eligible for help towards costs (a funeral grant) and advise on your eligibility for other benefits.


Steps you will need to take


If you have any queries about the will or regarding the absence of a will, you can contact:

Probate Inheritance Tax Helpline

Tel: 0300 123 1072

A useful booklet on ‘How to obtain Probate’ (PA2) is available from the Probate Office. There is also information online at

If a legacy has been made within a will provision supporting the hospital, please contact our charity team, who can discuss this with you.

Arranging the service

Your funeral director will help you decide on the service you would like and will help with arrangements. Please ask them anything you would like to know - they can be most helpful and problems that may seem difficult, can often be easily solved.

The funeral home will ask you if the family wish to set up a giving page in memory of their loved one. This can be done for any charity, including our own hospital charity. The funeral home will be able to support you with this.


Steps you will need to take

Who to inform about the death

There are various people who need to be informed of the death and it may be useful to use these checklists to guide you:

People to inform Contacted Completed

DWP - benefits or pension stopped

0800 169 0310


Inland Revenue (HMRC)

Banks / Building Societies / Credit Card Companies

Local Tax Scheme

Insurance companies:

Life insurance

Car insurance

Property insurance

Mortgage company / Land Registry

Housing Association / Landlord

Social Services - If involved

Family Doctor

Relevant Hospital Doctors

Utility providers - Gas, Water etc

School / College - If applicable

National Savings and Investments

Store cards

Telephone company inc. Mobile



Union / Professional organisations

If already a grave owner notify Luton

Borough Council of any changes

Stopping junk mail

Things to cancel Cancelled

Care / household service:

Home help / Meals on wheels / Cleaner etc


Hospital / Dentist / Optician etc


Redirect mail if required

Milk if required

Magazine subscriptions

Items to return Returned

Medicines back to Pharmacy

Driving licence returned to DVLA

Library books

Any equipment borrowed from Hospital or Social Services - Commode, walking sticks etc

Passport returned to passport agency

Magazine subscriptions

Season tickets / concessionary travel documents

- Bus pass to relevant company Steps you will need to take


Steps you will need to take

Disabled parking (Blue Badges) to ESCC

Car insurance certificate

Car registration documents - for change of ownership

Tax help for the bereaved

The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have created a dedicated telephone helpline, an address box and a new form for people who need to contact them about PAYE and Self Assessment matters relating to bereavement. When you call the HMRC, an automated message starts, select option 2, then option 4 to speak to an advisor on the Bereavement Helpline.

• Telephone Helpline 0300 200 3300 Office hours: 8am to 8pm (Monday to Friday) 8am to 4pm (Saturday)

• For anyone who is deaf or has a hearing or speech impairment telephone 0845 302 1408 (Textphone)

If you need to write to HMRC about income tax and bereavement, such as form R27 (reclaiming tax or paying tax when someone dies), self assessment tax return and any other correspondence relating to bereavement for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and Self Assessment, write to the address below:

HM Revenue and Customs Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and Self Assessment

PO Box 4000

Cardiff CF14 8HR


Steps you will need to take

Tissue donation

A donation is where a person donates their organs and tissues for transplant, which can save another person’s life or improve their health and quality of life. The majority of people can be tissue donors and unlike organ donation, tissues can be donated after death, giving relatives the opportunity to fulfil their loved one’s wishes. Many bereaved families find this a great comfort.

Offering donation

You can offer to donate your loved one’s tissue either through the Bereavement Office, or directly with the transplant coordinators. We’ll review the donor’s medical history to ensure the safety of the tissue, but tissue donation will not cause a delay to the funeral. Our specially trained staff will always treat donors with the utmost dignity and respect, taking care to retain their appearance.

Bereavement Office: 01582 497344

Transplant coordinator: 0300 123 1108 (on-call 24 hours)


Viewing the deceased

The funeral director will arrange to collect the deceased from the hospital and relatives and friends may generally see the deceased at the funeral directors.

However if you wish to see the deceased whilst they are still in the Hospital it may be possible to arrange this. Please call the Bereavement Office on 01582 497344 Monday to Friday and an appointment can be arranged. In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to view outside these hours; please contact the hospital switchboard on 01582 491166. Viewings are only available during office hours with an appointment.

Common emotions whilst grieving

Death can be very distressing, and grieving is a normal human response to loss or death. It can affect people in different ways and it may be a long time before it feels as if life is returning to normality. These are some of the emotions you may experience. Not everyone feels all of these and some emotions may be more intense than others. There is no right or wrong way to grieve.

Shock and numbness

It is normal to initially feel very shocked or completely numb. You may become quiet and rather detached during this period or you may feel like you’re on autopilot, in a bad dream or just completely lost. This can last a few minutes, a few hours or a few days.


Common emotions whilst grieving

Disbelief and unable to accept the loss

You may try to deny that the death has happened or find yourself thinking that you have heard or seen the person who has died. You may even lay his or her place at the table or even find yourself actually looking for or talking to him or her. This is completely normal, so don’t worry if you find yourself doing this.

Sadness and loneliness

Sadness and loneliness is often the longest stage. You may have feelings of emptiness, despair, yearning, or deep loneliness. You may also cry a lot or feel emotionally unstable. In some cases, you may have lost interest in living or feel there is no point in going on.

You may also feel you should not be troubling other people after ‘all this time’ so the sense of loneliness increases. These feelings are a common and normal part of the grieving process and as time moves on, you will become better able to cope with these feelings.

Moving on

This usually happens with the passage of time and when the pain of losing the person has eased. You will begin to find you can think of your loved one without getting too upset.

This can be a time for you to begin life again, not forgetting the past but able to look to the future again. This might seem disloyal to the person who has died, but what has happened in the past will always be part of you and isn’t affected by your enjoyment in the present.


Common emotions whilst grieving

Children’s Grief

Children are always affected by a death in the family - they pick up the emotional stress from those around them and can be affected by inevitable changes in routine.

Don’t feel you must hide your grief from your children or shut them out from any of the rituals (e.g. funerals) surrounding death. This can do more harm than good.

Tell them the truth as simply as possible - answer questions as honestly as you can - and explore, with them, ways in which they can express their sorrow or say ‘goodbye’ to the person they loved.

Sometimes, although children may not appear too distressed whilst at home, they may behave out of character when at school or nursery. Teachers should be made aware that the death has occurred so that they can watch out for symptoms of distress and offer any support that may be needed.

There are special support groups for children who are affected by the death of a parent, brother or sister. Details of these can be obtained through the Hospital Paediatric Unit.



and things that can help

The bereavement service

The bereavement service is here to advise you during the early stages of your grief and facilitate the statutory paperwork after death.

Hospital Chaplains

You may also like to seek support from a local minister. If you would like to speak to the Hospital Chaplain, please call 01582 497370.


The Hospital Chapel is on the second floor of the Old Block opposite the Comet Centre. It is open to all for quiet contemplation and private prayer.

Sacred Space

This is on the ground floor of the surgical block past the lifts on the right hand side. This is a place of meditation and reflection.

Your friends

It’s natural to want to hide your feelings, but it can be extremely helpful to find someone with whom you can share your feelings openly. You may also feel that other people avoid you. This isn’t because they don’t care but because they don’t know what to say or how to say it. Go to them and show you want to be open with them. They will usually be pleased to help in any way they can.


Support and things that can help

Your health

You may feel mentally tired, physically run down and find it difficult to sleep, eat or carry out normal daily tasks. These physical symptoms are not uncommon but if they continue, make an appointment to see your doctor. Your doctor may also be able to help you if you have unanswered questions about the death of the person you loved.

Don’t make any hasty decisions

It’s sometimes very tempting to feel that life would be more bearable if you could move house, quickly dispose of possessions or refuse to see people. This can only make things worse in the long run. Though painful, these emotions are better faced head on rather than swept under the carpet.


Grief is a very individual process. Each of us reacts differently so please don’t worry if your grief doesn’t follow a general pattern. It is a time consuming, exhausting and isolating experience. But it can help to remember that millions of people have survived grief, and in time you will too.

If you need to speak to someone urgently:

We are not able to provide ‘crisis’ support and we do not provide a 24 hour helpline.

However, if you feel you need to speak with someone urgently, you can call any of the support groups below:

The Samaritans

Listening Service

Tel: 116 123 (24 hour, free to call)


Important contacts/Important Information

For your information, the Trust routinely carries out case-note reviews on a percentage of hospital deaths to learn about the quality of care provided.

Bereavement Services

Tel: 01582 497344

Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Outside these hours, you can contact the on-call mortuary staff for advice and guidance through the hospital switchboard on 01582 491166.

Ward staff

Please call 01582 491166 and ask for the ward you need. The Ward Sister (female) or Charge Nurse (male) is the lead nurse.

Hospital Chaplains

Tel: 01582 497370

You may need to leave a message on the answerphone. Please contact on call Hospital Chaplain through the hospital switchboard 01582 491166.



contacts/Important Information

Patient Advice and Liaison Service

The PALS team can help you:

• make a suggestion or comment.

• find out who to talk to.

• find out about independent advice for advocacy services.

• with on-the-spot support, information and advice for bereaved families.

Tel: 01582 497990

Monday to Friday between 10am to 11.30am and 1pm to 4pm

The Coroner

The Court House, Woburn Road, Ampthill, MK45 2HX

The Coroner’s Office:

Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm

Tel: 0300 300 8383

The Registration Information Service

Tel: 0300 790 0341

Open 9.15am to 4.15pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.

Charity Team

The Charity Team offer many ways that you can support the hospital, whether through joining our volunteering family or contributing to the future of the hospital to help others. Sometimes after a death, families will ask that donations be made to a charity in the name of the person who passed. The Charity Team can help with enquiries regarding this.

Contact Tel: 01582 718 289 Int Ext: 8289

Charity Mobile: 07812 493445,


Age Concern

Tel: 01582 456 812

Age UK

Age UK Advice

Tel: 0800 678 1602

Bedford Counselling Centre


Tel: 01234 346077

British Humanist Association 39 Moreland Street London


Tel: 0207 324 3060

Child Bereavement UK

Tel: 0800 02 888 40


Tel: 01525 863924

Advice and support organisations

Advice and support organisations

Citizens Advice Bureau

Community House

15 New Bedford Road

Luton, LU1 1SA

Tel: 0808 278 7847

Compassionate Friends


Helpline number: 0345 123 2304

Cot Death Helpline

Tel: 0808 802 6868


An organisation that offers general and practical advice, details on benefits and local cruse organisations to anyone who has been bereaved. Cruse also provides befriending and bereavement counselling in people’s homes.


Tel: 0300 200 4108

Helpline number: 0808 808 1677

Gingerbread Helpline

Support for single parents

Tel: 0808 802 0925


Advice and support organisations

Hope again young people living after loss

Freephone: 0808 808 1677


A website for children and young people who have been bereaved. Also has details of a confidential telephone number for professional confidential bereavement counselling.

Independent Age

Advice line: 0800 319 6789


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Helpline: 0300 330 0630

Miscarriage Association

Tel: 01924 200799


One to one support available 24 hours.

Tel: 0330 094 5717 (Luton)

Tel: 116 123 (National)


The Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society

Tel: 0808 164 3332

Widowed and Young

For those widowed under the age of 50.



Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away to the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, That, we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect. Without the trace of a shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same that it ever was. There is absolute unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?

I am but waiting for you. For an interval. Somewhere. Very near. Just around the corner.

All is well.

Henry Scott Holland 1847 - 1918 Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral


Death In Hospital Summary

The Bereavement Office is notified of the patients’ death. Bereavement Staff will liaise with medical staff involved.

Can the cause of death certificate be issued?

Yes Dr issues the certificate.

The Bereavement Office will notify next of kin that the certificate has been sent to Luton Registry Office.


The Dr will need to report the death to the Coroner’s Officer.

The Dr will attend the Bereavement Office and discuss the deceased medical history with the Coroner’s Officer. A report is then sent to the Coroner for review.

Medical staff may need to complete additional paperwork. Until this is completed the deceased has to remain in the care of the Mortuary staff.

The Certificate can be issued.

The Coroner makes a decision on what happens next. Further investigation is required. This may involve a Post Mortem or an Inquest. The Coroner’s Officer will keep you informed in these circumstances.

We understand that during this period, you may be anxious to proceed through these steps. However, sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control, the pathway through these steps can take up to 10 working days. Please bear this in mind when making your funeral arrangements. If you have any concerns or questions regarding these stages please speak to a member of the Bereavement team.


Your experience

Your experience

We understand this is a very difficult time for you, but we would be very grateful if you would consider answering the following four questions for us, either now or in the future. We value your feedback as it helps to improve our services. You can send the information to us or call us to discuss your feedback. Here are the ways you can contact us;

Luton & Dunstable Hospital Website: There is a link to the questions in the Bereavement Booklet on our hospital website:

Other websites: You can also leave feedback on NHS Choices, or our Facebook or Twitter pages.


(Office is open in the main entrance of the Hospital Monday to Friday 10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm)


Telephone: 01582 497990

Post: PALS Office, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Lewsey Road, Luton, LU4 0DZ


Your experience


1) Please could you tell us what mattered most to you and your loved one?

2) Please could you tell us what went well when you and your loved one were with us?

3) Please could you tell us what we could do better?

4) Was there anyone that you feel provided care for you or your loved one that went over and above what you expected?

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback we really appreciate it.


Funeral Directors

Austin’s Family Funeral Directors


Tel: 01438 316623


Tel: 01438 812365

Welwyn Garden City

Tel: 01707 390018


Tel: 01992 582052


Tel: 01462 684292


Tel: 01462 438422


Tel: 01763 274111


Tel: 01438 714686


Tel: 01920 468551

Stotfold Chapel

Tel: 01438 794420


Tel: 01992 471709

Harwood Park

Tel: 01438 812515

Benedict Funeral Directors Ltd

19 Bedford Square

Houghton Regis



Tel: 01582 249268

Bismillah Muslim Funeral Service

81 Montrose Avenue



Tel: 01582 514646

Butterfly Funerals

39 Elm Avenue

Caddington, Luton


Tel: 01582 968130

Coop Funeralcare

Luton Funeralcare

37 New Bedford Road



Tel: 01582 725493

Dominics Square Funeralcare

6 St Dominic’s Square



Tel: 01582 477 618

Stopsley Funeralcare

80 Wigmore Lane



Tel: 01582 451209

County Funerals

3 Priory Lane

Little Wymondrey

County of Hertfordshire


Tel: 01438 510355

65 Station Road

Letchworth Garden City

County of Hertfordshire


Tel: 01462 337840

Dillamore Funeral Service Ltd

16 Old Road


Leighton Buzzard


Tel: 01525 372 210


Funeral Directors

Heritage Funerals Ltd

Heritage House

53 Katherine Drive



Tel: 01582 516516

John Saunders & Sons

48 Duke Street



Tel: 01582 731696

Legacy Funeral Services

5 High Street

Leighton Buzzard


Tel: 01525 868636

46 Buckingham Street


HP20 2LL

Tel: 01296 312988

L C Weston Funeral Directors

14 Leyton Road



Tel: 01582 712865

Neville Funeral Service

Neville House, Marsh Road

Leagrave, Luton


Tel: 01582 490005


Globe House, 84/88 High Street

South, LU6 3HD

Tel: 01582 320290


Phillips Funerals

Parchment House

9 Victoria Road



Tel: 01582 952 866

S A Bates & Son Funeral


115 West Street



Tel: 01582 952 945

Shires Funeral

(C.P.J. Field)

C.P.J. Field. Luton


266 Leagrave Road



Tel: 01582 493 500

C.P.J. Field. Dunstable

25 Vernon Place



Tel: 01582 477000

C.P.J. Field. Baldock

40 Whitehorse Street



Tel: 01462 491149

C.P.J. Field. Letchworth

Garden City, 1 Howard Park Corner

Letchworth Garden City


Tel: 01462 486618

White Dove Funerals

50 High Street South




Tel: 01582 699884


Reference: Luton & Dunstable Hospital

Publication date: April 2024

Review date: April 2026


The Hospital would like to thank RNS Publications for publishing this information and the following pages contain some features from services o ering their help at this time.

Whilst the Hospital is grateful of their support it does not endorse or recommend any of the services that they provide.

�\\ bereavement ,�port network

stopping mail


It is distressing to deal with a bereavement and unsolicited mail can be insensitive and destructive during a grieving process.

By scanning the below QR code on your phone or visiting, we are able to securely share this information with mailing organisations and under the Data Protection Act the information will not be used for any other purpose.

Other benefits reduce the possibility of identity fraud, such as assumed identity and you will only have to supply the information once. 0808 168 9607 from a landline 0333 006 8114 from a mobile © Bereavement Support Network Ltd 2024

This publication has been jointly developed between ourselves and the hospital. We hope that it has been or will be of help at this time and we welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have.

Please contact us either by phone, email or by post.

01253 832400 A trading style of Turnside Marketing Ltd RNS Publications, Trium House, Unit 15, Broughton Way, Whitehills, Blackpool FY4 5QN

is a family business owned by Vic and Alison Dowling who provide a high standard of care and dedication to you, your family and friends.

They are sensitive to individual needs and will guide you through the necessary funeral arrangements to ensure that your wishes are carried out.

They are happy to visit you in your own home to discuss the funeral arrangements or alternatively, you may visit their home which provides a warm and peaceful environment.

Vic and Ali, their Daughter-in-Law Kelly and Angie are deeply committed to upholding professional standards and they believe that, as custodians of your loved one, it is their responsibility to ensure that you feel confident that the utmost respect and dignity is given at all times.

Published by: RNS Publications © Tel: 01253 832400 R29

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