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The Death Certificate
This is a certified copy of the entry in the register of deaths (also known as Original Certified Copies). You may wish to discuss with the registrar how many copies you may require as most banks, building societies and insurance companies require to see an original but do not need one to keep. They will photocopy an original and return it to you. Each certified copy is charged at £11.00. You can order as many as you require and they will be produced and given to you on the day of registration.
The Registrar will also give you:
• A certificate known as the Green Form - this enables you to proceed and make the funeral arrangements with your chosen funeral director. They may not be able to help you without this form.
• A White Form is also given to the next of kin as this acts as a death certificate for the Pension and Benefit Agencies.
Tell-Us-Once Service
This service reduces the amount of time you need to spend contacting government departments and organisations because you provide all the information to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) who then pass the information on to the relevant people.
Once you have completed the death registration, the details of the death have been added to the Tell-Us-Once system. You then have 28 days to complete the process- you can do this in the following ways:
• Online at www.gov.uk/tell-us-once
• By telephone: 0800 085 7308
• Alternatively, you can book a face to face Tell-Us-Once appointment at the Registry Office.
Tell-Us-Once can notify the following departments after you have registered the death.
Tell Us Once can notify the following departments after you have registered a death:
• Adult Social Services
• Attendance Allowance
• Blue Badge parking permit
• Bus Passes
• Carer’s Allowance
• Child Benefit
• Child Tax Credit
• Children’s services
• Council housing
• Council Tax
• Council Tax Benefit
• Disability Living Allowance
• Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
• Electoral services
• Employment Support Allowance
• Housing Benefit
• Incapacity Benefit
• Income Support
• Jobseeker’s Allowance
• Library services
• Owe payments to council
• Passport service
• State Pension
• Tax Help for Older People
• Working Tax Credit
• Personal Taxation
• War Pension Team
Where applicable Tell-Us-Once will pass details to these departments on your behalf. The departments you choose to notify will contact you directly if they need any more information to process your change in circumstances.
*Tell-Us-Once is a partnership between Kent County Council, the London borough of Bexley, Kent District Councils and departments across Government*