1 minute read
What type of coffin is preferred?
There is a wide range available made from solid or veneered wood, wicker, laminated cardboard or woollen felt.
Do you want a funeral cortege (e.g. the hearse and any following cars) to leave from a family home or will people assemble at the place of the ceremony? Consider whether to choose people to be pallbearers. The funeral director will provide this service if preferred. Most funeral include a gathering of mourners after the ceremony with refreshments served. The venue might be your own home, a church hall, pub or a more formal venue such as a hotel.
Think about your budget and how many people may attend. Legally, most of the expenses connected with the funeral can be claimed from the money left by the deceased. However, a gathering of mourners is not considered an essential funeral cost.
Many mourners appreciate guidance about:
What to wear. Traditionally this was always black. Except for very formal funerals, grey, navy and other sombre colours are generally acceptable. Some families request that mourners wear a brighter or specific colour. Any specific funeral customs or rituals. In respect of the deceased’s faith/culture, will there be mourners from faith/ cultural traditions different from your own? Requests for memorial tributes. Many people prefer to give donations to charity instead of floral tributes. Your funeral director can pass on any donations received to the chosen charity/charities if preferred.