1 minute read
Arranging a funeral
A funeral is an opportunity to reflect on the life of the person who has died and say goodbye in a way that is right for them, their family and friends. Before making plans, it is advisable to check whether the deceased left any specific instructions or wishes. Also, if any funeral arrangements were made and paid for in advance. However, you or your loved one may have chosen not to have a funeral.
Some people prefer to arrange the funeral, burial or cremation without the use of the services of a funeral director. These are known as independent or family-organised funerals. This can only be achieved if the person arranging the funeral can provide the following for the processes involved: • Documentation for application for cremation or burial • Required specifications for the type of coffin chosen • Inscription on the coffin lid for identification • Provision of others to perform duties i.e. Celebrant, Pallbearing • Need to use the services of a funeral director to care for the body as most cremations take place 10-14 days after the death • Awareness that the cremation authority is unable to assist with planning family-organised funerals but may be able to provide advice.