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Feedback, concerns and complaints
Providing feedback, raising concerns or making a complaint
Providing feedback: We value and welcome your thoughts about your loved one’s care. Receiving feedback from families helps us to understand: • the things we are doing right and need to continue; and • the things we need to improve upon.
Raising concerns or complaints: It is very important to us that you feel able to ask questions and raise concerns regarding the care your loved one received. You can do this by informing the staff in the Bereavement Office, as they may be able to answer your concerns by reviewing the notes. If there are any serious care concerns, we will highlight these to our Learning from Deaths Lead within the Trust who will look into these further.
If you would prefer to discuss your concerns with someone not directly involved in your loved one’s care, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on:
Telephone: 01823 343536 or email: pals@somersetft.nhs.uk