1 minute read
People you might need to inform
People you might need to inform, apart from close family and friends (excluding ‘Tell Us Once’)
Priest, vicar, minister or leader of other faiths Hospital other than Musgrove Park Hospital, dentist, optician Bank, credit cards, Building Society Social Services (home help or care) or other care provider Previous place of work/ place of work (occupational pension) Executors of the Estate named in the persons Will Solicitor Insurance Companies, eg. car, home, life, caravan Residential or nursing home Landlord, housing agency Mortgage company/landlord
Done Done
Electricity, gas, telephone, water companies, internet service provider Post Office (redirect mail) Cancel any appointments (apart from Musgrove Park Hospital and GP) Day Centre transport Deliveries, for example, milkman, newspapers NHS departments for returning equipment Employer, trade union A child’s or young person’s teacher, employer or college if a close relative/friend has died