1 minute read
Donation of Tissue
Donation of Tissue
Did your loved one ever discuss wanting to help others after their death?
Tissue donation is the gift of donating tissue to transform the lives of thousands of severely injured people. There are many kinds of tissue that can be donated after death including skin, tendons, bone, heart valves and eyes. The donation needs to take place 24-48 hours after death has occurred.
Unlike organ donation, almost anyone can be considered for tissue donation. In order to make the donation as safe as possible, a specialist nurse will contact you and ask some questions regarding your loved one’s medical and lifestyle history. As many as 50 people can be helped by the donation from one person. If you would like further information, please call The National Tissue Referral Centre on pager 0800 432 0559 who will advise on referrals and provide advice regarding tissue donation. Only those tissues for which you have given permission will be donated. Thank you so much for considering tissue donation.