2 minute read

Support and advice

Many of us need help to deal with grief or feel the need for extra support. This help is available and many people gain support from seeking it. The following individuals and organisations may be useful.


• Bereavement Counselling Service: www.bcsplymouth.co.uk • Bereavement Support Network: ☎ 0808 168 9607 or www.bereavementsupport.co.uk • Cruse: ☎ 0300 330 5466 for help with emotional and practical problems • Jeramiah’s Journey: ☎ 01752 424348 Support for bereaved children and their families • Mustard Tree: ☎ 01752 430060 Counselling for those bereaved through cancer • Samaritans ☎ 116 123

• St Lukes Hospice: www.stlukes-hospice.org.uk/bereaved-relatives-web-1/


• Probate Registry ☎ 0300 123 1072


Grief is a very individual process. Each of us reacts differently so please don’t worry if your grief doesn’t follow a general pattern. It is a time consuming, exhausting and isolating experience. But it can help to remember that millions of people have survived grief and in time you will too.

If someone you know has died, the amount of unwanted marketing post being sent to them can be greatly reduced which helps to stop painful daily reminders.

By registering with the free service www.stopmail.co.uk the names and addresses of the deceased are removed from mailing lists, stopping most advertising mail within as little as six weeks. If you cannot access the internet you can call 0808 168 9607, where you will be asked for very simple information that will take only a few minutes to complete. Alternatively, ask the Medical Examiner team for a leaflet that can be returned in the post.

This free of charge service provided by the Bereavement Support Network will actively reduce the unwanted marketing mail but also can help reduce the likelihood of identity theft following the death of someone close. The information is not used for any other purpose and you only have to complete this once. Additionally to Stop Mail a comparable service can also be accessed from the Bereavement Register or Deceased Preference Service if you would prefer to use them.

If at this difficult time you feel able to consider tissue donation, it may be helpful to know that:

• Heart valves and eyes (corneas) can be donated up to 24-48 hours following death • Agreeing to tissue donation is not expected - it is an option

However, you may be contacted by a donor transplant co-ordinator if your relative was on the Organ Donor

Register • The family can consent on behalf of the patient • It is not necessary to have a Donor Card.

The decision to donate is of course very personal, so if you want to discuss this further, please speak to the ward staff or contact the on-call transplant co-ordinator via the switchboard ☎ 01752 202082.

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