1 minute read

Giving to Queen Mary’s Hospital

A gift in memory

Making a donation to The Friends of Queen Mary’s Hospital Charity is a valuable and positive way to remember a loved one. Funds can be designated to support a ward, department or area of the hospital’s work that has special significance and you will be leaving a lasting tribute.

Our Charity exists to:

• Enhance the physical environment of the hospital for patients, staff and visitors • “Meet & Greet” service • Patient outings, activities and entertainment

To find out more:

• Call us on 0208 487 6798/6315 • Email us at friends.qmh@stgeorges.nhs.uk

The Secretary, The Friends of Queen Mary’s Hospital. Roehanptin Lane London, SW15 5PN www.friendsqmh.com Registered Charity No: 266438

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