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Other Places to get help and advice
Other places to get help and advice
Healthwatch are the independent local champions of health and social care. They make sure that health services, and those that commission and run the services, put people at the heart of care. They exist to understand the needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf to improve local services.
They can answer questions about local NHS and care services and link you to the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) supporting those making a complaint about a NHS service. They focus on ensuring that people’s worries and concerns about current services are addressed to get services right for the future.
Contact Healthwatch Rotherham here: healthwatchrotherham.org.uk/ contact-us
Public Panel Events
We hold regular events for you to come and discuss different topics. Find out what we have on here: www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/Get_Involved/ Public_Panel