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Become a member
Join us as a member
The NHS belongs to all of us, and being a member of The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust gives you the opportunity to have a say in how it is run. We need your ideas, comments, enthusiasm and experience. As a member one of the most important things you will do is elect new Governors.
As well as voting for Governors you can, if you so wish, stand for election to the Council of Governors yourself. By voting or standing for the Council of Governors you can have a direct influence over the direction of the Trust.
You will also receive regular email updates about Trust news, meetings and events and be given the opportunity to provide your feedback about service developments.
Membership is FREE and you can have as little or as much involvement with the Trust as you like. If you’d like to discuss membership, please contact us using the details on the right.
How do I become a Member?
The easiest way is to apply online at: www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/ WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=2147484266
You will be taken to an electronic version of our printed application form which can be emailed back to us.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to complete a printed membership application form, they may be obtained from a number of locations in the hospital, including the Health Information Area on C Level.