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How Can You Help Yourself?
How Can You Help Yourself?
Your Friends As well as feeling grieved and sad, you may also feel guilt, panic, fear, self-pity and anger, even at the deceased. If you do feel these emotions, you may feel you should hide them. It would be better to find someone with whom you can share these feelings openly and honestly. You may also find yourself feeling hurt and convinced your friends are avoiding you. Unfortunately, they may not know what to say or how to approach you, so, they may need some help from you. Go to them and show them you want to be open with them. Your Health You may also feel mentally tired, physically run down, and find it difficult to sleep or eat and so on. Again, these physical symptoms are not uncommon. However, if they carry on, please make an appointment to see your doctor. Your doctor may also be able to help you if you have unanswered questions about the death of the person you loved.
The Future Don’t make any hasty decisions about the future. It can sometimes be very tempting to feel that life would be more bearable if you could move house, quickly dispose of possessions or refuse to see people. This only makes things worse in the long run. Though painful, these emotions are better faced head on, rather than swept under the carpet. Remember, grief is a very individual process and each of us reacts differently. Don’t feel that you are abnormal if your grief doesn’t seem to follow the general pattern. If you want to cry, cry. If you can’t, don’t worry about it. Equally, if you want to laugh, then laugh.