1 minute read
5. Tissue donation
Most people can be considered for tissue donation after death but there is only a short period of time for this to happen. All adults in England will be considered to have agreed to be a donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate. You still have a choice about whether or not you wish the deceased person to become a donor.
Following a death, staff at the hospital will check the Organ Donor Register to see if the deceased had made a decision regarding donation.
If you wish to consider donation, eyes for corneal transplant may be donated up to 24 hours after death. Donation will not delay funeral plans or alter the appearance of the deceased.
Each donation can help at least two people to see again and sometimes more. Some people find that donating tissue for transplant can help the grieving process.
If you would like to discuss this further or find out more please contact any one of the following: • The Exeter Tissue Donation Team on 01392 406255 • The Bereavement Team on 01392 402349 • The Mortuary Team on 01392 403060 • The NHS Blood and Transplant Service 0800 432 0559 • A doctor or nurse involved in the care of your relative