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Sorting out the will
6. Sorting out the will.
Ideally, there will have been a will made and you will know where it is. Often a copy is left with a solicitor or bank, and you should contact them for it. There will be an ‘Executor’ to deal with the ‘estate’ (money, belongings, property). If the person did not name an executor, the court will appoint someone (usually someone named in the will) to administer the will.
If a person dies without making a will, this is called ‘intestate’, and you or a solicitor will need to follow certain procedures. More information is available online at www.gov.uk/applying-for-probate
If you are an executor and entitled to deal with someone’s estate, you will have to apply for legal permission to do so from the Probate Registry (called probate). This may also involve sorting out any Inheritance Tax due: www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax Contact: Probate & Inheritance Tax helpline Tel: 0300 123 1072 www.gov.uk/applying-for-probate You may choose to deal with probate yourself if the estate is relatively straightforward, or you can use a solicitor to help you. Should you find it helpful to take advice from a solicitor, you can usually have a short consultation after which you can then decide if you will need further help. The whole process of going through probate will take several weeks. The probate office for the Lancaster area is in Liverpool (0151 236 8264) and for Cumbria is in Carlisle (01228 521 751).