St Michael's Hospice, Hastings

Page 10

When someone has died
What you need to do and who can help

A message from your local

Bereavement Services

We would like to express our deepest condolences to you, your family and friends during this very sad time. We understand that the time ahead may be difficult and painful for you, and we would like to support you through this time. This booklet has been provided to try and help you deal with some of the practical and emotional aspects of when someone close to us has died.

What to do when someone dies

Following the death of someone there are many practical jobs to be done and it may be useful to have the help of a family member or friend. There are a lot of arrangements to be made and it can be difficult for you to retain information during this emotional time.

We hope that you find this booklet helpful during this difficult time.

“Grief isn’t a state but a process it keeps on changing – like a winding road with quite a new landscape at each bend” C S Lewis

Guidance Following Bereavement –the Medical Examiner Service

We would like to express our deepest condolences to you at this very difficult time. The following information is to provide you with guidance through the next practical steps after your recent bereavement.

St Michael’s Hospice, alongside East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and NHS England and Improvement, has implemented the Medical Examiner Service which is being rolled out throughout England and Wales in line with government guidance.

What is the Medical Examiner Service?

The Medical Examiner Service is a multi-disciplinary team who are completely independent from the doctors that were involved in the care of your relative/friend. They will review the medical notes, confirm the cause of death, and refer to the Coroner if necessary. An important part of the Medical Examiner Service is to provide you with an opportunity to discuss any comments, concerns or complaints you may have around the care and death of your relative/friend. This includes any questions there may be about the cause of death and feeding back concerns or comments to relevant parties including the Hospice.

What happens next:

1. The Medical Examiner’s Office will contact you to discuss the death of your relative/friend. The team will be able to go through the next steps with you.

If you have any questions, please speak to the hospice staff (01424 456611) or contact the Medical Examiner’s Office on 0300 131 4892, or via email on

2. You will also need to arrange an appointment to register the death in person at the Register Office either online at or by calling 0345 608 0198.

The Medical Examiner’s Officer will email the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death to the Register Office and will advise you when to book the appointment. Deaths need to be registered within 5 working days unless advised by the Medical Examiner’s Office.

What to do first

1. Obtaining the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death

Following the death of someone we have a strong connection to in the Hospice, the Hospice doctor will issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death and forward to the Registrar.

When someone significant in our lives has died at home the GP will issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. This will be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office. Should you wish to discuss anything at all with the Hospice staff that were involved in your relative’s care at any point following their death, you are most welcome to make an appointment with the nursing team or arrange to speak with your GP.

2. Registering the death

You will need to make an appointment at the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible to register the death formally. This is a legal document and would ideally be registered within 5 days of death.

Hastings Registration Office, Town Hall, Queens Road, Hastings TN34 1QR

Phone: 0345 608 0198


The core opening hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Please contact them to make an appointment prior to any visit.

Families can book an appointment to register a death online at: book-an-appointment

For more detailed information on the registration of a death please go to the website:

Who to inform about the death

There are various people who need to be informed of the death and it may be useful to use these checklists to guide you:

People to inform

DWP – benefits or pension stopped

0800 731 0469


Inland Revenue (HMRC)

Banks/Building Societies/ Credit Card Companies

Local Tax Scheme

Insurance Life insurance

Companies: Car insurance

Property insurance

Mortgage company/Land Registry

Housing Association/Landlord

Social Services – if involved

Family Doctor

Relevant Hospital Doctors

Utility providers – gas, water etc.

School/College – if applicable

National Savings and Investments

Store cards

Telephone company inc mobile


Union/Professional organisations

If already a grave owner notify HBC of any changes

Contacted Completed

Things to cancel Contacted

Care/household service: home help, meals on wheels, cleaner etc

Appointments: Hospital appointments, dentist, optician etc


Redirect mail if required

Milk if delivered

Magazine subscriptions

To stop junk mail, visit or ask for a leaflet from the Hospice team.

Items to return

Medicines back to pharmacy

Driving licence returned to DVLA

Library books

Any equipment borrowed from Hospital or Social Services – commode, walking sticks etc

Passport returned to passport agency

Season tickets/ concessionary travel documents –bus pass to relevant company

Disabled parking (Blue Badge) to ESCC

Car insurance certificate

Car registration documents – for change of ownership


Solicitors, Wills and legal matters

When a Will is in place

The Will may include funeral wishes, wishes regarding the deceased’s estate and the name of the executor/s or the person/s legally entitled to deal with the estate according to the wishes in the Will. If the Will is with a solicitor, they should be informed; they may be the named executor. Named executors can administer the person’s estate on their own (information on how to do this can be found online at or they may prefer to obtain the help of a solicitor to carry this out.

When there is no Will in place

When someone dies without having made a Will, they are said to have died ‘intestate’ and different rules therefore apply. When this happens, the law sets out who should deal with the person’s affairs and who benefits. This can be a complex situation and can take some time.

Further information can be found online at or through the Bereavement Support Network ( or telephone 0333 240 0343) who can assist with any queries you may have or you can involve a solicitor to help you through the process.


Depending on the deceased person’s estate, probate may be required; this can take time.

You can apply for probate yourself or ask a solicitor to apply for you. Solicitors fees vary, so it may be beneficial to get a few quotes before deciding on a solicitor.

The costs of dealing with the estate are usually paid from the estate. The Bereavement Support Network (see above) can also help and advise with regard to probate (for specific legal advice this may incur a fee).

Arranging a funeral

There is no legal requirement to use a firm of funeral directors, however many people find it helpful to appoint someone to take care of all the necessary arrangements.

Choosing a funeral director

You may already know which funeral director you would like to use.

Funeral directors can charge different amounts for the same services; therefore, it is advisable to get more than one quotation to compare prices. A good funeral director will give you a detailed list of charges, with an explanation of each item; this will help you make your final decision.

Once you have chosen a funeral director, make sure you:

• get a written quotation giving details of all costs you will be charged

• ask about fees paid by the funeral director to others on your behalf (disbursements) e.g. statutory cremation certificate, service at crematorium, faith leader or officiant fee and newspaper announcements.

You may need to sign a contract with the funeral director. Please make sure you read it carefully and ask the funeral director about anything you do not understand.

(Refer also to the section on Funeral Payments and Bereavement Benefits).

Direct Cremation

In recent years, the option of a “Direct Cremation” has become a popular choice for families. This is an unattended cremation, meaning that someone who has died is taken from their place of death, cremated without any funeral service and with no mourners in attendance. The ashes can be returned to their next of kin, if requested. For more information, please ask your funeral director about this option.

Funeral directors’ trade associations - funeral directors are not regulated or licensed but most are members of one of two trade associations:

• National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD)

Helpline: 0121 711 1343


Office hours 9.00am to 5.00pm - Monday to Friday

• Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF)

Helpline: 0345 230 6777


Office hours 9.00am to 5.00pm - Monday to Friday

Members of these trade associations must provide you with a price list on request. They cannot charge you more than their written estimate unless you give them permission. It is not always clear from their advertisements if a funeral director is independent or part of a group, so ask the funeral director before you go ahead. It is most important that the family selects the funeral that suits their wishes and circumstances.

The average cost of a funeral in 2024 was £4,141*

There are many resources on the internet to help you plan a meaningful ceremony:

*Sun Life

Financial support for the bereaved

If you have a low income and are worried about paying for a funeral, the following sources of support may be helpful:

1. Funeral payment from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

You can claim by telephone to the Bereavement Service Helpline 0800 731 0469 (Choose option 2) Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm (free from mobiles and landlines) or by post. You will need to download a claim form from the website above and send it to the address on the form.

As of January 2018, to get the Funeral Expenses Payment you must:

- get certain benefits or tax credits

- meet the rules on your relationship with the deceased person

- be arranging a funeral in the UK, the European Economic Union or Switzerland.

You have 3 months from the date of the funeral to make a claim. If you are awarded a payment, it won’t cover the whole funeral bill. As such, depending on where you live, you might have to pay up to a third of the cost of a simple funeral.

You will usually have to pay the DWP back from any money you get from the person’s estate such as savings.

2. Bereavement Support Payment from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

You may be able to receive this if your wife, husband or civil partner:

- paid National Insurance contributions for at least 25 weeks - died because of an accident at work or a disease caused by work

When they died you must have been: - under State Pension age - living in the UK.

You must claim within 3 months of the death to receive the full amount.

You can apply using a downloadable form or by telephone to the Bereavement Service Helpline 0800 731 0469 (Choose option 2)

You may be able to access charitable support to help towards funeral costs. The social worker at St Michael’s Hospice can advise you about this.

You may find it helpful to contact the following for free impartial advice:

Money Helper at or 0800 011 3797

The Quaker Social Action’s Down to Earth service down-earth or 0208 983 5030


The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have created a dedicated telephone helpline, an address box and a new form for people who need to contact them about PAYE and Self Assessment matters relating to bereavement.

When you call the HMRC, an automated message starts, select option 2, then option 4 to speak to an advisor on the Bereavement Helpline.

• Telephone Helpline 0300 200 3300

Office Hours: 8.00am to 8.00pm - Monday to Friday

8.00am to 4.00pm – Saturday

9.00am to 5.00pm – Sunday

• For anyone who is deaf or has a hearing or speech impairment

Telephone 0300 200 3319 (Textphone)

If you need to write to HMRC about income tax and bereavement, such as form R27 (reclaiming tax or paying tax when someone dies), self assessment tax return and any other correspondence relating to bereavement for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and Self Assessment, write to the address below.

HM Revenue & Customs Pay As You Earn & Self Assessment

PO Box 4000

Cardiff, CF14 8HR

Bereavement, loss and grief

Bereavement, loss and grief - there are so many different words for it but can anyone really explain what it is or what the experience will mean to you or how long it will last?

Grief is normal, it is not an illness – there is no right or wrong way, there is no set time or scale to the process of grieving.

It is a natural response to death and you may go through several stages before you can come to terms with what has happened.

The experience of grief involves a range of feelings: numbness, disbelief, anger, guilt, sadness, emptiness, relief and denial, a mixture of emotions that may make you wonder if you are going mad or will ever be able to enjoy life again. This is a perfectly normal reaction to the range of emotions involved.

It is particularly acute immediately after a death, even when it is expected; the shock of death can be highly emotional. It can dominate your thoughts to the exclusion of everything else for several days, weeks or months.

A death will always be something that everyone copes with differently; some people can return to everyday life in a fairly uncomplicated way, while others need more help.

Most people find the help of their family, friends and neighbours is enough to support them through the experience of bereavement. It may also be of help to talk to someone outside of your family and friends.

Where to go for bereavement support

If after a while you are concerned that you are still not coping, make an appointment to see your GP. They will check that there is no physical cause for the way you are feeling and if necessary refer you to a grief support service that can provide free or low cost grief counselling.

A counsellor can offer you a safe place where you can talk about your emotions without feeling judged or being told to “pull yourself together”.

Looking after yourself when you are grieving is so important. While you are going through the pain, it is difficult to believe that you will ever cope with life again but, in time, your grief will ease and gradually life will become more bearable.

See ‘Where to find further information’ on page 20 of this booklet.


It is important to tell children that the person they loved has died and will not be coming back. Children appreciate direct, simple and truthful explanations even though we want to shield them from pain and distress. Allow them to make up their own minds about such things as whether they attend the funeral or not and visiting the grave, but be sure to explain in advance what is going to happen.

With your love, patience and support, children will work through their grief and adjust to life without their loved ones.

Details of organisations who work with bereaved children can be found on page 25.

What support do we offer?

St Michael’s Hospice offers bereavement support to anyone, aged 18 and over, who are living within Hastings and Rother and are struggling to cope with the bereavement of someone significant to them, regardless of how and when they experienced the loss.

Counselling support

A confidential Counselling Support Service offering up to 12 individual one-to-one weekly sessions, daytime, early evening and Saturday mornings with trained Bereavement Supporters and Counsellors. Please be aware that there is a waiting list for this service.

R.I.S.E (Resilience with Inspirational Support and Empathy) Therapy Groups

Our R.I.S.E. Bereavement Therapy Groups run for up to eight weeks, with up to a maximum of 12 participants, although some groups have lower numbers attending. Our R.I.S.E. Groups are facilitated by trained bereavement counsellors, some having specific themes providing an opportunity to share experiences of loss with others. The groups run at various times, day and early evening.

GRoWS (Grief Recovery with Support) Social Support Groups

Grieving can sometimes feel lonely, with a feeling that those around us don’t understand. GRoWS is a social support group, bringing people together that might otherwise have limited support. GRoWS is held on varying weekdays and weekends. Join other people who are bereaved, for a coffee and a chat at our GRoWS Social Group.

Walk and Talk Group

In partnership with the Healthy Walks project, we offer a Walk and Talk Group every Friday, to meet and share your experiences with other people who are bereaved and benefit from fresh air and a leisurely walk. Our walk takes place in the lovely surroundings of Alexandra Park in Hastings.

Call back service

Available by request, either by calling 01424 456361, by emailing or completing an online request form on our website. You will receive a call back from one of our counsellors, where they will be able to provide emotional support and give practical advice where appropriate. No previous contact with the Hospice is necessary to access this support. The call back service is managed Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm.

Activity Groups

The activity groups we currently offer include a weekly writing group called Write Out Loud. This group meets on Thursday mornings; we provide a welcoming space to write, chat and creatively express thoughts and feelings around loss.

We also offer the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve Group; with courses that run for 6 or 7 consecutive weeks and operate in partnership with Sussex Wildlife Trust. As a responsive support service, other activity groups may become available, for more information please direct enquiries to the bereavement team.

Bereavement employees and volunteers

Our Bereavement Support Service is supported by employee qualified counsellors, volunteer qualified counsellors, volunteer counsellors in training and volunteer bereavement supporters.

Our Bereavement team all follow a comprehensive training programme that focuses on the effect bereavement and loss can have on our lives. All bereavement employees and volunteers receive regular supervision to maintain a high standard of work.

How do I get a referral?

Anyone can access this service by calling 01424 456607 or by emailing We also take referrals from medical professionals, Hospice staff, mental health services and social services either by phone, letter or by referral form at

You will be required to attend an assessment before accessing our bereavement counselling, therapy and bereavement support groups. Our support is available to adults living in Hastings and Rother.

An initial meeting with one of our bereavement counsellors will take place either in person or over the phone. This will be an opportunity for you to talk about the impact of your loss and for us to explain the support we are able to provide.

After this meeting, if you wish to go ahead with support then you will be placed on our waiting list. We aim to start your support at the earliest opportunity, but this is dependent on your availability and that of the service at the time. Please be aware that waiting times can vary.

Cost of our Bereavement Service

There is no charge for any of the services we offer at the Hospice. However, donations are welcome as all our services are largely funded through voluntary donations, legacies and fundraising activities. To find out more visit or call 01424 456396. For more information about the Hospice’s Bereavement Support Services, call 01424 456361, email, or find out more about our services on our website



St Michael’s Hospice Bereavement Service

25 Upper Maze Hill, St Leonards on Sea East Sussex TN38 0LB 01424 445177




(Grief Recovery With Support)

Contact details as above

St Michael’s Hospice Walk and Talk Group

In partnership with the Healthy Walks project at The Conservation Volunteer

Contact details as above

Age UK

0800 055 6112

8.00am to 7.00pm


Bereavement Support Network 0333 240 0343



Offers one to one and group bereavement support/counselling for anyone living in the Hastings and Rother area. No previous link to the Hospice is necessary to access this support.

BRAKE – The Road Safety Charity

Switchboard 01484 559909

Victim Helpline 0808 8000 401

A bereavement social support group offered at St Michael’s Hospice giving people the opportunity to meet with others who have also suffered a loss over a cuppa. Meets monthly at the Hospice.

An opportunity to meet with others who are bereaved and benefit from fresh air and a leisurely walk. Meets twice a month.

Age UK’s website offers fact sheets in relation to the loss of a loved one.

Free helpline and web-based information service with practical information and advice on the many issues and procedures that face us after the death of someone close.

Freephone helpline providing confidential support, advocacy and emotional support.


Hastings & Rother (1066)

Citizens Advice Bureau

Advice and Community Hub

Renaissance House

London Road

St Leonards-on-Sea TN37 6AN

Advice Line 0344 411 1444


Cruse Bereavement Care

East Sussex (for Hastings & Rother): 01323 642942 (plus out of hours


National Helpline: 0808 808 1677



Department for Work and Pensions


The Bereavement Service

Telephone (English): 0800 731 0469Listen - Press any key and then press 2 for bereavement

Monday to Friday - 8.00am to 6.00pm


Dying Matters



Advice centre offering free, confidential and independent advice face to face or by telephone Mon – Fri 9.00am till 4.00pm.

The website has an excellent range of information on a wide variety of subjects.

Provides counselling, information and practical support to anyone who has been bereaved via one-to-one support.

Hastings Advice & Representation Centre (HARC).

The Advice and Community Hub Renaissance House, London Road, St Leonards on Sea, TN37 6AN


Welfare Benefits Helpline: 0333 344 0681 is a Government website that contains a wide range of services and practical information on what to do after death in England and Wales, including any benefits, your eligibility and how to claim. Refer to DWP booklet ‘What to do after a death in England and Wales’ (ref DWP1027 - June 2013).

A coalition led by the National Council for Palliative Care encouraging people to talk about death and dying. Website links to a wide range of available resources in various formats.

Provides free confidential advice, information and representation to over 10,000 people in a typical year, raising over three million pounds in unclaimed benefits.


Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service

Helpline: 020 8951 3881




A dedicated Jewish bereavement counselling service for adults and children individually, families, couples and groups. Supporting people affected by loss, including suicide, disaster, holocaust issues, sudden infant death, miscarriages, stillbirth and abortion.

London Friend

LGBT health & wellbeing

National Helpline – 0207 833 1674

Hastings & Rother Rainbow Alliance (HRRA) Bereavement Support Group



Macmillan Cancer Support

Support Line 0808 808 0000

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 8.00pm


National Debtline

Tel: 0808 808 4000

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 8.00pm

Saturday 9.30am to 1.00pm


The project offers a telephone support and advice service for lesbians and gay men bereaved by the death of a partner, or otherwise affected by bereavement. The helpline is run by trained volunteers. There is also a bereavement support group providing a safe space for LGBT people who have lost their partners.

An organisation that is working to support the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) in Hastings and Rother.

If someone close to you dies from cancer, Macmillan can help you cope with grief, get you all the practical information you need and, when you’re ready, offer ways to celebrate the life of your loved one.

A free, confidential, debt advice service for people in England, Wales and Scotland, run by the charity Money Advice Trust. Telephone/Webchat advice and online guides, fact sheets, budget tools and sample letters.



National Helpline – 0845 4500 355




Roadpeace provides emotional and practical support to those bereaved or injured in a road crash. They are a member based charity for road crash victims in the UK, and also have local support groups.

Sakoon Islamic Counselling

Telephone: 07943 561561



National Helpline – 116 123

Available 24 hours every day

Deaf or hard of hearing use the single Minicom Telephone - 08457 90 91 92



Write to: Freepost

RSRB-KKBY-CYJK, PO Box 9090, Stirling, FK8 2SA

The Silver Line

0800 4 70 80 90



Support for Survivors of Suicide in East Sussex (Counselling Partnership)



Tel: 01273 519108

Monthly drop in - 4th Monday of the month

Charter Centre, London Road, Bexhill on Sea 2pm-3.30pm

Provides an Islamic perspective in counselling (including bereavement).

A confidential emotional support service available to anyone in a crisis. The local helplines are as listed: Hastings & Rother Samaritans 0330 094 5717

Email: 26 St Andrews Square Hastings, TN34 1SR Drop in available from 9.30am to 9.30pm except Thursdays and Sundays.

The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

A confidential service for individuals affected by suicide. If you are currently suicidal, have attempted suicide recently or have been bereaved by suicide, they can support you.


Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)

National Helpline: 0300 111 5065

9.00am to 9.00pm every day

Support email:


The Natural Death Centre

Independent Funeral Advice

National Helpline: 01962 712 690

24hour answerphone




SOBS aims to provide a safe, confidential environment in which people bereaved by suicide can share their experiences and feelings.

The WAY (Widowed and Young) Foundation



The Natural Death Centre has been established for 21 years and is a social, entrepreneurial, educational charity that gives free, impartial advice on all aspects of dying, bereavement, planning a family led or do it yourself funeral and consumer rights. Read ‘The Natural Death’ Handbook.

WAY supports young widowed men and women (aged 50 and under) as they adjust to life after the death of their partner – whether that was a month, a year, or ten years ago.





Child Bereavement UK

Telephone: 0800 02 888 40



The Child Death Helpline

Tel: 0800 282986

or if ringing from a mobile 0808 800 6019

Monday to Friday 10.00am to 1.00pm

Tuesday, Wednesday 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Every evening 7.00pm to 10.00pm


The Compassionate Friends (TCF)

National Helpline: 0345 123 2304

Available for support and information

9.30am to 4.30pm Monday - Friday. The line is always answered by a bereaved parent.



Cruse Bereavement Care – Hope Again

National Helpline 0808 808 1677

Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm



Dragonflies Children and Young

People Bereavement Project

The Robsack Centre

Bodiam Drive, St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex. TN38 9TW

Contact Francesca Hamilton (Manager)

Tel: 01424 855222 ext 206

Mobile 07776 175159



Child Bereavement UK is a national organisation that supports families when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

Freephone confidential helpline open every day of the year for anyone affected by the death of a child.

TCF is a charitable organisation of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of those who have suffered the death of a child/children.

Hope Again is a website developed by Cruse Bereavement Care’s Youth Involvement Project which aims to support young people after the death of someone close to them.

A free bereavement service supporting children, young people and their families.




Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH)

Monday - Sunday 4.00pm to 10.00pm

Freephone from all UK landlines0808 808 2008



Grief Encounter Project

Tel: 0808 802 0111


Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm


Miscarriage Association

2 Otters Holt, Wakefield, WF4 3QE

Telephone Helpline: 01924 200799

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm



Local SANDS group


Telephone: 0749 371 6124


(Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity)

National Helpline: 0808 164 3332

Monday to Friday – 9.30am – 5.30pm and Tuesday and Thursday evening – 6.00pm – 10.00pm




Faith and culturally sensitive support by phone or email.

Offers support and information to bereaved children and families.

A registered charity providing support and information for anyone affected by pregnancy loss.

SANDS is an organisation that can offer you practical help or emotional support when your baby has died before, during or shortly after birth. The helpline team are there to listen and give support. They can advise you about finding local help, whether from a SANDS group or other counselling services, and have information about other relevant support organisations.



Winston’s Wish


National Helpline: 0808 802 0021

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm, General enquiries: 01273 805035



Various places in the community for meetings including Hastings.


Charity offering practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals.

The organisations listed in this booklet may be of some help to you in your loss. We apologise for any address or telephone number changes which may occur after printing and any changes to services thereafter.

For comments and feedback regarding this publication please contact:

Bereavement Support Service

St Michael’s Hospice

25 Upper Maze Hill St Leonards on Sea East Sussex TN38 0LB 01424 456361

Ref: St Michael’s Hospice Bereavement Book

Publication Date: July 2024 Review Date: July 2026

We wish to thank the advertisers and sponsors, without whom this publication would not have been possible.

However the hospice does not endorse or have a connection with any of the advertisers or promotions by the advertisers listed in this publication.

The Hospice would like to thank RNS Publications for publishing this information and the following pages contain some features from services o ering their help at this time.

Whilst the Hospice is grateful of their support it does not endorse or recommend any of the services that they provide.


It is distressing to deal with a bereavement and unsolicited mail can be insensitive and destructive during a grieving process.

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Other benefits reduce the possibility of identity fraud, such as assumed identity and you will only have to supply the information once.

This publication has been jointly developed between ourselves and the hospice. We hope that it has been or will be of help at this time and we welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have.

Please contact us either by phone, email or by post.

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