A charming A charming && irresistible irresistible collection collection o� o� luxury luxury homes homes Realise Realise your dream your dream of country of country life at life Aythorpe at Aythorpe Grange, Grange, Crest Nicholson’s Crest Nicholson’s delightful delightful collection collection of justof eleven just eleven homes homes including including nine highly nine highly specified specified irresistible, irresistible, detached detached 5 bedroom 5 bedroom executive executive homes homes at Keers at Keers Green,Green, in thein village the village of Aythorpe of Aythorpe Roding. Roding. The surrounding The surrounding scenescene is timeless is timeless and soothing. and soothing. Medieval Medieval thatched thatched cottages, cottages, farmhouses farmhouses and rolling and rolling countryside, countryside, while while villagevillage life revolves life revolves gentlygently around around the pub, thechurch, pub, church, villagevillage hall and hallcricket and cricket club. Your club.ideal Your ideal rural retreat rural retreat awaitsawaits you atyou Aythorpe at Aythorpe Grange. Grange.
Illustration of Illustration AythorpeofGrange Aythorpe Grange
Enjoy Enjoythe thecharmed charmedlife life atatAythorpe AythorpeGrange Grange At Aythorpe At Aythorpe Grange Grange you will you be willable be able The charmed The charmed life need life need not be notan be an to partake to partake in country in country life whilst life whilst livingliving unconnected unconnected life, however. life, however. Despite Despite in the in most the most luxurious luxurious surroundings, surroundings, in in its rural its rural setting, setting, Aythorpe Aythorpe Grange Grange is is one one of Crest of Crest Nicholson’s Nicholson’s meticulously meticulously ideally ideally situated situated for the for larger the larger towns towns of of designed designed and and impressively impressively specified specified Great Great Dunmow Dunmow and and Bishop’s Bishop’s Stortford, Stortford, properties. properties. The development The development is located is locatedas well as well as the as M11 the motorway. M11 motorway. London London at Keers at Keers Green Green in Aythorpe in Aythorpe Roding, Roding, commuters commuters can travel can travel fromfrom nearby nearby one one of the of eight, the eight, highly highly sought sought afterafter Chelmsford Chelmsford station, station, which which provides provides a a ‘Rodings’ ‘Rodings’ villages. villages. The local The local shop,shop, 39 minute 39 minute service* service* to Liverpool to Liverpool Street. Street. primary primary school school and and popular popular Axe Axe and and Stansted Stansted airport airport is also is also within within easyeasy Compasses Compasses public public house house can all canbe all be reach reach for access for access to a host to a host of destinations of destinations reached reached in a few in a minutes’ few minutes’ drive.drive. for both for both business business or pleasure. or pleasure. Above Above all, these all, these are new are new homes, homes, a rare a rare commodity commodity in country in country areas, areas, affording affording all ofall life’s of life’s modern modern comforts comforts within within traditionally-inspired traditionally-inspired exteriors. exteriors.
*Train *Train time taken time taken from National from National Rail Enquiries. Rail Enquiries.
IllustrationIllustration of Seymour of House Seymour House
Where Where oldold andand new new combine combine WhyWhy buy buy new? new? TakeTake one one looklook at at Aythorpe Aythorpe Grange, Grange, and and we know we know you you will will be convinced. be convinced.
The architecture The architecture of the nine, of the 5 bedroom nine, 5 bedroom You won’t Youhave won’t tohave live with to live someone with someone detached detached homes homes shows ashows clear a clear else’s decorative else’s decorative schemes; schemes; instead,instead, allegiance allegiance to the Essex to thevernacular Essex vernacular style. style. Crest Nicholson Crest Nicholson has selected has selected the the Note the Note magnificent the magnificent tall chimneys, tall chimneys, tasteful,tasteful, neutralneutral shades shades that arethat popular are popular traditional traditional weatherboard weatherboard cladding, cladding, with homebuyers. with homebuyers. rendering rendering and steeply and steeply pitchedpitched roofs. roofs. This is aThis development is a development that appears that appears There will There be no willunpleasant be no unpleasant surprises surprises comfortably comfortably at home atin home its countryside in its countryside in the form in the ofform structural of structural defects,defects, or or surroundings. surroundings. Naturally, Naturally, your home your home plumbing plumbing and heating and heating failures,failures, your your in Aythorpe in Aythorpe GrangeGrange benefitsbenefits from from home ishome built to is built stringent to stringent standards standards all the advantages all the advantages of a pristine of a pristine new new and bears andabears 10 year a 10 NHBC Warranty. year NHBC Warranty. property. property. Crest Nicholson Crest Nicholson has been has been building building homes homes for overfor 50over years, 50and years, and Furthermore, Furthermore, Crest Nicholson’s Crest Nicholson’s understands understands what really whatappeals really appeals to to Customer Customer CharterCharter sets outsets theout verythe very discerning discerning homebuyers. homebuyers. high levels highoflevels customer of customer care provided care provided throughout throughout the purchasing the purchasing process,process, These new These homes new homes are designed are designed with withand theand After the Sales AfterService Sales Service gives you gives you modernmodern lifestyles lifestyles in mindinwith mind energy with energy complete complete peace of peace mindoffor mind twofor years two years efficiencies efficiencies such assuch highas levels highoflevels of after you after move youin. move in. insulation insulation and double and double glazingglazing all builtall built in. The heating in. The heating and hotand water hotsystem water system is brandisnew, brand highly new,sustainable highly sustainable and and designed designed to reduce to reduce your running your running costs. costs. You willYou enjoy willa enjoy stylisha fitted stylishkitchen fitted kitchen ready-equipped ready-equipped with the with latest theenergylatest energysaving appliances, saving appliances, and beautiful and beautiful white white bathrooms bathrooms and en and suites enthat suites you that andyou and your family yourwill family be the will first be the to use. first to use.
OfOfthe thehighest highest calibre calibre OnlyOnly the best the best in materials, in materials, finishes finishes and and appliances appliances havehave been been selected, selected, based based on our on 50 ouryears’ 50 years’ experience experience in in creating creating beautiful, beautiful, highhigh quality quality living living environments. environments. These These are the are details the details that that make make youryour home home work, work, and and make make it welcoming it welcoming and and luxurious luxurious to live to in. live in.
TheThe kitchen kitchen MostMost people people would would concur concur that that the kitchen the kitchen is the is heart the heart and and soul soul of home of home life today, life today, and and withwith this in this in mind, mind, CrestCrest Nicholson Nicholson has created has created kitchens kitchens of the of highest the highest calibre calibre at at Aythorpe Aythorpe Grange, Grange, withwith a custom a custom designed designed collection collection of Commodore of Commodore fitted fitted unitsunits finished finished in Vavey in Vavey LaveLave Tortana Tortana withwith VitroVitro darkdark greygrey glass. glass. Under-cabinet Under-cabinet LED LED lighting lighting and and white white stone stone workwork surfaces surfaces and and upstands upstands complete complete the luxurious the luxurious contemporary contemporary look.look.
Kitchen Kitchen appliances appliances The The kitchen kitchen is fully is fully equipped equipped withwith a range a range of high of high quality quality Smeg Smeg appliances. appliances. TheyThey include include two two mirror mirror fronted fronted electric electric ovens, ovens, an integrated an integrated microwave/steam microwave/steam oven, oven, integrated integrated dishwasher dishwasher and and a fivea ring five ring induction induction hob.hob. The The free-standing free-standing AmericanAmericanstylestyle fridge fridge freezer freezer is perfect is perfect for for coping coping withwith family-sized family-sized foodfood storage. storage. Pull-out Pull-out recycling recycling binsbins enable enable you to you to sort sort kitchen kitchen waste waste efficiently efficiently and and you you havehave a 1½ abowl 1½ bowl stainless stainless steelsteel sink sink withwith Hansgrohe Hansgrohe taps.taps. In the In utility the utility room room is space is space for afor washing a washing machine machine and and a tumble a tumble dryer. dryer.
Bathrooms Bathrooms andand en suites en suites Bathrooms Bathrooms and and en suites en suites are are beautifully beautifully configured configured withwith white white RocaRoca ‘Gap’‘Gap’ range range sanitaryware sanitaryware and and include include a double a double ended ended bath,bath, wash wash basin basin and and wall wall hung hung WC with WC with concealed concealed cistern. cistern. All All are complemented are complemented by smart by smart contemporary contemporary tapstaps and and fittings fittings by by Hansgrohe. Hansgrohe. BathBath and and shower shower screens screens are clear are clear glass, glass, and and the walls the walls havehave contemporary contemporary ceramic ceramic tilingtiling by by Saloni. Saloni. Heated Heated towel towel rails rails and and mirrors mirrors are also are also supplied. supplied. TypicalTypical Crest Nicholson Crest Nicholson interiors interiors
The The Specification Specification Joinery, doors doors and floors and floors External External features features These These are the are details the details thatthat make make youryour home home Joinery, Your front Your door front is door painted is painted solid timber, solid timber, The rearThe garden rear garden is laid to is lawn, laid tosolawn, so white thefour white panel fourinternal panel internal doors doors you canyou start can using startitusing immediately. it immediately. work, work, and and make make it welcoming it welcoming and and luxurious luxuriousand theand have chrome have chrome door furniture. door furniture. The double The double In addition In addition there isthere an outdoor is an outdoor tap tap glazed glazed windows windows and French and French doors have doors have and energy and energy efficient efficient external external lighting lighting to live to live in. Crest in. Crest Nicholson Nicholson select select onlyonly the best the best white uPVC whiteframes. uPVC frames. Throughout, Throughout, there there installed installed as standard. as standard. are painted are painted walls, ceilings, walls, ceilings, skirting,skirting, and and in materials, in materials, finishes finishes and and appliances, appliances, based based architraves. architraves. There isThere Amtico is Amtico Spacia Spacia Warranty Warranty and aftercare and aftercare flooringflooring in the bathroom, in the bathroom, en suites en suites on 50 onyears’ 50 years’ experience experience in creating in creating beautiful, beautiful, Rest assured Rest assured that your that new your home newishome is and cloakroom. and cloakroom. coveredcovered by a complete by a complete NHBC 10 NHBC year 10 year warranty. warranty. You willYou be given will beagiven thorough a thorough highhigh quality quality living living environments. environments. Finishing Finishing touches touches
demonstration demonstration of your of new your home new home A cosy wood A cosyburning wood burning stove with stove a slate with a slate before it before is handed it is handed over to over you, and to you, and hearth hearth and fitted andDraks fittedwardrobes Draks wardrobes with with after that after you that willyou have will additional have additional peace peace sliding doors slidingindoors the master in the master bedroom bedroomof mindofthanks mind thanks to the Crest to theNicholson Crest Nicholson or dressing or dressing room depending room depending on youron yourtwo year two customer year customer care warranty. care warranty. choice of choice property. of property. These are These justare some just some of the additional of the additional stylish touches stylish touches that that grace your grace new your home. new home.
Heating Heating and lighting and lighting Enjoy efficient, Enjoy efficient, economical economical gas fired gas fired central central heatingheating fuelled fuelled by Calorbyand Calor and hot water hotprovided water provided by an A-rated by an A-rated condensing condensing boiler, with boiler, anwith immersion an immersion heater as heater back-up. as back-up. The ground The ground floor floor also benefits also benefits from underfloor from underfloor heatingheating throughout. throughout. All lighting All lighting is low-energy is low-energy and comprises and comprises LED downlighters LED downlighters in in the kitchen, the kitchen, en suites, en bathroom suites, bathroom and cloakroom, and cloakroom, with pendant with pendant lightinglighting elsewhere. elsewhere.
Typical Crest Typical Nicholson Crest Nicholson development development
Sustainable Sustainableasaswell wellasasstylish stylish Another Another great great advantage advantage in in buying buying a brand a brand new new home home from from Crest Crest Nicholson Nicholson is that is that it has it has in-built in-built features features forfor energy-efficient, energy-efficient, lower lower cost, cost, sustainable sustainable living. living. It is a It fact is a fact that that a new a new home home is four is four Sustainable Sustainable features features at at times times more more energy-efficient* energy-efficient* thanthan Aythorpe Aythorpe Grange Grange include: include: an older an older property, property, and and in these in these daysdays Highly Highly insulated insulated walls, walls, roofsroofs and and of rising of rising fuel fuel bills bills and and diminishing diminishing ground ground floors floors keepkeep heatheat in and in and resources, resources, it is an it isimportant an important factor factor coldcold out, out, as well as well as providing as providing in choosing in choosing a home. a home. The The reduction reduction effective effective soundproofing. soundproofing. in CO2 in CO2 output output is also is also something something we we should should all be allstriving be striving for, and for, and in a in a 100% 100% low energy low energy lighting lighting new,new, energy-efficient energy-efficient home home this this is is throughout, throughout, including including easily easily achieved. achieved. external lights. external lights.
• • • •
• Underfloor • Underfloor heating heating on the on the ground floor ground floor and and an A-rated an A-rated condensing condensing boiler. boiler.
• A•mechanical A mechanical ventilation ventilation heatheat recovery recovery system system (MVHR) (MVHR) to to selected selected homes homes provides provides freshfresh air and air and improved improved climate climate control, control, while while saving saving energy energy by reducing by reducing heating heating and and cooling cooling requirements. requirements.
• Low-flow • Low-flow water water appliances. appliances. • A-rated • A-rated kitchen kitchen appliances appliances for for You You won’t won’t notice notice the difference the difference maximum maximum energy-efficiency energy-efficiency and and lower lower running running costs. costs. You You will will also also havehave a Smart a Smart Meter Meter to to monitor monitor consumption. consumption.
*Department *Department of Energy of Energy and Climate and Climate Change. Change. UK Housing UK Housing EnergyEnergy Fact File Fact 2013 File 2013
in use, in use, but you but you will in will your in your water water bills.bills.
TypicalTypical Crest Nicholson Crest Nicholson interior interior
The The charm charm of Aythorpe of Aythorpe Roding Roding Aythorpe Aythorpe Roding Roding is one is one of a of cluster a cluster of of eighteight veryvery old villages, old villages, collectively collectively known known as ‘The as ‘The Rodings’ Rodings’ and and are extremely are extremely desirable desirable places places in which in which to live. to live. All the villages All the villages are recorded are recorded in the in the The 18th The century 18th century windmill, windmill, privately privately Domesday Domesday Book ofBook 1086,ofshowing 1086, showing that that owned owned but occasionally but occasionally open toopen visitors, to visitors, countrycountry life has life been hasflourishing been flourishing here forhere is for one of is the onevillage’s of the village’s most picturesque most picturesque almost almost one thousand one thousand years. years. features. features. AnotherAnother is St Mary is St the Mary Virgin the Virgin church,church, dating from dating the from 13ththe century 13th century Aythorpe Aythorpe RodingRoding is a small is acommunity, small community, and tucked and tucked away down awayadown quiet alane. quiet lane. where village where life village progresses life progresses at an at an unhurried unhurried pace. Itpace. has aItvery haspopular a very popularAt next-door At next-door LeadenLeaden RodingRoding there’s a there’s a pub, the pub, Axethe and Axe Compasses, and Compasses, which whichconvenience convenience store for store dailyfor provisions, daily provisions, serves aserves hearty, a hearty, gastro-pub gastro-pub style menu. style menu. a garage a garage and Rodings and Rodings PrimaryPrimary School School Community Community events are events held are in held the in the which has which a ‘Good’ has a rating ‘Good’from rating Ofsted. from Ofsted. Village Village Hall, and Hall, theand local the cricket local cricket club is club is enthusiastic enthusiastic and friendly. and friendly.
Felsted School Felsted School
AllAll youyou require require locally locally From From this this ruralrural hub,hub, you you will will havehave access access to a to wealth a wealth of local of local villages villages and and towns, towns, as well as well as transport as transport connections. connections. Great Dunmow, Great Dunmow, an Essex anmarket Essex market For local For sport localand sport fitness, and fitness, Great Great Chelmsford Chelmsford shopping shopping is focused is focused on on A country A country location location with connections with connections town with town Roman with Roman origins,origins, is just three is just three Dunmow Dunmow Leisure Leisure Centre Centre has facilities has facilitiesHigh Chelmer High Chelmer and Theand Meadows, The Meadows, miles from miles Aythorpe from Aythorpe GrangeGrange and is aand is afor swimming, for swimming, badminton, badminton, squash,squash, and there andisthere a lively is a after-hours lively after-hours scene sceneFrom Aythorpe From Aythorpe GrangeGrange it is it is convenient convenient destination destination for shopping, for shopping,aerobics aerobics and a fitness and a studio. fitness studio. There There of nightclubs, of nightclubs, pubs, wine pubs, bars wine and bars and approximately approximately 20 minutes 20 minutes by car to by car to servicesservices and leisure. and leisure. The town Theincludes town includes are a number are a number of otherofsports other clubs sportsinclubs inrestaurants restaurants in the city in the centre. city centre. Bishop’s Bishop’s the nearest the nearest station station at Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, banks, supermarkets, banks, supermarkets, boutiques, boutiques, many many the vicinity, the vicinity, where you where canyou take can part take part Stortford Stortford can alsocan trace alsoitstrace beginnings its beginnings where trains wheretake trains around take around 39 minutes 39 minutes other independent other independent shops, and shops, several and several in hockey, in hockey, football,football, cricket,cricket, runningrunning to the Roman to the Roman era, butera, today butittoday provides it provides to Liverpool to Liverpool Street. Stansted, Street. Stansted, Bishop’s Bishop’s restaurants restaurants and bars and in bars the High in the Street. High Street. and shooting. and shooting. for modern for modern interests interests with the with Rhodes the Rhodes Stortford Stortford and Braintree and Braintree stationsstations are are Arts Complex, Arts Complex, Waitrose, Waitrose, JacksonJackson Square Square all about allthe about same thedistance same distance away. away. For further For further choices,choices, you’ll venture you’ll venture a little a little shopping shopping centre, centre, a vibrant a vibrant collection collectionAs well As as well London as London connections, connections, further,further, eleven miles elevenapproximately, miles approximately, to to of restaurants of restaurants and pubs, andaspubs, well as well its as itsbetween between them, they them, provide they provide servicesservices Chelmsford Chelmsford or Bishop’s or Bishop’s Stortford. Stortford. highly regarded highly regarded independent independent school, school,to Stansted to Stansted Airport,Airport, Ipswich,Ipswich, Norwich Norwich Bishop’s Bishop’s Stortford Stortford College.College. and Cambridge. and Cambridge.
BY ROAD BY ROAD6 (in miles) (in miles)
21.3 27.6
27.6 34.3
34.3 39.5
LondonLondon Bluewater Bluewater Cambridge Cambridge Great Great Bishop’sBishop’s Chelmsford Chelmsford Stansted Stansted Brentwood Brentwood HertfordHertford LakesideLakeside Shopping Shopping Dunmow Dunmow Stortford Stortford Airport Airport Shopping Shopping Centre Centre Centre Centre
Distances Distances taken from taken Google from Google Maps and Maps train and times trainfrom times National from National Rail Enquiries. Rail Enquiries.
Great Dunmow Great Dunmow
Typical Crest Typical Nicholson Crest Nicholson development development
Seal Seal of excellence of excellence At Crest At Crest Nicholson Nicholson we continue we continue to build to build attractive attractive new new homes homes that that satisfy satisfy our our customers’ customers’ needs, needs, whilst whilst successfully successfully combining combining classic classic design design and construction and construction techniques techniques withwith the use theof use sustainable of sustainable materials materials and state-of-the-art and state-of-the-art technology. technology. Based on Based overon 50over years’ 50experience years’ experience of ofWe’re proud We’rethat proud 9 out thatof910 out of of Crest 10 of Crest Small wonder Small wonder that thethat discerning the discerning creating creating award-winning award-winning homes homes and and Nicholson Nicholson home owners* home owners* are happy are to happy to homebuyer homebuyer appreciates appreciates the difference the difference to to vibrant vibrant mixed-use mixed-use developments, developments, recommend recommend its builditsquality build quality and lifestyle and lifestyle be enjoyed be enjoyed in a Crest in aNicholson Crest Nicholson home. home. Crest Nicholson Crest Nicholson has long has realised long realised benefitsbenefits to theirto friends their friends and weand remain we remain that bricks thatand bricks mortar and mortar are justare part just of part ofcommitted committed to ensuring to ensuring that wethat deliver we deliver creating creating an area’s anmost area’ssought most sought after after the verythe highest very highest levels oflevels service of service and and *NHBC/HBF *NHBC/HBF Customer Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Survey Survey address. address. New homes New homes are about arethe about the satisfaction. satisfaction. people people who live who in them live inand them that and is why that is why we aimwe to ensure aim to ensure that every thatindividual every individual Our commitment Our commitment to building to building exemplary exemplary home, its home, surroundings its surroundings and location and location new homes new homes and creating and creating sustainable sustainable not onlynot meet onlybut meet alsobut exceed also exceed our our communities communities is recognised is recognised in our in our customers’ customers’ expectations. expectations. impressive impressive array ofarray industry of industry design design awards,awards, including including more CABE moreGold CABE Gold We combine We combine classic and classic contemporary and contemporary Building Building for Life for Awards Life Awards than any than other any other design design and construction and construction techniques techniques with with developer. developer. This continues This continues to reinforce to reinforce sustainable sustainable materials materials and state-of-theand state-of-theboth our both success our success in the design in the design and and art technology. art technology. Every Crest EveryNicholson Crest Nicholsondeliverydelivery of attractive, of attractive, sustainable sustainable new new home has home been hasarchitecturally been architecturally designed designed homes homes and ourand position our position as one of as the one of the to maximise to maximise space and space create and light create filled light filled UK’s leading UK’s leading developers. developers. interiorsinteriors with a variety with a of variety complementary of complementary and highly andindividual highly individual externalexternal finishes.finishes. You canYou alsocan be also assured be assured that your that new your new home will home provide will provide exemplary exemplary levels oflevels of comfortcomfort and energy and energy efficiency. efficiency.
A�th�rpe Grange AT K E E R S G R E E N , AY T H O R P E R O D I N G , E S S E X
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Little Hallingbury
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Springfield Chelmsford
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Little Waltham
Great Notley
Aythorpe Roding
ch L Chur
Braintree A120
Leaden Roding
A10 6 0
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Bishop’s Stortford
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B 1 84
Marks Hall
Chipping Ongar Blackmore
M25 J29
Theydon Bois
Kelvedon Hatch
East Hanningfield
Aythorpe Grange at Keers Green, Aythorpe Roding, Essex CM6 1PU Tel: 01279 216907 Email: aythorpegrange@crestnicholson.com www.crestnicholson.com/aythorpegrange Crest Nicholson Eastern, a division of Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd 1 Myrtle Road, Brentwood, Essex CM14 5EG Local area photography by Chris Shepherd, Visit Essex and Felsted School
All travel times, distances, companies, businesses and trading names are believed to be correct at the time of going to print, but any prospective buyer should make their own enquiries. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is correct, it is designed specifically as a guide and Crest Nicholson reserves the right to amend the specification as necessary and without notice. This does not form any part of a contract of sale. March 2015. Maps not to scale.