Landlords Presenter - Current

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...with our stress free service for landlords

Proven track record spanning 5 decades!

Confidence and trust

Confidence & trust

However, making the wrong choice can often prove both costly and problematic. Having been operating locally for nearly 50 years, Beresfords retain a wealth of experience which spans more than five decades.

confidence & trust

Landlords can enjoy favourable returns from their rental investments providing they appoint a reputable letting agent who is adequately equipped and qualified to handle matters effectively on their behalf.

Professionals or pretenders?

Professionals or pretenders

Beresfords is a member firm and as a result the rent and deposit monies, which we process, are automatically protected. This operates in a similar way to the cover provided by ABTA within the travel industry. Unfortunately, many lettings agents are not members of ARLA and therefore cannot be held responsible for their actions. Nor can they provide guarantees in terms of any rent or deposits that they receive.

professionals or pretenders

Landlords are always encouraged to use an established letting agent who is a member of ARLA (Association of Residential Letting Agents), the professional body which regulates the lettings industry.

A proven track record

A proven track record

During the same period more than 10,000 prospective tenants registered with our branches searching for properties to rent across the region and we arranged over 95000 viewings on our landlords properties. At the UK Property Awards held in London, Beresfords were voted East of England Letting Agency of the year 2015.

a proven track record

In 2015 Beresfords successfully let more than 1,500 properties and collected over ÂŁ16 million in rent for our landlords.

Extensive local coverage










Extensive local coverage The way in which a property is marketed for rent is crucial. Effective exposure will ensure your property receives good levels of interest from high quality tenants at the the best level rent possible. Our network of branches, which are spread across Essex and into Greater London, use ‘cutting edge’ technology to promote properties to thousands of professional tenants. What’s more, Beresfords properties can also be advertised at The London Office in St. James’ which attracts interest from both international based tenants and those who commute into the Capital.

extensive local coverage


Worldwide exposure

worldwide exposure

Worldwide exposure Beresfords own website attracts over 34,000 unique visitors every month. Our properties are also featured on leading property portals including Rightmove and In 2015 we received over 12,000 ‘online’ enquiries from prospective tenants asking for more information on specific properties or requesting a viewing.

Premium listings


£1,650 pcm 3 bedroom duplex to rent Chelmsford

More details and 12 photos

Save property

Contact agent

Marketed by Beresfords Lettings, at Chelmsford. Telephone: 01245 762070 Local call rate

Premium listings Most letting agents promote properties online in a very similar way. However Beresfords make sure that our landlords properties ‘stand out from the crowd’. ‘Premium Listings’ are more prominent being set in shaded boxes and also include a selection of internal photographs. Rightmove confirms that properties featured in this way generate higher enquiry levels from tenants than those displayed in the standard format.

premium listings

Character THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX conversion convenient location to City Centre and ‘A’ roads benefiting from THREE EN-SUITES, large lounge, GAS CENTRAL HEATING & ALLOCATED PARKING, EPC C.

Informative property particulars

Informative property particulars

We also include internal photographs and other key features including distance to shops, restaurants, train stations and local amenities, all of which are important to serious tenants.






Entrance hall G round floor cloakroom En suite Lounge 19’5 (5.92m ) x 12 Bedr66 oom tw o 12’ ’7 (3.84m ) 6 (3.81m )x 12 65 7 D ining room 27 Be86 ’7 (3.84m ) 12’6 (3.81m ) H O N E 01 droom three EP x 9’4T(EL 2.84 m) 5 (2.87m )x 12 over 9’ Kitchen 16’7 ily home set rear ’1 (3.68m ) fam (5.05m )x 9’5 ed detach Beste room, dr bed roo m (2.87m ) orated six bedroomenma f ou to r9’5 (2.87m ) suite Utility room x 11’8 (3.56m neutrally dec ces, utility room, 6. (EPC C). 5’1 (1.55 April 201 modern and ) Bedroom five with applian ilable late £2,100PC M hen urses is this m )x 8’ 6 (2. 59 m und ad Golf Co m, modern white kitc ting ) floor. 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informative property particulars

Unlike many of our competitors, Beresfords produce individual particulars for each rental property to ensure that they are presented at their very best.


Comprehensive newspaper advertising

Your property will be advertised in full colour within all the leading local newspapers. Many letting agents no longer advertise in this way, preferring to concentrate their efforts solely online. However local newspapers still prove popular with certain tenants which is why Beresfords ‘cover all bases’ by promoting properties across various types of media.

comprehensive newspaper advertising

Comprehensive newspaper advertising

Additional marketing initiatives




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Additional marketing initiatives Landlords also benefit from even greater coverage through a number of our own colour magazines. ‘Residential’ is distributed to more than 380,000 homes throughout Essex and Greater London whilst Essex Homes & Style is a ‘property and lifestyle’ publication focusing primarily on the upper end of the rental market.


additional marketing initiatives

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Qualifying tenants

Qualifying tenants Beresfords use specialist companies to undertake detailed referencing and credit checks on any tenants who express an interest in your property.

Our tenants will also pay a Dilapidation Deposit upon commencement of a tenancy. This can be used to cover any damages that may occur which are beyond normal wear and tear. Tenants are also encouraged to take out insurance that includes accidental damage to a landlords fixtures and fittings.

qualifying tenants

Some letting agents conduct only basic referencing which is not as comprehensive.

Looking after your property investment


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Looking after your property investment We employ experienced Inventory Clerks who prepare detailed condition reports upon commencement of a tenancy. This helps protect your position should a dispute arise at a later date. Where we manage the property, our Inventory Clerks will also conduct regular internal visits to make sure the tenants are looking after your investment. All our landlords are allocated a dedicated Property Manager who pro-actively deals with any maintenance issues which may arise throughout a tenancy.

looking after your property investment


Protecting your rent

Protecting your rent Where required we can provide a comprehensive rent warranty product at very competitive rates.

Although rare, if eviction becomes necessary the warranty provider handles everything on a landlords behalf and all the related legal costs are covered as part of the product at no extra charge. This warranty is ideal for those landlords who still want to receive their monthly income regardless of their tenants defaulting. ‘A great product that provides complete peace of mind!’

protecting your rent

Arranged via a third party specialist, this product will pay the rent in full for a pre-defined period if the tenants default on their monthly payments.

Meeting your legal obligations

Landlords It doesn’t have to be like this!

• The Deregulation Act 2015 • 6A Notices for possession • Right to Rent – The Immigration Act 2014 • Smoke alarms and CO2 regulations • Registering of Dilapidation Deposits • Changes to mortgage interest relief • The wear & tear allowance • Capital Gains tax liabilities • Gas Safe Regulations • Amendments to Stamp Duty thresholds

Providing complete peace of mind!

With so much legislation now in place linked to the rental market, landlords must ensure they are properly advised in terms of their legal obligations. Many ‘unregulated’ agents fail to provide the appropriate guidance and as a result their landlords can be exposed to potential fines, legal prosecution and in extreme cases even a custodial sentence.

At Beresfords not only do we provide accurate and up to date advice but will also deal with most aspects on our landlords behalf as part of our ‘fully managed’ service.

Meeting your legal obligations Meeting your legal obligations

Meeting your legal obligations

Keeping you informed

Keeping you informed Throughout the entire process our personnel will remain in regular contact with both landlords and tenants. Our priority is to do all that we can to ensure that the tenancy runs as smoothly as possible. Beresfords highly trained staff will also keep clients updated about changing legislation and our Tenancy Agreements are regularly updated to encompass best practice.

keeping you informed

Ongoing dialogue with our clients is of paramount importance.

A comprehensive service at competitive rates

Beresfords offer a wide range of services and competitive fee structures. We can operate on either a ‘let only’ or ‘fully managed’ basis. Our ‘fully managed’ service will prove invaluable to landlords, especially those who lead busy lives and do not have sufficient time to devote to such a venture. Where required Beresfords can deal with almost everything on a landlords behalf. This enables our clients to get on with everyday living, comforted by the knowledge that their rental investment is in safe hands.

a comprehensive service at competitive rates

A comprehensive service at competitive rates

Don’t just take our word for it! “I want to say just how amazingly helpful you have all been at Beresfords.” Mrs Davies, Billericay “I had dealings with a number of letting agents and Beresfords were by far the most proactive and professional.” Mr Wicks, Chelmsford “Thank you for all your help and I would definitely recommend Beresfords to anyone looking to rent.” Mr Clark, Hornchurch “I have found you very helpful, polite and willing to go the extra mile at all times. Calls/emails were returned as soon as possible. You have been a pleasure to deal with!” Mr Martin, Brentwood “I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help and hard work, we know you went out of your way for us and we really appreciate it. We highly recommend you to anybody wanting to let their property.” Mrs Hewlett, Colchester “We have already recommended Beresfords to friends on the basis of how professional the overall service was. Please keep up the excellent work.” Mr & Mrs Jones, Braintree

Our residential lettings departments covering Essex and into Greater London: Billericay

01277 658666

Great Dunmow

Bishops Stortford

01279 757666

Havering Borough 01708 222211


01376 348666


01268 856740


01277 218151

Stansted Area

01279 757666


01245 500666


01268 761576


01206 763333


01376 510000

Property professionals since 1968

01371 859777

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