Queen Medical Magazine before re-design, September 2011

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Special Supplement

September 2011


Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical

Life Bea and


eauty and permanent youthful looks are the goals of all women across the universe.  However, time passes, and in one moment one realizes that the signs of aging have become evident. So, what exactly is skin aging, and how can women stay young despite their age? Â

Skin aging is the first sign of general aging, the one that can hardly be concealed. Aging is a natural process and nobody can prevent it. For some, it can begin at an early age, while for others at a later age. As the skin ages, it loses its elasticity, thereby losing its ability to regain its shape. In addition, there is roughness and dryness of skin, and loss of firmness. In advanced stages of aging, fine lines and wrinkles appear, not only on face, but also on the neck and hands.


Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical

There are, in fact, two distinct types of aging: aging caused by the genes we inherit is called intrinsic (internal) aging, and aging known as extrinsic (external) aging is caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to the sun rays and smoking, repetitive facial expressions, gravity, and sleeping positions (crumbled skin against the pillow cause sleeping lines over time). On exposure to the negative influence of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, the colour of skin becomes irregular, with many small dark spots and fine lines starting to cover our skin, making it look older.

elong autiful young Dr. Enas Attia Dr. Yana Goncharova

While you cannot stop or even slow down the intrinsic aging process, you can prevent signs of premature aging by protecting your skin from the sun, quitting smoking, and eliminating facial exercises. A good nutritious diet is also essential in order to balance the needs of your body in reducing or eliminating the aging process. Therefore, your skin will reflect your healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, in the last 20 years, Esthetic Dermatology made a big step forward by providing modern and effective anti-age treatments. Our skin has three layers – the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. For all of them, Esthetic Dermatology offers different treatments to keep your skin glowing, and to slow down the process of skin aging. Peeling proceedings such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and cryopeeling can improve the quality of the skin by removing its damaged outer layers with the regeneration of new tissue. After 3-4 sessions of this treatment, your skin restores its freshness. Peeling also removes superficial blemishes, corrects pigmentation problems, and improves the texture of sun-damaged skin. Yet what we can do if our skin loses elasticity and density? In this case peelings won’t help and other procedures that could redensify the dermis should be considered.

Dr. Enas Attia

Dermatology Consultant

or beneath it to fill in the defects. One of the most popular fillers is hyaluronic acid, which is now manufactured as a non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid. Using hyaluronic acid, Dermatologists and Aestheticians were able to improve facial contour, remove dark circles around eyes, and make wrinkles less deep. What about Botox? The facial lines, like frown lines, and forehead creases appear as a result of extensive facial expressions. Little by little these lines become deeper and larger. Yet we shouldn’t wait until wrinkles get fixed. Rather we should use Botox; a natural protein that works as a muscle relaxant to smoothen the lines of facial expressions; known as dynamic wrinkles. In the era of Laser technology, one can ask about laser rejuvenation of the skin, particularly non-ablative technology, with seldom down time. Laser rejuvenation is a process that attempts the reversal of the visible signs of aging. It has the ability to diminish wrinkles and lines, as well as to firm loose and sagging areas of the skin, leaving the skin smoother with a younger appearance. The non-ablative rejuvenation lasers target collagen and by heating it to a certain degree, the skin begins to manufacture new collagen, and wrinkles decrease, skin tightens, and remodeling occurs. Last but not least, the treatment of skin aging should be individual for each woman, and should depend on the specificity of her aging signs. Performed by a highly experienced specialist, these techniques are not dangerous or harmful. Their side effects are nearly nothing, and they can render one’s face naturally younger without extreme changes. Estheticians call this the “French touch”; a delicate and elegant way of dealing with the signs of aging.

Mesotherapy is the best way to regain skin elasticity. A French physician Dr. M. Pistor pioneered this method in the 1950s. It is the painless injection of vitamins, minerals, or amino acids under the surface of the skin. As a result, we achieve the disappearance of fine lines, reduction of wrinkles, improvement of cutaneous hydration and structure, and an overall visible improvement of the skin appearance and quality. There are also ways of dealing with your fine lines that have become deep and transformed into real wrinkles. In this case, filler injections are advisable. Fillers are substances that can be injected into the skin

Dr. Yana Goncharova

Professor of DermatologyVenereology and Cosmetology

Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical


Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide epidemic. Recent estimates indicate that greater than 50% of the global population is at risk. A high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency has been found across all age groups in all populations studied around the globe.

About Vitamin D: Vitamin D has many forms, all of which are fat-soluble. The two major forms of athe vitamin are Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol). These are collectively known as Calciferol. In humans, vitamin D is unique because it can be synthesized by the body when exposed adequately to sunlight. Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is produced photochemically in the skin from (7窶電ehydrocholesterol); a compound that is produced in relatively large quantities in the skin of most vertebrate animals including humans.


Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical

Synthesis is produced in the inner most layers of the epidermis (the outer thin layer of the skin). Vitamin D is also unique in its function, as it acts as a prohormone. This means that by some conversions within the body it acts as a hormone. ‫ ‏‬itamin D3, ( Cholecalciferol) either synthesized V in the skin or taken in our diet, will be converted in the liver to (Calcidiol) 25-hydroxy cholecalciferol (25-OH-Vitamin D). Again calcidiol will be converted in the Kidneys to Calcitriol, which is the biologically active form of the Vitamin. Calcitriol carried on specific proteins will be transported to various organs.

‫‏‬Why is Vitamin D Important? I‫‏‬t is well established that Vitamin D and its active form act as a hormone; regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in our blood, promoting their healthy growth, and remodeling our bones. ‫‏‬Deficiency of Vitamin D: ‫ ‏‬itamin D deficiency is a result of avoiding sunlight V or inadequate dietary intake. Deficiency of the vitamin results in impaired bone mineralization, and leads to bone softening diseases such as: Rickets: A childhood disease characterized by impeded growth and deformity of long bones. Rickets can also be caused by Calcium or phosphorus deficiency. Osteomalacia: A bone thinning disorder occurring in adults and is characterized by muscle weakness and bone fragility.

How much Vitamin D should we have a day? Daily requirement of Vitamin D for adults is 5ug=200 I.u. as recommended by the European union as well as Australia and New Zealand. Daily requirement for ages above 50 years is 10.0 ug= 400 I.u, and 15ug=600 I.u for ages above 70 years. For patients at risk of deficiency like pregnant and lactating women, higher amounts of vitamin D may be needed. How do we know the status of Vitamin D in our Body? With simple blood tests we can measure and determine out Vitamin D level in our body. The test usually measures 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OH-Vitamin D). Levels above 30 ug/ml (75 nmol/l) are proposed as desirable for achieving optimum health. Recent evidence reveals that beneficial effects of vitamin D are at serum levels around 50 ug/ml (125 nmol/l) or higher. t is advised that you not take Vitamin D supplement unless prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, you are prone to overdose or even toxicity. It is advisable for those on Vitamin D supplements for long periods to periodically check their serum calcium. As a conclusion, a balanced diet consisting of sources of Vitamin D, as mentioned before, and adequate exposure to sunlight, with a nonsedentary life style, will help maintain the health of your bones.

Adequate vitamin D may also be associated with healthy hair follicle growth cycles. What are Vitamin D:





Fatty fish species such as: cooked Salmon, cooked Mackerel, Sardines and tuna. Eggs, cooked beef liver, cod liver oil, all are rich sources of Vitamin D.

Dr.Mona Al- Kareemy Consultant of Microbiology

UV- irradiated mushrooms and UV-irradiated yeast are some of the only vegan sources of vitamin D from natural food sources. Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical



Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical

Transplantation is the best line of treatment of End Stage Organ Failure. Kidney transplantation is the best example, also liver, pancreas, heart, lung and intestinal organ transplants are another examples. Today, the concentration will be on kidney transplantation as it is the first and most common organ to transplant.

Let us start with a definition of renal failure. It means that your kidneys stop doing their functions, which is mainly the regulation of the body’s homeostasis – meaning that they keep your body’s content of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphorus within normal levels. This is very important to maintain normal life because any increase or decrease in the levels of these electrolytes might lead to death. Renal failure is usually associated with many metabolic disorders including nausea and vomiting, weakness of bones, anemia, salt and water retention causing edema, hypertension, and changes of the skin color and consistency. Renal failure might affect other body organs like heart, lungs, liver, brain, digestive system, sexual organs and immune response, leading to several manifestations, which affect performance and daily life. Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice in cases of end stage kidney failure. The first kidney transplant was done in Boston (USA) in 1952 between two identical twins, since then, thousands of kidney transplants are done every year. The donor (D) of the kidney might be living, related, or unrelated (spouses) or a cadaver. The kidney donor should match with recipient (R) in the blood group - if he or she is A, B, or AB blood groups. Donors with blood group O are universal donors. AB blood group patients are universal recipients. Other important required tests are tissue typing, the so-called HLA and a good HLA match between

D and R is important for kidney survival. A negative cross-match is essential for the graft acceptance by the recipient. Kidney donation does not affect the donor’s health status, on the contrary, donors were found to have a better health and survival in a recent study done in the USA. Recipients who enjoy successful kidney transplants live normal lives. They will no more suffer from anemia, weakness, sexual dysfunction, cardiac and pulmonary problems as renal patients do. In diabetic patients, some centers prefer transplanting both a kidney and pancreas, in such cases the patients enjoy a better life with functioning kidneys and with no need for insulin or any oral hypoglycemic drugs. Renal failure patients on dialysis are more prone to have viral hepatitis infections, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B are on top. This is because of contamination during dialysis. Kidney transplant patients can live normal lives, do exercises, have children, and women can get pregnant. The only precaution is that kidney transplant patients should continue taking immunosuppressive drugs and should keep their regular follow-ups with their doctor. They are more prone to develop Diabetes Mellitus (DM) because of increased appetite and weight gain, secondary to receiving corticosteroids. For these reasons we advise kidney transplant patients to avoid eating excessive sweets and carbohydrates, do moderate exercises and maintain regular follow-up appointments.

Dr.Ahmed Adel Professor of Internal Medicine,Nephrology & Renal Transplantation

Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical



t is true that wearing braces has become like a rite for the young people.

However, as a parent and an orthodontist, it is very important to know that not all orthodontic treatment occurs only after the eruption of permanent teeth, at 12 years old. In fact, there are certain malocclusion or “bad bites� that are more appropriate to treat at an earlier age.


Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical

Waiting until all of the permanent teeth come in, and skeletal growth is complete, may make the resolution of some problems more difficult. Therefore it is better to start early orthodontic treatment for prevention - the age of seven is an ideal time to determine what orthodontic treatment may be needed either now, or in the future. Why Early Care? Early treatment, also known as interceptive orthodontics, occurs between the ages of 7 and 10. Treatment is directed at taking advantage of a child’s growth to provide sufficient place for the alignment of adult teeth. This makes treatment at a later stage shorter and less complicated and can prevent more serious problems from developing. How to know if your child may need early orthodontic treatment The most common reasons for early orthodontic treatment include the following: - Protruding front teeth: the top teeth extend away regarding the This position of the teeth may cause fractures in these teeth.

bottom teeth.

- Bad oral habits: your child continue sucking his or her thumb after the age five, your child is breathing by the mouth more than the nose, or gnashing/grinding their teeth while sleeping. - Difficulty chewing and/or biting. - Jaw discrepancies: one jaw protruded compared to the other jaw. - Crowded teeth: severely crowded front teeth around the ages of seven or eight. - Cross bites: shifting of the jaw when your child opens or closeshis mouth. Early Orthodontic treatment involves the permanent adult teeth present in the mouth as well as the remaining temporary teeth It includes palatal and lingual expanders, space maintainers, headgears, growth activators, facial masks, and more. The length of early treatment can range from 6 to 20 months, and it provides the Orthodontist with a window of opportunity to improve the dental development in those patients where treatment is indicated. It is possible that this therapy may reduce or eliminate the need for more invasive treatment later on, such as extraction of teeth or jaw surgery.

Dr Hicham JALBOUKH Specialist orthodontist Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical


HS C - Reactive Protein test It is a highly sensitive C Reactive Protein test.

How is it used? The hs-CRP test can detect lower concentrations of the protein (it is more sensitive), hs-CRP is promoted by some as a test for determining the potential risk level for cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and stroke related health problems. More clinical trials, that involve measuring hs-CRP levels, are currently underway in an effort to better understand its role in cardiovascular events. Why is hs-CRP tested? hs-CRP usually is ordered as one of several tests in a cardiovascular risk profile, often along with tests for cholesterol and triglycerides. How can we interpret the result? People with high hs-CRP values are 1.5 – 4 times more liable to have heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases than those with low/normal ranges. Is there anything else I should know? Because the hs-CRP test can serve as a marker for inflammation, it is important that any person having this test be in a healthy state in order for the results to be of any value in predicting the risk of coronary disease or heart attack. Any recent illness, tissue injury, infection, or other general inflammation will raise the amount of CRP and give a falsely elevated estimate of risk. Women on hormone replacement therapy have been shown to have elevated hs-CRP levels, suggesting that this test may be useful in predicting future cardiovascular events. People with chronic inflammation, such as those with arthritis, should not have hs-CRP levels measured. Their test values will be falsely high because of the original disease, not because of the cardiovascular risk.

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Eslam Matar Medical laboratory technician

Gulf Times Special Supplement

Queen Medical


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