Brand Identity Guidelines
Content Brande Identity is a universal visual language, created to ensure strong and solid represantation of The Youth Company brand across multiple channels and means of communication.
It provides universal framework for usage of logos, colors, typefaces and graphic elements across all media online and offline.
Correct and consistent application of the guidelines is essential to ensuring continued brand recognition, and to help reinforce the brand’s positioning. The rules outlined in this document are to be strictly followed.
Logo The Youth Company logo consists of tree elements: 1 - “Y” dotted sign (including writing of “youth”) 2 - Wordmark (TYC name in Arabic & English) 3 - Purple Rectangular
1 - “Y” dotted sign, finishing with word “youth”
The logo, in all its variations, must not be typeset, traced, re–spaced, re–drawn or modified in any form. The proportions, spacing, relative positioning and colours must remain consistent.
3 - Purple Rectangular
2 - Wordmark
orientation & min size
This page describes usage of different variations of The Youth Company logos, which were designed to suit different media and formats. There are two orientations for The Youth Company logo: vertical and horizontal. The primary usage of the logo should be of the full-color vertical logo and used whenever possible for all applications. Minimum size for TYC Logo is 25mm in print and 70 pixels on web. The horizontal logo should be used only when the size available is less than min size of the vertical logo (see above). The horizontal logo was introduced to ensure legibility at all the time. Its minimum size is 10mm in print and 30 pixels on web; it should not be reproduced below 7mm. * Height is measured from the top of the right side (longer side) of the purple rectangular till its bottom.
Full-color Vertical Logo
Full-color Horizontal Logo (limited usage, read guidelines on the left)
Minimum Size Print: 25mm Web: 70 pixels
Minimum Size Print: 10mm Web: 30 pixels
clear space (safe area)
To ensure effective placement of the logo, it should be surrounded by as much clear space as possible. Minimum clear space for vertical lolo is equal to 1/4 (25%) of the height of the right side (longer size) of The Youth Company logo.
Full-color Vertical Logo
Full-color Horizontal Logo (limited usage, read guidelines page 4) 25%
Minimum clear space for horizontal lolo is equal to 1/2 (50%) of the height of the right side (longer size) of The Youth Company logo.
Clear space (safe area) should be always clean from other images, text and logos.
x 50%
x 25%
color applications
The specific colours of the full-color logo, mentioned in the previous pages cannot be altered, the opacity cannot be reduced, the combination of colors cannot be changed.
Full-color on white background
Full-color on gradient background (0-10% black gradient)
Full-color on solid background (10% black maximum)
White logo on purple background
White logo on black background
White logo on grey background
Black on white background
Full-color logo should be always used only on following backgrounds: white, solid or gradient black 0-10%. In addition to full-color logo, black and white versions may be used if necessary. However, it’s always preferred to use full-color logo on above mentioned backgrounds. White logo can be used on dark backgrounds and when other logos displayed in white; and should be always used without purple rectangular. Black logo can be used only for black & white printing, fax or when other logos displayed in black as well. Always select the version that ensures maximum legibility.
White logo can be placed on other dark backgrounds apart from those demonstrated, or as whatermark. However, please, ensure legibility of the logo at all the times.
color applications Full-color on white background
Black on white background
Full-color on gradient background (0-10% black gradient)
White logo on purple background
Full-color on solid background (10% black maximum)
White logo on black background
Color applications for horizontal logo. Usage of horizontal logo is limited. Please, refer to page 4. White logo can be placed on other dark backgrounds apart from those demonstrated, or as whatermark. However, please, ensure legibility of the logo at all the times.
incorrect logo usage DON’T place full-colored logo on any background, which is darker than 10% black
DON’T place the logo on detailed background image; choose clear area or solid background.
DON’T place the logo on detailed background image; choose clear area or solid background.
DON’T reposition the elements
DON’T add anything to the logo
DON’T modify colors of the logo
The approved arrangement of the logo elements is fixed and should not be altered or recreated. Always use approved master artwork. Following examples demonstrate incorrect logo usage. Please, avoid these mistakes. While these examples shows only vertical logo, the principles apply to all versions of the logo. DON’T stretch the logo
DON’T rotate the logo
incorrect logo usage DON’T use full-color or black logos on dark backgrounds
DON’T use white logo on light backgrounds
DON’T modify colors of the logo or use elements separately, apart from options described previously
DON’T modify colors of the logo or use elements separately, apart from options described previously
DON’T outline the logo
DON’T modify colors of the logo apart from options described previously
The approved arrangement of the logo elements is fixed and should not be altered or recreated. Always use approved master artwork. Following examples demonstrate incorrect logo usage. Please, avoid these mistakes. While these examples shows only vertical logo, the principles apply to all versions of the logo. DON’T place anything in clear space area An Initiative Of
DON’T apply shadow
primary colors
Following are primary corporate colors
Light Grey
Dark Grey
260 C
Process Black C, 10%
Process Black, 85%
Process Magenta C
113 / 20 / 113
231 / 232 / 233
77 / 77 / 79
236 / 0 / 140
52 / 100 / 0 / 26
0 / 0 / 0 / 10
0 / 0 / 0 / 85
0 / 100 / 0 / 0
secondary colors
Secondary colors might be used for creation of additional elements in corporate artwork, however, it is preferred to use primary colors to ensure solid outstanding visual effect.
260 C, 75%
137 / 77 / 139
39 / 75 / 0 / 20
260 C, 50%
166 / 124 / 170
26 / 50 / 0 / 13
260 C, 25%
202 / 180 / 208
13 / 25 / 0 / 7
260 C, 10%
229 / 220 / 233
5 / 10 / 0 / 3
Process Black
35 / 31 / 32
0 / 0 / 0 / 100
Process Black, 50%
147 / 149 / 152
0 / 0 / 0 / 50
Process Black, 25%
198 / 200 / 202
0 / 0 / 0 / 25
Corporate typeface ensures visual consistency across different materials and channels. Please, don’t use Tracking, different from mentioned (space between letters); use Auto Leading (space between lines).
AA Aa Geneva, Regular
Arial Narrow, Regular
We use this font in UPPERCASE (capitals) for headings and subheadings in official documents, proposals, marketing materials online and offline. We also use it in normal (Sentence) case in some stationary materials.
We use this font as standard typeface in official documents, proposals, marketing materials online and offline in Dark Grey color (PANTONE - Process Black, 85%; RGB - 77 / 77 / 79; CMYK - 0 / 0 / 0 / 85; Websmart - #4D4D4F)
Tracking (space between letters): -50 or condensed 0.5pt (Word).
Aa Pacifico, Regular
We use this font for decorative purposes only in marketing materials, usually in Magenta color (PANTONE - Process Magenta C; RGB - 236 / 0 / 140; CMYK 0 / 100 / 0 / 0; Websmart - #EC008C)
Corporate typeface ensures visual consistency across different materials and channels. Please, don’t use Tracking, different from mentioned (space between letters); use Auto Leading (space between lines).
ﺍﺏ Kufyan Arabic Bold
We use this font for headings and subheadings in official documents, proposals, marketing materials online and offline.
GESS Text Light Light
Hayah, Regular
We use this font as standard typeface in official documents, proposals, marketing materials online and offline in Dark Grey color (PANTONE - Process Black, 85%; RGB - 77 / 77 / 79; CMYK - 0 / 0 / 0 / 85; Websmart - #4D4D4F)
We use this font for decorative purposes only in marketing materials, usually in Magenta color (PANTONE - Process Magenta C; RGB - 236 / 0 / 140; CMYK 0 / 100 / 0 / 0; Websmart - #EC008C)
usage example
Following is the example of fonts usage in a document.
HEADLINE SAMPLE SUB-HEADLINE SAMPLE Above headline is set using Geneva, Regular at 18 px with all caps, tracking -50 Above sub-headline is set using Geneva, Regular at 13 px with all caps, tracking -50 This body copy sample is set using Arial Narrow at 10 px. The vertical line spacing (Leading) is set as “Auto” (12 px). In official letterhead body text is set to Arial Narrow 12pt, with space between lines 1.5. All the body copy is Aligned Left. All text is written in color Dark Grey
Writing Style Not only our visual language, but also the way we talk to our stakeholders across different channels should always remain consistent. This first of all includes proper usage of programs’ names and initiatives, which should remain the same for English and Arabic, regardless type of the message and channel it’s presented. For example, how do we write “YOU Training” or “You Training” Program correctly? Moreover, it is important to maintain specific universal tone of voice while communicating with our stakeholders. In general, we work for youth empowerment and development, thereby, it is benefitial to show the “human” side of the brand, which is open for feedback and always ready to listen and support. While the official language for internal communicaiton is English, external communication can be bilingual and should reflect 2 most spoken languages in the country of operation. (Ex.: English and Arabic in Qatar, French and Arabic in Morocco etc.)
To begin with, find 5 mistakes in this sentence, related to the wrong usage of the “Youth Company’s” brand name and its You Experience programs.
Writing Style
1. The name of the brand should be always composed of three words with first capital letters.
The Youth Company
the Youth Company
2. Abbreviation TYC should be used only after the full name was introduced in a composition.
The event, organized by The Youth Company (TYC) was.... The members of TYC had a chance....
TYC, a social enterprise for youth development, is proud to announce...
3. The name of the region or country should follow the name of the brand for regional / country offices; no hyphen or preposition to be used.
The Youth Company Algeria TYC Morocco
The Youth Company in Algeria TYC-Morocco
4. No quotation marks to be used for the name of the brand.
The new partnership established with The Youth Company...
The new partnership established with “The Youth Company”...
5. It’s preffered to don’t separate the name of the brand on different lines, avoid hyphenation
The event, organized by The Youth Company (TYC) was....
The event, organized by The Youth Company (TYC) was....
6. In possessive case, no apostrophe to be used in the brand name
Members of The Youth Company were happy to participate in various activities....
The Youth Company’s members were happy to participate in....
organized by The Youth Company (TYC) was....
Writing Style
words & terms
Names of programs
US English
YOU-Experience Program YOU-Training Program YOU-Start Program YOU-Intern Program YOU in Action Program YOU-Card Program YOU-Point etc.
YOU Experience, You Training, You-Start, you-intern, YOU-in-Action, YOU-Training program, “YOU-Intern” Program etc.
Word YOU should be always capitalized and hyphenated with following word, starting from capital letter, unless separated by preposition (ex.: YOU in Action).
social media channels training, workshop, initiative “Emotional Intelligence” “Feedback and Evaluation”
on our Social Media attend Public Speaking Training emotional intelligence Feedback And Evaluation
Don’t capitalize words like: social media channels, training, workshop, event, initative, program, website, e-mail unless in the beginning of the sentence. Capitalize all words apart from prepositions in the name of the event, training, workshop etc. and use quotation marks.
program center favorite organize
programme centre favourite organise
We use US English in our communication. These are some common words, which are usually spelt incorrectly.
e-mail online website web-page
email, e mail on-line, on line web-site, web site web page, webpage
These are some examples of words, used inconsistently. Please, use word website, when reffering to general url (ex.: and word web-page when referring to a specific page (ex.:
No quotation marks to be used in the names of the programs. The word ‘Program’ to start from capital letter if it’s used after the name of the program; with small letter in the rest of the cases.
Writing Style
tone of voice
the 30th of June, 2013 June 30, 2013 9am - 5:30pm 2pm - 6pm 3:00-5:15 & 14:00-19:45
Operate since December 2010 Youth engaged - 20 000 Projects delivered - 23 Organization worked with - over 50 Official expansions - Morocco & Algeria
It’s preffered to use mentioned format for writing dates and timing. While in text paragraphs we use only 12h format, 24h format can be applicable in tables only.
Our boilerplate (description about The Youth Company) contains set of specific numbers, which demonstrate impact of our work. These numbers always should be up to day and be the same across different media. Please, use numbers mentioned on “About Us” page on for reference.
RESOURCES Please, use following resources for official numbers, mission & vision, benefits & values, positions etc.: TYC Executive Summary TYC Brand Experience Book TYC Press Kit TYC Website
It’s important to use correct organizational positions for all staff - please, always use TYC Staff Database, or if not available, page “People” on for reference.
TONE OF VOICE As it was mentioned before, not only it’s important to maintain consistency in usage of terms and grammar, but also in applying unique tone of voice. Overall, we aim to maintain humble and simple, yet rich enough, tone of voice, with focus on benefits for our stakeholders. It is important to demontrate solution-based approach, encouragement of two-way communicaiton flow and sustainable in a long-term point of view. Avoid using following terms in relation to our activities and programs, unless it is confirmed by the authorized party: “first / best / biggest / the only one... program / social enterprise / training etc.” The first thing we tell our stakeholders if they ask “What is The Youth Company?” is that we are a “Social enterprise for youth development”. This definition is widely used in press-releases as well. (Ex.: “The event is organized by The Youth Company, social enterprise for youth development”) All our press-releases and interviews should always try to reflect our mission, showcase our benefits and never contradict to our values.
“Y” symbol These are examples of how “Y” symbol from our logo can be applied as graphical element on branding materials. “Y” symbol should never substitute the logo while abstracted. It’s always preffered to use pre-approved artwork for general branding materials like folders, notepads, business cards, CD-holders etc.
Branding of
programs, events, initiatives
Each program of The Youth Company has distinctive sign and color, which can be used in corporate communication documents and branding materials. At the same time, some programs can have separate branding identity, which was developed for marketing purposes. Example here can be YOU-Intern Program -, which has separate logo, colors, typeface etc. For programs with separate brand identity, please, refer to corresponding separate visual identity guidelines. All the big-scale events of The Youth Company usually have their own brand identity as well, which helps to ensure consistant representation and brand recognition, when events are done on constant basis. (Ex.: “Youth Change Everything” Conference, “Run The World” Festival, “Al Amal” Charity Fashion Show) All promo materials for events of TYC should have TYC logo on the 1st place with title “An Initiative of”. All proposals, official documents, online channels should underline clearly that The Youth Company is the organizer of the event; and contain section with boilerplate of The Youth Company.
PANTONE Process Magenta C RGB 236 / 0 / 140 CMYK 0 / 100 / 0 / 0 WEB #EC008C
PANTONE 299 C RGB 0 / 157 / 220 CMYK 85 / 19 / 0 / 0 WEB #009DDC
PANTONE DS 300-1 C RGB 136 / 172 / 46 CMYK 40 / 0 / 100 / 20 WEB #88AC2E
Examples of logos for events & programs
YOU in Action
PANTONE 7406 C RGB 255 / 207 / 1 CMYK 0 / 18 / 100 / 0 WEB #FFCF01
PANTONE 260 C RGB 113 / 20 / 113 CMYK 52 / 100 / 0 / 26 WEB #711471
Logo Applications Gieneve Laurente These are some of the examples of application of the logo on corporate materials. Templates for mentioned materials exist as master artwork files.
Executive Assistant
TYC Business Card Front +974 3333 9999
Employee Business Card Back | P.O.Box: 1418 Doha - Qatar | t. +974 4411 8132
The Youth Company TYC Business Card Back
Youth Change Everything +974 4411 8132
P.O.Box: 1418 Doha - Qatar
f t theyouthcompany
Evgenia Berestneva
Chief Communication Officer eberestneva@ +974 3333 9999 | P.O.Box: 1418 Doha - Qatar | t. +974 4411 8132
Employee Business Card Back Example for long email
Logo Applications Letterheads (Vertical & Horizontal)
Folders (Back, Front, Inside)
TheThe Youth Company United Youth Company United
Youth Change Everything Youth Change Everything
Phone: (+974) 441441 181181 32 32 Phone: (+974) Fax:Fax: (+974) 449449 329329 99 99 (+974) P.O.Box: 1418 Doha – Qatar P.O.Box: 1418 Doha – Qatar
We dare to provide a platform for youth empowerment and development as well as to supply the community with youthful consultancy services.
Youth Change Everything
Mohamed Farid, Chairman, The Youth Company
The Youth Company United P.O.Box: 1418, Doha - Qatar
t.: (+974) 4411 8132 f.: (+974) 4411 5811
Nice to meet you! The Youth Company United P.O.Box: 1418, Doha - Qatar
t.: (+974) 4411 8132 f.: (+974) 4411 5811
no wishing no hoping, this year just make it happen
Are you ready for Change?
powered by The Youth Company
The Youth Company United Phone: (+974) 441 181 32 Fax: (+974) 449 329 99 P.O.Box: 1418 Doha – Qatar
Notepads (A5)
Youth Chan ge Ev erythin g
Material specifications It is important to use the same kind of material for printing to make sure that colors are reflected in the same way. Please, use following specifications for printing of stationary items.
TYC Bag Size: 25x30x12 cms 250g Art Matt / 4C Matt Lamination 1 side Die cut and pasting + rope handle
TYC Executive Summary Size: A4 - 36 pages Cover: 300gsm Art Gloss with Matt lamination Inside: 120gsm Art Matt / 4Cx4C Staples binding
TYC Business Card Size: 52x52mm 250gsm Art Matt / 4Cx4C 2 sides lamination
TYC Folder Size: A4 (closed) 300gsm Art Matt / 4C x 4C Matt Lamination (outside) Folder Pockets, die cut and pasting
TYC CD Envelope 300gsm Art Matt / 4Cx4C Lamination, open from the right side TYC CD Label Paper sticker / 4Cx0C TYC Certificate Size: A4 300gsm Art Matt / 4Cx0C TYC Envelope To be defined
TYC Letterhead Size: A4 120gsm Conqueror / 4Cx0C TYC Notepad Size: A5 - 100 sheets/pad Cover: 250 gsm Art Matt / 4Cx0C Inside: 80 gsm woodfree / 4Cx0C Matt Lamination (outside); Spiral Binding on the left TYC VIP Invite Size: 200x95mm 300g Ice Gold / 4Cx4C Simple Envelop Conqueror 210x100mm