Bergamo2019 Dossier ENG

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e u r o p e a n c a p i ta l o f c u lt u r e 2019 a p p l i c a t i o n

Bergamo beyond the walls

d o s s i e r



BERGAMO È LA MIA CITTÀ. I’M HARLEQUIN. BERGAMO IS MY CITY. La più popolare fra le maschere italiane nasce dalla contaminazione di due tradizioni: lo Zanni bergamasco e i personaggi diabolici farseschi della tradizione popolare francese. La carriera teatrale di Arlecchino nacque a metà del ‘500 con l’attore di origine bergamasca Alberto Naselli, noto come Zan Ganassa, che portò la Commedia dell’Arte in Spagna. Oggi è probabilmente la maschera più nota in Europa e nel mondo. Uno dei più importanti arlecchini della storia fu Antonio Sacco, famoso per aver creato i primi ruoli di molti capolavori goldoniani.

The most popular among Italian masks. It originated from the contamination of two traditions: Zanni of Bergamo and the devilish figures of farce in the popular French tradition. Harlequin’s theatrical career began in the midsixteenth century with the actor Alberto Naselli from Bergamo. Known as Zan Ganassa, he introduced Commedia dell’Arte into Spain. Today it is proba bly the most well-known mask in Europe and the world. One of the most famous figures in this historical tradition was Antonio Sacco, who created the first Harlequin roles in many of Goldoni’s greatest plays.

table of contents Section I BASIC PRINCIPLES
















section I basic pRINCIPles I. Question 1 Why Bergamo Wants to Become European Capital of Culture in 2019

Why does the city which you represent wish to take part in the competition for the title of European Capital of Culture? What, for it, would be the main challenge of this nomination? What are the city’s objectives for the year in question?


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Bergamo and Europe share a common destiny. We must both create a sustainable and inclusive future of creative innovation. By bringing together art and science in a creative fusion we can do so. Bergamo will be the Art-Science Cultural Capital of Europe in 2019! What do we mean by art-science? Bergamaschi (that’s what we call ourselves) are known as a hard-working people. Dreamers and builders, we transform our dreams into realities by hard work. But in the 21st century ‘smart’ work must bring art and science together in a spirit of innovation. To do this effectively we need not only to embrace our cultural diversity, we need to create a sustainable future from this rich resource, welcoming new immigrants while ensuring that our citizens of all ages and abilities participate fully in the fusion of art and science that is what both Europe and Bergamo need today. Art-science is what we call this new and higher level of sustainable innovation that we need so urgently and that we can achieve together if we are truly inclusive and involve all of our citizens in creating our common future. We want to become European Capital of Culture in 2019 so that our city with its rich and beautiful cultural heritage can lead the way into an inclusive and sustainable future in which artistic inspiration and scientific method join together throughout Europe.

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As the projects and programmes detailed in this dossier indicate, Bergamo can do it! The citizens and institutions of Bergamo, the extraordinary historical city on the Lombard-Venetian border, are committed to becoming European Capital of Culture in order to accelerate our already ongoing programme of innovation, sustainability and inclusion. Our activities are inspired by our heritage of artistic and cultural excellence from the young Caravaggio to Gaetano Donizetti, and by the architectural originality of our two complementary ‘cities’ – Alta and Bassa – separated but also linked by our 16th century Venetian walls. While Bergamo has long been a European crossroads, we embrace this opportunity to make every Bergamasco feel more conscious and proud to be a European citizen, in contact with Europeans from every country in the name of a common culture leading to mutual understanding, cooperation and a strengthened identity of European citizenship. Bergamo’s candidacy also provides a huge cultural tourism opportunity for Europe due to the growth and success of our international airport, Orio al Serio, now named after Caravaggio who was born nearby. Already the fourth largest in Italy in terms of number of passengers, for us this airport is much more than a tourism and business success, it is also a “landing field” for the many cultures of Europe.

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Bergamo as European Capital of Culture 2019 Bergamo is already making significant investments to ensure that the city and territory will be “smart”, “green” and “light:” As European Capital of Culture we will be able to extend these commitments:


Our citizens have proven our capacity to integrate a significant number of immigrants, mainly coming from South America and Africa today. Our ‘Light City’ plan proposes to build neighbourhoods designed to accommodate the physically handicapped. As ECoC we will develop several programs with both groups.

Our Knowledge District encompasses the Kilometro Rosso, an innovative research centre that is one kilometer long and was designed by the famous French architect Jean Nouvel. We propose to integrate it with a ‘Kilometro Verde’, an architectural program

for the innovation of “smart” building materials, and an art-science programme at our ground-breaking new hospital and our biomedical research centre.

We propose to complement our award-winning plan for clean energy in public transit by integrating a new Contemporary Cultural Quarter near our intermodal transport centre and to invite Europe’s leading experts to advise how to improve mobility from our airport all the way to the Città Alta with clean energy efficiency.

Bergamo has already made and aspires to make an even greater tangible contribution to the ongoing European recovery from the economic crisis. As European Capital of Culture we will put our energy, hard work, advances in scientific and medical fields, and international business contacts to the service of the European community, especially to Bulgaria and Southern Italy, with which we propose to share our ECoC year.

As ECoC we propose to build on our strengths in both the visual and performing arts:

We will be able to foreground our “new” Accademia Carrara, one of the most important art museums in Italy which in the near future, after a long restoration, will open again to the public: a true treasure chest containing not only the best paintings of the Venetian and Lombard schools (Lotto, Palma, Titian) but also Botticelli and Raphael, the whole tradition of excellence in Italian painting.

We will relocate our Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (GAMeC) to our new Contemporary Cultural Quarter, renovating and adding to a one-time customs house in a former industrial district.

We will also give a stronger European identity to our reputation as a great city of music by restoring the place par excellence for Opera and Theatre, the Teatro Donizetti, an imposing 1,200-seat theatre all’italiana that together with the Teatro Sociale, cradle of the genius of Gaetano Donizetti, make Bergamo a unique city for its offerings of musical performance.

The City recognizes that a Cultural Capital of Europe must not only offer outstanding cultural heritage but must also have excellent infrastructure to welcome and receive many visitors:

We have already made an important addition to our cultural infrastructure – the European Cultural Embassy, inaugurated in July, 2013 and already functioning as an operational engine of the Bergamo 2019 Candidacy. Cultural representatives, architects and artists from European Member States are being invited (several have already come) – to work with Bergamaschi artists or others in their fields. The Cultural Embassy is already giving young Bergamaschi especially the advantage of contacts with European leaders – from arts economics to cultural governance, from urbanism to sustainable energy, and ranging through all the disciplines of the arts, with the generation of new ideas always foremost on the Cultural Embassy agenda.

We will create a new Art-Science Centre, a place where artists and scientists from all over Europe will work and learn together how to combine artistic inspiration with scientific method to achieve sustainable innovation. This Centre will offer creative labs and will exhibit experiments as well as exhibitions. It will link with Le Laboratoire in Paris, Trinity College in Dublin and ZKM in the Ruhr to develop an art-science network in Europe.

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We intend to contribute through our candidacy to the development of the Eighth Tower of Research. The creation of this new science district – that symbolically refers to the seven towers of the new Hospital of Bergamo – at the Kilometro Rosso will favour new careers in the research field and will enhance spin-offs thanks to the competences and the potential synergies between the industrial realities of the R&D park. The project will bring together the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, the Hospital of Bergamo and the innovative companies of the Kilometro Rosso with the aim of developing biomedical research in Italy and in Europe.

Bergamo is currently working on a more efficient network of mobility infrastructure by building an improved Intermodal Transport Centre near our Contemporary Cultural Quarter to facilitate access and circulation for visitors arriving by air, rail or road.

The Contemporary Cultural Quarter is to be developed in a former industrial area near the location of the new GAMeC, our innovative contemporary art museum. Our Contemporary Cultural Quarter will help Bergamo to connect with contemporary European artistic creativity by integrating art, science, the environment and social justice. The objective of making European and international contemporary culture and art accessible to everybody in the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter is a pillar of our candidacy, benefiting not only the City but because of its location near our new intermodal hub also the suburbs and villages of Lombardy.

Music is a major driver for the candidacy of a city that sees Gaetano Donizetti as a symbol but that also offers a rich variety of work by composers and musicians of exceptional quality in all modes, including jazz and pop, all now connected to the entire world thanks to the innovative tools of e-culture. In 2019 we plan to open an innovative hands-on Children’s Music Centre in the Donizetti Museum that will be a unique attraction and make a difference for future generations of musicians in all media.

Bergamo is also a lively university city. The Dean of the University of Bergamo is the only Italian member of the Board of the European University Association (EUA). The University of Bergamo is already a member of various European networks and has launched the project “Centrality of European Territories: A Network of ‘s-low’ University Cities” which has created a cluster of European cities (Bergamo, Beauvais, Cambridge, Charleroi, Girona, Lübeck, Santander) focused on working together on sustainable territorial development. This project will span through the years of the candidacy 2014-2019. With our candidacy Bergamo is leveraging its destiny as a protagonist in the history of our time. The Città dei Mille (City of the 1,000) provided more than 180 of the thousand young men who went to Sicily with Garibaldi to unify Italy. Today, with a unified Europe, already actively conferring with the other Italian and Bulgarian candidate cities, Bergamo proposes to share its ECoC year with the candidate cities of the South of Italy so that young artists and students from North and South can connect with other young Europeans in a network of “New Garibaldini” to build an identity for the Europe of tomorrow with the common passion and shared language of art.

Bergamo is a city of Dreamers and Builders. We have already mentioned Caravaggio and Donizetti, whom the whole world knows. But consider just a few other selections from our


heritage of distinguished citizens:

Architect Giacomo Quarenghi, whose visionary buildings are to be found as far afield as St Petersburg; Constantino Beltrami, who discovered the springs of the Mississippi River; Torquato Tasso, one of Italy’s greatest poets, born in Bergamo; The Tasso family who created the first structured mail system in Europe; And Giovanni XXIII, admired throughout the world as “the Good Pope”. In Bergamo 2019 we propose to take this city of dreamers and builders “beyond the walls” to approach new frontiers of innovation and at the same time to encourage visitors to come and discover our past, present and future as a vital European city. We have identified four complementary pillars for the construction of Bergamo’s art-science candidacy: Arts and culture Science, technology, research and entrepreneurial innovation Nature, landscape, agriculture, wine and food, and tourism Solidarity, voluntary work and instruments of social inclusion for poverty and diversity

As our Concept makes clear (in our answer to Question 2) we will work in all these fields to make Bergamo 2019: A City of Civil Society A City of European Networks A City of Innovation A City of Sustainability


An important challenge for our candidacy is to overcome the perception – including the self-perception of some Bergamaschi – that our citizens may be a bit too inward-turned within our walled citadel. The dynamic reality is and always has been different, but we need to change the perception too. That is why our slogan “Beyond the Walls” has been embraced by our community, which understands that our candidacy means going beyond our beloved historic walls, currently under consideration by UNESCO for World Heritage Site status. Bergamo as ECoC will go beyond the walls into a Europe of creative possibilities. The Città dei Mille will become “the City of 1,000 Surprises”, a slogan that our cultural tourism program has already adopted. Another important challenge is to engage more fully with contemporary culture. In recent generations we have not paid sufficient attention to current European culture, and we recognize that in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century we need to do so, especially for the sake of our youth. In this application and its two annexes you will see that we plan to do this not only by founding the European Cultural Embassy, relocating and expanding GAMeC and creating the Contemporary Cultural Quarter, but also by means of a whole range of programmes and capital projects in all artistic media. We also believe that our responsibility as Cultural Capital of Europe extends to helping the poor and underprivileged, enhancing our cultural services for children and youth, and ensuring that our facilities are universally accessible both physically and intellectually to people of all ages and backgrounds.

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Our financial engagement over the coming years to realize the goals of our candidacy in a credible and responsible way is certainly one of the hardest challenges in a period of economic recession. But it is a challenge that Bergamo is more capable than many other Italian cities to overcome. The City has never taken unreasonable risks, which is why our administration has a reputation for responsible financial management. Of course Bergamo has experienced the European and global economic crisis, but only proportionately: our local unemployment rate was merely a quarter of the national average before the crisis, but now has risen to a half. Our candidacy thus combines determination and caution with a shared audacity. One of the great successes of our candidacy already is that all sectors of our city, province and the Lombardy Region have expressed their clear support for Bergamo 2019: the University of Bergamo, the Diocese, the Chamber of Commerce and Confindustria Bergamo have joined the representatives of the Municipality and the Province who express the bipartisan political will of both the Majority and the Opposition in constituting our Steering Committee and Executive Council. These official bodies are supported by a Scientific Committee of experts and academics, and our Cultural Ambassadors – a group of artists, athletes and other outstanding Bergamaschi led by the Honorary President of the candidacy, film director Ermanno Olmi, who was born in the province of Bergamo. The city is activating itself to join enthusiastically in a European future oriented toward its youth, who are already deeply involved in our candidacy along with senior citizens and others as volunteers, and for whom the candidacy promises greater opportunity for employment or for starting their own businesses in the creative industries. Bergamo is used to building its dreams and transforming its visions into solid realities: that is why we have already opened the European Cultural Embassy as the creative and organizational driver of the candidacy with the goal of transforming the dream into the reality of becoming European Capital of Culture in 2019. Bergamo believes that this process is a great result in itself.


Bergamo considers the ECoC project as a holistic process for the city and its province that goes beyond the strictly cultural arena and involves all of our citizens in virtually all areas of the city´s strategic planning including research & development, infrastructure and transportation, and our facilities for tourism. We have identified ten core objectives for the candidacy process that go beyond 2019:

1. Engaging our population in a genuinely participatory process through the European Cultu-

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


ral Embassy and the Art-Science Centre that invite them to interact with European cultural leaders and artists, so that they may take ownership of Bergamo 2019’s programmes and projects, maintaining and extending present levels of enthusiastic participation for the future; Expanding the perceived identity of Bergamo as a city of culture thanks to its rich historic and artistic heritage, linking it more strongly to European contemporary culture by creating the Contemporary Cultural Quarter; Proactively building and being a part of European networks and initiatives, with special attention to Bulgaria and other Eastern European countries; Sharing our year as European Capital of Culture with other cities in Italy, with a special focus on the South; Generating new employment opportunities for youth in the creative economy; Contributing to a more sustainable city in the long term through innovation in processes

and materials, and “smart city” initiatives;

7. Contributing to social cohesion within the Province by de-centralizing cultural services to the periphery and encouraging access to culture, education and know-how for all;

8. Increasing the profile of the “City of a Thousand Surprises” as a European tourism destination with an exceptional quality of life, cultural offerings and excellent infrastructure;

9. Becoming a more eventful city, a place for creation and unexpected encounters, through outstanding local, national and international cultural programming;

10. Leveraging the ECoC process to produce a tangible and intangible legacy – economic, cultural, and social – that will remain for the benefit of the community well beyond that date.

I. Question 2

Explain the concept of the programme which would be launched if the city was nominated European Capital of Culture?

Over the last two years a series of focus groups has been held with stakeholders and members of the Bergamo community to gather suggestions for sketching the personality of Bergamo´s candidacy, and a concept for the application that would effectively synthesize and communicate that personality and convey the spirit of the project. An essential notion underpinned the majority of the proposals: the concept of the program should reflect the character of the people of Bergamo, and place the city as Cultural Capital at the service of Europe. With this in mind it was agreed that the concept of the program should be:

BERGAMO beyond the walls Dreamers and Builders As the musical city of Gaetano Donizetti, we prefer to express our concept not with words but with notes, an operatic phrase to be sung in Italian,

Oltre le Mura

Grand Piano | Luigi Ceccarelli

Why ‘Beyond the Walls’? Bergamo has been a walled city since Roman times. Only ruins remain of the original Roman walls. The Venetian walls that make the city famous today were built during the second half of the sixteenth century, during the rule of the Venetian Republic, surrounding the medieval city, giving it the appearance of a fortress. The walls constitute one of the most important examples of forts built by Venetians on the mainland. Bergamaschi all know the sound of the 5-minute-long curfew bells (the “Campanone”) that still toll in the Città Alta 100 times at 10 pm each night, originally to warn that the gates of the walls were about to close, but long since then to tell children that they should be in bed. As the city grew, the walls became an unusual interior divide that created a rich dichotomy in Bergamo, separating the Città Alta with its exquisite blend of Venetian Renaissance architecture and sculpture with Lombard Gothic buildings behind them from the Città Bassa, which is the city’s historic commercial district and represents Bergamo capacity, consolidated over the centuries, to build commercial networks with the rest of Italy, of Europe and the world.

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The walls have sometimes made it difficult for others (including some residents) to acknowledge that Bergamo has always been a city and a province with strong international connections in the visual arts (Lorenzo Lotto, Palma il Vecchio and il Giovane, Giovan Battista Moroni, Caravaggio, Evaristo Baschenis, Andrea Fantoni, Giacomo Manzù), music (Johann Simon Mayr, Gaetano Donizetti, Gianandrea Gavazzeni) and cinema (consider Ermanno Olmi, internationally renowned film director who was born in Bergamo and directed, among many others, The Tree of Clogs, set in Bergamo and shot in the local dialect, which won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1978). Bergamo stages many international arts festivals, including:

Bergamo-Brescia Piano Festival that has come to its 50th annual edition of bringing international artists to the city; Bergamo Jazz Festival, now in its 35th edition under the direction of internationally renowned jazz musician Enrico Rava; Bergamo Film Meeting, conceived as an independent film festival, especially as a window on and an instrument for the distribution of European auteur cinema since 1983.

Bergamo has strong international connections also in the scientific and medical field, with the excellent Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri and the groundbreaking work in our hospitals on organ transplants. In the technological and entrepreneurial sectors our manufacturing companies have created branches all over the world, among which are Acerbis Italia, Brembo, Carvico, Clay Paky, CMS, Albini Group, Fassi Gru, Gapi, Gewiss, Gruppo Radici Chimica, Gruppo Uniesse, IMS Deltamatic, Italcanditi, Italcementi, Italtrans, Itema, Lovato Electric, N&W Global Vending, Persico, Radicifil, Rulli Rulmeca, Scame, Scame Mastaf, Sematic, SIAC, SIAD, Tenaris and Zanetti. In addition, 200 multinational companies (of which 93 are manufacturers) have factories or offices in the Province of Bergamo, proving the appeal of the territory for international business investments. Among these multinational companies are: 3M Italia, ABB Sace, Alstom, BASF Poliuretani Italia, Bayer, Bianchi Vending, Bonduelle, BTicino, Eurogravure, Exide Technologies, Flag, Gildemeister, Heineken Italia, Saint Gobain Isover Italia, San Pellegrino, Schneider Electric and Triumph. Our candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2019 is an exceptional opportunity to build on the richness of these resources with a new commitment to contemporary European culture by establishing an intense North-South dialogue, and by developing programmes that reach out to both Eastern and Western Europe. In this way, we will create value for both city and province by going ‘Beyond the Walls.’ Metaphorically, going Beyond the Walls can be realized on different levels:


At the individual level: Bergamo 2019 gives everyone, including our most recent arrivals, the opportunity to develop her or his abilities through lifelong learning, cultural participation and civic volunteering around the sharing of knowledge and expertise. The proposed programmes will put all of our residents and visitors in closer touch with our diverse cultural heritage and with contemporary European culture. At the city level: Bergamo is perceived as two cities in one – Città Alta and Città Bassa – both with very distinct characteristics. On the one hand, Bergamo 2019 intends to over-

come the perception of a dual city by linking Alta and Bassa more directly with contemporary culture; on the other hand our programmes and plans will enable multiple ‘cities’ to flourish – a ‘light city’ area in which people with disabilities will be able to live ‘lightly’, a ‘smart city’ provided with energy-efficient means of transport, and a livable city where the arts of the 21st century can flourish. At the territorial level: By collaborating closely on the ECoC project with the province and the region, the city of Bergamo wants to go beyond its urban core to strengthen its connections with its surrounding territory. This means continuing to collaborate closely with the provincial and regional authorities to prepare the ECoC year, decentralizing cultural activity from the city to the territory, as well as developing clean transportation systems and respecting the environment in all of our projects and programs. At the national level: Our history attests Bergamo’s commitment to a united Italy when the Città dei Mille provided so many of Garibaldi’s volunteers. This candidacy is our opportunity to rekindle that commitment in a 21st century way by forging stronger connections with other Italian cities, especially with those in the South that have applied for the ECoC title. We propose to share our year as European Capital of Culture with them. We plan to devote an office in our European Cultural Embassy to North/South projects. At the European and international level: Bergamo aspires to increase its participation in international networks (such as the Association of European Walled Towns) and to establish new collaborations that will contribute to solving Europe´s main challenges, including youth employment, immigration and economic competitiveness. Our program will celebrate common values and identity as well as the cultural particularities of every part of Europe, with special attention to Eastern Europe, especially Bulgaria as the host of the other ECoC 2019. Our European Cultural Embassy has already initiated these contacts east and west of Italy. Bergamo wants to join the European effort to go beyond walls, in an epoch when an “unwalled” Europe is more important and challenging than ever.

Enrico Scuri, costantino Beltrami alla ricerca delle sorgenti del mississipi, olio su tela, 1861, Bergamo Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali E.Caffi.



BERGAMO È LA MIA CITTÀ. I’M GIACOMO COSTANTINO BELTRAMI. BERGAMO IS MY CITY. Bergamo 1779 - Filottrano, ancona 1855 Uomo di cultura e avventuriero, scrittore e viaggiatore. Emigrò in Francia e nel Nuovo Mondo. Visse a contatto con gli Indiani d’America e studiò quel mondo incontaminato. Compilò un vocabolario della lingua Sioux, scoprì le sorgenti del Mississippi e per riconoscenza gli Stati Uniti hanno intitolato a suo nome una contea del Minnesota. Ispirò il romanzo l’Ultimo dei mohicani, un grande esempio di intraprendenza e cultura europea proiettata verso il nuovo e la ricerca.

Man of culture and adventurer, writer and traveller. He emigrated to France and then the New World. He lived in close contact with American Indians, studying their uncontaminated world. He compiled a dictionary of the Sioux language, discovered the source of the Mississippi river and in recognition of his services to the United States has a county in Minnesota named after him. A great example of forward-looking and research-oriented European enterprise and culture, he was the inspiration for the novel the last of the mohicans.

Our sub-concept ‘Dreamers and Builders’ is intended to reinforce going Beyond the Walls by synthesizing these two characteristics of Bergamaschi, distinct but inseparable for the construction of a shared future – in our city and throughout Europe. Bergamo is a city with a deep conviction that prosperity comes through commitment and professionalism – this is why we are Builders. This mentality has nurtured the conception of the ethical value of work as a relevant characteristic of the territory. This explains how Bergamo has contributed to the development of small, medium and big industries and businesses that are active in Italy, Europe and all over the world. But we need to strengthen our role of Dreamers as well. Dreaming is an act of vision, of the capacity to imagine the future and to identify ambitious objectives beyond the difficulties of day-to-day life. Dreamers without builders speculate in vain; builders without dreamers can lack ambitious objectives. The first bring inspiration, the second technical capacity, but only the combination of the two makes genuine and sustainable innovation possible.

Dreamers and Builders therefore speaks of the spirit with which the European Capital of Culture candidacy will be pursued – with hard work and high expectations – while going Beyond the Walls identifies the expected result of the process through which Bergamo hopes to contribute to the continuing growth of Europe in the 21st century.

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I. Question 3

Could this programme be summed up by a slogan? (

As the musical city of Gaetano Donizetti, Bergamo sings its slogan, Oltre le Mura:

the answer to this question is

optional at the pre-selection stage).

In English our slogan is:

BERGAMO beyond the walls Dreamers and Builders I. Question 4

Which geographical area does the city intend to involve in the “European Capital of Culture” event? Explain this choice.

We intend to involve not only the city and province of Bergamo and the region of Lombardy, but also to share our year as European Capital of Culture with the cities of the South of Italy that have also indicated their interest in the ECoC status. We believe this North-South collaboration is essential to ensure that Italy and Europe both derive the optimal cultural benefit from the ECoC program in 2019.

The programme developed involves the city and the province of Bergamo. Bergamo has maintained strong links and exchanges with its surroundings. Today more than ever, the future of the city is discussed in terms of sustainable development and balance between the city and the surrounding localities. That’s why the ECoC title should be awarded to both city and the entire province. Many of our programmes will spread more widely in the Lombardy region, with which a close integration is envisaged. Through “cultural pathways”, already agreed with Lombardy officials, Bergamo will connect with the entire region, especially Brescia, Lecco, Cremona, Lodi, Pavia and beyond in an area that extends from Piedmont to Emilia Romagna through connection of the candidacy to the Circuit of the Arts Cities of the Pianura Padana region. Moving forward we plan to involve more cities in order to promote a better knowledge of the Lombardy region at a European level. Bergamaschi were among the most enthusiastic dreamers and builders of a united Italy, having contributed the largest contingent to Garibaldi’s thousand. Bergamaschi generosity of spirit and commitment were officially recognized by the President of the Republic who awarded Bergamo the title of City of the Thousand. Today, thanks to the ECoC project, young Bergamaschi could travel to the main European countries to promote another mission: encouraging a stronger European integration in the name of culture. We have already initiated contacts with some of our competitor cities, especially those in the South. We plan to open a special section of our European Cultural Embassy dedicated to North-South dialogue and to developing projects engaging youth in Bergamo and youth in southern cities to create jobs in new creative industries. The slogan “Beyond the Walls” pertains also to the social, cultural, economic and political “walls” that still exist today between north and south. We are not the only European country to suffer from a north-south divide – and we aspire through this candidacy to develop some initiatives that will represent best practice models that will be helpful to other European countries that share this particular challenge. This candidacy, celebrating the Italian Presidency of the EU in 2014, intends thus to express a renewed commitment to both Italy and Europe.


I. Question 5

Please confirm that you have the support of the local and/or regional political authorities.

The local and provincial political authorities support Bergamo´s candidacy fully. This bipartisan support guarantees the long-term viability of a candidacy that will not be affected by political changes, since our Steering Committee and Executive Council are committed to this bipartisan model in which both the majority and the opposition are represented. The City Council of Bergamo presented the candidacy of Bergamo for European Capital of Culture 2019 to the Ministry of Heritage and Culture on 11 July 2011. The key regional public authorities joined it as promoting members. The full support of the Lombardy Region came with the approval of Motion No. 305 of 08/05/2012, Resolution No. IX/443. The full support of Bergamo Province came with the approval of Deliberazione 137 del Consiglio Provinciale on 29/09/2012. On 13 December 2012 the Comitato Bergamo Candidata Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019 was created with a mandate to prepare the candidacy.

In addition to the territorial political authorities, the Diocese of Bergamo, the Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo, and the University of Bergamo joined the Comitato Bergamo 2019 as institutional promoting members. The above confirms that at the very core of the organization in charge of the candidacy are represented all the different political and public authorities of the territory, proving not only their support for the candidacy but also their active involvement in its success and plurality. During 2013 numerous public and private bodies have also adhered to the project:

In May 2013, the Comitato Bergamo 2019 signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the association Circuito Città d´Arte della Pianura Padana by which its formal support was granted to the candidacy. The association brings together twelve city councils from the regions of Lombardy, Romagna, and Piemonte: Alessandria, Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Lodi, Modena, Monza, Parma, Pavia, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, and Vercelli.

The September 5, 2013 meeting of the Comitato Bergamo 2019 admitted as institutional promoting members: Confindustria Bergamo, Associazione BergamoScienza, ATB (the Bergamo Transport Company) and SACBO (the airport). These are partners – some of which are private – that will contribute to the implementation of the project in different sectors. Breaking news: the Fondazione Banca Popolare di Bergamo has just joined the Committee!

I. Question 6

How does the event fit into the long-term cultural development of the city and, where appropriate, of the region?

Let us first describe the present cultural infrastructure before outlining how ECoC fits into our long-term plans for it. For a city of just over 100,000 inhabitants, Bergamo offers high-quality cultural infrastructure: an extensive network of libraries, eight of which are gathered in a City Library System linked to provincial and regional libraries (including the historic Biblioteca Angelo Mai founded in 1768, whose original book collection was donated to the City of Bergamo by Cardinal Furietti); the Athenaeum of Science, Literature and Arts, a prestigious insti-

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tution founded by Napoleon in 1810; a network of museums visited by locals and tourists that preserve extraordinary works of art and rare scientific findings, such as the exceptional specimens of flying fossils in our Museum of Science; three major theaters, the Palacreberg with 1,500 seats, the Donizetti Theatre with 1,200 and the Teatro Sociale with 640, that together this year will inaugurate a season of European theatre in foreign languages; the Pinacoteca Accademia Carrara, whose famous collection of major works of Italian art history was entirely donated by local private individuals, recently augmented by an important donation of sculpture by Federico Zeri; a high-tech art-science tradition of local conservators and restorers such as the Giovanni Secco Suardo Association for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage; a Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAMeC) hosting a rich permanent collection that includes works by Kandinsky as well as Manzù; the Bergamo, City of Music network of all the major musical institutions of the city, which organizes a calendar of 300 concerts a year, most of which are of international quality; an innovative collaboration between the administration of municipal theaters and the most important local theater and dance companies over the past four years that has led to the creation of the House of the Arts programme, with the support of the Laboratory of the Arts, an annual co-directed season based on the collaboration of local, Italian and foreign companies. The Province of Bergamo also offers great cultural jewels set in its beautiful landscape: the large altarpieces in its churches and the frescoes of the Suardi Oratory by Lorenzo Lotto at Trescore Balneario, and the Romanesque masterpieces in Valle Cavallina and Val Calepio, at Spinone, Villongo and Creadaro. Especially in the area of Almenno Romanesque Park, a few kilometers from Bergamo, there is the highest concentration of Romanesque churches of great value, including the extraordinary Tempietto of San Tomè. A Romanesque heritage trail extends throughout and beyond the Province and the Region of Lombardy. Three villages of our Province – Lovere, Gromo and Camerata Cornello – have been awarded the title of Borgo più bello d’Italia (Most beautiful village of Italy). How ECoC fits into the long-term development of City and Region The candidacy to date has been an excellent opportunity for the City and the Province to come together and debate about our common future, to align expectations and plan our future. We see Bergamo 2019 as a holistic effort that is aligned with the following long-term strategic plans and initiatives of the city and province, at the cultural, social, economic and environmental levels: Cultural Mandate 2009-2014 for the City Bergamo is currently guiding its cultural policy by the municipal Cultural Mandate of 20092014. Following this period, the city will work on a new Cultural Mandate for the next cycle that will stretch all the way to 2019 and will therefore be aligned with Bergamo’s year as European Capital of Culture. The planned capital projects presented in Appendix 2 indicate that Bergamo is building a candidacy with positive impacts extending well beyond 2019, thus consolidating the continued cultural development of the City, the Province and the Region.


Territorial Government Plan (PGT) Since 2009 the City and Province of Bergamo have been committed to a visionary Territorial Government Plan (PGT) for a new kind of city and its surrounding territory. No fewer than 63 pages of the October-November 2010 number 144 of Urbanistica, the Journal of the Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, documents the acclaim with which this visionary plan was greeted throughout Italy. The plan is based on a new concept that meets the following criteria:

1. A livable and inclusive city for residents of all ages, welcoming new arrivals and preserving the city’s rich cultural heritage for long-time residents as well;

2. A fully accessible city with ample public transit, well-planned routes through the Città


4. 5.

6. 7.

Bassa and around the Città Alta, plus a generous provision for cyclists – including 17 kilometres of cycle paths through the Green Belt that will surround the inner core of the city; An hospitable city, with a little-known strength in voluntary networks, solidarity and charity, encouraging immigrants while providing well-conceived and sensitively differentiated services for children and young people, the aged and infirm, and the rapidly growing number of tourists from throughout Europe and around the world; A safe city, with due regard for the security and well-being of residents, workers, commuters and tourists; A polycentric city of grand public spaces, ranging from the Piazza Vecchia in the centre of the historic Città Alta through the broad open space around the Donizetti Theatre in the Città Bassa with exceptional Piacentina architecture to the intermodal centre that links bus and rail transportation to the airport, forming a node from which the Green Belt will convey cyclists all around the city; An innovative city that links creative art and progressive architecture with sustainable innovation in industry and the unique community-based Bergamo Scienza that stimulates young and old alike to thinking ‘beyond the walls’; A competitive city that can continue to play the leading role it already has in an economically and sustainably prosperous European Union.

The plan of services to be provided to residents and visitors in Bergamo that is part of the PGT provides the basis for the Plan of Public Works (PTOP) to ensure provision of these services throughout the City and Province. Cultural services are particularly important in these plans: The plan of services considers moreover the theme of ‘events’ in terms of the cultural and recreational offer of city services, treating the event as a new service which must find its proper location in the open and built spaces of the public city helping towards the rehabilitation of the collective space through a functional redesign of its livability, hospitality (M. Zambianchi, Urbanistica 144, 2010, p. 60) and safety. These cultural services have been determined as the result of a series of consultations throughout the City and Province. Therefore, planning for cultural services in Bergamo is realistic, sustainable and based on the needs expressed by Bergamaschi. In association with the Tourism department of the city and with the city’s Hospitality Sector Association, and in the spirit of art-science, Bergamo 2019 plans to hold at the beginning of 2014 an international conference with experts from all over Europe and the world to determine the most effective energy-saving and beautiful means of providing a 21st-century airport-city connection for the walled and two-leveled city of Bergamo.

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Italy´s Presidency of the EU in 2014 Italy will be President of the EU in the second semester of 2014. This is an opportunity for Bergamo to take more leadership on: European affairs European networks Articulation of Cohesion Policy Cooperation and coordination with other Italian cities and institutions Bergamo 2019 will make the European Cultural Embassy available to the Italian government as part of European representation activities during the Presidency period. Expo 2015 Milan Bergamo has a unique opportunity to tell the world about the European Capital of Culture programme in 2015. The International Expo 2015 in nearby Milan will be our first stop in the journey towards 2019. Given the proximity of Bergamo to the event, and the fact that a large volume of 2015 visitors will fly through Bergamo´s Orio al Serio airport, Bergamo is planning to capitalize on this opportunity by: Increasing communication efforts of the candidacy during 2015 to put Bergamo on the map and remind visitors to the Expo come back to the region in 2019; Developing an integrated plan for cultural programming efforts in the city, province and region in 2015; Piloting cultural programmes and activities in preparation for 2019, as well as evaluating their impact; Implementing specific marketing initiatives to bring visitors to Bergamo in 2015; Training our citizens in the art and science of managing and welcoming tourists, focusing on youth employment and thus creating new job opportunities. Tourism Strategic Plan 2014-2016 In preparation for two potential major events – Expo 2015 and Bergamo 2019 – the city’s Tourism Department is developing, in collaboration with the University of Bergamo, a new Tourism Strategic Plan that will span from 2014 to 2016. The plan takes into account the documents already approved last year for all four areas of the province – Grande Bergamo, Laghi, Pianura and Orobie (boasting the widest botanic and zoological diversity and the greatest number of endemic species in the Alps). The plan will be aligned with the Pivot project, a strategic marketing plan for promotion of tourism at the regional level in Lombardy, and will be the outcome of a participative analysis involving the main stakeholders of the territory. Among its objectives is to qualify the city as a destination for cultural tourism by identifying our unique selling proposition (USP) as well as a strong and clear identity rooted in the themes of arts and nature. Based on these areas of interest, new offers are being developed to address the needs and expectations of the main tourist target groups, and a wider range of communication tools is being defined with particular focus on the websites of the city and the candidacy in addition to social networks and apps. The slogan chosen for this Plan is Bergamo: una, e mille sorprese, a vision that is also deeply rooted in our application for European Capital of Culture. Many meetings have been organized in order to upgrade tourist accommodation in the city in collaboration with tour guides as well as the operators of the hospitality sector (hotels and others). Strategic actions are


being developed in cooperation with the public transport company, and some training courses have been activated with the local police. Another coordination group is being launched in September 2013 to revise the opening and closing hours of activities and services in the city with the objective of better responding to the tourists’ needs. In the last two years the Bergamo Card has been created, allowing the access to all city museums and public transport, and giving preferential treatments in some shops to all card holders. Meanwhile the Province of Bergamo is implementing a project to upgrade the network of information offices and tourist accommodation in the provincial area. Bergamo Venetian Walls: A Project for a Second UNESCO World Heritage Site Bergamo is a proponent of the UNESCO World Heritage Site candidacy for the Walled Cities of the Republic of Venice. This project, strongly supported by Bergamo, involves the Italian cities of Palmanova, Peschiera del Garda, Venice and Chioggia, besides cities in Montenegro and Croatia (which officially joined the UNESCO candidacy on August 30th, 2013). At the beginning of 2014 the candidacy will be officially presented to UNESCO. This would be the second UNESCO site in the territory of Bergamo – as the Crespi d’Adda industrial village (where we propose to develop a Bergamo 2019 programme) has already been recognized in 1995. ‘Light City’ Project A territorial system of universal design residences that will be ‘light’ for people with disabilities is being driven by the Social Affairs Department of Bergamo Municipality. The residential experience will start with the strong involvement of the territories, to address social integration from a territorial dimension. ‘Smart City’ Project The City of Bergamo has a long-term plan to implement ‘smart city’ initiatives to ensure that the city becomes more ‘green’ based on a model of sustainable mobility. In addition to this, the Province of Bergamo has prepared a draft plan for mobility on demand affecting the connection between the airport of Orio al Serio and the hotels on lakes Iseo and Endine. The Bergamo 2019 team is coordinating with these efforts to add value through ‘smart’ infrastructure, projects and cultural programmes that address topics of sustainability. (See Appendix 1 for a complete list of our proposed programmes). In the spirit of sharing between North and South Italy for the ECoC year, Bergamo and Lecce – another candidate city for 2019 – will partner in order to share the best practices on the theme of the 21st-century “smart city”. Confindustria General Assembly 2013 This agency representing Bergamo industry has decided to theme its General Assembly in the fall of 2013 on the theme of our ECoC candidacy – Beyond the Walls – a sign of the support of all the member companies of Confindustria Bergamo for our candidacy.

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I. Question 7 Bg meets Bg!

To what extent do you plan to forge links with the other city to be nominated European Capital of Culture? In case your city gets the title, do you plan to cooperate with the other bidding cities in your country which have been pre-selected? (the answer to this question is optional at the pre-selection stage)

We call this programme Bg meets Bg! (Bergamo/Bulgaria) and we have already started it. The opportunity of 2019 will promote a better knowledge of and long lasting interaction with Bulgaria throughout Italy, by means of institutional cooperation as well as contacts among citizens on cultural projects. We began by meeting the Bulgarian Minister of Culture in Rome and were invited to take part in a meeting in Plovdiv where we presented the candidacy of our city on June 19th 2013. We invited our Bulgarian hosts to make a return visit to Bergamo, and in July 2013 at our European Cultural Embassy we had the honor to receive delegates from the Bulgarian candidate cities Burgas, Plovdiv, Ruse, Shumen, Sofia, Varna and Veliko Tarnovo. This exchange started a dialogue about historical, artistic, commercial, archeological and religious connections. Of course we especially recall the nine years 1925-34 of the Bergamo-born future Pope John XXIII in Sofia as Apostolic Delegate and the warm words he wrote about the Bulgarian people.

In the second phase of the competition we intend to continue this exchange with all the preselected cities to draft a Memorandum of Understanding as a basis for our common projects. Our European Cultural Embassy will continue to play a key role in forging ever-increasing links with the pre-selected Bulgarian cities – and ultimately with the nominated one. At the Embassy we intend to:

Explore the current relationship between our countries and the potential for advancing on new fronts in the context of the European Capital of Culture programme; Establish a permanent representation of the selected city in Bergamo to facilitate the relationship between the two cities and facilitate the development of joint projects; Provide informal contacts and information to residents of Bergamo who are interested to learn more about or visit Bulgaria before or during 2019.

At the same time Bergamo museums, theatres, libraries and the university will be encouraged to set up projects to share knowledge and experience with their Bulgarian counterparts, and to make these exchanges available to Bergamaschi for their participation. The Bergamo 2019 team will coordinate the various Bg-Bg projects. Cooperation with other Italian Competing Cities The opportunity of welcoming the European Capital of Culture should be a benefit to the entire country. Competitors today, we will be partners tomorrow. Special relationships with other candidate cities will be set up to develop shared programmes. This can work in two ways:

On the one hand, the programme of events of Bergamo cultural institutions will include many co-productions that we plan to develop with partner institutions from other Italian candidate cities. Once opened or created in Bergamo, these programmes can tour throughout this new network of once pre-selected cities.

On the other hand, Bergamo’s cultural programme for 2019 will feature artists and companies from all over Italy. Particular emphasis will be placed on adapting implemented cultural projects that have been proposed by other candidate cities in their applications to ECoC. We will look for ways to connect those programmes from other Italian cities with


the philosophy of Bergamo 2019, helping to make at least some of them a reality, either in the city of origin or in Bergamo. North/South Dialogue Finally, but most strategically, we plan to share our year as European Capital of Culture with the candidate cities from the South. A year dedicated to culture should be a chance to overcome some of the economic and social cleavages and the myths that still divide parts of Italy from each other. We have already included an exchange of art students with at least one southern candidate city as part of our programme. In 2014, we will open a special section of the European Cultural Embassy for exchanges with southern Italy and implement think tanks to develop meaningful north-south projects for 2019.

I. Question 8 The application of Bergamo to become European Capi-

Explain how the event could fulfill the criteria listed below. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria (this question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage).

As regards “The European Dimension”, how does the city intend to contribute to the following objectives: > to strengthen cooperation between the cultural operators, artists and cities of your country and other Member States, in all cultural sectors; > to highlight the richness of cultural diversity in Europe; > to bring the common aspects of European cultures to the fore; > Can you specify how this event could help to strengthen the city’s links with Europe?

tal of Culture for 2019 comes from the will of the city and our citizens to go Beyond the Walls in order to build new relationships with other Italian as well as European cities, thus rediscovering our tradition as a city of emigration into other countries in Europe.

The creation of new cooperative networks presents an opportunity to develop fruitful collaboration among artists, scientists, intellectuals, researchers and institutions, as well as to establish networks of twinned towns at a national and European level. Special attention will be paid to the development of projects and relationships with Bulgarian cities and organizations. The intensification of the North-South dialogue, both in Italy and internationally, will be of equal importance. The European Cultural Embassy that we have already established in the Palazzo Suardi gives us an ideal opportunity for dialogue, cooperation and exchange for culture professionals, artists, researchers, intellectuals, scientists, universities, private companies and non-governmental organizations. Through the organization of workshops, conferences, seminars, shared projects and events, the Cultural Embassy will be the core of efforts to enhance and emphasize diversities as well as common aspects of culture, history and values of the past and present Europe. Lourdes Fernández, director of the Alhondiga Cultural Centre in Bilbao, has already done a conference and workshop at the European Cultural Embassy. Mario Botta, renowned Swiss architect, spoke on 21st century architecture and city planning in September 2013, and by the end of the year two important French photographers from the Magnum Agency in Paris will do a workshop with young Bergamaschi photographers. The Cultural Embassy is currently studying the possibility to initiate conference

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activities on the TEDx model, other types of multimedia or ITC connections and cooperative models in the territory such as TAG. The European Cultural Embassy thus facilitates by its trans-European initiatives a mutual exchange of experience and knowledge. The spirit of dialogue that inspires the Embassy’s programmes is intended to foster a mutual better understanding of practices in different fields of activity and research (cultural, artistic, creative, technical, scientific). It also helps to support the development of new solutions for sustainable innovation, since the challenges that Europe is facing have a common thread and require shared solutions. As for higher education, the University of Bergamo already achieves extensive international cooperation, thanks to opportunities such as the Erasmus and Leonardo programs and exchange programs inside and outside the European Union, as well as agreements about duplicate qualifications signed with other European institutions in relation to Masters’ degrees as well as Doctorates. There are currently also three active internationalized Masters Degree Courses offered in English by professors from other European universities. With Bergamo as the European Capital of Culture in 2019, the entire range of international initiatives of the University will be strengthened, fostering in particular exchanges with Bulgarian universities, so as to facilitate the enrollment of students and promote collaboration among teachers. The mobility of students will be increased also at middle school and high school, as well as in the context of vocational training centers. We have already exchanged visits with the nominated cities in Bulgaria. Our aim is to define and formalize frameworks for further cooperation between artists and theatre companies in Italy and Bulgaria. This may involve artistic interventions in the headquarters of companies in each country as well as full partnerships for the development of new products and the realization of joint activities. Our ideas have evolved from the European Arte e Impresa programme which has the objective of linking the arts to entrepreneurship, both important activities in Bergamo; promoted by the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti and by the Lions Club Bergamo in collaboration with Confindustria Bergamo and Ente Fiera Promoberg, this programme will expand its scope during Bergamo 2019 to include European students and companies. candidacy programmes will be strengthened by these institutional collaborations. With its candidacy to be the European Capital of Culture for 2019, Bergamo intends to contribute to the strengthening of European citizenship through the realization of networks, projects, policies and initiatives that will have a tangible impact on the everyday life of citizens of Europe. This implies a context of greater integration, whether it is related to social cohesion, economics or the cultural field. The Italian Presidency of the European Union during the period from July to December 2014 will represent an important opportunity to assert the role of Italy as a catalyst for policies to be shared at a European level. In this context, it is also important to emphasize the role of Bergamo and the whole of Italy as a “workshop for unity” at both a national and European level. Bergamo has historically offered a decisive contribution to Italian and European identity and the definition of values that still today represent it in science, art, music, technology, industry and architecture. By winning the title of European Capital of Culture, Bergamo will affirm with a renewed strength its mission to strengthen European cohesion, socially and culturally.


I. Question 9 Bergamo 2019 has been conceived by the organizing committee as an

Explain how the event could meet the criteria listed below. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria (this question must be answered in

greater detail at the final selection stage).

As regards “City and Citizens”, how does the city intend to ensure that the programme for the event: > attracts the interest of the population at European level; > encourages the participation of artists, stakeholders in the socio-cultural scene and the inhabitants of the city, its surroundings and the area involved in the programme; > is sustainable and an integral part of the long-term cultural and social development of the city?

event not only for the citizens of Bergamo, but also for all Italians and Europeans. Many of our programme proposals indicate this intent and make it real: The European Cultural Embassy, already inaugurated in July 2013, has been conceived as a unique platform for the mobility and circulation of ideas, projects, events and initiatives, as well as of artists, intellectuals, scientists, cultural workers, students, professionals and creators. The Cultural Embassy is currently active today coordinating all activities related to the candidacy of Bergamo. It will remain the instrument through which Bergamo 2019 takes shape and is promoted on a European scale by means of a growing network of relationships and collaborations linking the incubators of local creative industries with the rest of Europe. Exchange and comparison will be mutual. Bergamo and its Embassy will attract events and personalities from all over Europe. At the same time, the Embassy will be represented in other countries, particularly in Bulgaria, so as to present projects or develop initiatives with local artists and operators.

The Contemporary Cultural Quarter in the setting of the evocative former industrial area of the Città Bassa will be one of Europe’s newest arenas of artistic practice and innovation. With a new Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, it will be a magnet for artists from throughout Europe and for the international contemporary art audience.

In 2019 the Donizetti Museum building will become the heart of the City of Music, a modern hub for music knowledge in Bergamo area. Artifacts, scores and publications linked to Bergamo-born composers from Donizetti to Gavazzeni and from jazz and pop to ethnic music, an interactive exhibition gallery and an internationally renowned archive on Donizetti and opera which people can access both physically and via the web will constitute the Museum itself. But the building will also offer a Children’s Music Centre, with the objective of stimulating and encouraging the youngest to discover their interest in or talent for music, as well as a School for Opera Professionals. The building, which includes two small and fascinating theatres and sufficient space for a recording studio and digital music instruments, will become an incubator for teenagers and young adults wishing to establish a start-up in the music industry.

Smart, convenient and aesthetically pleasing transportation linking one of Europe’s bestconnected airports (Orio al Serio/Il Caravaggio, Bergamo) to our new Contemporary Cultural Quarter, to our stunningly beautiful and historic Città Alta and to Europe’s leading Design City (Milan) will make Bergamo a must-visit city for culturally conscious Europeans – especially budget-conscious Euro-travelers of all ages who prefer to spend money on experiences rather than airlines.

In addition, all of the programmes associated with Bergamo 2019 will have a broad European range. The issues covered will be addressed through a significantly European cultural perspective: diversity, borders, culture and the construction of a common future will

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arouse the interest of a large young European audience. The chosen languages, selected disciplines, institutions and artists involved will be many and diverse, going well beyond geographical and sectoral boundaries. For example, the programme entitled Casa Europea will create a collective portrait of European identity. So will the international loan exhibition of the European connections of the masterpieces in the Accademia Carrara which will attract visitors from all over Europe. (See the appendix for a description of all proposed programmes). In brief, the title of European Capital of Culture 2019 will enable Bergamo to reassert its traditional role as a European centre for the creation of art and culture. Participation: At a local level, all the stakeholders in Bergamo 2019 have expressed the intention to continue with a bottom-up (rather than top-down) process so that the application can be developed as the result of shared will and goals of all concerned. Firstly, we may mention the importance of the website of Bergamo 2019 which allows the whole community to follow the evolution of the application process and to concretely contribute to it by sharing preferences, comments and suggestions.

Second, Bergamo is particularly proud of the project created by the CST- Diathesis Laboratory of Cartography of the University of Bergamo: BOM-Bergamo Open Mapping consists in an interactive and collaborative series of maps on-line created to advance Bergamo 2019. With the participation of all citizens of Bergamo city and province (3,000 users in 3 months, more than 100 initiatives uploaded in the system, over 20 focus groups organized in the City and the Province), BOM enables all residents and visitors to indicate heritage features of the landscape, to propose cultural interventions for specific places, and to vote on the initiatives submitted, the best of which will be implemented in the events programme.

Bergamo Open Mapping is a first step towards a larger and active integration and participation of the people of Bergamo and its territory in the cultural life of the city. A significant number of Bergamaschi are already great “consumers” of artistic and cultural occasions; the goal is to include all local communities so as to ensure that Bergamo as European Capital of Culture is indeed the capital of all of our local and regional cultures. Widespread discussions have already been initiated with the aim of understanding the vision of cultural operators, particularly Turismo Bergamo and the I.A.T., for Bergamo 2019, This action is motivated by the belief that these operators boast the best knowledge of the territory as well as of their public – essential considerations in defining programmes based on local as well as European requirements. As a catalyst for participation the European Cultural Embassy will welcome students and young professionals to provide them with educational opportunities in the dynamic environment already created by the city’s candidacy to become European Capital of Culture. Training, workshops and seminars focused on cultural management, innovation and start-ups as well as the organization of artistic events will be part of the offerings of the Embassy in order to train young cultural workers to be ready to find professional openings with local companies and institutions.


Sustainability: Local participation has been conceived both in terms of diffusion and decentralization. Accordingly Bergamo 2019 programmes are distributed in a well-balanced way between the city of Bergamo and its province, and between the upper town and the rest of our urban space. From an urban planning viewpoint our candidacy for European Capital of Culture and our proposed programmes have been developed in full compliance with the Territorial Government Plan in an urban fabric that has already built strong links with and among its suburban areas. Financially a balanced model in terms of sources has been adopted, paying attention to earned income (ticketing, merchandising...) as well as sponsorships. A variety of sources of financing makes it possible to reduce the risk of economic hardships in case of shortfalls or bankruptcies on the part of any of those involved.

I. Question 10 Bergamo is aware that the EU actively promotes culture not only throu-

How does the city plan to get involved in or create synergies with the cultural activities supported by the European Institutions?

gh its cultural programmes – of which ECoC is one – but also through programmes and initiatives under the broad EU Cohesion Policy, which aims at encouraging economic growth in EU Member States and their regions to diminish geographical disparities. Thus the opportunities for Bergamo to get involved in cultural activities supported by the European Institutions are huge. Over the coming years, 2014-19, we will seek to develop our programme of activities in collaboration with other related European initiatives, institutions and networks, to ensure that the reach of our efforts is amplified, and that Europe is fully involved in Bergamo. (See Appendix 1 for details.)

The EU Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-2020 is being discussed at present. The fact that the next policy cycle at European level coincides very closely with the period for the Bergamo ECoC ramp-up, implementation and follow-through – 2013 to 2022 –brings numerous opportunities for alignment of priorities and activities on the economic, social, territorial, environmental and cultural planes. Bergamo is following very closely the discussions about the 2014-2020 EU cycle and the Creative Europe programme that will re-launch several longterm European projects with Cohesion Policy funds. These discussions present an opportunity for Bergamo as nominated ECoC for 2019 to become a leader in European-wide cultural implementation from the outset of a new stage. Bergamo is already a member of several European networks and projects such as the project entitled Centrality of European Territories: A Network of “s-low” University Cities of the University of Bergamo, which has created a cluster of cities interested in forming a consortium focusing on sustainable territorial development. This network already includes the cities of Beauvais, Bergamo, Cambridge, Charleroi, Girona, Lübeck and Santander, located in six European countries, involving three institutional levels in each: the University, the City and the Airport. The project envisages the development of an entrepreneurship linked to “slow tourism”, “s” for “sustainable” and “low” meaning a low environmental impact realized through forms of slow mobility in the hospitality sector, food services and the promotion of the natural and cultural resources of the territory. This project, of European scale, is part of the wider objective, indicated as strategic in the initial part of this dossier, of building a network of high-level universities in a context of renewed territorial development.

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Additional European Networks that we have selected for this first phase of the candidacy operate in different dimensions, thus allowing several agents of the city – from the Chamber of Commerce to the University of Bergamo and the City’s Culture Department – to create synergies simultaneously. They are the following: Les Rencontres: an open forum for debate and action, grouping together elected members from all levels of local government throughout Europe in order to actively take part in the establishment of European cultural policies. European Walled Towns: The international association for sustainable development of walled towns, walled cities and fortified historic towns in Europe.

University Network of the European Capitals of Culture: For Universities and establishments of Higher Education based in European Capitals of Culture to use this well known and prestigious European institution to stimulate new forms of academic and educational institutional collaboration.

European Creative Business Network: Contributes to establishing the EU as an accessible, effective and rewarding single market for creative and cultural entrepreneurs.

I. Question 11 Bergamo´s programme is designed to provide an experience of cultural

Are some parts of the programme designed for particular target groups (young people, minorities, etc.)? Specify the relevant parts of the programme planned for the event.


enrichment for all people from the very young to 99 years, to be inclusive and accessible to all citizens, from Bergamo, Italy, Europe and the world. However, we do recognize that some particular target groups require a special attention to be able to reach them fully, and to ensure that the event meets the social cohesion goals that are intended. One of the assets on which the Bergamo candidacy intends to rely is a strong partnership between public and private institutions that have always been active in the territory, in Europe and all over the world to overcome disease, suffering, exclusion and discrimination. Among the numerous associations in Bergamo we may mention Avis, the Italian Association for Organ Donations (created in Bergamo), the Service Centre for Voluntary Work, the Alpines (Bergamo has the largest subdivision in Italy), CESVI, the Paolo Belli Association, some union initiatives, the activity of parishes and the numerous projects of the Social Policy Department of Bergamo Municipality. Confindustria Bergamo in collaboration with the A.S.L. also promotes projects for workers’ safety as part of the local tradition of enlightened and humanistic entrepreneurship that is confirmed by a rich literature on the subject. Therefore, we intend to develop this candidacy as an occasion for “traditional culture” to mix and collaborate with these cultures of solidarity in the belief that culture is sterile when not linked to social reality and its problems.

Audience Segmentation as we have understood it is not intended to be a barrier: a focus on one segment does not prevent another from taking part, and all programmes are open to anyone of any age. The reason for highlighting particular target groups is to be able to develop targeted cultural programming that better responds to the specific needs, interests and motivations of particular groups. For Bergamo 2019 we have identified five primary target groups, in the hope that the ECoC process will be a platform for these groups to participate more actively in the city’s cultural life (please refer to Section II. Question 2, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 for specification of which programmes and capital projects cater to the groups below):

Children >>

The Bergamo 2019 team believes that children are the most creative human beings, and that if introduced to cultural expressions at an early age they will develop their natural skills and incorporate them into their adult life habits, making for a stronger adult audience in the future. Drawing on the experience of the Ente Fiera Promoberg, created in 1984 in our province with an innovative and quality programme, particularly on the success of its “Lilliput” educational workshop for children, we plan to implement the cultural offer for kids in synergy with Lombardy fair events. Throughout the ECoC process, Bergamo 2019 will nurture the youngest generations through cultural activities especially designed for them and their families, their teachers and their schools. The Children’s Music Centre in the Donizetti Museum building, with programmes even for the youngest, is a very important project that we want to implement as part of the Bergamo 2019 programme. In the same vein, we want to turn the former Irf Power Station compound into a theatre district with special attention to theatre for children and youngsters. The children of 2013 will be the youth of 2022, and the adults of tomorrow.

Youth >>

The Bergamo 2019 cultural programme will pay special attention to this target group by gearing programmes and spaces towards them, and focusing not only on cultural participation, but also on professional development. Young people in Italy and throughout Europe are suffering most from high unemployment rates. This is why Bergamo 2019 cultural programmes will seek to develop the professional skills of European youth and explore ways in which new employment opportunities in the creative industries can be fostered. The programme will also delve into the question of identity – as individuals, as Bergamaschi, as Europeans – at an age when youth are reflecting deeply on these notions. Bergamo 2019 teen programmes will be targeted both to teens in person and teens online to extend their potential reach and provide increased opportunities for interaction. The exchange of art students with a southern Italian city under our North-South programme is a particularly attractive project for youth.

Immigrants and minorities >>

In 1995 immigrants represented a mere 2.2% of the population of Bergamo and its province. By 2013 immigrants have increased by eight times and represent 16.5% of the total in the City of Bergamo alone. With such a marked increase over a period of just 18 years, it is paramount to ensure that immigrant minorities enjoy life in their city, and that Bergamaschi welcome immigrants in an atmosphere of tolerance, respect and integration. For this purpose, and taking

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into account that Bergamo’s immigrants are principally Bolivians, Romanians, Moroccans and Ukrainians, but that there are many more groups in the community, the ECoC programme will include activities that create a sense of place for all citizens, celebrate their diversity, and build trust among Bergamaschi of all origins by creating new opportunities for interaction, collaboration and better understanding of one another. Programmes for immigrant teenagers, a vulnerable population, are particularly important; immigrant teens tend to have lower rates of participation in extra-curricular activities and require specific invitations to participate. We particularly intend to invite new immigrants’ participation in the Casa Europa project that will create a composite portrait of old and new European identities. City of Bergamo percentage of foreign residents 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

10% 12.2% 13.6% 15.2% 16.2% 16.5%*

Nationalities Bolivia Romania Ukraine Morocco Albania

20% 9.7% 7.7% 7.6% 5.7%

*Figure relating to January 31st 2013 source Bergamo in cifre 2012 (Bergamo by numbers 2012) published by the Company Information System Service, elaborating data collected by the Statistics Office.

Individuals with disABILITIES >>

Working toward total accessibility – physical and intellectual – is a challenge in an historic steep hillside city such as Bergamo, and it takes time. Nonetheless, it is an important pursuit that stimulates thinking in new ways, and the creative solutions that often serve all visitors better. The programme for Bergamo 2019 seeks to be accessible to individuals with all sorts of disABILITIES, from hearing or seeing disabilities to dementia, reduced mobility and developmental and learning disabilities. We are planning to build relationships with people from these and other groups over the coming months through consultations with community organizations to understand their needs and devise effective solutions to ensure that the ECoC programme serves them as much as it will serve other members of the community. Volunteers and staff will be trained to better interact with people with disabilities and to help create ABILITIES. Bergamo’s ‘light city’ programme of the Social Policy Department of Bergamo Municipality will set a new standard by planning and building a universal design neighbourhood that is aimed at ‘light living’ for the disabled.

Citizens living in the peripheries >>


To the above four demographic groups we add a fifth category that is found throughout the territory and the continent: citizens who live in peripheral parts of the city, province, country or continent. Persons living in suburban neighborhoods and in the smallest villages have often seen how cultural programming and investment has traditionally underserved their communities. A strong connection between the centre, the suburbs and outlying villages already exists in Bergamo: districts like Borgo Palazzo, Longuelo, the Celadina, the Malpensata, Redona, Boccaleone, Loreto and Valtesse

provide through their interconnections and network of socio-cultural centres an easy path for a polycentric diffusion of culture linked to the characteristics of the territory. Bergamo 2019 aims to invert the established centripetal tendency for a centrifugal one, and proposes to bring culture to every quarter and rural area of the territory, without forgetting the most isolated villages in the mountains that are a living testimony of traditions and cultures. On a European scale this will involve establishing collaborations North-South and East-West to reach out to Europeans from all the peripheries of Europe.

I. Question 12 Contacts with cultural operators in the city

What contacts has the city or the body responsible for preparing the event established, or what contacts does it intend to establish, with: Cultural operators in the city? Cultural operators based outside the city? Cultural operators based outside the country? Name some operators with whom cooperation is envisaged and specify the type of exchanges in question.

(The answer to this question is optional at the pre-selection stage).

In the following Table is a non-exhaustive list of the Institutions that have been consulted thus far in various circumstances and for different reasons during the activities to support the candidacy process to date. Some of them participated in workshops during the first phase of the application process; in the case of others, contacts and discussion groups have been regularly active during the second phase of the candidacy. (Note that the Table does not include the many meetings and direct contacts that occurred with individual artists or professionals.)

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Music Institutions

art Institutions

other cultural Institutions

private Institutions

public Administration Institutions

Accademia Musicale S. Cecilia Associazione Alfredo Piatti Associazione Bande Bergamasche Musicali Associazione Bergamo Chitarra Associazione Musica Aperta Bergamo Associazione Musica Rara Associazione Estudiantina Ensemble Bergamo Associazione Sala Greppi Centro Culturale delle Grazie - Section Musicale Centro Didattico Produzione Musica Circolo Musicale Mayr-Donizetti Comune di Bergamo - Teatro Donizetti (Bergamo Jazz) Conservatorio di Musica “G. Donizetti” Bergamo Festival Organistico Internazionale “Città di Bergamo” Festival Pianistico Internazionale di Brescia e Bergamo Fondazione Donizetti Fondazione Gioventù Musicale d’Italia Fondazione MIA (Museo Donizetti) Jazz Club Bergamo Musica Cathedralis Società del Quartetto U.S.C.I. Unione Società Corali Italiane Bergamo Verbo Essere – Contaminazioni Contemporanee

Accademia Belle Arti Bergamo Accademia Carrara GAMeC Istituto d’arte Andrea Fantoni Museo Diocesano Adriano Bernareggi e circuito musei del sacro The Blank

Agiat Archivio della Cultura di base (Sistema Bibliotecario Urbano) Archivio storico della CRI di Bergamo Arketipos Associazione 1000 gradini Associazione Dante Alighieri Associazione Generale Mutuo Soccorso Associazione Premio di Letteratura Bergamo Ateneo di Scienze lettere e Arte Bergamo Scienza Bergomix Biblioteca civica A.Tiraboschi Biblioteca Angelo Mai Biblioteca Caversazzi Centro Culturale Nuovo Progetto Consiglio delle Donne FAI di Bergamo Festival Internazionale della Cultura Fondazione Benedetto Ravasio Fondazione Bergamo nella storia Fondazione Istituti Educativi Fondazione MIA Fondazione Papa Giovanni XXIII Fondazione per la Storia Economica e Sociale Fondazione Serughetti La Porta Fondazione Zaninoni I.S.R.E.C. Istituto bergamasco per la storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea Italia Nostra Museo dell’Età Veneta Museo Paleontologico Orto Botanico Parco dei Colli di Bergamo Premio Nazionale di Narrativa Bergamo

ANCE Bergamo API Bergamo ASCOM Bergamo Associazione Albergatori di Bergamo Associazione Artigiani Bergamo ATB Bergamo Convention Bureau Bergamo Energia Bergamo Sviluppo Bergamo Vive BREBEMI Caritas CESVI C.G.I.L. Bergamo C.I.S.L. Bergamo Camera di Commercio Centro Congressi Giovanni XXIII Centro Servizi Bottega del Volontariato CNA Bergamo Coldiretti Bergamo Compagnia delle Opere CONFAGRICOLTURA Bergamo Confcooperative CONFESRECENTI Bergamo Confindustria Bergamo Cooperativa Città del Sole Distretto del Commercio Ente Fiera Promoberg Fondazione Comunità bergamasca Fondazione Credito Bergamasco Il Nuovo Giornale di Bergamo Inner Wheel Imprese & Territorio Kilometro Rosso L’Eco di Bergamo Lions Club Bergamo Ordine degli Architetti Orobie Magazine Presidenza Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda Redazione Il Giorno Rotary Club Bergamo SACBO S.p.A. (Gestione Aeroporto) Sesaab Eco di Bergamo, Bergamo Tv Soroptimist club Bergamo TEB U.I.L. Bergamo

Accademia Guardia di Finanza Archivio di Stato Bergamo Assessorato Ambiente, Energia, Opere del verde Assessorato Attività Produttive Assessorato Attività Sociali Assessorato Cultura Spettacolo Assessorato Infrastrutture e gestione della mobilità Assessorato Istruzione, Politiche giovanili Assessorato Lavori Pubblici Assessorato Politiche sociali, Pari opportunità, Assessorato Urbanistica e Expo 2015 Assessorato Cultura Regione Lombardia Assessorato Turismo Regione Lombardia Assessorato Cultura Provincia di Bergamo Assessorato Turismo Provincia di Bergamo Commissione Consigliare Cultura Comune di Bergamo Delegato Comunale Progetto Unesco Delegazione Expo per la Provincia di Bergamo Direzione Attività Culturali e Turismo – Comune di Bergamo Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici Diocesi di Bergamo Museo Archeologico di Bergamo Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali E. Caffi, Bergamo. Sistema Bibliotecario Urbano Soprintendenza Archivistica Soprintendenza per il patrimonio storico Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e paesaggistici Turismo Bergamo Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale Università degli Studi di Bergamo

theater Institutions Ambaradan Antiche maschere dell’Arte Araucaima Teater Associazione Arts Brincadera teatro Erbamil Initinere Pandemonium Teatro Qui ed ora Scenaperta Teatro Tascabile Bergamo Teatro Caverna Teatro Donizetti Teatro Prova

cinema Institutions Associazione Festival Internazionale del Cinema Bergamo Film Meeting Lab80

dance Institutions C.S.C. Anymore Pavlova International Ballet School


The outcome of all this work has provided an important and original project design. The content has been enriched over time, thanks to further important contributions received bottomup, following various kinds of calls through the website and social networks and information desks as well as direct contacts with the Department of Culture or directly by individual citizens as well as associations for their respective fields of action. All this inevitably uneven material has been analyzed, coordinated, and then harmonized in order to provide the raw planning material which has been gradually identified in the process of the candidacy by the team dedicated to work on the application. We can attest the sincere enthusiasm of the proponents, and over-all the cultural quality of the received proposals. We believe that the Application is faithful to the ideas that Bergamaschi in city and province have expressed in relation to the candidacy during these years of preliminary work, and that more ideas will continue to emerge and be refined as the process continues over the coming years. Contacts with cultural operators based outside the city The contacts with cultural operators already include partnerships and collaborations throughout the Province. In addition to those, and thanks to the strong contribution of the institutions of the Province and the essential connections between the City and its Province for the ECoC project, numerous contacts have been established at the institutional level. In July 2013 Bergamo invited all 243 mayors of all the municipalities of the Province of Bergamo to a meeting at Teatro Sociale to discuss the positive impacts of the candidacy on the territory, explore collaborations, and present the status of the candidacy project for feedback. The meeting had as its main outcome the initiation of a direct relationship with municipal representatives throughout the Province, as the status of the provincial level of government is currently being reconsidered in Italy and indeed may disappear. Meetings with all the local administrators will continue on a regular basis in a spirit of collaboration. In addition, as part of the Bergamo 2019 candidacy the network of museums in the Province (about 50 institutions) will be enhanced and the synergies for the improvement of the cultural activities of the library system in the 244 municipalities of the province will be strengthened. The candidacy of Bergamo 2019 is connected and active over a wider area than the Province through an agreement signed on May 29, 2013 with the Circuit of the Art Cities of the Pianura Padana: Alessandria, Brescia, Cremona, Ferrara, Lodi, Modena, Monza, Parma, Pavia, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia and Vercelli. The area extends from Piedmont to Emilia Romagna. The candidacy of Bergamo will be representative of this historical, geographical, cultural and artistic area, across cultural thematic itineraries that, starting from Bergamo, can lead to a Grand Tour of excellence throughout these centres of beauty and history. The mutual commitment is to turn the application into an important vehicle to strengthen the collaboration, communication and sharing of a common proposal to Europe. Following are some paths identified by Bergamo to be shared with the other cities, and to be added to those itineraries that are already active in the District of the Art Cities, of which Bergamo was part before the May 2012 agreement: Jewels of the Romanesque through the territories. Spas, resorts and hospitality of excellence. Industrial archeology and its cultural heritage.

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Flavors of the land: itineraries of taste and landscape. Tour of castles and historic residences. People and places in contemporary art. The festival circuit, starting with the Piano Festival in Brescia and Bergamo, a European and international attraction. Paths of prehistory and proto-history. Natural history and science parks. Traces of foreign domination, from oppressors to partner countries in Europe. Local press and publishing, instruments of civic identity Ancient Engravings (Carona-Valle Camonica) Tour of the lakes Songs of Stones (musical history and early musical instruments in Romanesque buildings) Contacts with cultural operators based outside the country Bergamo intends to contact all the past ECoCs to exchange information and good practices, and to see if we can become involved in their legacy projects. Additionally, we plan to contact our European Sister Cities to explore possibilities for conducting joint projects and strengthening our common ties. We have already begun such contacts:

In a meeting on 10/12/12 in Rome with Ambassador of Latvia Mrs. Elita Kuzma we analyzed the potential for collaborative relationships between Bergamo candidate for 2019 and Riga, ECoC 2014. As a first result, the ballet of Riga will be featured in the Donizetti Festival season in December 2013.

Meetings have begun with the Dutch Consulate in Bergamo for the possibility of a link between the Cultural Capital that the Netherlands will host in 2018 and the programme of Bergamo in 2019, particularly regarding cultural exchange of youth creativity.

With the Austrian city of Bregenz, county town of Voralberg, organizing each year music and lyric festivals and programmes on Lake Constance.

There have been frequent contacts with all the candidate cities of Bulgaria and the institutional bodies: a meeting with Bulgarian Minister of Culture Penev (5/26/13), another with the head of the international activities of the Ministry, Dr. Danailova, frequent contacts with the Bulgarian Cultural Institute ( Chakrinova) in Rome to plan initiatives in theater and music, and our participation in a meeting with all participating Italian candidate cities in Plovdiv on June 18-19 2013.

Bg/Bg: Bergamo meets Bulgaria: On July 19-21 2013 we invited and hosted at our European Cultural Embassy a delegation of all the Bulgarian candidate cities (except for Varna, who could not attend). We had no intention of establishing privileged relations with any particular candidate, but rather sought to share ideas and proposed programmes with all of them. A successful round table discussion was followed by a tour of Bergamo’s cultural attractions. This initiative has already resulted in potential projects shared with all the Bulgarian candidate cities, regardless of the final outcome.

We also made contact with ECoC 2016 San Sebastian by hosting Basque curator Lou-


rdes Fernández at our European Cultural Embassy on July 17, 2013 for a conference in July entitled From Bilbao to Bergamo, how Culture transforms the City.

On September 4th 2013, Swiss architect Mario Botta lectured at the Embassy on architecture and urban transformation in contemporary cities.

The Magnum Agency of photographers in Paris is sending two photographers to the Embassy this winter to work with young Bergamo photographers. We are currently programming other international workshops with leading European artists and curators, aimed at sharing design of the candidacy as well as enabling Bergamo’s artists to meet these leading figures. We have had an initial meeting toward forming a partnership among three of Europe’s multi-media cultural centres – one in Linz, another in Bilbao, and a third that we propose for Bergamo. Over the years that the Pinacoteca Accademia Carrara was closed for prolonged renovations, loans from its great collection were made to many important exhibitions at renowned European cultural institutions. These collaborations have created a network of close relationships –– from the Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) of Bruxelles to the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Lausanne, and from the Muzeum Narodowe in Poznań to the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Caen and the Waldemarsudde in Stockholm – that will be reactivated by borrowing from them for a major European painting exhibition to be organized by the Accademia Carrara for 2019.

Bergamo Film Meeting – the association that every year since 1983 has organized the Film Meeting with great success among audiences and critics, and which promotes the distribution of films and documentaries from national and international film productions – also produces events and festivals in collaboration with other major European film institutions, including the British Film Institute in London, the Cineteca Portuguesa in Lisbon, the Filmoteca Española in Madrid, the Neederland Filmmuseum in Amsterdam, the Magyar Filmunió of Budapest, the Finnish Film Foundation in Helsinki and the Swedish Film Institute.

Teatro Tascabile (Pocket Theater) of Bergamo, another historic cultural institution of the territory, has long collaborated with renowned European theater institutions, including Odin Teatret (Denmark), the Théâtre du Soleil (France), the Atalaya Theatre (Spain) and the Centre for the Study of Jerzy Grotowski’s Work (Poland).

The Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAMeC) collaborates with a broad European network of museums and art galleries, including Henie-Onstadt Kunstsenter (Oslo), Whitechapel Gallery (London), Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (Berlin) and the Swiss Foundation for the Arts Pro Helvetia (Zurich).

Our science and technology park, the Kilometro Rosso, has solid contacts and collaborations with IASP (International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation) headquartered in Spain, Kista Science City of Stockholm and MIT – the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – among others. The Donizetti Foundation has collaborated for years with the Donizetti Society of Lon-

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don and the Mayr Gesellschaft of Ingolstadt. Collaborations are planned in 2014 with the cities of Riga, Tallinn and Santo Domingo.

Due to our successful 20-year history of hosting the Città di Bergamo International Organ Festival, which is well-known and appreciated abroad, our city was chosen by the Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde – the largest European association for organ music – to host the 62nd International Organ Meeting, to be held from 27 July to 2 August 2014. This is the first time in 62 years that the GdO association has selected an Italian city. There will be 32 musical events in the programme, held in City and Province, as well as a seminar and a course of interpretation involving the participation of both renowned foreign and many local organists.

In the fall of 2016 Bergamo will host the Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Nativity Scenes, where nativity scene artists, collectors, enthusiasts and fans of the noble art of nativity scenes from all over the world will gather. This event takes place every four years in one of twenty countries that are members of Universalis Foederatio Praesepistica. The Congress in Bergamo will be its twentieth edition.

Bergamo also intends to join the following European networks:. European Walled Towns University Network of European Capitals of Culture Les Rencontres Network European Creative Business Network

I. Question 13 Innovation is applied creativity and Bergamo is a city of Dreamers and In what way is the proposed project innovative?

Builders who have proven again and again that we are innovators – from harnessing the fast-flowing mountain streams to create the energy needed to power the mills of the historic cloth trade through Donizetti’s musical innovations to inventing new forms of cement in the 21st century. Many people do not understand that Bergamo, being a city so rich in history and so well preserved – sometimes perceived to have been almost frozen in time – is also an international centre of innovation. But in fact Bergamo is a dynamic city that focuses on innovation in its factories, universities and research centres daily and places innovation at the core of its industrial and creative processes. Bergamo 2019 aims to extend the city’s innovative spirit into a full engagement with contemporary art, particularly through the European Cultural Embassy.


The European Cultural Embassy builds on this spirit of innovation, serving as a catalyst that will take all cultural practices in the territory to a higher level of excellence and will be at the heart of our candidacy from 2013 to 2019 and beyond. We believe that the Cultural Embassy is the best example of our innovative approach to this candidacy, because it is a commitment that we have already begun to experimenting with innovation over the next ten years and to genuinely involving citizens and artists in the design of our ECoC programme.


The Cultural Embassy is the place where the cultural vision of the city is being created. Long-term it will remain a place of ongoing questioning and implementation, allowing for a continuous regeneration of the city and its territory through culture. It brings together public and private cultural leaders, artists, scientists, residents, institutions, associations, sponsors and companies for the creation of ambitious projects combining their different skills to produce new outputs. It is also the official headquarters of the candidacy, open to everyone – truly a House of All Bergamaschi. Conceived as a laboratory, the European Cultural Embassy seeks to extend its experience at a European level. Its aim is to bring together experts and artists from all over Europe to imagine the role of culture in Europe for tomorrow. The Cultural Embassy was inaugurated in July 2013 in the historic Palazzo Suardi on the beautiful Piazza Vecchia in the Città Alta, and has already hosted a dozen events and workshops bringing together cultural operators from different European countries with artists and citizens of Bergamo during the summer and fall of 2013. A second location will open in the southern end of the city at the Urban Centre close to the Intermodal Transport Centre, strategically linking all transporation systems – airport, train and bus – to the Città Alta and Milan. With these two locations and a dynamic and engaging programme, the European Cultural Embassy will span the cultural divide of art and science, as well as connecting both ends of the city and taking culture to every corner of Bergamo. When fully developed the European Cultural Embassy will have five broad areas of activity:

1. ECoC Coordination Bureau: The heart of Bergamo’s candidacy process. The site for the representative office, where meetings and daily coordination will take place.

2. Public Engagement Lab: a space where citizens will be welcome to get informed about the process, make suggestions and proposals, and get involved in specific actions through volunteering or other forms of cooperation.

3. Start-up Incubator: Segment dedicated to start-up incubators in the field of creative industries: a permanent integrated 21st century arts lab for young Bergamaschi, where the frontiers between disciplines will be challenged.

4. Artists in Residence: A house for European culture in Bergamo, where creation will emerge from and within the territory. A tool to connect the cultural life of Bergamo to European cities and to establish relationships among European artists.

5. North-South/East-West Office: The networking mechanism of the Embassy, where con-

tacts with Italian and European cities will be brokered. A special emphasis will be made on collaborations with the south of Italy, as well as with Bulgaria as the other ECoC host. This center will also be in charge of activating Bergamo´s role in European-wide networks and initiatives.

The whole project of the European Cultural Embassy has a potential for sustainability and reversibility. In the event of not succeeding with the candidacy for ECoC, the Embassy will continue with its activities as part of the legacy of this candidacy process to the city, its citizens and the cultural sector.

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I. Question 14 From a social point of view, we foresee that the event will have the fol-

If the city in question is awarded the title of European Capital of Culture, what would be the medium- and long-term effects of the event from a social, cultural and urban point of view? Do the municipal authorities intend to make a public declaration of intent concerning the period following the year of the event?

lowing main effects:

> Increased social cohesion > Renewed sense of confidence tied to a clearer identity as Bergamaschi, Europeans and citizens of the world > Openness to new ideas through cultural experience leading to tolerance of differences whether resulting from immigration, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race or faith > Broadened communitarian perspective applied beyond the walls to partners in Southern Italy, Eastern Europe and the European Union > Economic impact of the event through tourism and development of the local creative industries that results in increased social well-being > Development of new audiences of all ages and backgrounds who will incorporate culture more strongly into their social habits > Bergamaschi interacting more frequently as protagonists in European affairs, enabling them to incorporate a broader European Dimension in their activities > Stronger perception of European citizenship

From a cultural point of view, we foresee that the event will have the following main effects:

> Adding an emphasis on contemporary art and culture to our existing strengths in cultural > > > > > > > > >

heritage Greater participation among the population in the cultural dynamics of the city A more eventful city through dynamic and vibrant encounters Higher quality arts programming Increased cultural programme offerings Increased capacity of local cultural operators and public cultural authorities to manage and deliver cultural programmes A more integrated cultural ecosystem with increased cooperation between operators A shift towards more innovation and interdisciplinarity in culture Development of new cultural infrastructure Establishment of new international cooperations and increased presence in European cultural initiatives and networks

From an urban point of view, we foresee that the event will have and/or will contribute to produce the following main effects:

> Better transport connections between the airport and the CittĂ Alta > Better transport connections between the city and the province > A new intermodal station that will connect the city more efficiently with the region, the rest of Italy and Europe

> A more livable city > A more sustainable city that establishes a new dialogue with its surrounding landscape

and ecosystem > Increased awareness of the importance of preserving a high quality of life in the city, through initiatives such as the slow cities movement > New urban revitalization infrastructure projects > Recovery of public space for enjoyment of the population


> Better governance of collective processes through improved tools for participation, transparency and e-democracy > Long term legacy for the city that will make it more resilient for the future If the city in question is awarded the title of European Capital of Culture, do the municipal authorities intend to make a public declaration of intent concerning the period following the year of the event?

Our candidacy budget already provides for programmes to continue through to 2022, planning on three full years of follow-through in which many of the proposed programmes will continue to live on after 2019 to consolidate the legacy. Additionally, the European Cultural Embassy will remain as a permanent laboratory for the city on issues related to Europe, culture and citizenship that will sustain the ECoC programme long after 2019.

I. Question 15 This application has been coordinated by Cultural Councillor Claudia Sar-

How has this application been designed and prepared?

tirani, following a bottom-up approach that has involved strong public engagement of citizens, as well as of multiple stakeholders from the public and private sector, from the province as well as the city. Key to the success of our candidacy has been genuine collaboration among all the levels of government, the private sector, the University and the Diocese of Bergamo, the Chamber of Commerce and Confindustria Bergamo, who have all come together in a consensual and collaborative manner. This has added great strength and value to the process, and is a guarantee for the future stability of the project despite potential political changes. Note that all political parties are represented in our Steering Committee.

Also key has been the participation of the students of the University of Bergamo, led by the Geography and Urban Planning students who have voluntarily activated a virtuous dynamic through the Bergamo Open Mapping project that has enabled the participation of many more citizens and stakeholders in the process. Student participation has been extended to other school levels with the support of the Provincial School Board. More than twenty focus groups open to the public have been convened in different locations of the city and the province to facilitate the participative process and to collect ideas and initiatives.


The first step for this application was the pre-dossier entitled Bergamo 2019: Cantiere di futuro, Cantiere d’Europa, developed in the period 2011-2012 and presented on June 20, 2012. The pre-dossier was realized by a work group directed by Roberta Garibaldi from the University of Bergamo and Luigi Giuliano Ceccarelli, Cultural Counselor for the Municipality of Bergamo. The pre-dossier was also informed by the outcomes of previous work managed by Cultural Councillor Claudia Sartirani and Dr. Riccardo Bertollini, who had facilitated some workshops in the territory. The Pre-dossier was a preliminary step to the current application. Its purpose was to: Present the European Capital of Culture project to all the stakeholders of the territory, identifying objectives and effects of the call, requirements and criteria, as well as an

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analysis of best practices to develop a candidacy proposal; Provide a first analysis of the local motivation and priorities for the application; Gather input from stakeholders and the public to start putting in shape collaborations, programmes and initiatives; Start integrating the development objectives of the application with the European dimension and the local context. The process leading to the pre-dossier and its conclusions shaped the constitution of the Comitato Bergamo 2019 on 13 December 2012 with the mandate of preparing the candidacy. The Comitato is governed by Articles 39 to 42 of the Civil Code as a not-for-profit organization; its mission is to promote, support and submit to the competent authorities this application of the City of Bergamo for European Capital of Culture 2019, and to organize, directly or indirectly, on a continuous and stable basis, the cultural strategy of the City in connection with the candidacy, with the possibility of evolving into a more operative and independent structure once the candidacy is successful. The Comitato Bergamo 2019 established a governance mechanism that has worked effectively since 2012 to gather and process all the inputs from the public as well as stakeholders, and to manage the process of designing and preparing the application.




The Public Numerous citizens have been engaged in workshops and consultations to discuss the questions included in this application and to be informed about the developments of the candidacy. As a result, their input has been integrated in the preparation of this Application. Through the European Cultural Embassy, the public will continue to be invited to participate and add their input for the long-term shaping of the cultural vision of the city in the context of the ECoC and beyond. In parallel, through the University project Bergamo Open Mapping, students and researchers from the University of Bergamo have conducted dozens of workshops and seminars to gather input about cultural programmes that have been incorporated in the candidacy.

Institutional Promoting Members Institutional Promoting Members are those that subscribe to the articles of incorporation of the Comitato 2019, share its aims and take on the obligations of membership. Their task is to promote the purpose of the Comitato 2019 and to work towards achievement of its purpose, each according to their own functions and capacities. The Comitato 2019 was founded by members of the following institutions: Comune di Bergamo, Bergamo Province, Diocese of Bergamo, Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo, University of Bergamo; to which have been added the Lombardy Region, Confindustria Bergamo, Bergamo Science Association, the Bergamo Transportation Company (ATB) and the Orio al Serio Airport of Bergamo (SACBO). Most recently the Fondazione Banca Popolare di Bergamo has joined the Committee, strengthening our representation of the financial sector.

President The Mayor of Bergamo is President and legal representative of this initiative. The Committee is chaired by the mayor of the City of Bergamo or by his delegate. Honorary President The Honorary President is the great Italian film-maker born in Bergamo, Maestro Ermanno Olmi. He is known as one of the most important personalities of the area and is entrusted with fostering not only the participation of the people but also garnering the support of intellectuals, artists and administrative, productive and economic organizations, both national and international. Â Supporting Members Supporting Members are those who share the aims of the Comitato 2019 and its activities, and contribute to the realization of its goals through financial support, with an activi-

Project Team

In order to fully realize the incorporation to the project of both the local dimension and the European dimension, the Executive Council has entrusted the coordination and implementation of the ECoC candidacy dossier to two teams that have worked in an integrated manner to ensure a balance of interests – local/national and European/international – in the application:

Local Team appointed by the Comitato 2019, it includes Luigi Giuliano Ceccarelli, Cultural Counselor of the Culture Department of the Municipality of Bergamo, responsible for gathering and incorporating in the application the projects proposed by the cultural operators from the territory. This team also comprises Roberta Garibaldi, responsible for tourism planning for the Municipality of Bergamo. The University of Bergamo is also part of the local team with Federica Burini (in charge of the Bergamo Open Mapping project), Fulvio Adobati, Maria Grazia Cammarota, Alessandra Ghisalberti, Francesca Pasquali, Mario Verdicchio, Sara Belotti, Roberta Carminati, Elena Vittoria Belotti.

ty such as vocational education, or with a contribution of tangible or intangible assets. Supporting Members include key stakeholders from both the public and private sector. Executive Council Made up of the President, Honorary President, one representative for each Promoting Member and one representative of the Supporting Members, the Executive Council is assigned powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration and is assisted by an Administrative Secretary who provides a central point of contact for all the operators of the territory. It is noteworthy that the Council includes representatives from all the political spectrum of Bergamo who are working collaboratively to ensure that the application is consensual and free from political connotations.

International Team Represented by Federica Olivares, cultural consultant and university professor of cultural planning in collaboration with City Innovation Lab at the Catholic University of Milan, along with Gail and Barry Lord, experts in cultural planning at the European and international level, with a team from their European company Lordculture headquartered in Paris.

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Scientific Committee

Presided over by Prof. Silvio Garattini, it is made up of internationally renowned personalities from the world of culture, science and industry, and has the task of supervising the schedule of the candidacy, and advising with regards to the objectives and content of the application. The Members of the Scientific Committee as of September 2013 are:

Ambassadors of the Candidacy


Silvio Garattini (President): Scientific researcher, doctor and professor of chemotherapy and pharmacology. Founder in 1963 and Director today of the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, Dr Garattini is the author of many scientific works and articles published in international journals. In addition, he is a member of Group 2003, comprising Italian scientists working in Italy who are among the most cited researchers in the world, and a Founder of the European Organization for Research on the Treatment of Cancer. Marida Bertocchi: Professor of Quantitative Methods for Economy and Financial Sciences at the University of Bergamo, and a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Bergamo. Sergio Chiesa: Scientific coordinator and professor at the CNR-IDPA (Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali). Giuseppe Dematteis: Geographer, Professor of Urban and Regional Geography in the Faculty of Architecture at the Turin Polytechnic. President of EU-POLIS, of the SiTI Scientific Committee (Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione) in Turin, member of

the Steering Committee of the Italian Council for Social Sciences and since 2006 coordinator of research for the Territorial Plans of the Piedmont Region. Matilde Dillon: Professor of Italian Literature in the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Bergamo. Professor for the Doctoral programme in Italianistica at the University of Trieste. Davide Ferrario: Film director, scriptwriter and writer. Paolo Fresu: Composer, trumpeter. Internationally renowned jazz musician, he is the founder of Festival Time in Jazz at Berchidda. He has directed three seasons of the Bergamo Jazz Festival. Enrica Pagella: Researcher, historian and critic of Beni Artistici e Ambientali, she is a member of the Fondazione Torino Musei as Director of the Palazzo Madama Museo Civico d’Arte Antica e del Borgo Medievale in Turin. Roberto Pertici: Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Bergamo since 2002. From 1992 to 2002 he worked as university researcher of contemporary history at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

These are prestigious personalities linked to Bergamo, including leaders in the arts, culture, science and technology, the cinema, theatre, music, sport, design, industry, communication, literature, architecture, fashion and medicine. Their task is to advise and to promote the candidacy of Bergamo 2019 within their respective areas of influence. At present more than 20 ambassadors have joined the initiative.

The Ambassadors of the candidacy as of September, 2013 are: Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio, Alessio Boni, Bruno Bozzetto, Imelde Bronzieri, Martina Caironi, Chicco Cerea, CESVI, Agostino Da Polenza, Roby Facchinetti, Vittorio Feltri, Claudia Ferrazzi, Foppapedretti, Felice Gimondi, Marta Milani, Emiliano Mondonico, Simone Moro, Nando Pagnoncelli, Filippo Maria Pandolfi, Lucio Parenzan, Cristina Parodi, Giorgio Pasotti, Antonio Percassi, Francesco Rea, Roberto Sestini, Vittorio Sgarbi, Gianluigi Trovesi, Beatrice Trussardi.

section II strucTURe of the PROGRAMMe for the events

II. Question 1 As described in Section I, the general concept for Bergamo’s candidacy

What structure does the city intend to give to the year’s programme if it is designated “European Capital of Culture” (guidelines, general theme of the event)? How long does the programme last?

(This question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage).

is Beyond the Walls / Dreamers and Builders. This concept is articulated in four aspects of the City that reflect 21st Century urban culture and represent the four pillars of cultural guidelines for Bergamo and its territory for the next decade. Bergamo Beyond the Walls is really four cities in one : A City of Civil Society A City of European Networks A City of Innovation A City of Sustainability

A City of Civil Society

A City of Sustainability

European Cultural Embassy

A City of Innovation


A City of European Networks

Each of these four aspects of contemporary urbanism generates in turn two strategic directions that form the structure for our 2019 programme. As illustrated in the following diagram, the European Cultural Embassy is the laboratory for the ECoC project that will ensure the cultural relevance of all the programmes, so that connections among disciplines will be established in a continuous effort of integration, cross-disciplinarity and interaction. We have already established on July 1st 2013 the first location of this innovative institution, and our local artists are already benefiting from first-hand contact with some of Europe’s leading creators in workshops there.

Below is an explanation of each of these four “cities” and their strategic directions. (For more on the European Cultural Embassy please refer to Section I. Question 13).

1. A CITY OF CIVIL SOCIETY BEYOND THE WALLS Civil society is one in which there is a high level of social capital based on a strong network of not-for-profit, non-governmental institutions that offer opportunities for citizen participation. As a glance at the long Table in Section 1 of organizations already engaged in this candidacy demonstrates, Bergamo is well endowed with such institutions in numerous fields of cultural endeavour including music, theatre, libraries, dance, museums, art and cinema. Bergamo 2019 will enhance our civil society foundation in two ways: Engaging Citizens: Bergamo wishes to empower citizens to play a more active role in the future of the city and province. Through its cultural programmes Bergamo 2019 is encouraging our residents to take ownership of our candidacy and to increase their participation in cultural activities.

section II s t r u c t u r e o f t h e p r o g r a m m e f o r t h e e v e n t s


Transcending New Borders: Bergamo 2019 will reflect a border-less Europe in which the movement of people contributes to the spreading and questioning of ideas, the establishment of long-lasting personal links across countries, and the success of trans-national endeavours. This free movement facilitates immigration flows South-North and EastWest that enhance the richness of Europe´s multiculturalism – expressed in customs, celebrations, art forms and languages, all of which will have their place in our programmes.

2. A CITY OF EUROPEAN NETWORKS BEYOND THE WALLS By engaging with contemporary European culture East and West, Bergamo 2019 will stimulate an awareness of European integration and an enhanced sense of European citizenship in two ways:

Rethinking a Complex Identity: Who are Bergamaschi? Who are Europeans? The answers evoke the cultural heritage that will constitute an important part of our programme, but they also involve contemporary creativity. Bergamo 2019 aims to link both, encouraging residents and visitors alike to explore who Europeans can be and what we can most effectively contribute to a globalized and changing world. Creating New Connections Throughout Europe: There will be three main lines of action:

1. City-Province Connection: whether or not the provincial level of government

continues, links between the people of the city and those living in the province will be reinforced through both physical and intangible infrastructure, as well as common initiatives, since the candidacy involves the province directly; 2. North-South Italian Dialogue: Given Bergamo´s location in the north of Italy, one of the lines of action will be to create a north-south dialogue within Italy to strengthen the nation´s balance, culturally, economically, politically and socially. We are committed to share Bergamo’s year as European Capital of Culture with candidate cities of the South through exchange programmes, co-productions and other means. 3. European-wide Networks: Bergamo 2019 will put Bergamo at the heart of internatio nal networks in the urban, institutional, cultural, education and research sectors. A special emphasis will be placed on the relations with Bulgaria as the host of the other ECoC 2019.

3. A CITY OF INNOVATION BEYOND THE WALLS Innovation is applied creativity. Both flourish in an urban environment that is open and tolerant. Especially for the sake of our young people, we need to ensure that Bergamo becomes a centre for innovation, not only as it is already in science, medicine, technology and industry but also in contemporary art and culture. Here again we need to explore in two strategic directions:


New employment opportunities for a globalized world: Bergamo 2019 intends to promote the creation of new employment opportunities in the new knowledge economy over the next decade. The strategy to do so will be to cross-fertilize between different disciplines and sectors. Small family businesses, medium-sized companies and multinational corporations will be encouraged to share their know-how and resources. Our cultural programme will include highly experimental projects that bring together artists, industrialists,

scientists and academics from all over Europe to encourage European citizens to think out of the box and develop new employment opportunities in the knowledge economy.

Linking Art and Science: Traditionally these spheres have been treated as separate and almost irreconcilable realities, just as Dreamers and Builders have been perceived as opposing characters. Bergamo 2019 will explore the benefits of bringing art and science closer than ever. Innovation is the practical application of creativity; as new technologies and industrial processes are borrowed by artists to create new artistic expressions, industry can benefit from the proximity and exchange with artists from various fields. And vice versa. Based on the success of BergamoScienza, one of the largest science festivals in Europe, involving Nobel Prize winners and other scientists from all over the world every year, staffed entirely by more than 2,500 volunteers, we believe that Bergamo is where all this can happen.

4. A CITY OF SUSTAINABILITY BEYOND THE WALLS The city of Bergamo has an exciting ‘smart city’ plan, focused on accessible and energy-efficient mobility centred in our intermodal transportation centre, which is adjacent to the former industrial area that will become our Contemporary Cultural Quarter. Bergamo 2019 will support this movement already underway towards a city that is easily accessible, open to visitors, newcomers and residents, sustainable, efficient, welcoming to newcomers, and “intelligent”. Our two strategic directions here are:

Promoting Territorial Sustainability: Bergamo has already initiated and will foster through this ECoC candidacy a new process for rethinking its territory in terms of sustainability and quality of life. This will lead to initiatives that explore the balance between the urban area and the countryside, the value of proximity farming and the importance of farming within the city to guarantee a high quality of food, on the model of ‘slow food’ already active in the Province. ‘Slow cultural tourism’ is actively being studied in the University of Bergamo, which proposes to undertake a joint research project with other universities pursuing this line of inquiry all over Europe. All of these programmes will focus globally on the quality of life in 21st-century European cities.

Building on Common Values and Un-Common Diversities: We also understand sustainability as human coexistence in peace. Europe is a continent of splendid diversity, manifested through the existence of multiple languages, thousands of local traditions, contrasting geographic landscapes and climates – all of which contribute to endless cultural manifestations and sensibilities. Bergamo 2019 will celebrate Europe´s immense diversity and implement projects that preserve this singularity and encourage exchange and understanding of this diversity.


Already started in 2013 with the creation of the European Cultural Embassy, the programmes will ramp up steadily until 2019, flourish during that year, and continue after the ECoC year between 2020 and 2022. The exact schedule of the events will be detailed at a later stage of the selection. The preliminary budget projects a division of 45% before 2019, 48% for 2019 and 8% continuing until 2022.

section II s t r u c t u r e o f t h e p r o g r a m m e f o r t h e e v e n t s


Phase 1 2013-15 and Phase 2 2015-18 – Ramp-up The preparatory phase towards 2019 is of course crucial. It focuses on the activation of local and international creators, partners and audiences.

phase 1: 2013-2015

This period benefits from the Milano 2015 Universal Exposition which will represent a milestone in our candidacy and a first test of our capacity to generate cultural tourism and attraction for Bergamo. As the theme for the Exposition is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, Bergamo will implement many programmes in relation to sustainable innovation and agriculture for tomorrow. Both these themes fit in our 2019 programme guidelines, and Bergamo and its territory have a real legitimacy to address these topics given our experience in the fields of industrial site reconversion, use of renewable energy and protection of the environment. Furthermore, in this first phase, currently underway, initiatives have been launched and will continue into the later stages that are addressed to the involvement of the population in the candidacy.

The Bergamo Open Mapping project (BOM), developed for Bergamo 2019 Candidacy and realized by the Diathesis Cartographic Laboratory of the University of Bergamo, already online and having received more than 3,000 visits in three months, is a key point of public consultation. It invites residents and visitors of Bergamo to pinpoint on a map buildings, green areas, squares and streets or other places that merit cultural enhancement. Everyone is invited to propose projects for these locations or to vote for a proposed project. The initiatives that have obtained more votes have been publicly presented at the European Cultural Embassy. We will continue with this project once we are shortlisted.

Think tank and public communication: the Embassy aims to invite specialists of cultural development, sociologists or architects to help conceive the future of the city. Again we have started already: the first one was Lourdes Fernandez, director of Alhondiga Cultural Centre of Bilbao and main creator of the San Sebastian candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture for 2016. Lourdes offered both a public encounter and a workshop on the theme “From Bilbao to Bergamo, how culture changes the city”.

Artists’ or Scientists’ Residencies: in keeping with our art-science focus, artists and scientists from all of Europe will be invited to come to the European Cultural Embassy in Bergamo, find their inspiration, meet and cooperate with their peers in our community, and produce a work of art or a scientific study. We have already started this in Phase 1: later this year a first test will be realized by welcoming two photographers of the famous Magnum agency in Paris. At a three-day workshop twelve amateur Bergamo photographers will be invited to share their practice and work with these world-famous photographers. The workshops will focus on how each student’s visual language can be improved by story formation, visual literacy and personal vision, offering to participants the opportunity to produce individual projects under the same conditions as professional assignments. The focus in Bergamo will be on the territory and its inhabitants, and a public exhibition of the artworks produced will be organized at the end of the workshop. The work accomplished at the workshop will provide a photographic record of the city and the territory that will become part of Bergamo 2019.


phase 2: 2015-2018

In this stage all of our efforts will be concentrating on the European Capital of Culture development. As headquarters and think tank for the candidacy, the European Cultural Embassy is the key tool for the coming years that will continue the activities initiated during Phase 1 (Think Tank, public communication and Artists’ or Scientists’ Residences) and will focus its action in this phase on:

Art-Science Summer Schools: a series of Summer Schools will be carried out in the territory aimed at students and teachers at the secondary school level with the objective to sensitize the younger generation to the theme of fusion between art and science, and to provide them with tools to understand the relationships and skills to be put in place. Through the Summer School students and teachers will have the opportunity to reflect on art-science both in terms of educational practice and “creativity tests” motivated by the increasing use of technology in contemporary art.

Public events: the European Cultural Embassy is conceived as a living place. It will forecast public events, including those for children and families, some of which will take place in Palazzo Suardi.

Second site: During Phase 2 we will open the second location of the Cultural Embassy in the Città Bassa, near the intermodal transport center in the former industrial area that is going to become our Contemporary Cultural Quarter. Public art projects for that Quarter will be underway, and the new Galleria del’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea will be in construction, transforming the former Dogana (customs house) into the new GAMeC.

New cultural infrastructure: these projects will be under construction or renovation during Phase 2. For example, the Donizetti Museum building will include a new Children’s Music Centre, School for Opera Professionals, a centre for E-learning and an incubator for music industry start-ups while the exhibition on Donizetti will be substantially renewed with interactive exhibits that will tell the story of a poor child in Bergamo who grew up to become one of Italy’s greatest composers.

Participation in the Province: at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Crespi d’Adda we will be working with the local population to draw out the human story of this remarkable factory town inspired by the ‘garden city’ movement, so that we can write and produce with them a living historical drama on the site where it happened. This is just one example of the numerous ways in which we will involve people throughout both city and province in the creative work of Bergamo 2019.

phase 3: 2019

European Capital of Culture Year The programmes that we currently propose are defined in Section II-Question 2 and fully described in Appendix 1. Programmes will take place all through the year in order to create a year-round ‘buzz’ in the city and will be organized in different time slots, thus targeting both inhabitants of the city and tourists throughout the year. We will open with a city-wide celebration, and will feature the capital projects that will have been completed in Phase 2.The Donizetti Festival will stage major musical productions all through the year. Major exhibi-

section II s t r u c t u r e o f t h e p r o g r a m m e f o r t h e e v e n t s


tions will open at all of our museums and at Alt, the contemporary art gallery in Alzano Lombardo in Bergamo Province. Public art projects will be unveiled in our hospitals and libraries as well as in our new Contemporary Cultural Quarter. Our exchanges with art students from the South will take place. The Children’s Music Centre will open. And so much more!

phase 4: 2020-2022

Legacy After the crucial year of 2019, the intent of the city is to build on the ECoC legacy by continuing a strong cultural policy. The long-term process of cultural transformation started in 2013 will culminate in 2019. But it will take another few years to realize its full potential. Sustainability will be essential for the following initiatives:

Networks and partnerships: Bergamo will continue to be an active member of the European networks that the city is joining as part of our candidacy. Partnerships with other cities in Italy, Bulgaria and elsewhere in Europe will be reinforced.

New infrastructure: permanent institutions like the Contemporary Cultural Quarter, the new GAMeC, the Art-Science Centre and the European Cultural Embassy need to be sustained to ensure their finances and to take their place and match their stride to the everyday life of Bergamo. Their programmes will continue with exhibitions, residencies and research as part of the new cultural face of Bergamo, fully engaged throughout Europe.

Public-Private Partnerships: one of the strongest assets of Bergamo is its capacity to create mixed public-private programmes. For example, a major Bergamo bank is an important sponsor of the land for the new GAMeC and the Contemporary Cultural Quarter. Through the European Cultural Embassy and many other initiatives, these relationships need to remain characteristic of the attractions of Bergamo.

Residents’ and Visitors’ engagement: consideration of the public interest and the possibility for popular inclusion in decisions on the future of the city must remain a priority for Bergamo.

II. Question 2 We are planning both programmes and capital projects. Only the pro-

What main events will mark the year? For each one, please supply the following information: description of the event / date and place / project partners / financing. (The answer to this question is

optional at the pre-selection stage).


grammes are listed in the Table below, but readers should also refer to: - Appendix 1 for a full description of each programme; - Appendix 2 for the Capital Projects.

As the candidacy proceeds, we expect that many more programmes will be proposed and integrated with the current offer, and that the current programmes will be further refined.


Type of Programme Target Audience

European Cultural Embassy

Ongoing programme of artists in residence and seminars.

Seminars & Conferences


ECoC 2019 Opening Event

Major special event to celebrate the beginning of ECoC.

Festivals and Events


Public Art Programme

New public art in any media proposed by citizens.

Art Installations


Contemporary Art in hospitals, airports, railway stations, churches, factories, banks, libraries, construction sites

Bergamo 2019 will support a programme of art that will make the arts available to a wide spectrum of the population by locating artworks in everyday places and contexts.



Crowd-Memories: Bergamo describes Bergamo

Community project to build a sensitive and personal history of the city and its province through personal archives (photos, audiovisual documents and objects).

Collaborative project


Bergamo Solidarity 2019: Outstanding Women of Europe Award

Bringing together European women committed to raising the status of women and their quality of life in Europe.

Collaborative project


Bergamo Solidarity 2019: International Meeting

International Meeting of European solidarity organisations with the objective of enhancing international collaborative networks on important themes.

Collaborative project


1-B. Transcending New Borders

Type of Programme Target Audience

Accademia Carrara 2019: A Rose in the Winds of Europe

Exhibition, which will also tour in Europe, exploring European cultural influences on works of art from the Accademia Carrara collection.



Atalanta’s Artists

Atalanta’s players will meet with young artists coming from all over Europe who will produce works of art on the theme of Bergamo’s football team, using different artistic forms.

Performing Arts


From Enemies to Friends – For a Europe at Peace

Institutional delegations’ and students’ visits to historical places where battles between Bergamaschi and other European people (who are now friends) took place. This initiative encourages us to think about European history.

Collaborative project


2. A CITY OF EUROPEAN NETWORKS BEYOND THE WALLS 2-A. Rethinking a Complex Identity

Type of Programme Target Audience

Living History Industrial Heritage Theatre: Crowd Memories at the UNESCO site of Crespi d´Adda

Theater project to tell the human story of this UNESCO industrial heritage site. This initiative is linked to a path of industrial heritage focusing on the value and the evolution of work in Bergamo and in the world.

Performing Arts


Casa Europa

Contemporary artists’ group The Blank will explore mobility and what makes us feel at home in a different place.

Collaborative project


The EU Seen Through the Eyes of Contemporary Artists

Collective exhibition to investigate contemporary European identity, our common roots, our fears and our beliefs.



Emigrants/Immigrants: Countries united by Art

Reflection through the arts on the evolution of the concepts of nation, country and national identity.



The 3rd Bergamo between arts, science and mystery

An unorthodox underground Heritage Trail of sewers and aqueducts with innovative light and sound.



2-B. Creating New Connections Throughout Europe EU Think Tank

Experts from all over the EU meet in Bergamo at the European Cultural Embassy to discuss current important issues on the City and Europe.

Type of Programme Tipo di Pubblico

Seminars & Conferences

section II s t r u c t u r e o f t h e p r o g r a m m e f o r t h e e v e n t s



A Network of s-low University Cities

This programme – to be developed on a European scale between 2014 and 2019 – proposes the implementation of a sustainable “slow tourism” entrepreneurship relying on slow mobility solutions and implying the involvement of the hospitality and food services sectors.

Collaborative project


BG Meets BG: Bergamo Meets Bulgaria – Independent European Film Festival

Independent international film festival developed by Bergamo Film Meeting that we intend to twin with Sofia International Film Festival to promote and launch independent cinema and to valorise the work of young film-makers.

Festivals and Events


Cultural Itineraries in Lombardy and in the Circuit of Art Cities of the Pianura Padana

Itineraries to explore the rich cultural heritage of the Lombardy region and the Pianura Padana from Piedmont to Emilia Romagna.

Tourist Itineraries


The New Garibaldini build the new Europe

The New Garibaldini will be young artists coming from Bergamo and their opposite numbers from Candidate Cities in the South of Italy who will work with European artists to realize street art, public art and wall writing.

Collaborative project


3. A CITY OF INNOVATION BEYOND THE WALLS 3-A. New Employment Opportunities for a Globalized World Arte–Impresa with the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti

International internship programme in Bergamo companies, focused on introducing creativity and design into industrial sites.

Type of Programme Target Audience

Collaborative project


Donizetti Museum. Opening of the Music Heritage and E-Learning Centre and Children’s Music Centre

Around the Donizetti Museum we will develop a centre for music in Bergamo, from classic to contemporary music, from jazz to ethnic music, and an international learning centre for academics and musicians. It will also be an interactive and learning centre for children and a place for music creation.Sarà anche un centro didattico musicale interattivo per i bambini e un sito di creazione musicale.

Collaborative project

Music Composers, Musicians, Academics

The Sounds of Solidarity: an international network in the name of Music

Charity concerts involving young orchestras from all over Europe to valorize young talent and create a European network recalling the “Charitable Lessons” of the young Donizetti.

Performing Arts

3-B. Linking Art & Science

Children, Teachers Youth

Type of Programme Target Audience

Art-Science Centre (ASC)

A new facility with hands-on labs where artists and scientists from all over Europe can work together, with a gallery exhibiting experiments as well as exhibitions. Linked with ZKM in the Ruhr, Le Laboratoire in Paris and Trinity College, Dublin.

Hands-on learning and creative exchange centre

All ages

Builders and Dreamers @ Kilometro Rosso

Public-private summit about sustainable new building technologies with Europe’s leading architects and engineers and temporary pavilions of new materials.

Seminars & Conferences


Kultur Camp

A permanent start-up incubator for young Bergamaschi in the creative and scientific industries and the ICTs.

Collaborative project


ArtScienceNature Playground

This high-quality structure for playing and learning will be especially devoted to youth and their education, linking art, science, nature and the social-ethical dimension.

Collaborative project

Children and Youth

4. A CITY OF SUSTAINABILITY BEYOND THE WALLS 4-A. Promoting Territorial Sustainability

Type of Programme Target Audience

Astino – Eco-Festival of Slow Food

Eco-festival to share growing techniques and recipes based on local ‘slow food’ production across the province and throughout Europe.

Festivals and Events

Citizens living in the peripheries

‘Smart City’ Project

Pilot programmes on renewable energy, electric vehicles, bicycle commuting and other.

Collaborative project



In 2014 Bergamo 2019, the City and the Hospitality Sector will host a conference with international leading experts on airport-city connections to study the unique situation of Bergamo with its Città Bassa and Città Alta. The intention is to design a state-of-theart transport method that will be energy-efficient and sustainable throughout the 21st century.

Seminars & Conferences


Kilometro Verde

A large area dedicated to the relationship between nature, agriculture, food and wine, sustainable energy and solidarity-based commerce. The area will be linked to cultural and artistic events.

Collaborative project


Imagining Territories – Art of the Mountain

European artists in the field of land art will realize artworks inspired by the mountains of the province of Bergamo..

Collaborative project

Citizens living in the periphery

International Conference on Airport-City Transportation

4-B. Building on Common Values and Un-Common Diversities

Type of Programme Target Audience

Bergamo by Post: from letters to E-culture

From the first European mail service born in the Bergamo territory to intangible communication. Contest and initiatives also linked to Poste Italiane.


Children and Teachers

Donizetti Festival

Il Teatro Donizetti inviterà importanti compagnie operistiche da Donizetti Theatre will invite important opera companies from Paris, Lisbon and Vienna to create a new production of an opera by Gaetano Donizetti. This production will then tour all over Europe.

Performing Arts


The City becomes a Stage: from the Commedia dell´Arte to Città Alta

Piazza Vecchia will become an outdoor theatre to present classics from all EU countries: Romeo & Juliet using Venetian balconies and Lombard steps. We will create a special version of the Festival devoted to the Commedia dell’Arte that was born in the territory of Bergamo, won the hearts of Venice and then spread all over Europe. A new theatre district will encourage the development of co-productions with other European Countries.

Performing Arts


II. Question 3 In order to answer this question in a manner befitting a European Capital

How does the city plan to choose the projects/events which will constitute the programme for the year?

of Culture, a genuine participatory mechanism has been established in the city and province. The choice of the projects and events which will constitute the final programme will follow the same process. As we write this dossier, citizens and stakeholders are still proposing projects, discussing their impacts and reach, and evaluating them in the newspaper and on-line for possible incorporation in the ECoC events programme. We expect that this process will continue for some time. A PARTICIPATORY PROCESS A sequenced process has been established with the following phases that ensure broad participation from the public as well as a distillation based on predefined criteria that will ensure artistic quality and relevance to the European dimension:

1. Public Involvement: Bergamo Open Mapping Operating from 2013 to 2019, Bergamo Open Mapping invites citizens to share project ideas, engage in a conversation about priorities, and vote their preferences. A project developed by the CST-Diathesis Cartographic laboratory of Bergamo University and implemented by students in different disciplines, BOM is an interactive and collaborative map in Web 2.0 featured on the Bergamo 2019 website. Bergamo Open Mapping enables citizens of Bergamo and its province to indicate places that are important to them and to propose initiatives and projects to be carried out during the process of the candidacy.

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This genuine process of participation has been and will be further developed in three phases: Awareness: the system has been presented in the city districts and in the municipalities of the province, organizing fun-filled events in schools, libraries, at social gatherings and in the parishes; Consultation: the inhabitants of Bergamo and its province, once registered, can highlight the places that are important to them, indicating initiatives, adding comments and sharing their aspirations for the ECoC. The initiatives that receive the highest number of votes are presented in certain public places in the city and province (theatres, squares, libraries), to gather further consensus and encourage other users to provide feedback, allowing for an ever-increasing conversation among citizens as to what initiatives, projects and expectations they have for the European Capital of Culture; Implementation: the initiatives that have received a high number of votes were presented to the public on September 5th 2013 at the European Cultural Embassy in the presence of the Board and the Scientific Committee. The list can be found on the website www. Bergamo Open Mapping is an ongoing process; it is expected that before our final application is submitted in 2014, many more project ideas will continue to be proposed and considered for inclusion in the final application. 2. Stakeholder Workshops These workshops have been made up of professional stakeholders from the cultural sector, as well as urbanists, sociologists, historians, scientists, economists, and academics. Numerous stakeholders from the public and private sector have been engaged in sectoral workshops to discuss the questions included in this application and to be informed about the developments of the candidacy. A networked approach has been implemented, according to which each of the Institutional Partners have led workshops with stakeholders related to their organizations and sectors, allowing for deeper conversation and a comprehensive reach throughout the city and province. The results have been shared in periodical meetings among the partners and the input integrated in the preparation of this application. These workshops will continue taking place during the pre-opening phase with experts from different fields. They offer us a place to discuss and choose programmes and events, adding the expert judgment to our process in a meaningful and relevant way. 3. Scientific and Artistic Validation Once a first filtering of projects has been made and communicated to citizens, the Scientific Committee and the Artistic ‘Ambassadors’ Committee, both composed of local authorities with European reputations in their respective fields, will make a final evaluation of the proposals and approve the programmes. CRITERIA FOR PROJECT SELECTION The selection of projects and events is being made according to the following criteria: Alignment with ECoC project goals European Relevance Originality of the project Artistic/creative quality Social, economic and environmental impact Contribution to the long term development of the city Contribution to North-South dialogue and European networks Accessibility and reach Feasibility 46

section III ORGANIsAtION and

FINANcing of the event

III. Question 1.1

What kind of structure is envisaged for the organisation responsible for implementing the project? What type of relationship will it have with the city authorities?

(This question must be answered in greater detail at the final selection stage).

1. ORGANIsAtion of the event As has been fully described in Section I-Question 15, there is already a structured governance for the current phase of the application process that has brought together the entire political spectrum of the territory into one common effort. The current statutes of the Comitato Bergamo 2019 envisions its future transformation into a more operative body that will bring to life an independent mixed not-for-profit public-private organization that will implement the candidacy through to final designation and the realization of Bergamo’s year as European Capital of Culture in 2019.

The present governance (please refer to Section I. Question 15) will continue its functions through 2022 under its legal mandate. The European Cultural Embassy will be the headquarters of the organization responsible for implementing the project and the mechanism to streamline the process. In the intermediate phase, once Bergamo has been (hopefully) included on the shortlist for ECoC 2019, we will create a Coordination Team for the Candidacy consisting of a Project Implementation Office and Working Committees. Project Implementation Office The role of the Project Implementation Office will be to deliver the different phases of the candidacy. A permanent project office will be created at the Cultural Embassy already located in Piazza Vecchia, staffed by an appropriate number of collaborators ramping up from 2014 until 2019. This office will work in full transparency, sharing their progress with the citizens, institutions and stakeholders involved. The Project Implementation Office will be composed of three persons at the Director level and five at the manager level as follows:

• Artistic Director: will be responsible for the artistic direction and vision of the Year of • •

• • •

Culture. She or he will be supported by an Advisory Board with experts from different disciplines. Managing Director: is responsible for running the operations, checking the feasibility of proposals, monitoring progress reports, and facilitating the exchange between functions as well as among local and international stakeholders. Community Outreach Director: is the advocate for community engagement throughout the city and territory. He/She has responsibility for collecting all the ideas and inputs into programming and creatively integrating them within the overall artistic vision and programme criteria. This key position envisions public participation in its full spectrum from creators to audience. Events Manager: is responsible for the production and management of events. Financial Manager: responsible for the financial health of the project and compliance with the budget plan. Networks & Partnerships Manager: responsible for ensuring that Bergamo remains proactive in European-wide initiatives and networks. Also responsible for handling the

section III o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d f i n a n c i n g o f t h e e v e n t


• •

long term partnerships with Bulgaria, other Italian Candidate cities, and the agreement to share our year as European Capital of Culture with the south of Italy. Communications and Tourism Promoting Manager: defines the communication plan of the application and realizes it; also in charge of promoting the city as a cultural tourism destination. Human Resources & Volunteers Manager: is responsible for all coordination of personnel, including the activities of volunteers.

Working Committees The following Working Committees will be in place throughout the process to address specific areas of the project´s implementation and support the Project Implementation Office:

• Monitoring and Evaluation Committee: an external body responsible for monitoring • •

• •

the process and evaluating the performance of the city in meeting the goals of the ECoC year. Financial Control Committee: independent body to ensure that the budget is spent as projected, and that the financial sources are available on time. Participatory Process Committee: in charge of ensuring public engagement in the project and its transparency. It will continuously solicit ideas and projects from residents of the territory, and will devise outreach initiatives to increase participation in programmes. Fundraising Task Force: will support the Financial Manager by raising funds from the private sector. The Volunteers Organization 2019: Currently being created with the role of involving younger generations of Bergamaschi in the delivery of the ECoC project.

Relationship of the Organisational Structure with the City Auhorities The already existing Comitato Bergamo 2019 has taken meticulous care in the design of the governance structure in order to balance political representation (majority and opposition members are already present in the Executive Council) as well as public institutions and private enterprises. As a result, the governance structure for 2019 will be independent from any one single city authority, both organizationally and artistically, and will ensure the continuation of the project throughout the process by representing all the different political forces of the territory no matter what political changes there may be at the local and national level. The city authorities will be represented in the managing structure of the Project Implementation Office by being leading members of the Executive Council, but they will not be the only public authorities involved in decision making. The Project Implementation Office will report to the Executive Council, not to the city authorities directly.

III. Question 1.2 As has been specified in the two preceding answers, the

If an area around the city is involved in the event, how will the coordination between the authorities of the relevant local and regional authorities be organised?


province and regional authorities are already and will continue to be members of the Executive Council in order to ensure that coordination happens at the very core of the candidacy´s governance structure. This approach demonstrates the intent of Bergamo 2019 to be not only a city event, but an event for the whole territory.

Additionally, public authorities from the towns of the province and the region have been invited from the outset of the Candidacy process to be part of ad hoc working teams and committees to propose, plan, coordinate and implement specific projects throughout the territory. In addition, Bergamo 2019 called a meeting of all the mayors of the municipalities in the province, who are enthusiastic supporters of our candidacy. We will continue to maintain their participation in planning and implementation of the project, especially because there appears to be some likelihood that the provincial level of government may be eliminated in the near future.

III. Question 1.3 Criteria

According to which criteria and under which arrangements has or will the artistic director of the event been chosen? What is or will be his/her profile? When will he/she take up the appointment? What will be his/her field of action?

The artistic director will be chosen by the Comitato Bergamo 2019. The position will be advertised and an executive search firm will be retained if needed. She/he will report to the Steering Committee of the Comitato Bergamo 2019 for all aspects of his/her responsibility except for financial and personnel matters, where reports will be made by the Managing Director.

The criteria for selection of the artistic director include the following: Originality of thought Understanding of and commitment to the Bergamo 2019 concept and theme Proven track record in organizing and executing major cultural events at a European level of excellence Demonstrable abilities in managing large multi-disciplinary creative teams Excellent communication skills for both internal and external stakeholders Experience in working with cities, foundations and the private sector Willingness to engage with communities, youth and marginalized populations Participation in European networks of artists in many media An audience builder Profile The artistic director needs to be both a “Dreamer and a Builder”. By this we mean an individual with a proven track record of dreaming big and working collaboratively, not only with internationally renowned artistic achievers but also with community-based participants with high aspirations to build great projects and events with meaningful outcomes. While it may be tempting to base the profile on a “big name” at the apex of a successful career, we believe it will be more relevant to the Bergamo theme of “Beyond the Walls” to seek a mid-career professional for whom success during the six years leading up to ECoC 2019, and 2019 itself, will promote the individual to the level of a “big name”.

section III o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d f i n a n c i n g o f t h e e v e n t


Therefore the profile of the Bergamo 2019 Artistic Director is: A mid-career art professional with a proven track record of artistic excellence in several art disciplines, preferably with experience in interdisciplinary work involving visual arts, performing arts, literature, science or technology. The candidate must be a high-energy person capable of working compassionately and creatively with the full diversity of Bergamo communities. The candidate must be able to think “beyond the walls� and bring a global perspective to event programming for 2019. The candidate will have established a vital network of European-wide cultural connections in many fields; but will also have the curiosity to explore new networks and partnerships especially in Eastern Europe and throughout Italy, especially in the South. Timing The Search Process for Artistic Director will commence as soon as Bergamo has passed the first stage of the application and has been shortlisted. Since this is a hands-on leadership role, not an honorific position, we cannot expect a highly qualified candidate to leave her or his current position with uncertainty about whether the Bergamo candidacy will be successful, at least in reaching the shortlist. The artistic director will lead the final candidacy process and will begin the recruitment process of her or his team. Field of Action The Bergamo 2019 Artistic Director will be responsible for all the programmes leading up to and including 2019. She/he will lead in all decision-making related to artistic quality and theme relevance. She/he will report to the General Manager of Bergamo 2019. She/he will direct a dynamic team of people responsible for each single programme as well as educators and outreach coordinators. She/he will collaborate with city officials responsible for capital projects to ensure that these projects resonate with the Bergamo 2019 theme and are achieved at the level of quality commensurate with a European Capital of Culture.

III. Question 2.1

What has been the usual annual budget for culture in the city over the last 5 years (excluding expenditure for the present ECoC application)?

(Please fill in the table below).

2. FINANCING OF THE EVENT The City of Bergamo has always paid great attention to its cultural offer by allocating significant sums of money to the management and the valorisation of its cultural heritage despite the financial restrictions due to national and international economic circumstances. Even though expenses need to be kept under control and limited, the City aims to achieve the rationalization and optimization of expenses without diminishing the quality of its cultural offer. In the Tables below we show the annual ordinary operating budget for culture in the city over the past 5 years (excluding expenditure for the present ECoC application), as well as the investments in cultural projects developed by the City of Bergamo between 2008 and 2012 (for 2013 we have included projected figures for the annual budget).


Table 2.1 Annual Municipal operating and capital expenditure on Culture (2008-2013) Year

Total operating expenses €/000

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013*

120 307 120 089 135 307 132 764 126 813 128 208

Operating expenses for culture, excluding capital investments €/000

Expenditure for capital investments

Expenditure for capital investments for culture



12 825 10.66% 13 398 11.16% 12 033 8.89% 11 973 9.02% 10 984** 8.66% 10 806** 8.43%


39 454 20 675 34 771 24 044 21 321 44 200

2 510 1 500 5 075 3 300 957 6 240


6.36% 7.25% 14.6% 13.72% 4.49% 14.12%

* The figures for 2013 are estimates from the projected annual budget. ** The figures do not include expenditure for the Candidacy Project.

For 2012, the last completed year, the municipal budget for culture was distributed as shown in the pie chart below, with 59% of the resources allocated to occupancy, staffing and other fixed costs, and the remaining 41% devoted to the development of cultural programmes and events. As to distribution among the different cultural sectors of the city, the municipal budget was distributed as shown in the following pie chart: Note: The total amount of resources allocated to the cultural sector increases considerably if we include the expenses and the investments for culture by other bodies (Province, Chamber of Commerce, Diocese of Bergamo) and other entities. The City of Bergamo participates in these expenses and investments together with other public institutions and private bodies in order to valorize the artistic and cultural heritage of the City. We can mention the following main examples: Fondazione Donizetti, Associazione GAMeC, Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia, Cobe Direzionale S.p.A., all of which have realized together between 2008 and 2012 cultural initiatives and events corresponding to a minimum annual expenditure of 3.2 million Euros and a maximum amount of more than 4 million Euros, with a projected budget for 2013 of about 5 million Euros. Nor should we forget to mention the numerous private organizations that promote and provide financial support to different cultural initiatives in Bergamo and its territory. For example, the mapping of all cultural initiatives and programmes in Bergamo for the ECoC project has been launched with this kind of support.

municipal Budget for culture break-down by expenditure category (2012)



occupancy, staffing and other costs programmes expenses exceptional expenses

municipal Budget for culture break-down by sector (2012) 19%

57% 24%

Museums and libraries theaters other cultural services (promotion and development)

section III o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d f i n a n c i n g o f t h e e v e n t


III. Question 2.2

Please explain the overall budget for the European Capital of Culture project (i.e. funds that are specifically set aside for the project). [ In case the city is planning to use funds from the usual annual budget for culture to co-finance the ECoC project, please indicate the amount which will be taken from the usual annual budget for culture from the year of the submission of the bid to the ECoC year included: Euros].

Operating expenditure connected with the Bergamo 2019 organization includes the following components: Programme costs; Wages, salaries and overheads costs; Costs for services in communication, promotion and marketing. The total amount of operating expenditure for the entire decade 2013-2022 is estimated at 34 824 551 euros, with 15 618 600 euros assigned to 2019, which represents 45% of the total operating budget. The capital expenditure is evaluated at 107 535 000 euros. This amount includes cultural investments, urban infrastructure, and urban revitalization projects.

Table 2.2a Overall expenditure budget (2013-2022) rounded to millions Total

operating expenditure

capital expenditure



143 000 000

35 000 000


108 000 000


Note: This budget has been projected on realistic and reliable expenditure forecasts taking into account the programmes planned for the period 2013-2022 and the related organisational structure. This means that expenditure projections only include items for which sources of financing are reliable and stable in the mid- to long-term. Costs have been estimated on a prudential and conservative basis. The experience of former ECoCs suggests that their respect of financial engagements depends on their implementation of effective management procedures and accurate budget forecasting as well as early confirmation of funding from both the public and private sectors, cultural and non-cultural partners. Based on these assumptions, Bergamo 2019 intends to put in place the most appropriate tools and processes guaranteeing sound financial estimates and management processes. Aware of the importance of a sustainable budget, the organization of Bergamo 2019 will rely on a variety of sources of financing, both public and private. Bergamo and its Province are the locations of companies – both in the industrial field and the services and advanced technology sectors – that are nationally and internationally known and are profoundly rooted in the territory. A series of preliminary meetings with the major potential private partners of the area has been convened, establishing a common intent by the private sector to participate and collaborate in order to develop projects for Bergamo 2019. This allows us to estimate that the budget contributed from local businesses, sponsorships and generated revenue will be very significant, around 26% of the total operating expenditure, higher than the average of past ECoCs. Capital and Operating Funds: In dealing with the private sector, particular attention will be given to the development of long-lasting synergies with all private partners that will lead to active and deep participation of all parties in the different initiatives. This will ensure that the private sector is a genuine protagonist and not only a contributor of funds, and that capital commitments are followed by ongoing commitments to operations. Table 2.2b Overall income budget (2013-2022) rounded to millions total income in the operating Budget


from the public sector

from the private sector



35 000 000

26 000 000

74% ca

9 000 000

26% ca

III. Question 2.3

Please explain the operating budget for the ECoC project. Please fill in the tables below. Component A: Overall operating expenditure:

As to break-down of operating expenditure, the estimated average amount for the period 2014-2022 will be as follows: About 61% will be allocated to programming and projects; About 20% will be spent on communications, public relations, digital strategy and tourism marketing; Another 19% will be assigned to salaries, administration and other overheads. The percentages will fluctuate over the period 2014-2022 to account for extra efforts on programming, marketing and/or staffing depending on the evolution of the programme as it gains momentum towards 2019 and after.

Table 2.3a Break-down of overall operating expenditure (2014-2022) operating expenditure

programme expenditure


wages, overheads, administration




34 824 551

21 202 000


6 878 696


6 743 855


break-down of the estimated operating 2014-2022 programme expediture promotion/marketing wages, overheads, administration

III. Question 2.3

Please explain the operating budget for the ECoC project. Please fill in the tables below. Component B: Planned timetable for spending operating expenditure:




The budget will ramp up as indicated in the Table 2.3b from 2013 to 2022. The figures are estimates and will fluctuate each year to meet specific needs: i.e. an increased effort in marketing in 2014-15 to increase visibility at Expo 2015 in Milan, similarly in 2018 to give visibility before the ECoC year; and of course increased spending on programming in 2019 when the main events will take place.

Table 2.3b Planned timetable for the operating budget ECoC (2013-2022) year

2013-2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 totale

programme expenditure €

755 000 2 070 000 1 515 000 1 955 000 3 320 000 9 810 000 770 000 535 000 472 000 21 202 000

Promotion/Marketing €

311 175 233 381 380 325 532 455 1 410 660 2 904 300 553 200 345 750 207 450 6 878 696

wages, overheads, administration €


311 175 233 381 397 613 556 658 1 234 328 2 904 300 553 200 345 750 207 450 6 743 855

section III o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d f i n a n c i n g o f t h e e v e n t


1 377 350 2 536 762 2 292 938 3 044 113 5 964 988 15 618 600 1 876 400 1 226 500 886 900 34 824 551

The following Table provides the phasing and detailed ramp up of the cost of each of the programmes proposed in Appendix 1 of this application, including the legacy period. All figures in thousands of Euros

phASE 1 ramp up to Milano Expo


2013 2014

European Cultural Embassy Emigrants/Immigrants: Countries united by Art Donizetti Festival Builders and Dreamers @ Kilometro Rosso Living History Industrial Heritage Theatre: Crowd Memories at the UNESCO site of Crespi d´Adda Accademia Carrara 2019: A Rose in the Winds of Europe ECoC 2019 Opening Event Contemporary Art in hospitals, airports, railway stations, churches, factories, banks, libraries, construction sites The City becomes a stage: from the Commedia dell’Arte to Città Alta EU Think Tank Cultural Itineraries in Lombardy and in the Circuit of Arts Cities in the Pianura Padana Imagining Territories – Art of the Mountain Astino – Eco Festival of Slow food Arte–Impresa with the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti Art-Science Centre (ASC) Kultur Camp Crowd Memories: Bergamo describes Bergamo Bergamo by Post: from letters to E-culture


total annual expenditure




30 250 170

100 250 100

150 250 150

750 150 100 10 500 1 200 250 500 100 50 150 350 50 30





1 040

50 100



200 200

750 490

1 000 930







50 20

200 300

50 20

75 20

100 20

250 300

30 20

25 20

25 20

805 740


100 100 20

50 50 50

50 50 50

100 75 100

250 235 250

20 50 50

20 50 50

20 50 50

660 660 630

50 50 30 25 10

50 50 40 50 20

100 100 75 100 50

250 100 200 50 200 25 180 20 250 25

50 20 20 10 25

50 20 20 10 25

650 490 455 435 405








50 25 30

150 150 250




310 280 280

10 20

10 20

10 20

270 240

20 20

20 20




2 200 10 2 010 1 700 1 080


50 30

30 10

50 10


30 25



20 20

20 20

50 20

150 100

10 10 10

20 20 20

30 30 30 25

135 135 135 150

70 30

70 30

75 30

150 40

515 170


30 100

100 400

130 800 250

250 55



150 40

Bergamo Solidarity 2019: International Meeting Bergamo Solidarity 2019: Outstanding Women of Europe Award The New Garibaldini build the new Europe ArtScienceNature Playground International Conference on Airport-City Transportation A Network of s-low University Cities




Donizetti Museum. Opening of the Music Heritage and E-Learning Centre and Children’s Music Centre BG meets BG: Bergamo Meets Bulgaria – Independent European Film Festival Atalanta’s Artists Public Art Programme The EU Seen Through the Eyes of Contemporary Artists ‘Smart City’ Project The Sounds of Solidarity: an international network in the name of Music From Enemies to Friends – For a Europe at Peace The 3rd Bergamo between arts, science and mystery Casa Europa Kilometro Verde


total expenditure per 2020 2021 2022 project phASE 4 Legacy





phASE 3 ECoC

phASE 2 ramp up to 2019


195 195 195 185


700 2 070 1 515 1 955 3 320 9 810 770 535 472

/ 21 202

phase 1

phase 2

phase 3

phase 4

2 825

6 790

9 810

1 777

21 202






III. Question 2.4

If appropriate, please insert a table here that specifies which amounts will be spent for what type of capital expenditure over the years from the application to the ECoC year.

For a description of each of the capital projects included in the following Table, please see Appendix 2: Capital Budget Details.

Planned Capital Projects by Type 2014-2022 Urban Infrastructure Projects (€/000) 21st Century Intermodal Transport Hub


Total urban infrastructure

4 400 5 000 13 000 14 000 5 700 300 1 000 100 1 000 44 500

Cultural Infrastructure Projects (€/000)


Railway Station Renovation Improved access to Città Alta 24/7 Culture: Cultural Hotel Sant’Agata Beyond the Walls by Foot and Bicycle: Sant’Agostino-Città Alta elevators for cyclists Upgrading of the lower station of the funicular in the Città Alta Restoration of the access through Porta San Lorenzo Technological and Acoustic upgrading of Palacreberg expansion of Parco Suardi

200 200

European Cultural Embassy: headquarters in the Palazzo Suardi (Città Alta) European Cultural Embassy: second site at the Urban Centre near the railway station in the Contemporary Cultural Quarter (Città Bassa) Art-Science Centre (ASC) Contemporary Cultural Quarter: relocation of GAMEC (galleria d’arte moderna e contemporanea) Carrara Revealed: Accademia Carrara expansion and renovation Celebration Space: 1. Restoration and adaptation of Donizetti Theatre Celebration Space: 2. Restoration of Teatro Sociale foyer Music Heritage and E-Learning Centre + Cultural Activities Centre and Children’s Music Centre (Donizetti Museum renovation and conversion)

4 000 4 500 13 000 18 500 600 2 750

New frontiers of science and technology at Kilometro Rosso Total cultural infrastructure

850 2 000 1 000 2 600 980 / / 51 180

Urban Revitalization Projects (€/000)


Public Art Projects

3 600 / 3 100 2 000 1 050 2 000 105 11 855

Urban Agriculture: Astino Expo Site & Cultural Centre Technology Transforming Museums: completion of the Museum of the Venetian Period Opening of the 20th Century History Museum Accessible Archives: Biblioteca Angelo Mai restoration Recovery and restoration for Biblioteca Tiraboschi Permanent site for BergamoScienza

ArtScienceNature Playground European Crossroads: conversion of former monastery church Sant’Agostino for university use Children/Youth Theatre initiative at former I.R.F. power station, Via Daste and Spalenga First phase of works for architectural upgrading: former convent of the Carmine in the Città Alta Redevelopment of the Castle of San Vigilio as a privileged observation post overlooking the City Restoration of historic fountains Total urban revitalization projects

107 535


section III o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d f i n a n c i n g o f t h e e v e n t


III. Question 2.5

The public finance authorities have already made commitments for many of the multi-year capital expense projects. Please see the list of Capital Budget Details in Appendix 2, where the status of each project is indicated. With regards to operating expenses for the ECoC candidacy in the financial year 2013, the Institutional Bodies in the Steering Committee have already committed a global amount of 700,000 Euros. Commitments for the next financial year will be made upon approval of the 2014 budget. The City is prepared to undertake the remaining long-term commitments in 2014 once the city knows if it has been shortlisted as a finalist for ECoC.

III. Question 2.6

The strategy to include the private sector in support of the candidacy has already been integrated in the mandate of the Comitato Bergamo 2019. The plan is to involve as stakeholders partners that are active companies and business associations that are being asked to contribute not only with an annual fee but above all to participate with their expertise, their ability to engineer certain projects and their management capability, so that they will be an active part of the Bergamo 2019 process. Our intention is to encourage participation that will involve as many people as possible. The Comitato Bergamo 2019 mandate provides for two categories of Members:

Have the public finance authorities (city, region, State) already voted on or made financial commitments? If not, when will they do so?

What is the plan for involving sponsors in the event?

Institutional members who participate fully in the Committee, in terms of objectives and obligations, and are admitted with a formal decision of the Assembly. In addition to the founding members, namely the City of Bergamo, the Province, the Diocese of Bergamo, the University and the Chamber of Commerce, the Committee also includes the Lombardy Region and, since September 2013 Confindustria Bergamo (representing all the companies of Bergamo City and Province), the BergamoScienza Association, the Bergamo Transport Company (ATB) and the Orio al Serio/Caravaggio Airport of Bergamo (SACBO). The Fondazione Banca Popolare di Bergamo has just joined the Committee.

Supporting Members who share the aims of the Organising Committee, contribute to its activities and the achievement of its goals through financial support approved by the Council, and also provide support to the work of the candidacy with their professional resources, tangible and/or intangible, with a further contribution to specific projects of the Committee. Many of Bergamo’s larger corporations have expressed interest in joining this group.

In case of a substantial growth in the number of supporters (as we anticipate), there is the possibility of grouping by type of business and the establishment of a Board of Supporters which will nominate two of its own representatives with voting rights on the Board of Directors of the Organising Committee. Different ranges of participation – economic contribution and/or contribution in services – will be provided as options in order to be able to offer smaller companies and individuals the opportunity to become supporters of the candidacy. Thanks to these mechanisms of participation and representation, Bergamo intends to overcome the “passive” role of the traditional sponsor to entrust to the private sector the status of


stakeholders in the candidacy. Moreover, the option to work together at the same table allows us to share the Vision, Mission and goals of the different stages of the candidacy and to “train” both the public and private sector to work together with their different skills for Bergamo 2019. Development Plan for private sector support: In March 2013 a Task Force was formed to encourage the involvement of private partners. The Task Force met from March to July 2013, with participants representing several senior management sectors: banking, business associations, services, the Orio al Serio Airport, construction etc. During each of these meetings the Vision and Mission of the candidacy was presented, along with a discussion of the benefits of the candidacy for the city and province of Bergamo, and the plan for realization of this Application. The next phase of development of private partnerships provides for the presentation of specific projects and communication events as the basis for ad hoc partnerships that will attract specific enterprises. We also intend to use specific campaigns for crowd-funding projects that will enable us to mobilize donations by a wide range of citizens in order to ensure an even wider participation in the candidacy, thus enlivening the desire for genuine participation that characterizes most Bergamaschi.

III. Question 2.7

According to what timetable should the income be received by the city and/or the body responsible for preparing and implementing the ECoC project if the city receives the title of European Capital of Culture? (please fill in the tables below)

III. Question 2.8

Which amount of the usual overall annual budget does the city intend to spend for culture after the ECoC year (in euros and in % of the overall annual budget)?

Please see the expenditure calendar outlined in our answer to Section III. Question 2.3 Component B above. Receipts will be organized to meet that cash flow.

During the last five years, the City of Bergamo has committed on average 10% of its total budget to operating and capital expenditure for culture. A priority for Bergamo is to ensure a stable and consistent budget year after year that will ensure a long-term legacy after 2019, rather than projecting an extraordinary increase in cultural budget over the next five years that may not be sustainable after the ECoC event. The objective is to stabilize the annual cultural budget in the 14-15€ million range (plus inflation) from 2015 to 2022, an objective that is considered feasible and sustainable for the cultural life of the City and the Province, including the legacy of Bergamo 2019.

section III o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d f i n a n c i n g o f t h e e v e n t


section IV city infrastructure IV. Question 1

What are the city’s assets in terms of accessibility (regional, national and international transport)?


Lombardy is the hinge region between the north and south of Europe and the access portal from northern Europe to the Tyrrhenian ports of the Mediterranean. Lombardy has a distributed and efficient airport system around the hub of Malpensa and a regional rail system nearing completion which will provide a comprehensive network of rail transport at the regional level able to meet the intense demand for internal mobility. Lombardy is a hub of many international and supra-regional highway routes under development to mesh with European networks via the Gotthard tunnel to the north, so that both east-west and north-south access to Bergamo will be optimal by 2019.

To ensure the international accessibility of Lombardy, in addition to the role of Malpensa as a hub, Italy is participating in the implementation of major pan-European corridors that are aimed at creating a system of fast connections to link up with the connections being implemented in the rest of Europe. These changes define a mesh of “long networks” for connection and growth opportunities for all areas of Europe. The lines of direct interest to Lombardy are Milan-Bologna and Milan-Luzern for the north-south links, and the lines Turin-Venice and from France to the Balkans for East-West connections. Airport System The objectives of the regional airport strategy are to affirm Malpensa airport as a hub, with the articulation of different roles for the airports: Linate (city airport of Milan), Orio al SerioBergamo (low-cost national and international links, and major freight and courier activity), and Montichiari (charter flights and regional connections, and cargo). Cycling The Lombardy region is crossed by a dense network of cycle paths exceeding 3,000 km. The bicycle is the ideal way to discover landscapes and hidden corners of the Lombardy region. All itineraries are connected to each other, and each route starts and ends, where possible, from a train station to take advantage of the transport service Bicycle + Train. This allows passengers to carry out excursions from all legs of a journey, from day trips for families with children to multi-day bike tours, all on protected paths and secondary roads with little traffic. The system of cycle paths comprises: 3 European pathways: (Cycle Route of the Pilgrims – Ciclopista of the Sun – Ciclovia Po and Lagoons); 3 national routes: (Alpine foothills, Adda, Tyrrhenian); And 17 regional routes; For a total of about 3,000 Km.


Nine UNESCO sites, 32 municipalities, 16 regional parks and nature reserves and more are to be discovered along these cycle paths, which connect with all of the chief towns and cities, lakes and rivers.


The infrastructure system of Bergamo consists of several networks of different modes of public and private transport integrated with each other that draw on several multimodal infrastructure corridors in and around the city. Integration among the different transport systems is the subject of the city’s plan for sustainable mobility for people and goods through the strategic location of numerous interchanges. Rail Service The regional railway network serves Bergamo on four lines: The Bergamo–Ponte San Pietro–Carnate line; The Bergamo–Treviglio line that, beyond improving the links to Milan, will also serve as a connection to the high-speed Turin–Venice line passing through Treviglio; The Pioltello–Treviglio line which is important for the Venice line and for Bergamo connections to Milan; The Bergamo–Rovato line that will be the link with the Montello centre in addition to being part of the Gronda Nord (Saronno–Seregno–Bergamo–Brescia) line. This system is due to be significantly improved by 2019, especially the connections with Milan and the creation of local services on the four lines converging on Bergamo. This application includes references to current plans for substantial improvement to the MilanBergamo train and to the Bergamo station and adjacent intermodal transport centre as part of a ‘smart city’ plan for regional and local transportation. The Contemporary Cultural Centre that is a central project of this candidacy will be adjacent to this area of urban revitalization. The Tram System Bergamo’s innovative fast metro trams offer excellent service throughout the province on: Line 1, the Seriana line, in service since 2008 to serve the Bergamo-Albino area; Lines for the metropolitan area of Bergamo, ​​ which could be further improved if the Bergamo 2019 Candidacy is successful, with important external branches constituted by creating a supplementary rail network that is a system certain to be effective according to forecasts of the need for rapid metro-tram transport. Airport With its focus on low-cost airlines Orio al Serio-Bergamo airport opens important perspectives for relations with the European economy, as well as its equally vital importance to support the revival of tourism in our city and province. Orio al Serio-Bergamo airport, also referred to under the trade name of Caravaggio II International Airport, is located 5 km from the center of Bergamo and 45 km from the center of Milan. Since the end of 2009 it has become Italy’s fourth largest airport by passenger numbers; together with Milan-Malpensa and Linate Airport our airport system welcomes about 37 million passengers a year. SACBO, the company managing the Orio al Serio-Bergamo airport, is an active member of Comitato Bergamo 2019. Low-cost Ryanair flights to Bergamo are an important factor in our

section IV c i t y i n f r a s t r u c t u r e


tourism strategy, inspiring our ‘slow tourism’ programmes that will encourage more passengers landing there to explore Bergamo city and province. Bergamo 2019 will also be commissioning jazz, pop and chamber music groups to play at the airport, with a poster campaign in the airports from which Ryanair flies to Bergamo to stimulate more passengers to think about staying longer in Bergamo, the city of a thousand surprises. The system of Local Public Transport The local public transportation system is structured on the basis of a comprehensive network of services that includes a large suburban and extra-urban area (28 hinterland municipalities of Bergamo) and serves with high frequency three subnets (East, West and South) with significant relationships along the main entrance into the city. A summary of the main data follows: more than 50 million passengers each year; over 1.7 million journeys made each ​​ year; about 700 buses in service, of which about 500 are equipped for disabled passengers; 90 lines (urban, sub urban and suburban) and 22 million kilometers traveled each year; a tramway service between Bergamo and Albino (12.4 km and 16 stops) two cable cars in the city (the funicular to Città Alta and the cable car in San Vigilio, a cable car of high tourist interest) Also in Bergamo are active multiple services aimed at sustainable mobility (bike sharing, integrated management of parking, bicycle paths), intelligent traffic management (pedestrianized areas, intelligent traffic lights), intermodal stations and integration between different modes of transport (park & ride, and the intermodal hub in the city). Innovative mobile traffic information services are currently being developed. In 2011 Bergamo (the only Italian city among 11 other cities in the world) received an important recognition with the award at the annual Congress of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) in Dubai of the UITP’s Service Improvement Award for “Public transport: the smart green solution”, a plan to double the market share of public transport in Bergamo by 2025. In addition to the above, and thinking of the future, the City, Province and Region are currently establishing an Agency for Local Public Transport that will be put in place in 2014-2015 to coordinate and enhance the transport services of the territory over the next decade.

IV. Question 2 Tourism to the city of Bergamo and the Province has experienced a phe-

What is the city’s absorption capacity in terms of tourist accommodation?

nomenal increase over the last decade (2002-2012) coinciding with the development of the Orio al Serio-Bergamo Aiport and a greater focus on the city´s economy towards tourism services. This growth is particularly evident in the case of the city of Bergamo where tourism has increased by 59%, reaching at present almost one million visitors yearly – half Italian, half foreigners (mostly Europeans). In the case of the Province the increase in tourism amounts to 35%. Based on the experience of other cities that have been awarded the ECoC title, it is projected that in 2019 a new influx of tourists will come to the city and the province. Hence there is a need to reflect upon the accommodation reception capacity and the existing tourism delivery system,


redesigning them as appropriate to ensure that a world-class service is provided to visitors of all types. Consequently, a process is being undertaken by the city at present to rethink not only the city’s absorption capacity in terms of tourist accommodation in the light of 2019, but also touching on related themes that include: the capacity, efficiency and sustainability of transportation networks; parking accessibility and connections; opening hours of monuments, churches and shops; accessibility; implementation of new technologies; a new culture of relationships with visitors. The analysis that follows shows that the capacity in terms of beds in the territory is solid, varied and adequate to accommodate the increased flows of tourists that are expected in 2015 and 2019. Furthermore, Bergamo has proven willing and able to proactively manage the upcoming tourism dynamics with the planning of new hotels (among them a newly developed 5-star hotel that opened in 2013 in the Città Alta) that will provide additional capacity to absorb an increase in the number of flights and in the flow of tourists, and a new Tourism Strategic Plan 2014-2016 for the coming years. This also suggests that such an important occasion for the city as Bergamo 2019 will be leveraged in the best possible way by the entrepreneurial sector and public authorities, with a lively and dynamic response of the opportunities it can provide, while offering a world-class service to incoming visitors of all budgets and preferences.


The tourist accommodation capacity in the province of Bergamo has experienced a parallel growth in recent years in tandem with the growth of tourism. This is demonstrated by the increase of the total capacity in terms of beds, which has seen a continuous growth trend for several years. New tourist accommodation structures have emerged in support of the new tourist flows arriving at the airport of Orio al Serio-Bergamo, and therefore their development is most felt in the plains around the city. Currently there are 767 accommodation structures in the area, of which 284 are hotels with a total capacity of almost 24,000 beds.

An analysis of the medium-term (5 years) development by type of tourist accommodation allows us to better interpret the change in the quantity and quality of this reception capacity, and to outline trends for future development.

Hotel accommodation has recorded an increase of 18% in terms of beds, with an increase of 10 hotel facilities. In the lowlands of Bergamo the accommodation capacity increased by more than 19 structures, with + 43% of beds, representing an increase of more than 2,000 units. The family accommodation structures have experienced a strong increase of 141%, with a total of 3,700 additional beds, thanks to the multiplication of almost all types of facilities (houses, cottages and B&B). Today, family accommodation is a real alternative to hotels, especially for the leisure tourist. The traditional non-hotel accomodation (campsites) registered a loss of two structures, while hostels and refuges are growing.

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With respect to the gross utilization rate of hotel beds, from 2006 to 2011 it has gone from 27.5% to 31.4%, a level very close to the national average. This increase signifies a greater filling of the accommodation structures throughout the calendar year, but also the abundant spare capacity of the current system to be able to absorb further tourism volumes.


Greater Bergamo, which includes 48 local administrations, accounts for nearly a quarter of beds in the province. The absorption capacity has increased by 40% in the last five years. This increase in supply is accompanied by a process of regeneration by which there is a decrease in the lower-range hotels (1-2 stars) and an increase of 31% in the offer of 3-4 star hotels as well as the opening of a 5 star hotel. The city of Bergamo offers 3,182 beds at present, 60% more than only five years ago – giving some idea of the tourism generated by the city in recent times. Hotel accommodation now represents only 53% of the beds, whereas 5 years ago it approached 80%; the remainder is made up mainly of family accommodation (36%). There has therefore been a significant and recent evolution of the tourist accommodation types, which now offers more consistency through a plurality of solutions. Furthermore, in the very short term, an equipped area for camping cars will be opened.

IV. Question 3 The City of Bergamo and its province have initiated important long-term

What projects are to be carried out between now and the year for which the city is applying for the title of European Capital of Culture in terms of urban and tourism infrastructure, including renovation? What is the planned timetable for this work?

(The answer to this question is optional at the pre/-selection stage).

plans to expand not only the cultural infrastructure but also the urban infrastructure that make them useful. The strategy of infrastructure investment projects for 2019 Bergamo is therefore based both on public works that allow the realization of the growing cultural needs of the residents of Bergamo and its province and visitors, and on the identification of new cultural infrastructure and the transformation of existing ones. In this regard the project to renovate the Intermodal Transportation Center is of greatest importance, as it connects all public transport, bringing into a connected network the cultural offer of the city: museums, theaters, galleries, etc., including the new museum building of the Accademia Carrara, the new location of the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAMeC) and our Contemporary Cultural Quarter that will be enlivened by a public art programme.

In the Città Alta, the major project we have proposed is the renovation of the Donizetti Museum building, not only completely redoing the exhibits but even more importantly creating a hands-on interactive Music Center for Children. The new Center will offer not only lessons and musical experiences for children but also an incubator for young people to start on a career in the 21st-century music industry or other high-tech creative industries – an opportunity still very lacking in Italy.


With regard to the mobility infrastructure that is of strategic importance for the access of visitors arriving by air, Bergamo has long been considering new forms of transport to link the airport of Orio al Serio-Bergamo with both the Città Bassa and the Città Alta. In order to give a European and international perspective to the solution of this problem, Bergamo 2019 has proposed a major International Conference on Airport-City Transportation that will examine all ‘smart’ energy-saving options in 2014, laying the foundations for an important project that could become the legacy of Bergamo 2019. Please see Appendix 2 for a detailed list of the city’s existing and planned projects that include the restoration of several fountains and gates in the city walls, improvements to several heritage buildings in the Città Alta, development of a former convent as a highquality culturally-themed hotel, provision of an elevator to enable cyclists to access the Città Alta more easily, improvement of the parking facilities for visitors to Città Alta, upgrading of the city’s great Donizetti Theatre and its important Library and Archives, and still more. The Appendix highlights the economic impact, the status of each project and its significance in the cultural field.

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section V COMmUNICAtION STRATEGy V. Question 1 The Candidacy of Bergamo has set two strategic communication goals:

What is the city’s intended communication strategy for the European Capital of Culture event?

To involve citizens, by asking them to actively participate to build the candidacy. The candidacy must be understood and appreciated in every home. The candidacy must also represent scholars, university students, children who in 2019 will have the opportunity to be participants in that year, as well as the elderly, people living in the city for work, those who were born here, those who recently arrived and those who only spend time here. This project is made possible thanks to all of these people, and our communication plans must involve listening, dialogue and openness to ideas as their main goals.

A core activity of this kind is the Bergamo Open Mapping project developed by the CSTDiathesis Cartographic Laboratory of the University of Bergamo and realized through the collaboration of the students of the University. This project is already active on the territory and highlighted through all communication actions. Linked to our website, it provides an opportunity for all Bergamaschi to identify places that they consider to be of cultural interest and to suggest programmes that they would like to see realized in these places. Cultural programmes suggested on BOM have been selected by public online vote, they were publicly presented and they will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the Executive Council to be finally communicated to the project team for consideration of the implementation of some of them following our shortlist selection. To communicate the Candidacy by offering culture. “Culture meets people”: at the airport, on the street, in shop windows, on the bus. Communicating the candidacy means offering to residents and tourists unexpected cultural moments in unconventional places.


The official logo of Bergamo European Candidate of Culture represents the city through a symbol that has been used also for the main concept of the project: its historic walls. The logo is not only the graphic version of the name “Bergamo”, but it also conveys more meanings: the walls, the Città Bassa and the Città Alta, a door and therefore a passage. The simple game of dovetail between the letters and the breakdown of the word in its three syllables creates a graphic solution that has rhythm, facility of reading and that is easily recognizable at all levels. The logo conceived for the candidacy is the result of an open call for graphic concepts launched by the Municipality on September 28th 2011 and closed on December 22nd in the same year. Five proposals of the participants, all with original and interesting features, were published by the newspaper L’Eco di Bergamo for ten days in December 2011 in order to make it possible for citizens to vote for their favorite logo. The symbol devised by Maria Teresa Vetrini won with 12,000 votes, and she received her prize on January 25th 2012.


Bruno Bozzetto, Ambassador of the Candidacy and world-renowed Italian animator and cartoonist, created and donated to the City a short animation of the official logo. The character created by his fantasy (a courageous little man that is the symbol of Bergamo’s commitment to work) has become the mascot of the Candidacy and is present on all communication materials, such as ATB buses, T-shirts, bags and leaflets created to present the Bergamo 2019 Project.


As Donizetti’s city of music, Bergamo 2019 expresses its slogan “Oltre le Mura” (Beyond the Walls) as a musical score:

oltre le mura

Grand Piano | Luigi Ceccarelli

Communication campaigns / Campaigns for raising awareness The programme aimed at raising awareness about the Bergamo 2019 Candidacy has implemented communication campaigns with different goals to be achieved in each time period. The following campaign, “I want Bergamo 2019. Because culture is the future” is strongly oriented to public participation, and provides for the collection of comments and projects by citizens. Citizens are asked to answer the question “I want Bergamo 2019 because...” and the shooting schedule for collecting citizens’ images and answers constituted a communication project in itself. During multiple events between July and September 2013, the location for presenting the Candidacy became a stage for collecting the pictures of citizens who are willing to show themselves and their faces in public and to give an original answer to the question “I want Bergamo 2019 because...”. The collected images and answers will be used on new kiosks as communication icons and on notice boards concerning the candidacy. During the second phase, the other side of the kiosks will focus on the main reasons why Bergamo is applying for ACCADEMIA ECoC. CARRARA.

In the first phase of the Candidacy, the campaign has been “I am (followed by the names of great historical personalities from Bergamo as well as of people of all ages). Bergamo is my city”, and it involved celebrities as well as ordinary citizens portrayed on 60 kiosks placed in different parts of the city. After having presented the entire set of posters with celebrities and citizens in the central square of the Città Alta, the kiosks were located in different strategic points of the city and the suburbs in order to communicate with the territory in a widespread way.







La più popolare fra le maschere italiane nasce dalla contaminazione di due tradizioni: lo Zanni bergamasco e i personaggi diabolici far-

The most popular among Italian masks. It originated from the contamination of two traditions: Zanni of Bergamo and the devilish

L’Europa è La mia casa.

EuropE is mY HomE.

seschi della tradizione popolare francese. La carriera teatrale di Arlecchino nacque a metà del ‘500 con l’attore di origine bergamasca Alberto Naselli, noto come Zan Ganassa, che portò la Commedia dell’Arte in Spagna. Oggi è probabilmente la maschera più nota in Europa e nel mondo. Uno dei più importanti ar-

figures of farce in the popular French tradition. Harlequin’s theatrical career began in the midsixteenth century with the actor Alberto Naselli from Bergamo. Known as Zan Ganassa, he introduced Commedia dell’Arte into Spain. Today it is proba bly the most well-known mask in Europe and the world. One of the most famous

Ci sono cose per cui vale la pena impegnarsi, tutti quanti, grandi e piccoli. Una di queste cose è la propria città, amandola e inventandola ogni giorno. La città siamo noi, i nostri desideri e la nostra visione del futuro. Tecnologia, natura, accoglienza, sapere, sostenibilità, turismo e tradizione. In una parola: personalità.

There are things worth all of us, big and small, making an effort for. One of them is loving and inventing your own city each day. With our desires and vision of the future, we are the city. Technology, nature, hospitality, knowledge, sustainability, tourism and tradition: in a nutshell, personality. There

lecchini della storia fu Antonio Sacco, famoso per aver creato i primi ruoli di molti capolavori goldoniani.

figures in this historical tradition was Antonio Sacco, who created the first Harlequin roles in many of Goldoni’s greatest plays.

E a Bergamo di certo non manca, per questo vogliamo diventare Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019.

is certainly no lack of it in Bergamo. That is why we want to be European Capital of Culture in 2019.




CARRARA ACADEMY. CREATED FOR BERGAMO. Frutto della passione collezionistica di Giacomo Carrara - colto mecenate che la fondò alla

Thanks to the passion for collecting of Giacomo Carrara - a learned patron who founded the

fine del ‘700 - e di fini conoscitori dell’800 come Guglielmo Lochis e Giovanni Morelli, l’Accademia Carrara possiede oggi 1800 dipinti dal XV al XIX secolo di artisti quali Botticelli, Bellini, Mantegna, Raffaello, Moroni, Baschenis, Fra’ Galgario, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi, Piccio. Dal

academy at the end of the eighteenth century - and shrewd experts like Guglielmo Lochis and Giovanni Morelli, the Carrara Academy today contains 1800 paintings from the XV and XIX century by artists such as Botticelli, Bellini, Mantegna, Raffaello, Moroni, Baschenis, Fra’

1991 è affiancata dalla Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea che conserva opere di Balla, Boccioni, de Chirico, Kandinskij, Morandi, Burri e Giacomo Manzù.

Galgario, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi and Piccio. Next to it since 1991 is the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, which has works by Balla, Boccioni, de Chirico, Kandinskij, Morandi, Burri and Giacomo Manzù.

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ON-LINE COMMUNICATION The web site of the candidacy is the web place in which Bergamo meets Europe, with a strong concept oriented to public participation.


The site is designed as a container in constant evolution, capable of constant change in order to follow the transformation of new media over the next six years. A young editorial team provides local news and insights from Europe on a daily basis by highlighting content which is in line with the features of the candidacy.

The presence on the web of Bergamo 2019 is considered a strategic priority.

The Candidacy is supported by a bilingual website (in English and Italian), designed to interact with two primary targets: citizens of Bergamo, invited through different ways to participate in the process of the candidacy, and European citizens, by sharing with them in real time all the information related to the cultural activities of Bergamo and its province. In this first phase an original participatory tool able to involve any citizen of any age is represented by Bergamo Open Mapping. Over the next few months, additional activities will take place with the aim to stimulate the participatory process (see Section II. Question 3). The site is the archive of all the projects developed by the city during the application process: pictures, videos, readings, thoughts and drawings. This heritage is made available to all Italians and Europeans who want to read them for study, work or simply out of curiosity. Facebook and Social Networks Bergamo 2019 is also present on the most popular social networks, so as to achieve quickly and easily the largest number of citizens as possible, involving them in the process of candidacy on a daily basis. The Facebook page of Bergamo 2019 offers real-time updates about the activities realized by the City and the Province to support the candidacy. The Facebook page also allows us to launch participatory initiatives involving Bergamo citizens: the first occasion was in August 2013 when a Bergamo 2019 page invited all friends of the project on holiday in a European city to take a photograph of a beautiful spot or of an interesting event, and to send the picture and the postcard of our Europe or European citizens to the Candidacy office. A T-shirt with the candidacy motto is offered to all people posting at least one picture before September 20th. The social networks and the web are also involved in the candidacy process through links to the Ambassadors’ pages that are followed by a large public outside Bergamo. The presence on the social networks of a banner emphasizing the role of the Ambassadors as promoters of the candidacy reinforces their role and multiplies its effects beyond the walls. The same method was adopted with the Municipalities of the Province of Bergamo that were asked to collaborate in spreading the news of the candidacy by publishing its logo and Bozzetto’s animation on the websites of their administrations. Newsletter Starting in September 2013, a newsletter is being published twice a month. This will present a synthesis of information and updates concerning the process of the Candidacy. The following information will be included: institutional news on the Bergamo application, two news items


on past activities and events, two items on future events and one news item focusing on Europe and other European cities. The newsletter will be sent to the entire reference database: the Mayors of Bergamo Municipalities, Facebook fans, people who have subscribed through the website, institutional contacts (ambassadors, committees, partners, etc.). The newsletter is conceived as a sort of newspaper of the candidacy allowing the public to be constantly informed and updated on the application process. Events are considered the heart of the communication strategy for the Candidacy, due to their ability to engage. The program of events will be gradually expanded throughout Italy and Europe.



Project: Cultural Raids – Culture is Pleasure Objective: To raise awareness among residents and visitors about the theme of the candidacy, by offering them cause for reflection on cultural themes in unusual spaces.

The House of the Arts is a broad project aimed at making the Teatro Sociale of Bergamo and its connected spaces a place for the artistic initiatives of the City, not limited to the theatrical field (among which are the monthly meetings of Verba Manent featuring key personalities in the arts). It is a cultural contribution to further regenerate the Città Alta, not simply a wonderful open-air museum but also a lively place for making culture on the territory. Youth from the House of the Arts of the Teatro Sociale (studying theater, art and film) will promote the candidacy by making unexpected ‘cultural raids’ in places of social gathering with the aim of raising awareness of the candidacy among citizens and visitors.

Children invite adults, tourists and citizens to support the candidacy for their future, by meeting together in symbolic places (e.g. the Old Town in the heart of the Città Alta) and distributing postcards and balloons with the logo of Bergamo 2019.

Eye-catching spreads in tourist planes, of symbols of culture as well as the candidacy.

Hip-hop flash mob realized in areas of the Province.

Instant reading on public transport staged by actors. The readings, with selections from texts written by artists from Bergamo as well as from works of those who have written about the City, will be accompanied by live music.

Project: Points of Transit Objective: to promote the candidacy offering micro-cultural experiences, whether as readings, informative material, concerts or temporary exhibitions to be realized in crossing points and on public transportation.

Stations: The Stations of Culture Thanks to our partnership with ATB, the Bergamo transport Company, the buses of line 1 have been personalized with the logo of Bergamo, ECoC candidate city. In addition to branding related activities, stops become sites of information about the candidacy: by

section V c o m m u n i c a t i o n s t r a t e g y


distribution of materials, involvement of people in interviews, stories about the activities of the European Cultural Embassy, and instant street performances.

Airport: The Airport of Culture Il Caravaggio (Orio al Serio-Bergamo) Airport will become a place that tells millions of people in transit about the beauty of Bergamo and its province, by: > Exhibiting works of art lent by some institutions of the City. > Presenting mini- concerts featuring the music of Donizetti. > Distributing short readings selected from literary works. > Instant readings staged by actors.



The candidacy communicates itself also through designated places, open to exchange and dialogue: European Cultural Embassy The Cultural Embassy, with its two locations (the main one in the Palazzo Suardi in the Piazza Vecchia in the Città Alta, the other as part of the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter near the intermodal transport centre in the Città Bassa) will offer citizens and visitors all the information about the candidacy. These locations thus become places of meeting and of constant information, as well as physical places that are landmarks of the candidacy. Bergamo Tourism and Eco Cafe Communications within the city and province of Bergamo are made possible by two very active partners: Bergamo Tourism, the organisation promoting tourism across the province, and the editorial group of the newspaper, L’Eco di Bergamo.

The candidacy will be publicized on the occasion of major events of the City and the Province, especially in the piazzas in the summer, by using pre-existing spaces such as the Eco Cafes: mobile facilities where people can get materials about the candidacy as well as being involved in activities such as crowd-sourcing. During the month of August 2013, the Eco Cafes took place both within the City and in other touristic places (Orobie Pre-Alps and the Lakes Zone) with the aim of raising awareness of the candidacy among the highest number of citizens.



The communication strategy for the Candidacy considers relationships with the media as an essential key: media can tell the story of the candidacy, and can publicize the beauty of Bergamo and initiatives realized around the candidacy, while reaching different audiences and informing them about the many features of Bergamo and its territory. In order to get good press coverage and to bring out all the potential and opportunities that this candidacy makes possible, particular attention must be paid to the various stakeholders:

Local Media The local media have a fundamental role in the process of the candidacy. They require constant information and updates flowing from the project team. For this reason, periodic media conferences have been organized to discuss the progress of the candidacy. In addition, all events


and initiatives related to the candidacy are communicated through a direct and constant relationship with editors. Local newspapers, particularly the L’Eco di Bergamo and the Corriere della Sera Bergamo edition, support the project and are collaborating in communicating the process to citizens by circulating information about it everywhere, even in the more remote places in the valleys and on the plain of Bergamo. In collaboration with our media-partner L’Eco di Bergamo a new project was launched in August 2013, interviewing each of our Ambassadors on the theme of the Candidacy. Each Ambassador – all people of great standing in their own field of expertise – is being interviewed in turn by a journalist of L’Eco di Bergamo and tells of his/ her own vision of Bergamo as a Cultural Capital. National Media The national media have already shown interest in the candidacy of Bergamo. Many newspapers and magazines have already published articles about Bergamo 2019, and the goal is to communicate different features of the candidacy to each different outlet, through specific and constant acts of communication.

29/06/2013 - PAG. 35

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In gara Dai Trussardi a Bruno Bozzetto. La città lancia il «team» di ambasciatori

Capitale della Cultura 2019

Olmi: «Bergamo ci crede» Un posto al sole


ssere per un anno la capitale Europea della Cultura. Il riconoscimento che premia due città di Stati diversi con maggiore capacità nell’avvicinare i cittadini al poliedrico mondo della cultura. Il titolo è assegnato, ogni tre anni, dal Consiglio dei ministri dell’Unione e, nel 2019, andrà a una città bulgara e una italiana. Sino a oggi sono state 46 le prescelte. Però, nel nostro Paese, solo Bologna, nel 2000, e Genova, nel 2004, sono riuscite a fregiarsi di questa livrea. Ora il guanto di sfida, per il 2019, è stato accettato da una ventina di città dello Stivale: da Torino a Palermo. Il motivo è semplice. «Quella delle capitali europee della cultura è una delle iniziative più riuscite che l’Ue ha avviato — ha spiegato Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo per la Cultura —. Oltre a promuovere la meravigliosa diversità e ricchezza culturale dell’Unione l’iniziativa è

Le altre candidature La storia Dal 1985, per un anno una città dell’Unione europea è capitale della cultura I criteri La scelta del Consiglio dei ministri dell’Unione europea verte principalmente sulla dimensione europea della città e dei suoi cittadini La scadenza Entro il 20 settembre le città devono presentare la

candidatura alla commissione che farà una prima selezione Le candidate Venezia, Terni, Brindisi, L’Aquila, Matera, Palermo, Perugia, L'Aquila, Ravenna, Siena, Torino, Urbino, Amalfi, Bari, Lecce, Brindisi, Pisa, Carbonia, Caserta, Catanzaro, Mantova e Siracusa

servita da catalizzatore per la trasformazione delle città a vantaggio sia dei cittadini che dei visitatori. La competizione fra gli Stati membri è più rovente che mai ciò dimostra che l’iniziativa mantiene intatto il suo valore e la sua attrattiva». Per questo Bergamo vuole l’assegnazione. Anche perché due anni fa, per i 150 d’Unità, la patria di Caravaggio, Donizetti e Tasso, si è riscoperta simbolo dell’Italia in quanto «Città dei Mille» e di Francesco Nullo. Il generale che prima lottò sulle barricate nelle Cinque giornate di Milano, durante i moti del 1848; poi a Bergamo si occupò dell’arruolamento dei garibaldini e, leggenda vuole, procurò le giubbe rosse per i volontari che sbarcarono a Marsala agli ordini dell’Eroe dei Due Mondi. Infine, morì in Polonia per la liberazione dalla dominazione russa diventando eroe «europeo». Proprio a questo spirito europeo si ispira il team bergamasco che sta lavorando alla candidatura della città. Il presidente onorario del Comitato è

il regista Ermanno Olmi. «Sono nato alla Malpensata dietro la stazione ferroviaria e la città merita questo riconoscimento — spiega il regista "Leone d’Oro" alla carriera — perché è ricca di storia e di arte. È stata l’estremo confine della Sere-


International Media The international media know Bergamo and its territory from the Press Trips that are periodically organized by Turismo Bergamo, the tourist board of the city and province, inviting journalists coming from all over Europe to know our territory better. Relationships with the international press are considered an effective instrument of knowledge, and therefore will be constantly promoted and kept alive. International media are also involved 21 in the candidacy process through partnerships and collaborations «Bergamo 2019, una corsa da vincere» on some of our international projects. BergamoScienza, I Maestri del Paesaggio (Masters of Landscape) and DimoreDesign have all presented their programmes for 2013 by making reference to the candidacy, so that the promotion of Bergamo and its cultural projects is strengthened beyond the local territory. Città




Martina Caironi è la più giovane ambasciatrice nella sfida a Capitale europea della cultura La campionessa paralimpica: «Il segreto sono anche i piccoli passi, per superare ogni barriera» DINO NIKPALJ

fa perdere le cose importanti della vita».

della cultura: «Oltre le Mura». Che possono avere molte forme, virtuali e non: come quello della disabilità, che la campionessa paralimpica ha superato accettando la sfida della velocità. Ma passo dopo passo, «perché il segreto è davvero questo: saper costruire con pazienza». Con la consapevolezza che «ci possono essere tanti muri nella vita: io ho avuto questo e l’ho voluto superare per tornare a vivere bene». E per farlo le barriere da superare sono tante, anche culturali: «Penso a quelle tra varie na«Una città zionalità, all’incontro più capace tra persone con origini e storie diverse. La di integrare sfida della complesè una sità ci riguarda tutti». Perché «sentirsi acvittoria cettati nella propria per tutti» diversità è fondamentale per poter vivere bene».

a Il segreto di una vittoria? Anche i piccoli passi. E detto da una velocista come Martina Caironi, campionessa paralimpica dei 100 metri, fresca di titolo mondiale di categoria (T42) a Lione, può sembrare quasi un paradosso. «Io credo che, anche in una gara come quella per la Capitale europea della cultura 2019, Bergamo debba fare così», spiega con tutto l’entusiasmo del suo ruolo di testimonial della candidatura. «Piano piano, le cose per consolidarsi vanno fatte bene». E ai blocchi di partenza, Bergamo si presenta comunque con un ottimo tempo di qualificazione: «Abbiamo grandi potenzialità per quanto riguarda gli scambi culturali, grazie anche al ruolo dell’aeroporto di Orio, che in questi anni ci ha collegato con l’Europa. La nostra è una città piccola ma ricca di iniziative: la sfida semmai è quella di coinvolgere più gente possibile, sia in vista della candidatura, ma non solo». Andare oltre ogni muro

«Sono fiera del mio essere bergamasca, e nelle mie gare all’estero parlo spesso della mia città. E invito anche gli atleti a visitarla», spiega Martina. Che sposa in toto quello che sarà il filo conduttore (il claim) della candidatura a Capitale europea

«Serve la condivisione di tutti»

Ma per essere davvero vincente, una candidatura deve essere davvero condivisa. Di tutti, insomma. Per questo Martina quando parla di quelli che possono essere i punti di forza della corsa di Bergamo, va oltre l’arte, la cultura e l’imprenditoria. «Sono una disabile, e vorrei che tutti prendessero atto delle risorse di questo mondo. E per risorse intendo la capacità di non considerarci come un peso, ma investire sulle nostre capacità. Possiamo e vogliamo dare molto alla nostra città». Al di là della candidatura. «Credo che una città più capace di integrare sia una vittoria per tutti, in ogni campo» prosegue, con lo sguardo già al prossimo grande traguardo, quello dei Giochi paralimpici di Rio de Janeiro del 2016. Mancheranno 3 anni all’anno della Capitale europea della cultura, e i giochi sulla città che rappresenterà l’Italia saranno già fatti. «Ma anche in questo caso intendo arrivarci un passo alla volta: ci sono molti altri traguardi da tagliare prima di quel grande appuntamento». A piccoli passi, prendendo la rincorsa per il grande salto: perché la più giovane ambasciatrice di Bergamo 2019 nel frattempo a Lione ha vinto pure l’oro mondiale nel salto in lungo. La ragazza vola. ■

«Ma non è solo velocità»

E magari vincere, come Bergamo vuole fare nella corsa al 2019: «È possibile, ma nella vita non tutte le cose sono come una corsa di 100 metri». Quella per la Capitale europea della cultura sembra più un 3.000 siepi, quell’infernale gara dove oltre alla distanza e agli ostacoli, c’è pure l’acqua: «Molto difficile, bisogna saper mantenere il passo giusto». E paradossalmente «non solo correre e basta» spiega questa ventitreenne di Borgo Palazzo: «Perché a volte la velocità ti

Nella foto sopra, il trionfo di Martina Caironi alle Paraolimpiadi di Londra 2012. Sotto a destra, il podio di Lione



La candidatura in 40 domande tra proposte culturali e budget a Una candidatura, quaranta domande. E solo carta. Nella fase di preselezione delle candidature a Capitale europea della cultura 2019 non «è consentito allegare Cd, dvd o altre tipologie di presentazione multimediale». Da qui alla scadenza del 20 settembre bisognerà quindi «solo» convincere la giuria di 13 elementi – 6 italiani – sulle motivazioni che hanno

spinto Bergamo ad accettare la sfida. Principi fondamentali, struttura del programma della manifestazione, sua organizzazione e finanziamento, infrastrutture della città, strategia di comunicazione, valutazione e monitoraggio dell’avvenimento, ulteriori informazioni: le 40 domande si articolano in queste 7 aree di lavoro. Da una rapida disamina

si evince come la corsa al 2019 sia qualcosa di articolato, che va ben oltre la mera ricchezza culturale della città. Per farla breve, e come più volte evidenziato, non si tratta solo di lucidare ed esporre l’argenteria di famiglia. Il bilancio degli ultimi 5 anni

Si spazia dalle motivazioni («Perché la città desidera partecipare, qual è la sfida principale,

gli obiettivi, il concetto alla base del progetto) al coinvolgimento del territorio, puntando però molto – e ovviamente – sulla dimensione europea della proposta, in particolar modo su come «la manifestazione possa contribuire a rafforzare i legami della città con l’Europa stessa». Interessante il passaggio su come il progetto «susciti l’interesse della popolazione a livello europeo, incoraggi la partecipazione degli artisti, degli operatori del mondo socioculturale e degli abitanti della città, dei suoi dintorni e del territorio coinvolto», avendo però «un carattere duraturo» ed essendo «parte integrante dello sviluppo sociocul-

turale a lungo termine». Come dire che il percorso comincia prima e prosegue dopo, spiegando altresì «in cosa il progetto previsto sia innovativo». Nota bene, molte delle domande sono facoltative in fase di preselezione: quelle più di dettaglio, da approfondire nel caso di ammissione alla short list di 5-6 città che si giocheranno il titolo. Non però quelle sulle condizioni di accessibilità – leggi trasporti regionali, nazionali e internazionali – e ricettività alberghiera. Né tanto meno quelle sulla parte economica, sia per quanto riguarda il budget complessivo del progetto che il «bilancio annuo che la città ha destinato alla

cultura negli ultimi 5 anni». Una disamina molto dettagliata per tastare il polso delle candidate ed evitare corse estemporanee. E c’è una domandina davvero mica male: «Gli enti pubblici finanziatori (città, Regione, Stato) hanno assunto un impegno formale a corrispondere il finanziamento? In caso di risposta negativa, quando lo faranno?». Fino all’autoanalisi della candidatura: «Quali sono i punti forti e i parametri che giustificherebbero un suo successo, e quali quelli deboli?». Decisamente un bel compitino per le vacanze estive a Palafrizzoni & dintorni. ■ D. N.


Il gran caldo al capolinea temperature giù di 8 gradi a «La terza ondata di calore dell’estate 2013 è giunta al capolinea al Nord, farà ancora soffrire qualche regione del Sud».

Da oggi al Nord sono previsti temporali che spezzeranno la cappa di caldo e umidità che ha avvolto la Bergamasca. C’è il rischio di precipitazioni particolarmente violente con grandinata tra oggi e domani. Lo conferma il meteorologo di Edoardo Ferrara, che prosegue: «Nelle prossime

ore ci sarà un’Italia divisa in due. Mentre al Nord si rinfrescherà, saranno possibili punte di 38/40° su diverse località del Centrosud e dell’Emilia Romagna, arroventate dall’Anticiclone africano, attenzione particolare all’entroterra adriatico e al Sud in generale. Oltre al caldo l’afa salirà alle stelle, con temperature percepite fino a oltre 40-45° di giorno, sino a 40° anche di notte, specie sulle aree costiere». «Ma tra oggi e domenica arriva una serie di tem-

porali da Nord a Sud, che sancirà la prima vera rottura stagionale dell’estate 2013 – spiegano da –. Si partirà con Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Liguria e Lombardia che proprio oggi potranno subire i fenomeni più violenti, con locali nubifragi, grandinate e non è esclusa anche qualche tromba d’aria. Entro domani sarà il turno del Nordest e delle regioni del Centro, con piogge e temporali in marcia verso il Meridione. Il caldo africano batterà

Oggi sono attesi temporali su tutta la Bergamasca

così in ritirata e si tornerà a respirare con generale calo delle temperature anche di oltre 8°». «Ma nella seconda decade di agosto torna l’estate più gradevole, in compagnia dell’alta pressione delle Azzorre – conclude Ferrara di –. Questo anticiclone ci riporterà condizioni di bel tempo prevalente su gran parte dell’Italia, ma con caldo decisamente più sopportabile rispetto a quello di questi giorni e temperature nella norma. Qualche temporale sarà comunque possibile sulle aree montuose e, occasionalmente, al Nord e sui versanti adriatici; la giornata di Ferragosto si prospetta in genere soleggiata, salvo qualche acquazzone su Alpi, Appennini e aree prospicienti». ■

Media Partnerships The importance of the relationship with the local media is underlined by the existing partnership with L’Eco di Bergamo, the main local newspaper with a daily circulation of 60,000 copies and 340,000 readers, which published in July 2013 a 16-page insert to support the candidacy that was distributed separately as well as attached to the newspaper, even during summer cultural events being produced in the city and the province. This partnership also led to promotion of the candidacy in the Eco Cafes and through the activities of Ecolab, that in its May 13-June 18 edition focused on the Città Bella (The City Beautiful) devoting much space to Bergamo 2019.

section V c o m m u n i c a t i o n s t r a t e g y



V. Question 2

How does the city plan to ensure the visibility of the European Union, which is awarding the title?

Bergamo 2019 is well aware of the fact that the title of ECoC is a very important initiative of the European Union, that the European dimension is a key feature, that the designation is in fact granted by the Council of the Ministers of the European Union, and that the European Commission provides financial support only if the selected parameters are respected. Bergamo 2019 plans to ensure visibility of the European Union through all the planned activities and communication programs, and has been doing so to date. Following the guidelines for the application form, Bergamo 2019 will make sure that visibility of the European Union will be maintained in two ways:

1. Maintaining the EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE (ECoC) Brand

> > > > > >

Bergamo 2019 has included the term “ECoC Candidate City” in all communication materials to date. The term Europe has been included in all communication tools, also inserting the word “European” in the answers to the questions “because culture is ...”. The term “European Capital of Culture” has been and will continue to be emphasized in all communication events. Our communications make clear that Bergamo will be named as “European Capital of Culture” only if the Council of the European Union so designates the city. If designated as ECoC 2019, Bergamo will use the ECoC brand properly in all communication materials. The official graphic format, as well as the logo of the city, will be used without change. Bergamo in 2019 currently has a provisional logo created by the designer Maria Teresa Vetrini through a public open call launched on September 18th 2011 and voted on by our citizens. This logo clearly indicates that Bergamo is “Candidate City for European Capital of Culture.”

2. Communicating the European dimension of the event

Bergamo 2019 is well aware of the essential European dimension of the event. For this reason, the Committee will make every necessary effort to emphasize the centrality of this European dimension in all related projects, events and communications.

> >


The programmatic sections underline specific actions intended to facilitate a complete cooperation and interaction with Europe. Please see descriptions of the programmes in Appendix 1 and of the capital projects proposed in Appendix 2. In 2014 we propose to activate in our two locations of the European Cultural Embassy an information desk that will tell residents and visitors about EU priorities and cultural programmes.

section VI EVALUAtION and MONITORing of the event VI. Question 1

Does the city intend to set up a special monitoring and evaluation system: For the impact of the programme and its knock-on effects? For financial management?

Bergamo intends to set up a tailored and holistic monitoring and evaluation system that measures the impact of the programme and its knockon effects, as well as financial management, among other performance categories. The Bergamo 2019 project team has conducted thorough research on different monitoring and evaluation systems for ECoCs, with special attention to two lines of research from which we have developed our own tailored system: IMPACTS 08 – European Capital of Culture Research Programme – Liverpool Commissioned by Liverpool City Council, IMPACTS 08 evaluated from 2005 to 2010 the social, cultural, economic and environmental effects of Liverpool’s hosting the European Capital of Culture title in 2008. The research programme examined the progress and impact of this experience on the city and its people. A model was developed for evaluating the multiple impacts of culture-led regeneration programmes that can be adapted for use in other cities and for other events. European Capitals of Culture Policy Group – An international framework of good practice in research and delivery of the European Capital of Culture programme This policy group is a network consisting of members from various European Capitals of Culture, former as well as future, including core members that participated in the IMPACTS 08 project. The main aim of the group is to exchange good practice in the field of impact research on hosting the ECoC title and to agree on a research framework which can be efficiently used by future ECoCs. The final outcome of the work of this group was presented in 2010. IMPACTS 08 implemented a holistic research model with five impact categories: Cultural Access and Participation, Economy and Tourism, Cultural Vibrancy and Sustainability, Image and Perceptions, Governance and Delivery Process. The ECoC Policy Group built on this model and renamed some of the categories, but more importantly, added a sixth theme or category: the European Dimension. Building on these experiences and on the most efficient research methodologies, Bergamo has developed a monitoring and evaluation framework with the following impact categories and associated performance indicators:

section VI e v a l u a t i o n a n d m o n i t o r i n g o f t h e e v e n t




Number of participants and events generated by ECoC activity Breadth of cultural participation Citizens’ engagement Accessibility of specific target groups: disabled and minorities, youth, first time cultural participants and sports fans social cohesion Centrifugal impact

Total number and type of events; attendance at each event % of audience from within the city/region/nation/EU/outside EU; % breakdown of audience by socio-economic background % participation in the design and implementation of the programmes; number of registered Volunteers; total volunteer hours % of participants with a disability; number of programmes accessible to disabled individuals; % of participants from minority groups and youth; number of programmes whose main purpose is to serve these groups. Number of first-time cultural participants by activity Change in perceptions among different socio-demographic groups; number of programmes whose main purpose is to increase social cohesion % of programmes conducted in the province; % of programmes conducted in the suburbs; % of programmes conducted in Cittá Alta vs. other parts of the City and the Province



Jobs created Number of visitors Average expenditure per visitor Business generation Hotel rooms, occupancy rates and new stock Associated Infrastructure Development Environmental impact

Full-time and part-time employment in tourism; in creative industries; new employment generated for youth Total number of visitors to the city – national, international % change in visitors to city; % change in average visitor spend Number of conferences attracted to the city wholly or partly by ECoC Total room nights sold in the city and region; Visits to friends and family motivated/influenced by ECoC; City Hotel Occupancy (%) New construction and renovation of urban facilities and infrastructures directly attributed to ECoC; total capital investment; capital spend on cultural facilities Environmental impact of ECoC programmes; number of smart city initiatives implemented; % increase of travel by public transport; increase in emissions



Level of Cultural Offer

Innovative Artistic Production Significance of the programme at local, national, international level Audience satisfaction Online buzz Increased commitment to culture from local authorities after ECoC

Number of original programmes commissioned 2013-2022; critics’ reviews of artistic programme events; number of programmes yearly 2013-2022; number of new programmes that become permanent after ECoC Number of European cross-border cooperations in ECoC; Establishment of new artistic collaborations that arise from ECoC activity Percentage of local, regional, national and international audiences; peer reviews % rated excellent, good, average, poor and very poor Conversation generated via social media i.e. number of tweets, website visits, blog entries, Facebook Likes % increase in local budget assigned to culture



Number and value of published articlesi


Number of national/international press articles with reference to ECoC

National and international image of city

Perception of the ECoC by others as a desirable place; perception of the city as a cultural destination; perception of the city as a vibrant place

Attitudes and perceptions towards arts/culture in the city

% Interest in culture among locals; % who want to volunteer; % who will attend next year by type of activity

Local identity and pride

International profile of the city

Perception of locals about their city i.e. satisfaction, cultural leadership; % increased capacity to define the city in cultural terms; %who will invite family and friends, business associates to visit % change in international visitors to city; % change in knowledge of Bergamo and its attractiveness internationally



Revenue sources Operating expenses Sponsorship involvement Transparency of the process Solid and competent team

Budget sources (local, regional, national, EU, private); use of additional EU structural funds % Programming, marketing, administration expenses Number of sponsors; amount contributed Response rate of requests and questions from citizens; % of resolutions published Profile of team members; team structure and staff numbers from 2013-2022



European collaborations European audience in the city

Number of cross-border European cooperations in ECoC events and activities; number and origin of artists/operators from other European countries; number of new cross-border European collaborations Number of visitors from other European countries; Participation of visitors in events

European Perception

Perception of feeling more attached to Europe amongst citizens and how ECoC changes this: e.g “would you describe yourself as European”

European leadership

Number of initiatives and networks of European dimension led or initiated by the city

Collaboration with other ECoC 2019 Candidates

Number of collaborative projects with Bulgaria; % of Bulgarian artists/programmes; collaborative projects with other ECoC candidates in Italy, especially our programme to share our year as European Capital of Culture with candidate cities in the south of Italy

With respect to research methodologies, Bergamo 2019 will implement the three methodologies that the IMPACTS 08 study developed and recommends, and will apply both quantitative and qualitative assessments:

Benchmark indicators: identification of clusters of key performance indicators for each theme/category, ensuring that the indicators respond to the social, cultural, economic and environmental realities of Bergamo and its territory.

Secondary data analysis: identification, gathering and analyzing relevant data sets that include in-house and external evaluations of the ECoC programme´s performance, as well as directly related general, local, regional and national data.

Contextual data collection and analysis: filling relevant data gaps with wider dataset mapping to understand the context in which the programme has been developed and in what measure it is altered by that context.

section VI e v a l u a t i o n a n d m o n i t o r i n g o f t h e e v e n t


section VII additional Information VII. Question 1

What, in your opinion, are the strong points of the city’s application and the parameters of its success as European Capital of Culture and what, on the other hand, are its weak points?

Art-Science: Our strong point is our commitment to achieving a new level of consciousness of Art-Science, bringing together those two disciplines, especially for our young people, in ways that we can then contribute to the whole of Europe where this integration is sorely needed. Otherwise, Bergamo´s strengths can be summarized in two keywords:


Bergamo is a city that can really deliver. This can happen in the first place due to the strong financial support of the public and private sectors, and to the bipartisan political model that has been adopted since the very beginning of the Candidacy. This is a guarantee of the long-term sustainability of the project.


The citizens of Bergamo see the ECoC process as an enormous opportunity to open up to Europe, to better know themselves, and to be leading builders of the European dream towards the future. This genuine enthusiasm and positive energy is growing day by day as the process unfolds, and will take us Beyond the Walls! In addition to the above statements, we have developed a SWOT analysis that summarizes the ideas expressed by stakeholders and our community members in response to this question: Strengths (internal) > A politically bipartisan Steering Committee where both the majority and the opposition are equally represented as a guarantee of a full consensus and a regular and stable development of the Candidacy over the years > A strong working public-private partnership in our Committee that ensures solid operating as well as capital financial support > Creative and entrepreneur population, dynamic mentality > Participation mechanisms in place from the outset to genuinely engage citizens in the preparation of the event > Local excitement about the opportunity > Highly qualified and professionalized cultural sector > Strong management and artistic team for the candidacy > Strong connections throughout Europe in science, medicine, technology and industry to be complemented by the Bergamo 2019 emphasis on contemporary culture > Existing city commitment to a relocation of our Gallery of Modern & Contemporary Art as part of a Contemporary Cultural Quarter in a former industrial area linked to a ‘smart city’ plan for the adjacent railway station and intermodal transportation centre > City commitment to develop a 21st-century energy-saving transportation system recognized by our award (the only Italian winner) at the Annual Congress of the International Association of Public Transport that took place in Dubai in 2011 concerning international urban planning


> Creative engagement of University of Bergamo students and faculty by developing the > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

Bergamo Open Mapping project that facilitates citizen participation throughout the city and province European Cultural Embassy, already active, with the aim of bringing leading European cultural operators, artists and scientists to work together with local artists, scientists and residents Focus on the international dimension from the outset by bringing onboard international advisors and increasing contacts at European level Rich heritage and world-class cultural assets (i.e. Teatro Donizetti, Città Alta, Venetian Walls, Accademia Carrara collection) that will be enhanced as part of Bergamo 2019 Fundamental contributions to the history and shaping of Italy and Europe (e.g. Bergamaschi originated the Mercator projection and the first postal system), and to the universal fields of art, politics and sciences (the Città dei Mille that volunteered for Garibaldi is also the city of Lorenzo Lotto, Palma Vecchio, Donizetti and Giacomo Manzù) Important cultural resources in the Province (for example: Crespi d’Adda UNESCO World Heritage Site, The Romanesque Itinerary, works of art by Lotto, Caravaggio, etc.). Exceptional and widespread voluntary activity in solidarity and charity causes; important social structures dedicated to inclusion and integration programmes Quality cultural programming year round already with a European dimension (i.e. Bergamo Film Meeting, Brescia-Bergamo International Piano Festival, BergamoScienza, Bergamo Città della Musica, Settimana per l’Energia, Bergamo International Culture Festival) Città Alta provides a magical setting for memorable events, visits and celebrations Integrated initiatives city-wide such as the Bergamo Card, a system optimizing the management of the cultural offer by creating a network among the city’s museums based on shared services and functions Tourism services and accommodation capacity already in place due to the project aiming at improving them and the I.A.T. tourist information offices present on the territory Tourists with a high spending capacity Higher percentage of foreign tourists than the average of other Italian cities comparable in terms of size and characteristics Atalanta, Bergamo’s historical football team, is in the Italian Premier League High quality of life and strong sense of place tied to the landscape

Opportunities (external) > Consensus and support from local, regional and national public authorities > Strong industry and innovation sectors that are willing to support the candidacy via sponsorships > Stakeholders actively involved in support of the candidacy > Large Bergamaschi community abroad that can contribute to international ties > Expo Milan 2015: a unique opportunity for a European City of Culture to give visibility to the ECoC programme and to function as a test mid-way towards 2019 > Orio al Serio-Bergamo international airport – the 4th in Italy – emphasis on low-fare flights makes the city more accessible than ever, especially to European youth > Contribution of many project ideas from stakeholders and cultural agents that are aligned with the European criteria and the goals of the candidature, and are feasible for implementation > Numerous capital infrastructure projects that can be accelerated as a result of ECoC and that will result in a Contemporary Cultural Quarter with a second location of our European Cultural Embassy and a major public art programme in an industrially decayed area

section VII a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n


adjacent to the railway station and our intermodal transport hub

> Integration of the candidacy with other initiatives and city-wide plans (i.e. Tourism Marketing Plan, Milan 2015)

> Regeneration opportunity in cultural, economic, social and environmental terms > Opportunity to put Bergamo on the international map Weaknesses (internal) > Lack of strong system in place to bring together and support the many cultural operators and cultural initiatives that already take place, leading to fragmentation of efforts > Perception by others of an industrial city not associated with cultural events > Lack of an identifiable centre for celebration of contemporary cultural expressions > Inattention to youth-oriented cultural industries > Citizens are not used to actively participating on a large scale in cultural events and public affairs > Museums and cultural institutions not exploiting their full potential > Absence of a vibrant 24/7 urban “vibe” > Lack of crossover between sports and culture Threats (external) > Unstable political situation at national level > The context of sustained international economic crisis could impact infrastructure development, private/public support, and long-term programme initiatives

VII. Question 2

Does the city intend to develop particular cultural projects in the coming years, irrespective of the outcome of its application for the title of European Capital of Culture? Please comment.

The transformation process of Bergamo into a Cultural Capital has already begun. Aware of its strengths as well as its weaknesses, the city and its territory have committed to a dynamic renewal policy. Our goal is to reach European standards in terms of cultural programming and to position the city on the European map of dynamic and attractive towns. The title of European Capital of Culture would be a boost to achieve its objectives, but the city is already committed to the implementation of several investments:

The European Cultural Embassy on Piazza Vecchia is at the heart of the regeneration process of the City. As Claudia Sartirani, the city’s Assessore alla Cultura, said at the opening of the Embassy’s first location on July 1st 2013, it is conceived as “a house for Bergamaschi, where ideas are built for the future of Bergamo”. A central facility for the territory, it will coordinate all cultural activities, welcome artists’ visits and residencies, and serve as an incubator of start-up companies involved in creative industries, and a permanent workshop integrating the arts, sciences and ICT for the young people of Bergamo, who will have access to the creativity and contemporary trends of Europe. The Pinacoteca Accademia Carrara reopening is a priority for the City. The museum has been closed for years for an entire renovation and to meet international standards in terms of conservation and exhibition of its world-famous collection. It is now time to give back public access to the masterpieces housed in the museum and make it again a major cultural and tourist attraction for the city. Following the reopening, the Gallery will focus on developing new public services and enlarged temporary exhibition galleries and programme facilities.


The relocation of the Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (GAMeC) is another long-term investment for the city. In order to ensure the attractiveness and development of its activities, GAMEC will be accommodated in newly renovated galleries in a former industrial site and regain its status as an important museum on a national scale. Other investments already planned for the upcoming years include the renovation of the Teatro Donizetti, essential to ensure its preservation, security and development of new activities; the restoration of the Angelo Mai library; the opening of the section devoted to the 20th century of the History Museum within the San Francesco Complex, that will also welcome the exhibition of the airplane of the great pilot Locatelli who was honoured three times with a golden medal; the completion of the restoration of the Sant’Agata convent and its transformation into a culturally themed hotel; the transformation of the church of Sant’Agostino into a major hall for the University of Bergamo; completion of the restoration of the Museum of the Venetian Age, which is connected – not only physically – to the Museum and Treasure of the Cathedral; private investments for the restoration of the Donizetti Museum and the creation of the Musical Centre for Children; the development of ‘slow food’ local agriculture activities for 2015 in Astino, and so on.

More generally speaking, the philosophy of the Bergamo 2019 application is to transform Bergamo’s qualities into strengths to transform the city. This dynamism already characterises the City and its citizens, and will continue in the future. European ambitions, high value projects, public-private relationships strengthened and redesigned, and a new openness are all traits that are part of Bergamo in the future and will continue regardless of the outcome of the candidacy.

VII. Question 3

Please add below any further comments which you deem necessary on the subject of this application.

e u r o p e a n c a p i t a l o f c u l t u r e 2 0 1 9 D o s s i e r D i c a n D i D at u r a

Bergamo oltre le mura

Art-science is the future of Europe. As Cultural Capital of Europe in 2019 Bergamo is the city that can lead us there. We hope that this application conveys just a bit of the enormous enthusiasm of the people of Bergamo. They are showing it every day as they support the programmes and communicate their desire to be European Capital of Culture. As our Honorary President, the great Bergamascho film-maker Ermanno Olmi said, “the path taken is already a result”. The purpose of the application has already been partly achieved. Just looking at the enthusiasm of Bergamaschi and the voluntary commitment to the candidacy of so many citizens, stakeholders, and institutions, it is clear that that the mindset of the city is already thinking of the future in a European dimension.

We thank all those who participated in the discussion and development of this application: cultural personalities who opened the doors of their institutions, members of the various committees involved, city staff who shared their vision of Bergamo, inhabitants who gave us the love of their city, students of the faculty who developed the Bergamo Open Mapping Project and all those who believe in Bergamo 2019. And we thank the jury of ECoC 2019 for your attention in the hope that you will join with us in continuing to explore the exciting creative potential that has already begun to be realized in Bergamo.

section VII a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n



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appendix 1 c u lt u r a l p r o g r a m m e s e c o c 2 0 1 9

appendix 1 c u lt u r a l p r o g r a m m e s e c o c 2 0 1 9

appendix 1 c u lt u r a l p r o g r a m m e s e c o c 2 0 1 9

appendix 1 c u lt u r a l p r o g r a m m e s e c o c 2 0 1 9

The building has been acquired by the City thanks to the national sale of state property plan, and has been added to the list of recovery interventions called “Valore Paese” by the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities.

14 million € for recovery and restructuring in project financing.

appendix 2 c a p i t a l b u d g e t d e t a i l s

24/7 Culture: Sant’Agata Cultural Hotel

Parking at the ex Parco Faunistico

Engineering analyses in progress because of unexpected difficul- The Upper town of Bergamo is the main attraction in Bergamo ties during works that will start again after the outcome of these for tourists as well as residents. Providing an efficient solution to analyses and following the re-evaluation of the budget. the parking needs is therefore essential. The project envisages underground multi-floor parking with an exit on Piazza Mercato del Fieno where the centre of the Città Alta begins.

13 million € funded through the project financing system: 1 million € provided by Bergamo Municipality; 12 million € given by Bergamo Parcheggi S.p.A., a company of ATB Group (Bergamo Transport Company).

New systems of public access to the Upper Town

15th c. building, originally a convent, later a prison in the heart of the Città Alta. The project envisages the creation of a hotel modelled on the Spanish Paradores within historic buildings. It will also be a Museum with the purpose of promoting culture and hospitality in the Città Alta.

The train station is the “business card” of the city. Its redevelopment is a key element that completes the project “Intermodal Transportation Center”, which is in progress and borne by the City.

The renovations of the station are in progress and the completion is scheduled by 2014. The construction of a parking lot for 130 places on rotation is also expected by 2014, increasing the allocation of parking spaces and the level of perceived safety.

5 million € for the restoration of the railway station by Centostazioni S.p.A.

The intermodal transportation center links all the means of public transportation by putting in connection the entire cultural network of the city (museums, theaters, exhibition galleries, etc.). The new Hub is adjacent to the new GAMEC location and the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter.

cultural impact

Restructuring of the railway station and construction of new parking for visitors to Bergamo and to the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter

The City has currently ongoing works for the redevelopment of the paving of the square and the pedestrian routes as well as the construction of a parking lot for 150 cars. Completion of works in 2013.

current status

4.4 million € (including 1.6 million € from Lombardy Region) for renovation of areas in front of Public Local Transport stations for train, tram, bus and taxi.


21st Century Intermodal Transport Hub, adjacent to the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter

Urban Infrastructure Projects


Parking linked to an implementation plan that is scheduled for the near future. An innovative project allowing people and bicycles to go up to Città Alta via 2 cylindrical elevators. Completion depends on sources of financing that cannot yet be precisely determined. Contracting of planning responsibility underway. Completion is scheduled for 2014.

Ongoing. The first phase of work will be completed in the near future. The second phase will start soon after. Completion is scheduled for Spring 2014. The project is included in the works planned in the PGT.

4.2 million € in the City Plan of Urban Public Works for the elevators and 1.5 million € for the construction of the parking for approximately 200 cars at the base of the structure.

300,000 € committed by ATB (Bergamo Transport Company) for planning and implementing the intervention.

1 million € by Bergamo Municipality.

City Council has already invested € 850,000 for an acoustic upgrade to improve the quality of the theater. Extra € 100,000 provided in the PTLP (Triennial Plan of Public Works) for 2013.

1 million € by the owner of the former Convent of the Suore Canossiane, who is required to make over for public use the vegetable garden of San Tomaso next to Parco Suardi.

Beyond the Walls on Foot and by Bicycle: Elevators for cyclists and pedestrians from Città Bassa to Sant’Agostino-Città Alta and parking

Upgrading of the lower station of the funicular in the Città Alta

Restoration and consolidation of the viaduct of access to the Porta San Lorenzo

Technological and acoustic upgrading of Palacreberg

Expansion of Parco Suardi. Creation of a link between Via Tasso and Via Pignolo and between the Accademia Carrara and the Teatro Donizetti

Nell’edificio sono presenti gli uffici di Turismo Bergamo e del Distretto Urbano del Commercio. Nell’Urban Center viene svolta attività espositiva, tra cui la Settimana per l’Energia e BergamoScienza. Il progetto di Candidatura prevede che l’Urban Center ospiti al piano superiore la seconda sede dell’Ambasciata Culturale Europea di Bergamo 2019 Project to be started in the context of the new infrastructure planned by the candidacy for Bergamo ECoC 2019.

Refunctionalization. 200,000 € already invested. Expected investments 200,000 € for technological innovation.

4 million € to be found through European funds and in particular the Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020, including annual operational costs. Initiative proposed by the candidacy; budget TBD.

European Cultural Embassy. Second site at the Urban Centre near the railway station and the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter (Città Bassa).

Art-Science Centre (ASC)

appendix 2 c a p i t a l b u d g e t d e t a i l s

The building houses the offices of Bergamo Tourism and the Distretto Urbano del Commercio (“Commercial Urban District”). Exhibitions are presented at the Urban Centre, including the Week for Energy and BergamoScienza. The candidacy envisages that the European Cultural Embassy for Bergamo 2019 2nd site will be housed on the upper floor of the Urban Centre.

150,000 € invested by the private Association Timeless. The City plans to invest 30-50,000 € more for the heating system.

European Cultural Embassy. Headquarters in the Palazzo Suardi (Città Alta).

C u lt u r a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e P r o j e c t s

current status



The Centre will be a structure where artists and scientists from all over Europe will work and learn together how to combine artistic inspiration with scientific method to achieve sustainable innovation. This Centre will offer creative labs and will exhibit experiments as well as exhibitions. It will link with Le Laboratoire in Paris, Trinity College in Dublin and ZKM in the Ruhr to develop an art-science network in Europe.

La seconda sede dell’Ambasciata Culturale Europea di Bergamo 2019 accoglierà i visitatori in arrivo da aeroporto, ferrovia e autostrada e garantirà un’interazione efficace con la sede principale dell’Ambasciata Culturale Europea

The second location of Bergamo 2019 European Cultural Embassy will welcome visitors arriving from the airport, the railway station and the highway, and it will guarantee an efficient interaction with the main location of the Cultural Embassy.

This project envisages the creation of a pedestrian path connecting the Accademia Carrara with the Teatro Donizetti, requiring public use of a series of historic urban vegetable gardens as well as the restoration of some historical palaces.

The Palacreberg is an important reference point for the cultural activities of the city. Drama, concerts, comedies and other shows are performed in the theater, which will be used during the restoration of the Teatro Donizetti to partially overcome the resulting inconvenience.

Porta San Lorenzo is one of the four main entrances to the Upper Town.

This project will improve both functionality and the architecture of the funicular, a highly symbolic infrastructure for Bergamo, by recovering its original architectural style. The project is part of a wider plan for the restoration and improvement of sustainable mobility infrastructure in the City.

This project will link the City Green Belt with 9 km from the Green Way (Cycling Road) of the River Morla, connecting Bergamo to Sombreno and the Brembana valley, enhancing cyclists’ access to the city and more generally facilitating access to Città Alta.

cultural impact

Recovery, conversion, refunctionalization and expansion of the former Magazzini Generali of the Dogana (customs house). The new GAMeC will have 5,655 sq m (2 floors above + 1 basement) including 1,600 sq m temporary exhibition gallery + auditorium + restaurant + use of BPB Congress space.

Full restructuring, recovery and modernization of galleries and reinstallation of the paintings in progress, with a remarkable 50% increase in the number of displayed artworks from 400 to 600. Re-opening is scheduled for 2014.

Final Feasibility Study: the City Council intends to undertake fundraising.

The foyer restoration is scheduled for 2013.

The building in need of renovation is owned by Opera Pia di Misericordia Maggiore.

Works in the garden currently in progress; to be completed for Expo 2015. The renovation of former Astino Monastery as a cultural centre with restaurant, will follow after the opening of the outdoor expo.

4,5 million €; project by the Fondazione Banca Popolare di Bergamo.

About 8.5 million € for the principal works; 1 million € for demolition and clearance, 1.6 million € for installations, 650,000 € for restoration of the Eastern barchessa; 420,000 € for the restoration of green areas; 800,000 € for the accommodation of Piazza Carrara opposite the Accademia. Out of 1.6 million € planned for the installations, 1.25 million € will be covered by a donation from Fondazione Credito Bergamasco.

Bergamo Municipality: 1.5 million € in addition to € 500,000 already allocated to the project. Expected contributions from the private sector: 16,5 million € (goal of the subscription) and/or through loan.

The restoration of the foyer has been set at € 600,000 in the budget of the Department of Public Works of Bergamo municipality. It will be implemented only if private partners provide the required amount. The restoration of the rest of this magnificent building was accomplished in 2009. It is now open with 640 seats.

The Board of the Misericordia Maggiore Foundation (MIA) confirmed a restoration project set at 2.75 million €. A request for funds has been presented both to the public institutions (Italian Government and Lombardy Region) and the private sector. In addition, request for access to 8 x 1,000 has been submitted to the Italian Government.

850,000 € provided in the Plan of Urban Public Works exclusively for the botanical exhibition site around the monastery. A request for funds will be presented to Lombardy Region.

Contemporary Cultural Quarter: relocation of the Galleria del’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (GAMeC)

Carrara Revealed: Accademia Carrara expansion and renovation

Celebration Space: 1. Restoration and adaptation of Donizetti Theatre

Celebration Space: 2. Restoration of Teatro Sociale Foyer

Music Heritage and E-Learning Centre + Cultural Industries Incubator. Creation of Children’s Music Centre. Renovation and conversion of Museo Donizetti

Urban Agriculture: Astino Expo Site & Cultural Centre + Restoration of the monastery

appendix 2 c a p i t a l b u d g e t d e t a i l s

current status



The historic monastic vegetable garden reconverted to original cultivation will offer a ‘slow food’ attraction for ‘slow tourism’ with a “zero km” farm shop. The site located in the Parco dei Colli will enhance the Città Alta. A bicycle path will connect the city center and Astino through a circumnavigation of Parco dei Colli.

Bergamo will transform the Donizetti Museum into a multi-media interactive attraction that celebrates the great composer’s music and life and the long tradition of Bergamaschi musicians. The Music Heritage and E-Learning Centre will be linked to other important cultural institutions and will offer classes and music experiences to young people at an international level. The Children’s Music Centre will offer interactive music experiences that will teach and inspire younger visitors. The new Centre will also include a high specialized technical music education school for those working or wanting to work in opera.

Improving public access to this magnificent historic theater in the Città Alta.

Bergamo’s major theatre will be expanded, including a library, a restaurant and other facilities in order to host all types of events as well as opera and drama performances presented so far.

The Carrara Collection is among the most beautiful in Italy, and will be exhibited for the first time in its entirety. At the same time the temporary exhibition space of the Academy will be greatly increased. In its final phase the new Accademia Carrara will utilize the galleries that are now used by GAMeC.

Important modern and contemporary art collection to be fully available for the first time. Outstanding temporary exhibition capability. The new GAMeC is part of the shifting of the center of gravity of the city towards the new Contemporary Cultural Quarter to favor the future development of the city with a place that celebrates contemporary culture in all its manifestations, including public art commissions and installations.

cultural impact

As a consequence of the recovery of the internal spaces as well as the surrounding area, including the Campanone, a stateof-the-art Museum of the Venetian Age of Bergamo until the 16th century, offering multimedia technologies and displaying outstanding artifacts and works of art, has been installed in the historic Palazzo del Podestà off the former marketplace adjacent to the Piazza Vecchia; this project will complete the story for the 17th and 18th centuries. It will be installed on the two upper floors of the building, which are currently empty. In the spaces that are now used for historical temporary exhibitions – from the big area of the former gymnasium to the apse of the former San Francesco Church – restoration and setting up works will be realized to adapt the space to the planned new uses. Restoration of the monumental façade as well as recovery and technological upgrade of the Furietti room have begun.

Feasibility studies have been carried out for the final project.

BergamoScienza involves thousands of citizens each year in interactive scientific demonstrations staged by schools or universities, youth groups, associations and citizens. Famous scientists and Nobel Prize winners are invited to lectures with great success. The candidacy could help to create a permanent home for BergamoScienza, contributing to involve citizens in a creative way by exhancing the scientific culture by interrelating it to the arts. The science and technology park Kilometro Rosso is positioning itself as a location of R&D centres, laboratories and high-tech companies that are housed in buildings designed by French architect Jean Nouvel and American Richard Meier. Beyond the already active structures (hosting today more than 1,400 people in the R&D and innovation sectors), more buildings will be developed over the coming years by implementing environmental sustainability, high-tech and ‘smart buildings’ criteria.

2 million € (1 million for each floor). This is not included in the Triennal Plan of Public Works but it is part of the projects taken into account by Bergamo Municipality.

1 million € by the Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia and Bergamo Municipality.

1.2 million € already committed by the City Council. A second phase of work is planned and its cost is evaluated at 1.4 million € that needs to be found through private sponsors, public calls and other contributions.

The Triennial Plan of Public Works (PTLP) assigns for year 2014 € 980,000 to this intervention.

Initiative proposed by the candidacy; budget TBD.

Investment for realisation of the programme will be funded by various partners (R&D Centres, high-tech companies and institutions) at Kilometro Rosso.

Technology Transforming Museums: completion of the Museum of the Venetian Age

Accessible Archives: Biblioteca Angelo Mai restoration

Recovery and restoration: porch of the former fruit and vegetable market to be allocated to the Biblioteca Tiraboschi

Permanent site for Bergamo Scienza

Arts/Sciences: New frontiers of science and technology at Kilometro Rosso. Diffusion and promotion of scientific and technological culture

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(Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia)

Opening of the 20th Century History Museum

(Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia)

current status



Kilometro Rosso is a campus putting to the fore the dialogue between academic, entrepreneurial and scientific culturewith the aim of fostering the development of a knowledge and technological innovation district. For Expo 2015, it will host national excellences in the field of agro-industrial production and transformation systems. The diffusion and the promotion of scientific and technological culture is guaranteed by conferences, seminars and workshops involving the major international experts in the disciplines and technologies developed within the R&D centres of the Park.

This initiative aims to increase public participation at the event and to develop scientific culture in the area. It would also provide a permanent space dedicated to experimentation and open to the participation of people of all ages in activities and experiments in all fields of science, new technologies and the relationship between art-science.

The Tiraboschi Library is one of the most important cultural realities of the city, much frequented mainly by university students due to its proximity to the University of Bergamo. The expansion of the space will offer better service for library users.

Bergamo has an important archival collection from 16th century onwards; this library in the heart of Città Alta will be made more accessible to tourists as well as scholars.

The 20th Century section of the History Museum will be located in the Monastery of San Francesco. This section will open with the exhibition on World War I centred on the aircraft of Locatelli, who was honoured three times with a golden medal, and will address all other themes and periods of the 20th century.

Although only recently opened, this Museum has quickly become a main attraction of the Città Alta. The additional galleries will tell the story of the walls and the origins of Arlequin in Venice and Bergamo, by implementing the most advanced state-of-the-art methods in museology.

cultural impact

The University of Bergamo is converting the former monastery complex into University Place. The former Church will become the Aula Magna of the University and a public auditorium for the City. The former I.R.F. powerstation at Via Daste and Spalenga will be converted for 2019 into a local Cultural Centre devoted to theatre with a strong European approach.

Main works completed, with the renovation of the facades and the roof of the building almost finished.

Preparatory feasibility studies have been approved in final design stage. In the meantime, work on the maintenance of the covering and segments of the masonry have been done. The interventions have been recently carried out. At the fountain in Via della Vittoria works are still in progress and will be completed in 2013.

2 million € from University of Bergamo as advance payment of the rents of the next years for the use of the Aula Magna + 700,000 € for furnitures + 400,000 € from City Council, all already allocated.

2 million € from private investors to be identified through a public call for proposals.

€ 1.05 million investment by Bergamo Municipality.

The Triennial Plan of Public Works (PTLP) assigns an allocation of 2 million € in 2015 to this intervention.

105,000 € paid by Bergamo Municipality; about 250,000 € paid by Foundations and third parties.

European Crossroads Place: Sant’Agostino conversion of former monastery church for university use

Children/Youth Theatre at former I.R.F. Power Station, Via Daste and Spalenga

First phase of works for architectural upgrading: former convent of the Carmine in the Città Alta

Redevelopment: Castle of San Vigilio. Ideal observation point for the entire city

Restoration of historic fountains: - Fountain monument in memory of Antonio Locatelli - Porta Nuova Fountain by Alziro Bergonzo - Triton Fountain in Piazza Dante - Fountain Via della Vittoria - Fountain of Sant’Agostino

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Bergamo 2019 project to be potentially located at the Ente Fiera Promoberg.

2 million € to be found through European funds, in particular the Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020, which includes annual operational costs. Initiative proposed by the candidacy; budget TBD.

ArtScienceNature Playground

Over the last years, Bergamo has already developed numerous public art projects across its urban fabric. This programme intends to identify new public spaces, particularly Bergamo New Hospital green areas, in order to plan and realize artworks that would benefit the entire Community.

current status

600.000 € per year (2014-2019) to be found through a specific fundraising plan involving private sponsors. Initiative proposed by the candidacy; budget TBD.


Public Art Projects

U r b a n R e v i ta l i z at i o n P r o j e c t s


The theme of historical fountains is relevant and related to a more prestigious perception of the urban landscape of the city by tourists and citizens.

The Castle of San Vigilio was an important military building, located at the top of the hill of San Vigilio. It offers an unrivaled view of the city and its surroundings.

The former Convent of the Carmine is part of the chain of buildings that with Sant’Agata is one of the major sites of the Città Alta. Its architectural upgrade is an issue of great interest related to the perception and comprehension of spaces and places of the Upper City.

Working with all forms of theatre, specific attention will be paid to youth and children, and consequently to schools and families. The theatre for young audiences is also a place for educational activities, an intergenerational creativity workshop with many programmes linked to dance or mixing different artistic paths and languages, as already happens at the Casa delle Arti.

The Hall with its renovation will provide a needed meeting place available for cultural and educational purposes, for the University as well as for other cultural institutions.

The purpose of the high-quality facilities to learn from play (which is very useful for schools) is to inform Bergamo youth on the connections between art, science, nature and solidarity.

An important part of Bergamo 2019 Candidacy will be these commissions of significant public works of art by artists coming from the local area and from all over Europe.

cultural impact

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