Brilliant Kholifal Amin
Hello! i’m Brilliant Kholifal Amin

I am a 25 year old Bachelor of Architecture from UIN Malang and Master degree from the Architectural Department at Bandung Institute of Technology. My passion for acquiring new knowledge drives me to work hard and take on responsibilities with dedication. I am adaptable, team-oriented, and detail-focused, thriving in collaborative
LinkedIn Language
Brilliant Kholifal Amin Bahasa-English
Educations Workshops
State Islamic University Malang, Bachelor of Architecture
GPA 3.30
Bandung Institute of Technology, Master of Architecture
GPA 3.78
2024 2023 2023
Research contributor on Endy Yugo Prasetyo’s PhD research project investigates the future use of abandoned Dutch colonial-era sugar factories in Java
HABITechno 6 International Conference - Presenter
Masjid Ibrahim Jl.Sulfat Malang
Freelance Project/ Nawasena Construction
Bagas House Rorombo, Kota Batu
Freelance Project
IL House Tawangsari, Pujon Malang
Freelance Project
Salwa House Pujon Malang - Freelance Project/ Nawasena Construction
Didik House Tawangsari, Pujon Malang - Freelance Project
Rifky House Ngantang MalangFreelance Project/ Nawasena Construction
Masjid Miftahul Huda Madiredo, Pujon Malang (Renov) - Freelance Project
Tourism development Plan Telaga
Madiredo, Malang - Freelance Project
IDEATHON “(Un)usual archetype: Adaptability for Inclusive Space
Bambooloka Workshop 2023
ITB International Virtual Course
Parametric Bamboo for Post-Disaster Construction
Organization Experiences
Commite of HABITechno 6 International Conference
Rhino- Grasshopper
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premier
Adobe Ilustrator
Microsoft Office
Up Project Construction - 3 Month
contract employee
2022 2021
PT. Nuraphidama Graha - Surveyor

Shop + IL House
Location : Pujon, Malang, East Java
Year : 2024
Site Area :
Project : Freelance

Key Plan
A: Site Location
B: Elementary School
C: Qur’an School
D: Mosque
Scale 1: 200
The occupants of this residence comprise a small family unit, including one adult female, two children, one adult male, and one elderly female. The family is engaged in dual occupations: selling vegetables at a local market in the morning and operating a grocery store from their home. The house also serves as a venue for extended family gatherings during holidays, attracting guests from both out-of-town and nearby areas. Situated at the rear of the property is an existing structure that functions as a vegetable storage facility, necessitating adequate access for transporting produce to a vehicle stationed in the adjacent carport. Given these factors, a well-defined separation between private and public areas within the house is critical to ensure optimal space allocation and functionality
-Figma, AI, PS, Skp, D5, Enscape, and Autocad

Portfolio I Selected Works 2020-2024

3rd Floor
2nd Floor

1st Floor
1st Floor

The relatively small need for large rooms design the best solution space lost to circulation, staircases. Additionally, design is excellent natural light and ventilation building. There is a center of the building direct access to making the addition and skylight essential lighting and throughout the buildin

3rd Floor
site area and the rooms make split-level solution to minimize circulation, especially for Additionally, split-level excellent at distributing ventilation within the dark area in the building that requires natural lighting, of a central void essential to maximize cross-ventilation building.
2nd Floor

Perspective Interior
MITUFAYA 2nd Store
Interior Skin Care Store
Location : Jl. Danau Toba Kedungkandang, Malang, East Java
Year : 2021
Site Area :
Project : Freelance
Collaboration : Brilliant Kholifal, Ary Wijayanto

A: Site Location
B: Shophouse area
C: Housing Area
D: Swalayan
e: 2 Lane Road
This Work was designed to representating Mitufaya’s Colour Logo. Mitufaya’s colour logo consists of 3 colours (Yellow, Blue, and Pink). This site has been analyzed with several different Architectural progam. After that, The architectural progam was decided including material. The architectural progam is Colourfull Minimalist and The Material are Wood, HPL, and Hollow steel. Finally, with realistic visuallization and 3D model, this interior was tried to be depicted . This work will guide Furniture Team.
-Figma, AI, PS, Skp, Enscape, and Autocad

Portfolio I Selected Works 2020-2024

1st Floor

Legend: Legend:
1 : Costumer Locker
2: Entrance/Exit
3: Multipurpose Shelf
4: Backwall Shelf
5: Multipurpose Shelf
6: Lipstick Shelf
7: Backwall Shelf
8: Bought Place
9 : Cassier 10: Gift Paper Display 11: Plant Shelf 12: Waiting Area 13: Neil Pholis Shelf 14: Mirror 15: Stairs 16: Storage
1 : Beauty Class room
2: Double Backwall Shelf
3: Accessories Shelf
4: Mirror
5: Multipurpose Shelf
6: Lipstick Shelf
7: Parfume Shelf
8: Backwall Shelf
9 : Strairs
10: Backwall Shelf 11: Tools Shelf
12: Mirror
13: Wastafel
14: Toilet
Example of Furniture

Backwall Shelf
Gift Paper Display
Cassier Shelf
Parfume Shelf
Accessories Shelf
Double Backwall Shelf
Backwall Shelf
Tools Shelf

1st Floor- Skin Care Zone

2nd Floor - Accessories Zone
Public Facilities Recycled Building Material +
Location : Rest Area KM 88A, Tol Purbaleunyi, Purbalingga, West Java
Year : 2022
Site Area : 224 m2
Project : Academic Project
Collaboration : Brilliant K.A., Mesa N.I., Fakhrisa N.P., Rheza F.P.

Key Plan
This study proposes the design of a transit Mushalla at a rest area to address the significant need for prayer facilities in such locations. Given the existing mosque's placement at the northern periphery of the site, the proposed Mushalla will be strategically situated on the southern side, in proximity to kiosks, restaurants, and parking areas, enhancing accessibility for users. Utilizing climate data derived from the nearest EPW records for Bandung, the annual average dry bulb temperature is identified as ranging from 21 to 25°C, with a notably high relative humidity level averaging between 73% and 91%. The prevailing wind direction is predominantly from the south, with speeds averaging between 1 and 2.5 m/s.
Scale 1: 1000
The design incorporates a semi-outdoor concept that promotes natural ventilation without the use of air conditioning. Watercatchment ponds will be integrated on the western and eastern sides to facilitate rainwater preservation. Additionally, the north-south walls will employ a breathing wall system to leverage natural wind movements, while the east-west walls will utilize more massive materials to mitigate solar heat gain and minimize evaporation from the watercatchment ponds. These design strategies aim to cultivate a comfortable and tranquil environment conducive to prayer.
-Figma, AI, PS, Skp, Enscape, Autocad, and Rhino

Structure Concept Material Concept
The structural design of this building primarily incorporates steel as the main loadbearing element, with concrete utilized for the foundation. The use of steel is intended to expedite the construction process, enhance the integration of recycled materials, facilitate more efficient assembly, and ensure ease of maintenance
This building utilizes a modular construction concept to minimize material waste during the construction process. The size of the modular materials is based on fabrication dimensions that comply with existing standards. Additionally, this approach shortens construction time, as the materials require no cutting and are easy to install. As a result, this concept effectively supports the building's primary goal of being environmentally friendly
Concrete Sloof
Iron H

Building Mate ial

Inte lock System

Recycled Pvc Roof (Black)
Recycled Pvc Roof
Recycled Pvc Roof (White)
Recycled Plastic Tile
LED Strips
Ecobrick Paving
1: 1 cm
Tubular Steel
2: Ecobrick Interlock
3: Ecobrick
4: Allumunium Plate
HDPE Plastic Pallete T be Steel

Interior Perspective

beril620@gmail.com @Berilkholifal