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Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

ABSTRACT The ‘Design II: Ecological Urban Design’ seminar, aims to understand the concept of experimenting and creating system logics for ecologically sensitive settlements. These settlements are designed considering the urban tissues in extreme climates and ecological contexts. The context comprises of land/water entity considering both a place of mariculture production and a place of inhabitation for people, in which the capacity aims to be 50,000 inhabitants. The site is situated at the Hoo Peninsula; it is in the intertidal zone and mostly covered with marshes, considering these, the project will integrate wetlands and their intricate hydrological reservoirs while integrating tower clusters and relative landscape strategies. While designing an innovative ecological urban tissue, ‘optimization’ stands as a critical research factor during this process, and it targets to find the fittest/ best solution to a given design problem. In this iterative process, the algorithm is applied to produce offsprings that breed from individuals with superior traits that are evaluated based on the fitness criteria. This method is used for finding the best solutions for productive landscape and network strategies. The experimentation and research for the design problem is conducted in three particular stages that focus on a different scale and complexity levels to generate design solutions. In the first stage, primary strategic decisions are made by analyzing the variations in river flow, tide levels, storm surge water height, wind, and temperature fluctuations. Stage two is designed for conducting experiments for landscape/waterscape infrastructures while planning the tower cluster qualifications utilizing function and capacity. The primary landscape strategy during the first two sequences to control the tide and future risks was to create a water channel that performs adaptive over time intervals and integrating a modular tower cluster system into it. The final stage is applied on a larger scale after the initial strategies are analyzed and modified. Experiments are revised, final principal decisions on environmental and landscape strategy are made, including tower cluster morphology and infrastructure. All the decisions are taken addressing how it responds to ecological throughout 50, 75, 100 years. During this process, emerging patterns of the experiments are analyzed, and the design solutions are selected based on the comparison within the produced phenotypes.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................7 STAGE I.............................................................................................................................................................8 STAGE II..........................................................................................................................................................36 STAGE III.........................................................................................................................................................54


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

INTRODUCTION The Hoo Peninsula, which extends into the Thames Estuary from the north Kent coast, has just over 31,000 inhabitants. (1) Peninsula has a unique and varied character that reflects how its landscape has been used over thousands of years. The two factors that are influenced the development of the area are; first the location of the Thames River that has made it a desirable setting for vital defence installations and industries, and secondly the physical features of the area such as its river resources and estuaries, have provided the essential environment to sustain these industries. (2) Charles Dickens, who spent part of his childhood on the Hoo Peninsula, and in Great Expectations describes the marshes as: ‘The dark flat wilderness, intersected with dykes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it was the marshes; … the low leaden line beyond was the river; and … the distant savage lair from which the wind was rushing, was the sea…’.(3) His depiction also clarifies the characteristic of the area that is strongly related to the environmental features. Overall, Hoo Peninsula has a crucial regional, national, and sometimes international role in England’s history and will continue to shape the area’s future. “Landscape is all around us and people are central to how we understand it. Landscape is shaped by, and helps to shape, people’s lives” (4) In the project, the primary environmental strategy has its focus on managing the rivers and marshlands. The changing routes of the Thames and Medway rivers have been fundamental in shaping the topography of the area for a long time. Ultimately separate courses of the river eventually merged and moved southwards to their current position of today’s Hoo Peninsula into Essex through years. Evidence of the changing routes of the Thames and Medway survives in the form of gravel deposits and can help us understand how the rivers shaped the peninsula. These early sediments also preserve plant and animal remains, which can tell us about the wider environment at the time they were deposited. (3) Deriving the experimentation setup of the project from its history: Through this research, we aim to experiment with the optimization of the water channel evolution with minimal artificial interference through a set of criteria in 100 years span. In order to create a controlled environment, integrated wetlands provide mariculture, meanwhile, terraced lands stand for the flood management and inhabiting tower cluster network systems. Stage 1 was to conduct initial research for the essential parameters after understanding the area and its environment. At Stage 2, during the optimization process of the water channel, several Generative Algorithms ran. The first GA is designed for the main water channel to simulate potential landscape, including river channel, lagoon, marshlands and terraced areas. Initial GA was a 2d simulation and two individuals are selected among the top-ranking phenotypes considering one individual for suitable built areas and the other one with morphological differences to compare in the CFD analysis. In Stage 3, those two individuals are modeled in 3d to compare their performance of reducing water velocity in CFD analysis. The second GA is held on the selected water channel and landscape for further development. The final simulation is designed to optimize the location and size of the four tower clusters while establishing network systems within and in between the clusters. Through all these stages of optimization, the strategies were based on the initial analysis of topography, tidal maps, and potential flood risk areas besides the existing town and water channel locations. After the proposal of an integrated, productive landscape that considers adaptive changes over time, the experiment is further developed to focus on the qualities and quantities of the towers, tower cluster morphology and infrastructure morphology. The tower morphology is based on a modular system which allows a bridge connection within the towers, while allowing integrated energy-generating strategies. 1 Edward Carpenter, Sarah Newsome, Fiona Small, and Zoe Hazell. Hoo Peninsula Historic Landscape Project. English Heritage, ISSN: 2046-9802 2 Newsome, Sarah, Edward Carpenter, and Peter Kendall. The Hoo Peninsula Landscape. Swindon: English Heritage, 2015. 3 Dickens, Charles, F. W. Pailthorpe, and Frederick Page. Great Expectations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 4 “Home.” The South East Local Enterprise Partnership. Accessed March 15, 2020. https://www.southeastlep.com/.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture




Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

PHOTOS FROM THE SITE The photos taken during the site visit in Hoo Peninsula, are demonstrating the environmental features of the site. The variety of seashells and plants in the area showing the variety of natural vegetation. Levees are standing as hard defense elements for the tide and flood control as the shoreline also modified for the daily tidal movements. Oil refinary showing the current industry in the area, where the wetlands are the main elements of aquatic environment.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


The predicted water level rise within 100 years is shown above. In the map, its clear that the area of Isle of Grain is located at a critical position that it conduts with the water first, where the Thames River starts penetrating to the land of Kent, through London.

Newsome, Sarah, Edward Carpenter, and Peter Kendall. The Hoo Peninsula Landscape. Swindon: English Heritage, 2015.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The primary analysis of the site is the weather cycles, where the data is taken from the ‘World Weather Online’. In the ‘Average temperatures and precipitation’ graph, its seen that there is a daily average of 40 mm precipitation and the average minimum and maximum weather fluctuates between 2’C and 22’C. The second graph clarifies that most of the days in the Hoo Peninsula are cloudy and the sunny days are around 2 times a month. In the ‘Maximum temperatures’ graph, its seen that there is frost in 8 months during the year. The following diagrams showing that most of the days are dry and there is constant wind during the year. Finally, the dominant wind direction is South West. These data-driven from the graphs are used during the experiments to shape the design criteria, and the environmental strategies such as the integrated wind turbines on the towers to generate energy.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture




Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Storm surge analysis in the area can be analyzed in different scales. On the maps at the previous page, the evolution of the storm surge is shown, where it first started at the Atlantic and reached up to the Isle of Grain. When the evolution of the storm surge is analyzed in 5 stages, the first stage is to be the first depression originated from the Atlantic. The second stage follows as the depression that passes through Northern Scotland and entering to the North Sea. Coming closer to the Thames River, surge moves down the East Coast towards the Thames estuary, where in the next stage, the surge approaches to the Thames. After the surge approaches to the estuary, the final stage is to be the entrance to the Thames, where it starts to be an actual risk for the Isle of Grain.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


In order to develop an advanced understanding of the site, the dynamic parameters that act on the site and the current situation are analyzed through maps, such as the topography, storm surge, settlement & network, flood analysis, flood risk, and the environment. The first map, ‘Topography’ showing the level changes on the site where the highest point is 33.5m located on the Westside. The middle of the site, drawn as the whiter areas, are the lowest points that make it easier for the flood to surge. In this area, the existing water channel is also located, and the project is held on this area to experiment the water control.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Storm surge map is showing the safest places in the years 2020, 2050, and 2080 in case of the storm surge attacks. It is clear that the highest point of the site (which is shown in the previous map as 33.5m) is the safest place. This can be considered for developing strategies for emergency cases.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Settlement & Network map is showing the current residential and industrial areas in the site, with the network system, where there is a main network road that connects the settlement areas. In the design proposal of the experiment, the existing setting is considered and the current residential areas are preserved and the new clusters are located nearby. The oil refinery and the old factory are decided to be kept for the use of future energy production industry.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The flood analysis map is showing similarity with the storm surge map, as they are both related to the water level rise and the topography of the area. The map is used in the design proposal with the consideration of the areas that have the highest risk of being flooded. Therefore, landscape strategies are designed to avoid the risk in the middle area of the site as shown to be sunken in the map.

Each grid line stands for 500m Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Similarly to the flood analysis map, the flood risk map is showing the low and high-risk areas that are to be flooded in the future. The high-risk areas have the chance of 3.3% to be flooded each year, where the low-risk areas the chance is reduced to 0.1%. So, it shows that the essential areas needed to be protected through the water channel, that proves the necessity of flood control strategies (by the terraced land around the water channel) in the project.

Each grid line stands for 500m 18

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


The final map showing the environment of the area is showing the current locations of the saltmarshes, improved grassland, freshwater sources and seawater. It is useful to know the existing environment of the area to setup the experiment, which deals with a new water channel.

Each grid line stands for 500m Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


In order to determine strategies for the following stages, all the layers of analysis are merged. The layers can be used to shape the fitness criteria for the design solution. Topography and flood risk maps can be used to locate the clusters to the highest possible places, or the risky areas can be selected as project locations to maintain the water level control. As the Network & Settlements map is showing the existing residential and industrial areas, the new settlements can be arranged accordingly, by using the existing setting most efficiently. Finally, since there is constant wind during the year, it can also shape the energy generation strategies.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The site sections are showing the topography and tidal values of the next 100 years (100 years highest astronomical tide, mean highest astronomical tide, mean high & low water neaps). The topography is drawn by scaling by the factor of 20 in the vertical axis in order to visualize the level difference in the area. Photos from the site are integrated with the section to clarify the locations of the marshland, hard defense, elevated buildings, and the industrial areas.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Design proposal for the following stages consists of 3 consecutive parts: First, the hard engineering and landscape solutions, secondly the ecological solutions and lastly, the management of the tower clusters and network strategies.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The initial hypothesis of the experimentation is stated as: Can we use tidal flow to create a water channel and wetland system as a flood control mechanism in the area while inhabiting aquaculture and agriculture lands for the residents of the Hoo Peninsula.

For the natural defense system, river mouth and the marshlands are analyzed in the area. Sedimentation is considered on the river channel, and the possibility of lagoon creation on the area is analyzed.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

100 YEARS ADAPTATION PROCESS The adaptation process within the following 100 years is divided into 4 phases as 25 years intervals. The current population of the Hoo Park stands as 31,000 and it aims to raise up to 50,000 people within 100 years. As the sea level rise will be increasing gradually through time, the development and the planning of the area are also planned accordingly. As the current industry in the area is farming, it will be followed by several strategies and additional industries in Phase 1. In the first 25 years, it planned to settle integrated fish cage systems to the deep water, establishing the mariculture industry to the new water channel (approximately will be 80,000 m2) and making use of tide and wave energy through a few different strategies which will be covered on page 32. Meanwhile, in Phase 1, two tower clusters will be built with a network system, in addition to dune and barrier systems for flood control that will be placed on the Phase 1 Channel. In Phase 2, the population will increase by 4,000 more people, and the area for mariculture will be 30,000 m2 as the water channel will also be developing through time. Additional bridges will be integrated to the tower cluster system as well. In the following 25 years, Phase 3, the third tower cluster will be accommodated while the mariculture industry will inhabit 230,00m2 areas to sustain the needs of the increasing population. At the last stage, at the end of the 100 years plan, the last and fourth tower cluster will be built while the water channel is completed and crossing the whole land and forming lagoon inside. So the total population of the area will reach up to 50,000 residentials while the sea level rise is predicted to be +2m, which is planned to be controlled by the water channel and terraced land system.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture




Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The current map settlements, facilities and environment are as follows: -current main road -current load neaps -existing dyke


The Phase 1 map settlements, facilities and environment are as follows: -Current main road + transportation Network -Current load neaps -Existing dyke + oscillating columns -Wave generators -Integrated fish cages -Wetland channel -Tower cluster / aquaculture -Tower cluster / energy industry


The Phase 2 map settlements, facilities and environment are as follows: -Current main road + transportation Network -Current load neaps -Existing dyke + oscillating columns -Wave generators Integrated fish cages -Wetland channel -Tower cluster / aquaculture -Tower cluster / energy industry -Tower cluster / residential -Lifted transportation


The Phase 3 map settlements, facilities and environment are as follows: -Current main road + transportation Network -Current load neaps -Existing dyke + oscillating columns -Wave generators -Integrated fish cages -Wetland channel / ecological wetland + lagoon -Tower cluster / aquaculture -Tower cluster / energy industry -Tower cluster / residential -Lifted transportation -Terraced landscape


The current map settlements, facilities and environment are as follows: -Current main road + transportation Network -Current load neaps -Existing dyke + oscillating columns -Wave generators -Integrated fish cages -Wetland channel / ecological & aquaculture wetland + lagoon -Finished tidal channel Tower cluster / aquaculture -Tower cluster / energy industry -Tower cluster / residential -Lifted transportation -Terraced landscape



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

As the area will be developed in time, the demand of energy will be gradually increasing. For that reason, some strategies are applied to produce energy by using natural sources. The first strategy is the ‘oscillating water columns’ that will be integrated to the existing hard defense systems (dikes). So that daily tide will be used as an energy source. The second strategy is the kinetic wave generators which three types will be used according to the sea level depth and water flows. The placement of those 3 generators are marked on the ‘wave energy’ map. To enhance the mariculture growth, integrated fish cages will also be used as they are also environmentally harmless and self-sustainable.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


After the analysis of the area, two approaches for the environment and settlement are decided to continue with. First is to create a water channel that includes wetlands and lagoon inside of it. This channel will be created in 4 consecutive stages within 100 years span. The second strategy is the network system, which will be explored in the following stages of the experiment (for now, 3 different network types are visualized on the map as: linear, mesh and bus types).


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


In Stage 1, first the existing environmental data of the Hoo Peninsula are analyzed through maps and graphs. After the analysis, primary strategies are made (that will be showing some changes in the following stages). The main strategy of the experiment is set to be exploring the water channel evolution with minimal artificial interference through a set of criteria in 100 years span. In order to create a controlled environment, integrated wetlands provide mariculture. Meanwhile, terraced lands stand for flood management and inhabiting tower cluster network systems. So, as the water channel is decided to be evolved through time intervals of 25 years, on Stage 2 and 3, the evolution will be explored both computationally and environmentally.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture




Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Based on the experiment in sequence 2, the previous river channel simulation script is developed and applied to the existing landscape. Instead of ‘optimization’, this process is used to predict the potential river channels and landscape, and then choose the river channel that can provide more mariculture resources and create a better soft defense for the residents.

River channel simulation

After more research has been done, it was clear that it is almost impossible to use only the tidal energy to create all the water channels in 100 years. Therefore, the strategy is modified. In the new proposal, the tide and the seawater is used to maintain the sedimentation level, shape the lagoon, and bring nutrient to the terrace instead of creating all the channel by erosion.

-Setup -Criteria River channel results and selection from the G.A -Pareto front -Graph and data 3D modeling process Secondary selection -Fluid analysis(CFD) -Final selection

In this process, first Wallacei is used to simulate the river channel and finish the first selection. Secondly, we use a digital landscape modeling tool(Docofossor) to model the 3D landscape for two of the selections. After that, CFD analysis was made for the secondary selection. Then the final landscape plan is used to define the zones and develop the design in the following stages.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

In this experiment, considering the formation as a gradual process, we studied how the river potentially can flow which can lead to different shapes of the flooded terrace. Since the elevation of this area is generally low and even, we predict the terrace area to be formed by the river water’s direction and the angle of the bending. The images on the left show how the river can potentially evolve by time and how it can influence the terraced land.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


The smaller river channel is constructed by predicting the water flow and following the braiding channel’s average ratio. We understand that it is not an accurate result, and even the top hydrodynamicist cannot predict the situation in such a complex system. As an architect, we would like to focus on how to extract parameters from the river channel and use them in our design solution.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

In each of the landscape results, marshlands and their middle points, lagoons, and their middle points, as well as terrace areas were generated. This information will be used to construct our network system, distribute our function zones and plan our tower clusters on the following stages.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


In the pseudo-code of the network development, first the two regions are created to locate towers on the two sides of the water channel. Then, the regions are divided into points with regular distribution, followed by joining the points to create a grid system. After that, the grids on the two regions are deformed by the intersection point in between. While the grids were merging in the middle, they also aligned towards their borders, which represents the border of the terraced land. Finally, the intersection points of the grids are subtracted as the location of towers.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

For the GA of the network experiment, the effecting genes are shown on the diagram as the dimensions of each node on the grid, grid deformation varieties and the UV count of the grids. In order to optimize the tower cluster locations, these genes are created. As a further development, these genes will be integrated with different urban network types.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


In order to conduct an experiment for the network optimization, different network types are analyzed and applied on the experiment setting.



Type 1 stands for only the horizontal connection, where Type 2 connects the nodes also in the vertical direction. Type 3 is a ‘mesh’ type of network that the 4 clusters in each region has a mesh connection while being linked to each other. The last network type is called ‘star network’, where the central hierarchy within each cluster can be observed. On Stage 3, after these network types are analyzed thoroughly, and it decided to combine the advantages of Type 3 & 4.



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


As the grid started to perform on different network types, the additional genes are generated. The fourth gene is the cluster location and radius that performs on the network type 3.

The fifth gene is the cluster location and density for the network type 4.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


As the water channel strategies and formation are clarified until through page 44, a random individual for the channel is selected to place different network types on it. It is planned to run the simulation for each network types separately to select among them, with given criteria of: -Max number of network branches on the wetland -Minimum verage distance within each cluster -Max surface area of towers facing south-west (for wind turbines) However, on Stage 3, it is decided to combine the mesh and star network and use them as a single network type to run the simulation.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

For the further stages of the tower clustering system, a map is drawn to clarify the different functions and locations of the towers. The functions of the towers are ranging as mariculture, agriculture + residential and only residential. Their locations are consecutively starting from the marshlands through the terraced lands.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


As an initial strategy for the tower morphology, modular system is selected. In the modular system, it allows to have variety of inhabitants in the towers within each cluster, while these towers can be integrated via bridge. The bridges in between the towers stands as a safe transport line between the towers, while creating public spaces. In the diagrams possible tower configurations are illustrated.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


In Phase 2, the generation of the water channel is explored in more detail, and the primary construction methods are decided to further develop it computationally on Phase 3. So that on Phase 2, experiment settings are thought, and the strategies got ready to run several ‘Generative Algorithms’ on the final phase. Besides the water channel, network systems are also studied and analyzed for the settlement of the tower clusters. It will be followed by simulations to optimize the solutions of the network types on the next stage. As the last system, the tower clusters and tower morphology is studied. The towers are decided to have a modular system that will allow flexibility and variety in constructing the clusters.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture




Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

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Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

1. Generating the landscape using GA The first simulation run with 50 generations with 20 individuals each. According to the graphs shown, 3 (FO1 terrace area, FO2 marshland area, FO3 lagoon area) of 5 criteria are optimized through the simulation. The SD graphs of these criteria are shifting towards left, and the Fitness Value graphs of the first two criteria are converged towards the bottom, and the fluctuation is minimized. The fitness value of the remaining 2 criteria (FO4 marshland number, FO5 flooded area in existing town) are less optimized since these two criteria are contradicting to the previous ones. FO4 is contradicting to FO2 because when the marshland area is bigger, it tends to have less number of marshland; and FO5 is contradicting to FO2 because when the terraced area becomes bigger, it is more likely to overlap with the existing town. Since we constructed the landscape following some principles of nature braiding river and hydrology, we cannot introduce new genes to optimize all the criteria that break those principles and make the result unreasonable. Therefore we just selected 4 candidates that perform well in most of the criteria.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


1 Gen 9 Ind 4 Average of fitness ranking: 1 This phenotype performs well in criteria 1 2 3 and 5. However, the terrace area (criteria 4) is the shortage of this phenotype, which means it will only provide a very limited agriculture area and on-land area for the tower clusters. This individual is taken to run CFD analysis for the following process.

2 Gen 20 Ind 13 Difference between fitness ranking: 0 This phenotype provides the largest terrace area among the selections. The disadvantage is that the flooded area overlaps with the existing town slightly (FC 5). This phenotype is selected to develop because it has a potential that its disadvantage can be solved by other protection measures and this phenotype performs well in all other criteria.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

3 Gen 0 Ind 0 Average of average fitness ranking: 0 Apart from FC4 (lagoon area), this phenotype ranks high in other criteria. As this individual for the next stage, because it is morphologically similar to candidate 2, which has more terrace area to build our cluster, it did not select for the further stages.

4 Gen 4 Ind 6 Difference between fitness ranking: 1 This individual has fewer marshland numbers (FC3) and limited terrace (FC4) compared with other selections. Therefore this individual is selected to be carried out on the next stage.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


1. Initial landscape

2. Introduce artificial channels

3. Reinvented landscape (artificial

4. Erosion effect is used to help to shape the lagoons

5. Reinvented landscape (artificial channels + lagoons)

6. Built first stage terrace as a hard diffence system and make use of the nutrients brought by the seasonal flood.

7. Reinvented landscape (artificial channels + lagoons + terrace)

8. More terrace are built for better defence and to satified more residents

9. Reinvented landscape (artificial channels + lagoons + more terrace)


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

ORIGINAL LANDSCAPE Flood direction unpredictable large flooded area no aquaculture resources

ARTIFICIAL RIVER CHANNEL Create marshland Water direction predictable Reduce water velocity Oyster farms on the marshland

Erosion shapes the lagoons Further reduce water velocity Sea fish farms on the largoons Maintain the sediment of the marshland

SEASONAL FLOOD SHAPES THE TERRACE Fertilized zones can be use for agriculture Terrace futher reduce the water velocity

More Terrace Stable environment High productivity Flood maintenance

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

CFD analysis of selection 1 (Gen 9 Ind 4)

Setting Fluid:sea water Velocity:2m/s Land material:Soil Iteration:100

The CFD analysis shows that the marshland can reduce the water velocity to some extend. However the influenced area is not very large. Also, the last map shows that during the storm surge, there is still a great control on the eastern part of the terrace for the rising water level.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

CFD analysis of selection 2 (Gen 20 Ind 13)

Setting Fluid:sea water Velocity:2m/s Land material:Soil Iteration:100

The individual (Gen20/Ind13) performs better than the previous selection (Gen9/Ind4) in terms of reducing the water velocity. The water velocity can be reduced significantly in the river channel from daily low tide to seasonal high tide (maps 1-3). Also the terrace can further reduce the velocity in annual high tide level and the storm surge level (maps 4-5). Besides, in the extreme situation (map 6), there is less risky zones compared with selection 1.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

NETWORK Based on the experiment in sequence 2, we develop our previous river channel simulation script and apply it to the existing landscape. Instead of ‘optimization’, this process is used to predict the potential river channels and landscape, and then choose the river channel that can provide more mariculture resources and create a better soft defense for the residents After more research has been done, we realized that it is almost impossible to use only the tidal energy to create all the water channels in 100 years. Therefore, we modified our strategy. In our new proposal, the tide and the seawater is used to maintain the sedimentation level, shape the lagoon, and bring nutrient to the terrace instead of creating all the channel by erosion. In this process, first, we used Wallacei to simulate the river channel and finish the first selection. Secondly, we use a digital landscape modeling tool(Docofossor) to model the 3D landscape for two of the selections. After that, CFD analysis was made for the secondary selection. Then we used the final landscape plan to define the zones and develop our design in the following stages.

NETWORK HYERARCHY Permenant infrustructure


Temporary infrustructure


Central pavement


Bridege connection


Aquaculture network Main transportation Residential network

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


AQUACULTURE NETWORK Aquaculture network is mainly used to connect all the marshlands to acquire the resources, as it is proposed to establish oyster, crab and shrimp farms on the marshland. The aquaculture network scripted directly based on the location and the size of the marshlands that are generated. Since the location and the shape of the marshlands may change over the years, adaptiveness also considered for the aquaculture network. The main aquaculture network is constructed according to the 4 largest marshland as a permanent infrastructure because the larger marshlands are tended to be more stable in terms of sedimentation and the location of them won't change as much as the smaller ones. For the smaller marshlands, they are connected by an adaptive network that can be moved in time.

Braiding river simulation, National institute of Water and Atmospheric Research


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Aquaculture network results for different marshland

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


SIMULATION II After the landscape is set, the optimization of the location(1), the size(2) of each tower cluster, and the network within each cluster(3). (1) Location It is proposed to build 4 tower clusters to inhabit 50,000 people. The clusters have a circular boundary so that all further towers will have approximately the same distance to the central tower, which stands as the rescue tower (highest tower). Clusters are divided into two types, one is the aquaculture cluster (labeled blue on the map) and the other is the agriculture cluster (brown). The aquaculture clusters should have around 30% of its area on the channel in order to have a better connection of the aquaculture resources, while the aquaculture cluster can locate as high as possible on the terrace for safety. Meanwhile, the main transportation network that connects the four cluster should have the minimum total distance in between the clusters.

Main transportation lane Agriculture cluster Aquaculture cluster Terrace(high elevation) Aquaculture resource zone 70

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

(2) Size The size of a cluster is formulated in a way that the radius of each cluster can change within a certain range while the total area of the four clusters will remain the same. The purpose of changing the size of each cluster is to adjust measures to local conditions. (3) Network within each cluster The proposed network type is the combination of a star network and a mesh network. So that the towers in each cluster have better connections within each other, and the residents can efficiently move to the central platform in an emergency. Besides, the total length of the network within each cluster is minimized.


Points represent towers

Central elevated platform


Mesh network (group 15)

Star network in the center

Centralized star network

Mesh network + shortest total distance

In the network proposal within each cluster, there is a central elevated platform that serves public functions and to is used in the emergency as a refuge point. Within this platform, the star network is used, which can efficiently connect the towers towards the central tower. For towers outside the central platform, they are connected with a mesh network that modified as the shortest total distance, which is more intelligent and cost-effective compared with a mesh network. The parameters in this network system are the size of the central platform, the group of the mesh network, and the size of each cluster.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



3 1


3 1






1 2 1


Genes 1, 2, 3



Genes 1, 2, 3 respectively control the U coordinate, V coordinate and the radius of each tower cluster. Towers can be located on the terrace zones and the river area where the water velocity is slow. The location and the size of the 4 clusters desired to be optimized.

Gene4 can effects the size of the central platform in order to achieve a balance between better connection and shorter total distance.

Gene5 control the tower number within each cluster.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Relation between gene and fitness criteria


1. U coordinate control of each cluster(4)

2. V coordinate control of each cluster(4)

3. Central plarform size ratio

4. Radius of each cluster(4)

5. Tower number of each cluster (4)

Fitness Criteria FC1 30% of the aquaculture Tower area cover the water (left) FC2 30% of the aquaculture Tower area cover the water (right) FC3 Shortest path length within tower clusters FC4 Less overlap between tower clusters FC5 Agriculture clusters locate more on the high elevation terrace FC6 Shorter length for the main transportation FC7 Tower number control(closer to 320 in total)

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Simulation result According to the graphs, criteria 1, 6 7 are optimized during the process and the others do not show visible convergence. Therefore, as a further development, this experiment decided to be broken into two parts (clusters' location and size; the internal network within each cluster). So that the GA will be modified and a new experiment setting will be created for more optimized results.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

After fixing the landscape and the network system, the next stage is to locate the towers to the clusters. On the diagram, it is visualizing cluster number 2. It can be seen that the main transportation line is connecting the clusters while there is also a separate network within the cluster. The platform on the middle of the cluster stands as a hard defense system, which is elevated from the ground, where the central tower is the highest among all. The distribution of the tower heights follows the same central hierarchy and the towers are getting shorter (fewer modules) as the network spreads out from the center. Other features that can be observed in the diagram are the: Terraced land Marshland Lagoon Water channel

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

This diagram showing secondary network on the marshland that connects the masrhland with light structure and adaptable modules. These ‘Mariculture Modules’ are adaptive in height for the low and high tide; also adaptive in place, with the pillars and anchors, they can be re-positioned. The main and the second networks are also connected from the closest branches.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Tower-integrated wind turbines (small scale)

Tower-integrated wind turbines (larger scale)

The render on the left-hand side is showing the tower facades, modular systems and wind turbines as well as the bridge connection. The bridge connects the two towers from their capsules and creating a safe transition space in case of emergency (storm surge). The middle floor capsules that are connected to the towers are public floors to allow transportation. Towers are also connected from the ground floors for vehicle and pedestrian access.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The modular system that is shown by the render is designed as follows: Each module consists of 4 capsule Each capsule inhabits 36 and each module has capacity of 144 This tower of 3 modules takes 432 people Capsules are connected with vertical circulation with each other And the capsules within 1 modĂźle are connected from the mid floor

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


The variety of the tower morphologies are ranging from the modules of 2 to modules of 6. All the towers are elevated from the ground to sustain any water level change.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The section is showing the 2-modules tower which is 35 m length on the elevation and 110m in total height, excluding the pillars underground. Floor heights are 4m and each capsule consists of 10 floors. Structural elements are designed multi-functionally. They appear as facade elements, carrying the weight of the capsules, maintaining spaces for the integrated wind turbines, connecting natural ventilation channels to each unit and also elevating the towers from the ground with the pillars.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Section of two towers and a bridge connection is showing the connection through the middle floors of the capsules. In the connected capsules, the middle floors are functioning as public areas and maintain circulation.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Each capsule consists of 5 different floor plan types that will be shown in more detail on the following pages. The floor plan types are mirrored by the middle floor of each capsule. So, on the bottom and the top of each capsule, the floor types have the minimum area, where they gradually get larger through the middle.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Floor plan Type 1 inhabits 2 people in each unit of 100m2 area. The vertical circulation connects the floors within the capsules, central ventilation core circulates the air working in collaboration with the natural ventilation cores on the sides.

Having the similar spacial qualities with the previous floor type, Type 2 also inhabits 2 people in each unit of 120m2 area.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Floor plan Type 3 inhabits 3 people in each unit of 180m2 area. The vertical circulation connects the floors within the capsules, central ventilation core circulates the air working in collaboration with the natural ventilation cores on the sides.

Floor plan Type 4 inhabits 4 people in each unit of 240m2 area. As the vertical circulation connects the floors within the capsules, the type 4 also serves a connection on the middle common area. As the floor area of the units are increaing, the capacity of natural ventilation cores are increasing proportionally.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


Similarly to floor plan Type 4 inhabits 4 people in each unit of 240m2 area. As the vertical circulation connects the floors within the capsules, the type 4 also serves a connection on the middle common area.

Floor plan Type 5 is appearing where the bridges are located. In order to maintain circulation, the whole floor area is reserved as public space.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

The mariculture modules are located on the secondary network on the marshlands. The network connects the marshland with light structure and adaptable modules. These modules are adaptive in height for the low and high tide as they have elevated platform system that slid through the pillars. They are also adaptive in place, with the adaptive pillars and anchor system they have, they can be re-positioned.

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



The whole process of evolutionary algorithms generated varieties of design solutions of the primitive geometry for a given set of problems. The problems, called fitness objectives in the experiments, had a wide range of scales and functions. From Sequence 1, the complexity of the given problem and the scale and the of the fitness criteria (as well as the scale of the environmental factors) gradually increased until Sequence 3. An evolutionary computation or generative algorithms, as a design methodology, have great capability to generate solutions, optimize the design, and select Pareto-front. In our design process, we used GA to simulate landscape, optimize the location of tower clusters and the network system within a cluster. However, due to the time constraints of parametric formulation, simulation and evaluation, the GA should be run where it is really crucial as a methodology for the design process. So the selection is made (using it for the generation of water channel and networks), where the manual calculation and optimization were not possible.

On the last Stage, we also considered to distribute the height of the towers within each cluster using G.A, however, for better time management, it decided to be done manually within a certain logic. We do realize that for every objective, especially those which can be evaluated easily, we can always find a way to optimize it according to some given criteria; doesnt matter if its in the urban, building or installation scale. However, objectives such as aesthetics, texture, spatial experience, which are more subjective, it is hard to evaluate or ‘optimize’.

Analysis tools such as CFD has the potential to influence design in the workflow. These are not used only as post analysis and to draw diagrams, but also can be used to select, to give us feedback, and generate new ideas. These recent analysis tools, including CFD, Karamba, Ladybug or many other grasshopper plugins (that we have been using for the previous seminars as well), can give us a new vision to understand the relationship between the outcome morphology and how it can affect the design and desired fitness criteria. For us, it is more crucial to bring understanding to the design process to modify our design and reshape our experiment setting for better fitting design solutions.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


As a further development for the experimentations made through 3 stages, another GA is designed and run. The final GA was to experiment the last simulation in more detail. The last simulation is divided into 2 different experiment setups for better results. The experiment setting and results are shown in the following two pages.

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Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture

Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


REFERENCES 1 Edward Carpenter, Sarah Newsome, Fiona Small, and Zoe Hazell. Hoo Peninsula Historic Landscape Project. English Heritage, ISSN: 2046-9802 2 Newsome, Sarah, Edward Carpenter, and Peter Kendall. The Hoo Peninsula Landscape. Swindon: English Heritage, 2015. 3 Dickens, Charles, F. W. Pailthorpe, and Frederick Page. Great Expectations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 4 “Home.” The South East Local Enterprise Partnership. Accessed March 15, 2020. https://www.southeastlep.com/.

BIBLIOGRAPHY “Hydroponics.” Hydroponics / RHS Gardening. Accessed March 16, 2020. https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?PID=911. “Mariculture.” Mariculture - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Accessed March 16, 2020. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/mariculture. National Geographic Society. “Marsh.” National Geographic Society, October 9, 2012. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/marsh. “Sewage Treatment.” Centre for Alternative Technology, March 21, 2020. https://www.cat.org.uk/info-resources/free-information-service/water-and-sanitation/ sewage-treatment/. Storm Surge Overview. Accessed March 16, 2020. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/. White, Holly. “What Is Aquaponics?” The Aquaponic Source, January 31, 2019. https://www.theaquaponicsource.com/what-is-aquaponics/.


Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture



Emergent Technologies & Design

STUDENT NAME(S): Berin Nur Kocabas Yi Zhang


Water Channel Evolution and Towers


Elif Erdine, Lorenzo Santelli

DECLARATION: “I certify that this piece of work is entirely my/our own and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of others is duly acknowledged.” Signature of Student(s): Emergent Technologies and Design / AA School of Architecture


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