Sponsors, Partners and Sterling Members 2020
Diamond Sponsor
Esteemed Partners

Sterling Members

Diamond Sponsor
Esteemed Partners
Sterling Members
I am delighted to share my thoughts with all of our members via this annual report, as I look back at the achievements of the past 12 months in my frst year as the Chairman of the BMCC. 2020 will certainly remain in memory as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, marking the start of a period of unprecedented challenges that tested many of us, yet magnifed the depths of our resilience. Nearly two years into the pandemic, I am optimistic we are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as large swathes of the population become vaccinated and the economy reopens.
2019 was an outstanding year for the BMCC and we had looked towards more expansive plans for 2020. Unfortunately, as the global pandemic unfolded, some of our initiatives were no longer feasible and we had to fnd alternative means to serve our members – many of whom relied on us even more during such uncertain times for prompt government updates as well as collective representation and advocacy. We pivoted quickly, shifting most of our presence online,within a month of the lockdown, we had successfully organised our frst webinar.
Working tirelessly, the BMCC organised 48 events in 2020 – eight more than in 2019. Forty-fve were held virtually, and many were organised in collaboration with our market-leading members, who continued to see benefts in working with the Chamber. We also kept up active engagement with various Ministries and government-linked bodies, maintaining our strategic role as the voice of our business community. As a testament to the value we continued to offer members, we managed to keep 82% of existing members and even added 30 new members despite the pandemicstricken market conditions.
Especially noteworthy for 2020 was the BMCC Webinar Series on the Impact of COVID-19, a series of 11 webinars especially developed to address various issues faced by the business community arising from the pandemic. The BMCC also successfully delivered its frst-ever digital conference, the BMCC - Standard Chartered Bank: Virtual Green Conference 2020, aimed at addressing key concerns regarding the state and future of the green economy. The event, organised in collaboration with Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia and supported by the British High Commission Kuala Lumpur, attracted close to 300 participants from diverse sectors.
As physical networking activities ground to a halt, the Executive Team and myself ramped up efforts to conduct virtual one-to-one meetings with members, which allowed us to stay updated on their situation and offer networking and advocacy support where required. In October, I hosted my frst Chairman’s Town Hall virtually. While it was disappointing not to greet everyone in person, I was grateful for
the opportunity to meet and dialogue with BMCC members. I was also able to engage with Johor members in a virtual roundtable in November.
On the government relations side, some of the highlights for the year included a virtual roundtable between the Minister of Finance Malaysia and Sterling Members as well as a virtual roundtable with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Works (Construction Sector), which provided avenues for our members to engage with policymakers and highlight their challenges during the pandemic.
The Chamber also invited the British High Commissioner to Malaysia, His Excellency Charles Hay MVO to a breakfast talk on the EU exit in February, and to a virtual roundtable in April where he dialogued with several UK member companies and shared the High Commission’s COVID-19 efforts as well as the Department for International Trade’s role in supporting UK businesses in Malaysia. In addition, we hosted Natalie Black CBE, Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Asia Pacifc in a special webinar about trade and investment opportunities in Malaysia and the Asia Pacifc.
Taking over as Chairman of the Chamber during one of its most challenging periods has left me even prouder of everything we have achieved. The Executive Team demonstrated that a small but nimble and creative team can achieve just as much with perseverance and hard work. I look forward to continuing our close working relationship and delivering more value for our members.
Last but not least, I would like to thank our Patrons, Board of Directors, our Sponsors and Partners, the British High Commission Kuala Lumpur, the Department for International Trade, and all our members for your continued support. As we ease out of the pandemic, let us join hands to reboot and rebuild the economy towards a brighter future for business.
Abrar A. Anwar ChairmanLooking back on 2020, I recall opening the year resplendently with members at the BMCC’s New Year’s Drinks on 15 January, flled with excitement for a bright year ahead. That was, of course, before COVID-19 blindsided the whole world and changed the entire outlook for us. By March, Malaysia was in lockdown and most of our plans were derailed. As we re-strategised our operations, we stuck to our core values and never lost sight of putting the interests of members frst. We identifed three key priorities for 2020 – Members Engagement; Continued Operations; Industry Advocacy and Government Engagement – and reframed our initiatives to ft the virtual environment we had to quickly adapt to.
In hindsight, all the uncertainties and challenges of 2020 only encouraged more out-of-the-box thinking within the team and sharpened our focus to deliver our plans successfully. As many businesses slowed operations down, we had more opportunities to spend time on one-to-one conversations with members to understand their priorities and challenges better, explain our offerings and customise our services to meet their business needs. I am proud to say that arising from such opportunities, we now have a stronger network of members passionate about the Chamber and willing to support our work.
It is important to mention here that collaborations proved to be the pivotal factor in the Chamber’s continued success throughout 2020:
• Collaboration with members – Our members became our sponsors, partners, content providers and speakers and contributed hugely to the many well-received digital webinars and forums we organised.
• Member-to-member collaboration – Our Committees became more active as the Chamber strengthened its role as a platform to discuss, share best practices and identify solutions to brave the pandemic.
• Collaboration with government agencies – Our stakeholders in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), InvestKL, Invest Selangor
and TalentCorp Malaysia were ever ready to work with us to help members solve their operational issues and challenges. The BMCC was also invited to participate in government dialogues, enabling the collective voice of our members and UK investors to be heard.
• Collaboration with international chambers of commerce and other partners in the ecosystem – We exchanged information, supporting each other and joined forces to engage the government and advocate in the interest of investors to ensure a louder voice for the business community.
Despite COVID-19 affecting the whole world, we witnessed many businesses staying resilient. In the same spirit, my trade services team and I continued to promote Malaysia to more than 200 UK exporters who showed interest in this country as a destination for trade, organising business matching meetings and sharing Malaysia’s distinct advantages at the UK Chambers’ trade webinar for ASEAN and Malaysia. We thank our colleagues at the Department for International Trade for the excellent work synergy that allowed us to continue our mandate to strengthen UK-Malaysia trade.
As a team, we grew by leaps and bounds in terms of our internal strengths and executional capabilities as we braved the volatilities of 2020. This experience enabled us to identify trending areas important to our members, namely digitalisation, climate action, healthcare, diversity and inclusion, and education. Moving forward, we want to add more value by creating additional networks that align with members’ areas of interest. We will also work towards strengthening our relationship with government agencies and our advocacy for the business
community with regard to the National Economic Recovery Plan, as well as supporting UK investors’ interests in Malaysia. Additionally, we will continue with our mandate as the trade services delivery partner – positing Malaysia for trade and as a strategic gateway to ASEAN, working with the Department for International Trade to reduce barriers of doing business in Malaysia.
My sincere appreciation goes out to our Chairman, Abrar, Deputy Chairman, Andrew and fellow Board members, His Excellency Charles Hay MVO and colleagues at the High Commission, our valued members as well as our key stakeholders in government agencies who stood by us through thick and thin, readily available to guide and support our work in the interest of our members, UK investors and stakeholders at large.
I am truly grateful for everything that the BMCC has managed to achieve in 2020. It has been an honour to lead the Chamber during this challenging period and see it continue to thrive. Kudos to my excellent team for their can-do spirit, resilience and agility, and for successfully upholding the good reputation of the Chamber despite such unpredictable operating conditions. Together we proved that a small team can achieve big dreams!
Jennifer Lopez Chief Executive Offcer (CEO)H.E. Charles Hay MVO BMCC Patron British High Commissioner to Malaysia
Nik Tasha Nik Kamaruddin BMCC Treasurer Senior General Manager (Group Brand Marketing & Communications), Sunway Berhad
Dato’ Larry Gan Chairman, Cloudaron Group Berhad
Ivan Tan Country Chairman, Shell Malaysia
William Addington Managing Director, TechSol Sdn Bhd
*Board of Directors as at 23 September 2021
Y.A. Bhg. Tun Musa Hitam BMCC Patron Chairman, World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation
Amanda Powell Director, KL Kudos Design Sdn Bhd
David Ng Managing Director (Malaysia & Myanmar), International SOS (M) Sdn Bhd
Prof. Dr Mushtak Al-Atabi CEO & Provost, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Deborah Clarke OBE (Ex-offcio) Country Director, Department for International Trade
Abrar A. Anwar BMCC Chairman Managing Director & CEO, Standard Chartered Malaysia
Andrew Sill MBE Managing Director, Country Head of Commercial Banking, HSBC Malaysia
Dr. Sanjeev Panchal Country President, AstraZeneca Sdn Bhd
Prof. Dr Graham Kendall Provost & CEO, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (Resigned on 31 December 2020)
Jazreel Goh MBE (Ex-offcio) Country Director, British Council
Andrew Diamond BMCC Deputy Chairman CEO, Asset Data Solutions Sdn Bhd
Anthony Collingridge OBE Managing Director, Delta Gate Solutions Sdn Bhd (Resigned on 25 June 2021)
Hanif Hashim Senior Vice President & General Manager, Petrofac
Tan Sri Michael Yeoh President, Kingsley Advisory & Strategic Initiatives Sdn Bhd
Jennifer Lopez CEO, British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Berhad
Roufzah Razali Senior Manager Membership & Strategic Partnerships
Evelyn Lam Senior Manager Marketing & Communications
Amirah Zafrullah Digital Marketing Executive
Karen Dass Senior Manager Events
Jennifer Lopez Chief Executive Offcer
Daniel Lee Public Affairs & Government Relations Manager
Syahirah Nasir Multimedia & Business Services Executive
Established in 1963, the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) has been driven by the sole ordinance of advancing bilateral trade relations between the United Kingdom and Malaysia. Over the past fve decades, the BMCC has been a catalyst in providing businesses with networking events, branding & exposure, trade services and industry advocacy. Today, the BMCC has frmly rooted itself as one of Southeast Asia’s most prolifc Chambers.
The BMCC is appointed by the UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) to become their service delivery partner for British SME’s seeking to export or establish a presence in Malaysia. Embodied by dedicated sector specialists, the BMCC Trade Team provide a range of
Azlin Alwi Finance, HR & Admin Manager
Adzlan Ariss Trade Offcer
Phoebe Nonis Acting Senior Manager –Trade Services; Executive Assistant to CEO
Jazreen Jefri Trade Offcer
*Executive Offce Team as at 23 September 2021
customised services from market intelligence, business matching and event management to sourcing assistance of UK goods and services.
With a certifed accreditation by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) network across the United Kingdom, the principles upheld at the BMCC are continually updated in assurance of living up to the global standards set by the BCC accreditation system. The BMCC is also a member of the BiSEA (Britain in South East Asia) network, a grouping of eight British Chambers and Business Councils across the Southeast Asian region aimed at developing effective relationships between British Chambers of Commerce within ASEAN to further facilitate business opportunities for their members.
In 2020, the BMCC welcomed Abrar A. Anwar, Managing Director and Chief Executive Offcer of Standard Chartered Malaysia as the new Chairman of the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Berhad (BMCC). His appointment was decided upon following the second BMCC’s Annual General Meeting on 25 August 2020. Abrar succeeded Andrew Sill, Managing Director and Country Head of Commercial Banking, HSBC Malaysia, who had served as the Chairman of the BMCC for fve years. Abrar, who has been a Board member since 2017, had previously assumed the roles of Treasurer and Co-Deputy Chairman of the Chamber.
With an illustrious career in banking, Abrar has 30 years of experience in corporate and investment banking in countries such as India, the UK and Bangladesh. Abrar is an instrumental fgure in implementing Standard Chartered Malaysia’s business strategies and overall corporate governance in Malaysia.
The Chamber also welcomed Andrew Diamond, CEO of Asset Data Solutions Sdn Bhd as the new Deputy Chairman, taking over from David Ng, Managing Director (Malaysia & Myanmar), International SOS (M) Sdn Bhd.
The BMCC is truly grateful for the valuable guidance and contributions of Andrew Sill and David Ng, who remain Board members of the Chamber. Under the stewardship of the new offce bearers, the Chamber looks forward to continue playing our strategic role in strengthening bilateral trade relations between the UK and Malaysia, by assisting to create an environment fertile with trade and investment opportunities in which businesses of both countries can prosper.
For the year, the BMCC welcomed 30 new corporate members and retained 82% of existing members despite the challenging times, refecting the immense value we bring to our members in supporting their business needs and growth. The BMCC continued to serve our members by delivering right value proposition through our four pillars of services, i.e. by providing highquality business-to-business networking opportunities, creating branding and profling platforms, offering bilateral trade services, as well as being a collective industry voice in engaging the government and its agencies.
During this year of many challenges on the operating front, the BMCC has tried our level best to deliver our services, at times putting in double the effort and experimenting with novel approaches to get things done, so that we could keep our commitments to our members and stakeholders. Therefore, nothing satisfes us more than to receive positive feedback and words of encouragement on our work from appreciative members. Here are some of the commendations we have received:
“Membership of the BMCC has provided BAE Systems with a valuable platform to enhance our profle, market awareness and business growth plans.”
Natasha Pheiffer Managing Director Asia, BAE Systems“I have found it to be most advantageous for our school to be a member of the BMCC. For example, the Education Committee has enabled our concerns as member Headteachers to be heard directly by Ministry of Education leaders. Indeed, these leaders have attended our meetings in person and engaged in meaningful discussions. This level of direct contact is rare and greatly appreciated.
At an individual school level, the BMCC has been willing to actively support the school and use their infuence with a Government Department to successfully resolve a longstanding issue that was preventing a number of our teachers from taking up their roles. I am most grateful for this support that ensured our students can be taught by their teachers as well as the relief this gave for the teaching families concerned. I do not believe that this outcome would have been achieved without the intervention of the BMCC.”
Matthew Brown Headmaster / Senior Leadership Team, Epsom International School“We joined BMCC as an SME member and have defnitely benefted from the networking platforms, events and committees. During the pandemic, the team at BMCC have not stopped working and organised numerous valuable talks, events and round-table discussions virtually. We thank the team at BMCC for constantly engaging with us. Thank you.”
Gerald Fernandez Chief Executive Offcer, 3Quantum Consulting“In these challenging times, it is critical to have industry advocacy and a network of peers with similar interests to drive excellence in Malaysian business while maintaining proper trade channels. The BMCC is the perfect forum to serve such functionalities. Beyond this, the elevated response during the COVID-19 outbreak has been impressive. I am proud to be an active member of the BMCC and am pleased that Smith+Nephew has strong representation through this chamber now and into the future.”
Arthun Managing Director & Site Leader, Smith+Nephew“BMCC keeps us abreast of the latest developments on government updates, initiatives and best practice sharing for its members. My personal favourite has always been the webinars on current issues with distinguished panellists and industry experts. These webinars provide insights on a wide range of topics which are benefcial in managing our day-to-day business operations especially during the times of crisis. BMCC advocates on behalf of its members at all levels of government, working to ensure that members’ interests are at the forefront. The true value and importance of what it means to be a BMCC member really came when the COVID-19 pandemic began. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to BMCC’s CEO, Ms Jennifer Lopez for her leadership and remarkable support to BMCC members.”
Vignesh Baboo Group Chief Human Resources Offcer, Chemopharm Group of Companies“
It’s been an absolute delight working with the highly professional team of the BMCC in helping British companies enter the Malaysian market and get the very best the country has to offer for investors.”
Brinkmann Managing Director, Luther Corporate Services Sdn BhdIn 2020, the BMCC was looking to build upon a very successful 2019. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic put paid to a large number of our intended plans. The Chamber, like many other organisations, had to act quickly to re-think our deliverables and activities for the year. Despite the initial setback, we managed to pivot and navigate our way forward, combining excellent teamwork with agility and resilience. By moving most of our activities online, the BMCC was able to remain active during this period. We put our focus on three areas of priority:
During such unprecedented times, understanding and responding to members’ needs became the Chamber’s utmost priority.
Some of our engagement initiatives to achieve these objectives included:
When MCO 1.0 was implemented, the Chamber sent out a questionnaire to members to gauge the immediate implications to their business operations.
Upon receiving feedback, the Executive Offce followed up with 1-to-1 calls to the respondents, to understand the highlighted issues better and discuss how the Chamber could support them. This support included connecting members with the relevant government agencies, i.e. the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), to assist them in their application to operate during the MCO.
We conducted a survey to understand the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on members. From the survey fndings, we were able to:
• Identify topics to design and deliver the BMCC Webinar Series on the Impact of COVID-19.
• Provide feedback to MITI and MIDA on how the pandemic had affected our members’ business operations and fnances.
Eleven webinars were organised under the BMCC Webinar Series on the Impact of COVID-19 based on topics highlighted by members. Most of these were delivered in collaboration with BMCC members who provided subject matter experts as speakers in the events. Feedback garnered showed that the audience found the content and insights invaluable as employers and employees alike did their best to evolve and adapt to meet the rapid changes in the business and work environments.
As part of our business continuity plan, the BMCC issued daily COVID-19 alerts to keep our members abreast of the latest Government updates on SOPs and developments regarding the MCO, as well as share knowledge and best practices from our members. We received positive feedback from members indicating that these alerts were helpful as quick one-stop reference points.
The CEO and Chamber staff conducted a total of 194 one-to-one virtual catch-up meetings with members in 2020 to keep updated on their situations and understand their needs. The fndings from these meeting were used to plan initiatives benefting members at large.
In 2020, two townhall sessions were conducted for members and one roundtable session was held with members in Johor. Our new Chairman Abrar A. Anwar took the opportunity to highlight the Chamber’s efforts to continue our activities and plans during the pandemic at these sessions. He also sought members’ feedback on how they were coping and what the Chamber could do to further our support for them.
Through our weekly e-newsletter published every Monday and active social media platforms, we were able to constantly keep our members updated on happenings in the Chambers, members’ news and government insights. The digital platforms also provided branding and profling opportunities for our members, where they could promote their marketing campaigns, success stories and their own programmes to the wide BMCC network.
10,000 Distribution across ASEAN & UK e-Newsletter
11,000+ Followers across social media channels Social Media
6,100 Monthly local & foreign visitors Website
Our sector committee and networks, through which we continued to engage with members, became even more valuable as platforms for members in same sector to discuss issues, exchange information and share best business practices as everyone adjusted to the “new normal”. Our Higher Education, Education (3-18 years) and Energy Committees as well as Construction and Engineering Network were kept busy for the whole of 2020 with regular meetings, various engagements and initiatives that included:
a) Engagements with Government Agencies on the Impact of COVID-19
• Private Education Division, Ministry of Education – Meeting with members of the Education Committee (3-18 Years)
• CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) – Letter on the impact to construction and engineering sector and recommendation
• Ministry of Education – Letter to the Minister of Education on the imposition of the Recent Announcement on Operations of Education Institutions & Public Examinations for Year 2020
• Roundtable with the Secretary General of Ministry of Works – Revival of the Construction Sector
b) Webinars on Sharing of Challenges and Best Practices
• Energy Committee: 4-part webinar series with PETRONAS on Decommissioning
• Higher Education Committee: Trends across Higher Education Systems in ASEAN
• Education Committee Roundtable: Return to School (RTS) Preparedness, Readiness and Best Practices
• Construction and Engineering: Impact of COVID-19 to the Engineering and Construction Sector
During the MCO, the Chamber moved immediately to adapt and re-strategise all our plans in response to the lockdown and the impact of COVID-19. Thanks to an agile and experienced Executive Team, the Chamber was able to transform our offce operations to full work-from-home mode with minimal interruption to our day-to-day operations and activities.
A total of 45 events out of 48 for the year were organised digitally, including webinars, roundtables and forums, proudly marking 2020 as our successful Year of Digital Events. This transformative and ground-breaking year concluded on a high note with our inaugural digital conference, the BMCCStandard Chartered Bank: Virtual Green Conference 2020.
Organised in collaboration with Standard Chartered Malaysia and supported by the British High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, the virtual green conference featured insights and
discussions on sustainable fnancing, green investment and recovery by experts and key industry players such as Shell Global, Standard Chartered and Ernst & Young. The highlight of the conference was the special session with the Minister of Finance Malaysia and H.E. Charles Hay MVO, the British High Commissioner to Malaysia. The event, which drew close to 300 participants from various business sectors, received positive feedback and commendations from participants.
Our trade services team continued to operate from home, supporting British exporters to Malaysia and meeting our commitment as the delivery partner for the Department for International Trade, UK for the year. The key activities include:
Facilitating a total of 213 meetings with British exporters. The team also organised information-sharing sessions in the form of four BMCC trade webinar series and a meet-the-buyer programme for the Food and Drinks sector, and hosted a virtual UK Pavilion at International Green Tech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (IGEM 2020).
Organising the BMCC Digital Forum with Richard Graham MP, UK PM Trade Envoy to Malaysia, themed “Malaysia – A Resilient and Preferred Destination for British Exports and Investment”.
Producing two e-publications for UK businesses interested to trade in Malaysia.
During the MCO, the Chamber’s role as the collective voice of our business community for government engagement was heightened and we were kept busy with industry advocacy work for much of the year.
BMCC Sterling members had the privilege of participating in a virtual roundtable on 2 December 2020 with the Minister of Finance Malaysia, YB Senator Dato’ Seri Tengku Zafrul. The roundtable was part of the Chamber’s efforts to provide an avenue for our members to dialogue with policy-makers and highlight the challenges of doing business in Malaysia. Representatives from the education, oil and gas, fnance, healthcare and tourism sectors had the opportunity to share their feedback with the Minister on the Budget 2021 announcement, concerns on current business and investment policies impacting their industries and seek support in collectively conveying their feedback to other Ministries as well.
In this online dialogue between several UK member companies and H.E. Charles Hay MVO, the British High Commissioner to Malaysia, he shared the High Commission’s efforts during COVID-19 as well as the Department for International Trade’s role in supporting UK businesses in Malaysia. These include assistance through consular support services, the procurement of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and reporting on regulatory environments. Then-BMCC Chairman Andrew Sill, who hosted the dialogue, took the opportunity to highlight the Chamber’s efforts since the implementation of the MCO. Members of the BMCC from various sectors also exchanged information about how their industries were dealing with the effects of the pandemic, as well as specifc challenges they were facing.
This special webinar with Natalie Black CBE, Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Asia Pacifc featured a discussion on key topics such as the current state of trade and investment opportunities in Asia Pacifc and the importance of Malaysia in the region. The session also touched on the approaches taken by the Department for International Trade (DIT) in supporting UK businesses and those based in Asia Pacifc, as well as the importance of chambers of commerce as DIT delivery partners in the region.
• Letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia on the Impact and Implications of the Government’s Current Policy on Entry Restrictions for International Students
• Letter to MITI Secretary General on Business Responses on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic – 18 Recommendations
• Letter to MITI Secretary General on Business Responses on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic – Additional Recommendation
• BMCC Memorandum on Submission for Malaysia National Budget 2021
• BMCC-AMCHAM Tax Policy Group and Joint Memorandum on Submission for Malaysia National Budget 2021
• MITI Industry Engagement on Implementation of Movement Control Order
• MITI and Immigration Department - Engagement Session with Industry on Expatriate Employment Pass Policy Review
• MITI – Workshop for Economic and Industrial Work Groups under the Pandemic Management Strategic Committee
• Meeting with the CEO of Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Center (MGTC)
• Meeting with the CEO of TalentCorp Malaysia
• Meeting with the CEO of SME Corporation Berhad
The BMCC was represented by CEO Jennifer Lopez in a UK delegation to Sarawak led by H.E. Charles Hay MVO, the British High Commissioner to Malaysia, which also comprised representatives from Department for International Trade and the Scottish Development International. Focus meetings were held with Datuk Patinggi Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari, Sarawak Chief Minister; Datuk Lee Kim Shin, Sarawak Minister of Transport; and Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) Chairman and CEO.
To shed more light on Brexit, the BMCC organised a Breakfast Talk in February 2020 with H.E. Charles Hay MVO, the British High Commissioner to Malaysia. At the event, H.E. Charles Hay talked about the new UK government and its belief that the economic benefts of departing from EU law would eventually offset any hypothetical problems that come from introducing friction into trade between the UK and the EU. He also emphasised the UK and Malaysia remain excellent trading partners and that Malaysia is the UK’s second largest trading partner in ASEAN with bilateral trade worth about £5 billion a year. Also covered were the topics of climate change, businesses and future of borders and movement of people. The event concluded with a fre-chat session with H.E. Charles Hay.
BMCC members continued to see our excellent business networks and resources as valuable membership benefts, tapping on them to organise joint programmes with the Chamber.
Three professional development training programmes were developed specifcally for PETROFAC employees to help them cope with the demands of modern life, especially during the pandemic:
• Managing Work from Home/Adapting to Changes: Successful business leaders shared how they adapt, handle and motivate their teams working from home during the COVID-19 crisis.
• Managing Personal Finance: An insightful and practical presentation to help employees better manage their personal fnances and buffer themselves against the fnancial emergency caused by COVID-19.
• Diversity at the Workplace: Participants had the opportunity to hear and learn from the experiences of successful practitioners of diversity and their approaches towards inclusion in today’s working life.
Based on a survey conducted by Kaplan in early 2020, the forum featured corporate leaders from AstraZeneca Asia-Pacifc, BP Malaysia, Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and Deloitte Malaysia as panellists and offered insights on how to effectively use professional education to cultivate talent and accelerate business development.
The webinar, held in collaboration with Rahim & Co and PNB Merdeka Ventures, opened with an introduction of the iconic Merdeka 118 Tower. The tower is set to be completed by 2022 as the second tallest building in the world and the frst building in Malaysia to satisfy the triple green platinum certifcation. Rahim & Co then presented a Malaysian property market update that also included valuable insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the local property market and mitigating measures.
The customary BMCC New Year’s Drinks was organised in partnership with BMW MALAYSIA and hosted at Auto Bavaria Kuala Lumpur on 15 January 2020 to welcome members back from the holidays and usher in an exciting year of business ahead. The highlight of the event was the offcial announcement of the BMCC’s 3rd Annual Business Excellence Awards and call for nominations by then-BMCC Chairman Andrew Sill. With a toast to 2020 by H.E. Charles Hay MVO, British High Commissioner to Malaysia, the evening’s formalities were concluded and the 150 guests present went on to enjoy a lively evening of networking and refreshments.
In 2020, the BMCC Energy Committee, Higher Education Committee and Education Committee (3-18 Years) continued to play infuential roles in fostering dialogues and engagements between BMCC members and key players in their respective industries. We thank all members who participated in the committee engagements, shared their views and ideas and contributed towards more opportunities for collaborations and partnerships between UK and Malaysia in their respective sectors.
Mohd Hanif Hashim, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Petrofac Malaysia
Deputy Chairman:
Brian Pye, Chief Operating Offcer, Three60 Energy Group
Committee Members:
• BP Business Service Centre Asia Sdn Bhd
• EM&I Asset Integrity Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• EnQuest Petroleum Developments Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Fulkrum Technical Resources Sdn Bhd
• Petrofac Malaysia
• Ricardo Asia Ltd (UK) Malaysia Branch
• Score Asia Sdn Bhd
• Serba Dinamik Group Berhad
• Shell Malaysia Limited
• SMS Sand Management Services Sdn Bhd
• Subsea 7 Asia Pacifc Sdn Bhd *
• Technical Waste Services Ltd *
• The EIC Energy Market Intelligence (Asia Pacifc) Sdn Bhd
• Three60 Energy Group
• Tidal Resources Sdn Bhd
• Wood Group Mustang (M) Sdn Bhd *
* No longer a committee member in 2021
Prof. Dr Graham Kendall, Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Nottingham, CEO & Provost, University of Nottingham, Malaysia **
Deputy Chairman:
Prof. Dr Mushtak Al-Atabi, CEO & Provost, Heriot-Watt University, Malaysia
Committee Members:
• 3Quantum Consultancy Sdn Bhd
• ACCA Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Advance HE
• Asia e-University
• British Council
• British High Commission
• CIMA SE Asia Sdn Bhd
• City & Guilds (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• CMI Management and Leadership Sdn Bhd
• Future Made Simple Ltd *
• Heriot-Watt University Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• IDP Education Limited *
• Insendi Limited (Imperial College)
• Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW)
• International University of Malaya-Wales Sdn Bhd (IUMW)
• Kaplan Financial Limited
• Lancaster University
• MABECS Sdn Bhd *
• Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia
• QS Enrolment Solutions Sdn Bhd
• Sunway University
• Tribal Group (M) Sdn Bhd
• Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)
• Universiti Malaya (UM)
• University of Hertfordshire
• University of Nottingham Malaysia
• University of Reading (Rumal Reading Sdn Bhd)
• University of Southampton Malaysia
Roger Schultz, Head of School, The Alice Smith School
Chair, Advocacy Working Group:
Alan Stevens, Master, Marlborough College Malaysia
Committee Members:
• 3Quantum Consultancy Sdn Bhd
• Beaconhouse Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Charterhouse Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Eaton International School *
• Epsom College Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Future Made Simple Ltd *
• Garden International School Sdn Bhd
• GEMS International School (GEMS Education M2 Sdn Bhd)
• Highfeld International *
• IDP Education Limited *
• IGB International School (IGBIS)
• International Schools Partnership (Tenby Educare Sdn Bhd)
• Kolej Tuanku Jaafar (Syarikat Pendidikan Staffeld Berhad)
* No longer a committee member in 2021
• learndirect Ltd *
• MABECS Sdn Bhd
• Marlborough College Malaysia (M East Sdn Bhd)
• Nexus International School
• ORCHID LEADERSHIP Coaching & Consultancy Ltd
• Sri KDU International School (Sri KDU Sdn Bhd)
• St John’s International School
• Stonyhurst International
• The Alice Smith Schools Association
• The British School of Kuala Lumpur Sdn Bhd
• The International School @ ParkCity (Parkcity Education Sdn Bhd)
** No longer the chairman. Prof. Dr Mushtak is currently the Chairman of the Higher Education Committee, and Prof. Dr Rebecca Taylor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (ASEAN) and CEO of the University of Southampton, Malaysia, is Deputy Chair
15 | BMCC New Year’s Drinks 2020
18 | Breakfast Talk with H.E.
Charles Hay, MVO, British High Commissioner to Malaysia on EU Exit
10 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with EY: Understanding Government Measures and Optimising Business Continuity
14 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with IPSOS: True Understanding of Data & Insights
15 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with International SOS: COVID-19: Where Are We Heading Next?
16 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with Knight Frank: Managing Issues Related to Real Estate Sector
21 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with World Bank: Economic Outlook Analysis for Malaysia & the Region
24 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19: A Dialogue with H.E.
Charles Hay, MVO, British High Commissioner to Malaysia
27 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with Herbert Smith: Managing Contractual Obligations
12 | BMCC - Standard Chartered Bank Webinar: Regional Economic Outlook and FX Strategy
14 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with Deloitte: Crisis Management and Business Continuity in Times of Uncertainty
27 | BMCC - Kaplan Forum: Are We Doing Enough to Develop Talents Effectively?
9 | BMCC in Collaboration with HSBC Webinar: Diversifying the Supply Chain
18 | BMCC - Petrofac Development Training: Managing Work from Home/ Adapting to Changes
6 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with Riverside Consulting: Mental Health –Adapting in Challenging Times
21 | BMCC Webinar with HSBC: The Future of International Trade in Uncertain Times – Malaysia & ASEAN Region
22 | BMCC Webinar: COVID-19 – A Catalyst for IR 4.0
2 | BMCC Webinar in Collaboration with UKABC: The Success Growth in Malaysia
4 | BMCC Webinar: COVID-19 Pivots Malaysian Healthcare Industry
4 | BMCC Energy Outlook 2020
19 | BMCC Roundtable Discussion: COVID-19 – Impact on the Engineering and Construction Sector
20 | BMCC Webinar: Trends across Higher Education Systems in ASEAN
4 | BMCC Roundtable with International SOS: Return to School (RTS) Preparedness, Readiness & Best Practices
19 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with Endeavour: PostCrisis Business Landscape – How Do We Navigate Through It?
24 | Johor Briefng & Inter-Chamber Networking *
25 | BMCC Webinar Series on Impact of COVID-19 with KPJ: How to Protect Your Spine & PL3D Treatment
21 | BMCC Fireside Chat: The Who, What & How of Mediation – Negotiated Settlements for COVID19 disputes
18 | BMCC Chairman’s Dinner
25 | BMCC in Conversation with Natalie Black CBE, HM TTrade Commissioner for Asia Pacifc
25 | BMCC AGM 2020
28 | BMCC - Petrofac Development Training Programme: Managing Personal Financial Talk
17 | BMCC - Petrofac Talk: Diversity at Workplace
18 | BMCC Digital Forum with Richard Graham MP: Malaysia – A Resilient and Preferred Destination for British Exports and Investment
7 | BMCC - Rahim & Co Webinar: Malaysian Property Market Update and an Introduction to Merdeka 118 Tower Kuala Lumpur’s New Global Icon
9 | Chairman’s Virtual Town Hall –Sterling, Large, SME Members
17 | BMCC - Standard Chartered Bank: Virtual Green Conference 2020
23 | Virtual Roundtable with Johor Members
23 | BMCC Webinar: Opportunities in Malaysia’s Food & Drinks Sector
9-10 | Meet the Buyer: Businessmatching – Trade
2 | BMCC Webinar: The Changing Face of Higher Education PostCOVID-19
7 | BMCC Webinar: Technology
Crowdsourcing – Spurring Innovation for the Oil & Gas Sector in Malaysia
5 | BMCC Energy Committee Webinar: Decommissioning
24 | BMCC Webinar Series on Decommissioning: NORM and Hazardous Waste Management
25 | BMCC Webinar Series on Decommissioning: Floaters Demobilisation & Decommissioning
19-23 | IGEM Virtual Exhibition (UK Pavilion)
2 | BMCC Virtual Roundtable with the Secretary General of Ministry of Works (Construction Sector)
2 | BMCC Virtual Roundtable between the Minister of Finance
Malaysia and Sterling Members
* Inter-chamber event
The BMCC membership structure is based on four available categories; (1) Individual, (2) SME, (3) Large and (4) Sterling.
Group 1
• Manufacturing
• Marketing & Public Relations Agency
• Retail Services
Group 2
• Recruitment & Human Resources
• Transportation & Logistics
• Aerospace & Defence
• Automotive
• Government Agency
• Relocation Services
Group 3
• Aviation
• Events, Exhibition & Conference Management
• Banking & Finance
• Research Agency
• Security Services
• Waste Management
Group 4
• Arts & Creative
• Fast Moving Consumer Goods
• Food & Beverage
• Museum Design
• Plantations
• Service Offce
• Training Providers 2020 Membership Composition by Sector
• Trading & Logistics Conglomerate
• 39 Essex Street Chambers
• 3Quantum Consultancy Sdn Bhd
• ABAC Center Of Excellence Sdn Bhd
• Abdullah Chan & Co
• Absolute Financial Solutions Ltd
• ACCA Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Ach Water (M) Sdn Bhd
• Addleshaw Goddard LLP
• Agensi Pekerjaan Michael Page International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• Agensi Pekerjaan Robert Walters Sdn Bhd
• Agos Asia Sdn Bhd
• Allied Pickfords (M) Sdn Bhd
• AP Archer Bahari Sdn Bhd
• APD Book Services Sdn Bhd
• Arup Jururunding Sdn Bhd
• Asia e Learning Sdn Bhd
• Asset Data Solutions Sdn Bhd
• Astrazeneca Sdn Bhd
• Atlas Risk and Consulting Solutions Sdn Bhd
• Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd
• Axcelasia Inc
• Axis Reit Managers Berhad
• BAE Systems (International) Ltd
• Bawiq Sdn Bhd
• Ben Line Agencies Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Berkeley Residential (Singapore) Pte Ltd
• Beyond Expatriate Advisory (MM2H) Sdn Bhd
• Big Dataworks Sdn Bhd
• Bluestar AMG
• BMP Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• BMW Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• BP Business Service Centre Asia Sdn Bhd
• BPP International Limited
• Brighton Management Limited
• British Airways PLC
• British American Tobacco (Malaysia) Berhad
• British Council
• British Standards Institution (BSI Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd)
• Cambridge Assessment English
• Chai Ramsay Brand Consultants Sdn Bhd
• Chemopharm Sdn Bhd
• CIMA SE Asia Sdn Bhd
• City & Guilds (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• Cloudaron Group Berhad
• CMI Management and Leadership Sdn Bhd
• Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre)
• Cross Border Health Solutions
• Crown Worldwide Group Sdn Bhd
• Cyberview Sdn Bhd
• Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad
• DAC Beachcroft LLP
• Daito Asia Development (Malaysia) II Sdn. Bhd.
• Datacrats Sdn Bhd
• Dato’ Richard Alexander John Curtis
• DDGI Limited (Authorised Representative Offce)
• Deloitte Tax Services Sdn Bhd
• Delta Gate Solutions Sdn Bhd
• Dimension Y
• DRB-HICOM EZ-Drive Sdn Bhd
• Duckhams Oil Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Dyson Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
• Eaton International School
• Eco World International Berhad
• Ecofen Marketing Sdn Bhd
• ECOTINT (M) Sdn Bhd
• EcoWorld Development Group
• EJ Joint Venture Sdn Bhd
• Elevat8 Sdn Bhd
• EM&I Asset Integrity Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• Enfniti Vision Media Sdn Bhd
• EnQuest Petroleum Developments Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Environmental Resources Management (M) Sdn Bhd
• Epsom College Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Ernst & Young Advisory Services Sdn Bhd
• Everest Integrated Logistics Sdn Bhd
• Faizul Hilmy & Chew (FHC Legal)
• Federal Hotels International Sdn Bhd
• Fortunis Capital Ltd
• Fulkrum Technical Resources Sdn Bhd
• Future Made Simple Ltd
• Futurise Sdn Bhd
• Garden International School Sdn Bhd
• GCH Retail Sdn Bhd (Dairy Farm)
• GEMS Education M2 Sdn Bhd
• GlaxoSmithKline Business Service Centre Sdn Bhd
• Glue Up
• Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
• Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur
• Henry Goh & Co Sdn Bhd
• Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
• Heriot-Watt University Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Highfeld Awarding Body for Compliance Limited
• Hiranandani Hotels Sdn Bhd
• HKA Global Sdn Bhd
• HL Design Group Sdn Bhd
• HLAP Ltd
• Holborn (Labuan) Limited
• HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd
• Humaninc Sdn Bhd
• IDP Education Limited
• IGBIS (Detik Harapan Sdn Bhd)
• Impetus Alliance Advisors Sdn Bhd
• Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW)
• Intermovers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• International SOS (M) Sdn Bhd
• International University of Malaya-Wales Sdn Bhd
• Invest Selangor
• InvestKL Corporation
• Ipsos Sdn Bhd
• Jardine Matheson (M) Sdn Bhd
• JLL Property Services (M) Sdn Bhd
• Johnson & Nicholson (M) Sdn Bhd
• Johnson Matthey Sdn Bhd
• Kaplan Financial Limited
• Key Risk Consulting Asia
• Kinetik Consulting Sdn Bhd
• Kingsley Advisory & Strategic Initiatives Sdn Bhd
• KL Kudos Design Sdn Bhd
• KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
• Knight Frank Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• KPJ Healthcare Berhad
• Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad
• Lancaster University
• Langkawi Holiday Villa Sdn Bhd
• learndirect Ltd
• Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill
• Leonardo Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Linatex Rubber Products Sdn Bhd (Weir Minerals Malaysia)
• Live & Inspire Sdn Bhd
• Luther Corporate Services Sdn Bhd
• MABECS Sdn Bhd
• Malai Adventure Sdn Bhd
• Malaysia Airlines Berhad
• Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
• Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
• Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad
• Marlborough College Malaysia (M East Sdn Bhd)
• Management & Science University
• Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur
• Manpower Staffng Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• Marks & Clerk (M) Sdn Bhd
• Maser & Quartzelec Services Sdn Bhd
• Mazars PLT
• Melewar Learning Resources Sdn Bhd
• Middlesex Uni (SEA) Sdn Bhd
• Milestone Production Sdn Bhd
• Mint Communications Sdn Bhd
• MISC Berhad
• Mott MacDonald (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• MTJ Development Sdn Bhd (InterContinental KL)
• MustaphaRaj Sdn Bhd
• National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM)
• Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia
• Nexus International School
• Owen Mumford Sdn Bhd
• Parkcity Education Sdn Bhd
• Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas Sdn Bhd
• Petrofac Malaysia
• Plus Three Consultants (M) Sdn Bhd
• PMCC Actus Sdn Bhd
• PricewaterhouseCoopers (PricewaterhouseCoopers Associates Sdn Bhd)
• Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad
• Purely B Sdn Bhd
• QS Enrolment Solutions Sdn Bhd
• R Systems Computaris Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• R.E. Rogers (M) Sdn Bhd
• Rabin & Associates
• Rahim & Co International Sdn Bhd (Real Estate Division)
• Raja, Darryl & Loh
• Raslan Loong
• Realise Health Sdn Bhd (LiveSmart)
• Regus Management Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Ricardo Asia Ltd (UK) Malaysia Branch
• Rolls-Royce Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Royal Selangor International Sdn Bhd
• RSM Tax Consultants (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• S P Setia Berhad
• Safeguards G4S Sdn Bhd
• Safety Capital Sdn Bhd
• Sage Software Sdn Bhd
• Savills (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• Science Career Asia PLT
• Score Asia Sdn Bhd
• Segamat Panel Boards Sdn Bhd
• Senai Airport City Sdn Bhd
• Serba Dinamik Group Berhad
• Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur
• Shell Malaysia Limited
• Shop Direct Sourcing Malaysia Representative Offce
• Sime Darby Berhad
• Skrine
• SMS Sand Management Services Sdn Bhd
• SNC-Lavalin
• Southdene Sdn Bhd
• Southern Rock Seafood Sdn Bhd
• Sphere Exhibits Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Spirit AeroSystems (M) Sdn Bhd
• Sports Direct MST Sdn Bhd
• Sri KDU Sdn Bhd (KDU Smart School Sdn Bhd)
• St John’s International School
• Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad
• Stonyhurst International
• Subsea 7 Asia Pacifc Sdn Bhd
• Sunway Medical Centre Sdn Bhd
• Sunway University
• Supermax Corporation Berhad
• Synthomer Sdn Bhd
• Tay & Partners
• Technical Waste Services Ltd
• TechSol Sdn Bhd
• Tenby Educare Sdn Bhd
• Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• The Alice Smith Schools Association
• The British School of Kuala Lumpur Sdn Bhd
• The EIC Energy Market Intelligence (Asia Pacifc) Sdn Bhd
• The Lost Food Project
• TheSelina Sdn Bhd (Salina & Associates PR Sdn Bhd)
• Three60 Energy Group
• TICM Sdn Bhd
• TMF Administrative Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Tony Gee & Partners Sdn Bhd
• Trans International Logistiks Sdn Bhd
• TRANSEARCH Malaysia Sdn Bhd
• Transpo Movers (M) Sdn Bhd
• Tribal Group (M) Sdn Bhd
• Trowers & Hamlins LLP
• Turner & Townsend (M) Sdn Bhd
• UH Global Education (Asia Pacifc) Sdn Bhd
• United Business Media (M) Sdn Bhd
• Universiti Malaya (UM)
• Universiti Teknikal MARA Sdn Bhd (UniKL)
• University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
• University of Reading (Rumal Reading Sdn Bhd)
• University of Southampton Malaysia Campus (USMC Sdn Bhd)
• Venus Assets Sdn Bhd (Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur)
• VERITAS Interior Sdn Bhd
• Village Grocer (Bangsar) Sdn Bhd (TFP Retail Sdn Bhd)
• Vistra Corporate Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• Xtrategize Technologies Sdn Bhd
• Yong & Leonard
• YTL Corporation Berhad
• Zaid Ibrahim & Co
info@bmcc.org.my +603 2163 1784 www.bmcc.org.my