Fashion Newsletter November 2014

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Fashion Marketing & Management

Newsletter | Vol 2 November 2014



hat an exciting quarter for fashion at Berkeley College! Our fashion lab in New York City is humming with the sound of new Mac© computers and students. In Woodland Park, we have relocated our classrooms and offices to the 2nd floor of the A Building. Within a few weeks, we’ll also have a fully functioning fashion lab at Woodland Park, in addition to a space for our student lifestyle magazine, Berkeley Bold. I hope that students will take advantage of these new facilities and find them a place to socialize, study and network. In addition, the holiday season is always an exciting time for fashion. Don’t miss out on this year’s window displays at all of the top department stores and boutiques in New York City. They are truly inspiring.​ And if you take some pictures, share them with us on Twitter using the hashtag #BizWithStyle.

AROUND CAMPUS Woodland Park Students participated in the Berkeley College Career Fair on Oct 8th. Stylist consultant, Pamela Etzin, spoke to fashion students in Paramus and Newark about personal style. Dr. Guy Adamo visited with high school students interested in studying fashion at the Woodland Park campus. Rebecca Gordon, spokesperson for Indee Lee Beauty, spoke to students on the New York City campus about cosmetics. Nancianne Esposito’s FAS 312 class visited and toured the Design Within Reach flagship with Area Manager, Coleman Johnson, learning about materials and manufacturing. Join or start a fashion club on your campus. Contact Professor Mark Friedberg at Want to be part of Berkeley Bold? Please contact Nicole Turnbull in SDCL at #BizWithStyle

For more information about Berkeley College graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed programs, and other important disclosures, please visit © 2014 Berkeley College. All Rights Reserved

Fashion Marketing & Management




Alyssa Adomaitis: “Rebecca Gordan of Indee Lee Beauty spoke with FAS 312 (Marketing of Accessories, Home & Cosmetics) students and the NYC fashion club. The students learned about the cosmetics industry and were able to experience some of the company’s beauty treatments.”

William Filerino: “On October 22, Pamela Etzin spoke to the FAS 250 Computer Applications class in Paramus and the FAS 230 Textiles class in Newark. Ms. Etzin is a Professional Personal Stylist. Her company is “An Eye for Detail.” Using skills developed as a showroom operator and retail manager, Ms. Etzin works with women to assist them in developing their William Filerino: “FAS 250 Computer Applications students attended own personal style in clothing. She the Berkeley College Career Fair on Wednesday, October 8. The event will come to clients’ homes, evaluwas held in the Atrium in Renaissance Hall on the Woodland Park camate their wardrobe and help them pus. Companies participating included: L&T, J.Crew, Godiva, Spanx, select apparel suited for their proAbercrombie & Fitch and Gap, to name a few. This was an opportunity for fessional and casual needs.” students to learn how to network with employers as well as obtain extra money for the holidays. Many students were offered positions.” #BusinessWithStyle

Fashion Marketing & Management





UPCOMING EVENTS New York City Pop-Up Shop Event - November/December Dressing School Mannequins - Nov 13th Runway Workshop - December Mini Fashion Show - January orientation

Club Officers:

Woodland Park & Paramus Dressing School Mannequins - Nov 14th Dress for Success Fashion Show WPK - Nov 17th Paramus Club Meeting - TBD

Visit the official club Facebook page:

Jafaari LeRoux Fayson (President), Dejanire Victoria Bernal Caririllo (Vice President), Markese “Violette” Anthony Curry (Secretary), Professor Mark Friedberg (Advisor)



Faces & Places in Fashion Lecture Series @ FIT Mondays at 4:15pm, Katie Murphy Amphi, 27th @ 7th Ave Fashion Icons: Valentino in Conversation with Fern Mallis Nov 18, 92nd Street Y, 1395 Lexington Ave. Killer Heels: The Art of High-Heeled Shoes thru Feb 15, Brooklyn Museum

Faking It: Originals, Copies & Counterfeits Dec 2-Apr 25, MFIT, 7th Ave @ 27th Street Lauren Bacall: The Look Mar 3-Apr 15, MFIT, 7th Ave @ 27th Street Chinese Whispers May 7-Aug 16, MET Museum, Fifth Ave @ 82nd

Dance & Fashion thru Jan 3, MFIT, 7th Ave @ 27th Street Gilded New York ongoing, Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave


Death Becomes Her: A Century of Mourning Attire thru Feb 1, MET Museum, Fifth Ave at 82nd Street

Alexander Wang x H&M Nov 6, 640 Fifth Ave

Kimono: A Modern History thru Jan 4, MET Museum, Fifth Ave at 82nd Street

Addidas Originals = Pharrell Williams 610 Broadway

Treasures from India: Jewels from the Al-Thani Collection thru Jan 25, MET Musuem, Fifth Ave at 82nd Street

Concrete + Water 485 Driggs Ave., Brooklyn

Maryland to Murano thru Mar 15, Museum of Arts & Design, 2 Columbus Circle

Celine 67 Wooster Street

Helena Rubenstein: Beauty is Power thru Mar 22, The Jewish Museum, 1105 Fifth Ave

TopShop Flagship 605 Fifth Avenue (grand opening, Nov 14th) Events listed on this page are not related to or sponsored by Berkeley College. #BizWithStyle © 2014 Berkeley College. All Rights Reserved

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