Berkeley Rep: Aubergine

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Exploring food onstage 9 · Meet the people behind Peet’s 13 · Five questions for Julia Cho 24 · The program for Aubergine 26



M E E T T H E C A ST & C R E W · 27




A letter from the artistic director · 5

Donors to the Create Campaign · 34

A letter from the managing director · 7

Foundation, corporate, and in-kind sponsors · 37 Individual donors to the Annual Fund · 38

R E P ORT 13

Michael Leibert Society · 40

Exploring food onstage · 9 The Ground Floor plants a seed: How Aubergine grew · 10 Stars in our eyes · 11

A BOU T BE R K E L E Y R E P Staff, board of trustees, and sustaining advisors · 41

Meet the people behind Peet’s · 13 Creative Careers: Illuminating a path to the arts · 16 16

FYI Everything you need to know about our box office, seating policies, and more · 42

F E AT U R E S The inextricable link between food and memory · 18 Now we are full · 20 Korean gift etiquette · 21 Memorable meals in literature · 22 Five questions for Julia Cho · 24


T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E 201 5–16 · I S S U E 4 The Berkeley Rep Magazine is published at least seven times per season.

Editor Karen McKevitt

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Art Director Nora Merecicky Graphic Designer Itzel Ortuño

Writers Amy Bobeda Katie Craddock Lexi Diamond Daria Hepps Loren Hiser Sarah Rose Leonard Madeleine Oldham

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William Shakespeare Daniel Sullivan


S TA R T S F E B 1 9



LEAVING THIS LIFE I have just left you there, there on a bed of unborn flowers and undiscovered planets, drifting among holes of indiscriminate darkness. Sleep in that place brings only the freedom of having no history save what is discarded to dreams: the lost shoelace, your favorite brush, the proverbial house by the sea, the roar of everything left behind. There you lie, tumbling without self, the density grappling to find light, to find weightlessness, some tiny movement of flight that leads to some place like Other, some other land of giants and seeds, the soil of each others blood.

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January 2016 Volume 48, No. 4

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P ROL OG U E from the Managing Director

After a nine-month hiatus, the Peet’s The-

atre is back online! Any of you who have ever renovated your home will appreciate how relieved we are that the building reopened on time and on budget! We were blessed to have a team of architects, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, and Berkeley Rep staff members who worked so well together to bring us to this point. Some of the changes are very visible to the public, like the newly refurbished seats, the new bathrooms, the Constellation Acoustic System from Meyer Sound, the handrails, added accessible seats, upgraded assistive listening devices, new box office and bar, and the improved signage. There is also so much you can’t see but that will still improve your experience here, like new wiring and communications systems and fire safety systems. In the end, we’ve accomplished our goal of preserving a theatre that has been valued by so many people for over 35 years while bringing it up to the new safety and technological standards expected of a contemporary theatre. It is our sincere hope that we do not need to do this again for another 35 years! All of these efforts have been made for only two reasons. We are here to support artists and artisans as they make fantastic, engaging, terrifying, provocative, and moving theatre. And we want that work to be experienced in all its glory by you. If we’ve done our job right, you will sit back and be able to give your full attention to Aubergine. That is, after all, the point of the exercise. What an honor it is to be able to reopen the space with Julia Cho’s intimate, personal play with this talented cast directed by our own Tony Taccone. Many of you responded to our request for support for the renovation of the Peet’s Theatre. All of us here at Berkeley Rep are grateful for the enthusiastic response. We say it all the time and that makes it no less true, but we really couldn’t do it without you.


Susan Medak

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What are they eating up there? Exploring food onstage BY AMY BOBEDA

Left to right Dan Donohue in One Man, Two Guvnors (photo courtesy of; Harriet D. Foy in The House that will not Stand (photo courtesy of; Bernard White in Disgraced (photo by Liz Lauren)

Food is a universal life force. Its nutrients

nourish cells. Its social traditions bring groups to a table. Its flavors dictate region and culture. Every meal can tell a story, and in theatre, a single meal can tell the same story eight times a week. It is, however, never as simple as mom’s home cooking or a neighborhood potluck. All of Berkeley Rep’s stage food is developed by the props department and our stage supervisor Julia, who, with the help of her crew, prepares the meals for every performance. The development of stage food begins with the director and members of the props team, who study the script and determine which food and beverages the actors will consume onstage. Then the recipe formulation begins. In collaboration with the director and actors, Julia crafts foods that meet four goals: correct color, palatable texture, allergy free, and easy to swallow. Occasionally, actors will want to eat exactly what the script dictates, but usually they’ll forgo authenticity for the ease of eating. These parameters leave Julia with limited options and many tasteless meals—the food you see onstage is almost never what you think it is. Julia’s goal is to create food the audience perceives as real. It should look delicious, but in reality it is usually cold and flavorless. Keep in mind, the actors have to eat this meal eight times a week, so hopefully it won’t be so boring they can’t make it through a six-week run. Often by week four or five, they’ll ask for new recipes, so the trial and error process of formulating fake food begins all over again. Color and shape are the keys to convincing stage food. In The House that will not Stand, the housekeeper prepared a pot of gumbo. From the back of the house, that concoction looked like gumbo because of its tomato red color and shellfish. In reality, it was tomato soup mixed with clam shells, but color and shape were all the audience needed to believe she was cooking a delicious Creole dish. Beverages are the easiest stage food to concoct. Whether it’s the glasses of red wine in Tartuffe or a bottle of Macallan 12 consumed nightly in Disgraced, the color of the beverage—and a good actor—is all you need to convince the audience they’re

watching a drunken scene. Sometimes it’s as easy as a few drops of food coloring, but other times dye allergies and the fear of staining costumes result in more imaginative recipes. Tartuffe’s red wine was actually Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger tea. Other wines have been crafted with cranberry cocktail, white grape juice, or Kool-Aid, which goes to show you never really know what’s in an actor’s glass. The texture of a food and the actor’s ability to swallow it go hand in hand. If the texture is too drying, like bread, cheese, or crackers, the actor has trouble swallowing and thus can’t deliver their lines. Suddenly an intimate meal becomes a horrifying Got Milk? commercial. For last season’s One Man, Two Guvnors, half a dozen meatball-shaped foods were auditioned before everyone settled on one that would read as “meatball” from the Roda mezzanine, but still allowed Dan Donohue to carry out his comedic scene without choking or needing to down a tall glass of water. Allergies are sometimes the most difficult food restriction to work with. The beef stew in To the Lighthouse was made with no salt, onion, garlic, gluten, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, soy, and meat. So, the beef was replaced with pumpernickel bread, and the stew was nearly tasteless. Other times, food restrictions mean laborious prep for the backstage crew. During our run of Secret in the Wings, hardboiled eggs were replaced with blown-out eggshells filled with coconut-milk gelatin. Anna Deavere Smith had a similar situation with her oysters in Notes from the Field: fake oysters were preset in real oyster shells to ensure she would easily slurp down her shellfish and continue her monologue without vocal strain. For the crew, food-heavy shows are always a new challenge. Some shows require they re-cork a bottle of nonalcoholic champagne, others call for mixing real food amongst beautiful prop food on trays and platters. No matter the dish, their precision and dedication bring food to the table, keep the actors safe and healthy, and help tell these onstage stories—bringing people together over a family meal, party hors d’oeuvres, or sometimes just a drink among friends. 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 9


A workshop of Aubergine at The Ground Floor’s Summer Residency Lab

The Ground Floor plants a seed: How Aubergine grew BY MADELEINE OLDHAM

In 2012, Berkeley Rep’s Ground Floor commis-

sioned 17 writers to write short plays about food for what we were calling The Food Project. We imagined it as an event of significant scope and scale that would explore our culture’s relationship with food, and Aubergine began as Julia Cho’s contribution to it. Its first incarnation read a mere 30 minutes. But unbeknownst to us, the idea had sparked something larger for Julia, and she continued to think about expanding the story. One day she contacted us and asked if we would mind if she turned the short play into a full-length version. Not only didn’t we mind, we were thrilled and offered to commission it. When a play is commissioned, this does not automatically guarantee a production. Scripts might not make it to the stage due to anything from financial limitations to writer’s block to artistic differences. With Aubergine, we loved the writing instantly, but had to think long and hard about whether we could realistically produce it well. At a cursory read, the play comes across as relatively simple, but closer examination reveals some deceptively difficult challenges. Finding actors fluent in Korean, quick location shifts, and the structure of the narrative all raised questions that required a good deal of thought and planning. But the further down the road we went, the clearer it became that we wanted to make it work. The next step after writing a play usually involves holding a reading so the author can hear it out loud. The first reading 1 0 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

of Aubergine took place in Los Angeles, where a number of actors who caught our eye lived. Center Theatre Group kindly donated the space, and it was a very intimate affair. The first time a text comes off the page can be a uniquely harrowing experience for a writer. First drafts are just that—more work awaits, and sharing an unfinished piece puts a playwright in an extremely vulnerable space. The second time around, things usually relax a little bit, and the rigorous embracing and interrogation of a text can begin. Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven, CT invited Aubergine to be a part of its Contemporary American Voices Festival, and provided actors and a few days of rehearsal time, culminating in a public reading of the script. Much was learned at these readings, and we built upon them at The Ground Floor’s Summer Residency Lab this past June. The work focused on questions surrounding Korean translation, projections, and story structure, in preparation for the upcoming rehearsal period. What you will see on stage represents years of cultivation for the play to reach its fullest potential. Aubergine’s journey from the smallest seed of an idea through to its world premiere provides a wonderful example of what can happen when artists are given the space and time to imagine, and resources to realize their vision.

The renovated Peet's Theatre


Stars in our eyes Constellation, Meyer Sound, and Berkeley Rep’s Peet’s Theatre BY LOREN HISER

In the first few weeks of January one begins to notice that the chill in the air brings, with its bite, a sense of cleanliness; the mantra that comes to mind is “out with the old and in with the new.” New calendars replace holiday decorations, promises and resolutions are made, and with it all comes a feeling of optimism. It’s with that same sense of possibility that we are thrilled to welcome you to the newly renovated Peet’s Theatre. Over 8,700 hours of man- and womanpower have gone into renewing and revamping our signature stage, the efforts shared amongst a group of innumerable staff members, community partners, and friends of Berkeley Rep. This renovation was done with a view to enhance the patron experience, from refurbishing the seats to creating a more welcoming, centrally located box office. But it was also a chance to bring a 1980s theatre up to 21st-century standards, and what better way to do that than to be the first regional theatre in North America to install Meyer Sound’s Constellation Acoustic System for live, unamplified theatre presentations. If you’re unfamiliar with this breakthrough in sound technology, buckle in. Constellation enables the theatre to change into an acoustically flexible venue, without changing the physical architecture of the space. It can evolve to suit the needs of all types of performances—from the spoken word of a play to the dynamic levels of a musical. It can transform into a rich concert hall for a pianist and an auditorium for a multi-musician band. And the sound has a remarkable clarity. “Meyer Sound was initially founded with a desire to create the best possible live concert sound,” says Helen Meyer, the company’s co-founder. “That initial mission to create the perfect loudspeaker created a global company now focused on extraordinary sound experiences. We are so thrilled to partner with Berkeley Rep in joining cutting-edge acoustic technologies with world-class artistic experiences in the theatre.” CO N TIN U E D O N N E X T PAG E 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 1 1

The core value of the Peet’s Theatre is maintaining the actor/audience relationship—there’s a palpable connection between audience members and the actors on stage. With that comes the challenge for actors performing on a thrust stage, where invariably they will be speaking with their backs to one section of the audience. Constellation will help mitigate that auditory dilemma, particularly with a quiet, personal drama like Aubergine. What’s more, the new capabilities of the Constellation System leave sound designers across the country chomping at the bit to play in this new acoustical sandbox. Even while our excitement for future projects and productions propels us forward, as we opened up the walls of the theatre we found ourselves hearkening back. There have been 15,000 performances on this stage since it first opened, from intimate family dramas to incredible musical productions. Each and every one of these shows has left their mark on a space whose hallmark intimacy has made it the foundation of Berkeley Rep’s identity. When the theatre first opened its doors in 1980, on the tail of an incredible community fundraising effort, the premiere performance directed by founding artistic director Michael Leibert was Galileo, Bertolt Brecht’s historiographical account of the Italian astronomer. Now, with our very own Constellation, we can reopen the doors of the Peet’s Theatre, with Michael Leibert Artistic Director Tony Taccone helming Julia Cho’s Aubergine. This play and space came together with the help of a major fundraising effort: the Create Campaign. We want to thank our Create Campaign contributors for providing funds for the both the renovation of this theatre, as well as the establishment of The Ground Floor: Berkeley Rep’s Center for the Creation and Development of New Work. The next phase of the campaign will provide continuing support to The Ground Floor, ensuring a thriving center for new play development where artists can collaborate, create, and discover—and ultimately producing plays like Aubergine. You can help create the story with us by donating to the Create Campaign and becoming a part of Berkeley Rep’s legacy. 1 2 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

Bottom Charles Dean, Don West, and Tony Amendola in Galileo, the first production on the Thrust Stage in 1980 All other photos Various stages of the Peet’s Theatre renovation


Doug Welsh, roastmaster at Peet’s Coffee

Meet the people behind Peet’s BY DARIA HEPPS

When Alfred Peet opened a small coffee shop on the corner of Vine and Walnut Streets in Berkeley, a sensory revolution began. Fifty years and countless cups of coffee later, Peet’s Coffee is sold in grocery stores nationwide and has more than 250 cafés, 5,000 employees, a handful of affiliated brands, and millions of devotees. I had the opportunity recently to sit down with Roastmaster Doug Welsh in the tasting room of Peet’s Emeryville headquarters over a small-batch cup of coffee from Yemen’s Haraz Mountains to talk about the art and craft of Peet’s. Later, I met with ceo Dave Burwick in the corner office to talk about the company’s growth, and how the same passionate pursuit of a better cup of coffee that motivated the company’s founder still fuels Peet’s Coffee today.

Dave Burwick, ceo of Peet’s Coffee

INTERVIEW WITH DOUG WELSH Daria Hepps: What makes a great cup of coffee? Doug Welsh: The truth is that it’s everything, which is a challenge. There is no factor that’s unimportant. Another way of saying it in the negative is that you can ruin coffee at any point. Unlike wine, the last 10 yards are either in our hands in the café or in the customer’s hands. Extracting the flavor, as I just did—you can select a great green coffee, do a great job roasting, and then ruin it in the brewing. When did you first join the company? It was actually after grad school in 1992 and I was casting about for something to do. I had been a customer of the Vine Street store since living at Cedar and Grove (now Cedar and Martin Luther King) in 1987. A “help wanted” sign was up behind the counter one day, and they really hooked me at Peet’s because the first thing we did, on the very first day, was a coffee tasting, which really is still what I’m doing. Do you have a lot of employees that stick around for a long time? We do. My mentor Jim Reynolds, who is still working here as Roastmaster Emeritus, and I conceived a 10-year apprenticeship to gradually and seriously learn the intricacies of the buying and the tasting. Is there a formal training or accreditation that is accepted around the world? There isn’t. I think there will be one day…but we learn on the job, that’s the reason for my really long apprenticeship. It’s an art and a craft. Sensory, and you have to be at it for quite a while…I started out as a staff person, and pretty quickly got into the taste-training area.


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What’s your favorite part of what you do? [Indicating his cup.] This right here. Drinking this cup. I really do, I love coffee. I think maybe a little of it is chasing the ideal. In the tasting room, we might taste 50 or more coffee samples every morning, and I think you’re sort of always looking for that next perfect cup. You’re evaluating and you’re approving coffees to ship…or you’re approving the coffee’s quality on arrival, or you’re figuring out how to blend it to become more than the sum of the parts; but really, I think there’s an excitement in approaching the table every day and finding a really remarkable coffee like this one. How is working at Peet’s different or the same as when you started? Well, I might be living in a little insulated pocket here, but it’s still more the same than it is different. We’re larger, but we’ve scaled up by doing the same things that we always did. We do everything by taste. We came out with a medium-roast coffee, and then with a light-roast coffee, and the question was raised, would it be true to Peet’s? And truthfully, those cups are not for everyone, but since we approached them the same way and deliver a really high-quality experience and a great cup of coffee at medium level, it’s OK if it’s not for everybody. As long as we keep doing a great job. Quality speaks to something in us, a desire to make something exceptional, but there is also a desire to share, and so it sort of exists in the space between us, like a gravitational pull. Doing something well makes it exciting, and exciting to others. What are you thinking about as Peet’s heads into its 50th anniversary year? It’s an incredibly exciting time for me, and it’s funny, because I find myself looking forward instead of looking back. It seems like it would be a time to indulge in nostalgia, but…. The expanded relationship with Berkeley Rep is a perfect example of it. We’ve had a relationship for some time, but it’s been relatively low-level. And now it’s much more interesting and versatile. Our wonderful Jane Marvin is joining your board, and we, the people of the Berkeley community, share a love of fine foods, of fine arts, and now we’ll be working together to provide ever more interesting experiences in coffee, in theatre, in local life. What would Mr. Peet think about it all? I only met him on a few occasions, and I only had a few really quality interactions with him here, and one thing I very clearly remember about him that so fits this occasion is, he was a real renaissance man. He moved to Berkeley in mid-life, not as a young man, but what I remember about him is that, at every age, including in his 80s, he was never really satisfied. I remember one of my interactions with him here in the tasting room, and he was watching me like a hawk, like he always did, and he made the suggestion—we were just putting out samples and tasting them—and he had a radical new idea about how to do that, 40 years on. He was always looking for a way to do it better. That’s been a guidepost for us here at Peet’s. There’s always a lot of temptation and even pressure to look to the past, or to be the same, but I can tell you that Mr. Peet was always looking to do it better. He was never satisfied 1 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

with what we had done. A better coffee to buy—a better way to roast—and so if people would say for instance that, “Oh, Mr. Peet never would have done a medium roast,” I tell you, he would have been the first to do it. And any other innovation that’s come along, he would have been really interested in it and probably would have grabbed a hold of it.

I N T E R V I E W W I T H D AV E B U R W I C K Daria Hepps: Alfred Peet is considered the grandfather of the craft coffee movement in America. It’s partly thanks to him that there now are many wonderful craft coffee producers around the country and locally. What sets Peet’s apart? Dave Burwick: What sets Peet’s apart is the quality of our coffee. There are many more roasters out there than there were even 10 years ago, which I think is great, because it means that people love great coffee. But I still think it takes a special skill set to know where to source coffee, how to roast it to achieve the most flavor, and then ensuring that it’s always fresh. No matter where you find Peet’s, we’re the freshest coffee that you’re going to find. And a lot of the new roasters are light- and medium-roast profiles, so while we have lighter roasts, we’re known for a darker roast. I also think the approachability of our people in our cafés and the authenticity that we try to exude in terms of the people that we hire, sets us apart. Is there a common denominator to a Peet’s employee? The common denominator is a passion for coffee. It really is. It’s a passion for coffee and a passion for the business that sets Peet’s apart, for sure. What are your biggest challenges right now? I think it’s just the changing consumer, and trying to make sure that we’re constantly evolving the business to meet the needs of the consumer and create great coffee experiences. Also, maintaining our growth—we’ve been growing almost 20 percent a year for the last two years. So that, and providing a career for people, so they can make well above minimum wage and get good health benefits. We strive to create a path for people so they can come in and start as taking your order at the register, move to being a barista, and then have the opportunity to grow into management roles. We love to do that. We would love for people to be here for a long time and provide that kind of career development. Peet’s was purchased in 2012 by the private German holding company jab. To what extent are you still a local company? We started in Berkeley 50 years ago. Even though we’re now headquartered in Emeryville, we actually originally had offices in Berkeley, then we had the roasting plant in Emeryville. When we built a new roasting plant in Alameda, we moved the offices to Emeryville, because we were out of space. In fact, we were in multiple buildings in Berkeley. We’re a Berkeley company at heart. A lot of people who work here live in Berkeley, they live in Oakland and the East Bay. It’s irrelevant who owns the company. The company is the culture of Berkeley and the East Bay, and it always will be.

“We, the people of the Berkeley community, share a love of fine foods, of fine arts, and now we’ll be working together to provide ever more interesting experiences in coffee, in theatre, in local life.”

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Is there something special about coming from the East Bay or coming from Berkeley? I think so. Particularly, I think of Berkeley in 1966. There’s a certain kind of outlook on the world, a progressiveness, a sort of connection to the times that Berkeley has and that Peet’s has always had. What made the expanded partnership with Berkeley Rep seem like a good idea to you? It makes sense. We’re basically like siblings, we were born in the same place and represent the same values and have a lot of similar followers, if you will, and fanatics. We’re of the same community and we serve the same people— well-educated, pretty sophisticated, foodies, progressive people. I think the same people that are going to Berkeley Rep are going to Peet’s. For sure. And [Managing Director] Susie Medak is like a dynamo, she’s a force of nature. I met Susie pretty early on when I came here two years ago. I took a tour of the place, and I could see what incredible resources you guys have and how you put on all these productions. It’s such a seemingly innocuous place, but it’s a really serious place for theatre. What does the naming of the Peet’s Theatre represent for you? I think it’s great, because it solidifies our connection not only to Berkeley Rep, but also to Berkeley. And I think it’s really important that we remind people that this is where we were born as well. 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 1 5


Creative Careers: Illuminating a path to the arts BY LEXI DIAMOND

Top Sarah Rose Leonard, Margo Hall, Christopher Chen, and Madeleine Oldham participate in a Creative Careers online panel Bottom The 2015–16 fellows

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“So, I was a ham at a very young age….”

At a panel hosted by Berkeley Rep in November, Bay Area actress and director Margo Hall traced the origins of her theatrical career to childhood antics. Margo and other panelists spoke to an audience of students and young professionals as part of the Theatre’s Creative Careers initiative—a program that illuminates the many paths of entry into a professional life in the arts. For many young people, a proclivity for the dramatic and the imaginative comes naturally. From grade school through one’s college years, opportunities abound for young artists and theatre-makers to exercise their creative impulses. But as the pressures of finding a job and paying the rent emerge, avenues for self-expression and imagination can seem fewer and farther between. Pursuing a career in the arts can feel daunting if not impossible. This is where Creative Careers comes in. Creative Careers is Berkeley Rep’s part of a national conversation about building a career in theatre. “This program is an idea that evolved out of recruitment efforts for our fellowship program,” explains Kashara Robinson, who oversees marketing and outreach. Berkeley Rep is no newcomer to ushering new talent into the world of professional theatre. The fellowship program has been jump-starting careers for over 30 years, providing rigorous, hands-on experience and mentorship to young professionals annually. “We’ve been exploring ways to attract a more diverse, unorthodox pool of applicants and saw that it first begins with awareness,” Kashara adds. By illuminating real career options, emerging professionals can discover opportunities in what can be a vast and enigmatic field. “It’s about reaching those who perhaps don’t know and connecting the dots between awareness, accessibility, and employment,” Kashara says. “We want to create a place where resources are available to everyone and to find a way for people who are not in a traditional theatre pipeline to become aware of the jobs that are available,” adds Bethany Herron, Berkeley Rep’s institutional grants manager. “If we can showcase our existing, wide range of talent on staff, perhaps anyone can envision themselves at Berkeley Rep and other theatre companies throughout the nation.” Creative Careers, which launched in 2014 with its first live-streamed conference, returned this year introducing new online tools curated by the School of Theatre. A free online portal with resources includes tips on building résumés, interviewing, and negotiating contracts, all gathered from various Berkeley Rep staff members. The portal also directs job-seekers to sites where they can search for job opportunities, fellowships, and graduate programs around the country. Oftentimes, those looking for a career in theatre do not realize what may suit their interests, and so fun “day-in-thelife” videos give insight into the daily, boots-on-the-ground routines of staff members in different departments, such as development and production management. A series of online panels like the one in November were also scheduled, providing students another opportunity to hear directly from Bay Area theatre-makers. Industry professionals gathered to talk about their experiences and give

advice about the field in the areas of artistic, management and arts administration, and production and design. Each panel is archived on the portal, but all were originally live-streamed to an audience across the country, allowing viewers to write in with real-time questions for the panelists. Jamie Yuen-Shore, a 2015–16 education fellow at Berkeley Rep, has played an instrumental role in helping implement the initiative’s new additions. Under the mentorship of staff, she led a team of current and former fellows in developing content, producing events, and spreading the word to colleges and career hubs. As a young professional herself, Jamie is the ideal audience for Creative Careers, and it’s this vantage point that helped her become such an asset to the program. “It has been really helpful and interesting for me to compile these resources as I consider taking the next steps in my own career,” she explains. “It made me realize how much I still don’t know about the behind-thescenes side of theatre careers and how lost people can be when they try to apply for jobs in theatre. I’m hoping this resource can demystify the process of finding a career in theatre for people who don’t directly know someone who can show them the ropes.” Creative Careers is made possible by funding from Berkeley Rep’s fellowship program sponsor, American Express.

Learn more! Visit Creative Careers at creativecareers. Berkeley Rep Fellowship Program Now accepting 2016–17 applications for fellowships in production, artistic, and administration. Deadline March 15 (Bret C. Harte Directing & Peter F. Sloss Literary/ Dramaturgy fellowship deadline March 1). Click fellowships.

KATHIE LONGINOTTI REALTOR® and Berkeley Rep Subscriber


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The inextricable link between food and memory BY SARAH ROSE LEONARD

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“But when from a long-distant past nothing subsists, after the people are dead, after the things are broken and scattered…the smell and taste of things remain poised a long time, like souls, ready to remind us, waiting and hoping for their moment, amid the ruins of all the rest; and bear unfaltering, in the tiny and almost impalpable drop of their essence, the vast structure of recollection.” —M A RCE L PROU ST

Proust describes this sensation of remembrance in his famous seven-volume novel In Search of Lost Time (1913–1927), which is psychologically and allegorically based on his life. This passage, known as the “episode of the madeleine,” occurs early in the first volume and is a famously notable description of the way food can trigger memories. After a depressing day, the narrator eats a madeleine dipped in tea and is overcome with emotion. He can’t understand why he feels so euphoric after eating a tea-soaked cookie, so he takes another bite, and another, but still can’t figure out why he’s feeling this way. Suddenly, a memory floods back. He remembers that when he was a child, his aunt used to give him a bite of her madeleine cookie that had been dipped in tea. An image of her house floats back to him “like the scenery of a theatre,” and then he can see the town: “the Square where I was sent before luncheon, the streets along which I used to run errands…” Proust’s sequence about this phenomenon is so detailed that scientists often refer to it in their studies on how involuntary memory works; taste and smell can activate not only a memory, but also the emotions stored within the memory. This connection between smell/taste and memory is often called the “the Proust Phenomenon.” Most scientists are quick to qualify that Proust’s description is literary, not scientific, but there is some truth in his description of how the triggering functions. When we talk about how taste activates memory, we are often actually talking about smell. Unlike the other senses, smells are processed in a unique way that provides fast access to both emotional and memory areas of the brain. In more scientific words, the olfactory bulb, which processes smell, has direct connections to the amygdala (emotional part of the brain) and the hippocampus (memory area of the brain). This intimate connection between the olfaction, emotion, and memory regions of the brain is one reason scientists claim that smell brings back emotional memory in such an immediate

way, just as Proust described. Scents are converted to memory based on our early exposures to them. When you smell a new scent, you link it to that moment—where you were, who you were with, how you were feeling. Most new odors are introduced in our childhood, which is why so many smells bring up memories of growing up. If you first smelled vanilla while helping your mom make chocolate chip cookies when you were 5, you might link a whiff of vanilla to that moment. And maybe you get unexpectedly emotional when you smell vanilla because you are actually thinking about your mom. Smell isn’t the only aspect of a meal that has the potential to bring up emotions related to our personal history. The words we use for the foods we love can also bring back memories, though these recollections can be less individual and more linked to our family history. Language deeply informs how we perceive traditional foods—their names root them in their culture. Think about the word “aubergine” versus “eggplant.” If English is your first language, “eggplant” may make you think of an unromantic food which, one could fairly surmise, resembles a large egg, whereas “aubergine” invokes a pretty French food that sounds quite special and rare. Immigrants from South America have said that the word “cookie” makes them think of an American chocolate chip cookie, whereas “galleta” (Spanish for cookie) makes them think of cookies from their home countries. When you learn words for familiar foods in a new language, suddenly they have a new life. Great-grandmothers live on through their injera, tam maak hoong, pastel de choclo, springerle; they are immortalized through recipes handed down from generation to generation. Through food we become viscerally embedded in our lineages. Bonny Wolf, a journalist and food writer, remarks on how people repeat family food patterns without a clear rationale. She recounts a story from a woman who always cut off one end of a roast before cooking it because that’s what her mother and CO N TIN U E D O N PAG E 2 5 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 1 9

Now we are full B Y K AT I E C R A DD O C K

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Korean cuisine is bold, multifarious, and

immensely popular across the world. Throngs of New Yorkers brave lengthy subway and bus journeys from across the boroughs to the major Korean hub of Flushing, Queens, to eat. They savor comforting bowls of savory bibimbap, warm rice topped with impeccably seasoned vegetables and a runny egg; sweet, tender marinated beef bulgogi; and scores of other mouthwatering dishes. In cities around the globe, friends flock to K-Towns (Koreatowns, or enclaves with many Korean businesses) for tasty Korean barbecue, a smooth South Korea-brewed OB Lager or two, and some good old-fashioned karaoke. Los Angeles, Philadelphia, D.C., London, Mexico City, Sydney, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, and our own Oakland all have K-Towns, each offering a diverse array of Korean foods. As Korea was a largely agrarian society until the conclusion of World War II, its cuisine features ingredients native to its fertile, mountainous terrain. While rice is a staple of modern Korean cuisine, it is not an indigenous crop to Korea; other grains, including barley, millet, and wheat, feature prominently in Korean cuisine and mythology. In folklore, two doves visit Jumong, the founding monarch of a Korean kingdom in the first century bce, to bring him barley seeds for his newly established kingdom. Another myth describes deities delivering grain seeds to princesses to originate farming in their kingdom. Rice, on the other hand, was so expensive when it was first introduced in Korea that people mixed it with cheaper grains, creating dishes like boribap (rice with barley). Due to Korea’s abundant coastline, its cuisine has long featured all manner of seafood and shellfish. In coastal communities, working-class diets centered around fish, oysters, and clams, as only the wealthy could afford to eat livestock like sheep and pigs. Legumes are another prominent feature—they’ve been cultivated as a crop in Korea for 3,000 years, with soybeans

appearing as milk, tofu, thickener, and many fermented pastes, and mung beans molded into noodles, jellies, and pancakes. To survive their cold winters, early Korean societies developed highly effective fermenting, drying, and salting methods to preserve meats and vegetables, still used today. Many dishes that used to be tied to specific regions are now served across Korea and in Korean restaurants around the world. Modern Korean meals are characterized by the ubiquitous presence of kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish (often made with cabbage and seasoned with red pepper flakes). Korean families often have two refrigerators: one special refrigerator is just for making kimchi, which is kept at a cooler temperature and with higher humidity than a typical fridge, providing an ideal environment for fermentation. A Korean meal will typically include abundant banchan, or side dishes, which are all served at the same time. Banchan may include a dizzying array of vegetables, grains, and seafood that are served grilled, steamed, raw, or fermented. In restaurants, the main meat course is often cooked on a charcoal grill in the middle of the table, and each diner has an individual bowl of rice, usually cooked in an iron pot. To drink, beverages (eumcheong) include tea, sweet rice milk, and persimmon punch. While soju, a clear spirit made from grains or sweet potatoes, is the most famous Korean liquor, South Korea also produces popular rice-brewed beer, rice wine, and several fruit and herbal wines. For dessert, during holidays and festivals, Koreans traditionally eat rice cakes with a filling or topping (popular flavors include mung bean, red bean, pine nut, and sweet pumpkin). More everyday sweets range from the fried confectionary yumilgwa to flower-shaped yakgwa biscuits made with honey and sesame to suksilgwa, a boiled fruit, ginger, or nut dish molded into various shapes. CO N TIN U E D O N PAG E 2 5

Korean gift etiquette Gift giving is very common in Korea—beyond holidays and special occasions. In Korean culture, it is traditionally a major taboo to give knives, scissors, or other sharp objects, as this symbolizes a severing of the relationship. Sometimes, friends circumvent this taboo by exchanging a small, symbolic amount of money for the knife so it can be considered a purchase rather than a gift. Other taboos include giving gifts in multiples of four or signing cards in red ink, which both symbolize death.

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Memorable meals in literature BY SARAH ROSE LEONARD

Food has a long, established history of being the subject of a written work. There is something about describing a meal that renders it eternal, immortalizing it when in fact food is as mortal as we are. From Jane Austen to Haruki Murakami, novelists have paid close attention to food as a conduit for information about characters and their cultures. Clues about a character’s personality, the drama of a moment, or a detail about a relationship lie in descriptions of meals. A character’s food choices often tell us more about their state of mind than their words do. There is also the curious sensation that a character is real when we read about their eating habits—they get hungry just like us. Below is a selection of quotes that express how descriptions of food can give us subtle pieces of information about culture and emotion.

To the Lighthouse BY VIRGINIA WOOLF

She peered into the dish, with its shiny walls and its confusion of savoury brown and yellow meats and its bay leaves and its wine, and thought, This will celebrate the occasion—a curious sense rising in her, at once freakish and tender, of celebrating a festival […] “It is a triumph,” said Mr. Bankes, laying his knife down for a moment. He had eaten attentively. It was rich; it was tender. It was perfectly cooked. How did she manage these things in the depths of the country? he asked her. She was a wonderful woman. All his love, all his reverence, had returned; and she knew it. “It is a French recipe of my grandmother’s,” said Mrs. Ramsay, speaking with a ring of great pleasure in her voice. Of course it was French. What passes for cooking in England is an abomination (they agreed). It is putting cabbages in water. It is roasting meat till it is like leather. It is cutting off the delicious skins of vegetables. “In which,” said Mr. Bankes, “all the virtue of the vegetable is contained.”

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I took a bite, finding it as sweet and hot as any I’d ever had, and was overcome with such a surge of homesickness that I turned away to keep my control. I walked along, munching the yam, just as suddenly overcome by an intense feeling of freedom—simply because I was eating while walking along the street. It was exhilarating. I no longer had to worry about who saw me or about what was proper. To hell with all that, and as sweet as the yam actually was, it became like nectar with the thought. If only someone who had known me at school or at home would come along and see me now. How shocked they’d be!

The Namesake

Midaq Alley

On a sticky August evening two weeks before her due date, Ashima Ganguli stands in the kitchen of a Central Square apartment, combining Rice Krispies and Planters peanuts and chopped red onion in a bowl. She adds salt, lemon juice, thin slices of green chili pepper, wishing there were mustard oil to pour into the mix. Ashima has been consuming this concoction throughout her pregnancy, a humble approximation of the snack sold for pennies on Calcutta sidewalks and on railway platforms throughout India, spilling from newspaper cones. Even now that there is barely space inside her, it is the one thing she craves.

Uncle Kamil and Abbas, the barber, always have breakfast together from a tray placed between them containing plates of cooked beans, onion salad, and pickled gherkins. They each approach their food in a different manner. Abbas devours his roll of bread in a few seconds. Uncle Kamil, on the other hand, is slow and chews each piece of food laboriously until it almost dissolves in his mouth. He often says, “Good food should first be digested in the mouth.” So it is that Abbas will have finished eating his food, sipping his tea and smoking his pipe while his friend is still slowly munching his onions. Kamil, therefore, prevents Abbas from taking any of his share by always dividing the food into two separate sections.



The Bell Jar B Y S Y LV I A P L AT H

Arrayed on the Ladies’ Day banquet table were yellow-green avocado pear halves stuffed with crabmeat and mayonnaise, and platters of rare roast beef and cold chicken, and every so often a cut-glass bowl heaped with black caviar....Avocados are my favorite fruit. Every Sunday my grandfather used to bring me an avocado pear hidden at the bottom of his briefcase under six soiled shirts and the Sunday comics. He taught me how to eat avocados by melting grape jelly and French dressing together in a saucepan and filling the cup of the pear with the garnet sauce. I felt homesick for that sauce. The crabmeat tasted bland in comparison […] I had a vision of the celestially white kitchens of Ladies’ Day stretching into infinity. I saw avocado pear after avocado pear being stuffed with crabmeat and mayonnaise and photographed under brilliant lights. I saw the delicate, pink-mottled claw meat poking seductively through its blanket of mayonnaise and the bland yellow pear cup with its rim of alligator-green cradling the whole mess. Poison.

Reservation Blues BY SHERMAN ALEXIE

They all waited for the feast to officially begin. But the term feast was a holdover from a more prosperous and traditional time, a term used before the Indians were forced onto the reservations. There was never a whole lot of food, just a few stringy pieces of deer meat, a huge vat of mashed potatoes, Pepsi, and fry bread. But the fry bread made all the difference. A good piece of fry bread turned any meal into a feast. Everybody sat at the tables and waited for the cooks to come out with the meal, the fry bread. They waited and waited.

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1. When and how did you know you wanted to become a writer? When I was young, maybe about 6, one day I decided to start drawing. I suppose I’d already been drawing before then—you know, the way kids naturally draw as soon as they can pick up a crayon—but I suddenly had this idea to make a concentrated effort to draw and do it every day. I have no idea where that impulse came from, but I think I wanted to know how to draw, so I figured I’d do it every day and eventually I’d become a good drawer. So from that day forth, I drew every single day. It got to the point where if I didn’t draw, it wouldn’t feel right. I did this for many years. You’d think by the time I was in high school, I’d be Picasso or something, but no. I was passable, but did not have much talent. And eventually I stopped. But I look back now and see that it was a kind of training. I went into my room, closed the door, and made up things in my head, which I put onto paper. At the time, I had no inkling I would be a writer. But that decision to draw something every day, at some point transitioned into a desire to write something every day. It’s the same impulse. The adult and the child are the same. 2. Do you have any rituals or routines you keep to with regard for writing? None, other than lots of coffee. When I’m desperate, I write out contracts for myself where I promise to get a certain project done by a certain time. I sign and date them and everything. But no, I have no regular ritual or routine. I wish I did. 3. What’s unique about writing for the stage? Lately, I’ve begun to realize how very brief the lives of most plays are. A few productions, maybe, and then it’s gone. If it’s published, that preserves one aspect of it. But the entire experience of it, the realization of those words on paper, is ephemeral and perhaps that’s the way it should be. 4. How does being a writer inform the way you see or interact with the world? I hope being a writer has developed my empathy and curiosity. Those are the muscles I seem to need most when I try to write anything. But as far as my dayto-day life, I think because I get to do something I believe in for a living (I wouldn’t say “love” because some days I don’t love writing or feel like it loves me), I seek out others who do the same as well as those who aren’t doing what they want but would desperately like to. 5. What haven’t you done yet that you’d like to do? I would like to go out and meet the true world for myself, see its true face and hear its true stories. 24 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4


Five Questions for Julia Cho

The inextricable link between food and memory

Now we are full CO N TIN U E D FRO M PAG E 21


grandmother did. When this woman asked her grandmother why cutting one end off was a tradition, her grandmother replied that it was only because the roast didn’t fit in her pan. Another woman, Miriam, recalled how when she was newly married, she went to her husband’s Zadie (Yiddish for Grandpa), who was a baker in Brooklyn, to ask him for his honey cake recipe, because it was her husband’s favorite dessert. He described the process to her (which had no measurements whatsoever), and showed her how he lined the cake tin with a paper bag. Whenever Miriam makes honey cake, she takes out the same paper bag he showed her 30 years ago to make sure she measures her modern baking sheets correctly. Every time she makes the cake, her husband travels back in time to when he was little, picking honey crumbs off a paper bag in the back of a bakery, though really he is 60 years old and sitting at his dining room table. Family food traditions morph as they pass from one generation to the next, tying in new memories of your childhood tastes, your parents’ quirks, and your tribe’s long-held customs. Some children of immigrants can have a contentious relationship with food, as it may be a point of tension between the cultural practices the family maintains at home and the ones they encounter outside. Sruti Swaminathan, an Indian American, said in an article about this cultural divide, “Growing up, we ate traditional Indian food for breakfast and dinner every day and I would have had it for lunch, too, but unfortunately I was too embarrassed to bring Indian food to school.” Many first-generation Americans see eating American food as a rite of passage. People have described their first encounters with peanut butter and jelly, root beer, and Oreos as fraught; they remember fervently wanting to fit in, but also finding the food confusing and often disgusting. In chef Eddie Huang’s memoir Fresh off the Boat he says he thought macaroni and cheese “stunk like feet.” For many, eventually these new foods become familiar and fold into their identities. When families are uprooted, food can become a stabilizing factor—it immediately creates a strong sense of identity and security. This holds true for both new American food and a family’s traditional meals. Gathering with your community, tasting familiar recipes, and smelling comforting smells can instantaneously reestablish a sense of belonging for those who are in transition. As Proust points out, food bonds us to our roots and our emotions, providing us with our history and our present in one bite.

As scrumptious as these dishes are, they’re also meant to be good for you. Korean food is traditionally seen as medicinal—both as preventive medicine via proper nutrition and even as capable of healing illness. Medicinal food, boyangsik, encompasses a wide variety of Korean food prepared and consumed for its healing properties—from raw potato juice for an upset stomach, to dried fish with bean sprouts and tofu for hangovers, to ginseng for an energy boost. Korea has a rich history of preparing specific foods to prevent or cure illness, rooted partly in Taoist philosophies, which characterize health as a state of balance in which yin and yang, the energetic qualities that created the five elements (wood, fire, soil, metal, and water), are in balance. Traditional Korean meals will include dishes or garnishes in five colors to represent these elements. Today, fermented food, from kimchi to kefir to kombucha, is gaining recognition for its probiotics, which aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. Healing soup remedies include ginseng-chicken for maintaining a healthy temperature, ox bone or short rib for strength during winter, abalone for the liver, and beef bone for fatigue. Korean temple cuisine is garnering attention from renowned chefs and food critics worldwide due to the work of Jeong Kwan, a Zen Buddhist nun who gardens and cooks at a remote hermitage nearly 200 miles south of Seoul. In October 2015, the New York Times’ Jeff Gordinier spent several days at her temple, observing that “long before Western coinages like ‘slow food,’ ‘farm-to-table’ and ‘locavore,’ generations of unsung masters at spiritual refuges like Chunjinam were creating a cuisine of refinement and beauty out of whatever they could rustle up from the surrounding land. Foraging? Fermenting? Dehydrating? Seasonality? Been there, done that—Jeong Kwan and her peers at monasteries throughout Korea have a millennia-spanning expertise in these currently in-vogue methods.” Kwan explains that she grows her own food because “that is how I make the best use of a cucumber. Cucumber becomes me. I become cucumber. Because I grow them personally... I have poured in my energy.” Rather than emphasizing betcha-can’t-have-just-one capitalist craveability, Kwan’s food is meant to nourish without inciting an insatiable desire for more, in alignment with Buddhist principles of non-attachment. As Diane imagines in Aubergine, the right food can provide a feeling of “we were hungry before but now we are full”—it can make us sated, content, and complete.

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Berkeley Repertory Theatre presents the world premiere of


Julia Cho directed by Tony Taccone



Diane Safiya Fredericks* Lucien Tyrone Mitchell Henderson* Ray Tim Kang*

FEB RUARY 5–M ARCH 20, 2016 PEE T ’ S THE ATRE · M AIN SE A SON Aubergine is made possible thanks to the generous support of SEASON SPONSORS

Cornelia Jennifer Lim* Hospital worker Jennifer McGeorge Ray’s father Sab Shimono*

Jack & Betty Schafer Michael & Sue Steinberg The Strauch Kulhanjian Family

Uncle Joseph Steven Yang*


Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau E XECU TIV E S P O N S O R

Guy Tiphane SPONSOR

Jack Klingelhofer A S S O CIAT E S P O N S O R S

Daniel Cohn & Lynn Brinton Wanda Kownacki Zandra Faye LeDuff Barbara L. Peterson Lisa & Jim Taylor Wendy Williams The development of this production has been supported in part by the Mosse Artistic Development Fund. Aubergine is a recipient of an Edgerton Foundation New Play Award.

Scenic Design Costume Design Lighting Design Sound Design Projection Design Dramaturg Casting Translator/Dialect Coach Stage Manager

*Indicates a member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Aubergine was commissioned by Berkeley Rep and developed in The Ground Floor: Berkeley Rep’s Center for the Creation and Development of New Work.

Affiliations The director is a member of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., an independent national labor union. The Scenic, Costume, Lighting, and Sound Designers in lort Theatres are represented by United Scenic Artists Local usa-829, iatse.

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Wilson Chin Linda Cho Jiyoun Chang Rob Milburn & Michael Bodeen Aaron Rhyne Madeleine Oldham Amy Potozkin, csa Hansol Jung Leslie M. Radin*



Safiya Fredericks

Tim Kang

Safiya is making her Berkeley Rep debut after several appearances at The Ground Floor. She has most recently been seen in Idris Goodwin’s West Coast premiere of Blackademics at Crowded Fire Theater, and as the Witch in Into the Woods at SF Playhouse (batcc nominee). Her other work has included Once on This Island (TheatreWorks), Merry Wives of Windsor (African-American Shakespeare Company), and the titular role in Antigone (San Jose Repertory Theatre). She has also been featured in the Civilians’ production of In the Footprint and By Hands Unknown at the New York International Fringe Festival. She played the female lead in the film America is Still the Place, and can be heard as the voice of pbs’ Independent Lens. She studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (lamda) and received her BA in Drama from the University of California, Irvine. Learn more at

Familiar from his work in television and film, notably his role in the long-running cbs series The Mentalist, Tim most recently appeared in the reading of Aubergine at The Ground Floor: Berkeley Rep’s Center for the Creation and Development of New Work. His theatre credits include Mother Courage & Her Children and Richard II. He received his mfa from the art Institute, and is a proud spokesman for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ncmec).


Tyrone Mitchell Henderson LU C I E N

Tyrone appeared in the West Coast premiere of The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures at Berkeley Rep, directed by Tony Taccone. His New York acting credits include Bring in ’da Noise, Bring in ’da Funk; The America Play; The Tempest; Two Noble Kinsmen; King Lear; and Letters to the End of the World. His regional credits include War, The Winter’s Tale, Radio Golf, The 39 Steps, Enemy of the People, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Antony & Cleopatra, Much Ado About Nothing, Merchant of Venice, Othello, Hamlet, Topdog/Underdog, Intimate Apparel, Yellowman, The Piano Lesson, Jitney, and Blues for an Alabama Sky. His television credits include House of Cards, Orange Is the New Black, Unforgettable, The Following, Boardwalk Empire, Suits (pilot), Law & Order, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. He has appeared in the films The Silent Treatment and The Treatment. He was an Audelco and a Suzi Bass Award nominee, received a Dallas Theatre Critics Award, and won a Leon Rabin Award. Tyrone is the founder of


Jennifer Lim CORNELIA

Jennifer is making her Berkeley Rep debut. She appeared on Broadway in David Henry Hwang’s Chinglish, for which she earned a Theatre World Award for Outstanding Broadway Debut, the iasny Trophy for Excellence, and a Drama Desk nomination for Outstanding Actress in a Play. Regionally, she has performed at Goodman Theatre, Yale Repertory Theatre, and Actors Theatre of Louisville. Select nyc credits include The World of Extreme Happiness (Manhattan Theatre Club), The Urban Retreat (the Public Theater), The Most Deserving (Women’s Project), and Golden Child (Signature Theatre). On TV, Jennifer has guest starred in High Maintenance, Hell on Wheels, Person of Interest, Elementary, Blue Bloods, and Law & Order (original/svu and Criminal Intent). Her work on film includes The Savages and 27 Dresses. Jennifer received her mfa in Acting from the Yale School of Drama. Visit

Jennifer McGeorge H O S P I TA L W O R K E R

Jennifer is thrilled to be making her Berkeley Rep debut. She was last seen as Mrs. Henry Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility at the Livermore Shakespeare Festival. Other recent Bay Area credits include An Ideal Husband at Marin Shakespeare Company, Devil Boys From Beyond at New Conservatory Theatre Center, and Much Ado About Nothing with Woman’s Will. Work on the East Coast includes the inaugural Youth Ink! Series with the McCarter Theatre Education Department, Christmas in

Naples at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, and The House of Bernarda Alba with Prospect Theater Company. Jennifer holds a bfa in Acting from Emerson College in Boston.

Sab Shimono R AY ’ S FAT H E R

Sab returns to Berkeley Rep having appeared in Philip Kan Gotanda’s Yankee Dawg You Die and Ballad of Yachiyo. Other regional collaborations with Gotanda include After the War, Avocado Kid, Manzanar, and The Wind Cries Mary. He recently appeared in Tokyo Fish Story at South Coast Repertory and The Orphan of Zhao at both American Conservatory Theater and La Jolla Playhouse. His other regional credits include Happy End at act. Sab’s Broadway credits include world premieres of Mame, Pacific Overtures, Lovely Ladies, Kind Gentlemen, and Ride the Wind. His off-Broadway productions include Yankee Dawg You Die, Ballad of Yachiyo, and The Wash. His film appearances include Old Dogs, Gung Ho, Presumed Innocent, Waterworld, Come See the Paradise, The Shadow, Paradise Road, and The Big Hit. His TV appearances include Mad Men, Seinfeld, Two and a Half Men, E.R., The Simpsons, and m.a.s.h. Sab has received awards from LA Weekly and Dramalogue, and an outstanding actor nomination from the New York Drama Desk.

Joseph Steven Yang UNCLE

Joseph is delighted to be collaborating for the first time with Berkeley Rep. After earning his mfa in Acting from the University of Washington, Joe performed on stages and film/TV sets in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Bulgaria, and Seattle. His favorite regional theatre credits include the world premieres of Robert Schenkkan’s A Single Shard and David Henry Hwang’s Tibet Through the Red Box. Other transformative productions include Making Tracks, Take Me Out, Yankee Dawg You Die, The Seagull, Mizu No Eki, and A Chorus Line. His memorable film/TV credits include Eden, Behind Enemy Lines II, Deface, Zoey 101, and Gilmore Girls. Joe’s producer/director/writer credits include the short film Intimacy Interrupted and two educational web series, STS FA: The Complete Actor and Tips for Actors. His ultimate dream is to build a performing arts school dedicated to serving multiple generations of Asian American artists. 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 7

BE R K E L E Y R E P P R E S E N T S Julia Cho


Julia’s plays include The Language Archive (Susan Smith Blackburn Award), The Piano Teacher, Durango, The Winchester House, bfe, The Architecture of Loss, and 99 Histories. They have been produced in New York at Roundabout Theatre Company, the Public Theater, Vineyard Theatre, Playwrights Horizons, and New York Theatre Workshop, and at regional theatres such as Long Wharf Theatre, South Coast Repertory, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Julia studied playwriting at Amherst College, New York University, and the Juilliard School, and was a member of New Dramatists. Her play Office Hour will premiere at South Coast Rep in April 2016.

Tony Taccone


During Tony’s tenure as artistic director of Berkeley Rep, the Tony Award–winning nonprofit has earned a reputation as an international leader in innovative theatre. In those 19 years, Berkeley Rep has presented more than 70 world, American, and West Coast premieres and sent 23 shows to New York, two to London, and one to Hong Kong. Tony has staged more than 40 plays in Berkeley, including new work from Culture Clash, Rinde Eckert, David Edgar, Danny Hoch, Geoff Hoyle, Quincy Long, Itamar Moses, and Lemony Snicket. He directed the shows that transferred to London, Continental Divide and Tiny Kushner, and two that landed on Broadway as well: Bridge & Tunnel and Wishful Drinking. Prior to working at Berkeley Rep, Tony served as artistic director of Eureka Theatre, which produced the American premieres of plays by Dario Fo, Caryl Churchill, and David Edgar before focusing on a new generation of American writers. While at the Eureka, Tony commissioned Tony Kushner’s legendary Angels in America and co-directed its world premiere. He has collaborated with Kushner on eight plays at Berkeley Rep, including The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures. Tony’s regional credits include Actors Theatre of Louisville, Arena Stage, Center Theatre Group, the Eureka Theatre, the Guthrie Theater, the Huntington Theatre Company, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the Public Theater, and Seattle Repertory Theatre. As a playwright, he debuted Ghost Light, Rita Moreno: Life Without Makeup, and Game On, written with Dan Hoyle. In 2012, Tony received the Margo Jones Award for “demonstrating a significant impact, understanding, and affirmation of playwriting, with a commitment to the living theatre.”

Wilson Chin


Wilson is proud to return to Berkeley for this world premiere. Previous premieres include 2 8 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4


Geoffrey Nauffts’ Next Fall (Broadway), Sharyn Rothstein’s By The Water (Manhattan Theatre Club), Samuel D. Hunter’s Lewiston (Long Wharf Theatre), Terrence McNally’s Mothers and Sons (Bucks County Playhouse), Mike Lew’s Tiger Style (Alliance Theatre), Conor McPherson’s The Birds (the Guthrie Theater), Elizabeth Irwin’s My Mañana Comes (Playwrights Realm), Meghan Kennedy’s Too Much, Too Much, Too Many (Roundabout Theatre Company), Deborah Zoe Laufer’s Informed Consent (Primary Stages), Rolin Jones’ The Jammer (Atlantic Theater Company), Carly Mensch’s Len, Asleep in Vinyl (Second Stage), Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s Dark Matters (Rattlestick Playwrights Theater), and Peter Nachtrieb’s Boom (Ars Nova). Opera designs include Lucia di Lammermoor (Lyric Opera of Chicago), Eine florentinische Tragödie and Gianni Schicchi (Canadian Opera, Dora Award), I Am Harvey Milk (Avery Fisher Hall), and The Ghosts of Versailles (Wolf Trap). Wilson is a graduate of UC Berkeley and Yale. Visit

Linda Cho


Linda is making her Berkeley Rep debut. She is an internationally renowned costume designer for opera, theatre, and dance in the United States and abroad and is the recipient of the 2014 Tony Award for A Gentlemen’s Guide to Love and Murder and the Irene Sharaff Young Master Award. Her New York credits include Velocity of Autumn (Broadway) and off-Broadway productions at the Public Theater, Atlantic Theater Company, Theatre for a New Audience, Second Stage Theatre, and Manhattan Theatre Club. Her regional credits include Long Wharf Theatre, Hartford Stage, Arena Stage, the Old Globe, the Guthrie Theater, Goodspeed Musicals, Goodman Theatre, and Chicago Shakespeare Theater. Her opera credits include Los Angeles Opera, Virginia Opera, and Opera Theatre of Saint Louis. Her costumes have been showcased internationally at the Stratford Festival, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Canadian Stage, Hong Kong Arts Centre, and the National Theater, Taipei. She received her mfa from the Yale School of Drama, her undergraduate degree from McGill University, and a Certificate, Fine Arts and Fashion from the Paris American Academy.

Jiyoun Chang


Jiyoun’s design credits include Ugly Lies the Bone (Roundabout Underground), brownsville song (b-side for tray) (Lincoln Center Theater lct3), Goldberg’s Variations (bam Next Wave 2013), The World is Round (Obie Award Special Citation in Lighting Design), The Unfortunates, Troilus and Cressida (Oregon Shakespeare Festival), The Dance and the Railroad (Signature Theatre, Wutzen International Festival in China), T. 1912 and Peter and the Wolf (Guggen-

heim Museum), Light Within (Carnegie Hall), Our Planet (Japan Society), I came to look for you on Tuesday by Chiori Miyagawa (LaMaMa), and Pinter Project, Cowboy Mouth, and The Poor of New York (collaborations with Tyne Rafaeli). Jiyoun received an mfa in Design from Yale School of Drama. Visit

Rob Milburn & Michael Bodeen SOUND DESIGNERS

Rob and Michael composed music and designed sound for Berkeley Rep’s productions of Red Hot Patriot, No Man’s Land, and Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, and designed sound for Head of Passes and Comedy on the Bridge/Brundibar. Their Broadway credits include music composition and sound for Waiting for Godot & No Man’s Land, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, The Miracle Worker, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and sound for Larry David’s Fish in the Dark, This Is Our Youth, Of Mice and Men, Superior Donuts, reasons to be pretty, A Year with Frog and Toad, King Hedley II, Buried Child, The Song of Jacob Zulu, and The Grapes of Wrath. Their off-Broadway credits include music and sound for Guards at the Taj, Sticks and Bones, The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, and Marvin’s Room; sound for The Spoils, Jitney, and The Pain and the Itch; and music direction and sound for Ruined. Rob and Michael have created music and sound at many of America’s resident theatres (often with Steppenwolf Theatre Company) and at several international venues. Please visit

Aaron Rhyne


Aaron’s Broadway designs include A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder (Drama Desk Award) and Bonnie & Clyde. His opera credits include The Ghosts of Versailles (LA Opera), La Traviata (Wolf Trap), Florencia en el Amazonas (Opera Colorado, Utah Opera), and Jerry Springer: The Opera (Carnegie Hall, Sydney Opera House). His off-Broadway credits include Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey (Westside Theatre); Bootycandy (Playwrights Horizons); Appropriate (Signature Theatre); Water by the Spoonful; Lonely, I’m Not; The Blue Flower; and All New People (Second Stage); Wild With Happy (the Public Theater, Drama Desk nomination); and Graceland (Lincoln Center). His designs have also been seen regionally at Hartford Stage, the Old Globe, La Jolla Playhouse, Asolo Rep, the Huntington Theatre Company, the Geffen Playhouse, Shakespeare Theatre Company, and Ford’s Theatre. Aaron’s upcoming credits include Anastasia at Hartford Stage. Visit

Madeleine Oldham

R E S I D E N T D R A M AT U R G/ D I R E C T O R , T H E G R O U N D F LO O R

Madeleine is the director of The Ground Floor: Berkeley Rep’s Center for the Creation and Development of New Work and the

Theatre’s resident dramaturg. She oversees commissioning and new play development, and dramaturged the world premiere productions of The House that will not Stand, Passing Strange, and In the Next Room (or the vibrator play), among others. As literary manager and associate dramaturg at Center Stage in Baltimore, she produced the First Look reading series and headed up its young audience initiative. Before moving to Baltimore, she was the literary manager at Seattle Children’s Theatre, where she oversaw an extensive commissioning program. She also acted as assistant and interim literary manager at Intiman Theatre in Seattle. Madeleine served for four years on the executive committee of Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas and has also worked with act (Seattle), Austin Scriptworks, Crowded Fire, the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center, the Kennedy Center, New Dramatists, Playwrights Center, and Portland Center Stage.

Jewish Theatre. Amy cast roles for various independent films, including Conceiving Ada, starring Tilda Swinton; Haiku Tunnel and Love & Taxes, both by Josh Kornbluth; and Beyond Redemption by Britta Sjogren. Amy received her mfa from Brandeis University, where she was also an artist in residence. She has been an audition coach to hundreds of actors and a presentation/communication coach to many businesspeople. Amy taught acting at Mills College and audition technique at Berkeley Rep’s School of Theatre, and has led workshops at numerous other venues in the Bay Area. Prior to working at Berkeley Rep, she was an intern at Playwrights Horizons in New York. Amy is a member of csa, the Casting Society of America, and was nominated for an Artios Award for Excellence in Casting for The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures.

Amy Potozkin, csa

Hansol is a playwright, director, and theatre translator from South Korea. Regional theatre credits include Cardboard Piano (world premiere at Humana Festival of Actors Theatre of Louisville) and No More Sad Things (co-world premiere at Sideshow Theatre Company in Chicago and Boise Contemporary Theater). Commissions include a Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation grant with Ma-Yi Theatre and a translation of Romeo and Juliet for Play On! at Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Fellowships


This is Amy’s 26th season at Berkeley Rep. Through the years she has also had the pleasure of casting plays for act (Seattle), Arizona Theatre Company, Aurora Theatre Company, B Street Theatre, Bay Area Playwrights Festival, Dallas Theater Center, Marin Theatre Company, the Marsh, San Jose Repertory Theatre, Social Impact Productions Inc., and Traveling

Hansol Jung


and residencies include a 2050 Fellowship at New York Theatre Workshop, the Sundance Institute Playwrights Retreat at UCross, an International Playwrights Residency at the Royal Court, Berkeley Repertory Theatre’s Ground Floor, and the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. She has translated over 30 English musicals, including Evita, Dracula, and Spamalot, and has worked on several award-winning productions as director, lyricist, and translator in Seoul. Hansol holds an mfa in playwriting from Yale School of Drama, and is a proud member of the Ma-Yi Writers Lab.

Leslie M. Radin


Leslie is very pleased to be back at Berkeley Rep after most recently stage managing Head of Passes and Troublemaker, or The Freakin’ Kick-A Adventures of Bradley Boatright. She started at Berkeley Rep as the stage management intern in 2003 and has also worked at American Conservatory Theater, Aurora Theatre Company, Center Repertory Company, and Santa Cruz Shakespeare. She has traveled with Berkeley Rep productions to the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the New Victory Theater in New York. Her favorite past productions include In the Next Room (or the vibrator play), Passing Strange, The Lieutenant of Inishmore, The Pillowman, and The Secret in the Wings.

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2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 9

BE R K E L E Y R E P PRESENTS profiles Susan Medak


Susan has served as Berkeley Rep’s managing director since 1990, leading the administration and operations of the Theatre. She has served as president of the League of Resident Theatres (lort) and treasurer of Theatre Communications Group, organizations that represent the interests of nonprofit theatres across the nation. Susan chaired panels for the Massachusetts Arts Council and has also served on program panels for Arts Midwest, the Joyce Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Closer to home, Susan serves on the board of the Downtown Berkeley Association (dba). She is the founding chair of the Berkeley Arts in Education Steering Committee for Berkeley Unified School District and the Berkeley Cultural Trust. She was awarded the 2012 Benjamin Ide Wheeler Medal by the Berkeley Community Fund. Susan serves on the faculty of Yale School of Drama and is a proud member of the Mont Blanc Ladies’ Literary Guild and Trekking Society. She lives in Berkeley with her husband.

Theresa Von Klug


A Barbary Coast Hideaway with Classic Cocktails, Jazz, Supper Club, Auction, and Friends

THE RITZ-CARLTON 600 Stockton St. San Francisco, CA


Tickets $750 · vip $1,250 Tables Silver $7,500 Gold $12,500 Platinum $18,000

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3 0 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

Theresa joined Berkeley Rep at the beginning of the 2015–16 season. She has over 20 years of experience in the New York not-for-profit performing arts sector where she has planned and executed events for dance, theatre, music, television, and film. Most recently she was the interim general manager for the Public Theater and general manager/line producer for Theatre for a New Audience, where she opened its new state-of-the-art theatre in Brooklyn, and filmed a major motion picture of the inaugural production of Julie Taymor’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, released June 2015. Theresa has worked as a production manager at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center and New York City Center, including the famous Encores! Great American Musicals in Concert, and as a field representative/lead negotiator for the Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers. She holds a MS in Labor Relations and Human Resources Management from Baruch College.

Peter Dean


Peter arrived at Berkeley Rep in 2014 after a 20year career in New York, Boston, and Denver. Prior to trekking across the country to find home, Peter was serving as production manager at the Public Theater, where favorite works include Here Lies Love, Father Comes Home from the War Parts 1–3, Mobile Shakespeare, and The Tempest as well as musical collaborations with

Sting, the Roots, and the Eagles. Peter also spent time in New York helping Alex Timbers to develop Rocky the Musical, The Last Goodbye, and the cult classic Dance Dance Revolution the Musical. Other favorites include working with Edward Albee to remount The Sandbox and The American Dream at their original home at the Cherry Lane Theatre, Little Flower of East Orange directed by the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and being a part of the development team for The Ride, an interactive four-mile traveling performance in the heart of Times Square. Regionally Peter has had the honor of working with the Huntington Theatre Company, American Repertory Theater, Commonwealth Shakespeare, Trinity Rep, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Colorado Ballet, Central City Opera, and the Denver Center Theatre Company. Peter is a graduate of Otterbein University.

Michael Suenkel


Michael began his association with Berkeley Rep as the stage management intern for the 1984–85 season and is now in his 22nd year as production stage manager. Some of his favorite shows include 36 Views, Endgame, Eurydice, Hydriotaphia, and Mad Forest. He has also worked with the Barbican in London, the Huntington Theatre Company, the Juste Pour Rire Festival in Montreal, La Jolla Playhouse, Pittsburgh Public Theater, the Public Theater and Second Stage Theater in New York, and Yale Repertory Theatre. For the Magic Theatre, he stage managed Albert Takazauckas’ Breaking the Code and Sam Shepard’s The Late Henry Moss.

Z SPACE Word for Word presents


Word for Word brings great works of literature to the stage… using every word from a text directly off the page! Join us as we bring the stories of celebrated authors Emma Donoghue and Colm Tóibín to life. Both writers have 2016 Oscar nominated films based on their novels.

Jack & Betty Schafer SEASON SPONSORS

Betty and Jack are proud to support Berkeley Rep. Jack just rotated off the Theatre’s board and is on the boards of San Francisco Opera and the Straus Historical Society. He is vice-chair of the Oxbow School in Napa and an Emeritus Trustee of the San Francisco Art Institute where he served as board chair. Betty is on the boards of Earthjustice, Coro Foundation, Brandeis Hill Day School, Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (seo), San Francisco Community College Foundation, and Brandeis Hillel Day School. They live in San Francisco.

Michael & Sue Steinberg

Z SPACE presents

MAR 29 - APR 24


A House Tour of the Infamous Porter Family Mansion with Tour Guide Weston Ludlow Londonderry is a one-man play in the the form of a surreal and occasionally unreal journey through the former home of a tremendously wealthy and eccentric couple. STARRING THE INCOMPARABLE DANNY SCHEIE!


Michael and Sue have been interested in the arts since they met and enjoy music, ballet, and live theatre. Michael, who recently retired as chairman and chief executive officer of Macy’s West, served on Berkeley Rep’s board of trustees from 1999 to 2006 and currently serves on the board of directors of the Jewish Museum. Sue serves on the board of the World of Children. The Steinbergs have always enjoyed regional theatre and are delighted to sponsor Berkeley Rep this season.

The Strauch Kulhanjian Family SEASON SPONSORS

Roger Strauch is a former president of Berkeley Rep’s board of trustees and is currently

Z SPACE & piece by piece productions present

BIRDHEARTAPR 6-17 An intimate theatre piece of animated puppetry by Julian Crouch and Saskia Lane. A show about transformation and the urge to fly, BIRDHEART holds a hand mirror up to humanity and offers it a chair.

TICKETS AND FULL 2016 CALENDAR AT ZSPACE.ORG 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 3 1

Considering a career behind the scenes? Know someone who is?

BE R K E L E Y R E P P R E S E N T S vice president of the board. He is chairman of the Roda Group (, a venturedevelopment company based in Berkeley focused on cleantech investments, best known for launching and for being the largest investor in Solazyme, a renewable oil and bio-products company (Nasdaq: szym, Roger is chairman of the board of CoolSystems, a medical technology company, and a member of the UC Berkeley Engineering Dean’s college advisory board. He is chairman of the board of trustees for the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute; a member of the board of Northside Center, a mental-health services agency based in Harlem, New York City; and a co-founder of the William Saroyan Program in Armenian Studies at Cal. His wife, Julie A. Kulhanjian, is an attending physician at Oakland Children’s Hospital. They have three children.

Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau LEAD SPONSORS

Warren and Frances are avid watchers of live theatre, which includes Berkeley Rep and an annual pilgrimage to London’s West End. Having loved Berkeley Rep for years, they are thrilled to sign on as sponsors of Aubergine. They are very proud of the cutting-edge, exceptional theatre that Berkeley Rep continuously produces. Frances’ day job is as professor of physics at UC Berkeley, and Warren is a machinist and welder at 5th Street Machine Arts.

Guy Tiphane


Guy Tiphane blogs at

Jack Klingelhofer SPONSOR

BERKELEY REP PROFESSIONAL FELLOWSHIPS Now accepting applications for the 2016–17 season. Details at FELLOWSHIP SPONSOR: AMERICAN EXPRESS

3 2 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

Jack is the founder and former owner of an information technology company located in the East Bay since 1981, and he is pleased that its success has allowed him to contribute to his other passion, the East Bay arts scene. As a long-term subscriber, Jack is excited to support the creative excellence at Berkeley Rep, whose performances have meant so much to him over the years.

Mosse Artistic Development Fund For over 20 years, the Mosse Foundation has been promoting an open and tolerant society through grants to organizations that advance literacy and the arts in their communities. Named after Hilde Mosse, a child psychiatrist whose family—owners of the Berliner TageblattImperial, Germany’s leading progressive newspaper—fled the country shortly after Hitler assumed power. Dr. Mosse played a key role in founding the La Farge Clinic in Harlem, which specialized in the treatment of African Americans with psychiatric illness. The Mosse Foundation honors Dr. Mosse’s legacy by


supporting people and organizations that are brave and creative in their energetic and tenacious efforts to promote artistic innovation and nourishment, as well as those focused on lifting fellow human beings who are unfairly disadvantaged by forces of nature or culture. The Mosse Foundation is overseen by Hilde’s nephews, Berkeley Rep board member Roger Strauch and his brother Hans, principal architect of hds. Through a grant made to Berkeley Rep, the Mosse Artistic Development Fund was established to support the development of new plays.



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kpix 5 shares a commitment with cbs News to original reporting. “Our mission is to bring you compelling, local enterprise journalism,” emphasized kpix/kbcw President and General Manager Bruno Cohen. “And just like Berkeley Rep, we’re passionate about great storytelling. We strive to showcase unique stories that reflect the Bay Area’s innovative spirit, incredible diversity, and rich culture as well as its challenges.” Sister station kbcw 44 Cable 12 airs the region’s only half-hour newscast at 10pm. Produced by the kpix 5 newsroom, “Bay Area NightBeat” offers viewers a fresh perspective on current events along with a lively—and often provocative —look at what the Bay Area is saying and sharing online and in social media. Both stations are committed to supporting valuable community organizations such as Berkeley Rep, and are proud to serve as season media sponsors.

Peet’s Coffee


Peet’s Coffee is proud to be the exclusive coffee of Berkeley Repertory Theatre and salutes Berkeley Rep for its dedication to the highest artistic standards and diverse programming. In 1966, Alfred Peet opened his first store on Vine and Walnut in Berkeley. His style of coffee was unlike anything Americans had tasted before — small batch roasting, fresh beans, superior quality, and a dark roast that produced a coffee

that was rich and complex. Peet’s remains committed to the same quality standards today including locally roasting in the first leed ® Gold certified roaster in the nation.

Wells Fargo


As the top corporate philanthropist in the Bay Area (according to the S.F. Business Times), Wells Fargo recognizes Berkeley Repertory Theatre for its leadership in supporting the performing arts and its programs. Founded in 1852 and headquartered in San Francisco, Wells Fargo provides banking, insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance. Talk to a Wells Fargo banker today to see how they can help you become more financially successful.

Additional staff


Assistant costume designer Ricky Lurie Assistant director Brady Brophy-Hilton Assistant scenic designers A. Ram Kim Ravi Rakkulchon Costume shop Allison Mortimer Deck crew Thomas Weaver Dialect coach Lynne Soffer Electrics Melina Cohen-Bramwell Gabriel Holman Brad Hopper Kourtney McCrary Will Poulin Corey Schaeffer Andrea J. Schwartz Caitlin Steinmann Minerva Ramirez Sarina Renteria Matt Reynolds Molly Stewart-Cohn Thomas Weaver Lauren Wright Production assistant Amanda Mason Prop artisans Amelia Burke-Holt Rebecca Willis Sound Dan Axe




Stage carpenter Kourtney Snow Video crew Audrey Wright Lauren Wright

EBCF is proud to sponsor


Wardrobe Eva Herndon Andrea Phillips Special thanks to Lars Pedersen and WorldStage

We’ve supported the performing arts in the East Bay for over 86 years.




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We are extraordinarily grateful to the following patrons who have lent their generous support to the Create Campaign and made possible the landmark renovation of the Peet’s Theatre. With their help, we will continue to transform Berkeley Rep into one of the foremost centers for new play development in the country.


Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau The James Irvine Foundation Barbro and Bernard Osher Peet's Coffee Michael & Sue Steinberg The Strauch Kulhanjian Family Jean & Michael Strunsky


ArtPlace Bruce Golden & Michelle Mercer Koret Foundation Helen & John Meyer / Meyer Sound Marjorie Randolph Jack & Betty Schafer


Anonymous (3) Barbara & Gerson Bakar Bank of America Charitable Foundation David & Vicki Cox Stephanie & John Dains Robin & Rich Edwards David & Vicki Fleishhacker Paul Friedman & Diane Manley Scott & Sherry Haber The Karp-Haahr Family Dixon Long Dale & Don Marshall Sandra & Ross McCandless Steven & Patrece Mills Dugan Moore National Endowment for the Arts Joan Sarnat & David Hoffman Patricia & Merrill Shanks Stephen Silberstein G. Tiphane The Tournesol Project Marcy Wong | Donn Logan Architects Felicia Woytak & Steven Rasmussen 3 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4



Stephen and Susan Chamberlin Thalia Dorwick/Eirik Børve Bill Falik & Diana Cohen Kerry Francis & John Jimerson Pam & Mitch Nichter Stewart & Rachelle Owen Gail & Arne Wagner

Anonymous (2) Shelley & Jonathan Bagg Lynne Carmichael Jennifer Chaiken & Sam Hamilton Nancy & Jerry Falk Linda Jo Fitz Jill & Steve Fugaro Richard Grand Foundation Jack Klingelhofer Zandra Faye LeDuff Susan Medak & Gregory Murphy Eddie & Amy Orton Prospect Creek Foundation Leonard X Rosenberg and Arlene B. Rosenberg Patricia Sakai & Richard Shapiro Robert L. Sockolov and Audrey Sockolov Foundation Karen Stevenson & Bill McClave Sheila Wishek


Anonymous (2) Anne Brown Robert Council & Ann Parks-Council William Espey & Margaret Hart Edwards John & Carol Field Karen Galatz & Jon Wellinghoff Kenneth Rainin Foundation Mueller Nicholls Builders Panoramic Interests/Patrick Kennedy & Julie Matlof Kennedy Peter Pervere & Georgia Cassel Barbara L. Peterson Sheli & Burton X. Rosenberg Beth & David Sawi Emily Shanks Linda & Steven Wolan

List as of January 6, 2016

To learn more and find out how you can help write the next chapter in Berkeley Rep’s history, visit or call 510 647-2906.

COM MU N IT Y LE AD E R S Anonymous (101) · Anonymous, in honor of Ruth & George Staten · Anonymous, in memory of Kathy Scudder · Tarliena Aamir-Balinton · Barbara & Richard Abel · Fred & Joanne Abrams · Jennifer Adcock & John D. Boggs · Joy Addison · Mark Addleman & Andrea Clark · Miriam & Matthew Agrell · Alexis Akervik, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Shirley & Lew Albright · Mussa Al-Bulushi & Kathryn Horsley · Kevin Alecca, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Ruth Alexander, in memory of Dorothy Jansizian · Abbey Alkon & Jonathan Leonard · Fred & Kathleen Allen · Gertrude E. Allen, in memory of Robert Allen · Roy & Judith Alper · Sara Alspaugh · Peggy & Don Alter · Mark Amaro · Susan E. Amrose · Ethan Andelman & Laura Mytels · Charles & Joyce Anderson · Elisabeth Andreason and Melissa Allen · Jeff Angell & Joan King-Angell · Joan Armenia · Ann Armour · Sharon A. Ascencio · James Ashburn III · Jane Ashland · Naomi Auerbach & Ted Landau · Ms. Nancy Auker · David & Vivian Auslander · The Austin Group LLC · Carmen Aydelott · Patricia Bacchetti · Anna Badger · Philip Baer · Patt Bagdon · J. Karren Baker · Ms. Janet Baker · Linda & Mike Baker · Lisa & David Baker · Rachel Bakker · Elizabeth Balderston · Dr. Beverly Ballard · Margaret Ballou · Michelle L. Barbour · Mary Jane Barclay · Laurie Barkin · Judith Barmack · Kent & Carolyn Barnes · Michael & Della Barnett · Azucena Barocio · Susan & Barry Baskin · Sherry D. Bass · Eileen Battat · Frank & Lee Battat · Barbara Baum · Ann Bauman · Joan Baylie & James Mullins · Francine Beall · Jim & Donna Beasley · Brian & Mary Bechtel · Steven Beckendorf & Cynthia Hill · Natasha Bell · Marie Bendy, in honor of C. Joseph Bendy · Charles Benedict · Alice Benet · Kathleen Bennett & Tom Malloy · Mary Ann & Len Benson · Audrey M. Berger · Jonathan Berk & Rebecca Schwartz · Brenda L. Berlin · Richard & Kathy Berman · Kevin G. Bermudez · Judith Berne · Jeffry & Diane Bernstein · Thomas G. Bertken · Caroline Beverstock · Barbara Bigelow, in memory of Dr. Welby Bigelow · Becky J. Bigelow · Elaine Binger · Steve Bischoff · Catherine M. Bishop & Ken Donnelly · Mina & Monty Bissell · Odette Blachman · Naomi Black · Diana BlackKennedy · The Blackman Family · Lucia Blakeslee · Susan Blank · Helmut Blaschczyk · Beverly Blatt & David Filipek · Irwin & Rita Blitt · Robin & Edward Blum · Nona Bock · Christopher Bogart · Bonnie Bogue · Beverley Bolt · Juliet Bonczkowski & Family · Randy Borden · Susan & Rick Boreliz, in honor of Rio Falik-Segre · Karen Bowen & Beth Gerstein · Joanne Bowsman · Barbara Boyington · David & Eva Bradford · Dr. Joan Bradus & Mr. Dale Friedman · Erin Branagan & Sergio Kakehashi · Esta Brand · Robert & Barbara Brandriff · Sheila Braufman · Steve Braunstein, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Alice Breakstone & Debbie Goldberg · Aida Brenneis · Barbara & Ray Breslau · Sandra Briggs · Eugenia Brin · Eric Brink & Gayle Vassar · Cathy Bristow · Nancy Broderick · Broitman-Basri Family · Craig Broscow · Carol L. Brosgart, M.D. & Joseph Gross · Donna B. Brott · Barbara J. Brown · Byron Brown · Don & Carol Anne Brown · Donald Brown · Marc & Ellen Brown · Myrna Brown · Kay Browne · Jill Bryans · Wendy Buchen · Richard Bugg · Dr. Alan Burckin & Carol Olmert · Jennifer Burden · Julie & Stan Burford · Gretchen Burgess, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Jean Burke · Carrie & Jim Burroughs, in honor of Kerry Francis · Ann Butcher · Alice Butler · Dave & Diana Butler · Jim Butler · Pam & Jeff Byers · Linda Cain · Edward & Joan Callaway · Robert P. Camm & Susan Pearson · Katherine R. Campbell · John E. Caner · Barbara

Cannella · Robert & Margaret Cant · Michael J. Caplan · Candy Capogrossi · Monica Cappuccini · Elaine Caret · Dan & Allyn Carl · John Carr · Paula Carrell · Denys Carrillo · Peter and Piscilla Carson · W. Bradford Carson · David & Angela Carter · Elena Caruthers · Anthony J. Cascardi · Julia Casella · Joanne Casey · Castilian Fund · Diann M. Castleberry · John & Kathleen Chadwick, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Susan Chapman · Kim & Dawn Chase · Leslie Chatham & Kathie Weston · Jan Chernoff & Isabel Wade · Terin Christensen · Holly Christman, MD & Max Perr · Tomas Christopher & Elizabeth Giacomo · W. Morris Chubb · Amy Chung · Carol & Orlo Clark · Gail Louise Clark · Jennifer Clarke, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Gina M. Claudeanos · Karen Clayton & Stephen Clayton · Rani Cochran, in memory of Rhoda Curtis · Beth Cohen · Dennis Cohen & Deborah Robison · Marc & Jennifer Cohen · Mark Cohen · Norman Cohen · Susan Cohen · Leonard & Roberta Cohn · Joan Cole · R. Arlene Coleman · Louise Coleman · Eleni Coltos · Comal · Renate & Robert Coombs · Joe & Leonardo Connell · Kevin Connell, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Nancy N. Conover · Tom Consoli · Joan Coogan, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Ryan Coombs & Cynthia Der · Harley Cooper · Janet Cooper · Marilyn Berg Cooper · Wayne & Geri Cooper · Sue Cork · Edith Cornelsen · Suzanna Cortes · Wendy Cosin · Kathleen Costa · Jim & Jeanette Cottle · Susan & Don Couch · Laura Courtney & Neil Gutterson · Dennis E. Cox · Jeanne M. Cox · Thomas & Suellen Cox · Pamela Coxson · Ms. Carolyn Cozart · Mr. Paul Craig · Mike & Pam Crane · Philip Crawford · Kevin T. Crilly · Earl Crispell · Lisa Croen · Chris & Lynn Crook · Gerd Cropp · John & Mary Cumberpatch · Scott Curtin · Kerry & Lynn Curtis · Sharon & Ed Cushman · James Cuthbertson · Barbara & Tim Daniels · Christina Daniels · Sara Danielson · Susan David · Rena Davidow · Dr. General Scott Davie · Annette Davis · Paul E. Davis · Richard & Anita Davis · Hardy & Judi Dawainis · Nerisa de jesus · Hiram & Eleanora De Witt, in honor of Zoltan De Witt · Gail Debellis · Ray & Karen Decker, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Dennis T. De Domenico & Sandra Brod · Bill DeHart & David Kamimoto · Mavis Delacroix · Carrice Delo · Cecilia Delury & Vince Jacobs · Emily Miller & Patrick DeNeale, in honor of Margaret Ann Miller · Harry & Susan Dennis · Judy Derman & Richard Berger · Kate & Vincent Deschamps · Toni Deser & Paul Rodman · Kristin Dickerson · Tom Diettrich · John Diller & Melissa Levine · O'Neil & Marcia S. Dillon · Arnold Dito · Sacha D'Merbev & Brian Beaumont-Nesbitt · top dog, in honor of Freedom · Amy Dolan · Karen & David Dolder · John & Betsy Donnelly · Colleen Donovan, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Audrey Doocy · Charles & Jean Dormann · Steven & Sylvia dos Remedios · Viktoriya Dostal · Michael & Andrea Dougan · Diane Douglas · Lewis Douglas · Laura Downing-Lee & Marty Lee · Noah & Sandra Doyle · Vaughn Draggoo · Dramatists Guild Fund · Becky Draper · Melinda Drayton · Mona Dreicer · Inna Dubchak · Edmund L. DuBois · Kathy & Leonard Duffy · Patricia Rose Duignan · Thomas Dunscombe · Lori & Gary Durbin · Anita C. Eblé · Cheryl & Matthew Eccles · Mark & Judy Eckart · Laura Edelstein & Scott Andersen · Burton Peek Edwards & Lynne Dal Poggetto · Thomas W. Edwards & Rebecca Parlette-Edwards · Charles J. Egiziano · Gary Egkan · David Eimerl, in memory of Geoffrey · Youseef Elias · Linda L. Ellinwood, in honor of John Mattimore Peoples · Vicki Elliot & David Levine · Alexandra Elliott · Mary Jane Elliott ·

Karen Ellis · Bernice Ellison · Kevin Elstob · Roger & Jane Emanuel · Sally-Ann & Ervin Epstein, Jr. · Bill & Susan Epstein · Leslie Eveland · Bill & Kathleen Failing · Merle & Michael Fajans · In memory of Sir Farley of Townsend · Al & Sue Farmer · Caryll Farrer · Anita & Steven Feinstein · Linda A. Feldman, in memory of Robert Feldman · Bronya Feldmann · Ann Felldin · Richard & Yvonne Fellner, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Suzanne Felson · Dorothy Fernandez & Lisa Stenmark · Laurel Ferns · Susan Ferreyra · Irina Filipchik · Shelley & Elliot Fineman · Lisa & David Finer · Mr. & Mrs. Fink, in honor of Rachel Fink & the School · Krystyna Finlayson · Sheilah & Harry Fish · Brigitte & Louis Fisher · Karen Fitzner, in honor of Joanne Medak · John Flanagan, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Stephanie Flaniken & Mark Randolph · Patrick Flannery · James & Jessica Fleming · Robert Fleri, in memory of Carole S. Pfeffer · Cynthia Fleury, in memory of Tyrone Collins · Michael & Vicky Flora · Darcie Fohrman & Don Hughes · Stephen Follansbee & Richard Wolitz · Mrs. Robert Force · Ford Foundation · Gregory & Susan Ford · Mary Ford & Robert Lewis · Catherine E. Fox · Rose Fraden · Lindley Frahm · Molly & Harrison Fraker · Lynn Fraley · Dean Francis · Sharon & Thomas Francis · Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frank · Mary & Doug Fraser · Donald & Dava Freed · Roger Freitas, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Ronald Freitas, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Linda Fried & Jim Helman · Thomas & Sandra Friedland · Ellen Friedman · Herb & Marianne Friedman · Mary & Stan Friedman · Vicky Friedman · Tom & Gail Frost · Toby Fuchs, in memory of Joseph Fuchs · Carlos Fuenzalida · Jean M. Furgerson · Jeannette A. Gape · the roobears · Sharon Garcia · Paul & Marilyn Gardner · Sandi Gariffo · Angie Garling · Kevan Garrett · Steve & Valerie Garry · Michele Garside, Ph.D. · Philip Gary · Janice & Chuck Gebhardt · Karl & Kathleen Geier · Nancy Geimer & Chris Vance · Ellen Geringer & Chris Tarp · Laile A. Giansetto · Mary Gibboney · James & Jewelle Gibbs · Jim Gilbert & Susan Orbuch · Sarah Gill · Karen Giorgianni · Mitchell Gitin · Harold & Gail Glassberg · Glennis Lees & Michael Glazeski · Beth Gleghorn, in honor of Barbara & George Gleghorn · Gerald Glendenning · Carol Goehring, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Irwin D. Goehring, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Judith Goehring, in memory of William Ian Fraser · David M. Goi · David Gold · Janet Goldberg · Jerry Goldberg · Roberta Goldberg · Arthur & Carol Goldman · Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Goldschlager · Bonnie Goldsmith & Allan Griffin · Ian M. Goldstein · Keith Goldstein & Donna Warrington · Marjorie Goldware · Helene Good · Rob & Susie Goodin · Nelson Goodman, in memory of Marilyn Goodman · Alison Gopnik & Alby Raysmith · Gail Gordon & Jack Joseph · Laura Gorjance · Jane Gottesman & Geoffrey Biddle · Phyllis & Gene Gottfried · Diana Graham & Jack Zimmermann · Karen Grassle · Arnold & Diana Gray · Christopher & Carol Gray · Leslie Green · Nina G. Green · Priscilla Green · Leah Greenblat · Elizabeth Greene · Sheldon & Judy Greene · Don & Becky Grether · Anne & Peter Griffes · Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Grossberg · Nina & Claude Gruen · Dan & Linda Guerra · Cecille Gunst · Ms. Teresa Burns Gunther & Dr. Andrew Gunther · Mark D. Guthrie · Robert Gwynn · Elizabeth Haag & Michael Di Pretoro · Thomas Haas · Kevin Hagerty & Candace del Portillo · Bronwyn H. Hall · Richard & Lois Halliday, in honor of Thalia Dorwick · Theresa Halpin, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Katherine E. Hamel · Lawrence Hammer · Roy & Ann Hammonds Jr. · Neil Handelman & Karyn

O'Mohundro · Barry & Micheline Handon · Lisa Hane · Judith Hanscom · Bonnie Hansen · William & Luisa Hansen · Stuart Hanson & Mary Lou Fox-Hanson · Michael & Grace Hardie · Patricia Hare · Dr. & Mrs. Alan Harley · Ann Harriman, in memory of Malcolm White · Donna Harris & Lyla Cromer · Daniel & Shawna Hartman Brotsky · Bruce & Donna Hartman · Dee Hartzog · Jonathan Harvey · Diana Hastings · Robert & Lynda Hay · Geoffrey & Marin-Shawn Haynes · Joya Heart · Ellen & Barry Hecht · Harriette & Norm Heibel · Laura Heiman · Michele & Carl Heisler · Richard P. Hemann · Austin & Lynne Henderson · Bill Hendricks · Cooper Hendricks, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Lynn Henley · Ruth Hennigar · Carol & Tony Henning · Colleen Henry · Thomas & Elizabeth Henry · Daria Hepps & Franco Faraguna · Irene & Robert Hepps · Laurin Herr & Trisha Gorman-Herr · Bethany Herron, in honor of the Kenneth Rainin Foundation · Winifred Hess · Carole S. Hickman · Carolyn Higgins, in memory of Douglas Higgins · Nancy Higham · Fran Hildebrand · Robert Hill · Douglas Hill & Jae Scharlin · Richard N. Hill & Nancy Lundeen · Thomas Hillyard, in memory of William Ian Fraser · David & Mariko Hingston · Kyle Hinman · Geoffrey & Francia Hirsch · Elaine Hitchcock · Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoban · Wilbur & Carolyn Ross Hobbs · Rachel Hochstetler · Marilynn Hodgson · Kelsey J. Hogan · Marie F. Hogan & Douglas A. Lutgen · Charlton Holland · Kristina Holland · Carolyn Holm · Miranda Holmes & Brian Sparling · Derek Holstein · Robert & Karen Holtermann · Dr. Steven J. and Helen Holtz · Lorraine Honig · Biljana Horn · Bronwen & Neil Horton · Joanne Howard, in memory of Roy Howard · Judy Hubbell · Estie Sid Hudes · Daniel Hughes, dedicated to artists everywhere · Eric, Justin & Gavin Hughes & Priscilla Wanerus · Harold Hughes & Esther Gordon · J. Hui · Cecelia Hurwich · Jeannie Hwang-Erickson · William Hyatt · Nicholas Hyde Family · Sonja Hyde-Moyer · Richard & Carol Hyman · Ruth Ichinaga · Tom Ihrig · Betty Kazuko Ishida · Ron & Virginia Iverson · Sandra Iwamoto · Nicole Jackson · Susan Jackson, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Maritza JacksonSandoval · Marty & Ellen Jaffe · Stephen & Helene Jaffe · Rosa & Gillette James · Angela Jansa · Ginny & Robin Jaquith · Marisita & Tu Jarvis · Donald Jen & Margaret Ritchey · Anne & Doug Jensen · Barbara B Job · Randall Johnson · Sarah Johnson · Susan Johnson · CJones, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Margaret E. Jones · Sheila Jordan · Arnold Josselson · Marcia Kadanoff · Sheila Kahan · Kimberley Kahler · Charles & Laurie Kahn · Helmut H. Kapczynski & Colleen Neff · Roy Kaplan, in memory of Barbara Kaplan · Lisa & David Kaplan · Mr. & Mrs. M. Kaplan · Muriel Kaplan & Bob Sturm · Tobey Kaplan & Nan Busse · Karl & Alice Ruppenthal Foundation for the Arts · Beth & Fred Karren · Virginia & Larry Katz · Dennis Kaump · Vivian Keh & Jonathan Hue · Susan & Stephen Kellerman · Pat Kelly & Jennifer Doebler · Pat & Chris Kenber · Margaret Kendall, in memory of Cassandra Coates · Kimberly J. KenleySalarpi · Marlene & Ilan Keret · Eva M. Kertesz · Shakir Khan · James R. Kidder · Mary Ann Kiely · Christopher Killian & Carole Ungvarsky · Rosalind & Sung-Hou Kim · Mary S. Kimball · Deborah Kimsey · Nina C. Kindblad · Adrian King · Ms. Marjorie Kirk · Susan Kirshenbaum, in honor of Daria Hepps & Franco Faraguna · Stephen F. Kispersky · Andy Kivel & Susan Goldstein · Beverly Phillips Kivel · Peggy Kivel · Alan & Ronnie Klein · Veronica Kleinberg & Susan Kraemenr · Jeff Klingman & Deborah Sedberry · William

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COM MU N IT Y LE AD E R S (CO NTIN U E D) G. Klink · Bruce Koch · Susan Kolb · Janice Kolberg · Gloria Kolbe-Saltzman · Lynn Eve Komaromi, in honor of Michael & Sue Steinberg · Cynthia Kopec & Steve Berley · Neil Koris · Nancy Kornfield · Neil & Peggy Kostick · John Kouns & Anne Baele Kouns · Susan Kraft & Patrick Scott · Sharon Krause & Bruce Cohen · Joel H. Kreisberg · Shawn Kresal, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Jane and Mark Kriss · Dorothy Kruse · Elroy & Dee Kursh, in honor of Thalia Dorwick · Louis Labat · Germaine LaBerge · Regina Lackner, in memory of Ruth Eis · Lanny J. Lampl & Sharon Hunter · Lynn Landor · Elizabeth Langlois · Shirley Langlois · Thomas LaQueur · Derek Larson, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Marit Lash · Benjie Lasseau · Louise Laufersweiler & Warren Sharp · Laurie & John Lavaroni, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Valerie Lawrence · Joan & Gary Lawrence · Sandy Lawrie · Beatrice Laws · Patricia Lawton · Marilyn Leavitt · Antoinette LeCouteur · Susan & David Lederman · Susan Ledford · Kelly Gabriel Lee · Courtney Lehmann · Nancy & George Leitmann, in memory of Helen Barber · Monika Leitz · Hayne & Catherine Leland · David Leonard, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Deanna Leong · Trudy & Rolf Lesem · Carole Levenson · Susan E. Levin · Ellen & Barry Levine · Bonnie Levinson & Dr. Donald Kay · Dr. & Mrs. Art Levit · Sandy Levitan · Rosanne Levitt · Sylvia Lewin · Flora Lewis & Robert Hatheway · Harry & Eileen Lewis · Jean Rowe Lieber · Michele & Micah Liedeker · Vivian Lily · Alice Lin · Terrie Lind · Elizabeth S. Lindgren-Young & Robert Young · John Lineweaver · Annette C. Lipkin, in memory of Paul Lipkin · Fred Lipschultz · Kris Loberg and Tom Summers · Lynn & Penny Lockhart, in honor of Sam & Edie Karas · Fred & Amy Loebl · Bill Lokke · Hannah Love · Jay & Eileen Love · Rianne Lovett · Katherine Luce & David Curran · Elaine Lugo, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Elise Lusk & Stephen Godfrey · Steve & Linda Lustig · Linda Lyon · Gerry & Kathy MacClelland · Margaret MacDonald · Gerry Mack · Linda Mackinson · Mike & Linda Madden · In memory of Flori Magilen · Joe & Joanne Magruder · Howard & Siesel Maibach · Linda Maio · Lila Makrynassios · Bonnie Malicki · Inna Manyak · Carolyn & Robert Maples · Helen Marcus & David Williamson · Mike & Pat Martin · Alma Martinez, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Mary S. Martinson · Pamela Marvel · Igor Maslennikov · Shawn & Jane Mason · M. Mathews & K. Soriano · Melvin Matsumoto · Roy Matthes · Bruce Matzner · Toni Mayer & Alan Lazere · Susan Mayfield, in honor of Olive Engwicht · Kimberly Mayfield Lynch · Caroline McCall & Eric Martin · Phyra McCandless & Angelos Kottas · Edward & Adeline McClatchie · Sheila A. McClear · Richard McCray · Laura McCrea & Robert Ragucci · Suzanne & Charles McCulloch · Erin McCune · Ray and Mary McDevitt · Christopher McKenzie & Manuela Albuquerque · Miles & Mary Ellen McKey · Jeanne McKinney · Marcia McLean · Janet McManus · Martin & Janis McNair · Joanne Medak, in honor of Susan Medak · Michael & Rebecca Meehan · Gadi & Donna Meir · Amelie Mel de Fontenay & John Stenzel · Herb & Marilyn Meltzer · Edith Mendez · Phyllis Menefee · Susan Merrill · Susan Messina · Karen L. Metz, Leon Farley, Wendy Fountain & Donald Klingbeil · Mary & Gene Metz · Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Meyer · Harriett Michael · Joseph Miguel, in memory

of William Ian Fraser · Lee A. Millar, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Bruce & Sandi Miller · Janet Miller · David Miller, in memory of Jennifer Miller · Jennifer Miller & Jamie Isbester · Marlene & Stephen Miller · Ross & Eva Miller, in honor of Sofie Miller, Production Asst · Jeff Miner · Fran & David Mog · Joseph Mollick · Andy & June Monach · Sandra Monasch · Geri Monheimer · Thomas C. Moore · Cynthia Morris · Mike & Sharon Morris · The Morris Family: Susan, Kathy, Karen, Steve & Jaxon · Mehdi Morshed · Eleanor Moscow · Susan Moss · Margaret Moster · Patricia Motzkin Architecture · Linda Moulton · Barbara Mowry · The Murraywolf Family · Donal Murphy & Julie Orr · Peggy Myers · Michael and Marjorie Nacht · Albert Nahman · Elizabeth Nakahara · Ron Nakayama · Shirley Negrin · Jane & Bill Neilson · Mr. & Mrs. James Nelson · Deborah Nelson · Marilyn K. Nelson · Lucinda & Steve Newcomb · Jet Harper · Amy Newman · Gilbert H. Newman · Sora Lei Newman · Gene Ng · James Nitsos · Don Nix · Claire Noonan & Peter Landsberger · Judith Norberg · Carol and Mark Norberg · Mary & Charles Norcross · Jennifer Normoyle · Lisa Norris · Saralynn Nusbaum · Bruce & Risa Nye · Robert & Carol Nykodym · Susan Obayashi · Pier & Barbara Oddone, in memory of Michael Leibert · Steven J. O'Donnell · Gail Offen-Brown · Dr. Patrick O'Halloran, in honor of Anna Deavere Smith · Shanna O'Hare & John Davis · John & Barbara Ohlmann · Gerald and Ellen Oicles · Dorothy Okamoto, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Judith & Richard Oken · Robin Olivier · Kristin & David Olnes · Charles Olson & Yoko Watanabe · Crystal Olson · David & Mary O'Neill · Peggy O'Neill · Peggy O'Neill · Phyllis M. Orlando · Peggy Orlin & Paul Davis · Linda & Gregory Orr · Sheldeen Osborne · Thomas Owen · Richard Page & Susan Audep-Page · Lynette Pang & Michael Man · Sandi & Dick Pantages · Herman D. Papa · Gerane Wharton Park · Nancy Park · The Parr Family, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Anne Parris · David Pasta, in memory of Gloria J.A. Guth · Denise Pate, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Ellie D. Patterson · Bob & MaryJane Pauley · Peter Peacock · P. David Pearson · Bob & Toni Peckham, in honor of Robert M. Peckham, Jr. · Robert & Audrey Pedrin · Gladys Perez-Mendez · Lewis Perry · Michael & Laura Perucchi · Barbara Peterson · Wendy Peterson · Matthew C. Petrik · Mary Ann Petro · John R. Petrovsky · Anthony & Sarah Petru · Mary Pezzuto & Paul Farrington, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Regina Phelps · Jocheszette Phillips-Krummell, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Kathleen S. Pierce · Susan T. Pierpoint · Ken Pinhero · Therese M. Pipe · Marshall Platt & Elana Reinin · Carole Plum · Susie & Eric Poncelet · Marcia & Robert Popper · Stephen Popper & Elizabeth Joyce · Fred & Judy Porta · Dr. Barry Posner & Dr. Jackie Schmidt-Posner · Steven Potter · Timothy & Marilyn Potter · Riess & Tara Potterveld · Mark J. Powers & Albert E. Moreno · Fred & Susan Pownall · Irina Pragin, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Felisa Preskill & Zachary Scholz · Meghan Pressman · Rich Price · Tony Prince · Hank & Sarah Pruden · Laurel & Gerald Przybylski · Paul Puppo, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Michael & Davida Rabbino · Nancy Rader & Dick Norgaard · Steven Donaldson RadiantBrands · Leslie M. Radin · Cynthia Rahav · Lynne D. Raider · Carolyn Ramsey · Florence & Paul Raskin · Ann & Don Rathjen ·

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Rose Ray & Robert Kroll · Patricia Reed · Arthur Reingold & Gail Bolan · Ian Reinhard · Sue Reinhold & Deborah Newbrun · Debbi & Billy Reinschmiedt, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Phyllis & Steve Reinstein, in honor of Laurie Barnes · Kala Renz · Julia Reydel · RGK Foundation · Dave Richanbach · Carla & David Riemer · Bryna Rifkind, PhD · Donald Riley & Carolyn Serrao · Margaret Riley, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Lawrence Rinder · The Rev. Dr. Bonnie Ring · Todd & Susan Ringoen · Ryan Ripsteen · Jeffrey Robbins & Mary Spletter · Zona L. Roberts · Helen & Garrett Romain · Lisa Romano · Maria & Ron Romano · Deborah Romer & William Tucker · Marc Rosaaen · Helen Rosen · Galen Rosenberg & Denise Barnett · David S. H. Rosenthal & Vicky Reich · Geri Rossen · Frances Roth · Marjorie Roth · Boyard & Anne Rowe · I. Maxine Rowe · Tracie E. Rowson · Sylvia Roye · Ellen & Allen Rubin · Lael Rubin · Marci Rubin · Fred & Dolores Rudow · Larry E. Ruff · Phil & Lily Ruiz, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Wondie Russell & Edward Steinman · Deborah Dashow Ruth, in memory of Leo P. Ruth · Elizabeth Ryan · M. Ryce · Barbara Ryken · Jerry Sabo · Mark & Judi Sachs · Emily Saidel · Monica Salusky & John K. Sutherland · Marcee & Mark Samberg · Suzanne Samberg · Jeane & Roger Samuelsen · The San Francisco Foundation · Jennifer Sanchez · Fredric Sandsmark · Shelley J. Sandusky · Jaimie Sanford & Ted Storey · Babak Sani · Paul & Patti Sax · Danny Scher · Heather Schlaff · Susie Schlesinger · Sonja Schmid · Otto Schnepp · Joyce & Jim Schnobrich · Stephen Schoen & Margot Fraser · Dana & Peggy Shultz · Garth Schultz · Linda & Nathan Schultz · Peter and Cindy Tsai Schultz · William & Janet Schumann · Teddy & Bruce Schwab · Joan Schwalbe · David Schwartz & Donna Liu · Miriam Schwartz · Peter M. Schwartz & Laura Scott · Pat & Gregg Schwinn · Ana & Stanley Scott · Karen Scott · David Scruggs, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Andrew Sczesnak · Roberta Sears · Don Seaver, in memory of Bill Ian Fraser · Barbara & Steve Segal · Iris E. Segal · Jennifer Seid · Andrew Seidl · Marc & Jane Seleznow · John E. Sellen · Rita Senel · John & Lucille Serwa · Paul Sessum, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Sally Seymour · Brenda Buckhold Shank, M.D., Ph.D. · Anne Shanto · Karen Shapiro · Jeff & Charlie Sharp · Amey Shaw · Ida D. Shen · Neal Shorstein, MD & Christopher Doane, in honor of Gail Wagner, MD · Steve & Susan Shortell · Marian Shostrom · Alexander Shtulman · Anne Shuford · Michael Sibitz · Jean Siciliano · Bonnie Siegel · David Silber · Hugh & Aletha Silcox · Kim Silva · Lisette Silva & Hadrian Rivera · Luis A. Silva · Lorinda & Harry Silverstein · Renee Simi · James Simpson & Tamara Wood · Frances Singer · Kyle Sircus · Rochelle Sklansky · Margaret Skornia · Carra Sleight · Suzanne Slyman · Jerry & Dick Smallwood · Peter Smith · Archie & Geraldine Smith · Betsy Smith · Bridget Smith · Cherida Collins Smith · Ed & Ellen Smith · Pam Smith · Patricia Smith · Richard & Darlene Smith · Theresa Nelson & Bernard Smits · Stephen & Cindy Snow · Alice & Scott So · Pamela Sogge · Buck Sommerkamp & John Yuelkenbeck, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Valerie Sopher · Carmen Elena Sosa-Fraser, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Douglas Sovern & Sara Newmann · Janet Sovin, in memory of Flora Roberts · LIz Spander · Sandra Spangler · Patricia Speier · Rhonda Spencer · Nancy Spero & Norm

Brand · Thomas Sponsler · Tiffany Sprague · Hildie Spritzer · Robert & Naomi Stamper · Barbara Stanley · Karen Starko · Abigail Stavros · Lynn M. & A. Justin Sterling · Joel & Ellen Stettner · Beverly Stevens · Mary Alice & Walt Stevenson · Tim Stevenson & David Lincoln King · Daniel Steves · Anne & Douglas Stewart · Corinne Stewart · Kathy & Corinne Stewart · Cynthia Stone & David Schnee · Cecilia Storr & Mark Chaitkin · Robert Strochak · Margaret T. Stromberg · Marietta Stuart · Sara Stutz · Monica Sun · Dr. and Mrs. David Surrenda · Angela Sutkaitis · Suzanne & Svend Svendsen · Georgia P. Swanson, in honor of my children · Renee Swayne · Jane Swinerton · Ian Swinson · Jane Taber · Kay H. Taber · Elizabeth Tan · Sandy & Selma Tandowsky · Carol Tanenbaum & John Adams · Ernestine Tayabas-Kim · Deborah Taylor · Susan Taylor & Paul Utrecht · Homer S. Teng · Kathy Tennant · Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Terdiman · Adira Rose Tharan, in honor of Rebecca Castelli · Jeff & Catherine Thermond · Dan & Mila Thomas · Edward & Carrie Thomas · Gudrun Thomspon · Prof. Jeremy Thorner & Dr. Carol Mimura · Tori Tichy · Ceil Tilney · Veronica Tincher · Jules Tippett · Tipping Mar · Frederick Tollini · Ed & Barbara Tonningsen · M. Christine Torrington · Cynthia Townsend · Clarence Travis · Barbara Traylor · Thomas & Laurel Trent, in honor of George Allen & Clara Smith · Lynn Tsumoto · Marci & Eugene Tucker · Matt and Stephaney Tunney · Marc Davis and Nancy Turak · Mike & Ellen Turbow · Janis Turner · Eileen Wenger Tutt · Sharon Ulrich & Marlowe Ng · Anna Vagin & Bruce Heller · Leslie Valas · Judy Valentine · William van Dyk & Margi Sullivan · Deborah & Bob Van Nest · Sayre Van Young & Diane Davenport · Elena Vasquez · Barbara & William Vaughan · Maureen Vavra · Irina Vaysberg · Carol Verity · Lola Vollen · Dorothy Walker · Louise & Larry Walker · Wendy Walker · Bonnie Wall · Kathleen Wallace · Patricia Walsh · Marlene & Jerry Walters · Susan D. Ward · Virginia Warnes · Ellen Widess · Jan O. Washburn · Marge Watson · Louis Weckstein & Karen Denevi · Barbara Wedge, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Donna & Stewart Weinberg · Sharon Weinberg · Mike Weinberger & Julianne Lindemann · Cliff Weingus · Gene Weinstein · Harvey & Rhona Weinstein · Joe Weisman · Dr. Ben & Mrs. Carolyn Werner · Elizabeth Werter & Henry Trevor · Joanne Westendorf & Sandy Wilbourn · John Western, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Robert T. Weston · Ted Westphal · Dick & Beany Wezelman · Angela Wilhelm, in memory of William Ian Fraser · Bonnie Willdorf · Andrew T. & Linda V. Williams · Barbara Williams · Patricia & Jeffrey Williams · Ann Williamson · Miriam Wingfield · William & Brenda Winston · Ms. H. Leabah Winter, in memory of Barry Dorfman, MD · Susan & Harvey Wittenberg · William Wolverton · Harry & Linda Wong · Patricia Wood · Patrick Woods & Kathleen Clark · Monty Worth · Evie & Gordon Wozniak · Maurice Wren · Moe & Becky Wright · Tia Wu · Norma Wynn, in honor of James F. Wynn · Larry & Mary Yabroff · Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Yanover · In memory of Jerrie Meadows · Marjorie Yasueda & Dale Knutsen · Bob & Judi Yeager · Janet Yelner · Irene Yen · YMCA PG&E Teen Center · Sandra Yuen & Lawrence Shore · Margaret Zabel · Samuel Zabor & Kimberly Rowe · Leslie Zander · Sam & Joyce Zanze · Carolyn & Larry Zaroff · Marti & Shelly Zedeck · Karl Zimmer · Linda Zittel · Mark & Jessica Nutik Zitter · In memory of Irene Zook

We thank the many institutional partners who enrich our community by championing Berkeley Rep’s artistic and community outreach programs. We gratefully recognize these donors to Berkeley Rep’s Annual Fund, who made their gifts between October 2014 and December 2015. G IF T S O F $ 10 0,0 0 0 A N D A B OV E The California Endowment The California Wellness Foundation The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation The Shubert Foundation G IF T S O F $50,0 0 0 –9 9,9 9 9 Akonadi Foundation The Reva and David Logan Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Bernard Osher Foundation The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust


G IF T S O F $2 5,0 0 0 –49,9 9 9 Anonymous BayTree Fund The Ira and Leonore S. Gershwin Philanthropic Fund Wallis Foundation Woodlawn Foundation G IF T S O F $ 10,0 0 0 –24,9 9 9 map Fund Sierra Health Foundation

Institutional Partners

G IF T S O F $5,0 0 0 –9,9 9 9 Anonymous Berkeley Civic Arts Program Distracted Globe Foundation East Bay Community Foundation Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Panta Rhea Foundation Ramsay Family Foundation The Ida and William Rosenthal Foundation G IF T S O F $750 –4,9 9 9 Alameda County Arts Commission/artsfund Berkeley Association of Realtors Joyce & William Brantman Foundation Civic Foundation The Entrekin Foundation jec Foundation twanda Foundation


G I F T S O F $ 10 0,0 0 0 A N D A B OV E


G I F T S O F $ 3,0 0 0 – 5,9 9 9

Mechanics Bank Wealth Management The Morrison & Foerster Foundation

4U Sports Bayer Gallagher Risk Management Services Macy’s Union Bank


G I F T S O F $ 6,0 0 0 –11,9 9 9


G I F T S O F $ 5 0,0 0 0 – 9 9,9 9 9

American Express


G I F T S O F $ 12 ,0 0 0 –2 4 ,9 9 9

Armanino llp City National Bank Deloitte LG Wealth Management llc Meyer Sound Oliver & Company Panoramic Interests Schoenberg Family Law Group U.S. Bank


G I F T S O F $ 1, 5 0 0 –2 ,9 9 9

Bank of the West Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union McCutcheon Construction


G I F T S O F $ 2 5,0 0 0 –49,9 9 9

Is your company a Corporate Sponsor? Berkeley Rep’s Corporate Partnership program offers excellent opportunities to network, entertain clients, reward employees, increase visibility, and support the arts and arts education in the community. For details visit or call Daria Hepps at 510 647-2904.


act Catering Angeline’s Louisiana Kitchen Aurora Catering Autumn Press Bare Snacks Bistro Liaison Bogatin, Corman & Gold C.G. Di Arie Vineyard & Winery Café Clem Comal Cyprus Dashe Cellars Domaine Carneros by Taittinger Donkey & Goat Winery Drake’s Brewing Company East Bay Spice Company etc Catering Eureka! Farm League Design & Management Group

five Folie à Deux Winery Gather Restaurant Gecko Gecko Hotel Shattuck Plaza Hugh Groman Catering & Greenleaf Platters Jazzcaffè Kevin Berne Images La Mediterranee La Note Latham & Watkins llp Match Vineyards Mayer Brown llp Pathos Organic Greek Kitchen Phil’s Sliders Picante PiQ Public Policy Institute of California

Quady Winery Revival Bar + Kitchen The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco St. George Spirits Sweet Adeline Tigerlily Berkeley Venus Restaurant Whole Foods Market Hotel Shattuck Plaza is the official hotel of Berkeley Rep. Pro-bono legal services are generously provided by Latham & Watkins llp and Mayer Brown llp

M AT C H I NG G I F T S The following companies have matched their employees’ contributions to Berkeley Rep. Please contact your company’s HR office to find out if your company matches gifts. Adobe Systems Inc. · Advent Software · American Express · Apple · Applied Materials · Argo Group · at&t · Bank of America · BlackRock · Bristol Myers Squibb · Charles Schwab & Co, Inc · Chevron Corporation · Clorox · Constellation Energy · Dolby · Gap · Genentech · Google · ibm Corporation · John Wiley & Sons, Inc. · kla Tencor · Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory · Macy’s Inc. · Matson Navigation Company · Microsoft · Morrison & Foerster · norcal Mutual Insurance Company · Nvidia · Oracle Corporation · · Shell Oil · Sidley Austin llp, San Francisco · Synopsys · The Walt Disney Company · Union Bank, The Private Bank · visa u.s.a., Inc. 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 3 7


Donors to the Annual Fund

We thank the many individuals in our community who help Berkeley Rep produce adventurous, thought-provoking, and thrilling theatre and bring arts education to thousands of young people every year. We gratefully recognize these donors to Berkeley Rep’s Annual Fund, who made their gifts between October 2014 and December 2015. To make your gift and join this distinguished group, visit or call 510 647-2906.


$ 10 0,0 0 0 +

Jack & Betty Schafer Michael & Sue Steinberg The Strauch Kulhanjian Family


$ 5 0,0 0 0 – 9 9,9 9 9

Martha Ehmann Conte Bruce Golden & Michelle Mercer Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney Ms. Wendy E. Jordan Jonathan C. Logan Jane Marvin/Peets Coffee Stewart & Rachelle Owen Mary Ruth Quinn & Scott Shenker Steve Silberstein


$ 2 5,0 0 0 –49,9 9 9

Edward D. Baker Rena Bransten John & Stephanie Dains Bill Falik & Diana Cohen Kerry Francis & John Jimerson M Edward Kaufmann Pam & Mitch Nichter Marjorie Randolph

Sheli & Burt Rosenberg, in honor of Leonard X Rosenberg Jean & Michael Strunsky Guy Tiphane Gail & Arne Wagner


$ 12 ,0 0 0 –2 4 ,9 9 9

Anonymous Barbara & Gerson Bakar Carole B. Berg Maria Cardamone & Paul Matthews Susan Chamberlin David & Vicki Cox Thalia Dorwick Robin & Rich Edwards David & Vicki Fleishhacker Paul Friedman & Diane Manley M Paul Haahr & Susan Karp Scott & Sherry Haber Jack Klingelhofer Dixon Long Sandra & Ross McCandless Dugan Moore Leonard X & Arlene B. Rosenberg Joan Sarnat & David Hoffman Liliane & Ed Schneider Norah & Norman Stone Felicia Woytak & Steve Rasmussen


$ 6,0 0 0 – 11,9 9 9

Anonymous (3) Shelley & Jonathan Bagg Edith Barschi Neil & Gene Barth Valerie Barth & Peter Wiley M Lynne Carmichael Daniel Cohn & Lynn Brinton Julie & Darren Cooke Robert Council & Ann Parks-Council Oz Erickson & Rina Alcalay William Espey & Margaret Hart Edwards M Tracy & Mark Ferron John & Carol Field, in honor of Marjorie Randolph Virginia & Timothy Foo Jill & Steve Fugaro Mary & Nicholas Graves Doug & Leni Herst, in honor of Susie Medak Hitz Foundation Christopher Hudson & Cindy J. Chang, MD Seymour Kaufman & Kerstin Edgerton Wanda Kownacki Ted & Carole Krumland Zandra Faye LeDuff Peter & Melanie Maier, in honor of Jill Fugaro Dale & Don Marshall

Martin & Janis McNair John & Helen Meyer / Meyer Sound Steven & Patrece Mills M Mary Ann & Lou Peoples Peter Pervere & Georgia Cassel Barbara L. Peterson Kaye Rosso Pat Rougeau Patricia Sakai & Richard Shapiro Cynthia & William Schaff Emily Shanks Pat & Merrill Shanks Karen Stevenson & Bill McClave Lisa & Jim Taylor Wendy Williams Linda & Steven Wolan Martin & Margaret Zankel


$ 3,0 0 0 – 5,9 9 9

Anonymous (4) Stephen Belford & Bobby Minkler Becky & Jeff Bleich Cynthia & David Bogolub Kim Boston K Jim Butler Brook & Shawn Byers Ronnie Caplane Jennifer Chaiken & Sam Hamilton Constance Crawford Karen & David Crommie Lois M. De Domenico Daryl Dichek & Kenneth Smith, in memory of Shirley D. Schild Delia Fleishhacker Ehrlich Nancy & Jerry Falk Karen Galatz & Jon Wellinghoff Richard & Lois Halliday Earl & Bonnie Hamlin Vera & David Hartford Renee Hilpert K James C. Hormel & Michael P. Nguyen Lynda & Dr. J. Pearce Hurley Kathleen & Chris Jackson Duke & Daisy Kiehn Louise Laufersweiler & Warren Sharp Christopher & Clare Lee Charlotte & Adolph Martinelli Phyra McCandless & Angelos Kottas Miles & Mary Ellen McKey Michele & John McNellis Susan Medak & Greg Murphy, in honor of Marcia Smolens Eddie & Amy Orton Janet Ostler Sandi & Dick Pantages Pease Family Fund Kermit & Janet Perlmutter Ivy & Leigh Robinson David S. H. Rosenthal & Vicky Reich Beth & David Sawi Stephen Schoen & Margot Fraser

Linda & Nathan Schultz Beryl & Ivor Silver Audrey & Bob Sockolov Stephen Stublarec & Debra S. Belaga Deborah Taylor Patricia & Jeffrey Williams Sheila Wishek Sally Woolsey Mark & Jessica Nutik Zitter


$ 1, 5 0 0 –2 ,9 9 9

Anonymous (10) Mel Adamson K Marcia & George Argyris Naomi Auerbach & Ted Landau Nina Auerbach Linda & Mike Baker Michelle L. Barbour M Don & Gerry Beers M David Beery & Norman Abramson Annikka Berridge Brian Bock and Susan Rosin Caroline Booth Linda Brandenburger Broitman-Basri Family Don & Carol Anne Brown Katherine S. Burcham M Stephen K. Cassidy & Rebecca L. Powlan Leslie Chatham & Kathie Weston Terin Christensen Ed Cullen & Ann O'Connor James Cuthbertson Meredith Daane M Barbara & Tim Daniels M Jim & Julia Davidson Richard & Anita Davis Ilana DeBare & Sam Schuchat David & Helen Dichek Francine & Beppe Di Palma Becky Draper Susan English & Michael Kalkstein Bill & Susan Epstein, in honor of Marge Randolph Merle & Michael Fajans M

3 8 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

Cynthia A. Farner Lisa & Dave Finer Ann & Shawn Fischer Hecht Linda Jo Fitz M Patrick Flannery Jacques Fortier Thomas & Sharon Francis Herb & Marianne Friedman Don & Janie Friend, in honor of Bill & Candy Falik Christopher R. Frostad M James Gala Dennis & Susan Johann Gilardi Marjorie Ginsburg & Howard Slyter Daniel & Hilary B. Goldstine Phyllis & Gene Gottfried Robert & Judith Greber William James Gregory Garrett Gruener & Amy Slater Ms. Teresa Burns Gunther & Dr. Andrew Gunther Migsy & Jim Hamasaki Bob & Linda Harris Ruth Hennigar In memory of Vaughn & Ardis Herdell Howard Hertz & Jean Krois Richard N. Hill & Nancy Lundeen Bill Hofmann & Robbie Welling M The Hornthal Family Foundation, in honor of Susie Medak's leadership Rick Hoskins & Lynne Frame Paula Hughmanick & Steven Berger George & Leslie Hume Ingrid Jacobson Beth & Fred Karren Doug & Cessna Kaye Bill & Lisa Kelly Rosalind & Sung-Hou Kim Jean & Jack Knox Lynn Eve Komaromi, in honor of the Berkeley Rep Staff John Kouns & Anne Baele Kouns Robert Lane & Tom Cantrell Randy Laroche & David Laudon

Sherrill Lavagnino & Scott McKinney Andrew Leavitt & Catherine Lewis Ellen & Barry Levine Bonnie Levinson & Dr. Donald Kay Erma Lindeman Jennifer S. Lindsay Tom Lockard & Alix Marduel John Maccabee K Vonnie Madigan Elsie Mallonee Naomi & Bruce Mann Helen Marcus & David Williamson Lois & Gary Marcus Sumner & Hermine Marshall Rebecca Martinez Jill H. Matichak Erin McCune Kirk McKusick & Eric Allman M Dan Miller Andy & June Monach Scott Montgomery & Marc Rand Marvin & Neva Moskowitz Daniel Murphy & Ronald Hayden Judith & Richard Oken Sheldeen Osborne Joshua Owen & Katherine Robards Judy O’Young, MD & Gregg Hauser Matt Pagel & Corey Revilla Bob & MaryJane Pauley Tom & Kathy Pendleton David & Bobbie Pratt Carol Quimby-Bonan Andrew Raskopf & David Gunderman Sue Reinhold & Deborah Newbrun Bill Reuter & Ruth Major Maxine Risley, in memory of James Risley John & Jody Roberts Horacio & Angela Rodriguez Deborah Romer & William Tucker Boyard & Anne Rowe Enid & Alan Rubin, in honor of Rebecca Martinez Lisa Salomon & Scott Forrest Monica Salusky & John K. Sutherland

Jeane & Roger Samuelsen Stephen C. Schaefer Jackie & Paul Schaeffer Dan Scharlin & Sara Katz Joyce & Jim Schnobrich Neal Shorstein, MD & Christopher Doane, in honor of Gail Wagner, MD Mark Shusterman, M.D. Edie Silber & Steve Bomse Dave & Lori Simpson Amrita Singhal & Michael Tubach Cherida Collins Smith Ed & Ellen Smith M Sherry & David Smith M Sigrid Snider Vickie Soulier David G. Steele Andrew & Jody Taylor Alison Teeman & Michael Yovino-Young Susan Terris Pamela Gay Walker/ Ghost Ranch Productions Buddy & Jodi Warner Jonathan & Kiyo Weiss Beth Weissman Wendy Willrich Steven Winkel & Barbara Sahm Charles & Nancy Wolfram Ron & Anita Wornick Sam & Joyce Zanze Jane & Mark Zuercher

LEGEND K in-kind gift M matching gift We are pleased to recognize first-time donors to Berkeley Rep, whose names appear in italics.


Donors to the Annual Fund


$ 1,0 0 0 –1, 49 9

Anonymous (5) · Gertrude E. Allen, in memory of Robert Allen · Peggy & Don Alter · Pat Angell, in memory of Gene Angell · Ross E. Armstrong · Barbara Jones & Massey J. Bambara M · Leslie & Jack Batson · Patti Bittenbender · Dr. S. Davis Carniglia & Ms. M. Claire Baker · Paula Carrell · Stan & Stephanie Casper · Ed & Lisa Chilton · Patty & Geoff Chin · Terin Christensen · Phyllis Coring K · John & Izzie Crane M · Teri Cullen · Harry & Susan Dennis · Corinne & Mike Doyle · David & Monika Eisenbud · Paul Feigenbaum & Judy Kemeny · James Finefrock & Harriet Hamlin · Frannie Fleishhacker · Lisa Franzel & Rod Mickels · Donald & Dava Freed · Judith & Alex Glass · Ann Harriman, in memory of Malcolm White · Elaine Hitchcock · Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Isbell · Ken & Judith Johnson · Randall Johnson · Barbara E. Jones, in memory of William E. Jones · Thomas Jones · Christopher Killian & Carole Ungvarsky · Steve K. Kispersky · Janet Kornegay and Dan Sykes · Woof Kurtzman & Liz Hertz · William & Adair Langston · Linda Laskowski · Nancy & George Leitmann, in memory of Helen Barber · Jay & Eileen Love · Meg Manske · John E. Matthews · Brian & Britt-Marie Morris · Jerry Mosher · Margo Murray · Paul Newacheck · Claire Noonan & Peter Landsberger · Judy Ogle · Lynette Pang & Michael Man · Gerane Wharton Park · Charles R. Rice · Richard Rouse M · Mitzi Sales & John Argue · Seiger Family Foundation · Alice & Scott So · Joshua & Ruth Simon · Douglas Sovern & Sara Newmann · John St. Dennis & Roy Anati ·

We gratefully recognize the following members of the Annual Fund whose contributions were received from October to December 2015: S U PP O R T E R S

Gary & Jana Stein · Annie Stenzel · Michael Tilson Thomas & Joshua Robison · Pate & Judy Thomson · William van Dyk & Margi Sullivan · Deborah & Bob Van Nest · Lee Yearley & Sally Gressens



Anonymous (18) · Denny Abrams · Fred & Kathleen Allen · Robert & Evelyn Apte · Jerry & Seda Arnold · Gay & Alan Auerbach · Steven & Barbara Aumer-Vail · Todd & Diane Baker · Celia Bakke · Steve Benting & Margaret Warton · Richard & Kathy Berman · Robert Berman & Jane Ginsburg · Caroline Beverstock · Steve Bischoff · Ellen Brackman & Deborah Randolph · Diane Brett · Eric Brink & Gayle Vassar M · Jill Bryans · Wendy Buchen · Barbara & Robert Budnitz · Don Campbell and Family · Dr. Paula Campbell · Robert & Margaret Cant · Bruce Carlton · Carolle J. Carter & Jess Kitchens · Kim & Dawn Chase · Karen Clayton & Stephen Clayton · Dennis Cohen & Deborah Robison · Robert & Blair Cooter · Philip Crawford · Robert & Loni Dantzler · Pat & Steve Davis · Jacqueline Desoer · Noah & Sandra Doyle · Kristen Driskell · Linda Drucker & Lawrence Prozan M · Burton Peek Edwards & Lynne Dal Poggetto · Roger & Jane Emanuel · Meredith & Harry Endsley M · Gini Erck & David Petta · Michael Evanhoe · Malcolm D. Ewen · Brigitte & Louis Fisher · Jim & Cathy Fisher · Martin & Barbara Fishman · Patrick Flannery · Robert Fleri, in memory of Carole S. Pfeffer · Stephen Follansbee & Richard Wolitz · Midge Fox K · Dean Francis · Nancy H. Francis · Harvey &

Douglas Hill & Jae Scharlin · Tom Illgen & Rick Otto · Pauline Jue · Janice Kelly & Carlos Kaslow · Margaret Kendall, in memory of Cassandra Coates · Mary Ann Kiely · Carl & Ellie Kinczel · M. Kupcho & D. Hawksworth · Marilyn Leavitt · John Lee · Suzanne McCombs · Susan Moss · Judith Norberg · Bette Roberts-Collins · Archie & Geraldine Smith · Thomas Sponsler · Duncan Susskind K · Liz Varnhagen · Arthur Wiedmer · Claudia Wilken & John M. True


$ 2 5 0 –49 9

$ 75 –149

Anonymous (4) · Barbara Benware · Dan Brekke · Jane Buerger, in memory of Judith A. Schmitz · Michael & Sheila Cooper, in honor of Helen Barber · Dennis T. De Domenico & Sandra Brod · David Deutscher · Nancy E. Fleischer · Colette Ford · Philip Gary · Paul Goldstein & Dena Mossar · Helene Good · Kevin Hagerty & Candace del Portillo · Dorothy & Michael Herman · Julie Hooper · Corrina Jones · Sheila Keppel, in honor of Joe & Susan Cerny · Peggy Kivel · Thomas & Barbara Lasinski · James F. Pine · John & Anja Plowright · Carole Robinson & Zane O. Gresham · Barbara & Jerry Schauffler · Linda Schurer, in memory of Marge Ryder · Jon Sedmak · Beverly Stevens · Shirley Tice · Dick & Beany Wezelman · Ms. H. Leabah Winter, in memory of Barry Dorfman, MD · Rhoda Wolfe · Susan Wolin · Marti & Shelly Zedeck

Anonymous (4) · Gene & Penny Zee Agatstein · Kiran Arora · Eugene Bardach · Dale Barnes, in honor of John Jimerson & Kerry Francis · Karlotta Bartholomew & Aubrey Cramer · Pat & Gene, in honor of Djerassi Resident Artists Program · Brenda Beckett · Audrey M. Berger · Steven Bertozzi, in honor of Jane and Mike Larkin · Amanda E. Besaw · Beverly Blatt & David Filipek · Bertel Borowsky · Aida Brenneis · Ben Brown · Kathleen Brown · Sue Cannon · Bruce J. Carroll · Colston Chandler · Louise Coleman · Renate & Robert Coombs · Jeanne M. Cox · Conrad Dandridge K · Patricia Davis · Hiram & Eleanora De Witt, in honor of Zoltan De Witt · Jerome Dean · Jim & Mary Dorskind · Richard England · Alan Entine · Robin FeinmanMarino · Nancy Fenton · Marilyn Foreman · Jeffrey J. Foss · Mary & Doug Fraser · Angie Garling · Ellen Geringer & Chris Tarp · David Gettman · Roger & Joan Glassey · David & Christine Goldin · Gilbert & Sally Gradinger · Norman W. Harris III · Dee Hartzog · Carol & Tony Henning · Roy Henninger · Karen Hirsch & James Condit · Elizabeth Isaacs · Harlan & Pearl Kann · Lisa & David Kaplan · Steven & Judy Kazan · Kathryn Kersey · Carol Kizziah K · Neil & Peggy Kostick · Lakshmireddy Lakireddy · Louis J. Lavigne Jr · Deborah Lee ·


$ 15 0 –2 49

Anonymous (7) · Robert & Wendy Bergman · Robert & Barbara Brandriff · Nancy Catena, in memory of Anthony Catena · Steven Clark M · Susan G. Duncan, in memory of Marilyn Goodman · Jeanene E. Ebert · John Eckmann · Bill & Kathleen Failing · Caryll Farrer · Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Goldschlager · Cecille Gunst ·

Deana Freedman · Paul & Marilyn Gardner · Karl & Kathleen Geier · Glennis Lees & Michael Glazeski · Robert Goldstein & Anna Mantell · Susan & Jon Golovin · Jane Gottesman & Geoffrey Biddle · Linda Graham · Priscilla Green · Don & Becky Grether · Dan & Linda Guerra · John G. Guthrie · Ken & Karen Harley · Janet Harris · Dan & Shawna Hartman Brotsky M · Irene & Robert Hepps · Steven Horwitz K · Helmut H. Kapczynski & Colleen Neff · Patricia Kaplan · Marjorie & Robert Kaplan, in honor of Thalia Dorwick · Natasha Khoruzhenko & Olegs Pimenovs · Beth & Tim Kientzle M · Mary S. Kimball · Beverly Phillips Kivel · Jeff Klingman & Deborah Sedberry · Judith Knoll · Joan & David Komaromi · Yvonne Koshland · Jennifer Kuenster & George Miers · Natalie Lagorio · Almon E. Larsh Jr · Ray Lifchez · Renee M. Linde · Mark & Roberta Linsky · Bruce Maigatter & Pamela Partlow · Joan & Roger Mann · Sue & Phil Marineau · Marie S. McEnnis · Sean McKenna · Christopher McKenzie & Manuela Albuquerque · Brian McRee · Ruth Medak · Geri Monheimer · Rex Morgan & Greg Reniere · Ronald Morrison · Patricia Motzkin & Richard Feldman · Moule Family Fund · Ron Nakayama · Kris & Peter Negulescu · Jeanne E. Newman · Pier & Barbara Oddone, in memory of Michael Leibert · Peggy O'Neill · Carol J. Ormond · Mary Papenfuss & Roland Cline · Nancy Park · Brian D. Parsons · James Pawlak · P. David Pearson · Bob & Toni Peckham, in honor of Robert M. Peckham, Jr. · Lewis Perry · Suzanne Pierce, in honor of Carol D. Soc · James F. Pine M · F. Anthony Placzek · Gary F. Pokorny ·

Charles Pollack & Joanna Cooper · Susie & Eric Poncelet · Roxann R. Preston · Rich Price · Linda Protiva · Laurel & Gerald Przybylski · Dan & Lois Purkett · Kathleen Quenneville · David & Mary Ramos · Sheldon & Catherine Ramsay · Adam Rausch K · Helen Richardson · Wesley Richert · Paul & Margaret Robbins · Gary Roof & Douglas Light · Ronald & Karen Rose · Marie Rosenblatt · Geri Rossen · Jirayr & Meline Roubinian · Deborah Dashow Ruth, in memory of Leo P. Ruth · Eve Saltman & Skip Roncal, in honor of Kerry Francis & John Jimerson · Dorothy R. Saxe · Joyce & Kenneth Scheidig · Laurel Scheinman · Bob & Gloria Schiller · Mark Schoenrock & Claudia Fenelon · John & Lucille Serwa · Brenda Buckhold Shank, M.D., Ph.D. · Margaret Sheehy · Steve & Susan Shortell · Margaret Skornia · William & Martha Slavin M · Carra Sleight · Suzanne Slyman · Jerry & Dick Smallwood · Louis & Bonnie Spiesberger · Robert & Naomi Stamper · Herbert Steierman · Monroe W. Strickberger · Prof Jeremy Thorner & Dr. Carol Mimura · Karen Tiedemann & Geoff Piller · Gerald & Ruth Vurek · Jon K. Wactor · Adrian & Sylvia Walker · Louise & Larry Walker · Kate Walsh & Dan Serpico · Dena & Wayne Watson-Lamprey · William R. Weir · Robert & Sheila Weisblatt · Sallie Weissinger · Dr. Ben & Mrs. Carolyn Werner · Elizabeth Werter & Henry Trevor · Fred Winslow & Barbara Baratta · Laura & Ernest Winslow · Carol Katigbak Wong · Evelyn Wozniak · Moe & Becky Wright · Margaret Wu & Ciara Cox · Sandra Yuen & Lawrence Shore

Trudy & Rolf Lesem · Elizabeth S. Lindgren-Young & Robert Young · Annette C. Lipkin, in memory of Paul Lipkin · Nicole LoCicero · Katherine Luce & David Curran · John MacConaghy · Gail MacGowan · Joe & Joanne Magruder · Bonnie Malicki · Richard McCracken · Elizabeth McMillan · Joanne Medak, in honor of Susan Medak · Virginia M. Menezes · Shirley Negrin · Mr. & Mrs. James Nelson · Glen Nethercut & Gabriel Quinto · Sam Orr & Ann Lockett · Claire Perry & Giles Goodhead · Barbara Peterson · Marsha Phillips · Gail & Gerald Pogoriler · Barbara Porter · Donn Posner · Abdul M. Qabazard · Martin Quinn · William Rawson & Judith Sulsona · Phyllis & Steve Reinstein, in honor of Laurie Barnes · Dr. David Rovno · Jean & Alan Schoenfeld · Diane Schreiber & Bryan McElderry · Susan Schroeder · Dana & Peggy Shultz · Richard Shipps · Rochelle Sklansky · Patricia Smith · Anthony & Carol Somkin · Barbara Spack · Carol Stanek · Donald Stang & Helen Wickes · Clifford Staton · Alan & Charlene Steen · Anne & Douglas Stewart · Susanne Stoffel & Michael Coan · Jennifer Vetter · Patricia Walsh · Laurie Walter · Kate Weese · Debra Weintraub · Bonnie Willdorf

Broms · Nancy Bronstein · Richard Brown · Sally Brown · Virginia L. Brown · Logan Bruns · Molly Buckley · Lisa Cadwalader · Mahea Campbell · Emmanuel Candes · Nick E. Carr · Dr. Bruce & Susan Carter · Rowena Catoc · Stephanie Chan · Elvin Chong · Susan Christian · Bob Clark · Paula A. Clark · Duncan Cleminshaw · Raymond Cobane · Holly Cobbold · Susan Cohen · Judith S. Cohn · Michael Cohn · Mary & Matthew Connors · Maureen Cooper · Leslye Corsiglia · Cosette Craig · Julie Crane · Marissa Dacay · Audrey d'Andrea · Amar Das · Nancy Davis · Nils Davis · Kay Debs · Jennifer Dees · Peter Dessau · Marena Drlik · David Duke · Laurence M. Edmans · Yair Eilat · Elizabeth M. Elliott · Eileen R. Elrod · Robert F. Epstein · Reva Fabrikant · Paul Falk · Elizabeth Fallon · Michael and Beni Fein · Richard K. Feldman · Graham Finley · David & Fernanda Fisher · Morris & Debra Flaum · Lynn L. Fleming · Puanani Forbes · Freeman Ford · Gordon Freund · Dodi Friedenberg · Jean M. Furgerson · Denise Fuson · Krista Gager · Bonnie Gamble · Marjorie A. Gelus · Blake Gentry · Bernadette Geuy · Valerie Gilbert · Susan Gluss · Mr. & Dr. Martin Goldstein · Jack Goldthorpe · Bob Gomez · Blair Grabinsky · Anthony Granados · Rupert Gratz · Cynthia Gregory · Faye Guarienti · Jeffrey Guillory · Isabelle Guyon · Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hajjar · Elaine M. Halpin · Ana M. Hammons · Margaret Harrington · Anna Christine Harris · Joan Hauser · Darcy C. Hay · Ellen & Barry Hecht · Janet Heger · Richard Hendricks · Rodney & Kathryn Hero · Jeremy J. Hewes · Charles Hirschkind · Stephanie Holmes · Catherine Hughes · Shari Huhndorf · Enid Hunkeler · Andrea M. Hurley · Kathy Jessen · Joe Jiravisitcul · Kathleen A. Johnson · Sarah Johnson · Philippa J. Jones · Nancy M. Kalterdills · Heidi Marie Kate, in honor of Sheridan Appell · Carole Kaye · Michael


$ 1 –74

Anonymous (14) · Andrew M. Ach · Aneeta Akhurst · Graciela S. Alarcon · Michael Altshuler · Kim Amsbaugh · Richard Anderson · Vince Anicetti · Steve Ansiello · Paul Asente · Ketty Bacigalupi · Christine Bacon · Anne Bade & Michael Warburton · Lea Baechler-Brabo · Charles Belov · Ralph Benson · JJ Bergovoy · David & Carol Berluti · John Bernard · Molly Beyer · Rene & Ken Biba · Marty Birk · Garth Bixler · Odette Blachman · Barbara Boldy · Randy Borden · Catherine Boskoff · Eugene Bradley · Sarah Brann · Michael Braude · Mr. & Mrs. William Brinner · Nan Broadbent · Ellen

2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 3 9

BE R K E L E Y R E P T H A N K S Donors to the Annual Fund Khasin · Christine Kinavey · Mary King · Rick Kleine & Julie McNamara · Karin & Richard Kleiner · Lori R. Klumb · Karen Kocher · Joanne Koltnow · Janet Kornblum · Maria Lambert · Rita V. Lanphier · Zelda Laskowsky · Michael D. Lee · Julia Lennon · Daniel Lichtenberg · David Lindes · Bill Lokke · Blake Lyons · Kimberly Maas · Beatrice MacIntosh · Beth Maizes · Janice Maloney · Shujon Mao · Elise Marks · Laura Marlin · Siobhan M. Marzluft · Mary Mauck · Jennifer McDonald-Peltier · Patricia McVeigh · Steve Means · Edith Mendez · Jeffrey Miao · Hannah Miller · Robert Miller · Merrilee H. Mitchell · Philip J. Mitchell · Adrienne Moberly Vilaubi · Zachary Moore ·

Mark Morris · Mark Morris · Jane Mueller · Charles Munoz · Sharon Murphy · Dawn Nakashima · Brett S. Nelson · Michael Nelson · Kenneth Niven · David Norman & Kathy Dell · Carole Norris · Vivian Olsen · Donna Ornitz · Emily Ozer · Laura Buzzo Paratore · June Parina · Vijay Patri · Karen Pernet · David & Lisa Pontecorvo · Eugene P. Porter · David Posner · Rachel Prince · Marilyn Radisch · Jose A. Ramos · Mary Ratner · Jenny Ray · Freya & Mark Read · Cooper Reaves · Patricia Reed · Robert Remiker · Cynthia Richards · Ruth Richerson · John Richmond · Sandra Ried · Bert Robinson · Maria Romero & David Francis · Mirari Romero · Zephyr Y. Roos · Rio C.

Sustaining members as of December 2015:

Anonymous (6) Norman Abramson & David Beery Sam Ambler Carl W. Arnoult & Aurora Pan Ken & Joni Avery Nancy Axelrod Edith Barschi Neil & Gene Barth Susan & Barry Baskin Carole B. Berg Linda Brandenburger Broitman-Basri Family Jill Bryans Bruce Carlton & Richard G. McCall Stephen K. Cassidy Paula Champagne & David Watson Andrew Daly & Jody Taylor M. Laina Dicker Thalia Dorwick Rich & Robin Edwards Bill & Susan Epstein William Espey & Margaret Hart Edwards Carol & John Field Dr. Stephen E. Follansbee & Dr. Richard A. Wolitz

Roth-Barreiro · Sheila Rubin · Joseph W. Rudnicki · Karen Saenz · Mina Sagheb · Araceli Salcedo · Judy Salpeter · George J. Salvaggio · Katie Sanborn · Desiree Saraspi · Susan Sargent · Karen M. Scarpulla · Mark Schallert · Elena Schmid · Cathryn Schmidt · Steven F. Scholl · Andrea Scully · Carole Self · Martha Sellers · Lynn Seppala · Chewy Shaw · Lise Shelton · Leonard H. Sherman · Edna Shipley · Andie Shipman · Sheila Siegel · Lisette Silva & Hadrian Rivera · Jatinder Singh · Dan Slobin · Dana Smith · Timothy D. Smith · Janet Sovin, in memory of Flora Roberts · Rhonda Spencer · Margot Squier · Kevin Staid · Rosemary J. Stewart · Vladimir Stojanovic · Joseph Sturkey ·

Kerry Francis Dr. Harvey & Deana Freedman Joseph & Antonia Friedman Paul T. Friedman Dr. John Frykman Laura K. Fujii David Gaskin & Phillip McPherson Marjorie Ginsburg & Howard Slyter Mary & Nicholas Graves Elizabeth Greene Jon & Becky Grether Richard & Lois Halliday Julie & Paul Harkness Linda & Bob Harris Fred Hartwick Ruth Hennigar Douglas J. Hill Hoskins/Frame Family Trust Lynda & Dr. J. Pearce Hurley Robin C. Johnson Lynn Eve Komaromi Bonnie McPherson Killip Scott & Kathy Law Zandra Faye LeDuff Ines R. Lewandowitz Dot Lofstrom Dale & Don Marshall

Sylvie & Michael Sullivan · Jingru Sun · Carolyn Sweeney · Nicolas Taliaferro Abraham · Belinda Taylor · Andrew Temena · Norma Terrazas · Kai-Yao To · Kathleen Tobin · Chris V. Towles · Susan E. Trubow · Michael Tuomey · Cassie Tyler · Darren Van Blois · Myrna F. Vega · Teresa Villela · Alexandra Wall · Jonathan Wang · Jean Wasp · Diane Weber Shapiro · Phyllis Weinstock · Forest Weld · Scott Wentworth · Julie J. Wheat · Peter Whitehead · Bruce Williams · Larry Williams · Forrest L. Winslow · May Wong · Sumaiya Wood · TJ Worley · Donna E. Wyatt · Tom Yu

Sumner & Hermine Marshall Rebecca Martinez Suzanne & Charles McCulloch John G. McGehee Miles & Mary Ellen McKey Margaret D. & Winton McKibben Susan Medak & Greg Murphy Stephanie Mendel Toni Mester Shirley & Joe Nedham Pam & Mitch Nichter Sheldeen G. Osborne Sharon Ott Amy Pearl Parodi Barbara Peterson Regina Phelps Margaret Phillips Marjorie Randolph Bonnie Ring Living Trust Tom Roberts David Rovno Tracie E. Rowson Deborah Dashow Ruth Patricia Sakai & Richard Shapiro Betty & Jack Schafer Brenda Buckhold Shank, M.D., Ph.D. Valerie Sopher

Michael & Sue Steinberg Dr. Douglas & Anne Stewart Jean Strunsky Henry Timnick Guy Tiphane Phillip & Melody Trapp Janis Kate Turner Dorothy Walker Weil Family Trust—Weil Family Karen & Henry Work Martin & Margaret Zankel

Gifts received by Berkeley Rep:

Estate of Suzanne Adams Estate of Helen Barber Estate of Fritzi Benesch Estate of Nelly Berteaux Estate of Nancy Croley Estate of John E. & Helen A. Manning Estate of Richard Markell Estate of Gladys Perez-Mendez Estate of Margaret Purvine Estate of Peter Sloss Estate of Harry Weininger Estate of Grace Williams

Members of this Society, which is named in honor of Founding Director Michael W. Leibert, have designated Berkeley Rep in their estate plans. Unless the donor specifies otherwise, planned gifts become a part of Berkeley Rep’s endowment, where they will provide the financial stability that enables Berkeley Rep to maintain the highest standards of artistic excellence, support new work, and serve the community with innovative education and outreach programs, year after year, in perpetuity. For more information on becoming a member, visit our website at or contact Daria Hepps at 510 647-2904 or

4 0 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4


BE R K E L E Y R E P STA F F Michael Leibert Artistic Director Tony Taccone ARTISTIC Director of Casting & Artistic Associate Amy Potozkin Director, The Ground Floor/ Resident Dramaturg Madeleine Oldham Literary Manager Sarah Rose Leonard Ground Floor Visiting Artistic Associate SK Kerastas TCG Artist-in-Residence Reggie D. White Associate Artist Liesl Tommy Artists under Commission David Adjmi · Todd Almond · Christina Anderson · Glen Berger · Julia Cho · Jackie Sibblies Drury · Rinne Groff · Dave Malloy · Lisa Peterson · Joe Waechter P R ODUC T ION Production Manager Peter Dean Associate Production Manager Amanda Williams O’Steen Company Manager Jean-Paul Gressieux S TAG E M A NAG E M E N T Production Stage Manager Michael Suenkel Stage Managers Leslie M. Radin · Karen Szpaller · Julie Haber · Kimberly Mark Webb Production Assistants Amanda Mason · Sofie Miller · Betsy Norton S TA G E OP E R AT ION S Stage Supervisor Julia Englehorn P R OP E R T I E S Properties Supervisor Jillian A. Green Associate Properties Supervisor Gretta Grazier Properties Artisan Viqui Peralta S C E N E S HOP Technical Director Jim Smith Assistant Technical Director Matt Rohner Shop Foreman Sam McKnight Master Carpenters Patrick Keene Jamaica Montgomery-Glenn SCENIC ART Charge Scenic Artist Lisa Lázár COSTUMES Costume Director Maggi Yule Associate Costume Director/ Hair and Makeup Supervisor Amy Bobeda

Managing Director Susan Medak

Draper Alex Zeek Tailor Kathy Kellner Griffith First Hand Janet Conery Wardrobe Supervisor Barbara Blair

Box Office Manager Richard Rubio Ticket Services Supervisor Samanta Cubias Box Office Agents Sophia Brady · Nathan Brown · Christina Cone · Julie Gotsch · Eliza Oakley

ELECTRICS Master Electrician Frederick C. Geffken Production Electricians Christine Cochrane Kenneth Coté

M A R K E T I NG & C OM M U N I C AT ION S Director of Marketing, Communications, and Patron Engagement Polly Winograd Ikonen Director of Public Relations Tim Etheridge Marketing Director Peter Yonka Art Director Nora Merecicky Communications Manager Karen McKevitt Audience Development Manager Sarah Nowicki Webmaster Christina Cone Video & Multimedia Producer Christina Kolozsvary Program Advertising Ellen Felker Interim Senior House Manager Debra Selman Assistant House Managers Jessica Charles · Steven Coambs · Aleta George · Tuesday Ray · Ayanna Makalani · Mary Cait Hogan · Sarah Mosby Interim Concessions Manager Hugh Dunaway Concessionaires Jessica Bates · Samantha Burse · Steven Coambs · Alisha Ehrlich · Sarah Mosby · Benjamin Ortiz · Jenny Ortiz · Sandy Valois

S OU N D A N D V I DE O Sound Supervisor James Ballen Sound Engineers Angela Don Annemarie Scerra Video Supervisor Alex Marshall A DM I N I S T R AT ION Controller Suzanne Pettigrew General Manager Theresa Von Klug Associate General Manager/ Human Resources Manager David Lorenc Director of Technology Gustav Davila Associate Managing Director/ Manager, The Ground Floor Sarah Williams Executive Assistant Andrew Susskind Bookkeeper Kristine Taylor Payroll Administrator Rhonda Scott Systems & Applications Director Diana Amezquita Systems Assistant Debra Wong Yale Management Fellow Adam Frank DE V E L OPM E N T Director of Development Lynn Eve Komaromi Associate Director of Development Daria Hepps Director of Individual Giving Laura Fichtenberg Director of Special Events Julie Cervetto Special Events Manager Kelsey Hogan Individual Giving Manager Joanna Taber Development Database Coordinator Jane Voytek Development Operations Associate Beryl Baker Executive Assistant Emma Nicholls B OX OF F I C E Ticket Services Director Destiny Askin Subscription Manager Laurie Barnes

Gendell Hing-Hernández · Andrew Hurteau · Ben Johnson · Bruce Ladd · Julian Lopez-Morillas · Dave Maier · Reid McCann · Jack Nicolaus · Keith Pinto · Marty Pistone · Amy Potozkin · Diane Rachel · Christian Roman · Rolf Saxon · Elyse Shafarman · Rebecca Stockley · Elizabeth Vega Jan and Howard Oringer Teaching Artists Bobby August Jr. · Erica Blue · Rebecca Castelli · Jiwon Chung · Sally Clawson · Laura Derry · Deborah Eubanks · Nancy Gold · Gary Graves · Marvin Greene · Susan-Jane Harrison · Gendell Hing-Hernández · Andrew Hurteau · Julian López-Morillas · Dave Maier · Patricia Miller · Edward Morgan · Jack Nicolaus · Slater Penney · Marty Pistone · Diane Rachel · Christian Roman · Rolf Saxon · Elyse Shafarman · Rebecca Stockley · Elizabeth Vega · James Wagner Teen Core Council Bridey Bethards · Carmela Catoc · Fiona Deane-Grundman · Lucy Curran · Tess DeLucchi · Devin Elias · Adin Gilman-Cohen · Max Hunt · Michael Letang · Joi Mabrey · Genevieve Saldanha · Christian Santiago · Maya Simon · Chloe Smith Docent Co-Chairs Matty Bloom, Content Joy Lancaster, Recruitment Selma Meyerowitz, Off-Sites and Procedures Aubergine Docents Joy Lancaster, Lead Docent Francine Austin · Michelle Barbour · Carol Dembling · Ellen Kaufman · Dee Kursh · Rebecca Woolis

201 5–16 B E R K E L E Y R E P FELLOWSHIPS Bret C. Harte Directing Fellow Molly Houlahan Company Management Fellow Emilie Pass Costume Fellow Anna Slotterback OP E R AT ION S Development/Fundraising Fellow Facilities Director Loren Hiser Mark Morrisette Education Fellow Facilities Manager Jamie Yuen-Shore Lauren Shorofsky Graphic Design Fellow Building Engineer Itzel Ortuño Thomas Tran Harry Weininger Sound Fellow Maintenance Technician Sam Fisher Johnny Van Chang Lighting/Electrics Fellow Facilities Assistants Harrison Pearse Burke Sophie Li · Carlos Mendoza · James Posey · Jesus Rodriguez · LeRoy Thomas Marketing & Communications Fellow Lorenz Angelo Gonzales BERKELEY REP S C HO OL OF T H E AT R E Peter F. Sloss Literary/ Dramaturgy Fellow Director of the School of Theatre Katie Craddock Rachel L. Fink Production Management Fellow Associate Director Katherine DeVolt MaryBeth Cavanaugh Properties Fellow Community Programs Manager Samantha Visbal Anthony Jackson Scenic Art Fellow Registrar Melanie Treuhaft Katie Riemann Community Programs Administrator Scenic Construction Fellow Shannon Perry Modesta Tamayo Stage Management Fellow Faculty James McGregor Alva Ackley · Susan-Jane Harrison · Bobby August Jr. · Erica Blue · Rebecca Castelli · Jiwon Chung · Sally Clawson · Laura Derry · Deborah Eubanks · Maria Frangos · Christine Germain · Nancy Gold · Gary Graves · Marvin Greene ·

President Stewart Owen Vice Presidents Roger A. Strauch Jean Z. Strunsky Treasurer Emily Shanks Secretary Leonard X Rosenberg. Chair, Trustees Committee Jill Fugaro Chair, Audit Committee Kerry L. Francis Immediate Past President Thalia Dorwick, PhD Board Members Carrie Avery Edward D. Baker Martha Ehmann Conte David Cox Robin Edwards Lisa Finer David Fleishhacker Paul T. Friedman Karen Galatz Bruce Golden David Hoffman Jonathan C. Logan Susan Karp Jane Marvin Sandra R. McCandless Susan Medak Pamela Nichter Richard M. Shapiro Tony Taccone Gail Wagner Felicia Woytak Past Presidents Helen C. Barber A. George Battle Carole B. Berg Robert W. Burt Shih-Tso Chen Narsai M. David Nicholas M. Graves Richard F. Hoskins Jean Knox Robert M. Oliver Marjorie Randolph Harlan M. Richter Richard A. Rubin Edwin C. Shiver Roger A. Strauch Martin Zankel Sustaining Advisors Carole B. Berg Rena Bransten Diana J. Cohen William T. Espey William Falik John Field Nicholas M. Graves Scott Haber Richard F. Hoskins Carole Krumland Dale Rogers Marshall Helen Meyer Dugan Moore Mary Ann Peoples Peter Pervere Marjorie Randolph Pat Rougeau Patricia Sakai Jack Schafer William Schaff Michael Steinberg Michael Strunsky Martin Zankel

F OU N DI NG DI R E C T OR Michael W. Leibert Producing Director, 1968–83

2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 4 1



Please arrive on time. Late seating is not guaranteed.

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Emergency exits Please note the nearest exit. In an emergency, walk—do not run —to the nearest exit.

No food or glassware in the house Beverages in cans or cups with lids are allowed.

Accessibility Both theatres offer wheelchair seating and special services for those with vision or hearing loss. Assistive listening devices are available at no charge in both theatre lobbies. Scripts are available in the box office.

No smoking The use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in Berkeley Rep’s buildings and courtyard. berkeleyrep


@berkeleyrep berkeleyrep

We’re mobile! Download our free iPhone or Google Play app — or visit our mobile site —to buy tickets, read the buzz, watch video, and plan your visit.

Tickets/box office Box office hours: noon–7pm, Tue–Sun Call 510 647-2949 Click anytime Fax: 510 647-2975 Under 30? Half-price advance tickets! For anyone under the age of 30, based on availability. Proof of age required. Some restrictions apply. Senior/student rush Full-time students and seniors 65+ save $10 on sections A and B. One ticket per ID, one hour before showtime. Proof of eligibility required. Subject to availability. Group tickets Bring 10–14 people and save $5 per ticket; bring 15 or more and save 20%. And we waive the service charge. Entourage tickets If you can bring at least 10 people, we’ll give you a code for 20% off tickets to up to five performance dates. Learn more at Student matinee Tickets are just $10 each. Learn more at For group, Entourage, and student matinee tickets, please call us at 510 647-2918. Sorry, we can’t give refunds or offer retroactive discounts.

Educators Bring Berkeley Rep to your school! Call the School of Theatre at 510 647-2972 about free and low-cost workshops for elementary, middle, and high schools. Call Sarah Nowicki at 510 647-2918 for $10 student-matinee tickets. Call the box office at 510 647-2949 about discounted subscriptions for preschool and K–12 educators.

Ticket exchange Subscribers may exchange their tickets for another performance of the same show— for free! Online or by phone. Nonsubscribers may also exchange their tickets, but an exchange fee and reasonable restrictions will apply, by phone or in person only. All exchanges can be made until 7pm the day preceding the scheduled performance. All exchanges are made on a seat-available basis.

Request information To request mailings or change your address, write to Berkeley Rep, 2025 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704; call 510 647-2949; email; or click If you use Gmail, Yahoo, or other online email accounts, please authorize patronreply@

Please keep perfume to a minimum Many patrons are sensitive to the use of perfumes and other scents. Phones / electronics / recordings Please make sure your cell phone or watch alarm will not beep. Use of recording equipment or taking of photographs in the theatre is strictly prohibited. Please do not touch the set or props You are welcome to take a closer look, but please don’t step onto the stage. Bringing children to the Theatre Many Berkeley Rep productions are unsuitable for young children. Please inquire before bringing children to the Theatre. All attendees must have a ticket: no lap-sitting and no babes in arms.

Theatre maps RO DA

stage stage

PE E T ' S

stage stage



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seating sections: premium premium a a b b seating sections: OSHER STUDIO


seating sections: 42 · T H E B E R K E L E Y R E P M AG A Z I N E · 2 0 1 5 –1 6 · I S S U E 4

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A.C.T.'s WINTER/SPRING season— 4 - P L AY P A C K A G E S S TA R T AT $ 1 3 A P L AY .







Chester Bailey

Photo by Kevin Berne






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