Y outhI nstitute
2012 CBA YI ISSUE 001
of contents
Letter to the Editor by Pegah 2 Be Yourself by Akiha Uesugi......................................................................................... pg. 3 Soccer & Youth by Alexis Martinez............................................................................. pg. 4 Sleep by Amy Li.............................................................................................................. pg. 5 The Effects of Music On Humans by Breonna Johnson............................................. pg. 6 The Effects of the Adoption System on Children by De’zha Boyton....................... pg. 7 My Fixed Life by Gus Guerrero.................................................................................... pg. 8 My First Paintball Experience by Jamari Chappelle.................................................. pg. 9 Vocaloid by Jasmine Marie Thorpe............................................................................. pg. 10 It’s More Than a Game by Jeremiah Holmes.............................................................. pg. 11 Overpopulation by Krystal Bautista.......................................................................... pg. 12 True Leadership by Liwei Zhang................................................................................ pg. 13 The Absent Dad by Malinallilzin Medina................................................................. pg. 14 The Guitar Buyers’ Guide by Mason Gutierrez........................................................ pg. 15 Gansta Rappers by Nicholas Turner.......................................................................... pg. 16 Anarchy and What It Is by Nikolasi Niumeitolu...................................................... pg. 17 Long Gone by Raynette Shields.................................................................................. pg. 18 Crack Cocaine by Ronvonnie Clark........................................................................... pg. 19 Making a Rock Band by Stephane Munoz................................................................ pg. 20 Miyazaki Hayao by Stephon Brewster........................................................................ pg. 21 Butterfly Children by Thamar Leon........................................................................... pg. 22 Without a Dad by Troy Maurice Gilder..................................................................... pg. 23 Supporting Teen Health by Veronica Smith.............................................................. pg. 24 How Can Video Games Help Teens? by Warren Situ.............................................. pg. 25 Thank You to Our Sponsors....................................................................................... pg. 26 Class Logo and Quote................................................................................................. pg. 27 Class Photo................................................................................................................... pg. 28
SUMMER · 2012
Letter to the Editor:
The Youth Institute is a leadership, job readiness program offered to teens
seeking extra support. The program exposes youth to cutting edge technology, life skills mentoring, job readiness, academic excellence, and a wilderness retreat that strengthens team-building, problem solving, and self-efficacy skills. The program has two components, a summer immersion and a school-year internship program. The intensive eight-week summer workshop commences with a one-week wilderness retreat in Kings Canyon and culminates in group-produced publishable magazines and professionally produced videos. During the summer weeks, students are guided in how to use programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Garage Band, Final Cut Pro, and In-Design, as well instructed on the basics of filming and photography. The school-year internship combines the skills learned during the summer with social responsibility and a passion for learning. I understand the Youth Institute as a marriage of the old world and the new world—a union of our past and what lays in our future—and the opportunity to allow both paradigms to coexist in our everyday activities and vrelationships. The unlikely pairing of the wilderness with technology are the techniques for manifesting this balance. In the woods, among the trees, under the stars, sitting around the fire, teens return to another time. Their instinct is uncovered. Their truths are exposed. They are given the words to describe the importance of ritual and tradition. When they return to the city and enter the tech lab wvith cutting edge technology, they do so grounded in what the woods have taught them. The stories we hear at the Youth Institute are powerful. I am always moved to silence and respect for these kid’s experiences. I have been in youth work for a number of years, and the thing I see over and over again is that we don’t prepare our youth for adulthood. We don’t guide them and we don’t welcome them. I like to think of the Youth Institute is an initiation rite for teens. It is a place for those that have never experienced a childhood and need to return so that they can cross into adulthood. It is also a home for those that have been waiting to transition but haven’t had the tools to do so. Running the Berkeley Youth Institute is my job, but I love it more than just a job. Everyday I am able to consciously choose to be there. No matter how powerful the experience, how fun the activities, how difficult the process, at the end of the day each person involved has to make a deliberate choice to be there and when that happens, a community forms. This magazine is a reflection and celebration of the class of 2012 coming together and moving forward as a cohesive group.
Pegah Rahmanian
Program Manager for the Youth Institute, Berkeley, CA
SUMMER · 2012
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SUMMER 路 2012
soccer & youth written by: Alexis Martinez
“life is like a game of soccer, you need goals!”
When soccer came into my life I was just a kid looking for another game to play. If you had told me soccer would have a huge impact in my life I wouldn’t have believed you. I played one game and I was hooked. I mean who wouldn’t be, soccer is beautiful. The effect of soccer is huge. Just think about FIFA, we all come together to watch our preferred teams at their worst and their best. There are always discussions on patriotism but in the end we all come together for one amazing thing. Soccer. Life is all about problems and obstacles we must go through and overcome. If you use soccer as a metaphor for life, the playing field is where everything comes to play. It takes teamwork, skill, and balance to get to the other side of the field and make a goal. As a player it’s up to you to use these things to your advantage. In my life and for other youth, in general, soccer is used as a form entertainment and competition but it also has effects on your life. You learn that you need to have goals and it helps you realize you can accomplish them if you try and practice hard enough. In your teen years there are many things going on in your life. Things will get messy and tangled but for me soccer helps balance things out. When I play soccer everything else disappears. It’s suddenly just you, the wet grass beneath you, and the ball. The moment is just so perfect and it cancels everything out. These moments are what help me and many other youth go through any rough day. They help me clear my mind so I can
concentrate more in school, pay attention, follow orders, and just do anything I need to do. Soccer is what helps me balance everything so I can have that peace in my life in order to get things done and succeed. Soccer has the ability to shape us and make our own ‘play’ to take on the world and reach our goals for the whole world to see. In the end soccer is what helps many youth accomplish their goals and maintain peace in their life. So, soccer is not only a sport it’s more than that. It’s something that brings everyone together to do great things. It’s a way of life.
SUMMER · 2012
It’s Good For You Written By Amy Li
As Mr. Temurr looked at James, he wondered why James wasn’t raising his hand for the questions. James was usually the most energetic of his students and the most engaged. Then he realized. James was about to fall asleep. Perhaps last night he had a smashing party till the wee hours of the morning. Perhaps he had to go to the ER because his sister had crashed her car. Whatever the circumstances might have been, it still meant that he hadn’t gone to sleep last night. How many other students hadn’t slept? Too many. These days, too many teenagers aren’t sleeping enough. All the new technology and all the homework left too late (among other things) distract them from sleep. Then, they have to wake up early for school. Sleep moves to the bottom of the priority list. Teens need to understand that sleep is one of the most important activities needed to function. Sleep deprivation has many consequences. Your appearance changes…not for the better. Your eyes change first. They become bloodshot and red rimmed, and then bags appear underneath. Add on the common dark circles, and your face starts looking severely unhealthy. Your skin dulls and -Wilson becomes prone to acne. The body needs energy to stay awake for long periods, so teens tend to snack at night and overeat, leading to weight gain. Also, if you get sick, your healing time gets longer as your body is tired and your immune system can’t fight as well against the threat. In addition, attitude changes with the level of sleep you have. When teens don’t get enough sleep they usually become grumpy, irritated, and frustrated. In the afternoon, this effect is heightened, as it has been several hours since you woke up. Your body is feeling tired again—you have no more energy . You tend to argue a lot more and feel lazy, not wanting to get up and play or do your homework. But if you got more sleep, you could avoid all of this. Sleep pills usually don’t work as well as a set sleeping pattern and system. Here are some tips to make sure you get the best sleep you can.
First, you must establish a sleep system. Many people complain that it’s hard for them to fall asleep. By using a sleep system, you can teach your body to recognize when to fall asleep and prepare it to get into a calm and relaxed sleep mode. Just make sure to use this system consistently, every night. Keep in mind that all of the following steps happen in the hour or two before bed. Turn off all technology and bright lights. Don’t text anyone, don’t go on Facebook, and don’t watch that latest episode of New Girl. Bright screens and lights are very stimlating to your brain and hurt your eyes if used too long. Secondly, don’t do your homework. Do it right after you get home from school in the afternoon. Leaving homework to the last minute is stressful and sometimes even the homework itself is stressful—which is not conducive to the relaxation sleep mode you’re trying to attain. Also, don’t exercise, because your body will be geared up and your blood pumping quickly. This makes you restless and will make it hard for you to stay in bed. Exercise after you finish your homework in the afternoon. Do passive activities instead: draw, listen/play soothing music, or meditate. Let your mind relax in the aftermath of the day. Make sure that your bedroom is suitable for sleeping, too. Adjust the temperature to a comfortable level (remember you have blankets too). Purchase blackout curtains so that no outside light can penetrate. If you dislike having complete silence, use a white noise maker or put some very quiet, soothing music on. The last thing to consider before you implement this routine is when to implement it. The average teenager needs about 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep Mizener each night. Take in account how much time you have to use to prepare for the day, and when you have to leave the house. Count backwards until you find your bedtime. One or two hours before this will suffice for your sleep system. In conclusion, teenagers should sleep more so that they can properly engage in social and academic life. Not sleeping enough is detrimental to both appearance and attitude. By properly using a sleep system and establishing a pattern, there will be a lot less irritable teens at three o’clock in the afternoon.
“The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.“
References CC00019/NSECTIONGROUP=2
The Effects Of Music On Humans Breonna Johnson By
Is music an influence on people? Does it affect mood? Does it affect learning capability? Throughout my life I’ve depended on music as a stress reliever, as inspiration, and as a way to escape from the outside world. Music can tell stories. But are people listening? I will be taking a closer look at whether or not music does in fact have more of an impact on people’s lives than they realize. Not many people notice that music is another form of story telling. To me, every song has a story. I went to an orchestra concert a couple of years ago, where I first heard classical music. It was the first time I had heard music without lyrics. Yet, through the change in tempo, the time signature, and volume of each instrument; it was as if the instruments were talking to one another. Since that concert, the way I listened to music has changed. I found that I was curious, not only about the story a song was telling through its lyrics, but also the meaning behind the beat. The instrumentals can more clearly draw out the emotion of a song and allow the listener to get lost in the music. I know for myself, that music can change my mood. For example, when I am getting ready to go to school in the morning. I need to find energy to make it through the day, so I listen to high energy, peppy songs. I’ve wondered if other people found that music could affect their mood, so I looked at research done by Stratton and Zalanowski, professors of music psychology, who asked students that very same question: Does music affect your mood? Their research found that, “music increases all positive emotions”. Music has the ability to put people to sleep, to energize themselves, and people use music to form a safety zone. In all these moments, music is changing our mood from awake to asleep, from lazy to energized, and from uncomfortable to comfortable. Music is powerful. According to an article, ‘Music Tones Improve Learning’ people who play instruments do well in academics. Those trained in instruments tend to have more listening skills. This makes sense to me because, as a musician, you must be able to listen to a song and then duplicate it. Every time you play that instrument or listen to songs, you are practicing your listening
skills. Those with learning disorders can actually do well in school if they have musical training, as stated in the article, “Music training seems to strengthen the same neural processes that often are deficient in individuals with developmental dyslexia or who have difficulty hearing speech in noise.” Academically, people can greatly benefit from learning how to play an instrument. I play the piano and have developmental dyslexia, but because of my piano lessons I am proficient in school, regardless of my dyslexia. I believe I owe this to music. In conclusion, music has proven to be very influential on people. It affects your mood. It can affect your learning abilities. And it also tells stories that, if you’re willing to listen, you can catch. For more curious eyes, online articles to look at are: htmld can enhance your en202/papers03/sacriponte.htm
SUMMER · 2012
The Effects of The Adoption System on Children By De’zha Boyton
Hello Reader, let me ask you something, have you ever heard of adoption? If so, have you ever wondered how it affects a young child? I’m going to be honest with you, I know I’ve wondered about it. I feel and think that adoption is a very serious matter. There are many children in the adoption system. It is hard to think it’s fair that some children live with their birth parents and adopted children don’t. I believe that every child should belong to someone that will love them and care for them. Often times, people think that adoption is a negative thing. Like most things, however, adoption has its good and its bad parts. In this article, I will be talking about how adoption affects the mind and the lives of children in the system. Adoption is an option mostly thought of at the birth of a child or when a home is not stable enough for a child to live in. According to “People who have been adopted are coming forward to talk or write about their experiences of being adopted. Even those who are adopted as newborns, at times, experience a loss of the early bond created to the mother.” This loss may not become apparent until the child is older and able to understand the consequences of not having their birth parents in their lives. The factsheet examines the impact of adoption on adopted individuals that have reached adulthood. While it is difficult to make conclusions about a large and diverse group of people, adopted people generally lead lives that are no different from the life of a non-adopted person. They do, however, have experiences that are unique to being adopted. These experiences will have an impact throughout their lives Adoption has its positive side also. According to www. “Knowing what ways adoption can affect children can help the children and the adoptive parents be more prepared for the various issues that may arise.” Adoption gives a permanent home to those who didn’t previously have one. It provides a loving, caring family to children who otherwise would probably only have a series of foster families, who may or may not treat the child properly, and who he/ she would have to leave frequently. The positive affects of a stable and constant family and home can’t be underestimated. In fact, research has shown that those adopted with a safe home and family life are more successful than adults who do not. In conclusion, adoption has its negative and positive impacts. Adopted or not, in the eyes of a child, a family is the most important aspect of their lives.
My Fixed
Life by Gus Guerrero
I have had a fixie (slang for fixed gear bike) for two years now.When I first saw one I thought it was the coolest thing ever. For a month I tried to figure out what they were. One day my older brother showed me what a fixie was, I tried to find out everything there was to know about fixies. I learned about their culture and history. I soon persuaded my mom to buy me a fixie. Once I got it I began to ride it everywhere and I felt proud to be the one riding instead of the one daydreaming of riding a fixie. Fixies soon became a part of me and it’s something I enjoy a lot.
Bikes have been apart of my life since childhood. I had never thought of my family as lower middle class when I was a kid. It wasn’t until I got older that I understood the reality of things. It wasn’t until our second car was repossessed that my family became more reliant on bikes. Since my mom had the longest commute to work, she drove our car. My father, siblings, and I had to ride our bikes everywhere. Unlike most kids at my school, I had to rely on myself to get anywhere as opposed to relying on my parents to drive me everywhere. It is then that I began to appreciate bikes more and began to like riding bikes instead of driving. My bike has been a big part of my life as a middle schooler. It has shown people that I am above stereotypes surrounding me. My fixie is my biggest source of pride. It has seperated me from others around. It has helped to boost my self- esteem in a school where most kids are privileged. This bike has had a positive impact on my life.
Like many working class people, bikes are a big part of my life. Some working class people can’t afford to buy a car, so they rely on bikes. Even with bikes, they are challenged by traffic regulations and dangerous streets. There are bad drivers out there who drive like they own the road. You are allowed to ride on the road but it’s too dangerous because of cars. So where are you allowed to ride? The sidewalk, but guess what? The sidewalk is meant for pedestrians not bicycles. You are also less likely to have run ins with the police on a bike than a flashy car or an SUV. Thanks to bikes, working class people can commute even if they can’t afford cars. SUMMER · 2012
My first paintball experience In 1976, a man named Evan Thompson came back from an African safari. Inspired by both his recent experience and a short story titled “The Most Dangerous Game”, Thompson organized the first paintball game along with others using guns meant to mark livestock and cattle. Not too long after that, Evan Thompson’s friend Bob Gursney started the National Survey Game Company. This is the first company that specifically made and sold paintball guns. The original name for a paintball gun is “paintball marker.” The terrain that people play on could be outdoors or indoors. Paintballs are gel orbs that hold a water-soluble dye. And the basic point of the game is to hit people on bulls-eye patterns on these vests they wear. The paintballs leave a noticeable mark that lets everybody know that a person has been hit.
Everyone has their passion, something they attach to. For me, paintball is more than just a passing fad. It lets me get all of my competitive aggression out. I’m normally a passive guy, but when on a paintball course I can let out all of my anger. I make it a point to always win, to never be hit. It becomes second nature to walk away with my paintball vest untouched. It’s an indescribable feeling when I’m the last one standing. Winning is more than just making it through every round, it’s about being the best. When I’m on a course, I feel like I know what I’m doing. I’m in my element, like I’m more than just a teenager.
The first time anybody gets shot, it hurts. But just with about any sport, the more you play the more you can get used to the sting. A paintball gun by itself doesn’t weigh too much. The paintball gun I use to play with, named “Project Salvo”, weighs 5 lbs. But a paintball gun is an extension of the user, so it’s built to be customized. With all of the customizations I’ve made, it’s substantially gotten heavier. Though partly for the looks, I’ve added parts to my gun that makes me more competitive. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve become one with my paintball gun. 9
SUMMER · 2012
Written By: Jasmine Marie Thorpe
A vocaloid is a singing synthesizer (a synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument capable of creating a vast variety of sounds. They can mimic just about any instrument). The leader of a small joint project, Kenmochi Hideki created a software program called “Vocaloid”, which was supported by Yamaha Corporation. The program was initially known as “Frequency-domain Singing Articulation Splicing and Shaping.” This software was built to help users create songs by typing in some lyrics and melodies. It uses synthesizing technology and recorded voices of voice actors or singers. A piano roll-type interface is used to create the music, and then the lyrics can be input into each note. This software enables the ability to change the stress of pronunciation, added effects like vibrato, or even change to the dynamics and tones of the recorded voice. The synthesizer technology is categorized as concatenative synthesis, which takes small amounts of recorded human voices from the recording at the correct frequency domain and processes them. Widely known as a “singer in a box,” the multiple Vocaloid programs were designed to replace actual singers. Initially, the software was only available in English and Japanese, but Vocaloid 3 allows the uses of Spanish, Chinese, and Korean languages. The versions Vocaloid and Vocaloid 2 programs are not designed for reading text, but for singing. They cannot recognize shouts or whispers either. Yamaha began improving them beginning March 2000. They introduced Vocaloid 2 in 2007 and created Vocaloid 2 apps for iPhones and iPads. After this, Vocaloid 3 was then made available to the public on October 21st. Vocaloid 3 has “Triphone” support unlike Vocaloid 2. Triphone is a sequence of 3 phenomes, which are important parts of natural human language. The Vocaloid freeware was intended for professional musicians and light computer users to make use of. Another use in the past has been the use of Vocaloid in various songs as backup singers. Hatsune Miku is a widely known vocaloid that was created by Crypton Future Media. Miku has a female persona that utilizes the Yamaha Vocaloid 2 technology. Her name comes from a Japanese fusion of first sound (hatsu-ne) and future (miku). This refers to her position as the first Vocaloid of Crypton’s “Character Vocaloid Series.” She is also known to be the second vocaloid to be sold using the Vocaloid 2 engine, yet she is the first sold Japanese vocaloid of that engine. Miku’s voice has been sampled from the Japanese voice actress’, Saki Fujita, vocals. Kei Garō, a manga artist, was given the task of creating Miku’s image. He only directed that she is an android and what her clothing colors are. The bars and colors on her boots and clothes were based on the software’s colors and bars that were used within the program’s user interface. He added a “01” on her upper left arm to symbolize her status as Series One of Crypton’s series. She is known to be 16 years of age, 5.2 feet tall, and 93 pounds. Her specialized genre of music is known as pop/dance. Crypton did not provide Miku’s personality, which let the fans and music video creators perceive what traits suit her best. Many of her fans are young adults because of her appearance. This present generation is more interested in Western culture and entertainment such as anime and manga. After all, Miku’s appearance was created by a manga artist!
“Widely known as a ‘singer in a box’ ” SUMMER · 2012
It's More Than a Game by Jeremiah Holmes
Dr. James Naismith is known world wide as the creator of basketball. He was born on 1861, in Ramsay Township, near Almont, Ontario, Canada. Naismith went to McGill University in Montreal, Canada. When Naismith was studying at McGill, D.A. Budge had a large influence on him. Budge had worked as the secretary of the YMCA in Montreal, which made Naismith want to work there as well. After Naismith served as Athletic Director at McGill, he went to the YMCA training school in Springfield, Massachusetts. Naismith wanted to create a game of skill to teach students how to play more advanced games than they usually played. The first basketball game was played indoors during the winter. He made three rules for the game of basketball. These rules were made simple with just a basketball and basket. 11
1. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never with the fists. 2. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be used for holding 3. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count as a goal for the other opponent. As you can see, the sport of basketball has evolved over time. Since it’s creation in 1946, simple to large changes have been made. Goals are now called points. The NBA (National Basketball Association) has been created from small pick up games across Canada. The moves that we do today differ from when basketball was first played. We now have crossovers, dunks, windmills, and spin moves to name a few examples. These moves were not done back then. Players have taken artistic liberty and helped advance the sport through the years. It is now faster, more competitive, and exciting as ever, while still maintaining the heart and passion that it contained at its original inception.
SUMMER · 2012
umans are everywhere. Over the years, the human population has increased by millions. With the growing population, the Earth’s resources are depleting and slowly humans are destroying the Earth. The Earth cannot support the growing population of people. In some areas, people are dying of a lack of food and an increase of disease. There aren’t enough resources in the area to feed the huge number of people. Being malnourished, they’re vulnerable to disease. With the lack of medicine and treatment, many people die. 150 million children in the world suffer from poor health due to food shortages. According to the article, “Starving Kenyan Children Trapped Between Two Worlds”, “Ten million people across the Horn of Africa are going hungry as the livestock upon which they depend die off because of severe drought, according to the United Nations.” With the huge amount of people in the area, the small amount of water cannot support them. With the limited amount of water, people find they cannot feed their crops. As a result, crops die and people starve. This is a problem for a small group of people but is even worse for a group of people still growing in numbers. Another issue caused by over population is pollution. One person in New York alone produces 3.8 pounds of garbage a day. There are currently about 8,244,910 people living in New York. California collects approx. 39,722,818 pounds of garbage a year. According to the site State of the Planet, “Today Americans discard about 33.6 million tons of plastic each year, but only 6.5 percent of it is recycled and 7.7 percent is combusted in waste-to-energy facilities, which create electricity or heat from garbage.” The world is also being affected by air, water, and soil pollution. Forests that give us oxygen are being torn down and destroyed for houses
and buildings that produce smoke and pollutes the air. Factories and car smog pollute the air everyday. Also, factory chemicals and debris contaminate the soil. Human waste is often found in important water sources. An example is in 2003, when a collection of plastic debris about the size of Texas was found floating in the Northern Pacific Ocean. The increasing number of people in the world not only impacts our environment and our health, but also affects society. When there are too many people in an area, many people are unemployed and living in poverty because there aren’t enough jobs to support them. In 2010, the United States averaged about 2.5 million unemployed people. With these issues in mind, step by step everyday we can fix our ways of living to save the human race and other life forms from a devastating end. One way we can reserve the Earth’s resources is simply taking no more then you need. An example is being conservative about how much water we use in the shower. People must understand that it’s like what a man once told me “the health of humanity and the health of the planet are intertwined. Should the planet go, so shall we.”
Written By Krystal Bautista
SUMMER · 2012
True Leadership (Teens)
eenagers are encouraged to be leaders for the benefits of society, but the way we’re brought up suggests otherwise. From the beginning of childhood, we are embedded with the idea that our peers are “fellow followers” and the teachers are our “leaders” to the back of our minds. Tolerant teachers are happy to teach teenagers at their most annoying stages of their lives, but intolerant teachers would eventually walk out of the room to calm themselves down. Once the room lacks a specific leader that is recognized by the followers, it will turn into a state of chaos. When someone does step up, he will only be recognized as some random person without authority.
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”-John F Kennedy.” Another part of being a leader is being mature. High school might seem like a nice place to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, climb the ladder of social hierarchy, and have fun. A real leader knows when to be serious and when to play around. He understands that there is a time and a place for all things. This is being mature. Although being a good leader coincides with being a good follower, being a follower and not stepping up is simply pushing away responsibility, not leadership. Being mature also means knowing when to stop. When a class is inattentive and the teachers pause to wait for everyone to stop talking, throwing “shut ups” around will not help one bit. I don’t know about you, but when I hear someone behind me suddenly scream “Shut up!” at the top of their lungs, all I want to do is to yell, “You shut up!!” in their face. This action often results in a conversation in the room, not about the latest PS3 games, girls, or stickers, but a conversation where everyone just yells, “shut up” at one another.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” –John Quincy Adams. It is
Being a teenager in Berkeley implies being surrounded by groups of diversity, in skin color, knowledge, culture, and personality. When I first stepped through the back gates of Berkeley High last year I noticed exactly how different everyone was, each individual with their own potential. After a while, it became clear to me what classmates were mature and which ones were not. I mentally separated the candid from the shy. I found out quickly who the leaders were by their distinct personalities and actions. Being a leader isn’t just being in the leadership committee or club. Leadership is stepping down and taking orders while being able to step up and suggest.
not necessary for a leader to always give orders. He is a leader as long as his actions inspire and influence others for the better.
Being a leader means flexibility between “onstage” and “audience”, knowing when to step up and take the microphone and when to listen to somebody else use it. Being a leader means being mature, knowing when to have fun, and when to stop and be serious. Leaders are important, but every leader still needs followers. You can decide today what you want to be.
SUMMER · 2012
d a D t n e s b A e
article by
Malinallilzin Medina
y dad works in five different cities: Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, Pinole, and San Andreas. He moves back and forth between cities and I only ‘’see him’’ Mondays, Tuesdays, and sometimes Wednesdays. It is hard for me because I live with my step-mom and my half-sister. I don’t get along well with either of them. It’s especially hard because my mom and little sister aren’t here but in Mexico. When I want to go somewhere, I have to ask permission from my dad first. Since he’s not normally in Berkeley, I usually don’t end up going. I really wish he could be with me more. Sometimes, I think my grades don’t matter because it seems like my dad doesn’t care. I see how tired my dad gets with work. My dad does a lot of hard work because he is a manager. On Monday, he works at a garden, cutting vegetables so that in the afternoon he can take them to a restaurant in San Francisco. On Tuesday, he works in the same garden until noon, and after he goes to Pinole to fix things at a horse ranch. When there’s nothing to do, he goes to Oakland to work in a department building. On Wednesday, he works in the garden helping my step-mom and then leaves to San Andreas to work around 5 o’ clock to work on a ranch. For 3 days he works and then he comes back
to Berkeley. He loves his job because he loves to work to support my family even though he has a lot to do. For these reasons, when he comes home from work he’s tired and he doesn’t spend time with me. I’m not able to talk to him about school or life. He tells me that he wishes he could work less so he could spend time with me. He also wishes he had a different job but because our family lives in his boss’ house, it makes things difficult to leave. I wish I could talk to my dad since the rest of my real family is in Mexico. My sister was born with a hearing problem and influenced my family’s move to the United States. My parents wanted to help her. I often wonder if we had stayed in Mexico if my parents wouldn’t have separated. I do, however, share equal love for my family and appreciate all that they do for me. My dad strives to take care of his family and takes pride in his work. I don’t approve of my dad’s reactions to my feelings when I need to talk to him on a personal level. He thinks that I don’t appreciate the things that he provides for me. My family means a lot to me so it affects me when something goes wrong. Mexico is a place in my heart where I have my best memories. I hope to move forward in life and one day receive love from my dad. “A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.” Although my dad is not always around, I know that he loves me and is trying to provide the best life possible for me.
SUMMER · 2012
The Guitar Buyers’ Guide by Mason Gutierrez
t some point in everyone’s life, we all consider learning an instrument. Whether it is for recreational purposes, or to become a career, instruments have always fascinated musicians and audiences alike. But one of the most difficult decisions a future musician must make, is what instrument to play. Many choose more melodic instruments such as Piano, or Violin. But for the many who choose Guitar,the journey ahead of them is a great one. The learning curve that awaits is not too difficult, but yet, a challenge to most at first. Eventually, you’ll get used to the odd layouts and you’ll be ready to learn more. But with picking guitar as an instrument, there is the choice of what kind of guitar you want. This is a guide to help the beginner musician decide. The first rule to buying your first guitar is simple. No matter how good the deal, it’s not worth it if you can’t play it. Set a budget. Usually an acoustic guitar is best for a beginner, rather than an expensive electric. This will be your first guitar, and it WILL be scratched up after a while. You will be using this guitar to learn how to play, which will take quite a while generally, so don’t purchase anything like a Gibson until you feel you are truly ready to proceed onto further levels of playing. All well- made guitars are the same, and some fancy colors shouldn’t influence your decision. Feed your budget, not your ego. Another important rule to buying guitars is to pick out one that suits you, and is comfortable. This doesn’t just mean how it looks, but how it feels to play it. Rest the guitar you desire on your knee, and hold it like you’re intending to play it. If its size isn’t right, ask if they have any other sizes. Sometimes guitars are like clothing: they have different variable sizes, but they won’t always have these options. What you see is what you get is the case at select music stores. When a beginner places their hands on the strings, it’s normal for them to not like how hard it is to press them down. This is something that as they grow older with their instrument, they will get used to. But if it is absolutely an issue, then look into classical guitars, which are half steel strings, and half nylon. But if the guitar just all around doesn’t work for you, put it down, and find another one. As briefly mentioned earlier, it’s good to set a budget when looking for a new guitar. Generally, the minimum should be around $150. Any less is not usually a guitar with acceptable quality(by most peoples standards) and will be damaged after a few months use. Though $150 may seem like a lot, it’s also true that you can’t put a price on music. Still, try not to go above $200 for a first time guitar, especially if you’re buying it for a child. The tips listed above are just some basic inside notes on the concept of guitar buying. I’ve listed queries about Price, quality, size, and type. Remember that when buying a guitar, you should always try it out first. Never buy without playing. I hope these tips work out for you, Happy Playing!
SUMMER · 2012
Gangsta Rappers by Nicholas Turner
Mainstream rap is mostly the same, it’s about money, women, and drugs. It has no meaning. Meaningless music comes from meaningless rappers. Great rappers such as Lil Boosie, Drake, andNotorious B.I.G. have songs with meaning and are about their lives, their songs are about something.
Name: Torrence Hatch Rapper Name: lil Boosie Age: 29 Lil’ Boosie is a great rapper. Everything that he raps about is taken from his own life experiences. His music speaks to people growing up in tough inner-city neighborhoods. An example is found in his song “Mind of a Maniac.” He raps, “Mom, ya wonder why ya child so bad/Because those f**kin body bags done hypnotized my a**/ It’s deep.” This verse suggests that murder and violence were an every day occurrence in his childhood. Difficult circumstances like these helped turn Lil’ Boosie into the rapper that he is now.
Name: Curtis James Jackson III Rapper Name: 50 cent Age: 37 50 cent is a terrific rapper because he has pain and emotion in his voice. 50 cent is not a good rapper for his words but because his voice goes so good with the beat, like in “Window Shopper”. His voice is smooth and flows with the words, his voice reflects the lyrics in the song. After he got shot 9 times his voice changed, but I would argue for the better because there’s more grit and emotion as a result. 50 cent is someone that was dedicated to being a rapper since he was 12 and that dedication comes through his voice.
I look up to these rappers for their lyrics, for the experiences they have been through, and the emotion that comes through their voice. They all have different styles, but it’s part of what makes them great. They represent the street, broken homes, and hard times, but they also represent rising above and being successful despite all the obstacles. SUMMER · 2012
Name:Christopher George Latore Wallace Rapper Name:Biggie Smalls Would be Age:40 Notorious B.I.G. is one of the best rappers in my opinion (maybe it was because he was born where rap originated). Notorious B.I.G. was so great because he was influenced by 2pac, and many people say that 2pac was one of the greatest rappers. Biggie talked about what he went through as a child and the hard times not having a dad. As a teen I often feel like I may not reach my goals, but in one of his best songs, “Juicy”, he talks about feeling the same way “I never thought it could happen, this rappin’ stuff I was too used to packin’ gats and stuff ”. Knowing that he has felt the same way makes me feel like I can reach my goals too even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. He talks about how he was so used to being in the street, he never imagined being a popular rich rapper.
Picture of
Benjimen R Tucker
and what it is “A
narchy induces chaos and violence”. That is the first thing that people say when the topic of anarchy appears. Anarchy can actually be better than having a government. In fact, having a community without a government can be a fair trade for a community with violent capital punishments, oppressing taxes, and multiple wars. In fact, “First traces of anarchy can be recorded back in the 6th century BC”(History of Anarchism), this was a time when many philosophers were thinking about making successful communities without governments, because their present governments oppressed their lives. Anarchy comes from the original Greek word anarchos meaning no ruler, so in this case; anarchy is a society that is not governed by a higher authority, such as a government. The aspect of not having a government just seems so unreal to people that they believe without government, society would be in disorder and chaos. However, without a government there can still be order through many different ways. Some may even say that the current government is chaotic because of it’s abuse of authority through capital punishment and large oppressing taxes. In this article I will go through two types of anarchism; Social Anarchism, and Individual Anarchism 17
Social anarchism is an anarchism that says, “One’s freedom is dependable on a mutual aid”. Mutual aid is an aid from someone/s who aid the other person. This aid doesn’t only benefit the person who is in need of aid but also benefits the one who is aiding the other. In other words Social Anarchism supports the idea of community, equality and an economy based on mutual benefit.
Social anarchism also supports the idea of everything belonging to everyone. However, the, “Original Owner/s” of an item the community is using must be respected and so must the item. For example, if one person owned a property of land the people who are using the property, mustn’t disrespect the property by vandalizing, littering, destroying etc. This property would also be taken care of by the community the owner is a part of. This makes a community that is equal, but still respects the idea of one’s ownership. SUMMER · 2012
Individual anarchism is an anarchism that believes that individuals can be governed by themselves if given the chance, hence the name Individual Anarchism. Benjamen R. Tucker, an anarchist who was famous in the 19th century, said, “if the individual has the right to govern himself, all external government is tyranny”. This means if someone can take care of themself then any sort of authority that is watching over that person is oppression. “Anarchy induces chaos and violence”. That should not be the first thing you say when you think of Anarchy. Anarchy is a wide spread idea, there are many different types of it. There is social anarchism, an anarchism that builds community and an economy based of off mutual aid, there is individual anarchism, an anarchism that believes people can govern themselves, and there are many other types of anarchy that haven’t been explained in this article. Next time when you think about anarchy, research the vast different types of anarchy, don’t think that anarchy is just chaos, disorder and violence, because it isn’t, it is a philosophy.
Sometimes, their home life isn’t great and they choose to run away thinking they will live a better By: Raynette Shields life. There are faciliThis article explains why teens run away from ties like the home. It covers some statistics about runaways, what we Bill Wilson can do to stop teens from leaving home, and a few reaCenter. It’s sons why they leave in the first place. According to Runa place for &, “One in seven kids teenagers between 10-18 will run away from home.” There are 1 to ages 11-17. 3 million kids that are homeless or have run away and The center is a temporary place for teens to stay. Here are on the streets in the United States. In 2009, a Univerthey are given the option to reunite with their family. sity of Pennsylvania study estimated that nearly 300,000 They even make youth in the dinner and eat United States “Nearly a third of the children who flee or are kicked out together as a were going to of their homes each year engage in sex for food, drugs or a “family.” Centers, be sexually like these, help exploited for place to stay...” teens gain an commercials, understanding and that they of their actions and how to move forward in a positive were “runaways or thrown-aways” said Ernie Allen, Presmanner. ident of the National Center for Missing and Exploited With the percentage of teens running away is inChildren. 90 % of kids ran away from fatherless homes, creasing, here are some tips for teens, from teens, to keep 52% ran away because of family problems, and 13% ran them at home and safe: away because of school or peer pressure. 1) Show your teen a lot of respect. Keep communication Most of the estimated 1.6 million children who lines open. Listen carefully to what they have to say. run away each year return home within a week. But for 2) Don’t scream or yell at your teen. those who do not, the desperate struggle to survive often 3) Don’t interrupt your teenager when they come to you means selling their bodies. Nearly a third of the children to talk. If you disagree with your child, let them share who flee or are kicked out of their homes each year engage in sex for food, drugs or a place to stay, according to their side of the story. After they have finished, share your side of the story. If things get heated, stop and take the National Alliance to End Homelessness. a break. Teen runaways are an important issue because it is 4) Tell your teen that you will always love them and that becoming an everyday occurrence. Teens are starting to you will always be there for them. get bolder because If you follow these simple tips your child should always they see that other feel like home is a safe place to be. teens are leaving You can infer from these statements that we can work and parents aren’t together to make the numbers of teen runaways decrease. trying to stop it. We can make sure that these teens stay home. We can They leave home also help their parents show them love, respect, and make without thinking sure that their teens have a safe home. about the consequence of their decision. Sometimes, teens run away for attention.
SUMMER · 2012
Crack Cocaine lark
By: Ronvonnie C
rack cocaine is a narcotic, which means it is an illegal drug that is typically sold in the streets. It can be smoked, snorted, and shot up. Cocaine comes in different forms with different names based on ingredients that it’s cooked with, who it’s sold to, and what neighborhood you can find it. Some of the names are: white girl, rock, hard, cavvy, and crack, these are just a few of the more well known names of the drug. In this essay I will focus on crack because it is killing and taking over communities around the world including my neighborhood in Richmond, California. According to Wikipedia, crack cocaine first appeared in the poor inner-city neighborhoods in New York, Los Angeles, and Miami in the late 1980’s. Since then you can find crack in most neighborhoods, not just in the inner-city. Its roots being in poor neighborhoods it became known as the poor mans’ drug. In these poor neighborhoods people didn’t have jobs, so they turned to selling drugs to make money to feed their family. They began with small time drugs such as marijuana , but realized that people weren’t buying as much and so upgraded to harder drugs such as crack that were known as highly addictive. The more they sold the richer they got, and the more people who bought, the more addicted they became. In order to make more money people realized they could use baking soda to make the cocaine stretch longer and be sold to more people. The combination of it being a cheap drug to make and sell, people being addicted to it, and the high profit, crack cocaine blew up and spread worldwide. Drugs have a way of trickling down and touching everyone. Before I was even thought of and born, my grandparents were drug dealers in the 80’s and 90’s. Now, I still have people in my family who deal drugs and it surprises me because they are good people. Members of my family fed into the cycle of keeping poor people poor and addicted, but they had to make money too. It’s a confusing situation. My family has stayed in the same neighborhood since I can remember and the stuff that was happening in the 80’s and 90’s is still happening today. I wish that crack never came in my neighborhood. People that sell it don’t realize they’re killing their own community. They are just trying to get rich fast. I believe they need to get real jobs and live a different life because all money isn’t good money. The people that sell drugs in my neighborhood are a bad influence on the younger kids that look up to them as role models. I’ve seen drug dealers give money to the younger kids trying to make it seem like they’re good people, but they’re not. I see reports on the news about people getting killed and shot over crack and I see what happens in my neighborhood and I don’t like it. I want to know how it’s possible one little drug can take over an entire neighborhood or city and make people act crazy.
SUMMER · 2012
Making A Rock Band How do you make a rock and roll band? That’s a question I personally get asked a lot, and when
the Youth Institute gave us an assignment to make a magazine article I took advantage of the opportunity and decided to help out a couple people with their dream of creating a rock and roll band. Creating a rock band isn’t all fun and games. There is stress involved. I will share not only my personal experiences but of other more successful bands as well. Let’s start with the first step. When starting a band you will have to know how to play an instrument; but don’t worry you have choices. There are drums, bass guitar, guitar, and lastly vocals. I know many people may not think of vocals as an instrument, but it’s the most important tool in a rock band. As soon as you have some experience on instruments, you will want to consider finding some band members. Finding the band members is the hardest part of creating a rock band the reason is because you don’t just want to get your friends. If you want to be a good band you have to find people with musical talent. You also have to get along with them, because if there is no connection then the music will show it. Once you have the whole band put together it’s time for your first practice, you can spend your time writing your own songs and then practicing them. Or you can look up songs of your preference and try to learn those. Once you’ve gotten enough practice I say at lest six to seven practices, you and your newly formed band should make a sample CD and make copies of it, then pass it out. That is how you create a rock and roll band. You may think that being in a rock band is all fun and games but trust me there is a lot of stress involved. Most of the stress comes from the band members, because they may want to work on one type of song and you might want to work on another song at there will be conflict. But most of the time if you communicate you will get through it, and have an amazing song. For example, me and my band EVOLNATION have this problem quite often. We are all such different individuals and all have different taste in music. How do we resolve the problem? We simply talk and put in a mixture of something we all like and we are all pleased and happy. My experience for making a band wasn’t so organized. A couple friends and I got together and all wanted to start a band,. Half of us didn’t even know what a guitar was. I knew that wasn’t going to work out so I’m the only original member of the band and I found new members. As soon as we got together for the first time we knew it was meant to be and we have been together for more than a year. It is an amazing feeling to have your own band because you know you have a talent. And who doesn’t want a talent? That was how I started my band and I hope this was helpful. by Stephane Munoz
SUMMER · 2012
miyazaki hayao by
stephon brewster
M iyazaki Hayao is one of the
world’s most famous anime artists. Like most people, he too, once had difficulty drawing anime. He started to draw in high school and his dedication and determination led to his Miyazaki Hayao success as an anime artist. Miyazaki January 5, 1941 and his characters are inspirational to me and help me to develop into the person that I want to become. Miyazaki’s anime serves as encouragement to me personally. The theme of his story, “Spirited Away” tells about a young girl who is moving to a new place. She goes through many obstacles in order to return home. I can relate to this story because I often feel like I have no home and little direction. This movie helps me to remember that I need to work hard to have a home to return to. The movie also shows that there are always people in your life that will serve as a support and guide. In the movie, Haku, is the little girl’s guide. He teaches her “the rules” of what she needs to do to survive in this “new world.” I feel like my mom acts as
my own “Haku.” She teaches me things that I otherwise wouldn’t know about. She also exposes me to new things. An example of this is: keeping the house clean, greeting guests, and making people feel welcome. Miyazaki also inspires me to be brave and to take chances. Sho, another character, shows courage in order to save his friend’s family. It helps me to have more courage and know that I can do hard things and help other people. There was a time when I had to help my mom when she was sick. I had to help her and do chores around the house. Although the task seemed impossible, I drew strength from Sho and Miyazaki, and knew that I could do things if I was determined. Miyazaki and his characters have helped me to be stronger, and to believe that I can do harder and more difficult things in my life. They also show me that when I strive to do my very best I can accomplish all goals that I set my mind to.
SUMMER · 2012
Butterfly Children By: Thamar Leon Children with a rare skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa (E.B.) are often referred to as Butterfly Children because their skin is fragile like a butterfly’s wing. E.B. is a rare genetic skin condition; it is caused when the genes that carry the genetic instructions necessary to produce the proteins in the top layer of skin (keratins) are faulty. This results in incorrectly formed keratins, making them unable to do their normal role as ‘scaffolding’ for the top layer of skin. There is a mutation (a change in the genetic material) within Keratin genes K5 or its partner K14. So as a result, with physical stress, emotional stress, heat exposure, and infections, the top layer of skin falls apart, resulting in tearing and blistering.
There is no cure for E.B. and the only treatment is daily wound care and bandaging. The daily routine is a grueling, multi-faceted daily regimen. There are three main types of E.B. dystrophic, junctional and simplex. I myself having E.B. do not suffer from severe E.B. but I have E.B. simplex. Sometimes I need bandages but not as often as most other Butterfly children. I don’t often need physical help like others and I feel that other Butterfly Children with more severe E.B. don’t get to live as much because they have the extreme physical limitations holding them back. Yet they are shielded from the public eye because of physical limitations and when they are exposed most of those who see them feel bad for them and want to help them. While I don’t suffer from a more severe level SUMMER · 2012
of the condition, the severity of my E.B. manifests in the repercussions of being in the public eye. I do not have the protection shield provided by full body bandages, or the sympathy of others. When possible I try to help other E.B. Butterfly Children and educate those who are curious abut E.B. Many people just assume things about Butterfly Children, like that is contagious. Some Butterfly Children that felt discriminated against decided to make a video that would set the record straight. watch?v=2APm6-7dSFA. The video was made with the help of Debra of America http:// a non-profit organization that raises awareness about E.B. It helps Butterfly Children everywhere.
Without a Dad By:Troy Maurice Gilder Jr.
When I was younger my father was there physically but not emotionally. He and I never bonded oneon-one and this really hurt me. It never really bugged me until I got older and I realized when I saw other fathers and sons bonding that he was not taking the fatherly responsibility. Every now and then he would try, such as taking me to the movies, giving me money, but looking back it felt like bribery. What I wanted him to do was to take me fishing, go camping together, or as simple as to take me to a baseball game. His lack of fatherly responsibility didn’t stop with me, it trickled down to my sisters as well. My sisters felt that they couldn’t confide in my father because of his controlling ways. My father didn’t show love in a conventional way, he chose to show his love through forceful directions, unfair expectations, and he didn’t know how to have fun with his kids. The one that was hurt the most was my mom. She stayed in an unhealthy relationship for over 21 years for the
sake of her kids. My mom felt the need to do this because her hope was the family would stay together. Her hurt came from broken trust, a broken heart, and wasted years on a man that she thought loved her and her kids. Watching my mom go through this has made me rethink the kind of man I want to be. It pains me to see the hurt she has been through emotionally and it makes me want to step up and fill the empty space my father has left. Now, in addition to not being there emotionally, my father is no longer physically there. About a year ago I found out my father was in jail. He had done many crimes, but the worst and the most important to me was that he had sexually assaulted my sisters and was being charged with rape. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison. The next time I will see my father I will be 33 years old. I live in California and we get a lot of earthquakes here, but my father’s choices and actions was the largest and strongest earthquake I had ever felt. With every earthquake there are aftershocks and that is what I am feeling now and as angry as I may be with my father’s choices I am still left with the question, as a young black man, what do I do without a father? DEMONS Its crazy the demons in a man’s mind. My dad had plenty. He was lost and could not be found. He hurt my mom, my sisters, and me. A father is suppose to be water to a tree. But to him that was too much of a responsibility. ‘My mom says ‘hurt people, hurt people’ ...but what gives a man the right to hurt innocent people? I love my dad but he needs to think while he’s in jail. Because he didn’t realized he left his son to fail. The thing is I know I’m not going to fail because it’s not an option. I got to be better then him to prove I can make it. This boy right here goin’ be something that the world is not ready for. You’re lookin’ at a future graduate of Morehouse, goin’ to take care of my spouse, and Imma be loud and proud unlike a church mouse. So thanks dad for all the help,
SUMMER · 2012
hysical fitness, nutrition, and positive advertising are important to overall teen health. While these are important, unfortunately what teens are being exposed to is fast food, watching T.V., playing video games, and false advertising. Teenagers use these as excuses since it’s a lot easier, cheaper, and accessible than exercising or eating healthier. Our society needs to be aware of the troubles teens face when it comes to physical fitness and nutrition. Teen health is an issue that has a big impact on my life and many teens so it concerns me. Physical education is being cut from school programs because of government budget cuts. Yet schools in California are showing over seventy percent of kids’ ages 5 to 17 that are obese. Today, many kids’ eating habits are not healthy so kids are getting sick as early as 6 to 17 years old with diabetes, high blood pressure, and the onset of heart problems. There has to be a solution. I believe schools can create classes on nutrition and facts about physical fitness so that teens can have the tools to stay healthy. If children had physical education from an early age in their schools the obesity rates would drop. There are many types of food available, healthy and unhealthy, but moderation is key for a healthy diet. A good model to follow is the Food Pyramid. Food pyramids consist of grains (pasta), meats/dairies (chicken/cheese), veggies/fruit (carrots/grapes), and sweets/oils (chocolate) to help regulate the body. To maintain a healthy diet eating 6-11 servings of grain, 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2-3 servings of meats and dairies, and for sweets and oils, try to eat as little as possible. Given that information a healthy day of food would consist of: Grains like oatmeal or cereal in the morning for breakfast; Protein, fruit, and grains with juice such as a turkey sandwich plus grapes for lunch; Protein, veggies, grains such as pork chops, mixed veggies or salad, and spaghetti for dinner.
Teen Health By Veronica Smith
The key to a healthy life is a healthy diet and being physically active. False advertising is becoming an extreme issue for teens in the United States. Over 15.5 percent of young adults eat more than 3 meals per week and drink 2 sodas or more per day at fast food restaurants, all because of ads. Teenagers are exposed to advertisements everywhere. This makes it more important for them to be aware of false advertising. Teenagers are targeted by these ads and are the most vulnerable consumers. Food is not bad for teens but the portions are. The key to a healthy life is a healthy diet and being physically active. To all the teenagers in the world, turn off the television, get up, go out, and play.
SUMMER · 2012
How can video games help teens?
by Warren Situ
Since the dawn of its inception, video gaming has proven itself to be one of the most prominent, yet potentially detrimental methods of entertainment. Due to this, it’s constantly under biased scrutiny by many people, particularly parents, who are uneducated about the true values of video gaming, and do not understand how to harness it to help their children. In the United States, video games are no longer a rare luxury. In fact, over 60% of households in the United States are said to play video games regularly. Video gaming is beneficial to teens because it helps them combat negative thoughts and depression, improves skills that are crucial to have in modern society, and serves as an outlet and distraction from anxiety. Many teens today are plagued by low self-esteem, poor social skills, and other crippling characteristics, which ultimately lead to depression. Video games are claimed to alleviate moderate to mild levels of depression in teens. In New Zealand, researchers created a fantasy game known as SPARX and selected 187 teen candidates with developing depression for this research. They were given the choice of traditional therapy with professional counselors, or the choice to play the video game. One of the primary ways SPARX was helpful was because of the fact that the monsters and environments in the game resonated with the patients’ emotions and their negative thoughts. It improved patients’
compared with 26% of those in regular treatment, a significant difference. About 66% in the gaming group showed at least a 30% reduction in symptoms, compared with 58% in usual treatment, but this difference did not reach statistical significance.” This proves that video gaming is indeed helpful to teens emotionally, and psychologically, as it is even a competent method of fighting teen depression. Video gaming also serves advantageously in helping teens form skills that are crucial in modern society, and helps them in becoming versatile, and viable leaders. There is a vast range of video games available, and they help teens in many ways. Multiplayer games are beneficial because they teach teens the importance of teamwork, and how to take initiative. Fast-paced games, such as first person shooters improve reaction, first person shooters specifically also help players develop better hand-eye coordination. Researchers found that surgeons and doctors actually play video games to actually refine their motor skills, in fact, surgeons make “37 percent fewer mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and performed the task 27 percent faster than their counterparts who did not play video games” according to Strategy games teach players how to be decisive and analyze situations more effectively. Video games in general give players motivation by challenging them. They also encourage creativity in approaching situations. Most importantly, video games teach language and math on a mild scale by improving vocabulary and incorporating numbers and statistics. Many of the aspects in video games can be applied into real world environments, like work, or school. Teamwork, leadership, language fluency, and math understanding are all valuable strengths. People today are stressed by the burdens of life. Video gaming is a very effective solution. In our society, people are constantly haunted by the obligations they must fulfill. , Students are expected to go to school and gain an education, while adults are expected to take care of children, go to work, and much more. Anxiety is a major problem in our society; fortunately, there are ways to escape these painful realities temporarily. One of the greatest aspects of video games is the fact that they exist in fantasy worlds that are fueled purely by imagination. A student can come home from a day of exhausting work on a test, and relax in a video game as a warrior who fights monsters in dungeons, which lets them escape and find solace from difficult times. This is not meant to be an absolute solution. Rather, it allows players to loosen up. Yahoo! writer, Steve Thompson says, “Video games are supposed to relieve stress is by giving the mind a vacation… studies show that thirty minutes of playing video games can reduce stress levels significantly.” Playing video games in moderation can ultimately reduce stress and anxiety, and allow teens to take on tasks more effectively with a clearer mind.
health because every time a monster was slain, it represented negative thoughts known as GNATS(Gloomy Automatic Negative Thoughts) being purged. Researchers found that, among the teens that played video games, there was a significant decrease in depression levels, or complete recovery. According to, “About 44% of those who played SPARX recovered completely from depression,
SUMMER · 2012
Thank You
On behalf of the staff and students of the YMCA-CBA Youth Institute we would
like to thank all the individuals and organizations who have contributed to making this program a success. Without their support this program would not be possible.
To our funders: Alameda County School Health Services Division Bank of the West YMCA of Greater Long Beach YMCA of the Central Bay Area Berkeley Alliance To the Board of Directors of the YMCA-CBA: Eric Eisenberg Tim Hassler Jim Collier Mary Friedman Jack Gardner Angie Garling Robert Heimbucher Ken Kuchman Jules Mayer Perry Patel Pam Owens Edward Salas Susan Shields Dr. Nancy Spaeth To the many people and organizations that referred students and supported the recruitment effort, we thank you. SUMMER 路 2012
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SUMMER 路 2012
Congratualations to the . . .
Class of 2012
SUMMER 路 2012