PLAN OF ACTION........................ 10 MAPPING............................................................................ REFLECTING...................................................................... CAPACITY BUILDING.......................................................
11 12 13
CURRICULUM VITAE.................... 23
ACRONYMS & ABREVIATIONS AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance SO: Student Organization CB: Capacity Building EA: External Affairs NMO: National Member Organization IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations NMO - National Member Organization VPE: Vice-President for External Affairs VPA: Vice-President for Activities VPPRC: Vice-President for Public Relations and Communications VPF: Vice-President for Finances LOSO: Liaison Officer to Student Organizations LME: Liaison Officer for Medical Education Issues LRP: Liaison Officer for Human Rights and Peace Issues LWHO: Liaison Officer to the World Health Organization LPH: Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues LRA: Liaison Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Issues, Including HIV and AIDS EB: Executive Board LO: Liaison Officer RD: Regional Director IT: International Team DA: Development Assistant SRT: Sub Regional Training SWG: Small Working Group WHO: World Health Organization IPSF:International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation IVSA: International Veterinary Students' Association IADS: International Association of Den-
tal Students WHSA: World Health Students' Alliance WHSS: World Healthcare Students Symposium AMSA: Asian Medical Students’ Association PMSA: Pacific Medical Students’ Association EMSA: European Medical Students´ Association FELSOCEM: Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades Científicas de Estudiantes de Medicina FAMSA: Federation Of African Medical Students' Associations EFPSA: European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations ELSA: European Law Students' Association ECL: The Association of European Cancer Leagues PARO: Pan American Regional Office EMRO: Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office IPPNW: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War ICAN: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons OHCHR: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UN ECOSOC: United Nations Economic and Social Council UNESCAP: Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development UN MGCY: United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth WHA: World Health Assembly IOGs: Internal Operating Guidelines LOOM: Liaision Officer Online Meeting 2
Do you know why we know less about the depths of the ocean than the surface of the moon? I don’t. But If I have learned something about humanity, I can confidently say that it was nothing but an insatiable desire to know more and explore, no wonder we named space shuttles and rovers like Endeavor, Perseverance, Voyager, Pioneer, and even, Atlantis. Our perception is focused on quantity over quality through a very simple bias we have and it happens automatically to all of us. We lose the sense of how much we eat when we are in an open buffet, we get bored of luxury in the blink of an eye and we take for granted the precious pieces of our lives… until we lose them. When we lose these supposed ‘’unshakeable’’ customs of our lives, we barely have had any memorable moments of chewing a good pretzel, travel continents through at a time, or a night out with friends. We lost a lot of things this past year, our get-togethers, favorite cafes, freedom, health, maybe loved ones. We risked losing the sense of togetherness as IFMSA. But what did we do in face of that? We innovated. We had more OLMs and more work parties, we adapted our platforms at lightspeed to maintain our touch with the members, we did a couple more internal arrangements and we made some promises to ourselves and to each other, we will survive this. This ‘’we’’ I am talking about is the largest student-led organization in the world, IFMSA. My name is Berkehan Erkılıç, among other titles and attributes, a firm believer in this potential that youth carry within, and a dreamer that we will achieve our most ambitious goals only through the primal response ‘’tend and befriend’’, not ‘’fight or flight’’. To stand in the leadership of our efforts of tending our arms to all corners of the world as an organization as wide as the world itself, It is my most heartfelt pleasure to present you my candidature for Liaison Officer to Student Organizations for the term 2020-2021.
My journey in IFMSA is as old as myself, at least my journey with the values I upheld as a child, an adolescent, and finally an adult sailing in his 20s. It was often that I would hear how out of the place ideas I had, how different of a child I was. I used to think about the universe and taught myself to read solely by looking at one Egyptian mythology encyclopedia and one Space Inventions book from a science newsletter. I never fit in and had a hard time feeling comfortable when I had to. My adolescence was no less weird, I would find myself swinging from bookstore to bookstore, trying to find myself between philosophy books, then science, then psychology, then… Then I found IFMSA. It took me a crazy decision to skip an exam and go to Egypt, Hurghada, back in March 2018. What I found was a big blue snake encompassing every type of beautiful color that humanity bears in it, all united, standing together and tall, working on serious topics, brainstorming and coming up with crazy ideas this GA, and then implementing them the following term. I watched many great names we all know as legends now stand in front of me with bright smiles and confident statures. As ambitious a person I am, I still knew for a fact that If anyone wants to be there they had to earn their way there. It took me sailing the 7 seas and the 5 IFMSA regions, 4 years and 2 ITs, and being in either the leadership or the membership of many other NGOs to realize that I actually have what it takes to stand there, 4 March Meetings later and maybe inspire someone like me from 4 years before, a newcomer, a weirdo, and make them realize that they hold the true power within. I believe that being situated at the midway of many Standing Committees’ work and being able to touch different fields have concurred to prepare me for this position which by definition has to work with many different organizations, be flexible and innovative. Numerous Youth NGOs I have worked with, teams I led, the different colors of the teams I have been a part of, great leaders that inspired me and taught me their diligence, humbleness, and hard work. They made me believe that leaders are not only 65-year-old men sitting on chairs, they are us. That’s why as a LOSO I will work to ensure that every member realizes what they are capable of, just like I learned throughout these years. 4
I commit to making sure that everyone that reads these sentences and those who don’t, find a scholarship, or a speaking opportunity, a place in a delegation, or a SWG to start realizing their full capacity as the youth.
I believe that we shape the names of our positions by our personalities. Every one of us can agree that no Director or Liaison Officer or President was the same. I rejoice the exciting feeling to bring my personality to shape LOSO. By this I am talking about the passion and knowledge I am proud to say that I have for many different fields; leading our endeavors in the ocean we call the external world. My assertiveness; reinstating our place as the leading youth-led organization among any student organizations. My wit; helping me get through hardships and diplomatic discussions. My curiosity; to learn, adapt and implement what I learned to catch up with the past months I missed out on the position. If I attain the honor to represent this beautiful federation of all colors, I will commit to realizing the fully participative engagement within decision making bodies to make IFMSA’s name pop up in every corner of the walls 5
of conference halls, the internet, and beyond. I pledge to consciously fight for our right to be meaningfully be seen and heard. I will not be available for a select few, but for all and every member who reaches out to me. Finally, I would like to express once again my firm belief that the day, when the last person is cured of MRSA, the last child to ever experience hunger grows tall into adulthood, and every last young person on the last corner of the world feels empowered to go out there and utter their words, we can finally set sail as IFMSA, to nevw horizons. Berkehan ErkĹlĹç
PLAN OF ACTION I believe in the power of underpinnings when I think about an organization, a federation, an NMO, a university, and any individual person. We function as much as we have a purpose and a map to follow, just like we adopt Global Priorities as the General Assembly, create Annual Wvorking Plans as the ITs, TO, and the EB, and put the Vision and the Mission at the top of our Constitution. Therefore; before I unveil any of the goals, plans, and indicators, I would like to first present my pillars, which are ultimately linked to our pillars. The foundation of my work will always be to realize these 3 pillars no matter what. It will guide me in the unknown ocean called the External World and provide a point of accountability to all of you and us to come back and do the fact-check. I am aware of the turbulent situation we are all going through as the world as well as a federation. I am also conscious that Liaison Officer means creating the link, liaising, and forging the connection, which gives me a distinct type of responsibility which is essentially about the External outlook of IFMSA. Knowing the hits we have taken from that side: I would like to declare that I will be available for everyone that I have a responsibility to including but not limited to the Vice President for External Affairs, my fellow Liaison Officers, my external contact persons, and all of the IFMSA members; as your Liaison Officer to Student Organizations. 9
My Pillars=IFMSA’s Pillars 1.Mapping 2.Reflecting 3.Capacity Building 1.Mapping Stakeholder Mapping: As part of my job as the captain, it will be my duty to map the seas in front of us, to anchor in the ports that will add value to our voice, and set sail from the ones that are no longer fruitful. My main compass will build upon the Global Priorities and the footsteps of IFMSA’s future strategy. I plan to achieve a satisfactory analysis through stakeholder mapping. This includes exploring both known domains that we work on such as Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Universal Health Coverage, One Health, Climate Change, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, and Interprofessional Learning; as well as working on newer and not-yet-explored ones such as Ethics in Health Informatics, Health Economics, and Financing of Health Systems and Healthcare Delivery for the Aging Population.
I have already conducted a potential collaborations analysis myself.
Retrospective Mapping: Sadly, we are confronted with unprecedented challenges that no other LO ever had to go through. It is crystal clear that the current strict travel bans, global economic downturn, and absence of platforms of networking add up to the frustration that all of us are experiencing. Taking advantage of this stagnation period, I will make sure to create a streamlined scheme of the past focus areas of LOSOs and refine what should stay and what should be updated to conform to find modern, solution-based strategies to combat the modern problems of 2021. I am also aware of the fact that, naturally, there is mounting leftover work from the past term. For this reason, I will make following up with unfinished tasks my priority, possibly refining, repurposing, and refurbishing them in coordination with the VPE. These include but are not limited to: organizing joint campaigns and side-events with our current partners, promoting the Students’ Organizations on the agreed-upon terms, creating a database for contacts of regional Medical Students Associations, delivering statements at various external events, networking to establish new partners for IFMSA; all in accordance with the MoUs that are up and running.
2.Reflecting Every type of work we do is like pulling the oars; they move the ship further and they give the ship a direction. However, it is no surprise that if we are rowing without arriving at our destination, our arms would languish for nothing. At this point, I plan to reinvigorate the translational activity of converting the internal work to external work with transparency and with all of its force. This will be through sound communication between the Programs Team, Capacity Building International Team, as well as the rest of the Standing Committees. I plan to actively utilize the data obtained from these teams, such
as those from Program Annual Report and Activities Database, in our external events as much as possible to render our voice loud, clear, and persuasive. Another thing that lays the groundwork for a Liaison Officer is Policies. We depend on our policy documents in order to reflect our stance as strong as possible during our external affairs work. For this, I plan to conduct a thorough assessment of the status and utility of the policy documents pertaining to my work in coordination with the relevant LO and also the VPE. In order to mobilize what we write and adopt every GA, the policies, I will seek opportunities to increase the visibility and impact of our policy work among all members and partners. Finally, I will navigate the delegations and teams I work with to utilize the policies as one of our most important tools to achieve fully participative engagement within decision making bodies.
3.Capacity Building As we speak of reflecting the light inside to the outside like a lighthouse, we need to think of the cleanliness of the lantern pane along with what is being reflected. For the light to flow as clear and as bright without losing any quality, we need the medium to be conductive. This medium is the capacity we carry as a federation. As much as Capacity Building as a terminology has been used to mean different things in IFMSA. Dougherty and Mayer define organizational capacity as “the combined influence of an organization’s abilities to govern and manage itself, to develop assets and resources, to forge the right community. I would gladly change it to fit our context which; ‘’IFMSA External Affairs Capacity Building is the combined influ-
ence of IFMSA’s abilities to govern and manage its means of advocacy, to develop new Global Health advocates as assets and ramp up our partners’ satisfaction and members’ understanding through policy-making resources, to forge the right international community in which all medical students unite for global health, locally, nationally and globally.’’ Sadly, it is only the last couple of years that we focused our efforts on the Capacity Building of External Affairs and we are just unearthing what it is capable of achieving and how it can redefine our look at External Affairs. Be that as it may, with new technologies being brought to table such as the MOODLE platform that enables us to organize synchronous and asynchronous learning activities, we are already looking for a brighter future for our collective success as global health leaders no matter what. And for myself, having worked in 2 International Teams as the Capacity Building Development Assistant it is my utmost promise and responsibility to put the CB in External Affairs CB, together with VPE, EA CB DA and contribution of the team of LOs. I will work towards striking deals with SOs to include holding joint workshops during SRTs if they decide to send a trainer, or preRMs and preGAs if they decide only to contribute to the content and have their name in it, due to compliance with the CB IOGs. This will be done through laying out new workshop ideas in MoUs and following discussions with specific themes according to the collaborating organization. They shall always be in line with the relevant regulatory bodies in IFMSA, chiefly with the EB decisions, VPE’s advice and CB IOGs. I will also work jointly with the EA CB DA and VPE to propose themes to Simulation and Action Plan sessions of Global Health Avocates Workshop, pertaining to Antimicrobial Resistence, One Health, Vaccine Trust, and other various priorities of our SO partners. I am also planning to build the capacity that I and fellow LOs have by inviting externals and IFMSA Alumni to provide input and consultation for our policy documents whenever possible. Finally, I plant to directly bolster NMO-based capacity through 3
ways: �I will actively help in the delivery of sessions in EA related workshops in SRTs, General Assemblies and Regional Meetings as a trainer, �Provide input, consultation and tools for national needs assessment on EA, �Support NMOs’ efforts to propose/amend policy documents and also come up with their own strategies for external engagement through national policies and partnerships.
Interconnectedness I would like to present you with Interconnectedness, not as a pillar but as a working model that I have adopted in the course of my IFMSA journey for the past 4 years now. I have not only worked to bring different Standing Committees together in my practice nationally and internationally but also tried to bring into the spotlight the capabilities of my team members and teams I have led in quest of prioritizing the quality of the sum of the work, not disparate accomplishments that do not add up.
I believe in the power of multilateral discussions, which constitutes some of the work I will do as a LOSO too such as One Health (the interplay of people, animals, and our environment in the conservation of a global state of health) and interprofessional learning (different professions and professionals-in-training learning from each other for cultivating collaborative practice). I believe that being situated at the midway of many Standing Committees’ work gives LOSO a great opportunity to implement novel ideas and a challenge to establish very swift communication with every field. Here lies what I think is my advantage, that is, having tapped into the wisdom and perspective of different Standing Committees, NonGovernmental Organizations and people which led me to gain a broader point of view.
LOs to LOSO Liaison Officers as a whole is a team with different sub-goals but very similar challenges in the face of external platforms. Especially in a period where in-person external events are not possible, cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and solidarity between the LOs is
not a luxury, it is a necessity. �Participate fully in the LOOMs, share the latest news about the SO work and key perspectives about how to drive external work as a team, w/All LOs �Submit abstracts on various topics such as IFMSA COVID-19 response, post-pandemic recovery efforts as well Youth Action, Health Literacy, w/LPH �Work on joint competition campaigns with other SOs, notably IPSF on Interprofessional Education, and exploring ways to concert efforts on Open Science Advocacy from Students’ Organizations perspectives, find SO collaborations for our Exchanges Week 2021 w/LME �SOs are involved in our work with WHO through; invitations for PreWHA, one spot in IFMSA’s Delegation to WHA as it was determined previously, and joint statements with them during WHO meetings, develop engagement with WHO EPI-WIN on health literacy, and provide input to WHO on developing materials such as manuals on AMR, Infodemics or One Health, w/LWHO �Revitalize the cooperations with ELSA and IPPNW-Students to take part in Virtual Student Congress or ICAN regional consultations for students, w/LRP All of the other past or future partnerships that will be done in collaboration with my fellow LOs are mentioned in the rest of the Plan of Action with or without necessarily mentioning the names of the relevant LO.
External World to LOSO As per my biggest task, I will be in constant communication with the external arena, particularly with Organizations and Associations of Students as well as those who are not but have student body boards as ramifications.
Another aspect I find important is that how the world is getting back to normal, fast. If we do not shape ourselves to fit the global hustle of events, we might miss out on the global agenda and ultimately our place as the leading youth-led organization in the world. To keep the pace as IFMSA we need to start tending in the ground of international events that will be held in-person within all corners of the world. I am confident to say, for that that I will need very little financial assistance from IFMSA during my term due to the fact that my father is a pilot in an international airlines company which grants me the opportunity to fly anywhere for almost free, every single time. This will help me represent IFMSA in wherever, whenever possible. Sometimes less is more when it comes to number of organizations we are in partnership with, for we have to coordinate them accordingly and as well be selective with whom we are investing our interest in. In this matter, I envision the way forward through these simple steps of baseline assessment: enriching the already existent partners, drifting away from MoUs who no longer serve its purpose, exploring new collaborations and assessing impact on smaller/regional levels. (About every organization that I am a part of that is cited below, I will declare Conflict of Interest to the EB formally following the election.)
�Revitalizing Past Collaborations �Reinstate our proactive position in Informal Forum for International Student Organisations (IFISO) �Follow-up on the IFISO events as a means to exchange best practices among SOs and useful data,
�Strengthening Existent Collaborations �WMSA is one of IFMSA’s biggest contributions in the international Global Health advocacy arena and as one of its 4 founding members and the one considerably larger than the others, we need to reassert the leadership and start building our connections again with IADS, IVSA, and IPSF respectively and collectively. �Present our latest Global Priorities, propose to set new strategies for the upcoming terms as an alliance. �Seek to establish regulated reporting systems within WMSA to foster accountability towards each other, �Keep up the common meetings calendar for mutual exchange of opportunities, 17
�Working towards Meaningful Youth Participation in health sector together through joint statements and co-authoring scientific papers, organize side events and report good practices to each other on a regular basis, �Invite WHSA partners to IFMSA GAs and Regional Meetings, �Create the Joint Working Group for the organization of the Virtual World Healthcare Students’ Symposium (WHSS) 2021 �I will stand firm on my priority as the main coordinator of IFMSA’s global advocacy on AMR and I will be in collaboration with the the established stakeholders in the area of Communicable Diseases such as ISID, ESCMID, AMR Secretariat, ARC, StopTB.
�Regional Medical Students’ Organizations are key to IFMSA at reaching the regional level and addressing an even bigger portion of the medical students such as FAMSA, EMSA, PMSA, AMSA and FELSOCEM should all be streamlined in terms of the follow up as well as communications. As each belong to a region such work will be with the crucial support of our relevant Regional Directors. �Following-up with the Deliverables of past MoUs �Analyzing if the outcomes have been satisfactory with the MoUs that will expire this MM21 like EMSA, ECL, EFPSA, and AMSA; or the ones that will come to an end by the end of 2021 such as IPSF PARO or IPSF EMRO; all in collaboration with the relevant RD or LO,
�Exploring Future Collaborations �Explore new areas that IFMSA had never ventured before. These include rising fields such as Space Medicine, Bioinformatics as well as joint efforts with other professions; �Opportunities of Internship in Research, scholarships for Master’s and Ph.D., from International Space University �Secured places, satellite events of IFMSA, and sessions dedicated to IFMSA from one of the biggest conferences in Eastern Europe Bukovinian International Medical Conference (BIMCO) where there are many interesting topics covered such as health informatics and more, �With the growing need for advocacy action, IFMSA members are reading and learning more about politics and law-related topics in every Standing Committee we have. In order to satisfy the need for that, forming International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) which provides a Political Science Winter School and a Political Science Summer School with interactive workshops and even create scientific publications to go live on journals like POLITIKON, and more, �Get secured places for the World Congress of IAPSS, where members can find great networking opportunities with high-level stakeholders and scholars, �Joint Webinars with United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, joint toolkits with COSE (Circle of Sustainable Europe), 18
�Collaborative work with IAPSS to draft publications like ‘’How to Lobby in High-Level Meetings’’ and ‘’Impactful Advocacy’’ to benefit from different fields of study and establish the interprofessional collaboration with non-health-related areas, �Set deals on internships from NGCEF Honorary Fundamental Training Program as the Novel Global Community Educational Foundation (NGCEF) is a leading foundation in mentoring students on research and conducting research in all corners of the world �Enable the access to the mentorship program and secure an invitation for IFMSA to speak as a Key Speaker in; Science & Policy Conference and Remote International Conference 2022, by Beyond Science Initiative (BSI) �Explore possibilities to grant IFMSA the opportunity to jointly participate in delegations for OHCHR, UNESCAP, UN ECOSOC; share joint manuals on ‘’Medical Malpractice in Medical Curricula’’ and other relevant topics through a partnership with European Law Students’ Association (ELSA), �Work to establish a rigorous partnership opportunity with GAVI as we are facing different social and financial challenges in regards to vaccine mistrust, vaccine nationalism, lack of attention in the global supply of vaccines, and lack of innovation. �Hold joint webinars on European health policies by European Students Think Tank (EST), �Hold joint Global Health related activities to Healthcare Crises and Youth Health Students Response and co-organize the Global Health Program 2021 with Students_Against_COVID (SAC) �Submit articles to the Journal of Global Health & Policy and work together on joint health policy events with Polygeia- Global Health Think Tank, �Explore policy-related collaborations in high level meeting with UN MGCY and ICMYO.
VPE to LOSO To quickly build the team spirit with other LOs and the External Affairs International Team, I will be in close contact with the VPE. It will be essential for me to organize and reorder the leftover Annual Working Plan and prioritize certain tasks over others, for which I will need constant support and input from the VPE. Also, for any new idea I am planning to realize will have to go through a feasibility check and a round of input from the VPE. Finally, I will also continuously report my work progress and consult whenever needed.
EA IT to LOSO It is an immense chance for all of the Liaison Officers and of course the Vice President for External Affairs that we started an international team only for EA matters. They help us structure the internal work of the external work and help us work our way in all five regions of IFMSA. I will work together with the External Affairs International Team to create and share various calls for opportunities such as delegations, consultations for important decisions, input for external meetings and policy documents. I will seek opportunities to work together pertaining to my official work with Students Organizations. I will also be proactive in propagating EA campaigns, calls, and educative content to strengthen our voice as one united External Affairs workers of IFMSA.
Members to LOSO Through vcontinuous stakeholder mapping, fast-paced communications with multiple student organizations will be possible. This will enable us, as IFMSA, to have access to many unique opportunities. Initiatives such as; scholarship opportunities, internships, grants, online courses offers, awards/hackathons, secured spots at many prestigious gatherings, space to present our stances in consultations with various important stakeholders, endeavoring into various calls for events or input, surveys, invitations, and joint statements will give IFMSA a place and prestige among other organizations. 20
I have already mapped out novel stakeholders and have specific targets in the upcoming period for our members. In addition to external opportunities, I am planning to create an equal amount of participative and competitive environment within the federation to foster interest and engagement in policy-making by Small Working Groups on the creation of policy campaigns, policy creation as well as reviewing committees. Moreover, members will have access to any opportunity fast as I will be working for the dissemination of such through all of our IFMSA channels. Members will also have access to the various reports from external events that IFMSA’s delegation will be filling in terms of the key take-aways and discussions from there as a means of transparency, building capacity among members on EA, and documenting the outcomes for future delegations. Live updates would be also shared regularly with members through our Social Media channels in collaboration with the PRC team for enhanced accessibility of the internal happenings of the events for members.
Curriculum Vitae Berkehan Erkıvlıç EDUCATION Dr. Rıdvan Ege-Dr. Binnaz Ege High School /Nesibe Aydın Star High School 2013-2017 Başkent University Faculty of Medicine 2017-2023 Anadolu University Health Management 2020-2024 22
IFMSA EXPERIENCE Local Experience Local Officer of New Technologies Support Division (2018-2019) Assistant for Local Offcer of Public Health (20172018) Pre-Graduation Medical Students Committee Member (2017)
National Experience National Small Working Group Coordinator for Mental Health Rights and the Fight Against Discrimination Designed & facilitated the National workshop ‘’External Affairs and Organizational Development
International Experience TNT Trainer, 2018 TNHRT Trainer 2018 World Human Rights Day Small Working Group Member 2018 NORP Weekend Amsterdam, Sessions' Team Member, 2018 IFMSA March Meeting SCORP Sessions' Team Member, 2019 Migrants' Health Policy Document Renewal SWG Member,2019 23
IFMSA August Meeting SCORP Love Campaign SWG Member, 2019 IFMSA March Meeting SCORP Plenary Secretary-Assistant, 2019
SCORP International Team, SCORP Capacity Building Development Assistant 2019/2020 •Coordinator of SWG on Workshops’ Standardisation •Outcome → TNHRT Curriculum and Evaluation, 2019-2020 •Coordinator of SWG on Reform of the SCORP Regulations •Outcome → SCORP Capacity Building Regulations was born., 2019-2020 •SCORP European NORP Weekend Sessions Team 2020, Frankfurt •IFMSA March Meeting SCORP Sessions Team, 2020 •Coordinator of the online workshop International Training on Human Rights Education, 2020 •IFMSA August Meeting SCORP Sessions Team, 2020 •2 ICAN NPT Regional Consultations as the SCORP IT Representative, 2020 •Capacity Building International Team, Capacity Building Development Assistant 2020/2021 24
•The pertaining work can be tracked from the bimonthly reports of CB IT
External Experience •Local Training and Development Lead at Central Branch Polygeia •Public Health Author in European Students Think Tank •Migrants' Health Policy Document Renewal SWG Member,2019 •EST Representation State of Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic Youth Opportunities France Consultations •Global Health Lead at Students_Against_COVID •Translational Ambassador Students_Against_COVID •Capacity Building Development Assistant 20-21 IFMSA •Represented IFMSA SCORP in European Regional Consultations of ICAN-NPT, •Europe Umbrella, •Europe Nuclear-Armed States •Coordinator of Migrants’ Health Policy Document •SCORP International Team Capacity Building Development Assistant 19-20 IFMSA •Various National Strategy Proposals 25
•Member of Migrants’ Health Policy Document •SCOPH Assistant 17-18 - Baskent University Local Committee •Active Member of UNEP UNMGCY on: •Science-Policy Interface, •Environment Security / Crisis Response •A decade on Ecosystem Restoration (coordinated with the broader UNMGCY Focus Group) •Communication •Member of UNMGCY SDG 7 Youth Constituency •Member of UNEP MGCY Science Policy Working Groups Thematic Consultations.
LANGUAGES English C2 French Fluent C1 Turkish C2 German Intermediate Portuguese Intermediate Spanish Pre-Intermediate Swedish Basic
COURSES •Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment - Tomsk University •Mental Health in Healthcare Professionals on the Front-Line of the COVID Pandemic Harvard Medical School •The Impact of COVID-19 on Telehealth Harvard Medical School •Essentials of Global Health Course - Yale School of Public Health •Violence Against Healthcare - International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC •50+ Number of external webinars, summits, and conferences that i took part in during the pandemic
SKILLS GSuite Pages, Numbers, Slides Canva Evidence-Based Research Critical Thinking Database Management Initiative taking Data Analysis 5 IFMSA General Assemblies 27
OTHER •Peer Educator and member of TEMA Foundation (Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats) •Co-Author and member of Turkish Green Crescent (Fighting Addiction) •+135 hours of training as in-person/online sessions or workshops. •5 workshops facilitated. •+35 events •A complete list can be found in my portfolio here