Farini Student Housing Complex_Master's Thesis_Berk Ozturk

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Farini student housing complex


for a new student housing complex in Scalo Farini, Milan

Politecnico di Milano

Scuola AUIC_Architettura Urbanistica e Ingegneria delle Costruzioni

MSc Course_Architettura delle Costruzioni_Building Architecture

Scientific disciplinary sector_ICAR/14_Architectural and Urban composition

Student_Berk Ozturk

Supervisor_Prof. Maria Grazia Folli

Co-Supervisors_Prof. Guido Zuliani Prof. Grigor Angjeliu Prof. Claudio Mirarchi Prof. Giovanni Dotelli Prof. Francesco Romano

“Architecture is always dream and function, expression of a utopia and instrument of a convenience.”

R.Barthes, “The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies”, University of California Press, 1997, p.6

Farini student housing complex

Proposal for a new student housing complex in Scalo Farini, Milan



1.1_Past Milan 15

1.2_Railway 21

1.3_Programme Agreement 31

1.4_Scalo Farini area 39

1.5_Recent developments 51


2.1_Urban 65

2.2_Architectural design 87

2.3_Building architecture 117



La tesi qui presentata riguarda la progettazione di una parte critica della città di Milano, la zona dello Scalo Farini. Un nuovo complesso di alloggi per studenti si pone come obiettivo principale, da cui un’area più ampia è ristrutturata e sviluppata. Partendo dal contesto urbano, l’area dello Scalo Farini sta subendo un significativo processo di trasformazione. Un lungo dibattito che ha portato all’Accordo di Programma nel 2017, in cui le parti hanno concordato la riqualificazione dei sette scali merci dismessi di Milano, Scalo Farini essendo il più ampio. Successivamente il team guidato da OMA ha vinto nel 2019 il concorso per un masterplan per la rigenerazione degli scali ferroviari Farini e San Cristoforo di Milano, che dovrebbe iniziare entro la fine del 2022. Pertanto il progetto all’interno di questa tesi si allinea se stesso piuttosto che lo stato attuale dell’area con la sua visione futura immediata. In senso ampio la proposta progettuale si allinea con i principi del suddetto masterplan, ma si differenzia e propone alternative specificamente intorno all’area del complesso di alloggi per studenti. Il complesso edilizio è stato concepito come un insieme di volumi interconnessi, con un numero relativamente basso di piani, con l’intenzione di fondersi con lo skyline Milanese. L’asse principale di riferimento è rappresentato dal ponte che collega i due lati opposti della ferrovia, l’edificio dell’Accademia di Brera da un lato e il sito del progetto dall’altro. Al piano terra sono definiti due elementi architettonici, un cortile per gli studenti e una piazza che appartiene alla città con funzioni pubbliche e stretti rapporti con l’ambiente circostante. Il primo piano con il suo podio collega i singoli edifici e offre spazi comuni per gli studenti, mentre i livelli superiori servono le residenze per studenti.


The thesis here presented concerns the design of a critical part of the city of Milan, the Scalo Farini area. A new student housing complex stands as the main focus, from which a broader area is reconcieved and developed. To start with the urban context, the Scalo Farini area is undergoing a significant transformation process. A long debate that led to the Program Agreement 2017, whereby the parties agreed on the redevelopment of the seven disused freight yards of Milan, Scalo Farini being the larghest one. Subsequently the team led by OMA won in 2019 the competition for a masterplan for the regeneration of the Farini and San Cristoforo railway yards in Milan, which is expected to begin by the end of 2022. Therefore the design within this thesis aligns itself rather than the present state of the area with its immediate future vision. In a broad sense the design proposal lines up with the aformentioned masterplan’s principles, yet it differs and proposes alternatives specifically around the Student housing complex’s area. The building complex was conceived as a set of interconnected volumes, with relatively low number of stories, intending to merge with the milanese skyline. The main axis of reference is represented by the bridge connecting the two opposite sides of the railway, the Accademia di Brera building on one side and the project’s site on the other. On the ground floor two architectural elements are defined, a courtyard for students and a plaza that belongs to the city with public functions and close relations with its surroundings. The first floor with its podium connects the single buildings and offers communal spaces for students, while the upper levels serve the student residences.


This first part will deal with the general framework that preceded and led to the design process. Starting with the historic urban development of Milan, It tackles the evolution of the Scalo Farini area. An area that had a great relevance in the city due to the presence of the freight yard-railway, which identifies Scalo Farini as a focal point for the city’s network of connections. Besides the freight yard and its facilities as well as the Customs building, the area features two other historical buildings: the Cimitero Monumentale on the south-eastern side of the railway and the Renaissance Villa Simonetta. Furthermore the site is at the center of discussion in recent years for multiple reasons. It is an important and strategic site due to its remarkable extension and availability as well as to its now central location within the city, its connection with the transportation network and the proximity of its urban facilities. Subject of many proposals, both architectural and urban, that remained on paper, only in the last decade concrete measures were taken. A long process that culminates with a Masterplan design by the team led by OMA expected to start by the end of 2022.


Historic urban development of Milan

Milan is located at the center of roads and rivers interconnecting the northern area of the Italian peninsula. Thanks to this strategic position one of the biggest income sources has always been trading of goods. Also due to the development of both national and international market, by the end of the 19th century, the city was characterized by a rapid urban growth outside the circle of Navigli. Therefore it was necessary to implement measures to solve the problem of the increasing number of factories and demand for new residential districts.

Piano Beruto

Under the pressure of the public opinion, the realisation of a new urban development plan was assigned to the engineer Cesare Beruto. The first version of it was submitted to the city council in 1884. The goal of the new plan was to guide as much as possible the development that the city was undergoing through a centralbased geometry. The second and final version of this urban developement plan was drawn up in 1889, and it envisioned a decentralised model of development, placing the major industries outside the city’s perimeter and connecting them through large boulevards. In the same way, also the interventions inside the city walls were finalised to maintain a road continuity between the centre and periphery, ring roads were created to connect the radial historical ways. The plan provided the possibilty of infinite ways of future expansion, perhaps only limited by the development of the rails system with new train stations and railways.


Past Milan

Piano Pavia-Masera

Following the Beruto plan, Milan was in need of a new urban development plan regarding the building sector and the expansion of the city. This new plan was signed by Angelo Pavia and GIovanni Masera and was implemented from 1912, it carried on with the web pattern network on the other side of the new railway system. The plan led to an increase of the building density without finding a solution to the need of new services and needs regarding the increasing traffic and transportation means.

Piano Albertini

The expansion of the city decreased during the years of the World War I. During the fascist regime, the city council approved in 1934 a new urban development plan under the direction of engineer Cesare Albertini. This plan reproposes the radiocentric city, is at the service of speculation and does not present restricted areas for public use. It focuses all its attention on the central areas that will be subject to various evisceration operations and leaves the peripheral expansion without quality. The plan didn’t take into account zoning, prediction of new green areas and public services, attention to the problems of the metropolitan area.

Furthermore the successive urban development plans didn’t manage to solve the major problems the city was facing. After World War II the focus moved to post-war residential districts to solve the demoghraphic emergency caused by the economic boom, resulting in uncontrolled and rapid city expansion. Nevertheless public transport was improved with the construction of the subway system and the Passante, an underground railway system.


Past Milan

Piano Beruto 1884 2

Piano Beruto 1889 3


Past Milan

Piano Pavia-Masera4 Piano Albertini5

1980 General Variation to the P.R.G of 19536

1980 General Variation

The approvation of the 1980 General Variation to the P.R.G of 1953 triggers intense processes of transformation in the area, propitiated by the progressive decline of industrial activities and by the simultaneous strengthening of the Residencial sector as well as the tertiary setor and commercial activities. By the end of the century, a new program focused on the restoration of the city centre was approved. The city council’s new principle was to restore and imporve the existing historic buildings and therefore avoiding demolitions.

Past Milan

Past Milan

Historical urban developements street plans (Piani Regolatori Storici)7

Il reticolo dei Piani Regolatori Storici e recenti

Armatura urbana

Tracciati Piano Beruto

Tracciati Piano Masera

Tracciati Piano Albertini

Tracciati dagli anni 50

Piano Beruto Piano Pavia-Masera Piano Albertini Layout 50’s

Development and trasformation of railways

Milanese railways modificed significantly, throughout history, the milanese territory, influencing the urban morphology. During the 19th century Lombardy and Veneto regions were under austrian rule, aiming to create a communications system within the geographical area under the influence of the Empire; the extension of such network favoured the North-North/East directions creating a dividing zone between the Lombardy-Veneto and Piedmont. The first initiatives seem to have been promoted by Venetian and in April 1837 ve was granted permission to establish the company named “Società Veneto-Lombarda” on the road ferrata Ferdinandea, in honor of the sovereign Ferdinand, which connected seven cities: Milan, Bergamo (later excluded), Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Padua and Venice. In the same period the Emperor granted other two important projects. Firstly, the construction of the railway MilanComo, presented in 1837 by the engineer Giuseppe Bruschetti e da Giovannino Volta, despite the approval the project was never built. John Putzer, representative of the company Holzhammer of Bolzano, which he obtained from the Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria “the privilege for the construction of an iron rail road from Milan to Monza”. The latter was inaugurated in 1840 and then the first station was built, whose construction aroused many controversy and contrasts, especially for its location, which some would have liked more central. In those years, however, the the municipality of Milan was contained within the Circle of the Bastions and the gates of the city still strictly closed after the sunset. It was decided to build the station next to Porta Nuova, outside the walls, therefore not in the municipality of Milan,but in the municipality of



Corpi Santi (Holy Bodies), in an area a little to the South-East of the current Scalo Farini. A solid building in masonry that still exists, although it remained in operation only for a few years. The first railway section around the area of our interest, corresponds to the first stretch ever built in Milan, that of connection with the city of Monza.

Flyer Milan-Monza 18408



In the following years it appeared obvious that the first station of the line Milan-Monza would not have been enough, and it was therefore decided to build a new one in a larger space. Moving a few hundred meters there a large area along the Martesana canal was available. Thus a new large building was completed in 1850. In order to centralize traffic on a single railway station and enter the city, numerous proposals were submitted, that led to the construction of the first Central Station inaugurated in 1864. A station of transit at high speed, with a freight yard located in parallel between the Lazzaretto and the Martesana. The stretch between the junction of the cemetery and the Martesana is assigned for commercial use and named “Porta Garibaldi freight yard” from which the current Scalo Farini was originated. With the Central Station, the railway begins to sweep the perimeter to the North-East of the city with a vast belt of tracks and buildings that in the decades conditioned and addressed the development guidelines. Over the years, the increased necessity for rail traffic always posed new problems, which were addressed and resolved from time to time.

In the early 1870s Milan-Vigevano railway was finished, and with this line Milan earned a second important railway yard, today Porta Genova. The Vigevano line was connected with the existing tracks with a long connection around the west side of the city. In 1873, the municipality of Milan merged with that of the Corpi Santi, the city was already connected with Turin, Venice, MonzaComo, Vigevano and Piacenza and the railway tracks surrounded the future expansion areas of the city beyond the walls. The same year the freight yard of Porta Garibaldi also entered into service: its location (different from that of the current, homonymous station)



Central Station 18649

1870’10 was quite close to the Central Station, beyond the Martesana Canal, and further west of the second station of Porta Nuova. The latter ceased its function and the building became home of customs. Five years later, in 1878, work was underway on the redevelopment and reorganization of the area and streets around a new station that was being built, near Piazza Castello, for the Milano-Saronno railway and Milano-Erba. It was a rather modest building, with wooden frame, in a style that recalled the alpine chalets. In the early 80’s of the 19th century the railway situation in Milan was dominated by the new Central Station which received all the

Porta Garibaldi

lines until then built.

On the western side there were the lines of Turin and the line of Como; the latter was connected to the Central station with a curve almost at right angle. On the eastern side, there were the lines of Venice, Piacenza and Pavia. Just outside the Central station, on the west side, after the junction with the Como line, there was the station of Porta Garibaldi, which served as a stopover for goods. Furthemore, there was the most recent line, that of Vigevano. Milan, due to its geographical position, attracted and distributed traffic currents that also became international. The traffic of goods grew continuously with the boost of strong industrialization and construction of the alpine tunnels so much that in 1884 a specific freight yard had to be created, that of Milano Sempione, specifically intended for to the sorting of goods, in which to transfer what was done until then through Porta Garibaldi.

Milano 190411


The construction of the second railway circle in the years 19051931 was preceded by a long debate that began in 1898, when the Ministry of Public Works appointed a special study commission for the final arrangement of the Milan node.

On 10 July 1905 with the revocation of the railway concessions to all private companies, and the assumption by the State of the operation of the national railway network, the State Railways (Ferrovie dello Stato) was born. This event greatly simplified the question of the Milanese railway reorganization, as the dualism produced by the existence of two railway companies disappeared. The City Council established a new Commission, that formed two subcommittees, one for the study of the railway facilities of the Central Station and the other for the study of the new sorting station and the new belt line. To summarize:

1) Abandonment of the existing central station, of the type of transit, and construction of a new large head station, north of it.

2) Conservation of the Porta Ticinese station, but suppression of the connection with Porta Sempione and with the livestock yard.

3) Conservation of the freight yard of goods with small speed of Porta Romana and abandonment of that of Porta Sempione.

4) Abandonment of Porta Garibaldi freghit yard and construction of a new one in the area North of the Monumental Cemetery (current Scalo Farini).

The new railway line currently maintains an almost concentric trend to that of the previous lines, while the area included in the old circle was about 26 Km2, the new one reaches 80 km2.



Historical construction of the Farini freight yard

The conclusions of the Colombo Commission found full approval at the State Railways that began almost immediately to work on a project that profoundly transformed not only the railway structure of the city, but all the surrounding territory, and that would have taken long years to be realized. In addition to the Central Station, the redevelopment plan provided for an expansion of the freight yard of Via Farini going to occupy most of the area north of the Monumental Cemetery, in the triangle of San Rocco. Moreover a new port of call goods to Porta Vittoria would have been destined exclusively to the fruit an vegetable traffic, in order to supply the adjacent market. Finally, the stations of Rogoredo, San Cristoforo, were to be upgraded.

Railway yard in 1880 (left), after 1930 (right)12


The transformation of production methods and the location of new industrial activities are the first steps in the modern development of the area. The establishment of the first railway line to the NorthWest and the affirmation of the productive activities along the exit roads, conditioned the development of this portion of the city. The area around the freight yard was organized thanks to the urbanization of the areas overlooking the Via Farini, by creating a route of roads perpendicular to and parallel to the latter and by building the ring roads from the Beruto Plan, which nevertheless retained the contrasting characteristics, caused by the clash of settlements built according to paths oriented in a different way. The applications of the Beruto plan could never give a convincing solution to the planning of a territory that had hardly modifiable characteristics aggravated later by the establishment of the freight yard, precisely because its planning philosophy was always too rigid compared to the pre-existences that had characterized the territory. Every road had to be blind against the railway structures, For example, the via Lancetti that is part of a ring road that comes from the south and Via Caracciolo and Principe Eugenio that after crossing Corso Sempione end up against the wall that surrounds the railway systems. Only with the variant P.R.G. it was began to discuss about the elimination of the freight yard and the possibility of crossing the railway facilities, but the situation has not changed so much that the residential and productive built-up structures have filled the available spaces in a discontinuous way.



Schematic plan of the milanese beltway lines in 192613



Programme agreement

The areas of the seven dismissed freight yards include immovable property transferred to the institution “Ferrovie dello Stato”, part of the heritage on which the institution has full availability according to the civil regime of private property. The perimeter of those included both areas now disused and areas crucial to the railway operation. The company FS Sistemi Urbani, has the mandate to enhance the non-essential properties to the transport system throughout Italy.

The planning of the decommissioned railway areas started in 2005, when the Municipality of Milan, Ferrovie dello Stato (FSI) and Lombardy Region decided to pursue a planning model to integrate urban regeneration and railway development. Seen as a great opportunity to consider the green as a real “green infrastructure”, the goal is to think ladscape as the pivot of change, through a large central park in Farini, a naturalistic oasis, ecological connections between the freight yards and increase of the availability of sports centers.

In an urban trasformation programme transportation is a critical issue. The “Circle Line” is a fundamental element of the development of the metropolitan area of Milan, through the improvement of links with neighbouring municipalities and between districts. The Agreement focuses on raising new stations in a regional and national strategy to improve connections on the node of Milan, making these areas highly attractive to host services, both public and private.


Programme Agreement

Circle Line and the new station14

The new districts will see strong contamination between production and commercial, cultural and residential sectors. The city is focusing heavily on the age band 20-40 years. Scalo Farini’s developement will respond to the needs of the middle class by creating mixed neighborhoods with offers for every income, from luxury houses to social housing. Improving social conditions in the suburbs is the main objective of the local government, thus bringing the peripheries closer to the city center. The transformation of the freight yards and upgrading the railway junction is a fundamental opportunity to give impulse to a vision that goes beyond the radiocentric structure. Through the railway, the new settlements will contribute to creation of a sustainable mobility system based on a multimodal service integrated system, able to connect the city with the outskirts of the area. Through a densification stations, on which to set an increase of suburban lines, frequencies and service levels.


Pavia Lodi Treviglio
Roma Venezia Mortara
Genova M4 M3 M2 M4 M3 M2 M1 M3 M5 ROGOREDO FARINI LAMBRATE PORTA ROMANA SAN CRISTOFORO PORTA GENOVA GRECO Albairate Garibaldi Cenisio Centrale P ta Vittoria Cadorna Lancetti Bovisa Greco L ambrat e Puglie Rogoredo Toscana Tibaldi Romolo Canottieri SanCristoforo Zama Padova Istria
Forlanini Ortica Certosa
Gallarate Novara
Lecco Mariano
Saronno Sempione Torino
Vittuone Stephenso
Rho Fiera Bovisasca
Pa co No d Parco Forlanini P Lamb PLIS Martesana Parco della Vettabbia Parco Agricolo Ticinello Parco delle Risaie Bosco in città Parco di Trenno Ippodromi Parco delle cave Parco della Balossa R e La m b o R otaie Verdi Città studi Quartiere Feltre Nucleo storico Lambrate Rubattino Pompeo Leoni San a Giulia ADP Bicocca Bicocca Certosa PII Calchi Taeggi Parri Fontanili PRU Bisceglie Area EXPO Cascina Merlata Quartiere Giambellino Lorenteggio Quartiere Mazzini Quartiere San Luigi Quartiere via Vigevano Nucleo strico di Rogoredo Ortomercato Imbriani -Bausan Borgo Pirelli Quartiere Isola Precotto Gorla Porta Nuova Symbiosis V i ale Fulvio Testi CorsoLodi V i a Rip amont Via le Monza Vi a Comasin a VialeCertosa Ambiti contraddistinti
riconoscibile Grandi trasformazioni Nuclei storici
unitari Strade
Aree di trasformazione urbana (ATU) Nuclei di antica formazione Ambiti
Agreement Green infrastructure15 Freight
da disegno urbano
ed insiemi
di ridefinizione del paesaggio urbano
yards urban context16

Programme Agreement

Programme Agreement: (left to right, top to bottom)

-The railway belt and its development.

-Parks as spaces of sociality

-Reconnect suburbs to the center

-Public spaces centers of new districts

-New green infrastructure -Integration and complexities17


Programme Agreement

Special Zones are defined as areas intended for mixed residential settlements, including social housing, tertiary, commercial, artisanal, public or public and collective use, functions of general interest, private services for cultural, educational, health and welfare activities, sports and entertainment, as well as ancillary or compatible complementary functions.

The Farini Area, considered as a Special Area is divided in two units of intevention: 1. Farini Unit - Scalo: 362,947 square meters 2. Farini Unit - Valtellina: 39,513 square meters.

The Instrumental Area defines areas still or that will be destined to the railway operations and consist of the spaces and buildings set aside for railway infrastructure and systems. A third zone, near Cenisio stop is destined for further development.

Freight yard External riqualification zone - Cenisio Railway Valtellina 35
Farini zoning18

Programme Agreement

Programme Agreement: general strategies19

The Urban Transformation of Farini area will be characterized by the presence of an unitary park. The area will be served by the Circle line to which it will be connected through new infrastructures. The transversal crossing of the area will be guaranteed through routes on North-South axis. Within the Area of Transformation mobility will be slow, guaranteed by cycle-pedestrian crossings and public transport, useful to take into account the relationship between the different urban tissues grown at the limits of the railway yard.

Bovisa Villapizzone Domodossola Giard ni di Piazzale Lugano Giardino Cederna Piazza Firenze Parco e x Campo dei Fiori Atu Caserma Montello ATU Bovisa PA 10 Villa Simonetta Giardin DV S - S c a l F e rr o v a r 7 0 Cenisio Agenzia delle Dogane Parco Savarino Parco scuola Villani Murat Piazza Maciachini ATU v a Messina Por ta Garibald Monumentale Lancetti Futuro Parco B blioteca degli Alberi 7 1 Gli s c a i 36

Programme Agreement

List of main objectives

1) Construction of a new urban layout with the function of a “hinge” between the districts now separated by the railway line.

2) The characteristics and form of the open space must ensure a linear park unit of significant dimensions.

3) The Farini area should be treated as an environmental area within which slow mobility and public transport can be promoted by concentrating crossing traffic on certain routes.

4) Good architectural quality must also be guaranteed in interventions for the construction of public buildings and social housing.

List of main requirements

1) Construction of a compact park equal to 65% of the land area, excluding mobility areas and instrumental railway areas.

2) Partial coverage of the railway line in operation so as to allow for significant transversal connections, predominantly greenpedestrian areas.

3) Construction of new road connections both on the north-west/ south-east axis, and on the transverse axis to the yard.

4) Connection of public transport between the Bovisa station, the Lancetti station and Cenisio station.

5) Provide for the restoration of the Italian garden of 1500 Villa Simonetta, by adding an area of about 7,000 square meters to the current surface of the garden.



Historical development of Scalo Farini

Prior to the advent of the railway the area was occupied mainly by fields and farmer houses. Untill the 19th century small towns such as Sempione, Comasina and Varesina were developing close to the main roads. These were the points of origin of the presentday milanese districts, such as Bovisa and Dergano. From the second half of the century, the need of new building sites brought the city expansion outside the walls. Later the improvement of the railway system led to the realization of Scalo Farini, making it a strategic point of connection with the rich cities in the North and in the West of Milan. With the Pavia-Masera plan the freight yard and Customs were trasfered from Sempione to Farini. This led to an increase in the fragmentation of the area, separated by the city centre and used for industrial purposes. The empty areas in the North were filled with warehouses or industrial sheds, not controlled by any urban planning. Even the monumental cemetery and Villa Simonetta were excluded from the urban planning. In 1960 the new Porta Garibaldi station was build, providing Scalo Farini with new infrastructures and facilities. Even if for logistic and structural reasons Scalo Farini was never used at full capacity. This led to an abandoned area, surrounded by districts with different identities. This area resulted very problematic since it had no contextual relationship and was obstructing connections between its two opposite sides. Streets such as Via Valtellina, Via Principe Eugenio or Via F.Caracciolo, planned to connect to the other side of the freight yard, were disconnected or deviated its path.


Milan, Farini area 186520

Scalo Farini Area

Milan, Farini area 193021


Historical Buildings

Scalo Farini Area

The area in consideration, besides the Customs and the many railway facilities which occupy the majority of the land, is strongly characterized by the presence of two historical complexes, the Monumental Cemetery and Villa Simonetta.

Monumental Cemetery

In it are reflected not only the passages of the various artistic periods, but also the most representative history and image of the city, it is an extraordinary open air museum. Set up as a vast barrier on one side with its perspective view in front to the city and on the other it opens to the outer fabric at the perimeter of the bastions, that was obstructed by the presence of railways with its facilities. The cemetery is monumental also with its size: the access avenue (40m. wide) leads into the large square in front,overlooking the entrance of this huge open court measuring 260m. The cemetery is located outside the walls of the bastions, on the site of the ancient cemetery of Mojazza. The decision to create a new cemetery for the entire city of Milan dates back to 1829, a decade later, in 1838, with the publication of a notice of examination, the board defined a shortlist of five designers for the drafting of further projects, including distinguishes that of the architect Aluisetti. He decided to change the orientation of the pre-existing cemetery, rotating it about 90. in order to arrange the entrance to the cemetery in axis with the tip of the bastion of Porta Volta. Following his death, the project was directed by Carlo


Scalo Farini Area

Maciachini, winner of the competition held in 1863. The main element of the project is the axis of symmetry, extension of the axis of the bastion, which connects the cemetery to the city. The rectangular shape of the enclosure has a particular planimetric distribution that is organized according to the orthogonal intersection of two main axes and several secondary axes. The main architectural structures are gouped on the front, as in a grand court of honour overlooking the city, while at the center

Carlo Maciachini 186322

Scalo Farini Area

of the large enclosed void is the Famedio, from which depart the porticoed wings that reveal the landscape behind the cemetery. Inside this space are housed the different funerary monuments that are distinguished by variety of taste, artistic choices and religious beliefs that contribute to the definition of an eclectic architectural language, which refers to the medieval Lombard tradition, as evidenced by the choice of materials and bichrome black-white. The Famedio is a field reserved to honour the most illustrious Milanese personalities. Since inside are buried eminent Milanese, the cemetery houses monuments, chapels, statues and works of art by important architects and sculptors.

On the main axis of the Cemetery stands the Ossuary, also designed by Maciachini. It consists of a lower body in the form of a large basement and and covered terrace that houses inside the

Bird-eye view C.Maciachini, 186623


Scalo Farini Area

oldest cells and an upper body with a square plant and octagonal dome, with corner pillars enriched by pinnacles and treated as small bell towers. On the outside alternating bands of stone and exposed bricks reflect the bichrome characteristic of the entire project of the Monumental Cemetery.

Main entance view24

Aerial view25


Scalo Farini Area

Villa Simonetta

Villa Simonetta is a building of Renaissance origin, one of the most important examples of milanese suburban villa, interesting both from a typological point of view and for the relationship it has established with the territory. The ancient land division initially determines the location of the first nucleus of the villa, then it is the villa itself to impose its rule to the countryside, with a rectangle. From the 1500s the villa becomes part of a project that will involve not only the building, but also the design of the surrounding area, according to the Renaissance principles that aspired to control and measure space. Today this arrangement is suppresed by the overlapping of more recent drawings, in particular the North-West orientation determined by the Sempione axis and reconfirmed by the Beruto plan. The construction of the first nucleus of Villa Simonetta dates back to 1502, when the chancellor of Ludovico il Moro, Gualtiero Bascapè, purchased an agricultural land, in the Corpi Santi of Porta Comasina, outside the city walls. He ordered the construction of a residential and representative villa, in his name called “La Gualtera”. The construction consists of a single massive rectangular volume, with the main front open by a portico. The facades have the characteristics of a prestigious suburban residence of fifteenth-century Lombard tradition, with terracotta decorations. Purchased by the governor of Milan, Ferrante Gonzaga, in 1547, the “Gualtera” was enlarged and transformed into a sumptuous residence of representation located in a rural context, then known as the “Gonzaga”. The original nucleus, enlarged and raised by a floor, tends to open towards the


17th century German engraving27

Scalo Farini Area

Photo taken when used as an Osteria28


Scalo Farini Area

external environment, first through large loggias, and then arranged according to a U-shaped pattern with two symmetrical porticoed elements surmounted by terraces. It is a radical transformation that completely reconfigures the villa in its relationship with the countryside. The villa is structured according to a perspective sequence of spaces that open towards the garden and the landscape. The main facade is lightened by the application of a portico, formed by arches supported by pillars and halfcolumns, surmounted by two rows of loggias with balustrades, while the wings towards the garden, are characterized by loggias placed on the floor above. In 1555 the villa passed to the Simonetta family, from which it took the name with which it is known today. This ability of the villa to organize its elements and surrounding fails with the first 19th century expansion and with the construction of the railway, that condemns the entire surrounding landscape to a decline accentuated by the change of use, Hospital for cholera. From this moment the villa takes on the role of container for the most varied activities: from candle factory to mechanical workshop, from worker’s house to barracks, from carpentry to Osteria. During the Second World War, the bombing of the nearby railway yards destroyed its facade and causing the total abandonment of the structures. Since the 60s, the municipality of Milan, now the owner of the complex, has engaged with the inhabitants of the area in an environmental reclamation that led to its reconstruction.

Post-war photo29


Scalo Farini Area

Front view30

Back view31


Scalo Farini Area

“The area (Isola District, Porta Garibaldi and Farini Railway Yard) underwent profound changes after World War II, determined by the decision to build the new business center there, by the progressive expulsion of the factories and by the definitive covering of the Martesana and the reform of the railway system, which have liberated vast areas and brought traditionally different urban realities into relationship.

But the transformation has remained unfinished and the area records the violence of contradictions. Each urban plan has deposited here scattered pieces that make it difficult to decipher its order: glass walls, office buildings and modest skyscrapers that have aged prematurely and are immersed in a foreign reality, they all remain as relics of the provincial myth of an American city”

G. Motta, O. Manunza, D. Vitale “Milano. Zona 2. Centro Direzionale Greco Zara”, Municipality of Milan, 1987



Today the area of Scalo Farini is probably the largest and most significant voids of Milan. A void of approx. 600,000 square meteres with boundaries that are not very clear, its southern perimeter is less visible, hidden away at the back of outstanding features like the Cimitero Monumentale, Villa Simonetta and a series of warehouses and new residences. The void is occupied by railroad tracks and the spontaneous vegetation that is gradually taking them over.

“What we find in the yard are the remains of the railroad lines, now dissolved into fragments in the vegetation, rusting pieces of iron, pairs of tracks, switching mechanisms stripped of their functions, the foundations of posts transformed into sheltered furrows for more delicate species.


We find a great variety of spontaneous vegetation: it is an emerging ecosystem that according to some agronomists is developing in a similar way in railroad yards all over Europe. Flowers, herbs, brambles and fruit trees.


We also find traces of the history of transport and cityplanning, some dating back a century but others more recent, like the surreal Lancetti station on the Milano Passante railroad, which stands like one of John Hejduk’s lost figures in the middle of a field of trees of heaven and weeping willows, spitting out the noise of trains and amplified announcements that echo around the wasteland.”3

Nina Bassoli, “The Great Void Scalo Farini”, Lotus 161, 2016, p.32-34


Recent developments


A year after the Programme Agreement, the interested parties launched an international competition for the preparation of a masterplan for the regeneration of the Farini and San Cristoforo railway yards in Milan. The brief of the competition pointed out once again the guidelines regarding Scalo Farini: “an important process of regeneration of the railway areas decommissioned or in the process of being decommissioned, a strategic regeneration process for an improved and modernized future of the Milan metropolitan area and the quality of urban life in the city.”33

“Increasing the green and the public space”35

“Soft mobility and planned roads”36

“Reconnecting around”34


Recent developments

Restrictions of the Farini Special Zone37 Mobility of the Farini Special Zone38

FS Porta Nuova speciale dell’Accordo di Programma corso di rigenerazione futura rigenerazione riquali cazione esterne alle zone speciali (art. 7 ADP) riquali cazione interna alla zona speciale
the regeneration
* * * * * * * * * * 1 2 3 5 6 Passante ferroviario - sotterraneo Fascia di rispetto binari 30m Zona speciale dell’Accordo di Programma Cimitero Monumentale Fascia di rispetto cimitero 50m Area strumentale Immobili vincolati BBCCAA Tracciati stradali storici * 1 Villa Simonetta A.3 - ZONA SPECIALE SCALO FARINI: VINCOLI Isola Garibaldi Monumentale Cenisio Gerusalemme Maciachini Lancetti M Zara M Marche M Dergano Villapizzone Bovisa A.4 - ZONA SPECIALE SCALO FARINI: MOBILITÀ Zona speciale dell’Accordo di Programma Interventi strategici di completamento della rete viaria previsti dal PUMS (tracciati indicativi) Fermata autobus e/o tram Connessioni di mobilità dolce indicat dal Documento di Visione Strategica Itinerario ciclabile prioritari previsti dal PUMS Fermata metropolitana M Fermata passante ferroviario FS M M M M M M FS FS FS FS ATU via Messina PA 10 ATU Bovisa LaGoccia Porta Nuova Zona speciale dell’Accordo di Programma Aree in corso di rigenerazione Aree di futura rigenerazione Aree di riquali cazione esterne alle zone speciali (art. 7 ADP) Area di riquali cazione interna alla zona speciale A.5 - ZONA SPECIALE SCALO FARINI: MAPPA DELLE AREE E DEI PROGETTI DI RIGENERAZIONE Cittadella degli U ci Campus delle Arti Concorso internazioneper la redazione del Masterplan di rigenerazione degli Scali Farini e San Cristoforo a Milano CONCORSO FARINI
areas and projects for the Farini Special Zone39

Recent developments

Agenti Climatici (Climatic Agents)

The masterplan by OMA’s Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli and Reinier de Graaf, co-designed with Laboratorio Permanente, won the Farini competition. The Masterplan that aims to outline the guidelines of the future development of the Farini and San Cristoforo.


The basis of the Masterplan “Climate Agents” is the belief that in a context such as today, characterized by continuous and sometimes dramatic transformations, environmental and climatic conditions have become the new priorities that mark the development of our cities. The Masterplan answers proposing solutions that allow to mend the area with that metropolitan abolishing the boundaries between traditionally separated parts of the city; through the construction of parks, whose fundamental objective is to filter the toxicity produced by the urban settlement.

1. General urban planning approach

The Masterplan of regeneration of Scali Farini and San Cristoforo in Milan, was conceived pursuing an ideal transformation of current models of economic development, focusing on a model of a city that focuses primarily on the environmental and climatic conditions that it is able to offer to citizens. The Masterplan allocates a percentage of 65% of the Farini Airport to public green equipped (for recreational, recreational, sports, cultural, etc.).

A composite system, that in the north creates an ecological filter with the existing city, while in the south it recomposes the green today fragmented in a mosaic of urban gardens and new public spaces and services.


Recent developments

Masterplan by OMA 40 Masterplan by OMA 41


riduzione del calore grazie all’impiego di materiali con un grado di albedo alto

Sezione. Nuove strade carrabili

Lo spessore ambientale depura l’aria inquinata da PM 2.5 trasportata dal vento

viene deviato dentro l area. V ia

connessioni isocrona pedonale Nuove connessioni 3min 6 min 9 min

Danni Card ovascolari (O3, PM ,SO2)

Danni all’apparato respiratorio (O3, PM, SO2,NO2, BaP, Aereosol)

raffrescmamento dell’aria per evaporazione

Danni all’apparato digerente (O3, PM ,SO2, BaP)

bacini d’acqua

Schema di funzionamento del vento convettivo tra il Limpidarium e la città sud-ovest

gli aghi delle conifere catturano PM2.5 anche d’inverno le caducifoglie mitigano le particelle di ozono O3 organi colpiti dall’ inquinamento

particelle fini di PM 2.5 particelle fini di PM 2.5


dominante della città proveniente da sud ovest Simulazione informatica. Vento urbano nel nuovo quartiere di Farini Nuove strade pedonali

VILLAPIZZONE L ’habitat urbano progettato per aumentare il comfort dell’utente e stimolare gli spostamenti pedonali e ciclabili Nuovo layout della mobilità Layout delle strade carrabili e

shared Nuovo parco lineare Deviazione tratta bus 90 Deviazione tratta tram 2 200 m 400 m 600 m

ciclabili 17 min

esistenti Il nuovo sistema Il nodo intermodale persone con rendono disponibili shared mobility



e la città crea O2 freddo
O2 CO2 CO2 O2 O2 ombra
caldo H2O
vento dominante caldo
ambientale ferma
calore portato dal vento dominante
nuovo vento convettivo
freddo Sezione.
un nuovo vento convettivo freddo
tempertatura più bassa nuovo vento dominante freddo
più alta vento
il vento accumula il calore della
dominante caldo
città barriera naturale cmontro il calore portato dal vento raffrescmamento per l’effetto dell’ombra e per l’evaporazione che traspira dalle foglie alberi
riduzione del calore grazie all’impiego di materiali con un grado di albedo alto 13 O
Ilustrazione. Gli agenti anti inquinamento del dispositivo ecologico sud-ovest aria inquinata il vento accumula l’inquinamento della città, traportando le particelle grazie alla resina prodotta e a microrilievi sugli aghi alberi o 2 o 2 o 2 co 2 pm 2.5 aria inquinata riduzione del calore grazie all’impiego di materiali con un grado di albedo alto aria depurata nel nuovo quartiere Farini 14 accessibilità sicurezza pista ciclabile densità attività commerciali visibilità dagli edifici sensori micro clima arredo urbano segnaletica intelligente GARIBALDI CENISIO LANCETTI BOVISA Linee S nuova ciclabile espressa nuove ciclabili bus 90 tram 2 ciclabili esistenti S M5 M5 S M2 PORTA GARIBALDI BOVISA VILLAPIZZONE tram n.2 bus n. 90 piste ciclabili centro logistico car sharing città P P M S Nuove strade carrabili Nuove strade pedonali Nuovo parco lineare Deviazione tratta bus 90 Deviazione tratta tram 2 200 m 400 m 600 m Nuove connessioni 3min 6 min 9 min 17 min 1km centro logistico Il nuovo sistema logistico per l ultimo miglio riduce il trasporto su gomma Il nodo intermodale della stazione Lancetti supporta lo scambio di merci e di persone con la città. Gli spazi attualmente dedicati ai parcheggi sotterranei si rendono disponibili in futuro ad accogliere spazi per la logistica e le forme di shared mobility L ’habitat urbano progettato per aumentare il comfort dell’utente e stimolare gli spostamenti pedonali e ciclabili Nuovo layout della mobilità Layout delle strade carrabili e ciclopedonali strade pedonali strade carrabili Il tram 2 viene deviato dentro l area. V ia Jenner si trasforma in un parco lineare tram n.2 bus n. 90 nuovo parco lineare Due nuovi ponti rendono l area attraversabile in circa 15 minuti nuove connessioni isocrona pedonale 16 accessibilità sicurezza pista ciclabile densità attività commerciali visibilità dagli edifici sensori micro clima arredo urbano segnaletica intelligente CENISIO LANCETTI BOVISA Linee S nuove ciclabili bus 90 ciclabili esistenti S M5 BOVISA VILLAPIZZONE P P M S Nuove strade carrabili Nuove strade pedonali Nuovo parco lineare Deviazione tratta bus 90 Deviazione tratta tram 2 200 m 400 m 600 m Nuove connessioni 3min 6 min 9 min 17 min Il nuovo sistema Il nodo intermodale persone con rendono disponibili
mobility L ’habitat urbano progettato per aumentare il comfort dell’utente e stimolare gli spostamenti pedonali e ciclabili Nuovo layout della mobilità Layout delle strade carrabili e ciclopedonali strade pedonali strade carrabili Il tram 2 viene deviato dentro l area. V ia Jenner si trasforma in un parco lineare tram n.2 bus n. 90 nuovo parco lineare Due nuovi ponti rendono l area attraversabile in circa 15 minuti nuove
accessibilità sicurezza pista ciclabile densità attività commerciali visibilità dagli edifici sensori micro clima arredo urbano segnaletica intelligente CENISIO LANCETTI BOVISA Linee S nuove
bus 90 ciclabili
agenti anti inquinamento nelle conifere tempertatura più bassa nuovo vento dominante freddo P P M
nord-est S
pedonali strade carrabili Il tram 2
Jenner si trasforma in un parco lineare
Due nuovi ponti rendono l area attraversabile
tram n.2 bus n. 90 nuovo parco lineare
in circa 15 minuti
nuove connessioni isocrona pedonale
Recent developments Limpidarium Farini42 Mobility layout43

Recent developments

2. Public services and spaces:

The designers were inspired by the principle of antizoning: excluding the creation of functional areas (commercial, residential, public, etc.) distinct and separate from each other. On the contrary, in an attempt to cancel the border between the “new” district and the existing city, the different functions were strategically integrated: the centrality of the street, shops and services on the ground floor, interrelation between public and private spaces, etc. The project is also characterized by the high reuse of existing structures and the vision of a neighborhood devoted to multifunctionality, thanks to the coexistence of traditional and innovative activities and the presence of private activities, but with a strong impact on the community.

3. Environment and ecology

The Farini Park will perform a specific function of real ecological filters that help the city to reduce pollution resulting from urban settlement. In the case of Parco Farini, the Masterplan provides for an Air Limpidarium that has the objective of reducing the “heat island” effect generated by the city and purifying the air.

4. Transport, infrastructure and network

Scalo Farin is conceived as an intermodal platform for people and goods: the two most marked characteristics are the pedestrianization of the surfaces (about 90% of the total planned roads) and the possibility of developing a micro-Intelligent and less invasive logistics. The system of connections is therefore conceived in the perspective of a city that develops a green, sustainable and shared mobility.


Recent developments

The winning proposal by OMA+Laboratorio Permanente team has been revised also in the light of the phase of a public consultation that has seen the participation of a thousand citizens, representatives of associations and municipalities at public meetings with designers and the compilation of almost 900 questionnaires. The design phase is stilll ongoing and the construction phase for Scalo Farini is expected to begin by the end of 2022.


Recent developments

59 Masterplan update45


The hereby presented thesis project is based on the work done during the Architectural design studio for complex constructions 1, together with Sofiia Zozulia and Menooa Nazarian, Boris Razbha. The studio was held by professors Zuliani Guido (Architectural design), Azzolini Andrea Matteo (Architectural composition), D’Alessandro Luca (Structures), Pavan Alberto (Technology and design in BIM environment). The design has been rethought, with also a deeper analysis on the history of Scalo Farini and its future development. The site in consideration has been expanded from the strictly project area to a wider urban context. The project was then further elaborated in its technical-technological components.

Render from early design


Urban context

The PGT (Piano di Governo del Territorio) adopted in 2019 by the Municipality of Milan proposes a clear vison towards year 2030. The plan is tackling three main issues: firstly, extending welfare of Milan to all the population and social groups, taking into account the increase in population especially under 35 and over 85; secondly, expanding growth to all districts; thirdly, combining development with the improvement of environmental conditions, quality of life and new green areas. The goals of this vision were in a sense already been implemented in the Programme Agreement in 2017 regarding the redevelopment of the 7 railway yards, Scalo Farini being one of them.

Scalo Farini, today more than ever, is at the centre of the attention due to the ongoing development of its masterplan named “Agenti climatici” by the team led by OMA+Laboratorio Permanente. It appears natural that the proposed project must be placed in an upcoming planned urban context, rather than positioning itself in its present state (see left page). Therefore the Masterplan proposal has been taken into consideration as an essential feature with a critical approach.


From PGT 201948

Agreement on the programme for freight yards

Areas with high accessibility

External cores and historical axes

Manifacturing 4.0 Work spaces, Local Units for Local Identity Units (NIL) Occupation, NEET 15-29, 2011. Average: 16,3% Provision of green areas (m²/ab) per NIL Impermeability of the surfaces Annual average of days with T>25°

Foreign residents, Average: 19% Residents 25-34, Average: 11,9% Residents over 65, Average: 23,3%

A few considerations before concentrating on the specific area of the project. By reading the latest PGT appears clear the role that Scalo Farini area plays in the City. It is an area that has great potential due its centrality, although being external to the historical core of Milan. Regarding the services provided the area has to be improved and integrated to the rest of the city.

Farini S. Cristoforo P. Genova P Romana Rogoredo Greco Lambrate NAF - Nuclei di antica formazione Radiali storiche Nuclei storici esterni Coworking Makerspace e fablab Acceleratori e incubatori Sopra la media Sotto la media 10.000 17.000 3.000 0 Aree ad elevata accessibilità Stazioni ferroviarie esistenti programmate Stazioni MM esistenti programmate Quota sopra la media Quota sotto la media Dati rilevati al 2016 Quota sopra la media Quota sotto la media Dati rilevati al 2016 Quota sopra la media Quota sotto la media Dati
rilevati al 2016
66 Urban

Buildings and areas in a state of decay

Places of regeneration, Residential

Universities hospital facilities

Change in population per NIL, 2017/2030

urban parks

Social housing units are programmed to be implemented in many areas including the one of Scalo Farini.


Demography, Change in population density per NIL, 2013-2017

Despite the Universities and university residences are concentrated on the Easthern side, there is a progressive expansion to the rest of the city, due to high demand.

Public expenditure (m²/ab) per NIL The square in the centre of the district

Social housing (ERS) in implementation and programming Reopening of Navigli

Permissions implementation

Index of overcrowding, 2011

Executed per NIL

Statale Politecnico Bocconi Statale IULM Cattolica Politecnico Bicocca Statale HSR -30% 0% +30% 10 PCC Nuova costruzione PCC PA Ristrutturazione incidenza di edifici sovraffollati (>15 m²/ab) superiore a 20% immobili dismessi Edilizia residenziale privata povera ERS ERS riscattata -21% +1,1% +46,9% 0% 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 5 8 1 0 Coworking ADP Scali Norma transitoria Università Residenze universitarie esistenti Residenze universitarie in costruzione

Urban design

From PGT 201948

Foreign residents, Average: 19% Residents 25-34, Average: 11,9% Residents over 65, Average: 23,3%

Impermeability of the surfaces Annual average of days with T>25°

Provision of green areas (m²/ab) per NIL

According to the data from 2016, foreign population is occupying mostly the suburban areas on the north and west, residents between the ages 25-34 are above the average in the area around Scalo Farini. Furthermore the area is expected to go in a progressive increase of population towards 2030.

5 10 15 30 Coworking Makerspace e fablab Acceleratori e incubatori Sopra la media Sotto la media 10.000 17.000 3.000 0 0% 100% 110 130 Quota sopra la media Quota
la media Dati rilevati al 2016 Quota sopra la media Quota sotto la media Dati rilevati al 2016 Quota sopra la media Quota sotto la media Dati rilevati al 2016

Urban design

Index of overcrowding, 2011 Change in population per NIL, 2017/2030

Existing urban parks and gardens

Demography, Change in population density per NIL, 2013-2017

The square in the centre of the district

Reopening of Navigli

Regarding open-public spaces, the area of Scalo Farini has yet not much to provide for its residents, the lack of green areas for the time being is an urgent issue to be solved. Overall the area has great potential and has to be planned with sensitivity.

Statale Politecnico Bocconi Statale IULM Cattolica
-30% 0% +30% 10 incidenza di
superiore a 20% -21% +1,1% +46,9% 0%
Verde fruibile Verde e mobilità Area pedonale
Martesana Naviglio Grande Naviglio Pavese
edifici sovraffollati
Progetti di piazze Esercizi di vicinato
0 0 2 0 0 1 0 5 8 1 0 Coworking Università Residenze universitarie esistenti Residenze universitarie in costruzione
Riapertura Navigli

Urban design

About the “Agenti climatici” Masterplan

The ongoing Masterplan project establishes relationships between districts historically separated from each other by the “Great Void”. It aims to create a unified environment in which different landscapes coexist, designed in relation to the urban surrounding them. On the north side an ecological filter with its dense green volume of trees defines a clear border. While on the south, the current fragmented system of greenery is recomposed in a mosaic of urban gardens and new public services in continuity and synergy with existing ones.

The project proposes a vision of the city characterized by a precise set of functions: traditional activities driving the development of real estate are flanked by the places of cultural production and the spaces destined to the new urban manufacturing. The district will become a model of a development in which urban regeneration is entrusted to the design of equipment and collective infrastructure, and to a set of private activities capable of promoting innovation and social value. The reuse and the valorization of the existing patrimony represent in this sense choices coherent with the will to offer spaces already today immediately adaptable to the strategic vision of the area, in coherence regarding the objectives of sustainability and circularity.

Some of the most relevant features to that Farini student housing complex are:

-Lancetti station: considered as an intermodal platform for micrologistics, that guarantees the supply of goods.


Urban design

-Market Square: directly next to Lancetti station, is protected by a large urban canopy.

-Promenade: accompanied by rows of shady trees, directed to the heart of the area, the Brera campus.

-Brera campus: with a large open court, a place for cultural exchanges between students, teachers and visitors to the neighborhood. Above it an urban terrace is a large outdoor workshop and a panoramic view of the city.

-Ponte delle Arti, link between the Brera terrace, the Ecological Filter and Via Cenisio, offers a panoramic view of the sculptures of the open-air museum of the Monumental Cemetery.

-School complex: designed by converting the current electoral office, is added to the sequence of spaces dedicated to young people west of Scalo Farini, Villa Simonetta and the new sports center.

-West Gate opens the city to a new continuous system of squares, gardens and services offered to the existing neighborhoods

-Ponte Nuovo reintroduces the historical connection between the districts of Dergano and Bovisa with those of Paolo Sarpi and Porta Volta.

-Villa Simonetta, a new Auditorium and a Music Production Centre becomes the interface between the didactic dimension of the Claudio Abbado Civic School of Music and the musical production of the city.

-Temporary Residences for Artists, Musicians and Sportsmen are located within the constellation of small railway pre-existences. -New Sports Centre reclaims one of the disused architectural spaces of the railways to host new sports activities.


Urban design

Project site

The thesis project provides an alternative interpretation to the proposed Masterplan, more specifically regarding the area on the South of the railway yard. The northern area of the Masterplan, today a great urban void, is planned as predominantly ex-novo: with a new mobility plan and new urban blocks (which the authors of the Masterplan define it as a “blocco Milano”).

This area is thoroughly elaborated and described in the submitted Masterplan presentation, while the area beneath is not fully developed. Therefore the present project is intended to further develop the work done by OMA+Laboratorio Permanent, also taking different directions, concentrating its efforts on the urban and architectural requalification of the southern side of the Farini railway yard. The area in question incorporates not only the perimeter of the Masterplan, but also the requalification area external to the special zone of Farini, or better said the area surrounded by Via Messina, Via Cenisio and the Cemetery’s perimetral walls. This area is already indicated in the latest PGT as a problematic area and/or area of opportunities.

From an architectural point of view the site selected for the design of the architectural complex of Farini student housing is the area on the right side of Via Giovanni Calvin, today surrounded by fences on two sides and limited on one end by the railway tracks and The Monumetal Cemeter’s perimeter.

In the future vision of this part of the Masterplan, its authors proposed 3 parallel high rise buildings for office use. A controversial decision with the Masterplan’s intentions, perhaps


Urban design

justified by the presence of office spaces next to the Cenisio metro station. The site is also defined by the presence of the new pedestrian bridge,Ponte delle Arti, with the north end on the terrace of the future Brera school, and connected to the office buildings.

Urban regeneration areas Public services Outer historical centre
Outer historical centre Social housing Nucleus of ancient formation
Laboratorio permanente+OMA Masterplan proposal Railway Project area

Design Guidelines

From the Masterplan competition guidelines, regarding the area in question, 2 buffer zones are indicated within which nothing may be built:

Cenisio Domodossola Gerusalemme Lancetti Piazza Firenze Parco Damiano Chiesa Parco Tolentino Giardino Antonio Cederna Alberature Area verde Parco Della Pecetta Parco Bruno Munari Piazza Gramsci Tre Torri Fermata ATM Cimitero Monumentale Villa Simonetta Garibaldi Maciachini Monumentale M Piazza Porta Volta Piazza Spotorno Piazzale Archinto Cenisio Domodossola Gerusalemme Lancetti Piazza Firenze Parco Damiano Chiesa Parco Tolentino Giardino Antonio Cederna Alberature Area verde Parco Della Pecetta Parco Bruno Munari Piazza Gramsci Tre Torri Fermata ATM Cimitero Monumentale Villa Simonetta Garibaldi Maciachini Monumentale Moscova Piazza Porta Volta Piazza Spotorno Piazzale Archinto 74
Urban design


Urban design

via Cenisio

via Fratelli Induno

Luigi Torelli Pontenuovo Pontedellearti

viale Vincenzo Lancetti

via LuigiIX

1) Railway buffer zone, an instrumental area that involve a compliance buffer zone restriction of 30 meters from the last track.

2) Cemetery buffer zone, the Municipality initiated the procedures for reducing the buffer zone to 50 mt from the initial 200 mt.

Ufficio Urbanistica Ufficio Elettorale Polo Scolastico ? Accademia di Brera Auditorium Residenze temporanee Piazza del Mercato Blocco Milano
viale 75

Urban design

Urban Design

The early design has seen the development of only the Farini housing complex, with the emphasis being on the architectural design. Later on with its further elaboration, the project included


Urban design

a larger area to be rethought in relation to the Student housing complex. The design of the southern side of the railway tracks adheres to the Masterplan project with its programme, focusing on educational activities.

Farini area appears in need of both greenery and public spaces well as in coherence and synergy with the existing context. Mineral and vegetal spaces are interconnected to generate a unified experience.

Two set of sequences are identified:

1) On the west side, starting from the northern side of the railway tracks to “Milan Block” with its mixed use neighbourhood is connected to other side through the Ponte Nuovo, a pedestrian bridge, the latter reaches Villa Simonetta, the Auditorium and the building hosting temporary residences (ex freight yard facilities). From here a perpendicular path going west towards Via Principe Eugenio and on the east going to the Sports center, in alternative a second path leads to via Messina, passing through a series of kiosk and reacing a plaza.

2)The second sequence starts from the Lancetti Station, following the Promenade reaches the Brera building, planned to be renovated into a university campus. From the terrace of the latter, the Ponte delle Arti, we arrive to the other side of the tracks and pass through the Forest park, then the bridge begins to decline reaching the Farini student housing complex and finally the rectangular plaza within. This plaza is then leading to the plaza, above mentioned in Via Messina, or on the opposite side passes through a park to reach to Cenisio Metro station.


Urban design


Urban design


Urban design

While the northern side of the railway tracks is occupied by a new neighbourhood with mixed uses, the southern side provides for predominantly spaces related to education: on the landing of the Ponte Nuovo we come across Villa Simonetta, today a music school (Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado) and the New auditorium, a public plaza acts as a point of gathering, green areas have been designed in order to create a direct relation with Villa Simonetta’s exteriors. Next to this area dedicated to musical education, we find the sports center that includes Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball courts and a Football field. On one side we find temporary short-stay residences dedicated to sportspeople and musician and on the other end going through the path cutting in two the sports spaces we find the facilities-services functional to the sports center. The path then leads to the Forest park, a densely park populated by trees, reachable also from the Ponte delle Arti, by using the ramp or stairs attached to it. A new school complex is proposed to be hosted in the large building directly in front of the Farini student housing complex, within the latter an exhibition space on its ground floor is designed in order to strenghten the cultural-social value of the project.


Urban design


Urban design




The generous site at disposition for the design of the student housing complex led to think horizontally rather than vertically with a skyscraper like structure. The volumes proposed are meant to preserve to neighbourhoods building density and volume, a decision that was certainly affected by the high-rise buildings planned in the new neighbourhood on the other side of the railway tracks.

The conceptual design began with 8 building blocks raised on a podium level on the ground, then two courtyards reduce the footprint and offer a internal open air space, the courtyard on the southern side is then opened up to become a plaza. The podium is furthermore defined volumetrically in order to permit circulation around the building blocks. The latter are then developed into three different volumes, the two ones facing the railways present a square plan (14x14meters), the other six have a rectangular plan (14x21meters and 17.5x21). The ground floor is then designed as an independent volumes, on the plaza side two smaller volumes face the southern park overlooking the Cenisio metro station, on the opposite site a larger single volume. The part with the courtyard is kept as a simple rectangular volume.

To enhance the connection between the building blocks two linear roofs, “spines” over the podium connect the buildings four at the time. On the upper levels bridges interconnect the common spaces. The 4 buildings on the short sides are designed as 7storey high while the central ones present 8floors, this allowed to create rooftop terraces accessible from the higher buildings. The stairs for vertical connection are designed as independent elements.


Architectural design

Podium+Building blocks

Two courtyards

Courtyard to plaza

Podium design

Building blocks typologies

Bridges and stairs

Ground floor circulation

Ponte delle Arti


Architectural design

“I greci usavano parole diverse per indica re lo spazio “nelle cose” e lo spazio “tra le cose”. Lo spazio “nelle cose” è lo spazio “statico” dell’internità. In architettura è lo spazio della stanza definito dai limiti che la involucrano: le pareti che la recingono e, insieme, la volta che la copre. Ma è anche lo spazio della corte, una “stanza” a cielo aperto in cui l’esterno atmosferico è ricondotto a “interno” attraverso la sola de- limitazione di un luogo: un pezzo di terra, recinto dai muri, e posto in relazione con il “profondo del cielo. Nella città antica lo spazio dell’internità era lo spazio del foro, un grande recinto collettivo scoperto ma delimitato da un portico, alle spalle del quale si aprivano gli spazi interni e “coperti” degli edifici pubblici.”

Carlo Moccia, “Le forme del vuoto”, La parte elementare della città, 2014, p.31

For the architectural design of the Farini student housing complex position and orientation are essential, in regards to the orientation the bridge, Ponte delle arti, proposed by the competition Masterplan, offered a starting point. The complex is orientated parallel to the bridge and positioned in order to achieve and enhance the monumental aspect of the project. Coming from the bridge the building blocks seem to emerge behind the trees of the Forest-park, forming a gate like entrance to the project. The reference project where this aspect is also visibile is the Bibliothèque nationale by Dominique Perrault. Advancing on the bridge we arrive to the complex, the bridge is gradually ascending, a change in its linearity above the courtyard leads to a terrace, and urban terrace from which is possible to enter the second row


Architectural design

row of buildings. From this terrace its is possible to continue with a ramp or a staircase. The two elements lay on a rectangular platform that occupied the public plaza of the complex, the platform is inhabitated by a relatively dense amount of trees that form a green canopy.

While the building blocks function with their inner logic, the ground floor is designed taking into account the surrounding situation. The volumes on the plaza side allow visual connections with the park on the southern side and the mineral plaza on the intersection between Via Giovanni Calvino and Via Messina streets.


Architectural design


Architectural design

The complex presents a large number of exterior space, besides the courtyard and the plaza, which are in fact on urban interior space, at the center there is the public terrace; the podium level offers large exterior spaces for the students facing the plaza, the courtyard and the forest-park with the long strip on the nothern side of the courtyard. The lower volumes on the edges offer rooftop terraces, two facing the forest-park the railway tracks and future neighbourhood of the masterplan. Two other rooftop terraces face the existing part of the neighbourhood.


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design

Circulation is among the key features of the Farini student housing complex, several elements were designed in order to create cohesion between the building blocks. The two spines on the first floor, the podium level, offer a covered space for the students and link together the various buildings. Then on the 5th and 8th floor 3.5meter wide bridges offer an exterior space that connects the blocks two by two. Each building block has its own exterior staircase, also the fire-emergency staircase, for vertical circulation. Other exterior elements that define the project are the ones linked to the Ponte delle Arti, on the plaza the staircase and ramp are thought as monumental objects and two set of stairs connect the courtyard to the longitudinal terrace facing the forest-park.

Residential use Public functions Communal functions

Architectural design


The masterplan indicates various spaces for cultural activities related to music and sports, the Farini student housing complex is set on the opposite side of the future Brera building, which will host Campus delle Arti for Accademia di Brera. So the complex is intended to fulfill the demand for student housing both today and in the future perspective of the area. Yet the complex is not only a place for students but is open to the city, on the ground floor on the plaza side, a large exhibition space is designed in order to improve the cultural value of the area. This exhibition space is thought to bring together the general public with the students by having the possibility to exihibit their own works in this spaces.

Two entrances, one on via Giovanni Calvino and the other main entrance, on the plaza side, take to the hall area that anticipates the following exhibition area.


Architectural design

The main exhibition hall is a double height space generating a visual connection with the first floor, this provides also more natural sunlight into the space.

On the opposite side of the plaza, the smaller volumes on the ground floor host a bar and a restaurant.

On the ground floor the access for the Student housing area is at the center, behind the ramp/staircase, where students are welcome to a large hall, from here it is possible to go up to the first floor where its possible to reach the residential floors. On the other sides of the courtyard spaces for studying, meeting rooms, conference room, and a canteen are provided for the students.


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design

The first floor is entirely dedicated to students, it is possible to enter from the public terrace at the center where the two building blocks on the sides acts as a filter for the podium. This floor accomodates spaces for communal student use: study rooms, laundry rooms, music rooms, movie room, pool/table tennis rooms, meeting rooms. The floors above are entirely dedicated for residential use, reachable through the elevators or the exterior staircase. The 8 buildings have a layout based on having large shared spaces for the use of a small number of students, rather than a hotel-like logic. The shared spaces include a kitchen and a living area which students are welcome to interact. The bridges on the 5th and 8th floor enable the interaction between students living on different building blocks.


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design

Student residences

3 typologies of residential units are designed: single room with private bathroom (15sqm); double room with shared bathroom (32.5sqm), the room is subdivided in an entrance area with a wardrobe closet and to bathroom, then two night zones divided by movable panels, and a shared day zone; apartment for two people with two rooms, living room with kitchen corner and a bathroom.


Architectural design

As mentioned in the beginning, the 8 building blocks are grouped by 3 types of plans: 2 blocks of 14x14meters, 2 blocks of 17.5x21meters and 4 of 14x21meters. These buildings have also a unique layout plan. To begin with the square plan layout, the floor has tree apartment units and a small common area, next the 14x21meters rectangular plan layout with a large common space with a living area and kitchen corner, a corridor then leads to the various rooms, single and double. The last layout, the 17.5x21meter plan layout, where rooms and apartment units are distributed along the sides and a common area at the center. This layout is in combination with the floor above where a double height space allows visual interaction with the floor below.


Architectural design

108 Communal areas Shared spaces Private areas Restrooms

Architectural design


Architectural design

Communal areas Shared spaces Private areas Restrooms

Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design


Architectural design



This last chapter, named after the Master of Science programme, presents the development of the Farini student housing complex, not from a strictly Architectural point of view, but focuses on the matters related to Building. Dealing with the environment, technology and structure, in order to present a comprehensive project. Although there are many figures with expertise on the many disciplines that concur at the desing of a project, the contemporary Architect is required to posses a level of understanding and knowledge as deep as possible of these disciplines. By doing so, with this knowledge behind, the Architect can then propose an effective vision integrated with the other disciplines, that are not simply taken as given but thoroughly considered


Building architecture - Structure

Structural design

From the structural point of view, the design is concieved as a steel structural framework that is following a regular base grid of 3.5meters. This grid is of 3.5x7 meters in the structural plans, and 3.5x3.5 meters in the elevations of the floors above the ground level. The latter is designed as a 5meter high floor on the Plaza side, 4meters where the Bridge, Ponte delle Arti, arrives and 3.5meters the side facing the Forest park. Above the ground floor level, 8 buildings blocks emerge, 4 of which of 7 floors (including the ground level) and the rest, the center building blocks, of 8 floors. Therefore the total height of the building complex varies between 29.5-26meters. The columns and primary beams are placed generally every 7meters, with exceptions due to the vertical alignments and in proximity of the bridges, while the secondary beams every 3.5meters.

The material chosen for the structural design consists of steel beams and columns of class S275. Four types of sections were selected: The vertical elements on the ground floor, due to a higher load, are of section HEA 400, while the upper floors of HEA300. The horizontal elements are divided in two, primary beams with a cross section of IPE 400, and secondary beams of IPE 360.

Detailed structural calculations have been carried out on one of the 8 building blocks.


Case study building

Building architecture - Structure


Building architecture - Structure

Structural scheme ground floor neglected neglected neglected neglected

neglected neglected neglected

IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 A B C 3 1 2 5 4 7 6


Variable load + Floor self-weight+ SecondaryBeam self-weight
Primary Beam self-weight Secondary Beam length Pimary Beam length
IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 21.00
2 5 4 7 6
SECONDARY BEAM MED PROCEDURE Building architecture - Structure

Building architecture - Structure

Secondary beams total load calculation

Part 2: Beam Total Load Calculation

Beam CB4

Beam CB4

Influence area lenght I 3,50 m

Linear load G1

Area load G2E 1,3 kN/m2

Linear load G2 2,35 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Area load Q1 2,0 kN/m2 Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential

Part 2: Beam Total Load Calculation

Area load G2 2,7 kN/m2

Linear load G2 9,45 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Beam CB4

Linear load G1 0,66 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Area load Q1 2,0 kN/m2

Influence area lenght I 3,50 m

Linear load G2 2,35 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Linear load Q1 7,0 kN/m Live load: Residential

Linear load G1 0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load G1 0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential Coefficient for G1 1,35Coefficient for G2 1,35Coefficient for Q1 1,50 -

Linear load G2 9,45 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Area load G2 2,7 kN/m2 Self

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 9,31 kN/m

Linear load Q1 7,0 kN/m Live load: Residential

Area load Q1 2,0 kN/m2

Linear load Q1 7,0 kN/m Live load: Residential

Coefficient for G1 1,35Coefficient for G2 1,35Coefficient for Q1 1,50 -

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 24,03 kN/m

Linear load G1 0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load G2 9,45 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Beam CB7

Influence area lenght I 1,75 m

Linear load G1 0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load Q1 7,0 kN/m Live load: Residential Coefficient for G1 1,35Coefficient for G2 1,35Coefficient for Q1 1,50 -

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 24,03 kN/m

Area load G2 2,7 kN/m2

Linear load G2 4,73 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Beam CB7

Beam DC5

Beam CB1 Beam CD5

Area load Q1 2,0 kN/m2

Influence area lenght I 1,75 m

Influence area lenght I 1,75 m

Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential

Linear load G1

0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load G1 0,66 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load G1 0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Area load G2 2,7 kN/m2

Linear load G2 4,73 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Linear load G2 Dead load: Floor Self weight

Area load G2E 1,3 kN/m2 Linear load G2 2,35 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Area load Q1 2,0 kN/m2

Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential

Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential Coefficient for G1 1,35Coefficient for G2 1,35Coefficient for Q1 1,50 -

Area load Q1 2,0 kN/m2 Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 12,40 kN/m

Linear load G1 0,57 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Linear load G2 4,73 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight

Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential Coefficient for G1 1,35Coefficient for G2 1,35Coefficient for Q1 1,50 -

Beam DC5

Linear load G1 0,66 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight Linear load G2 2,35 kN/m Dead load: Floor Self weight Linear load Q1 3,5 kN/m Live load: Residential Coefficient for G1 1,35Coefficient for G2 1,35Coefficient for Q1 1,50 -

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 12,40 kN/m

Influence area lenght I 1,75 m

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 9,31 kN/m

Linear load G1 0,66 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

Beam DC5

Influence area lenght I 1,75 m

Linear load G1 0,66 kN/m Dead load: Beam self weight

123 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 14.00 B C A B C D 3 1 2 5 4 7 6

Building architecture - Structure

Secondary beams check , External bending moment calculation

1 . Calc ulate M ED External Beending M oment Calculation

1 . Calc ulate M ED External Beending M oment Calculation

Beam CB4

Beam Lenght L 7 m

Beam CB4

Linear load on beam Q_ULS24,03 kN/m M ED 1 47 ,18 3 7 5 kN m 1 47 1 83 7 5 0,0 0 N mm

Beam Lenght L 7 m Linear load on beam Q_ULS24,03 kN/m M ED 1 47 ,18 3 7 5 kN m 1 47 1 83 7 5 0,0 0 N mm

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S 2 75

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S 2 75

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

4 . Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 6 15 4 95 ,6 81 8 mm3 6 15 1 0^3 mm3

4 . Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 6 15 4 95 ,6 81 8 mm3 6 15 1 0^3 mm3

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 3 6 0 Wpl c hosen 1 01 9 1 0^3 mm3O K

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 3 6 0 Wpl c hosen 1 01 9 1 0^3 mm3O K

Beam CB7

Beam Lenght L 7 m Linear load on beam Q_ULS12,40 kN/m M ED 7 5,9 5 kN m 7 59 5 00 0 0 ,0 0 N mm

Beam CB7

Beam Lenght L 7 m Linear load on beam Q_ULS12,40 kN/m M ED 7 5,9 5 kN m 7 59 5 00 0 0 ,0 0 N mm

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S… 2 75

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S 2 75

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

4 . Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 3 17 6 09 ,0 90 9 mm3 3 18 1 0^3 mm3

4 . Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 3 17 6 09 ,0 90 9 mm3 3 18 1 0^3 mm3

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 3 6 0 Wpl c hosen 1 01 9 1 0^3 mm3O K

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 3 6 0 Wpl c hosen 1 01 9 1 0^3 mm3O K

2 . Choose steel c lass Steel
2 75 3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275
γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa 4 Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 9 53 8 51 ,8 18 2 mm3 9 54 1 0^3 mm3 5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam
IPE 4 0 0 Wpl
1 30 7 1 0^3
Beam DC5 Beam Lenght L 14 m Linear load on beam Q_ULS9,31 kN/m M ED
28 ,09 5 kN m
28 0 95 0 0 0,0 0 N mm
c lass S
c hosen
c hosen
Building architecture - Structure

Building architecture - Structure

127 IPE
2 5
7 6
400 7.00 7.00 7.00
21.00 A

Building architecture - Structure

1 . Calc ulate M ED External Beending M oment Calculation

Primary beams check, External bending moment calculation

1 Calc ulate M ED External Beending M oment Calculation

Beam B57 Beam Lenght L 7 m

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 0,89kN/m 2 3,8 2 8 3,3 7 145,90

Beam B57 Beam Lenght L 7 m

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 0,89kN/m 2 3,8 2 8 3,3 7 145,90

M ED 2 97 ,24 6 2 5 kN m 2 97 2 46 2 5 0,0 0 N mm

M ED 2 97 ,24 6 2 5 kN m 2 97 2 46 2 5 0,0 0 N mm

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S 2 75

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S… 2 75

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

3 . Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

4 . Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 1 24 3 02 9 ,7 7 3 mm3 1 24 3 1 0^3 mm3

4 Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 1 24 3 02 9 ,7 7 3 mm3 1 24 3 1 0^3 mm3

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 4 0 0 Wpl c hosen 1 30 7 1 0^3 mm3O K

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 4 0 0 Wpl c hosen 1 30 7 1 0^3 mm3O K

Beam A6 7 Beam Lenght L 7 m TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 0,89 kN/m 2 3,8 2 8 3,3 7 145,90

Beam A6 7 Beam Lenght L 7 m

TOTAL BEAM LOAD Qslu 0,89 kN/m 2 3,8 2 8 3,3 7 145,90

M ED 1 51 ,34 8 7 5 kN m 1 51 3 48 7 5 0,0 0 N mm

M ED 1 51 ,34 8 7 5 kN m 1 51 3 48 7 5 0,0 0 N mm

2 Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S 2 75

2 . Choose steel c lass Steel c lass S 2 75

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

3 Calc ulate fyd from the steel c lass fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 2 39 ,13 M Pa

4 Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 6 32 9 12 ,9 54 5 mm3 6 33 1 0^3 mm3

4 Calc ulate Wpl Wpl 6 32 9 12 ,9 54 5 mm3 6 33 1 0^3 mm3

5 Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 4 0 0 Wpl c hosen 1 30 7 1 0^3 mm3O K

5 . Choose the c ross sec tion Beam c hosen IPE 4 0 0 Wpl c hosen 1 30 7 1 0^3 mm3O K







Load Beam F1-AB7 Qslu1 12,40 kN/m

Lenght Beam 1 7 0 m

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 43,4 kN

Load Beam F1-AB6 Qslu1 24,03 kN/m

Lenght Beam 1 7 0 m

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 42,1 kN

Load Beam F1-BC7 Qslu1 12,40 kN/m

Lenght Beam 1 7,0 m

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 43,4 kN

Load Beam F1-BC6 Qslu1 24 03 kN/m

Lenght Beam 1 7,0 m

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 42,1 kN

PILLAR LOAD FROM BEAMS Pslu beams 170 91 kN

Calculate 42,1 l Load Beam F1-CB5 Qslu1 kN/m lo= Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m λ= Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN 84,1

Load Beam F1-CB6 Qslu1 kN/m Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN 42,1


129 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 A B C 3 1 2 5 4 7 6 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 400 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 IPE 360 IPE 360 Level 0 0.00 Level 1 5.00 Level 2 8.50 Level 3 12.00 Level 4 15.50 Level 5 19.00 Level 6 22.50 Level 7 26.00 C B A
Building architecture
2 Choose steel class
Steel class S
3 Calculate fyd from the steel class
cross section area
N Rd Density HEA 400 Base AREA 0,0159 m Pillar Height H 5 0 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls,self 6,2 kN 7 Check that capacity NRd > demand NEd Number of pillars 1 Total load self weigth pillars 6,2 kN N Ed N RD HEA 300 Base AREA 0,0113 m Pillar Height H 3,5 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls,self 3,1 kN Number of pillars 6 Total load self weigth pillars 18,5 kN Total load self weigth pillars 24,8 kN Load on upper Pillar F7-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F6-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F5-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F4-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F3-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F2-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F1-B5 336,42 kN TOTAL PILLAR LOAD Pslu 2379,73 kN
Ground floor pillar load calculation PILLAR F1-B5
ED Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN
profile 42,1 As Load Beam F1-BA5 Qslu1 kN/m
Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN
Load Beam F1-BA6 Qslu1 kN/m Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m
Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN
s Load Beam F1-CB4 Qslu1 kN/m
Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0
A 336,42
HEA 400 Base AREA 0,0159 m Pillar Height H 5,0 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls self 6 2 kN Number of pillars 1 Total load self weigth pillars 6,2 kN
HEA 300 Base AREA 0 0113 m Pillar Height H 3,5 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls,self 3,1 kN Number of pillars 6 Total load self weigth pillars 18,5 kN Total load self weigth pillars 24,8 kN Load on upper Pillar F7-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F6-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F5-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F4-B7 170 91 kN Load on upper Pillar F3-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F2-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F1-B7 170,91 kN TOTAL PILLAR LOAD Pslu 1221,12 kN

Building architecture - Structure




ED Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN

Load Beam F1-AB7 Qslu1 12,40 kN/m

Lenght Beam 1 7 0 m

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 43,4 kN

Load Beam F1-AB6 Qslu1 24,03 kN/m

Lenght Beam 1 7 0 m

profile 42,1 As Load Beam F1-BA5 Qslu1 kN/m As Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 42,1 kN

Load Beam F1-BC7 Qslu1 12,40 kN/m

Choose steel class 84,1 Steel class S Load Beam F1-BA6 Qslu1 kN/m Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m

Lenght Beam 1 7,0 m

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 43,4 kN

Calculate fyd from the steel class Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN fyk 42,1 γs Load Beam F1-CB4 Qslu1 kN/m fyd Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m

Load Beam F1-BC6 Qslu1 24 03 kN/m Lenght Beam 1 7,0 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 42,1 kN

Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN 4 Calculate 42,1 l

PILLAR LOAD FROM BEAMS Pslu beams 170 91 kN

Load Beam F1-CB5 Qslu1 kN/m lo= Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m λ= Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN 84,1

Calculate Load Beam F1-CB6 Qslu1 kN/m Lenght Beam 1 24,03 m Load Support Beam 1 Rslu1 7,0 kN 42,1



130 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A
HE A 300 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 400 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 C A B C 3 1 2 5 4 7 6 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 400 HE A 400 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 400 IPE 400 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 IPE 360 HE A 300 HE A 300 HE A 300 IPE 360 IPE 360 Level 0 0.00 Level 1 5.00 Level 2 8.50 Level 3 12.00 Level 4 15.50 Level 5 19.00 Level 6 22.50 Level 7 26.00
floor pillar load calculation
Pslu,beams kN 6 Calcualte cross section area A 336,42 N Rd Density HEA 400 Base AREA 0,0159 m Pillar Height H 5 0 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls,self 6,2 kN 7 Check that capacity NRd > demand NEd Number of pillars 1 Total load self weigth pillars 6,2 kN N Ed N RD HEA 300 Base AREA 0,0113 m Pillar Height H 3,5 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls,self 3,1 kN Number of pillars 6 Total load self weigth pillars 18,5 kN Total load self weigth pillars 24,8 kN Load on upper Pillar F7-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F6-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F5-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F4-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F3-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F2-B5 336,42 kN Load on upper Pillar F1-B5 336,42 kN TOTAL PILLAR LOAD Pslu 2379,73
load self
Load on upper Pillar F7-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F6-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F5-B7 170,91 kN Load on upper Pillar F4-B7 170
kN Load on upper Pillar F3-B7 170,91
Load on upper Pillar F2-B7
Load on upper Pillar F1-B7
Density HEA 400 Base AREA 0,0159 m Pillar Height H 5,0 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls self 6 2 kN Number of pillars 1 Total load self weigth pillars 6,2 kN HEA 300 Base AREA 0 0113 m Pillar Height H 3,5 m PILLAR SELF-WEIGHT Puls,self 3,1 kN Number of pillars 6 Total load self weigth pillars 18,5 kN Total
weigth pillars 24,8 kN
170,91 kN
170,91 kN TOTAL
1221,12 kN PILLAR B5 PILLAR B7


1 Obtain N ED Axial force

N ED 2379,73 kN 2379730 N

pre-selected profileHEA 400 As 159 cm2 r min 73,4 mm As 15900 mm2

2 Choose steel class Steel class S 275

3 Calculate fyd from the steel class fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 239 MPa

4 Calculate λ l= 5 m koef= 1 lo= 5000 mm λ= 68,1 < 150 OK

1 Obtain N ED Axial force N ED 1221,12 kN 1221120 N

pre-selected profileHEA 400 As 159 cm2 r min 73,4 mm As 15900 mm2

2 Choose steel class Steel class S 275

3 Calculate fyd from the steel class fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 239 MPa

4 Calculate λ l= 5 m koef= 1 lo= 5000 mm λ= 68,1 < 150 OK


5 Calculate 86,8 0,78

5 Calculate 86,8 0,78


6 Calcualte cross section area A 0,670 N Rd 2547 kN

���� ����� = ���� ���� = ������ = ���� ���� ������

6 Calcualte cross section area A 0,674 N Rd 2563 kN hinge - hinge hinge - fixed fixed end

7 Check that capacity NRd > demand NEd N Ed 1221,12 kN check OK N RD 2547 kN ratio 48%

First floor pillar check

1 Obtain N ED Axial force

N ED 2037,07 kN 2037070 N

pre-selected profileHEA 300 As 112,5 cm2 r min 74,9 mm As 11250 mm2

2 Choose steel class Steel class S 275

3 Calculate fyd from the steel class fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 239 MPa


pre-selected profileHEA 300 As 112,5 cm2 r min 74,9 mm As 11250 mm2

2 Choose steel class Steel class S 275

3 Calculate fyd from the steel class fyk 275 MPa γs 1,15 fyd 239 MPa

4 Calculate λ l 3,5 m koef 1 lo 3500 mm λ 46,7 < 150 OK

�������� = ���� �������� = 0 75���� �������� = 2 ����


7 Check that capacity NRd > demand NEd



5 Calculate 86,8 0,54

4 Calculate λ l= 3,5 m koef= 1 lo= 3500 mm λ= 46,7 < 150 OK 5 Calculate 86,8 0,54 6 Calcualte cross section area A 0,81 Table for N Rd 2179 kN hinge - hinge hinge - fixed fixed end

N Ed 2037,07 kN check OK for S 235 N RD 2179 kN ratio 93% for S 275 for S 355 ����� = ���� ���� ���� = ������ = ���� ���� ������

���� ���� = ������ = ���� ���� ������

6 Calcualte cross section area A 0,81 Table N Rd 2179 kN

����� = 93 9 ����� = 86 8 ����� = 76 4

����� = ����
7 Check that capacity NRd > demand NEd N Ed 2379,73 kN check OK for S 235 N RD 2563 kN ratio 93% for S 275 for S 355 ������
����� = 93 9 ����� = 86 8 ����� = 76 4
������ = ���� ����
�������� = ���� �������� = 0 75���� �������� = 2 ����
1 Obtain N ED Axial force N ED 873,07 kN 873070 N
7 Check that capacity NRd > demand NEd N Ed 873,07 kN check OK N RD 2179 kN ratio 40%
Building architecture - Structure
Ground floor pillar check
Building architecture
Building architecture

Building architecture - Structure

HEA 400 HEA 300 IPE 400 IPE 360

Building architecture - Structure


Building architecture - Structure




midas Gen POST-PROCESSOR DISPLACEMENT RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03 3.19020e-03 1.59510e-03 0.00000e+00


RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03 3.19020e-03 1.59510e-03 0.00000e+00

RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03 3.19020e-03 1.59510e-03 0.00000e+00

CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1510 MIN : 1

CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1510 MIN : 1

MAX : 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

midas Gen POST-PROCESSOR DISPLACEMENT RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03 3.19020e-03 1.59510e-03 0.00000e+00 CBS: SLCB1 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

midas Gen POST-PROCESSOR DISPLACEMENT RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03


6.83493e+01 4.06798e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.46593e+01 -4.23288e+01 -6.99983e+01 -9.76679e+01 -1.25337e+02 -1.53007e+02

midas Gen POST-PROCESSOR BEAM FORCE MOMENT-y 1.51358e+02 1.23688e+02 9.60188e+01 6.83493e+01 4.06798e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.46593e+01 -4.23288e+01 -6.99983e+01 -9.76679e+01 -1.25337e+02 -1.53007e+02 SCALEFACTOR= 5.0000E+01 CBS: SLCB1

0.00000e+00 CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

midas Gen POST-PROCESSOR BEAM FORCE MOMENT-y 1.51358e+02 1.23688e+02 9.60187e+01 6.83493e+01 4.06798e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.46591e+01 -4.23285e+01 -6.99980e+01 -9.76674e+01 -1.25337e+02 -1.53006e+02

CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1285 MIN : 1285

FILE:TEST UNIT:kN*m DATE:02/26/2022

MAX : 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:25,02 REDO UNIT:kN*m DATE:02/25/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

SCALEFACTOR= 5.0000E+01 CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:25,02 REDO UNIT:kN*m DATE:02/25/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602


Building architecture - Structure

Beam stresses








midas Gen POST-PROCESSOR DISPLACEMENT RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03 3.19020e-03 1.59510e-03 0.00000e+00

COMBINED 1.19877e+02 9.21514e+01 6.44256e+01 3.66999e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.87515e+01 -4.64772e+01 -7.42030e+01 -1.01929e+02 -1.29654e+02 -1.57380e+02 -1.85106e+02 CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1424 MIN : 175

1.19874e+05 9.21483e+04 6.44225e+04 3.66967e+04 0.00000e+00 -1.87550e+04 -4.64808e+04 -7.42066e+04 -1.01932e+05 -1.29658e+05 -1.57384e+05 -1.85110e+05


MAX : 1424 MIN : 175

CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

COMBINED 1.19877e+02 9.21514e+01 6.44256e+01 3.66999e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.87515e+01 -4.64772e+01 -7.42030e+01 -1.01929e+02 -1.29654e+02 -1.57380e+02 -1.85106e+02 CBS: SLCB1 1424 MIN : 175

FILE:25,02 REDO UNIT:N/mm^2 DATE:02/25/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

FILE:25,02 REDO UNIT:N/mm^2 DATE:02/25/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

FILE:TEST UNIT:kN/m^2 DATE:02/26/2022

VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602






RESULTANT 1.75461e-02 1.59510e-02 1.43559e-02 1.27608e-02 1.11657e-02 9.57059e-03 7.97549e-03 6.38039e-03 4.78529e-03 1.59510e-03 0.00000e+00


BEAM STRESS COMBINED 1.19877e+02 9.21514e+01 6.44256e+01 3.66999e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.87515e+01 -4.64772e+01 -7.42030e+01 -1.01929e+02 -1.29654e+02 -1.57380e+02 -1.85106e+02

1.19874e+05 9.21483e+04 6.44225e+04 3.66967e+04 0.00000e+00 -1.87550e+04 -4.64808e+04 -7.42066e+04 -1.01932e+05 -1.29658e+05 -1.57384e+05 -1.85110e+05


MAX : 1424 MIN : 175

FILE:TEST UNIT:kN/m^2 DATE:02/26/2022


MAX : 1510 MIN : 1 FILE:TEST UNIT:m DATE:02/26/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

MAX : 1424 MIN : 175 FILE:25,02 REDO UNIT:N/mm^2 DATE:02/25/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

COMBINED 1.19877e+02 3.66999e+01 0.00000e+00 -1.87515e+01 -4.64772e+01 -7.42030e+01 -1.01929e+02 -1.29654e+02 -1.57380e+02 -1.85106e+02 SCALEFACTOR= 5.0000E+01 CBS: SLCB1 MAX : 1424 MIN : 175 FILE:25,02 REDO UNIT:N/mm^2 DATE:02/25/2022 VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602

VIEW-DIRECTION X:-0.545 Y:-0.584 Z:0.602


Building architecture - Structure

Deformation and Displacement

Beam stress diagrams

From the structural analysis the most stressed structural elements are represented by the beams that form the bridges, these are IPE 400 beams with a span of 14meters that are placed on the 4th and 7th floors, respectivelely connected two residential floors and above connecting the higher building blocks to the rooftop terraces of the adjacent blocks.


Facade design

Building architecture - Materials and technology

DATA SHEET texture salt‘n‘pepper

The element that unifies the building blocks of the Farini student housing complex is the constant presence of the grid (3,5mx3,5m) in which the steel structure is disguised. The grid is conceived as a three dimensional element protruding from the buildings envelope. While the grid is cladded with a concrete skin (glassfibre reinforced concrete panels), the infill walls are cladded with laminated wood boards. The different use of products contributes to underline and exhibit the separation between the load-bearing parts and those of infill.

Rieder Concrete skin

-Material:Glassfibre reinforced concrete -Weight: 30 kg/m² -Thickness: 13mm -Texture: salt‘n‘pepper -Color: ferro light, polar white -Substructure: aluminium -Class: A1 (DIN 4102), non-combustible -Thermal conductivity: 2.00 W/mK

Knauf plasterboard


-Indentification: UNI EN-520 DF -Density: 820 kg/m 3 -Thickness: 12.5mm -Class: A2 (EN 13501:1) -Thermal conductivity: 0.200 W/mK

Parklex cladding


-Composition: supporting core in bachelite, finishing in natural wood -Thickness: 22mm -Texture: birch -Reaction to fire EN 13.501-1 -Density:≥ 1,35 g/cm 3 -Thermal conductivity: 0.266 W/mK

Xlam Dolomiti

-Material: spruce wood -Thickness: 100mm (5layers) -Minimum strength class of C24 boards (UNI-338/2009) -Density: 350kg/m³ -Mean density: 420kg/m³ -Thermal conductivity: 0.120 W/mK

Flumroc insulation

-Material: rock wool -Thickness: min.180mm -Density: 50kg/m³, -Class: A1 (EN 13501-1)

-Thermal conductivity: 0.034 W/mK

-Water repellent -Non-combustible -Recyclable

AG05 PRODUCT concrete skin WIDTH max. 1500 mm LENGTH max. 5000 mm THICKNESS 13 mm COLOURS greyscale (excl. liquid black), timber, bricky, pietra (custom colours on request) SURFACE ferro, ferro plus WEIGHT ~ 30 ²kg/m FIXING rivets, adhesive, undercut anchor PRICE €€€ 13 mm polar white ferro A small, dark grain that adds zest to the facade. The contrast of the two-tone slabs varies according to the colour of the concrete.

Building architecture - Materials and technology


paque f

Building architecture - Materials and technology

T hic k ne ss ( s) [m] T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK]

S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3]

T he r mal r e sistanc eA ir [m2K/W]

T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w]

Rsi Inner layer 0,130

Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m]

1 Gypsum plasterboard, DF 0,0125 0,200 1000 900 0,063 0,078 Surface mass

2 Xlam panel 0,1000 0,120 1600 420 0,833 0,070 Total thermal

3 Mineral wool insulation 0,1800 0,034 870 50 5,294 0,147 Transmittance

4 Gypsum plasterboard, DF 0,0050 0,200 1000 900 0,025 0,078 Conductivity

5 Air cavity 0,0305 - - - 0,180 - - Thermal capacity

6 Wood cladding 0,022 0,220 1500 1350 0,100 0,055 Time Constant

Rse Outer layer 0,040

o tal

( s) T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK] S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3]

r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ]

T o tal thic k ne ss [ m] 0 ,3 5 6 ,6 6 5 U = 0 ,1 5

Prestazione Energetica Estiva - Metodo dei parametri qualitativi secondo Linee Guida

T he r mal r e sistanc eA ir [m2K/W]

T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w]

O paque f ac ade : S tabilise d pe r io dic state T = 2 4 ho ur s

Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m] 0,130

Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici

O paque f ac ade : S umme r e ne r gy pe r f o r manc e

O p aq ue facad e : S te ad y-state

Phase shif t ( h) A tte nuatio n Pe r f o r manc e 96 Decreasing factor (attenuation) fd [-] 0 ,3 3 0 S > 12 Fd < 0,15 excellent 6, 665 Delay factor of decrease (phase shift) φ [h] 1 0 , 2 9 1 2 > S > 1 0 0,15 < Fd < 0,30 go o d 0, 150 Periodic thermal transmittance |Yie| [W/m2K] 0 , 0 5 0 10 > S > 8 0 ,3 0 < Fd < 0 ,4 0 me dium 0, 154 Thermal admittance inner side Yii [W/m2K] , [h] 2 , 3 0 8 > S > 6 0,40 < Fd < 0,60 sufficient 135 Thermal admittance outher side Yee [W/m2K] , [h] 3 , 4 7 6 > S 0,60 < Fd mediocre

0,0125 0,200 1000 900 0,063 0,078

251 Thermal capacity inner side k1 [kJ/m2K] 3 2 , 2 Thermal capacity outher side k2 [kJ/m2K] 4 8 , 3

Surface mass Ms [kg/m2] 96 Decreasing factor 0,1000 0,120 1600 420 0,833 0,070 Total thermal resistance Rt [m2K/W] 6, 665 Delay factor of 0,1800 0,034 870 50 5,294 0,147 Transmittance U [W/m2K] 0, 150 Periodic thermal 0,0050 0,200 1000 900 0,025 0,078 Conductivity C [W/m2K] 0, 154 Thermal admittance 0,0305 - - - 0,180 - - Thermal capacity per unit area Cta [kJ/m2K] 135 Thermal admittance 0,220 1500 1350 0,100 0,055 Time Constant t [h] 251 Thermal capacity 0,040 Thermal capacity 6 ,6 6 5 U = 0 ,1 5

T o tal the r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ] =

Opaque facade

Pe r f o r manc e quality I II III IV V

The infill walls, which constitude the facade with wooden cladding, have been tested in order to verify the energy efficiency. The current standard in the field of energy efficiency is the DM 26/06/15, which indicates the limit values of thermal transmittance depending on the climatic zone. In Milan, belonging to the Zone E, the limit for vertical opaque closures is of 0,26 U (W/m2K), and the project’s U value is calculated as 0,15 U.

Although the current legislation does not make any reference to phase shift and attenuation, it is common practice among professionals to have a benchmark of values, although qualitative, as shown in the table below. The calculations report a good (phase shift) medium (attenuation) performance.

O paque f ac ade : S tabilise d pe r io dic state T = 2 4 ho


Phase shif t ( h) A tte nuatio n Pe r f o r manc e

2 , 3 0 8 > S > 6 0,40 < Fd < 0,60 sufficient

Thermal admittance outher side Yee [W/m2K] , [h] 3 , 4 7 6 > S 0,60 < Fd mediocre

Thermal capacity inner side k1 [kJ/m2K] 3 2 , 2

Thermal capacity outher side k2 [kJ/m2K] 4 8 , 3

Nazionali sulla
ac ade : laye r s T
qualitativi secondo Linee Guida Nazionali sulla Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici
factor (attenuation) fd [-] 0 ,3 3 0 S > 12 Fd < 0,15 excellent 5 Delay factor of decrease (phase shift) φ [h] 1 0 , 2 9 1 2 > S > 1 0 0,15 < Fd < 0,30 go o d 0 Periodic thermal transmittance |Yie| [W/m2K] 0 , 0 5 0 10 > S > 8 0 ,3 0 < Fd < 0 ,4 0 me dium 4 Thermal admittance inner side Yii [W/m2K] , [h]
e quality I II III
ur s O paque f ac ade : S umme r e ne r gy pe r f o r manc e
r f
r manc

Building architecture - Materials and technology

Tilt & Turn windows, Secco Sistemi, OS2 75

OS2 75 is part of the system family OS2, studied, conceived and realized by Secco with sections: sight 47 mm, depth 77 mm.

The performance of the thermal break system OS2 have been tested by the best laboratories European certification according to standards reference number EN 14351-1.

Specific typologies, finishing materials were selected due to their aesthetic features aligned with the projects intentions, flexibility of combinations as well as its tecnichal-thermal properties.

Certified maximum performance

EN 12207 EN 12208

EN 12210 EN 717-1

air permeability water seal

Resistance to wind load acoustic performance

Resistance to forced entry Thermal trasmittance

4 8A C4 46dB PAS 24 1.04 W/m 2 K

PAS 24:2016 EN 12567-1 U value 1.04 W/m 2 K < 1.40 W/m 2 K (Zone E)


Building architecture - Materials and technology

Typical floor, Slab composition

Since the vertical components present a combination of steel pillars and Xlam walls, the floor slabs have a similar composition. On top we find a parquet flooring and beneath it radiant flooring for heating. The space in between the structural grid of primary and secondary steel beams is filled with wooden beams/rock wool insulation between OSB panels. The celing is composed by two panels of gypsum plasterboard suspended through a two-way metal system.

From top to bottom:

-Parquet flooring

-Radiant flooring: ECOFLOOR G43 (Rossato) -Additive screed -Electro-welded mesh -Pre-formed insulation / PEX-tubing -Vapour barrier

-Expanded clay screed -Protective sheath -OSB panel

-Rock wool insulation / Wooden beams -OSB panel -Ceiling system -Gypsum plasterboard panels


Building architecture - Materials and technology

T hic k ne ss ( s) [m] T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK]

T he r mal r e sistanc eA ir [m2K/W]

T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w]

Rsi Inner layer 0,040

Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m]

S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3]

1 Gypsum plasterboard, DF 0,0125 0,200 1000 900 0,063 0,078 Surface mass

2 Gypsum plasterboard, DF 0,0125 0,120 1000 900 0,063 0,078 Total thermal resistance

3 Air 0,1150 - - - 0,160 0,160 - Transmittance

4 OSB PANEL 0,0300 0,200 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Conductivity

5 Mineral wool insulation 0,2000 0,220 870 50 5,882 0,147 Thermal capacity

6 OSB PANEL 0,0300 0,220 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Time Constant

7 Mineral wool insulation 0,2000 0,034 870 50 5,882 0,147

8 Lightweight screed 0,0750 0,200 1000 600 0,560 0,078

9 Air 0,1000 - - - 0,160 0,16010 Ceramic flooring panel 0,0250 0,250 840 2200 0,100 0,061 Rse Outer layer 0,100 T o tal thic k ne ss [ m] 0 ,8 0 1 3 ,4 7 1 U = 0 ,0 7 4

Prestazione Energetica Estiva - Metodo dei parametri qualitativi secondo Linee Guida Nazionali sulla Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici

ir [m2K/W]

T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w]

Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m] 0,040

R oof: S te ad y-state

Ro o f : laye r s T o tal the r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ] = Phase shif t ( h) A tte nuatio n Pe r f o r manc e

179 Decreasing factor (attenuation) fd [-] 0 ,0 4 9 S > 12 Fd < 0,15 excellent 13, 47 Delay factor of decrease (phase shift) φ [h] 1 9 , 6 3 1 2 > S > 1 0 0,15 < Fd < 0,30 go o d 0, 074 Periodic thermal transmittance |Yie| [W/m2K] 0 , 0 0 4 10 > S > 8 0 ,3 0 < Fd < 0 ,4 0 me dium 0, 075 Thermal admittance inner side Yii [W/m2K] , [h] 2 , 1 2 8 > S > 6 0,40 < Fd < 0,60 sufficient

Surface mass Ms [kg/m2] 179 Decreasing factor 0,120 1000 900 0,063 0,078

0,200 1000 900 0,063 0,078

167 Thermal admittance outher side Yee [W/m2K] , [h] 3 , 8 9 6 > S 0,60 < Fd mediocre

Total thermal resistance Rt [m2K/W] 13, 47 Delay factor of decrease - - - 0,160 0,160 - Transmittance U [W/m2K] 0, 074 Periodic thermal 0,200 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Conductivity C [W/m2K] 0, 075 Thermal admittance 0,220 870 50 5,882 0,147 Thermal capacity per unit area Cta [kJ/m2K] 167 Thermal admittance 0,220 1000 600 0,231 0,077

Thermal capacity inner side k1 [kJ/m2K] 2 9 , 1 Thermal capacity outher side k2 [kJ/m2K] 5 3 , 5

Time Constant t [h] 625 Thermal capacity 0,034 870 50 5,882 0,147 Thermal capacity 0,200 1000 600 0,560 0,078 - - - 0,160 0,1600,250 840 2200 0,100 0,061 0,100

1 3 ,4 7 1 U = 0 ,0 7 4 qualitativi secondo Linee Guida Nazionali sulla Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici

T o tal the r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ] =

Roof composition detail (1:10)

Ground floor slab detail (1:10)

Pe r f o r manc e quality I II III IV Ro o f : S tabilise d pe r io dic state T = 2 4 ho ur s O paque f ac ade : S umme r e ne r gy pe r f o r manc e ) T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK] S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3] T he r mal r e sistanc eA

T hic k ne ss ( s) [m] T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK] S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3]

T he r mal r e sistanc eA ir [m2K/W]

T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w]

Rsi Inner layer 0,100

Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m]

1 Gypsum plasterboard, DF 0,0125 0,200 1000 900 0,063 0,078 Surface mass

2 Gypsum plasterboard, DF 0,0125 0,200 1000 900 0,063 0,078 Total thermal resistance

3 Air 0,1750 - - - 0,160 0,160 - Transmittance

4 OSB PANEL 0,0300 0,130 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Conductivity

5 Mineral wool insulation 0,2000 0,034 870 50 5,882 0,147 Thermal capacity

6 OSB PANEL 0,0300 0,130 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Time Constant

7 Lightweight screed 0,0950 0,134 1000 600 0,709 0,078

8 Radiant flooring 0,0850 0,031 1000 900 1,550 0,031

9 Laminated parquet 0,0100 0,170 1700 1100 0,059 0,050 Rse Outer layer 0,100

T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK] S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3]

T he r mal r e sistanc eA ir [m2K/W]

T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w]

Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m]


Rsi Outer layer 0,100

1 Lean concrete 0,1000 1,910 880 2100 0,052 0,169 Surface mass

2 Air 0,4000 - - - 0,240 0,240 - Total thermal resistance

3 Lightweight screed 0,1000 0,134 1000 600 0,746 0,078 Transmittance

4 Mineral wool insulation 0,1500 0,034 870 50 4,412 0,147 Conductivity

5 OSB PANEL 0,0300 0,130 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Thermal capacity

6 Lightweight screed 0,0950 0,134 1000 600 0,709 0,078 Time Constant

7 Radiant flooring 0,0850 0,031 1000 900 2,742 0,031

8 Laminated parquet 0,0100 0,170 1700 1100 0,059 0,050

Rse Inner layer 0,040

T o tal thic k ne ss [ m] 0 ,9 7 9 ,4 U = 0 ,1 0 6

) T he r mal c o nduc tivity ( l) [W/mK] S pe c if ic he at ( c ) [J/kgK] D e nsity ( ρ) [kg/m3] T he r mal r e sistanc eA ir [m2K/W] T he r mal r e sistanc e [m2k/w] Pe ne tr atio n de pth at pe r io d T ( d) [m] 0,100 1,910 880 2100 0,052 0,169


G Phase shif t ( h) A tte nuatio n Pe r f o r manc e 440 Decreasing factor (attenuation) fd [-] 0 ,0 0 4 S > 12 Fd < 0,15 excellent 9, 40 Delay factor of decrease (phase shift) φ [h] 5 , 2 2 1 2 > S > 1 0 0,15 < Fd < 0,30 go o d 0, 106 Periodic thermal transmittance |Yie| [W/m2K] 0 , 0 0 1 10 > S > 8 0 ,3 0 < Fd < 0 ,4 0 me dium 0, 109 Thermal admittance inner side Yii [W/m2K] , [h] 4 , 8 0 8 > S > 6 0,40 < Fd < 0,60 sufficient 422 Thermal admittance outher side Yee [W/m2K] , [h] 2 , 3 3 6 > S 0,60 < Fd mediocre 1101 Thermal capacity inner side k1 [kJ/m2K] 6 6 Thermal capacity outher side k2 [kJ/m2K] 3 2 4 ho ur s O paque f ac ade : S umme r e ne r gy pe r f o r manc e

Surface mass Ms [kg/m2] 440 Decreasing factor - - - 0,240 0,240 - Total thermal resistance Rt [m2K/W] 9, 40 Delay factor of decrease 0,134 1000 600 0,746 0,078 Transmittance U [W/m2K] 0, 106 Periodic thermal 0,034 870 50 4,412 0,147 Conductivity C [W/m2K] 0, 109 Thermal admittance 0,130 1000 600 0,231 0,077 Thermal capacity per unit area Cta [kJ/m2K] 422 Thermal admittance 0,134 1000 600 0,709 0,078 Time Constant t [h] 1101 Thermal capacity 0,031 1000 900 2,742 0,031 Thermal capacity 0,170 1700 1100 0,059 0,050 0,040 9 ,4 qualitativi secondo Linee Guida Nazionali sulla Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici

ne ss
T o tal thic k
[ m] 0 ,6 5 9 ,1 4 7 U 0 ,1 0 9 Prestazione Energetica Estiva - Metodo dei parametri qualitativi secondo Linee Guida Nazionali sulla Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici T ypic al f lo o r slab: laye r s T o tal the r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ] T T hic k ne ss ( s)
Prestazione Energetica Estiva - Metodo dei parametri qualitativi secondo Linee Guida Nazionali sulla Certificazione Energetica degli Edifici Pe r f o r manc e quality I II III IV V
G r o und f lo o r slab: laye r s T o tal the r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ] = G r o und f lo o r slab: S tabilise d pe r io dic state T
G r T o tal the r mal r e sistanc e [ m 2 K /W ] = 145
G r oun d floor slab : S te ad y-state Typical floor slab detail (1:10)
Building architecture - Materials and technology

Building architecture - Materials and technology

Reference section

4 Groundfloor floor construction: Laminated parquet flooring 10mm; Radiant flooring: ECOFLOOR G43, 85mm (additive screed 20mm/ Electro-welded mesh/ Pre-formed insulation ECOFLOOR G 22mm/ Pex-Al-Pex-tubing 16x2mm/ Expanded polystyrene insulation (EPS) 43mm); Vapour barrier; Lightweight screed 95mm; Protective layer; OSB/3 panel 30mm; Rock wool FLUMROC insulation 150mm; Waterproofing membrane; Reinforced concrete slab cast in place 100mm; IGLU’ Formwork height 400mm; Lean concrete cast in place 100mm.

2 2 1 Detail 2: Ground attachment

Building architecture - Materials and technology

1 Floor construction: Laminated parquet flooring 10mm; Radiant flooring: ECOFLOOR G43, 85mm (additive screed 20mm/ Electro-welded mesh/ Pre-formed insulation ECOFLOOR G 22mm/ Pex-Al-Pex-tubing 16x2mm/ Expanded polystyrene insulation (EPS) 43mm); Vapour barrier; Lightweight screed 95mm; Protective layer; OSB/3 panel 30mm; Rock wool FLUMROC insulation 200mm/ Wooden beams 100x200mm; OSB/3 panel 30mm; Hung ceiling system with steel hangers (variable heights); Gypsum plasterboard DF panels 2x12.5mm.

2 Window/Door Secco OS275 stainless steel.

3 Exterior floor construction: 600x600x25mm nonedged BRICKTILE 2.5 PETRAL panels on height adjustable polypropylene supports; OSB/3 panel 30mm; IPE 400 S275; OSB/3 panel 30mm; facade glazing substructure; RIEDER Concrete skin, Glassfibre reinforced concrete panels 13mm.

1 1 3 2 2
Detail 3: First floor terrace Detail 1: First floor-to-second floor

Building architecture - Materials and technology

Reference section


Opaque facade: Parklex cladding finishing in natural wood 22mm; Air cavity 30mm; Gypsum plasterboard DF panels 5mm. Waterproofing membrane; Vapour barrier; Rock wool FLUMROC insulation 180mm/ DOLOMITI xlam spruce wood panel 100mm, 5layers; Gypsum plasterboard DF panels 12.5mm.

9 Opaque facade cladding RIEDER Concrete skin, Glassfibre reinforced concrete panels 13mm with substructure.

Detail 5: Bridge attachment

7 5 6

Building architecture - Materials and technology

Detail 4: Accessible roof

Detail 6: Typical floor-facade

5 Roof construction: 600x600x25mm nonedged BRICKTILE 2.5 PETRAL panels on height adjustable polypropylene supports; Lightweight concrete screed, slope 1% minimum thickness 75mm; Waterproofing membrane; FLUMROC insulation 200mm; Vapour barrier; OSB/3 panel 30mm; Rock wool FLUMROC insulation 200mm/ Wooden beams 100x200mm; OSB/3 panel 30mm; Hung ceiling system with steel hangers (variable heights); Gypsum plasterboard DF panels 2x12.5mm.


Tubular stainless-steel railing, Ø20mm; Rectangular profile handrail

7 Blind box 130x130mm with textile blind

5 6
9 8

Building architecture - Service-System

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Heating/cooling in the project is generated by water-to-water heat pumps, that extract heat from a flowing source of water at constant temperature and return to another higher temperature water stream. It is distributed through hydronic pipes throughout the buildings and emitted through radiant flooring in each room. The energy required to run the heat pump system is partially provided by photovoltaic panels on the rooftop.

In regards to ventilation, decentralised ventilation system integrated into the window with incoming air, outgoing air and heat recovery was concieved.

A controlled system, room-specific air exchange without opening the window and a heat recovery level of up to 80% optimises the amount of energy saved.

In order to control humidity in each ambient, dehumidifier units are placed in the false ceilings.

Cross section scheme of main components for heating/cooling

Hvac system scheme Pr ncipi d funzionamento Schüco VentoTherm Twis assicura un continuo ngresso d’aria fresca e eliminazione di que a viziata. La ventilazione è ges ta grazie a due ventilatori che a inte va li regolari, invertono simmetrico L aria es erna v ene convogliata attraverso ’un à d recupe o d calore che ne aumen a a temperatura grazie a un tasso d ecupero Contemporaneamente, l aria viziata è incana ata te att ’uni à di cupe d calore, riscaldando al contempo ’un à Le ntervall regolari Quando esse si nver ono aria n ingresso viene riscalda a con il calore raggiunge e una temperatura con ortevole Ari fresc Pre-risc ld to de ’ ri in ingress Aria vizia a Fi raggio de l’aria Modulo di entilazione a terna a Unità d accumulo calore Uscita de ’aria viziata da la quale v ene ecuperato il calore 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L`innovativo sistema di ventilazione 5 C 7 C 18 °C 22 C 1 4 2 3 5 3 Schüc S hü V Th Twis Decentralized ventilation system, detailed section 1 Fresh air 2 Pre-heating of the fresh air 3 Exhaust air 4 Exhaust air outlet 5 Air filter 6 Alternated ventilation module 7 Heat storage unit Ventotherm Twist by Schüco 151 Building architecture - Service-System

Building architecture - Service-System

1 Radiant flooring (Ecofloor G-Rossato group)

2 Decentralised ventilation with heat recovery (Ventotherm twist- Schüco)

3 Dehumidifier unit for ceiling (DCS 133-Stelbi)

Heating, ventilation and dehumidification, detailed section of a typical room


Building architecture - Service-System

Manifolds for radiant floor system Pex-Al-Pex piping 16x2mm, spiral counterflow Buffer tank Heat pump Pumping station Water source Flow return Hot-cold water flow
Hot water Cold water Water supply system for sanitary use, Cross section Radiant floor piping distribution of a typical residential floor Supply flow Return flow
Ventilating stack Manifolds for radiant floor system Pex-Al-Pex piping 16x2mm, spiral counterflow Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 50 Drain Discharge stack Branch discharge pipe Helicoidal aspirator Helicoidal aspirator PVC vent pipe Ø110 DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer piping Ø16x2mm Multi-layer piping Ø20x2,5mm Ventilating stack Manifolds for radiant floor system Pex-Al-Pex piping 16x2mm, spiral counterflow Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 16x2 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 50 Discharge stack aspirator PVC vent pipe Ø110 DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer piping Ø16x2mm Multi-layer piping Ø20x2,5mm Ventilating stack Manifolds for radiant floor system Pex-Al-Pex piping 16x2mm, spiral counterflow Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 16x2 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 50 Discharge stack aspirator PVC vent pipe Ø110 DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer piping Ø16x2mm Multi-layer piping Ø20x2,5mm Ventilating stack Manifolds for radiant floor system Pex-Al-Pex piping 16x2mm, spiral counterflow Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 50 Discharge stack discharge pipe Helicoidal aspirator aspirator PVC vent pipe Ø110 DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer piping Ø16x2mm Multi-layer piping Ø20x2,5mm Ventilating stack Manifolds for radiant floor system Pex-Al-Pex piping 16x2mm, spiral counterflow Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Ø 50 Discharge stack discharge pipe Helicoidal aspirator aspirator PVC vent pipe Ø110 DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer piping Ø16x2mm Multi-layer piping Ø20x2,5mm Ventilating stack Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Drain Discharge stack Branch discharge pipe Helicoidal aspirator Helicoidal aspirator DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer Ventilating stack Circumventilation Ø 110 Ø 100 Ø 50 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø 16x2 Ø Ø Ø Ø 20x2,5 Ø 20x2,5 Drain Discharge stack Branch discharge pipe Helicoidal aspirator Helicoidal aspirator DN50 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) DN110 Polipropilene (PP) Multi-layer Drainage system, bathroom-bathroom section Drainage system, bathroom-kitchen plan Drainage system, bathroom-bathroom plan Hot-cold water supply, bathroom-bathroom plan Hot-cold water supply, bathroom-bathroom section Hot-cold water supply, bathroom-kitchen plan Drainage system, functional scheme cross section Hot water Cold water 154 Building architecture - Service-System
Technical room Quantity 8 Area 330m2 Building 5 Building 3 Building 6 Building 4 Building 2 Building 1 Building 7 Building 8 0 100 50 200 1:2000 0 200 100 400 1:4000 1:500 1:200 1:100 0 25 12.5 50 0 10 5 20 0 5 2.5 10 0 2.5 1.25 5 1:50 1:20 0 1 0.5 2 0 0.5 0.25 1 0 0.25 0.125 1:1000 0 50 25 100 0 100 50 200 0 200 100 400 1:4000 0 12.5 0 50 25 Ground floor plan Each of the 8 residential buildings blocks are provided with a technical room for Heat pump and sanitary water production. Technical rooms
Building architecture - Service-System
Photovoltaic panels Quantity Single 247 kWp 0,375 92,625
8 65cm 10° 65cm 10° 0 100 50 200 1:2000 0 200 100 400 1:4000 0 25 12.5 0 5 0 50 25 100 Photovoltaic panels distribution, roof plan Layout side view DXM7-60H/BF Model (SUN-EARTH ITALIA) 176,8cm 104,8cm 156 Building architecture - Service-System
TYPE A TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C Building 5 Building 3 Building 6 Building 4 Building 2 Building 1 Building 7 Building


Building architecture - Service-System

TYPE C Building 3

TYPE C Building 3



Building 7 Building 8


Building 7 Building 8

Building 2 Building 1



Roof section detail




Roof plan detail

Connection to Xlam wall with pipe support, plan detail

Rainwater conveying, roof plans

Rainwater drainage system with LORO-X RAINSTAR, DN100, steel pipes

Building 6 Building 4
TYPE B Building 6
Building 2 Building 1

The present thesis project gave the opportunity to develop a considerable amount of skills and knowledge from an architectural point of view as well as the complex system of disciplines that concur into making the architecture not only an idea, but concrete materiality. The Farini Student housing is a proposal for Milan that will certainly remain on paper, as any other student project, yet it has been developed as close as possible to be someday realized. The Building Architecture master degree has been personally a great challenge, as someone that had and has great interest in architectural Theory and little to none on Building. However it is not a matter of interest, but what an Architect should know to become one.



1 Francesco Santosuosso, Sketch of La torre del ponte Farini, 2002 2 Bozza piano Beruto, 1884 3 Piano definitivo Beruto, 1889 4 Piano Pavia-Masera (Archivio fotografico Bertarelli), 1911 5 Piano Albertini (Tedoc), 1933 6 Variante Generale, 1980 7 Gli ambiti urbani al 1930, comune di Milano 8 Volantino Milano-Monza 1840 9 Riproduzione da Giornale dell’Ingegnere e Architetto, gennaio 1865, vol. 13, Allegato

10 Scalo Merci a piccola velocità a porta garibaldi. Piano Generale, 1870 11 Milano 1904, http://www.stagniweb.it

12 Giuseppe De Finetti, Milano costruzione di una città, Etas Kompas, Milano, 1969

13 Piano schematico delle linee di circonvallazione di Milano, Ferrovie delle Stato, 1926 14-15-16 PGT Milano, 2020 17-18-19 ADP 2017 20 Carta di Milano di Giovanni Brenna,1865 21 Mappa storica di Milano TCI guida d’Italia, 1930

22 Carlo Maciachini, Planimetria generale del Nuovo Cimitero Monumentale per la Città di Milano, 1863

23 Carlo Maciachini, Veduta generale del nuovo Cimitero Monumentale, Civ. Race. Stampe A. Bertarelli - Milano

24 Roberto Penne, Viaggio nella memoria-Cimitero Monumentale

25 Vista aerea esterna frontale del Cimitero 26 Villa Simonetta Incisione Marc’Antonio Dal Re, 1726 27 Villa Simonetta Incisione Tedesca del XVII secolo



28-29-30-31 Villa Simonetta, fotografie nel tempo 32 Edith Roux, fotografie per Lotus 161, 2016 33-34-35-36-37-38-39 Concorso Farini Bando e linee guida 40-41-42-43-44-45 Relazione OMA+Laboratorio permanente 2019 46-47 Francesco Santosuosso, La torre del ponte Farini, 2002


-L. Beltrami, “Il Cimitero Monumentale di Milano: guida artistica”, Milano, Stabilimento V. Turati, 1889

-L. Larghi, “Guida del Cimitero Monumentale di Milano”, Milano, Enrico Gualdoni, 1923

-M. Grandi, A. Pracchi, “Milano. Guida all’architettura Moderna”, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1980 -G. De Finetti, “Milano costruzione di una città”, Milano, Elas Kompas, 1980

-a cura di P. Marabelli, R. Sicchi, “Milano 1980: l’attuazione della variante generale: programmi e piani”, Milano, Comune di Milano, Ripartizione urbanistica, 1980

-O. Tronconi, “Villa Simonetta dalla storia alla città”, Milano, Edizione Mediamilano, 1985

-G. Fiorese, “MZ2: Milano Zona due, Centro direzionale Greco Zara”, Milano, Comune di Milano, Settore decentramento, 1984

-V. Vercelloni, “Atlante storico di Milano, citta di Lombardia”, Milano, L’Archivolto, 1989

-G. Fiorese, M. Deimichei, “MZ7: Milano Zona sette Bovisa, Dergano”, Milano, ICI, 1993

-L. Montedoro, “Una scelta per Milano: scali ferroviari e trasformazione della città”, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2011

-S. Protasoni, “Milano scali ferroviari”, Milano, Libraccio, 2013 a cura di L. Monica, S. Scarrocchia, “Per l’ampliamento dell’Accademia di Brera”, Sesto San Giovanni, Mimesis, 2015

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