25 Tests to build your best supply chain
Winning in business is hard enough without headwinds from a poor supplier. Are you teamed with the best packaging partner? Or are you stuck with a run of the mill supplier? Turn over and take the 25 tests.
Focus on growing your net income?
Offer over 50,000 items?
Comb the world for interesting innovations?
Represent unlimited manufacturing platforms?
Have dedicated packaging consultants that understand your needs?
Get you exactly what you need?
Offer convenient quantities?
Represent one-stop shop for best prices worldwide?
Focus on total cost of your ownership?
Manage your inventory and free up your cash?
Provide world-class structural and graphic design as well as engineering?
Perform market and consumer research?
Provide business consulting advice at no charge?
Loan money for capital projects at 0% interest?
Have a dedicated Quality Service Division to protect your interests?
Stay on top of industry specific regulatory requirements?
Certify operations, design, and sales force to the ISO 9001 standard?
Use tried-and-true, stable software system?
Deliver rigorous training to all employees?
Live a culture that is urgent, proactive, and focused on customer thrill?
Keep you informed on the current state of the market?
Quantify the profit earned as a benefit of partnership?
Earn the highest customer loyalty scores in the industry?
Make one call do it all?
Offer holistic sustainability strategies tailored to your business?