Bermuda Sports Journal Issue #11

Page 76

July | August | September 2022

Editorial by Ras Mykkal

Shopping Kart

Health & Fitness with Betty Doyling

Sports Psychology with Jenny Smatt

Sports Medicine with Dr. Jeffery MacLeod

Bermuda Golf legend Eardley Jones

Eardley Jones wanted to play golf at a time when blacks could not set foot on the golf course, and he played a leading role in breaking the color barrier in eliminating racial discrimination from Bermuda’s golf tournaments.

In 1967, the first Bermuda Open Tournament, where all golfers got to play together at the Belmont Hotel, it was the first mixed tournament. James Pearman, MCP, was then chairman of the Bermuda Golf Association, and he met with Eardley many times to lay the groundwork for this historic event. This opened the door for people of color to become members of the Bermuda Golf Association and in 1968, they were allowed to play in the Bermuda Four Ball Championships. In 1969, Eardley Jones became the first black golfer to win the Bermuda Amateur Championships.

With Roger Outerbridge, Eardley organized the Professional Golfers Association, because at that time, all pros came here from England, Canada, and other places.

Eardley Jones passed away in 2012, at the age of 73, he leaves his wife Jeanette and six children Zina, Jeana, Marina, Eardley, Nicholas and Catherine.

Bermuda Sports News 14
20 Mountain Bike Racing 24 Youth Profile – Zach Moniz 38 Magic Mile
40 Karting 56 Sports Profile – Robert Wheatley 74 Cycling – Presidents Cup 76 Youth Profile – Cameron Morris
86 Harness Racing 88 2021 Sports Awards 94



The Bermuda Sports Journal A product of Ras Mykkal Innovations


Nathalee S. Simons Co-founder and Financial Controller

Ras Mykkal Simons Co-founder, Creative Director and Photographer

Sales & Marketing

Helen Trott 441-518-1246

Ras Mykkal &

Layout & Graphic Design

Published by:

Contributing Writers

Dr. Jeffery MacLeod

The Family Practice Group Cumberland House Ground Floor #1 Victoria Street Hamilton, HM-11 Bermuda Phone: 236-0001 Fax: 236-8282 Out of hours pager: 697-8896

Betty Doyling (Health and Fitness) B Active for life Personal Fitness Trainer 1-441-533-4451

Jenny Smatt, M.A, M.Sc., OLY (Sports Psychology)

Ontru/Five Rings Managing Director, Coach | 1-441-536-6878 |


The Bermuda Sports Journal was established in part because many of the sporting organizations have not kept records of the achievements of their athletes whether it be in photographs, documented history, or statistics. As people grow older, memories fade and is forgotten, therefore, unrecorded information frequently become fables. The goal of the Bermuda Sports Journal is to interview people and document their stories to ensure preservation of all their stories. We aim to be as accurate as possible, whilst relying on people’s honesty and their re-collection of events, including correct dates and times, therefore, some information may be inaccurate.

Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 6


School in its basic form is an Institution designed to provide a platform for communication. First children are taught to identify letters and numbers by their symbols and the sound and value that these symbols represent. ‘A’ what it looks like and the sound it makes, ‘6’ what it looks like and the unit value it represents. All children learn to speak before they can learn to spell, write, read and identify symbols, their sound and value. From the age of five years old, this is repeated until the children can remember and master the symbol, sound and what it represents. At approximately the age of three years old, most parents can identify their child/children interest and personalities.

While basic education is important, developing a child’s learning around their interest makes learning so much easier for the child to become productive and successful.

Children are either creative or academic and a gifted few are both. The creative child is able to make and play music, even if they are unable to read the music sheet. Some can understand and speak multiple languages from being in the environment of persons who speak the language. Some can draw and paint a picture with incredible detail or abstract from their imagination.

If the school system/curriculum does not tap into their interest and the way they learn, they become frustrated, and we lose them. They lose focus, become disruptive and anti-social. This is the problem with creative minds in schools that are geared only to the academic mind.

It is so much easier for the filmmaker to write a script when it is relevant to his/her ability to make a movie, the photographer to write the text for a book to describe his/her photographs, or the dressmaker to alter a pattern to custom fit a unique body shape.

Their world is not all A, B, C and one, two, three and their learning should be designed to support their creative way of thinking.

9 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Ras Mykkal
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 12
13 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal

Bermuda’s 10-Pin Bowling has loss of one of its greatest ambassadors.

From the age 14, Antoine’s daily life would be centered around bowling at Warwick Lanes Bowling Alley. He gradually moved through the Junior League to the senior ranks and at age 23, made his International debut for Bermuda at the Lee Evans Tournament of the Americas in Miami, Florida.

In 1986, he was a member of Bermuda’s team that won the National Bowling Association (NBA) Team Championships in New Jersey. In 1998, Antoine and teammate Conrad Lister were voted “Male Athletes of the Year”, after they earned the silver medal for Bermuda in the doubles competition at the Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In singles competitions, he won the 1996 Southern Regional Professional Bowlers Tour competition and placed first in the men’s singles ‘scratch’ event in the Annual Rendezvous Tournament in 2002.

Antoine’s personal bowling stats include two perfect games, a high series of 793 and a high average of 218.

Aside from bowling, “you could not ask for a better friend” stated well-known sports photographer and close friend Ras Mykkal, “He was one person you could count on in good or difficult times, no matter what. He was a no non-sense indi vidual, but a man with a big heart and helpful hands.”

The left-handed Antoine Jones, who ate, slept, and dedicated he life to the sport of bowling in several capacities, is sur vived by his wife Dianne ‘Bobbie’ Jones and stepdaughter, Ervelle Ingham.

He died on December 26 at age 59 after a long battle with cancer.

Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 14
Commonwealth Games medal-winner, Antoine Jones has passed

Local football fans woke up Sunday morning, April 24, 2022, to the news that St. George’s football team and national goalkeeper, Freddy Hall died after being in a single vehicle accident. Regarded as one of the island’s best goalkeepers, Freddie played professionally in England, Ireland and North America, and was loved by the fans during his three-and-half years at Irish outfit Limerick.

Hall decided to retire from professional football in February 2018, returned to Bermuda, and continued playing football for St George’s, his childhood team.

He is survived by his family which includes his only child, daughterAmia and many friends.

15 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Bermuda Football Loses Star Goal-keeper, Freddy Hall.

Exercise Recovery

Exercise can be painful! If you’ve ever done a really tough leg work-out, you know what I’m talking about. Your muscles take a beating when you put your body through a tough workout. To make things worse, it’s impossible to escape the pain after your workout. A day or two later those 10 sets of squats will come back to haunt you. Think you can walk up the stairs or sit on the toilet? Think again! The recovery process can take a few days, and sometimes hurts so bad you can’t even think about going to the gym the next day.

However, there are things you can do before, during, and after your workout to speed up your recovery process and make it a little more bearable.

Try out these tips to help you bounce back a lot faster.


To prepare your body for a tough workout, warm-up properly, jog on the treadmill, crank out a few sets of bodyweight exercises, or if you live close enough, walk to the gym instead of driving. A good warm-up adds just 10 minutes to your workout and will pay off ‘bigtime’ when you’re more comfortable the next day. If it’s a heavy lifting day, warm up with lighter weights first on those exercises. Work your joints through a full range of motion, to get some blood flowing.


Your hydration plan should be twofold: First, sip water throughout your workout session. Second, keep drinking even after you work out. Dehydration can cause symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Research shows that dehydration also increases symptoms of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Speed up your recovery and drink!

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If there’s ever a time to treat yourself to a massage, it’s after a tough training session. A rubdown can reduce feelings of DOMS by a whopping 30 percent. Some local therapists are covered by your insurance as well.

If professional massages aren’t in your budget, self-myofascial release (SMR) is a cheaper and equally effective alternative. The technique involves using a firm object such as a foam roller or rubber ball to apply pressure to your muscles. This can be used before and after your workout.


It is particularly important to eat carbs and protein after your workout session. After your workout, your body tries to rebuild its glycogen stores and repair and regrow those muscle proteins. Eating the right nutrients soon after you exercise can help your body get this done faster. Doing this helps your body decrease muscle protein breakdown and enhances muscle growth.


Make sleep a priority. If you don’t prioritize catching z’s, everything from your performance to your mood can suffer, which may ruin your next workout. Try to get 7-9 hours of shut eye per night. If you’ve just finished a particularly challenging session, try to hit the higher end of that range.

To make getting to sleep and staying asleep easier, invest in a good mattress and buy quality pillows and sheets.

Keep moving

When you can barely walk upstairs without cringing, the last thing you probably feel like doing is exercising but do it anyway. Exercising immediately after a tough workout temporarily alleviates symptoms of delayed-onset muscle soreness. Go for a walk, do yoga, or go for a bike ride on your off days! You’ll recover faster and get back to the activities you love.

Speed up your recovery and B-Active For Life!

17 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal


In our last article we shared that as humans we are energetic beings comprised of cell tissue that forms a mass of energy. We also know that what we think about, what we fuel our mind with and the level and type of energy those we surround ourselves have, ultimately impacts our energy levels. In turn, this influences the quality of our experience and therefore significantly shapes our athletic performance.

In this article we will explore how we can improve our performance with specific strategies in the first of two areas that impact our energy – what we do, think and feel.

As a starting point, let’s consider common negative thoughts that can reduce our energy and can shift us from high-performing to lowperforming. These thoughts or phrases we actually verbalize can include:

1. I am not good enough.

2. I am not prepared enough.

3. She’s faster than me/better than me.

4. I can’t do it.

5. This always happens to me.

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To illustrate this premise, try saying the above out loud, slowly. Notice your energy level and note it on a scale of 1-10. How does your body feel? Then write down what comes to mind. Do you think about a race or event that went poorly? Do you think about a training period that wasn’t ideal? Can you connect with your energy level at all and the experiences associated with these phrases?

When we replace these thoughts with positive ones, and say them with assertion, our energy shifts.

• I am amazing, powerful and successful. I deserve all of the success that comes to me.

• I have worked hard, done everything within my power to prepare. I am ready.

• I am focused on my race/event/game/. No one is better prepared or ready than I am; I am going to rock this!

• I’ve got this!

• I have so much to be grateful for; my coach, my support network, the opportunity to compete. Challenges are simply temporary tests along my journey to success! What I dream of will happen. Good things have, can and can always happen for me.

Now repeat the exercise above by saying these statements out loud. What’s your energy level on a scale of 1 -10? What thoughts come to mind? How is your body language similar or different? Do you feel lighter, more optimistic?

Saying positive affirmations out loud and spending a majority of our time thinking in this way will improve how we feel and ultimately the quality of our training and performance. We all encounter challenging situations, however, being conscious about whether or not we allow negative thoughts to exist is a proven

strategy for improving performance. Notice the percentage of time you spend thinking negative thoughts and how long you allow them to stay with you.

Similarly, what we do as part of our daily ritual can affect our performance. If we are deliberate about increasing our energetic vibration, we position ourselves for greater success. For example, when you wake up, try doing the following to elevate your energy levels:

• Look at a picture of a loved one or someone who inspires you. Reflect for a minute on a fond memory.

• Think (or write) three things you are grateful for. This sets the tone for the day to a peaceful one, focused on what is going well rather than what isn’t.

• Take a deep breath and set your intention for the day. Today I am going to have a fantastic workout or today, I am going to listen and apply everything my coach says. This will ensure you are present, in the moment and establish a positive priority for you.

• Avoid looking at your phone, social media or email for at least 30 minutes.

Elevating your energy is a proven strategy for not only improving performance but also quality of life. Practicing these simple but effective energy elevation techniques are guaranteed to improve your performance. As the famous Buddhist saying goes “What we think, we become” – let’s fuel our bodies and our future with positive and productive thoughts and energy!

19 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal


While conducting pre-competition medical screening for a Bermudian national men’s sporting team this year, I identified two players in the 30 man squad that were functioning on 60% of normal respiratory function; both these players are asthmatic, although only one of them was aware of the diagnosis. As a sport physician, I was incredulous that anyone competing at this level could have such a significant disability and either not know about it, or not be managing it optimally. The national coaching team were also unaware of the disability. Needless to say, an athlete trying to compete with only 60% of their respiratory function is significantly impaired. One of the players commented – “no wonder I’m gasping for breath at training.” Not only does this considerably impair the athlete’s performance, it is also potentially dangerous – and this is especially the case with children.

Asthma is a common and dangerous disease, causing wheezing, difficulty breathing and coughing and untreated asthma can cause permanent lung damage; even worse, a severe exacerbation can lead to death. According to the CDC, approximately 7% of white children (0-18 years) in the USA have asthma, compared to 16% of black children; this makes it especially relevant to the Bermudian population. Each year, 1 in 6 asthmatic children attend the ER, and 1 in 20 are hospitalised with asthma. Additionally, exercise is one of the most common triggers for an asthma exacerbation, so it is essential that the child or

adolescent athlete, the parent and the coaching team all know what their role is to enable both safety and maximum performance. It is not all bad news for exercise, however – quite the contrary. Growing evidence suggests that physical activity (PA), although it can be a trigger for an acute exacerbation, is actually protective and reduces the incidence and severity of asthma in the long run. Reflecting this relationship, over the past 30 years PA has significantly decreased among children, while at the same time the incidence of asthma has increased. Furthermore, there is ample evidence that children who exercise on a regular basis have better mental health, better bone health, lower risk of obesity and high blood pressure, decreased risk of diabetes and better lung function. Therefore, it is essential that children are encouraged to exercise. Nonetheless, asthma in sport needs to be recognised and managed, and the coach or trainer must play an important role. It should be a sobering thought that up to 1 in 6 of the children in a coach’s team might have asthma. Does the coach know who they are? Do they know what signs to look for? Do they know if the child or adolescent has appropriate asthma medication? Do they know that it is readily accessible during training sessions and sports events? Do they know how to assist treatment if necessary? Do they know what the individual’s asthma management plan is?

The pathophysiology of asthma is extremely

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complex and not completely understood. However, there are three main factors contributing to respiratory impairment in asthma which are well-recognised: constriction of the smooth muscle in the airway wall leading to airway narrowing; inflammation in the airway wall that leads to further airway narrowing; and increased mucous production which both narrows airways and can plug them completely. If untreated, in the long term these changes can become permanent. The triggers for this reaction in the airways are various but, effectively, it is an over-reaction of the immune system that is to blame.

and airway dilation. Inhaled corticosteroids have become the mainstay of asthma treatment however, as these address all the changes occurring in asthma. Corticosteroids are an essential human hormone that has powerful antiinflammatory and immune-suppression qualities and, when inhaled into the lungs, they counter the overactivity of the immune system. Over a period of days-to-weeks inhaled corticosteroids reduce the inflammation in the airways allowing function to return to normal. There are further options for more treatment-resistant asthma, but the majority of cases can be managed with a combination of these three medications.

The first step to managing asthma in children is recognising the signs. If they are already diagnosed with asthma, a coach will want to know that the child is being actively managed by their doctor. However, a child whose exercise-tolerance seems unusually low, who gets excessively short of breath, or who develops wheezing or an irritating cough, should be assessed by their doctor for potential asthma. If the child suffers from hayfever or eczema, or if members of their immediate family have asthma, the likelihood that they have asthma is also increased.

Effective treatment needs to address all of these physiological changes. Historically, the shortacting Beta2 agonist (SABA) salbutamol – most commonly branded as Ventolin and coming in a blue inhaler – was the mainstay of treatment. It provides near immediate relief of symptoms but may not last very long – typically around 4 hours. It works by relaxing the smooth muscle in the airway wall and allowing the airways to dilate, however, it does nothing for the inflammation and mucous production. More recently, long-acting Beta-2 agonists (LABA) have been developed and these offer around 12 hours of smooth muscle relaxation

Once a child is diagnosed, they need to have an asthma management plan. Asthma is something that often varies in severity both seasonally as well as on a daily basis. Therefore an effective management plan will allow seamless escalation and reduction of treatment depending upon requirement, including what to do during a sudden exacerbation or emergency. All parties should have access to this and know what their role is – the child or adolescent, the parents and the coaching team or trainer. Everyone should know what medication is used and how it should be administered.

A couple of essential accessories are worth noting. First, a very cheap, simple device called a Peak Expiratory Flow meter which allows assessment of the state of the airways and can be

Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 22

used anywhere. It is a small hand-held device that does not even require batteries, and can assess the percentage to which an individual’s airway is compromised. This percentage then helps inform what immediate treatment is appropriate. For some reason these meters are not commonly used in Bermuda, and most the asthmatics that I have assessed have never actually seen one.

for an exacerbation, exercise is also protective in the long run and has multiple other health benefits so should be encouraged. Coaches and trainers need to be prepared to play their role in asthma management with their athletes, however. Awareness and diagnosis is the first step. A clear and shared asthma-management plan is the next. As always, communication between all vested parties is essential. If a coach or trainer has any concerns or uncertainties, they should communicate with the player and the parents, and the athlete’s doctor should be included if anything seems unclear. Another fantastic resource in Bermuda is Open Airways, a free asthmaspecialist service that your doctor can refer you to. There are some good, clear guidelines for coaches online that will take them through the important steps and, once in place, children and adolescents with asthma should be able to train and compete both safely and at their maximum potential.

BMBS PGDip(SEM) MA BA(Hon) General Practitoner and Sports Medicine Specialist


They should be a standard tool for asthmatics, however, and should be available during exercise. The other device that is often neglected is the asthma spacer. Again these are a simple device, and they ensure that inhaler medication is delivered effectively. Without a spacer, even with the best inhaler technique, only 30% of the inhaled medication gets where it needs to be – the rest is just sprayed around the mouth and pharynx. All aerosol inhalers should be used through a spacer and they are so effective that they have replaced nebulisers almost completely. The take home message is that although asthma is common, and exercise is a common trigger

23 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal
1/ Lochte L, Nielsen KG, Petersen PE, Platts-Mills TA. Childhood asthma and physical activity: a systematic review with meta-analysis and Graphic Appraisal Tool for Epidemiology assessment. BMC Pediatr. 2016 Apr 18;16:50. doi: 10.1186/s12887-016-0571-4. PMID: 27091126; PMCID: PMC4836150. 2/ Toshiyuki Koya, Hiroshi Ueno, Takashi Hasegawa, Masaaki Arakawa, Toshiaki Kikuchi, Management of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction in Athletes, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 2183-2192, ISSN 2213-2198, jaip.2020.03.011; ( S221321982030252X) 3/ Sharmilee M. Nyenhuis,
Cooke, Karen L. Gregory, Justin Greiwe, Anil Nanda, Recommendations for Physical Activity in Asthma: A Work Group Report of the AAAAI Sports, Exercise, and Fitness Committee, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 433-443, ISSN 2213-2198, jaip.2021.10.056 ( 4/ Pulmonary Emergencies; Steven W. Salyer PA‐C, ... Stacey Black Pearlman, in Essential Emergency Medicine, 2007

125 mountain bikers showed up to compete in the last race in the Fat Tire Massive final round of the 7-race series on a new 2.5 mile at Ferry Reach course. The seven-race series stops at Admiralty House, Southshore Beach Trails, Hog Bay Park, Lagoon Park, Casemates and Ferry Reach Park. Each rider can ‘throw out’ their worse finish and the final score determines the champion in each class.

Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 24
Rylan DeSilva (#80) was third at Admiralty House and 4th overall in the Male 12 & under Class.
25 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 26
Kavin Smith surprised everyone with an incredible performance to win the Male Open 60 class at Ferry Reach.
27 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Daniel Ringer only rode four events and finished the season 13th overall in the Open Male 30 class.
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Jackson Langley (#101) is the 202-2022 Male 13-16 champion after winning all his races. S’Nya Cumbermack (#56) won all four races that she entered but missed 3 events and Skye Ferguson grabbed the Female 13-16 title 141 points to her 100.
29 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Jennifer Wilson won three races, with a third and a second, but missed two events and had to settle for second place in the Female Open 60 championship. James Holloway (#60) leads David Byrne up a treacherous climb at Ferry Reach. James won the Male Open 60 Championship and David finished seventh. Chis Roque (#44) could only manage 31st overall, 18th at race five was his best finish.

Every year, the Beaver (Wendell Burrows #12) and the Sherminator (Sherman Darrell (#100) duke it out for bragging rights. Sherman is your 2021-2022 Male Open 30 Champion.

2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal James Holloway, the 2021-2022 Male Open 60 champion.
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 34
Jennifer Lightbourne won four races and the Open Female 30 class. Chris Nusum finished runner-up to Holloway while Cameron Morris was 6th overall in the Male Open 60 class.



1 60

James Holloway 129 2 18

Chris Nusum 113 3 19 Hans Hirschi 112 4 20 Alan Potts 111 5 119 Kavin Smith 107 6 106 Cameron Morris 105 7 16 David Byrne 101 8 1 Manning Smith 74 9 11 Duncan Simons 73 10 93 Chequan Richardson 70 11 69 Brian Steinhoff 54 12 77 Clive Langley 53 13 13 Christopher Smith 45 14 45 Dennis Fagundo 44 15 95 McQuinn Burch 43 16 5 Rhys Pearce 41 17 53 Michael Terceira 39 18 32 Andrew Charlesworth 31 19 104 Dirk Hasselkuss 27 20 23 Conor White 26 21 170 Dominique Mayo 25 22 158 Alexander Miller 22 23 57 Nico Davis 20 24 25 Jenai Robinson 20 25 97

Otis Ingham 17 26 101 Jackson Langley 13 27 24 Spencer Butterfield 12 28 83 Steven Smith 12 29 82 Matthew Ringer 10 30 157 Kwame Curling 9 31 44 Christopher Roque 9 32 88 Edwin Bento 9 33 39 Paul Dissington 7 34 161 Peter Tadman 6 35 81 Deryck Raymond 6 36 42 Chris Pedro 6 37 167 Charles Swart 5 38 112 Nathan J. Trott 5 39 146 Justin Frank 5 40 179 Kian Wookey 4 41 9 Peter Dunne 4 42 107 Justin Horsfall 3 43 132 Andrew Davis 3 44 135 Tom Johansmeyer 3 45 188 Oscar Ortiz 2 46 141 Paulo Medeiros 2 47 128 Wendell Burrows 1 48 194 Peter Illston 1 49 190 Juan Pablo Cordova 1 50 162 Clifford Roberts 1 FEMALE

1 100

Sherman Darrell 135 2 128 Wendell Burrows 125 3 99 Maceo Dill 114 4 107

Justin Horsfall 109 5 2 Howard Williams 104 6 48 Craig Ferguson 98 7 108 Mark DaPonte 95 8 130 Philip Worboys 88 9 120 Paul Hayward 87 10 98 Matthew Carr 69 11 43 Ryan Wilson 58 12 8 Holger Eiselt 55 13 29 Daniel Ringer 51 14 46 Seamus Durkin 46 15 34 Christopher Coleman 35 16 178 Dave Wolffe 34 17 131 Kent Richardson 22 18 115 Steven Wells 22 19 124 Bruno Teixeira 20 20 148

Delmair Trott 13 21 152 John Thompson 12 22 121 Quincy Paynter 12 23 172 Jan Leclerc 11 24 182 Adam Prunty 10 25 143 Chioke Medeiros 9 26 49 Spencer Quarterly 9 27 125 Khalid Pitcher 9 28 207 Dominic Smith 8 29 135 Tom Johansmeyer 8 30 208 Richard Jayes 6 31 204 Justin Willmott 5 32 189 Jesus Spinetti 5


Jennifer Lightbourne 144 2 33 Christine Soutter 141 3 50 Zina Jones 122 4 129 Florence Pedro 106 5 96 Alexandra Wilberz 76 6 84 Rebeka Sousa 33 7 203 Rebecca Mayo 17 8 134 Julia Bruskova 17

1 21

MALE | 13-16

Jackson Langley 150 2 14 Gordon Smith 135 3 90 Ollie Hayward 117 4 26 Zachary Moniz 105 5 4 James MacFarlane 95 6 38 Joshua Wilson 89 7 51 Hudson Ferris 85 8 171 Wyatt Hall 82 9 103 Ramsay Soutter 81 10 41 Tyler Coleman 50 11 10 Nayland Harris 42 12 144 Hugo Young 34

1 101

Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 36 POS PLATE NO. NAME TOTAL POINTS
| OPEN 60 MINS 1 6
Ashley Robinson 133 2 40 Jennifer Wilson 117 3 199 Cassandra McPhee 50 4 140 Liana Medeiros 42

13 94

Callum MacFarlane 30 14 155

Kieshaun Gibbons Johnson 28 15 174 Maxwell Wallace 13 16 133

Reeve Johnston 12 17 114 Thomas Wells 10 18 127 Noah Maranzana 9

FEMALE | 9-12

1 3


| 13-16 1 52

Skye Ferguson 141 2 56 S’Nya Cumbermack 100

| 9-12 1 78


Makao Butterfield 150 2 79 Jeon Wolfe 132 3 110 Ray Richardson 118 4 80 Rylan Desilva 106 5 58 Dylan Eiselt 96 6 59 Sanchez Smith 90 7 116 Philando Hill III 85 8 91 Aaron Lee 78 9 31 Gladwyn Benjamin 73 10 73 Mathis Stevens 70 11 145 Austin Frank 69 12 150 Grayson Tavares 69 13 68 Brandon MacDougall 61 14 117 Legend McIntosh 45 15 109 Abram DaPonte 34 16 102 Jens Drea 31 17 47 Ezra Dyer 29 18 30 Walker Smith 29 19 173 Krayvon Bean-Burchall 25 20 10 Nayland Harris 20 21 113 Jacob Leclerc 20 22 28 Xonti Burch 18 23 175 Freddie Jones 17 24 76 Sean Pedro 17 25 186 Frith DeCouto 16 26 177 Charlie Willmott 14 27 181 Aiden Cumberbatch 13 28 197 De’Ari Trott 12 29 17 Miguel Leite 10 30 89 Hannes Swart 10 31 184 Henry Fields 8 32 169 Braeden Fraser 7 33 70 Alfie Jansma 6 34 166 Max Parry 4 35 54 Xavier Lightbourne 4 36 75 Eben Oosthuizen 2 37 154 Luke Thompson 1 38 126 Gabriel Maranzana 1 39 74 Theo Lucking 1 40 168 Thomas Valadao 1 41 153 Oliver Thompson 1

Kelise Wade 150 2 55 Daisy Langley 135 3 105 Journee Belboda 114 4 36 Ruby Cook 104 5 87 Ava Swart 73 6 142 Sofia Leclerc 42 7 111 R-Zanee’ Evans-Waldron 20 8 212 Lauren Simons 17 9 191 Eleanor Fields 17 10 165 Poppy Parry 17 11 139 Colette Durkin 17


Austen Carr 38 2 22 Conor Szakmary 125 3 37 Owen Davis 89 4 67 Kingsley Travis 84 5 118 Liam McIntosh 82 6 92 Emile Terceira 80 7 151 Jack Jones 75 8 64 Tatem Carr 70 9 122 Oscar Davidson 66 10 123 Gabriel Teixeira 58 11 136 Ethan Adelsberg 54 12 185 Leo DeCouto 36 13 195 Aaron Young 30 14 183 Edison Adelsberg 29 15 89 Hannes Swart 25 16 198 Ethan Tucker 23 17 206 Isaac Wookey 20 18 70 Alfie Jansma 18 19 213 Elliot Simons 17 20 192 Logan Hayes 8 21 193 Jesse Hayes 7 22 201 Henry Harbutt 6 23 202 Narayan Hayward 5

1 63


Esme Jansma 110 2 159 Skye Bean 102 3 15 Evelyn Mora 101 4 180 Karis Dill 81 5 137 Lee Terceira 75 6 149 Hazel Davidson 60 7 12 Catalina Leite 42 8 35 Holly Cook 38 9 164 Lilian Howarth 37 10 163 Evelyn Howarth 36 11 200 Micaela Teixeira 31 12 87 Ava Swart 25 13 85 Talaya Sousa 25 14 187 Anna DeCouto 18 15 138 Chloe Durkin 18 16 205 Caroline Thompson 16 17 61 Liberti Franklin 16 18 209 Kira Johnson 13

1 71

37 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal POS PLATE NO. NAME TOTAL POINTS


2009 SCHOOL Warwick Academy

SPORT THAT YOU PARTICIPATE IN Biking, Boxing and Basketball (while at home)





GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT Winning mountain and road bike National Championship in 2021

FAVORITE FOOD Chocolate Chip Cookies and Pizza

THINGS YOU LIKE Clothes, shoes, sports, cars and pedal bikes

THINGS YOU DISLIKE Baseball and Softball



FAVORITE ACTOR Robert Downey Jr.


PERSONAL AMBITIONS To be a Professional Cyclist or Play in the NBA

DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO MEET My GrandMa, Kobe Bryant and Steph Curry


PLACE YOU WOULD MOST LIKE TO VISIT Greece, Hawai, Alaska and Maldives

Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 40
Avery Simmons (Somersfield Academy)

A total of 804 preschool, primary, middle, and senior school athletes participated in the 2022 Skyport Magic Mile as the Pacers Track Club event observed its 25th anniversary. This was the largest turnout of promising young athletes since 2015, an annual event regularly held at the newly named, Flora Duffy National Stadium on Saturday.

The four and five-year-old races consisted of one lap around the 400-metre track and the six and seven-year-olds two laps. All other age

groups, from ages 8 to 15, were the only runners competing in the mile distance, would run four laps.

The event made a remarkable return this year having been cancelled in 2020 and 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Willa Wright (Saltus Cavendish)
Luc Cheng (Saltus Cavendish) Millie Brown (Bermuda High School)
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 44
Matteo Ramabuke (St. Paul’s) Gemma Vickers (Warwick Academy Primary Salome Raynor (Southampton Pre-School) Bree Simmons (Somerset Primary) Indie-Graé Hill (Warwick Pre-School), Vivienne Cooper (Somersfield Academy), Emma Hobday (Bermuda High School), Se’-Yari Rawlins (St George’s Preschool), Daimee Bailey (Lagoon Park) Jo’siah Richardson (Purvis Primary), Maurice Martin (West Pembroke Primary), Nathan Kenny (Saltus Cavendish), Micah Finnigan (Gilbert Institute) Conrad Rossiter (Harrington Sound Primary), Peter Mcgeever (Saltus Cavendish) Antonia Walker (Lagoon Park) Theodore Smith (Harrington Sound Primary) Kanan Dill (Warwick Pre-School) Micah Finnigan (Gilbert Institute)
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 46
Matteo Hill (Warwick Academy Primary)



1 Nathan Burrill 5:21.97 2 Cameron Adkins 5:25.06 3 Tobiah Goodchild 5:44.12 4 Nayland Harris 5:50.77 5 Siyon Paynter 6:01.01 6 Maximus Lightbourn 6:03.48 7 Zaeden Stewart 6:06.42 8 Jade Adderley 6:07.73 9 Yari Mello 6:08.19 10 Rajee Knight-Rowling 6:08.53 11 Tristan Pettit 6:15.69 12 De Jon Bean 6:18.93 13 Jaidyn Wilson 6:27.84 14 Legend McIntosh 6:40.89 15 Ky-Mani Barrett 6:51.92 16 Jahmai Davis 7:20.64


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Somers Estwanik 6:15.51 2 Aria Mosquera 6:31.06 3 Ella Shepherd 6:44.81 4 Zyari Lawrence 6:52.97 5 Amaris Munya 6:53.92 6 Lashee’ Jones 7:01.16 7 Marseille Williams 7:07.85 8 Zelaye’ Showers 7:25.30 9 Markayla Swan 7:28.19 10 Eloise Smith 7:37.36 11 Evelyn Czember 7:50.22 12 Priya Denbrook 8:11.61 13 Naina Seth 8:34.90 14 Khloie Davis 8:59.49


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Chavi Pacheco Hill 5:59.88 2 Timothy Jackson 6:12.93 3 T’Runi Darrell-Virgil 6:18.31 4 Vihaan Seth 6:20.07 5 Rohan Roopra 6:26.59 6 Shiloh Anderson 6:30.72 7 Alejandro Brown-Rogers 6:41.31 8 Jens Drea 6:47.58 9 Ricardo Zuill 6:58.60 10 Chaz Edmead 7:01.12 11 Casch Foggo 7:02.51 12 Ryley Martin 7:04.30

13 Liam Stones 7:09.51 14 Dage Butterfield 7:12.12 15 Nation Basden 7:16.88 16 Blessings Hendrickson 7:22.36 17 Gavin Ferguson 7:23.53 18 N’zhai Walker 7:58.77 19 Cristiano Hizon 8:33.08 20 Niy’E Burgess 8:39.41 21 Isaiah Daniels-Greene 9:16.28 22 Xavi Wilson 10:29.50



TOTAL TIME 1 Tahan Eve 6:01.46 2 Rory Shepherd 6:12.45 3 Seruno Basden 6:19.50 4 Philando Hill III 6:26.83 5 Carter Thomas 6:31.72 6 Ibraheem Talbot 6:33.63 7 Saatchi Trott 6:48.28 8 Nathan Foster Skelton 6:51.66 9 Jerimiah Grant 6:52.17 10 Krayvon Bean-Burchall 6:53.23 11 Darien Lambert 7:09.98 12 Ha San Ming 7:22.14 13 Oliver Thompson 7:22.64 14 Jai White 7:41.08 15 Chakai Wolffe-Medeiros 7:43.49 16 Jah Keri Trott 7:52.63 17 Andwele Burgess 7:54.49 18 Unas Woolridge 8:57.12 19 Skyler Crockwell 8:57.60 20 Atarri Joell 8:58.42 21 Kenzie Denbrook 9:39.00



TOTAL TIME 1 Kelise Wade 6:30.36 2 Jaylen Lewis 6:44.84 3 Riana Robinson 6:50.76 4 Antoinette Barry 7:00.78 5 Dhiannon Bailey 7:23.84 6 Zaaylee Lawrence 7:29.05 7 Sanaa Burchall 7:44.80 8 Dylan Outerbridge 7:48.61 9 Khloe Curling 7:50.92 10 Amia McCook 7:58.38 11 Sanziniah Raynor 8:09.83 12 Maisie Farnsworth 8:14.84 13 Renee Williams 8:44.26

14 Amaya Parris 8:56.45 15 Mya Simmons-Trott 8:57.64 16 Kheleise Hamilton 9:32.34 17 Kahzyiah Hollis 9:33.33 18 Kaia Swan-Dill 9:42.30 19 De’Arrie Inserra 10:06.79 20 Kanae Dill 11:09.03 21 Savana Hayward 11:10.14 22 Samiya Senthamaraikannan 12:34.96 23 Layan Benjamin 12:55.19 24 Nevaeh Matias 13:23.69



1 Jace Postlethwaite 6:49.94 2 Ishmael Dill 6:56.86 3 Julian Simmons-Smith 7:03.96 4 Ajani Trott 7:12.25 5 Ryun Swan 7:15.27 6 Matthew Hoey 7:19.12 7 Maxwell Williams 7:21.40 8 David Todd 7:25.80 9 Xonti Burch 7:29.16 10 Daeori Jones-Smith 7:34.06 11 Cove Bailey 7:37.62 12 Tyare Hollis 7:40.98 13 Kosey Simmons 7:43.58 14 Lucas Ferreira 7:51.47 15 Carter Simons-Crane 7:55.74 16 Kanyori Williams 7:59.67 17 Zion Mallory Robinson 8:01.87 18 Najee Musson 8:05.39 19 Zayden Smith 8:07.79 20 Zavien Butler-Hassell 8:09.16 21 Azari Bean 8:10.23 22 Stykes Furbert 8:11.15 23 Quadir Thompson-Furbert 8:14.21 24 Ajani Roberts 8:15.12 25 Gerard Burchall 8:16.10 26 Hunter Pearson 8:20.20


6 Luke Spencer 7:24.21 7 Khairi Hollis 7:27.48 8 A’Jahni Foggo 7:28.17 9 Lucas Cook 7:42.40 10 Chistopher Anderson 7:43.15 11 Jaylon Glasford 7:44.82 12 London Eversley 7:47.29 13 Quinn Farnsworth 7:50.87 14 Devonnntae Martin-Binns 7:54.95 15 Micah Baker 8:03.53 16 Tyler Rance 8:09.61 17 Samuel Kirkos 8:22.51 18 Crizori Goater 8:24.42 19 Mathais Bean 8:26.18 20 Reilly Williams 8:29.96 21 Luke Carruthers 8:30.41 22 Michal Baker 8:44.57 23 Nathan Campbell 9:05.12 24 Jario Butterfield 9:12.48 25 Matthias Gentles 9:32.67





TOTAL TIME 1 Jacree Francis 6:51.65 2 Theo Cole 6:59.50 3 Gebre Vickers 7:04.28 4 Xavi Dill 7:08.24 5 Cree Bean 7:18.92

1 Ronan Davidge 6:27.79 2 Lewis MacFarlane 6:45.31 3 Brennan Watkins 7:03.70 4 Spencer Haldeman 7:04.39 5 Hayes Ingham 7:11.06 6 Cairo Burgess 7:18.84 7 Kamden White 7:24.60 8 William Hayne 7:27.36 9 Mathis Stevens 7:33.12 10 Ben McQueen 7:33.65 11 Braeden Fraser 7:34.97 12 T’Kobi Robinson Scott 7:44.31 13 Zyare Ray 7:52.04 14 Harlo Robinson 7:59.54 15 Luka Pastor 8:00.06 16 Jd Wideman 8:06.93 17 Tayz Showers 8:24.60 18 Ethan Furr 8:25.24 19 Jason Ngaruiya 8:25.76 20 Declan Minnich 8:48.37 21 Elijah Lemon 8:58.46

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1 Hunter Harvey 6:51.80 2 As’Ad Muhammad 7:09.50 3 Cyme Dowling 7:20.20 4 Yusuf Talbot 7:20.20 5 Ryu Lima 7:36.32 6 Sebastian Owen 7:52.99 7 Jemani Scott 7:53.30 8 Kenzo Pitcher-Wade 8:03.68 9 Ryunn Wong 8:12.24 10 Ayden Todd 8:13.63 11 Remi Furbert 8:18.91 12 Alex Procter 8:29.70 13 Luke Thompson 8:33.35 14 Synsir Lightbourne-Bento 8:42.24 15 Riley Millett 8:57.67 16 Dimitri James-Rawlins 9:30.09 17 D’Andre Paynter 9:54.01 18 Tyaunno Parfitt 10:22.64 19 Harry Nelmes 10:46.92 20 Jayden Williams-Furbert 12:04.17 21 Jayrom Biernas 12:04.69



1 Solae Goater 6:56.16 2 Elena Bortoli 6:56.55 3 Sukanya Jobson-Swainson 6:59.92 4 Alexandria Seeley 7:51.53 5 Lorin Roopra 7:54.88 6 Kayuni Simmons 8:03.20 7 Romy Drea 8:03.88 8 Amiaiah Tavares 8:07.07 9 K’ah Seymour 8:24.53 10 Yendi Chase-Simmons 8:30.57 11 Lilly Faulkner 8:31.78 12 Alessia Vianello 8:42.23 13 Elli-Lynne Butterfield 8:51.32 14 Ashanti-Sarai Darko 9:04.86 15 Keziah Symonds-Smith 9:06.32 16 Madeleine Pedro 9:28.62 17 Syniah Smith 9:50.29 18 Jah’Niya Brangman 10:04.04 19 Campbell 10:08.00 20 Cataleya Showers 10:33.68 21 Kahzai Hollis 10:40.13 22 Anotidaishe Zvabva 10:52.55 23 Elani Somner 11:09.84



TOTAL TIME 1 Naomi MacGuinness 7:02.74 2 Dasha Phillips 7:04.47 3 Leydi Raynor 7:25.22 4 Charleigh Gilchrist 7:33.00 5 Zatten Goodchild 7:36.35 6 Evelyn Fahy 7:51.05 7 Jasmine Reid-Rubaine 8:04.11 8 Kiara Matthews 8:06.76 9 Mylah Desilva 8:14.58 10 Solae’ Rivas 8:19.64 11 Vanhi Clay 8:21.44 12 Jayle Darrell 8:22.07 13 Zy-Asia Simmons 9:05.49 14 Naomi Howes 9:07.91 15 Ra’Mya Robinson 9:34.56 16 Damora Burgess-Foggo 9:58.14 17 Anaiah Famous-Woolridge 10:04.59 18 Alae Rochester 10:34.75 19 Kazrah Bashir-Baker 10:39.46 20 Zaynah Benjamin 11:05.54 21 Soleil Steede 11:17.70 22 Arianna Drummond-Jones 14:28.94




1 Sariah Grant 7:31.57 2 Zaya Zuill 7:40.48 3 Chloe McBrearty 7:58.34 4 Amaya Davis 7:59.18 5 Maiya Caisey 8:10.19 6 Emily Foster Skelton 8:24.70 7 Siaana Seth 8:31.50 8 Sanaa Douglas 8:37.36 9 Michaele Lewis 8:42.79 10 Elena Burke 8:44.29 11 Olivia McDevitt 8:48.30 12 Nevaeh-Grace Thomas 9:07.19 13 Ayara Simmons Fashala 9:14.92 14 Thea Dyer 9:16.83 15 Ariiyn Wolffe 9:23.47 16 Remi Simmons 9:25.93 17 Aubrey Davis 9:27.43 18 Thais Gomes 9:56.61 19 Sophia Oduori 10:15.33 20 Chantal Cheng 11:55.36 21 U’Khya Brown 12:51.48 22 Femi-Jae Clarke 13:37.56 23 Tessenae Caisey-Wears 15:57.00

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1 Shanzae Smith 3:09.13 2 Liam Horrobin 3:15.82 3 Ezra Furbert-Butterfield 3:22.15 4 Khaleef Daley 3:23.80 5 Daige Musson 3:32.26 6 Henry Brown 3:32.69 7 Samuel Bernardino 3:33.15 8 Jack Fullerton 3:33.59 9 Roman Jagoda 3:46.86 10 Charlie Simons 3:49.75 11 Rex Henagulph 3:54.66 12 Savio Easton-Goater 3:57.48 13 Michael Evans 3:57.95 14 Kaleb Curling 3:59.63 15 Séamus Stones 4:04.79 16 Ryhan Martin 4:07.13 17 Cayden Henschke 4:16.19 18 Tetum Spece 4:16.63 19 Albert Bergonio 4:40.92 20 Myles Harvey 4:42.42



1 Zoryon Ray 3:22.78 2 Julian Whorms 3:30.43 3 Roman Shaw 3:36.21 4 Montana-Star Weeks 3:36.50 5 Jamie Raynor 3:40.40 6 Matteo Maybury 4:02.01 7 Jonathan Madeira 4:06.08 8 Ryze Lindsay-Trott 4:08.84 9 Zoah Fox 4:15.11 10 Arias Bashir-Baker 4:17.23 11 Zavon Showers 4:23.08 12 Dominic Sewell 4:23.34 13 Dezi Degrilla 4:23.84 14 Ahje’ Jjombwe 4:33.98 15 Ché Campbell 4:35.56 16 Zyah Fox 4:39.30 17 Diaz Roberts-Daniels 4:48.80 18 Lennox Johnson 4:55.04 19 Nashton Brown 5:15.26 20 Stephen Smith 5:30.38




1 Judah Finnigan 3:32.81 2 Carter Rance 3:34.19 3 King-Klós Smith-Arorash 3:35.60 4 Adam Pedro 3:39.68 5 Grayson Hartnett-Beasley 3:48.04 6 Israel Katambo 3:49.66 7 Trevor Smith 3:52.20 8 Jordan Swann 3:55.61 9 Nathan Bang 3:56.98 10 Jacob Stewart 3:58.19 11 Milo Jones 4:00.90 12 Noah Furbert 4:06.40 13 Jericho Swann 4:14.24 14 Pax Maughan 4:21.92 15 James Bardon 4:22.47 16 Devohn Davis 4:26.27 17 Joaquin Curtis 4:29.18 18 Madden Desilva 4:31.63 19 Jeremy Ngaruiya 4 :39.25 20 Noah Somner 4:46.01




1 Zoe Talbot 3:43.96 2 Tamera Smith 3:45.71 3 Dayah Dill 3:46.11 4 Ava Clarke-Trott 3:57.67 5 Xela Hall 3:58.96 6 Alexa McCook 4:02.03 7 Gaia Komansky 4:03.68 8 Hazel Richards 4:05.48 9 Violet Rossiter 4:07.39 10 Samantha Tolosa 4:10.05 11 Zaya Cann-Berkley 4:10.77 12 Kalayah Smith 4:11.31 13 A’Nylah Tucker 4:15.32 14 Zendia Eberly 4:15.90 15 Tessa Richardson 4:17.05 16 Eliza Grasso 4:34.85 17 Tatyanna Richardson 4:35.84 18 Arohi Veera 4:39.59 19 Amelia Zakszewska 4:41.69 20 Tse Gomez 4:53.44

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1 Aalirah Daniels 3:29.84 2 Madison Souza 3:41.15 3 Georgia Rose 3:46.02 4 Evelyn Darrell 3:51.89 5 Tamae Davis 3:52.37 6 Tavia Smith 3:58.78 7 Nia Maughan 4:02.91 8 Capree Smith 4:11.97 9 Emily Carruthers 4:13.08 10 Emanuella Iaxx 4:13.94 11 Aela Fraser 4:14.79 12 Khylie Davis-Arorash 4:16.14 13 Truvy Smith 4:17.58 14 Sophia Davidge 4:24.65 15 Sophia Clingerman 4:32.14 16 Carina Da Costa 4:33.18 17 Lily Blasetti 4:35.18 18 Adiah Jennings 4:53.30 19 Tatiana Usher 4:53.78 20 Desta Hill 5:24.78



1 Skye-Blu Williams 3:31.95 2 Jordyn Lewis 3:34.89 3 Yara Muhammad 3:36.93 4 Peggy Forster 3:39.35 5 Aliya Adderley 3:47.70 6 Asia Burt 3:55.03 7 Vivian McKevitt 4:01.23 8 Amelie Carter 4:06.65 9 Jayla Trott 4:10.41 10 Charlotte Henderson 4:18.96 11 Kenzi Pitcher-Wade 4:28.61 12 Elsie Purcell 4:32.18 13 Journey Williams 4:35.93 14 Sage Seeley 4:42.39 15 Kylie Richardson 5:24.73 16 Nizahri Trew 5:40.16 17 Aolani Roberts 5:41.20 18 Sanaa Hodsoll 5:54.94



TOTAL TIME 1 Shammaah Darko 3:30.58 2 Desani Samuels 3:33.49 3 Roman Bather 3:36.13 4 Ezrah Lemon 3:40.34 5 Ethan Anderson 3:42.05 6 Isaac Metschnabel 3:48.98 7 Lux Paynter 3:57.29 8 Izaac Pacheco 3:57.72 9 Omeir Sharrieff 4:01.41 10 Christopher Hayne 4:03.94 11 Arlo Shreeve 4:08.58 12 Jake Arnold 4:13.25 13 Lincoln Fay 4:19.92 14 Orion Turner 4:30.63 15 Harrison Thomas 4:31.80 16 Severiano Portillo-Creighton 4:40.86 17 Raheem Williams 4:56.28 18 Quinton Burgess 5:19.70 19 Rickai Dill 5:24.30 20 Aanaz Bean 5:27.74 21 Tahj Effs 5:31.55



TOTAL TIME 1 Karter Riley 3:45.97 2 Albie Davies 3:47.88 3 Daniel Katambo 3:52.34 4 Dennai Outerbridge 3:56.08 5 Rai Edness 3:58.44 6 Elliott Rose 4:01.90 7 Honor Haak 4:14.44 8 George Luis De Los Santos 4:20.18 9 Abraham Dean 4:23.97 10 Sebastian Denton 4:25.99 11 Rian Moloney 4:26.34 12 Sean Burke 4:28.73 13 Ryan Bernstein 4:37.09 14 Xyon Brangman-Abbott 4:46.81 15 Keyzi Smith 4:48.73 16 Benjamin Thomas 4:50.42 17 Kes Smith 4:52.80 18 Luca Russell 4:53.80 19 Kian Simons 5:01.52 20 Theo Usher-Jones 5:06.53 21 Skyler Baker 5:07.60 22 John Dickinson 5:07.95 23 Rhyder Lightbourne 5:48.66

51 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal



1 Freddie Webster 3:44.49 2 Thomas Ogilvie 3:51.96 3 Azahn Askia 3:59.62 4 Malachi Barnett 4:04.12 5 Raymond Weeks 4:13.01 6 Messiah Baker 4:14.18 7 William Mitchell 4:14.74 8 Nidhi Dill 4:18.04 9 Royce Lee 4:22.98 10 Neriah Landy 4:24.27 11 Jahziah Santucci Roberts 4:29.53 12 Henry Hopkins 5:02.60 13 Finn Skinner 5:04.49 14 Jayden Burgess 5:09.85 15 Zhi Jennings 5:20.86 16 Reef Mizrachy 6:05.34



1 Calvin Haldeman 3:41.93 2 Heath Kemp 3:44.14 3 Landon Boorman 3 :46.51 4 Austen Carr 3:52.91 5 Conor Szakmary 3:53.37 6 Kash Butterfield 3:57.57 7 Rylen Bean 3:59.33 8 Jace Smith-Jervis 4:00.27 9 William Biram 4:01.69 10 Christian Owen 4:16.61 11 Ishaan Dutt 4:20.79 12 Aahil Shah 4:30.95 13 George Wardman 4:51.54 14 Munir Lee 5:11.19 15 Kaleb Grant 5:45.23 16 Rai Simmons 5:57.24


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Kamari Brooks-Gibbons 3:50.71 2 Inara Todd 3:52.02 3 Aine Fahy 3:59.56 4 Teagan Scott-Hanley 4:02.54 5 Naomi Nusum 4:05.61 6 Alexis Williams 4:12.86 7 Elizabeth Furtado 4:13.60

8 Ryan Millett 4:17.69 9 A`mariss Dyer 4:27.73 10 Jordan Lee 4:29.32 11 Evelyn Mora 4:30.64 12 Philippa Henderson 4:31.57 13 Tylaye Smith-Burgess 4:38.11 14 Willa Mir 4:38.44 15 Yahz Hall-Bean 4:50.75 16 Riley Evans 4:52.23 17 Margarette Abby Paredes 4:53.65 18 Chloe Shirazi 5:03.24 19 Taeya Weeks 5:14.49 20 Milon Belvedere 5:32.64 21 Zosia Cann 5:50.30




1 Isabella Maria Artuso 3:47.93 2 Markeli Raynor 3:49.21 3 Savannah Lee 3:54.82 4 Logan Frith 4:01.92 5 Sophie Spencer 4:06.47 6 Isobel Stevens 4:07.03 7 Amina Simmons 4:20.87 8 Kaelyn Peniston 4:22.81 9 Amira Whitter 4:23.87 10 Rayven Weeks 4:24.31 11 Hazel McHugh 4:26.74 12 Emma Wright 4:28.49 13 Suriah Grimes-Jennings 4:29.56 14 Karis Dill 4:33.58 15 Royal Jones 4:37.60 16 Sadie Bolsover 4:51.12 17 Yuna Gelhar 5:13.99 18 Charlie Thomas 5:14.76 19 Akilah Thompson-Furbert 5:43.53 20 Shannon Elliyah Burgess 5:56.41




Milianna Pastorova 3:56.51 2 Elan Samuels 4:05.41 3 Nellie Irvine 4:07.56 4 Audrey Von Herberstein 4:07.89 5 Keira Slater 4:24.72 6 Margaux Zinsmeister Collard 4:25.83 7 Juliette Von Herberstein 4:27.81 8 Bethany Davidge 4:29.09


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9 Taya Eromin 4:45.08 10 S’Ryia Lightbourne-Bento 4:46.74 11 Chayce-Rose King 4:53.12 12 Josephine Cooper 5:14.08 13 Zara Lodge 5:28.57 14 Ayame Swan 5:33.22 15 Raya Smith 5:42.51


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Micah Finnigan 1:55.25 2 Maurice Martin 1:57.53 3 Nathan Kenny 1:58.01 4 Jo’siah Richardson 1:59.26 5 Brent Estillore 1:59.77 6 Charles Odede 2:00.95 7 Matteo Bortoli 2:01.45 8 Gelan Thompson 2:07.47 9 French Smith-Tankard 2:08.06 10 Pharoah Crockwell 2:08.75 11 Elliott Davidge 2:09.31 12 Zephyr Miranda 2:12.82 13 David Goertzen 2:13.48 14 Adrian Munteanu 2:14.25 15 Caleb Furbert 2:19.86 16 Giovanni Vianello 2:20.41 17 Tendaji Swan-Smith 2:21.82 18 Liam Fraser 2:22.39 19 Wesley Le 2:23.55 20 Zennai Roberts 2:29.67


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Theodore Smith 1:42.26 2 Dace Cann-Dowling 1:53.65 3 Peter McGeever 1:57.29 4 Conrad Rossiter 1:58.03 5 Nico Simmons 2:01.69 6 Christian Clingerman 2:02.27 7 Zayden Landy 2:03.61 8 Thoren Daniels 2:07.85 9 Safari Richardson 2:13.31 10 Omari Barry 2:17.02 11 Matteo Hill 2:18.90 12 Jr Cook 2:19.83 13 Ted Brogden 2:20.33 14 Thomas Singleton 2:20.64 15 Xye Rogers 2:24.25

16 Osei Riley 2:24.52 17 Rex Barrowclough 2:24.98 18 Yenul Rathnayake 2:25.38 19 Joey Herron 2:30.10 20 Oliver Darrell 2:33.23 21 Chan Simons 2:54.10




1 Na’Rie Musson 1:43.13 2 Nolan Horrobin 1:43.72 3 Jonah Davis 1:55.73 4 Jake Eromin 1:58.64 5 Isaiah Gomez 2:03.06 6 Gavin Manders 2:05.32 7 Qyor Trott 2:08.03 8 Noah Ascento 2:08.44 9 Gabriel Vickers 2:09.53 10 Sterling Smith 2:10.28 11 Keegan Greenidge 2:10.80 12 Lucas Hayward-Hunt 2:11.68 13 Ryder Thatcher 2:13.63 14 Toriano Smith 2:14.01 15 Somers Hanson 2:17.66 16 Harrison Shrubb 2:20.10 17 Kinori Smith 2:20.96 18 Kingsley Mundy 2:23.99 19 Kade Simmons 2:24.52 20 Sinai Signor 2:25.31 21 Eliott Nappee 2:29.27 22 Amir Smith 2:48.11 23 Leo Daniels 2:49.09 24 Cole Burgess 2:58.34




1 Giselle Reid-Rubaine 1:52.46 2 Millie Brown 1:58.08 3 Willa Wright 2:00.64 4 Arlyn Johnson 2:01.92 5 Sienna Jagoda 2:04.07 6 Everly Carter 2:04.79 7 Xerenytee’ Christopher-Walker 2:08.98 8 Viviane Griffith 2:10.10 9 Skye Bean 2:10.61 10 Courtney Burgess 2:12.60 11 Kaitlyn Amaro 2:14.00 12 Kara Smith 2:14.86

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13 Zealand Herrick 2:18.44 14 Bree Simmons 2:20.80 15 Brooke Simmons 2:26.09 16 Maiya Watson 2:27.71 17 Jahzara Hayward 2:29.68 18 Nadia Dill 2:32.53 19 Christabel Mugwagwa 2:49.61 20 Antonia Walker 2:51.42



1 Karis Minors 2:02.54 2 Myi’A Caisey 2:02.93 3 Gemma Vickers 2:03.82 4 Kaiyeng Ma-Furbert 2:05.19 5 Freya Lowe 2:08.08 6 Quinlyn Cassidy 2:09.97 7 Isabella Olowofila 2:14.63 8 Koi Simmons 2:15.20 9 Jahnas Samuels 2:18.00 10 Malaé Masters-Furbert 2:19.44 11 Chaz Smith 2:24.53 12 Kiile` Pearman 2:27.82 13 Samantha Davis 2:28.69 14 Chelsea Caisey-Wears 2:29.31 15 Arya-Rose Zuill 2:30.49 16 Liana Woods 2:31.07 17 Peyton Darrell 2:31.52 18 Nahla Ndiaye 2:33.87 19 Isla Gemmell 2:35.55 20 Maya Furr 2:43.63 21 Hannah Stewart 2:46.34 22 Koi-Ahni Hill 2:53.51


14 Chase Hayward 2:44.43 15 Carson Cedenio 2:45.82 16 Miles Harris 2:49.93 17 Azauri Scott 3:07.83 18 Demario Daniels 3:19.47 19 Antoine Burgess 6:08.95




1 Connor Johnson 2:05.51 2 Daylon Brangman 2:05.89 3 Xavi Thomas 2:09.66 4 Marley Burrows 2:15.97 5 Parker Davis 2:20.15 6 Ivaan Pacheco 2:23.35 7 James Thuell 2:25.28 8 Romi Dill 2:26.29 9 Sébastien Von Herberstein 2:28.67 10 Antoine Minors 2:31.17 11 Oliver Barbosa 2:33.65 12 Logan Robey 2:36.70 13 Taiden Rice 2:39.14 14 Kyè Richards-Smith 2:55.28 15 Shia Smith 2:58.08 16 Dennie O’connor 2:59.78 17 Caleo Flood 3:08.25 18 Jack Hobday 3:10.10 19 Gian Vickers 4:56.59 20 Jace Carpenter 5:43.25






Eusebio Arruda 2:04.05 2 Tatem Carr 2:09.43 3 Jace Hunter 2:15.35 4 Kingsley Hassell 2:16.56 5 Perrin Simons 2:18.46 6 Kai Manders 2:19.77 7 Tristan Ocean Kuesters 2:21.98 8 Kaiden Ming 2:23.23 9 Riley Stovell 2:23.75 10 Ethan Bernardino 2:26.05 11 Kaius Smith 2:32.70 12 Deun Usher 2:39.77 13 I’Eihko Burrows 2:41.58


Carter Anderson 2:09.01 2 Felix Bolsover 2:22.32 3 Bailey Hedges 2:24.04 4 Mateo Jones 2:24.51 5 Henrik Skinner 2:24.97 6 Henry Stevens-Carty Jr 2:26.86 7 Noah Jones 2:28.17 8 Jackson Cabral 2:28.73 9 Aeure Lightbourne 2:29.37 10 Shannon Grimes-Jennings 2:37.23 11 Caiden Minors 2:38.97 12 Sammy Usher-Jones 2:44.67 13 Ibrahim Danish 2:55.77 14 Zion Lowe 3:03.78 15 Jayce Durham 3:26.56 16 Zachary Zakszewska 3:28.66 17 Zamari Burgess 4:26.32

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1 Matteo Ramabuke 2:17.69 2 Edward Doherty 2:21.22 3 Kanan Dill 2:22.08 4 Eli Fubler 2:27.18 5 Shai Hollis 2:28.50 6 Nino Spescha 2:49.55 7 Lincoln Cassidy 2:49.98 8 Juma Lee 2:50.97 9 Khumi Mayho 2:51.66 10 Karter Smith 2:54.23 11 Ethan Bell 2:56.23 12 Zion Simmons 3:03.98 13 Luc Cheng 3:08.97 14 Avery Simmons 3:20.79


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Rayne Smith 2:06.82 2 Indigo Kemp 2:08.04 3 Salome Raynor 2:11.31 4 Hattie Murray 2:12.03 5 Aminah Askia 2:13.44 6 Ty-Lae Trott 2:15.45 7 Leonie Von Reitzenstein 2:18.18 8 Ayvah Wade-Jone 2:19.35 9 Gabriella Cann 2:26.65 10 Nina McQueen 2:28.58 11 Anna Neururer 2:32.31 12 Aria Gibbons 2:35.47 13 Indie-Graé Hill 2:44.33 14 Vivienne Cooper 2:44.94 15 Daimee Bailey 2:46.85 16 Emma Hobday 2:47.78 17 Se’-Yari Rawlins 2:50.50 18 A’Diva Hassell 2:55.02 19 Raelyn Robinson 2:56.29 20 Adriana Guzman 3:12.72


PLACE NAME TOTAL TIME 1 Nea Fosker 1:57.92 2 Antonia Rees Davies 2:20.50 3 Styles Furbert 2:20.87 4 Jodie Denton 2:27.96 5 Lyla Smith 2:32.87

6 Sanaa Thomas 2:34.71 7 Ty-Leah Trott 2:38.43 8 Emilia Doherty 2:39.15 9 Drue Trott 2:40.40 10 Annabel Elgersma 2:52.30 11 E Milia Sgobba 2:57.09 12 Zen Dillas 2:58.94 13 Ramyah Swan 3:28.62 14 Amari Hill 3:30.00 15 Sash Woolridge 3:31.35 16 James Valentina Moore 3:33.26 17 Teagan Green 3:34.55 18 Chloé Gibbons 3:40.16 19 Cayari Woffle-Lightbourne 5:42.33 20 Kay-Cee Holdipp 5:48.34



1 Zeah Tucker 2:25.47 2 Gabriella Usher 2:26.73 3 Caia Dowling 2:30.12 4 Molly Pye 2:33.79 5 Harper Lathan 2:48.07 6 Ivy Eversley 2:49.19 7 Ava Robinson 2:51.08 8 Laila Frith 2:56.63 9 Alyssa Lathan 3:10.21

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The Bermuda Karting Club race season is made up of two championships; one is the National Championship currently sponsored by Rubis Energy Bermuda, the other is several trophy races with different sponsors but combined in points to form a trophy series and a separate championship. Like the Nationals, each driver can ‘throw out’ their worst race and the total points determine the final placing of each driver.

59 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal SHIFTER Class Points Standings Place KART # Driver Total Points Stock Class 1s 3 Ryan Rebello 708 2nd 51 Stephen Corrado 630 3rd 18 Ryan Burgess 625 4th 34 Jorja Thomas 521 5th 78 Ben Savil 235 6th 44 J’auza James 165 7th 187 Brandon Franks 110
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61 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal CADETS Place KART # Driver Total Points 1st 15 Jonah Moniz 699 2nd 30 Syah Pedro 640 3rd 90 Roman Wilkinson 536 4th 89 Isaiah Daniels-Greene 393 5th 17 James Bardon 260 6th 57 Lucas Flood 238 7th 10 Ciaran Sinclair 117
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63 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal L026 Senior Class Final Standings Place KART # Driver Total Points 1st 91 Jason ‘Skuzzie’ North 772 2nd 9 Scott ‘Skitchy’ Barnes 742 3rd 6 David Barbosa 726 4th 213 Marc Tucke 635 5th 95 Robert Wheatley 538 6th 960 Brian Hall 504 7th 14 Rian Lindo 494 8th 76 Jeff Sousa 455 9th 171 Chris Bonard A&D 454 10th 420 Justin Lindo 220 11th 111 Nick Jagoda 112 12th 22 Max Correia 97 13th 73 Matt Flynn 20
65 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Roman Wilkinson II was second in the Trophy Series and third overall in the Cadet Class National Championship.

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69 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal Shifter Modified Class Place KART # Driver Total Points 1st 7 Shannon Caisey 434 2nd 85 D’Nico Durrant 290 3rd 5 Devon Durrant 66
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71 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal TAG SENIOR Final Standing Place KART # Driver Total Points 1st 24 Blake Horseman 763 2nd 16 Bilal Binns 599 3rd 19 Brian Bulhoes 511 4th 4 Jayden Brimmer 378 5th 11 Chris Ricca 350 6th 79 Richard Walker-Talbot 235 7th 84 Nathan DeCosta 235 8th 74 Nicolas Bardon/Javier Otamendi 190 9th 7 J’auza James 168
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 72 L206 SENIOR CLASS PLACE KART # DRIVER POINTS 1st 9 Scott ‘Skitchy’ Barnes 363 2nd 6 David Barbosa 322 3rd 91 Jason ‘Skuzzie’ North 298 4th 213 Marc Tucker 269 5th 960 Brian Hall 224 6th 95 Robert Wheatley 200 7th 111 Nick Jagoda 171 8th 171 Chris Bonard A&D 171 9th 22 Max Correia 66 (A&D) Arrive and Drive TAG SENIOR PLACE KART # DRIVER POINTS 1st 24 Blake Horseman 365 2nd 19 Brian Bulhoes 302 3rd 16 Bilal Binns 266 4th 7 Jauza James 140 5th 11 Chris Ricca 132 6th 4 Jayden Brimmer 129 7th 74 Nicolas Bardon 91 8th 84 Nathan DeCosta 67 9th 115 Nile Bean 57 SHIFTER (STOCK CLASS) PLACE KART # DRIVER POINTS 1st 3 Ryan Rebello 321 2nd 18 Ryan Burgess 300 3rd 187 Brandon Franks 263 4th 51 Stephen Corrado 252 5th 34 Jorja Thomas 236 6th 44 J’auza James 127 7th 78 Ben Savill 55 8th 78 Jason Correia 54 9th 9 Scott Barnes 38
(MODIFIED CLASS) PLACE KART # DRIVER POINTS 1st 7 Shannon Caisey 223 2nd 5 Devon Durrant 137 3rd 51 Stephen Corrado 77 4th 85 D’Nico Durrant 47 CADETS PLACE KART # DRIVER POINTS 1st 15 Jonah Moniz 325 2nd 90 Roman Wilkinson II 288 3rd 30 Syah Pedro 259 4th 89 Isaiah Daniels 187 5th 57 Lucas Flood 140 6th 17 James Bardon 88 7th 92 Tanner Correia 57
73 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal

Name: Robert Wheatley

Work: Owner/ Operator of Polish Master & Tint Master

Born: 1969

Sports that you participant in: Karting

Favorite Sports to watch: Motorsports

Sports Personality you admire: Jeff Gordon (Nascar)

Biggest influence business career: Skipper Tatem for his advice

Biggest influence on karting career: “Duke” Soars (Uncle)

Greatest accomplishment: 35 years in self-owned business

Favorite food: I enjoy unusual dishes

Things you dislike: Mornings

Favorite TV show: Survivor

Favorite movie: Arthur

Favorite actor: Dudley Moore

Favorite singer: Doggie Fresh

Favorite song: Anything 80’s Hip Hop

Personal ambition: To enjoy life and travel Dead or alive

Who would you like to meet: Queen Elizabeth II

Best place visited: Ireland

Place you would most like to visit: Egypt

Steve Petty

75 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal

For the 8th running of the Presidents Cup, 35 of Bermuda’s elite cyclists took part in the Bermuda Bicycle Association’s 2021 Presidents Cup Road Race. This 55-mile race round the island starts and finished on Harbor Road in Paget, it wind through the City of Hamilton, along North Shore Rd. into St. David’s, back up to Harrington Sound road to South Shore road and into Dockyard before heading back to Paget via Harbor Road.

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Nic Narraway lead the field as they entered Harbour Rd, but Conor White out sprinted him for the win.
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Steve Smith finished the 55-mile course in 2:24:11 for 8th. Nic Narraway, Tyler Smith and Liam Flannery climbing Scaur Hill heading into Dockyard. Tyler Smith leads the pack over Blue Hole Hill heading west.
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In the early stages, the pack are close over Flatt’s inlet heading into St. David’s.

Liam Flannery was 6th overall and second place Junior Male with a time of 2:18:31. Veteran cyclist, Tracy Wright finished 23rd.
83 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Jennifer Lightbourne (third), Caitlin Conyers (first) and Junior cyclist, Liana Medeiros (second) on the podium. Nic Narroway (second), Conor White (Winner) and Alexander Miller (First Junior and Third place) top the field in the 2021 President’s Cup.
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 84 OVERALL NAME TEAM CATEGORY TIME 1 Conor White X Speed United Open Male 2:18:03 2 Nicholas Narraway CS Velo Open Male S.T. 2 3 Alexander Miller Winners Edge Junior Male 2:18:16 4 Kaden Hopkins Equipo Essax Open Male S.T. 3 5 Dominique Mayho VT Consturction/Madison Open Male S.T. 4 6 Liam Flannery Team Gnosis Junior Male 2:18:31 7 Tyler Smth Winners Edge Open Male 2:19:01 8 Steven Smith VT Consturction/Madison Open Male 2:24:11 9 Caitlin Conyers Winners Edge Open Female S.T. 1 10 Alan Mooney Team Gnosis Open Male 2:31:06 11 Darren Glasford Winners Edge Open Male 2:31:26 8 12 Kavin Smith Independent Open Male 2:32:18 13 Chris Nusum Winners Edge Open Male 2:32:29 14 Jonah Jones BRCC Open Male S.T. 11 15 Otis Ingham Winners Edge Open Male S.T. 12 16 Jason Piney BRCC Open Male S.T. 13 17 Stephen Ryan Independent Open Male S.T. 14 18 Clifford Roberts Bicycle Works Open Male 2:32:34 19 Kian Wookey BRCC Open Male S.T. 16 20 Corey Brunton Team Gnosis Open Male 2:32:37 21 Andrew Charlesworth BRCC Open Male S.T. 18 22 Mcquinn Burch Bicycle Works Open Male 2:32:59 23 Tracy Wright Winners Edge Open Male 2:36:57 24 Dirk Hasselkuss BRCC Open Male 2:43:36 25 Anhony Rynne BRCC Open Male 2:44:01 26 Mark Lombardi Independent Open Male 2:52:14 27 Liana Medeiros Winners Edge Open Female 2:52:22 28 Paulo Medeiros Winners Edge Open Male S.T. 24 29 Jennifer Lightbourne Bicycle Works Open Female S.T. 3 30 Vincent Chaves Bicycle Works Open Male 2:53:03 31 Mark Hatherley Winners Edge Open Male 2:53:55 DNF Che’quan Richardson Bicycle Works Open Male DNF Cameron Morris VT Consturction/Madison Junior Male DNF Chris Roque Winners Edge Open Male DNS Pete Crayford Team Gnosis Open Male
85 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Triathlete Tyler Smith sprints away from the pack as they cross Flatt’s Bridge.

SCHOOL Warwick Academy



FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH Cycling, Basketball, MMA and Boxing




GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT Winning Junior May 24th 2019


THINGS YOU LIKE Sports, Writing and Rapping


FAVORITE TV SHOW Spongebob and Everyone Hates Chris




FAVORITE SONG Logic Sinatra 1

PERSONAL AMBITIONS To be financially secure and provide for my family


BEST PLACE VISITED Dominican Republic

PLACE YOU WOULD MOST LIKE TO VISIT Africa (Cameroon being highest)

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Demian Tucker and “Kate’s Lil Lady” roll through paddock’s corner, turn two.
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Candyce Martins and Gold-N-Glory Catrina Stephens and Gold Legacy
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Andy Stoneham and his pony “Wiggleitjiggleit” Kirista Rabain and Special Tux
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David Burrows (Reign of Terror), Andy Stoneham (Wiggleitjiggleit), and Catrina Stephens (Shady Maple) go three-wide through turn three.

The Bermuda Government Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation held the Annual Sports Awards at the Hamilton Princess Hotel on March 12, 2021, to honor the island’s top athletes, officials, and supporters for their contribution to sports.

This would be the 40th Sports awards, an annual event that started in 1981, to recognize our athletes and their achievements.

Male Athlete of the Year

Jah-Nhai Perinchief Track & Field

Description: In a season that had limited opportunities for competitions, Jah-Nhai Perinchief made the most of competitive opportunities in university. Competing at the prestigious SEC Outdoor Championship, Perinchief showcased his skills by besting the competition with a jump of 16.89m. Carrying momentum from the SEC victory, Jah-Nhai soared his way to the silver medal in the triple jump with a new personal best of 17.03m, to cap a brilliant showing on his debut at the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. That leap qualified Jah-Nhai for the Commonwealth Games in addition to the Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games 2022, which capped off an amazing year.


• (May 2021) SEC Outdoor Championships in Bryan-College Station, Texas

• 1st Place in Triple Jump with a jump of 16.89m

• (June 2021) NCAA Outdoor Championships in Eugene, Oregon

• 2nd Place with a jump of 17.03m

• (July 2021) Bermuda National Championships

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Senior Achievement Award (Males)

Tyler Butterfield Triathlon

Description: Tyler Butterfield has been a household name on triathlon scene for years. His consistency and dedication to his craft have put him amongst some of the best endurance athletes in the world. Butterfield continues to represent Bermuda at the highest level and this year saw him participating in five events, the longest being a full Ironman, which was completed in a time of 8:24:55. Tyler also competed in the 70.3 World Championships in St. Georges, Utah finishing 15th place out of 36 finishers. Tyler will be a part of the Mixed Team Relay at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, UK in 2022.


• (March 2021) Challenge Miami in Miami, Florida, 7th Place

• (May 2021) Challenge Cancun in Cancun, Mexico, 5th Place

• (September 2021) World Championships in St. Georges, Utah, 15th Place

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Senior Achievement Award (Males)

Kaden Hopkins Cycling

Description: Kaden Hopkins has had a consistent year as he continues to demonstrate his immense potential with impressive performances internationally as this has been and exceptional year. In addition to defending his National Time Trial Championship, Hopkins competed at the UCI Road World Championships in the road race, finishing 97th place and the time trial, were he finished 48th place. Hopkins solidified his position as future superstar by capturing a silver medal in the time trial event at the Junior Pan-Am Games. Outside of representing Bermuda, Kaden was competing for Equipo Essax in Spain, and he also had the opportunity to compete at the Tour of Guadeloupe with a composite team.


• (February 2021) Vuelta Independencia Dominicana - Stage 3 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 1st Place

• (June 2021) Bermuda National Time Trial Championship 1st Place

• (December 2021) Junior Pan-Am Games in Cali, Columbia 2nd Place in time trial

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Senior Achievement Award (Males)

Kiwon Waldron Equestrian

Description: Kiwon Waldron has been an outstanding driver locally for many years racing ponies at the National Equestrian Center, but he is now making a name for himself driving in North America. Kiwon has achieved consistent winnings and quality performances in the International Trotting Pacing Association race season in Indiana and Ohio to solidify his position as an elite rider on the circuit. In 2021, he has won multiple races at the Nappanee Raceway in Indiana and Goshen Historic Racetrack in Ohio.


• (August 2021) ITPA Stakes Races in Indiana, USA 1st Place in three races

• (September 2021) LaGrange QMT Racing Series in Indiana, USA 1st Place in two races

103 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal

Senior Achievement Award (Males)

Tyler Smith Triathlon

Description: Tyler Smith is an aspiring athlete and has shown a great deal of potential to represent Bermuda at major festivals. Based and training in Leeds, Tyler had a solid 2021 despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. Competing at European Cup level, Tyler was able to finish eighth place at the European Triathlon Cup Poland. From the confidence gained from that race, Smith was able to demonstrate the most complete performance of his career by securing an impressive fifth place at the Europe Triathlon Cup Portugal. He is looking forward to further growth and development in 2022 season.


• (May 2021) Europe Triathlon Cup in Olsztyn, Poland 8th Place

• (June 2021) Europe Triathlon Cup in Coimbra, Portugal 5th Place

• (August 2021) U23 World Triathlon Championships in Edmonton, Canada

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Female Athlete of the Year

Flora Duffy Triathlon

Sport: Triathlon Description: Flora Duffy signed her name into national folklore with that brilliant victory at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. Duffy finished the triathlon event in in 1:56:18, winning by a record-setting 1:51 margin in a multisport race that includes a 1.5K [0.9 mile] swim, 40K [24.9 mile] bike and 10K [6.2 mile] run. A month later, she won a record-tying third world championship in Edmonton and capped off her year with a sixth Xterra world title in Maui. Dame Flora is widely cited as one of the greatest triathletes of all time, having won an Olympic gold medal and more than ten world titles across multiple federations, and she stands in history as the only triathlete in the world to win six Xterra world titles and the only person to win three triathlon world titles in the same year. The four-time Olympian started 2022 off with yet another accolade when she was made a Dame of the Order of the British Empire.


• (July 2021) Triathlon Event at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan 1st Place

• (August 2021) World Triathlon Championship Series 1st Place

• (December 2021) XTERRA World Championship 1st Place

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Senior Achievement Award (Females)

Jessica Lewis Para-Athletics

Description: 2021 proved to be another impressive year for Jessica Lewis as she made history for Bermuda as the sole representative at the Paralympic Games held in Tokyo, Japan. Making her third appearance at the games, she has been described as a ‘trailblazer’ for all her accomplishments within her sport. Lewis enjoyed a decent year as she competed in three events — the 100m, 400m, and 800m — at the Paralympic Games as she recorded a personal best time in the 800m and came a fourth-place finish in the 100m, which is the highest ever finish by a Bermudian. Surrounded by plenty of local support, Jessica Lewis intends to continue representing Bermuda to the best of her ability in 2022.


• (August 2021) Paralympic Games in Tokyo, Japam

• 4th Place in T53 100m

• 10th Place in T53 800m

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Senior Achievement Award (Females)

Caitlin Conyers Cycling

Description: Since breaking onto the scene in dominant fashion in 2018, Caitlyn Conyers continues to dominate locally whilst solidifying her name as a force to be reckon with internationally. She has continued to produce impressive results as she came first at the Caribbean Cycling Championships and was also overall winner at the Green Mountain Stage race. Caitlin was also one of the top three finalist in the Zwift Academy e-cycling competition for a pro contract, where she was named ‘Rider of the Day’ during the hill climb segment.


• (June 2021) Bermuda National Time Trial Championships

• 1st Place

• (August 2021) Caribbean Cycling Championships in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

• 1st Place

• (November 2019) Green Mountain Stage Race in Warren, Vermont

• 1st Place

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Senior Achievement Award (Females)

Erica Hawely Triathlon

Description: Erica Hawley has had a busy year in 2021. She made a breakthrough in competing within the professional ranks as she competed in six World Triathlon Events. She had a breakthrough performance in her professional career after claiming a thirteenth-place finish in the World Triathlon Cup Haeundae event. Hawley took confidence from that Haeundae performance and backed it up with another impressive showing in the Far East today by finishing fourteenth in the World Triathlon Cup Tongyeongn. To continue her development as an elite athlete, Erica is training in Boulder, Colorado in preparation for an equally busy 2022.


• (July 2021) Americas Triathlon Cup in California, USA

• 19th Place

• (August 2021) U-23 World Triathlon Championship in Edmonton, Canada

• 22nd Place

• (October 2021) World Triathlon Cup in Haeundae, South Korea

• 13th Place

Senior Achievement Award (Females)

Madelyn Moore Swimming

Description: Madelyn Moore has demonstrated her immense promise throughout the course of 2021. Competing at the Central American and Caribbean Amateur Swimming Confederation Championships (CCCAN), she secured gold medals in the eighteen and over, 50 and 100 metres freestyle and 50 and 100 metres butterfly events, respectively. Moore’s winning time in the 100 butterfly of 1min 2.21secs and 50 freestyle (25:77) were personal bests and Bermuda national records. Her time of 27:12 on the way to victory in the 50 metres butterfly was also a personal best as well as the CCCAN meet and Bermuda records. Madelyn Moore received another huge confidence boost in 2021 after being recognized as one of the Central American and Caribbean region’s elite swimmers.


• (April 2021) UANA Tokyo Qualifier in Clermont, Florida

• 1st Place in 50m Freestyle & 100m Freestyle

• (June 2021) CCCAN in San Juan, Puerto Rico

• 1st Place 50m Freestyle, 100m Freestyle, 50m Butterfly & 100m Butterfly

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Male Junior Athlete of the Year

Sebastian Kempe Sailing

Description: Sebastian Kempe’s trajectory this year has been nothing short of impressive. Consistently stringing together performances, not just in the ILCA class, he demonstrated an innate skill at championship level, which is not often seen in junior sailing. He became the first Bermudian to win gold at the Youth Sailing World Championships, which is a true progress to greater things. For perspective, this event has been won by, Sir Russell Coutts (of America’s Cup and FINN Gold medalist) Sir Ben Ainslie most decorated Olympic Sailing Medalist of all time. Sebastian has an ambitious plan including the 2022 version of the Youth Worlds in July in The Hague where he will look to be the first ever repeat champion.


• (December 2021) 1st Overall World Sailing Youth World Championship, Mussanah Oman

• (July 2021) 3rd ILCA 6 (Laser Radial) Youth World Championship, Arco Italy

• (2021 May) 3rd Overall 2nd U17 ILCA 6 Youth World Championship Arco, Lake Garda, Italy

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Junior Achievement Award (Males)

Cody Rego Equestrian

Description: Cody Rego has had an outstanding 2021 season competing in the United States of American. He spent the year as a working student at North Run Stables where Missy Clarke and John Breenan coached him. Cody competed successfully in hunter, equitation and jumper classes with the highlight being his 9th place finish out of 175 competitors in the ASPCA Maclay Championship, one of the most prestigious competitions for junior riders in the USA. Cody also had top three finishes in the Platinum Performance USEF Show Jumping Talent Search 2 and the WHIS Jumper Phase, to name a few of his successes.


• (November 2021) 9th Place at the ASPCA Maclay Championship in Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, KY

• (January 2021) 1st Place Dover Saddlery / USEF Hunter Seat Medal

• (May 2021) Champion of the Low Jr. Jumper 1.20m Class at the Tryon Springs Series

119 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal
* Pictures

Junior Achievement Award (Males)

Alexander Miller Cycling

Description: Alexander Miller has finished an outstanding year of domestic and international competition, despite the interruptions created by the pandemic. He was a part of the Bermuda team at the UCI Junior Road World Championships in Belgium where he averaged 29 miles per hour in the time trial. Miller is an integral member of the Bermuda cycling team that are starting to dominate their region with many podium finishes and this was demonstrated when he placed 1st in the time trial event at the Junior Caribbean Championships.


• (October 2021) Gold medal in the time trial at the 2021 Jr. Caribbean Championships Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

• (December 2021) 3rd in the Bermuda President’s Cup Road Race

• (June 2021) 1st Bermuda Jr. National Time Trial Championship

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Junior Achievement Award (Males)

Dominic Sabir Cricket

Description: Dominic Sabir was an instrumental member of Warwick Workman’s cricket team that gained promotion to the BCB Premier Division. Known for his powerful hitting, Sabir solidified his position as an aspiring professional cricketer with a destructive 49 ball century against Devonshire Recreation Club. His batting exploits have not gone unnoticed as he has been drafted into the Bermuda Senior National Team where he made his debut in Antigua & Barbuda during the ICC Americas T20 World Cup qualifiers. With further development and training in the UK, Dominic will look to ‘cement’ his place on the National Team.


• (Summer 2021) 500 Runs for the Domestic Season earning leading run scorer

• (November 2021) Represented Bermuda at T20 World Cup Americas Qualifier

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Female Junior Athlete of the Year

Caitlyn Bobb Track & Field

Description: Caitlyn Bobb rewrote the record books whilst competing for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County at the Penn State National Open. The Bermudian sprinter set a new school and national indoor record on the way to victory in the women’s 400 metres in a time of 54:86 secs. The fresh-man also won the 200-meter event in 24:44 to complete an impressive double at the meet held at University Park, Pennsylvania. Bobb’s times in the 200 and 400 also qualified her for the 2022 Carifta Games to be held in Jamaica from April 16 to 18. In July of 2021, she represented Bermuda at the World Athletics U20 World Athletic Championship in Nairobi, Kenya. Caitlyn ran in the Semi-finals where she earned a place in the final. Presently, Caitlyn is ranked 5th in the nation for indoor 500m performances after representing her University in the Navy Track Classic in December 2021.


• (February 2021) 1st in 300 meters at MPSSAA Class 2A Indoor State Championships at the Prince George Sports and Learning Complex in Maryland.

• (February 2021) 1st in 500 meters at MPSSAA 2A Central Region Championships in Baltimore, MD.

• (July 2021) Semi- Finals of World Athletics U20 World Games in Nairobi, Kenya

125 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal

Junior Achievement Award (Females)

Erin Cann Sanshou

Description: Erin Cann is the youngest member of the Bermuda Sanshou Association team which recently competed at the Phoenix Wushu Nationals. At the tender age of nine she was able to demonstrate the discipline to win the Jianshu Division and claim silver in the Changquan. Cann also thrived competing in the US Wushu Mock Trials, which were held at the same venue, placing fourth in Jianshu and ninth in Changquan, respectively. The US Wushu Mock Trials is all national team athletes and so she was fourth and ninth against the US national team athletes, which is extremely good. The overall experience was ideal preparation for Cann’s bid to qualify for the 2026 Youth Olympics in Dakar, Senegal.


• (December 2021) 1st in the Jianshu Division at the Phoenix Wushu Nationals in Phoenix, Arizona

• (July 2021) 3rd 2021 International Kungfu Taiji Online Tournament

• (December 2021) 6th US Wushu Mock Trials in Phoenix, Arizona

127 2021 | Bermuda Sports Journal

Junior Achievement Award (Females)

Liana Medeiros Cycling

Description: Liana Medeiros has had a very consistent year and continues to show steady improvements with her cycling development. At 17 years of age, her dedication to improving is even more impressive as she puts I consistent performances locally. This was evident when she came second at the Presidents Cup. Internationally, Liana claimed a bronze medal in the individual time trial event at the Junior Caribbean Championships as she is an integral part of the Bermuda team that is dominating the Caribbean region at present.


• (July 2021) Team Gnosis Criteria in Hamilton

- 2nd Place

• (October 2021) Junior Caribbean Championships in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

- 3rd Place in Time Trial

• (December 2021) Bermuda Bicycle Association President’s Cup -2nd Place

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Junior Achievement Award (Females)

Isabelle Dutranoit Track

and Field

Description: Isabelle Dutranoit has shown great promise throughout 2021. Although the global pandemic has ‘robbed’ her of consistent competition, she was still able meet the qualifying standard and represent Bermuda in the 2021 Junior Pan Am Games in Cali, Columbia in the women’s 5000m. What makes Isabelle’s participation so significant is, she was in the midst of her university’s cross-country season. With her university’s permission and her College Coach’s indulgence Isabelle used the short twoweek window and turned her training toward the track in preparation for the Games where she put in an impressive performance.


• (May 2021) 8th in 5000m at the Charlotte Invitational

• (September 2021) 2nd at the Wolfpack Adidas Cross Country Challenge

• (December 2021) in 5000m 10th at the Jr. Pan Am Games

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Appreciation Award

Charles & Leslie Marshall Football

Description: The Charles and Lesley Marshall Foundation believe that sports builds character and selfdiscipline, benefiting young people as they embark on their journey through life. Since its inception, the Foundation has disbursed 41 grants to clubs totaling $178,000 to 20 different local football clubs and organizations. The fund also supported the Clyde Best and Josef Gooden Football Academy and covered the cost of training and trials overseas in the UK for 11 talented and academic young students aged 14 - 18. This thoughtful generosity comes straight from the heart of Charles Marshall who was an outstanding Hall of Fame referee and is also the passion of his lovely wife Lesley Marshall who has taken the lead in the administrative work of the Foundation to ensure the successful distribution of the donations to the football clubs Youth Development Programs. This kind and thoughtful generosity will be their lasting legacy.

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Appreciation Award

Bermuda Fire & Marine (BF&M) Cricket

Description: Bermuda Fire & Marine has been a philanthropic donor to the Bermuda Cricket Board for well over 15 years. During that time, they have provided funding for multiple youth programs including the Summer & Easter Camps, youth leagues, U-19 training camp and women’s cricket. These programs have resulted in numerous boys and girls being introduced to grassroots cricket, from which they have gone onto representing their club and BCB National Youth and Senior teams in the future.

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Appreciation Awards

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Donna Raynor Track & Field

Description: Description: Donna Raynor Track & Field Description: Description: Donna Raynor has been involved in the sport of track and field in Bermuda as either an athlete, coach, or administrator for nearly 50 years. A successful decorated athlete, Donna is a Carifta and CAC Games Medalist in addition to competing in Pan Am Games. During her 12-year stint as President of Bermuda National Athletic Association, Raynor oversaw the hosting of a successful 2012 Carifta Games and a multitude of additional accomplishments. Accomplishments such as being elected to the NACAC Board of Directors, receiving a Queens Certificate of Honor, and becoming the Chairperson for the NACAC Gender Leadership Committee

Kaywell Outerbridge Field Hockey

Description: Kaywell Outerbridge has been an integral part of field hockey in Bermuda for many years. She has assumed numerous roles within the Bermuda Hockey Federation including the board of directors, officiating matches, and technical official. Additional roles of service within the federation include team management, coach for two teams for international tours and media representative. Ms. Outerbridge was also recognized with a ‘Longstanding Achievement Award’ from the Bermuda Hockey Federation, which speaks to her years of service and dedication to the sport.

Heidi Mello


Description :Heidi Mello’s love of horses began at an early age, and she grew up competing on the local stage. Since her competitive days, Heidi has spent a great deal of her time and funds getting designated by the International Equestrian Federation (‘FEI’), as a jumping steward, a course designer and jumping judge. To date, she has attained FEI Level 3 Steward (Jumping), FEI Level 3 Course Designer and FEI Level 1 Judge (Jumping) qualifications. Having succeeded in reaching these levels, Heidi has been able to provide services at countless horse shows around the world since 2005 and is well known and respected internationally. She is also the FEI Steward General of Bermuda, a position she was appointed to in 2019.

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Sports Citation Award

2008 Bermuda U-19 Team

Front Row:

Terry Fray, Greg Maybury, Machai Campbell, Regino Smith, Rodney Trott, Dennico Hollis, Deunte Darrell, Terryn Fray, Arnold Manders

Back Row:

Gus Logie, Clevie Wade, Malachi Jones, Christopher Douglas, Jordan DeSilva, Tre Govia, Kyle Hodsoll, Tamauri Tucker, Pierre Smith, Craig Brown, Andre Manders, Gerald Bean

Emulating the Senior National Team that qualified for the 2007 Men’s World Cup, the U-19 team also made history when it qualified for its maiden appearance at the 2008 ICC U-19 Cricket World Cup in Malaysia. They had done so by defeating host Canada by 13 runs in the final match of the five-team round-robin Americas U-19 Qualifier in Toronto to finish unbeaten. In a match of fluctuating fortunes, Bermuda managed 194-8 from the allotted 50 overs and then successfully defended the relatively small score by restricting Canada to 181-9. Lead by skipper Rodney Trott, Bermuda was drawn in Group D with England, Bangladesh, and Ireland. After two difficult matches against seasoned campaigners England and Bangladesh, Bermuda defeated Ireland in a competitive match that saw Rodney Trott score 64 and Chris Douglas claim 5 wickets.

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Natasha Trott Football

Description:Under the direction BFA referee committee, Natasha Trott has ‘stepped up’ at a time when officials were desperately needed to officiate local games. Her passion and dedication have seen her quickly become an established official. She made history as one of two females to ever pass the Women’s Assistant Referee fitness as well as be appointed to a Concacaf tournament. The recent appointment to the FIFA list is evidence of her quality as she has become a trailblazer for future local women to follow her footsteps.

Clinton Hayward Football

Description :Having only recently commencing his officiating journey, Clinton Hayward has worked extremely hard over the past eighteen months to ensure he gained opportunities overseas. His dedication was rewarded with being selected to officiate at the CONCACAF U-15 Championships in 2019. Since then, he has participated in weekly technical and fitness training sessions to earn selection to officiate at the CFU Challenge Series and lastly, earned selection to the FIFA assistant referee list for 2022. Clinton has worked extremely hard despite the pandemic and has reaped the rewards.

Stefan Maybury Football

Description :Stefan Maybury was initially selected as a match official for the Concacaf U-15 Tournament in 2019, then unfortunately tore his ACL, which required surgery and a year’s worth of rehabilitation. Despite that, he worked exceptionally hard and was selected once again to officiate at the Caribbean Football Union’s U-14 tournament in August 2021. Since then, he has been named to the FIFA assistant referees list for 2022 and has also been selected to take part in the 2022 Concacaf Men’s Under-20 Championship Qualifiers, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

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Special Recognition

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Mrs. Karen Woollery (President of Bermuda Special Olympics)

Special Olympics Bermuda

Description: Special Olympics Bermuda works towards the goal of empowering each of our athletes with an intellectual disability to be the best they can be. They aim to build a more civil society by creating a world of full inclusion and mutual respect as they work to create more unified communities, places where each person, regardless of ability or disability is accepted and welcomed. Special Olympics Bermuda is a newly accredited program but in the brief time they have been in existence, were successful in getting fourteen athletes qualified for the 2019 World Summer Games held in Abu Dhabi. In total, Bermuda came away with eight medals. They also currently have three athletes that have qualified for the 2022 USA Games that will be held in Orlando, Florida. footsteps.

141 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Eden Woollery (Equestrian), Micah Lambert (Tennis) and Bridget Marshall (Tennis)
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2021 144
147 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
Bermuda Sports Journal | 2022 148
149 2022 | Bermuda Sports Journal
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