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How to Reduce Plastic in the Bathroom
It's easy to feel confident in reducing your plastic use when you bring home your groceries in reusable bags and order your morning latte in your reusable mug. However, think about the amount of plastic waste from your morning routine. Do you brush your teeth with a plastic toothbrush? How is your shampoo and conditioner packaged? What about that plastic tampon wrapper? It's easy to forget how much waste is created in your bathroom, but luckily, it's easy to make more sustainable choices for you and your family.
Walk down the shampoo aisle in any store and you might have a difficult time finding hair care products that aren't packaged in plastic. As disheartening as this may be, such products do exist. Shampoo and conditioner bars are rising in popularity among the Eco-conscious crowd. Similar to bars of soap, these handy little blocks offer all of the benefits of your favorite shampoo and conditioner, just without all the plastic. There are even different formulas to suit your individual needs. Best of all, they can be cut into smaller pieces, so you can take them with you when you travel.
Bars of soap may seem old-fashioned to some, but they are a great way to help eliminate plastic from your daily hygiene routine. Bars of soap can be made from more natural ingredients, helping to reduce the harsh chemicals you are exposed to every day. Just be sure to choose a soap that doesn't contain palm oil to help reduce your environmental impact. Your plastic-free skincare routine doesn't have to end with soap.
Lotion bars are another opportunity to reduce the amount of plastic waste in your bathroom. Typically made with Shea, cocoa, or mango butter as a base, these bars are every bit as moisturizing as the lotion you buy in a plastic container. As an added bonus for those with sensitive skin, lotion bars are usually made with limited ingredients. They're also easy to DIY if you're feeling creative.

How many toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste have you used in your lifetime thus far? It's a scary number if you think about it. The good news is that you can consciously cut back on the plastic use in your tooth care routine. Bamboo handled toothbrushes are all the rage right now. Bamboo is a sustainable material, making it a great choice for Eco-friendly bathroom products. The only problem is that there isn't really a way to make the bristles without plastic, but you are significantly reducing your use by replacing your plastic toothbrush with a bamboo one.
That tube of toothpaste in your bathroom cabinet is another unnecessary source of plastic in your bathroom. Powdered toothpaste may sound a bit strange, but it's a great alternative to traditional paste. It usually comes in a recyclable glass jar and you simply dip a wet toothbrush into the powder and brush as you normally would. It comes in a variety of flavors, so if you're picky about your toothpaste, you should be able to find something you like.
For your Eco-friendly flossing needs, try silk dental floss. It's a sustainable material that is typically packaged in either a metal or glass container. There are quite a few brands on the market, so you may need to do some research into what brand will work best for you.
Fortunately, there are some great alternatives to traditional wasteful pads and tampons. Silicone menstrual cups are easy to use and clean, and best of all, they're reusable. Simply empty and wash out the cup as needed throughout the day. If you prefer pads, you still have an Eco-conscious option available to you. Washable menstrual pads can be used and simply thrown in the wash after use. They're also incredibly easy to make if you prefer to do things yourself.

The first step in reducing the plastic use in your shaving routine is to stop using disposable razors. It's as simple as that. There are many different companies that produce razors that can simply have the heads replaced, rather than throwing the whole unit away. There are even companies that make razors completely out of metal, which is perfect for people who want to eliminate plastic from their home.
Living a plastic-free life is difficult but not entirely impossible. You just have to make conscious choices about the products you bring into your home. Swapping out a few of your usual products with plastic-free alternatives can make a huge difference in the amount of waste your household produces. With these changes, you'll be well on your way to living a more Eco-friendly lifestyle. BHW