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Sustainable Swaps For The Woman On The Go

Sustainable Swaps for the Woman on the Go By Brittney Pruess
Farm-to-table, homestead living, and expansive hiking trails. These are a few of thewholesome beauties we are fortunate enough to experience in the Black Hills area.When compared to the environment of larger cities, our air is cleaner and our waste isdramatically reduced. However, with such a reputation and a growing population, could webe overlooking an opportunity to learn from our city-slicker states? How can we, as womenon-the-go, incorporate a few big city ideas to show our planet, and perhaps ourselves, alittle love on a daily basis? Let’s check out a few local sustainable swaps we can make today!
1 The Commute The first swap I recommend for the woman on-the-go is to drive less and walk/bike more. Many bigger cities offer pedestrian-friendly modes of transportation such as bike paths, subways, and convenient bus schedules, but you can incorporate Eco-friendly transportation into your lifestyle without a pedestrian system in place. Making this swap will take time to navigate, but when you find the sweet spot, you will reap the benefits of slowing down and experiencing the beauty around you. Plus, you will have created a built-in workout.
Here is how I incorporate walking into my own schedule. First, I pack everything I need for the day in a convenient bag I can carry throughout town. Second, I schedule my first client with my morning stroll to the meeting in mind, and if at all possible, I schedule sessions within the same general location. Intentionally creating my schedule this way does a couple of things. It reduces my carbon footprint, incorporates a built-in workout into each day, and fosters a present and pleasurable experience to and from work. If you want to reap the benefits of walking to work, but cannot carve out the time walking requires, biking may be your preferred mode of transportation. Many businesses in the Black Hills area have bike racks outside for your convenience, making biking a very affordable and time-conscious option.
How you get to work will be unique to your lifestyle. Perhaps you opt for biking, you drive to work and walk everywhere else, or you select a couple of days per week when you can carpool. I encourage you to be intentional and thoughtful about how you can make the commute more enjoyable and Eco-friendly.

2 Food on the Plate Food is a great area for you to make a few impactful changes. Instead of the fast-food drive-thru, consider packing your own meal from home, opt for glass instead of plastic, and pack only what you will eat. Your local food co-op or farmers market, such as Good Earth Natural Foods or the Hot Springs Farmers Market, are great places to source your food. Not only do they offer wholesome options, but they also reduce waste by offering bulk bins and decreasing the use of plastic bags at checkout. Purchase your own Eco-friendly bags and get to shopping!
Realistically though, we all like to eat out on occasion so visit restaurants that source their food locally and use primarily natural packaging options. Consider splitting a meal with your friends or taking home leftovers in a glass container you keep on hand in your bag. Be bold and go the extra step to reducing food waste. If you are hitting a drive-thru, consider bringing your own mug, stainless steel straw, or a glass water bottle with you. Think of how many plastic bottles or paper cups we could eliminate by making this simple swap.

For the lunch meeting, REDwater Kitchen in Spearfish creates their menu selection around seasonal produce and local food varieties. For the drive-thru, Dixon Coffee `provides an array of locally-sourced options and offers a discount to customers when they bring their Dixon mug. As an added bonus, they also recycle coffee grounds by giving them to locals for their home gardens.
3 Healthy Home There are so many Eco-forward swaps you can make in your cleaning supplies and home environment, and they are easier to implement than you might think. Opt for a Thieves All-Purpose Cleaner and use it for EVERYTHING. You can also use essential oils, such as lemon oil, for the areas that need a little extra elbow grease. Once your home is all spic-and-span,source natural candles or freshly picked flowers for that feminine finishing touch.
A life on-the-go can also be Earth-friendly. It will take a little time to make a few of these natural swaps, but once you do, you will find yourself actually saving time, making healthier choices for your lifestyle, and showing Earth the care it desperately needs. BHW