Behind this Issue
Tracy Bernard Editor-in-chief
Jessie Fewson
Advertising Sales
Publisher Tout Advertising, LLC
Kara Azevedo
Emily Pitz
Behind the Cover
Tracy Bernard
Copy Editor
Lesa Koscielski
Ad Sales
Jessie Fewson
Layout & Design
Tracy Bernard
Emily Pitz
Cover Image
by Sharon Grey
Cover Design
Tracy Bernard
709 Main Street Rapid City, SD 57701 605.877.1446
Watercolor artist, Sharon Grey's "Backstage"
Tout Advertising, LLC assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photography or artwork and reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Articles, advertisements, and opinions in this publication do not necessarily carry the endorsement of Tout Advertising. Š2019 Black Hills Woman Magazine
Inside this Issue
Ride or Die as Your Flawsome Self
From the Editor
Jeanne Wagner
Woman in Business
No Child Left On Their Behind Relationships
Situational Awareness and Self-Defense Feature
Marti Nesland
That Girl Gives Back
Questions to Ask Before Making Life Decisions
Sharon Grey Artist Profile
Set the Stage for a Positive Dental Visit for Your Child Health & Fitness
Destination Series: Newark, NJ Travel
Creative Ways to Repurpose and Recycle Home & Garden
Local Style Fashion
Beauty Review: Home Micro-needling DermaRollers Beauty Review
The Pigment Puzzle Beauty
62 Brie Brown
Mom of the Moment
leave her a note figuring
Just flawsome.
it wouldn’t take long.
My husband and some
Unfortunately, there
friends and I recently
was a queue for drug
went to Cirque du Soleil
testing that day, so it
in Las Vegas. We had
as your flawsome self.
front row tickets which made a superb show even better. At some point during the show, the maestro made
by Tracy Bernard
walk my way. I started to panic momentarily because I have horrible stage fright and I thought he was going to pull me up on stage in front of thousands of people. Instead, he took a beautiful long stem rose and presented to me. I stood up to accept it and, here’s the cringeworthy part, curtsied. Yes, you read that right. A deep, plunging, should-be-reserved-for-the-queen curtsy. As I sat down, I whispered to my husband, “oh my God, I just curtsied.” He laughed and said, “yes, you sure did.” Rewind to a couple of decades ago. I’m a 22-year-old intern at the White House and I get a call first thing in the morning that they were elevating my security clearance and I needed to report to another building immediately for a drug test. My boss, Marilyn, usually arrived much later than I did, so I didn’t
From the Editor
before cell phones were prevalent so I rushed back worried she’d be got to her office, she had a stylish older woman
and then proceeded to
hours. This happened
upset with me. When I
direct eye contact with me from the stage,
ended up taking a couple
sitting with her. I meant to only poke my head in so she could see I was there, but she called me in. Thinking I was about to be reprimanded, I started speaking, “Hey Marilyn, sorry I’m late but good news, they are elevating me to a blue pass, so I had to get drug tested. Cross your fingers!” Let me clarify quickly that this was an absolute, total joke and I was in no way unsure that I would pass a drug test. Why I thought that remark would be funny though is another question. After a painful, awkward pause, Marilyn decided to ignore my little statement and said, “Tracy, I’d like to introduce you to George Stephanopoulos’s mother, Nikki.” My jaw dropped. I just made a drug joke in front of a senior White House staffer’s mother. I shook her hand and apologized for my joke. She was
gracious, but I was mortified.
criticism? If I were to avoid doing or saying anything awkward or embarrassing, I would avoid doing or saying everything,
As embarrassing as these stories are, and there are a hundred
period. I would retreat into the wallpaper. No, that won’t do.
more, my propensity to do and say awkward things on a
That would mean shutting down something that is inherently
regular basis is what makes me, me. And while being chron-
me, which is to go with the moment, ride or die as Tracy. Yes, I
ically awkward is no doubt a flaw, it also causes the bonding
tell jokes, many of them bad, and a curtsy every now and then
moments I have with many people. It is what people that love
may occur…I won’t even cover dancing. It's okay.
me, love about me. These are the stories my friends and family laugh about and that make me memorable.
None of this is to say that I shouldn’t work on my flaws or you, yours. Today I probably wouldn’t make a drug joke at the White
What if the way we perceived our quirks and idiosyncrasies,
House; that was my 22-year-old self. I’ve learned a little since
even our outright flaws, changed everything about how we
then. Instead, I strive to not embarrass anyone, to be appropri-
worked on ourselves? What if you were to only prune the
ate to the situation, but still always ride or die as my flawsome
limbs of your personality that you've decided aren’t exactly
self. I encourage you to do the same.
perfect, instead of removing them altogether trying to prevent
Call: 605-791-7799 741 Mtn. View Rd. 10
From the Editor
Tell us the story behind your business? In 2013 we lost our son Jake in a car accident. I was a nurse for many years at Regional Health Hospital. I loved it, but I could not find my way back, so I forged ahead. I had always wanted a tea shop and we all loved cooking. Despite the fear of the unknown, we/I decided what is the worst that could happen? I could fail and be proud I tried, or I could succeed. It has been scary as hell. I have failed plenty, cried buckets, laughed lots, learned lots, and everyday I have succeeded in finding my way back to a place where I could be okay and be me.
What do you think is the smartest career decision you’ve made?
Jeanne Wagner The Spice and Tea Exchange
Becoming a nurse. It was my life-long dream. Becoming a nurse taught me how to be organized, to give, to heal. It prepared me to be a good wife, mother, grandmother, and now entrepreneur.
What has been your greatest career challenge and how have you overcome it? The business part, the accounting, oh my God, it was awful. I hired out. I got taken advantage of a ton. Finally, I embraced the beautiful world of QuickBooks. I do it everyday like a load of laundry. Blah to laundry and bookkeeping, but it is what it is. I love clean clothes, and I love having the bills paid. I am a pretty simple girl.
What advice would you give to those with a product or business idea to launch? I always say be prepared to not make any money, to work harder than any job you have ever had. Do not listen to the naysayers. Believe, believe, believe in you. The next thing you know you are
Briefly describe the business you own or work for and your role.
figuring it out and if you stick to the ideas of the
I am the owner of The Spice and Tea Exchange, located on 6th Street in downtown Rapid City. My girls and I decided to
original thought you will reach the goal. Get
open a store almost five years ago. We researched many options and finally picked The Spice and Tea Exchange because it
there, celebrate, and then goal up.
matched our objectives perfectly. We wrote a business plan and worked locally with Pioneer Bank. Our dream became real in time is the most important time for family, where we create “pots of love” for each other. The Spice and Tea Exchange gave
How do you balance your personal and professional life?
us the tools and the ability to share the freshest, safest, and most beautiful products out there. We were a natural fit. We love
I am very protective of my family. Jay and
to teach anyone how to use spices, salts, teas, peppers, sugars in a way that takes the basic meal into a lovely conversation
I have been together for 27 years. He
October 2015. The basis of the dream was to have regular people feel comfortable in their own kitchens. We believe dinner-
about life, history, dreams, or whatever you want.
Woman in Business
Woman in Business
and his family own J&J Asphalt Company. Over the years all of us have just stayed engrained in one idea. We work so we can be with each other. It has been a successful plan. I have even closed my store so I could attend the important events like preschool singing programs. Family comes first.
What habits have made you successful? Absolutely surrounding myself with people who believe in me and who I look up to. When I get overwhelmed I step away and regroup.
Spices • Teas • Gifts
The Spice & Tea Exchange® of Rapid City 519 6th Street Rapid City, SD 57701 | 605-791-2900 14
Woman in Business
No Child Left on Their Behind by Dorothy Rosby
According to ReportLinker, the average American household
ket-research group Nielsen says that we adults spend more
has 7.3 screens—tablets, PCs, notebooks, smartphones and
than eight and a half hours a day staring at screens. And
televisions. We’re a nation with more screens than people.
four hours and forty-six minutes of that is spent watching
And screens do have some advantages over people, mainly
television and complaining that there’s nothing on.
remote controls and off buttons. But apparently we don’t use the off buttons very much.
The problem is when technology is on, we’re basically off. We’re not exercising when we’re staring at a screen, unless
I haven’t told my husband this yet, but I’ve made a unilateral decision. This year, we’re going to observe Screen-Free Week
According to the Campaign for a Commercial-Free
you count jumping up to run to the refrigerator every time
April 29-May 5. I don’t usually approve of unilateral decisions in marriages, but I’m supporting this one, because I’m the one
Childhood (CCFC), children eight and younger average two
there’s a commercial. We’re not bonding with our family,
who made it.
and a quarter hours of entertainment on screens every day.
even if all of our butts are bonding to the same couch. And
Teenagers consume nearly nine hours and tweens average
we’re not paying attention. A lot can happen in our homes,
Screen-Free Week is an annual, international celebration when we swap digital entertainment for real life. I call it No Child
almost six. Maybe it’s not as bad as it sounds. Maybe that
our communities and our country while we sit on the sofa
Left on Their Behind Week. No adult either.
includes the time they spend helping us with our screens.
playing Candy Crush, and us too chubby to get up and
And before you judge them, you should know that the mar-
defend ourselves.
And when you watch too much television, you
And every time I open my newsfeed I’m greeted with inane
They point is, during Screen-Free Week, we could all do
see things no one should ever see. And I’m not
headlines like, This question will tell you if you’re a psycho-
things instead of watching other people do things. Instead
just talking about violence and vulgarity, though
path and Ice-T reveals he’s never eaten this food and the
of Dancing with the Stars, we could go dancing ourselves.
there’s plenty of that. I’m talking about…well…
internet totally freaks out, proving what I’ve known all along:
Instead of watching This Old House, we could do our own
dumb stuff.
Some people have too much time on their hands and should
home remodeling projects. And instead of watching Bare-
come paint my house. Unless they’re psychopaths.
foot Contessa, we could go barefoot
I once watched a man on television attempt to
eat 50 chicken wings. He did a lot of chewing,
Oh, and by the way, it’s bagels. It’s true. As of this writing,
licking his fingers and talking with his mouth
Ice-T has never eaten a bagel. Yes, I did read the article, but
Kidding! I mean instead of watching
full, all behavior I can watch at my own dinner
just to save you the trouble.
cooking shows, we could cook. Or
table and without the commercials. He didn’t
go out to eat. And leave our phones
get all 50 down, though to his credit, he did eat
I don’t spend eight and a half hours staring at screens and if I
a lot of chicken wings. I know because I traded
did I wouldn’t admit it. I’m sure you don’t either. But you may
part of a precious Saturday afternoon to watch
be worried about how the people in your life are going to
(Dorothy wrote this column while
him do it. I could have been eating my own
spend the 60 extra hours they’ll have if your family partici-
staring at a computer screen, but
chicken wings.
pates in Screen-Free Week, not to mention the 12 to 15 hours
she didn’t think you’d be able to read her handwriting.) BHW
at home.
they’ll save not looking for their iPad or the remote. I saw a man try and fail to beat the Guinness World Record for placing watermelons on an-
You could encourage them to be more physically active.
other man’s bare stomach, then chopping them
They could go for walks, ride a bike—even clean the house.
in half with a large sword. You might be better
And if that doesn’t use all their extra time, they could come
informed than I am, but up until that moment, I
clean mine.
had no idea there was such a record. Thankfully the man never chopped his volunteer in half. It
They could volunteer. I’ve got some yard work they could do
really would have slowed him down if he’d had
to find a new one for every watermelon. If they want entertainment, they could turn on the radio and There’s plenty of dumb stuff on other screens
stare at it for a really long time. I’m joking. But they could
too. Just today, a Facebook friend posted
read a book. Heck, they could read three or four books. Then
photos of her birthday party including several
when you turn the television back on, they’ll be better at
shots of drunken behavior—her own. I hope her
parents don’t see those. Or her kids.
Situational Awareness and Self-Defense by Brianna Pesek
or telephone is easily accessible, and if the environment
far away they are from you. How many steps are there to
makes it difficult to see others from a distance or if a person
your car, house, or office building? What is the ground like in
could easily pop out in front of you and catch you off guard.
that space? Is it smooth, icy, uneven, grassy, or does it have
It is also a good idea not to wear headphones so you can hear
stairs? These environmental obstacles can make a difference
what is going on nearby. Consistently look behind you to see
if you have to run for your life or defend yourself.”
if anyone is following you or walking in the same direction.
Situational awareness and self-defense give a person the ability to identify, process and comprehend information about how to survive in an emergency. It is knowing what is going on around you. It is dynamic, hard to maintain and
Be aware of their movements and behavior. This may lead
When a person is out hiking or walking by themselves, in a
to turning in a different direction, finding others nearby so
parking lot, gas station/rest stop, at school or on campus, at
you are not alone, and having your cell phone and protection
the grocery store, etc. it is smart to plan accordingly.
Here are some tips: Owner and Master Instructor for Full Circle Martial Arts Academy in Rapid City, Naomie Even-Aberle says, “Know
1. Preferably go during the daytime, most likely for
your route, know where the public locations are and how
leisure, but obviously for any circumstance dealing with
easy to lose. Knowing what is going on all the time is very difficult for any one person, especially during a high stress survival situation. Therefore, it is important to know what behavior is effective to maintain both. Identifying the elements in a person’s surrounding is key. Always be aware of what is going on around you. Is the location busy—filled with people, cars, movement—or is it silent and it appears that you are alone? This also leads to considering whether there is someone nearby to help in a desperate situation. Is it daylight or dark outside? If it is daylight, it is still smart to be aware of whether a person
work, groceries, the gym, or “normal life,” you will have
7. If you are ever approached by someone, perhaps for
no choice but to have to go out in the dark. Daylight
directions or to ask you a question, stay calm. Stay out
savings makes it extra hard to accomplish this during
of their reach and keep your eyes moving so you can
the winter months. Therefore when you are out in the
read their body language. Make sure you stay in an open
darkness, stay near trusted neighborhoods, busier places
space. Don’t be afraid to say you cannot help if you can’t.
where there are people, movement and a lot of lights. 8. Call 911 in an emergency. Don’t hesitate to report an 2. Bring a cell phone in case of emergency, whether it
incident to the school/campus, place of employment, and
is because you are hurt or threatened. Another reason
to family and friends to help future situations.
why having people around is a good thing is that you can scream for help or run to a nearby house or business. This
Situational awareness is important for everyone, be
will probably scare the predator and they will most likely
aware of your surroundings and the potential hazards
run in the opposite direction. “One piece of advice we
you face. Educating yourself and others on situational
give our students is that if an attack happens in a public
awareness and self-defense will help with health and
space, yelling 'help' doesn't actually help,” said Master
well-being, feeling safer and more confident while facing
Even-Aberle. “However, if you yell 'FIRE,' people are
everyday life. BHW
more willing to call for assistance or even come help you themselves. In this case, FIRE is your friend.” 3. If it is dark outside, bring a flashlight and/or some sort of reflective wear so you are visible, again for safety or if
others need to find you.
Live 4. Let someone know that you are going out—tell them the location, when you are leaving, an approximate
return time and who you will be with, if that is the case. Hands-on Approach
5. Carry your keys in between your fingers to use as a weapon if needed. Think Wolverine.
Situational Awareness Reaction Training Asserting Yourself
6. Ask for help out with your groceries, or ask the gas
Prevention Techniques
station attendant or someone to walk you to your car in any instance that you feel unsafe. Full Circle Martial Arts Academy 1.605.388.2133 22
Marti Nesland
The Girl Gives Back
Briefly describe the organizations you work or volunteer for and your roles. I am a member of the marketing committee for Zonta Club of the Black Hills. Zonta Club supports local efforts through advocacy, service projects, scholarships and fundraising, as well as extending aid to women and children worldwide through Zonta International’s efforts. It also annually sponsors the Zonta Expo. Each year Zonta Club distributes money generated by the Expo to selected groups and projects that advance the status of women. I recently completed my year of service as the chairperson for the Zonta Expo. The role of the chairperson is to choose subcommittee chairpeople, oversee the development of the Expo, and manage the overall event to its completion. I have also served on the Zonta board. The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program believes that every child deserves a safe, permanent, nurturing home. Seventh Circuit CASA Program recruits, trains, and supervises volunteers to advocate in court for the best interest of abused and neglected children. The goal of the CASA Program is to have a “voice” in court for every child who needs one. I am on the CASA board and am the marketing chairperson. I am currently working with the executive director to recruit volunteers to help with the children who are still in need of CASA volunteers. This includes promoting the Fire and Ice fundraiser, promoting CASA on benches, and working with various agencies to encourage them to promote being a CASA volunteer to their employees.
The Girl Gives Back
The Mayor’s Committee for Employment of People with Disabilities, known as the Mayor's Committee, was created to advocate for and promote the equal inclusion of persons with disabilities, in all aspects of community life. I am the secretary for the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities committee. Our committee is currently partnering with Black Hills and Badlands to develop a checklist that will help people visiting the Black Hills know what services are available to accommodate their disability. We are also hosting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) picnic on July 26, 2019 in Main Street Square. This picnic recognizes and celebrates the anniversary of the ADA being signed into law.
Tell us something about the journey that led you to the organization. When I worked full time, I worked as a special education teacher in the school district. I have bachelor’s degrees in elementary education and special education, and masters degrees in special education and elementary administration. I chose to leave the school district when my three children were teenagers and were going to be in high school, all at the same time. My husband and
The Girl Gives Back
I own Nesland Construction, a residential home building
them. I want to raise awareness for the Americans With
organization does to help others and hearing how that
groups. I am in awe of
company. This gave me the means to be present for my
Disabilities Act and how it improves the lives of all people,
money will provide needed supplies or resources is very
the amazing people
family in a way that was difficult while I was working full
not exclusively people with disabilities. I am excited to
who work in the
time in a very demanding position. I wanted to continue to
have chaired an event that will provide grant money to
help others in my community and have been fortunate to
organizations that serve the needs of women and families
find great organizations to help families.
in the Black Hills. I have the opportunity to work with
Why do you believe it is important to volunteer or work for a nonprofit organization?
amazing people who inspire me.
Volunteering is important to me because I want to be a
What motivates you to stay involved?
person of positive influence in the lives of other. Working
always more work that can be done to help others. I am
Describe one of your favorite moments you’ve experienced.
determined to help children who need court appointed
One of my favorite moments was at last year’s Zonta Club
of collaboration that inspires me. I am a lifelong learner,
advocates, but we don’t have enough volunteers to help
of the Black Hills grants luncheon. Watching what our
and I have learned so much while I have worked in these
I am motivated to stay involved because there is
Black Hills to make it a great place for everyone to live.
together with others, in organizations that work to improve the lives of people in my community, is the kind
"I am in awe of the
amazing people who work in the Black Hills to make it a great place for everyone to live. - Marti Nesland
The Girl Gives Back
The Girl Gives Back
rampant in their brains. Which approach is better you ask? Neither. Both can lead to decisions made out of alignment with who you are, what your purpose is, and the values you possess. Oftentimes, you're left feeling insecure and uncertain about the decision you made. YIKES!
Questions to Ask Before Making Life Decisions by Brittany Pruess
By taking the time to ask the right questions, you can rest assured that the next life decision you make will leave you feeling confident in how you choose to show up to the situation at hand. Use the introspective questions below the next time you find yourself eye-to-eye with a major life decision.
Am I personally responsible for making this decision? This first question is extremely important. It is also one, as women, we often ignore. We innocently navigate decision-making for others assuming we are relieving them of a heavy burden in their lives. I want to encourage you to take a moment and clearly determine whether the decision before you is truly your decision to make, or if someone else is better equipped or responsible for making it. There is no need to unnecessarily carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Release some of the decisions not meant for you. If you determine that the decision is truly yours, then continue on to the next question.
What response reflects who I am and my purpose? Hopefully, at some point in your life, you have reflected, dug deep, and clearly defined who you are and your purpose. If you have not, do so now. Without a solid foundation of who we are, we have no way of making sound decisions that truly resonate in our lives. How can we possibly decide whether to relocate for a job, if we don’t know why we even selected our career in the first place? What if the job, itself, does not even align with our core? The question of relocating may not even be the decision we should be making. When you have defined who you are and your purpose, then you can determine if one decision connects more with your definitions. Let’s say “philanthropic” is a word found in your definition of self and purpose. Let’s also say you are trying to decide whether or not to take a promotion at work that will require more hours per week from you, but an increase in pay. By having your definition, you are equipped to evaluate the promotion from a deeply-rooted foundation. You have already put in the work to know philanthropy is central to you, so you do not have to waste time, or brainpower, determining what We have all been there; the moment that defines the rest of our lives, carves out a new direction for us and for those we love, and ultimately shakes up how we experience every single moment that is to come. Major life decisions are defining moments for each and every one of us, but how we choose to navigate them can be vastly different. Some charge at these transitions with only their gut; letting nothing but instinct, visceral reactions, and past experience lead the way. Others approach the decisions with their head; allowing overthinking, exhaustion, and everyone’s opinions of the situation to run
foundation to use to make your decision. You can cut to the chase and ask, “Will this promotion draw me toward or away from my philanthropic mission?” Another question if you still cannot decide would be, “Is there a way to see this job as a source of philanthropy?” Of course, there are other words in your definition of self and purpose, so using this same strategy, go down the list and answer whether or not the decision aligns with who you are. If there are more yes answers, its means you are heading in the right direction.
What choice draws me closer to my values and priorities? Just like your definitions of who you are and your purpose are crucial when it comes to making major life decisions, it is equally as important to have clearly stated values and priorities that stem from your foundation. When making a decision, ask yourself if your priorities show up in a greater capacity in one outcome versus the other using the same process above.
Does one decision enable me to lift up those closest to me? If you find yourself still teetering on a decision, then ask yourself if making a particular choice will also lift up those closest to you. It is important to note here,
how the outcomes match up to your foundation; you made the best choice you could make. It is definitely necessary to be intentional when making major life decisions, that is why we call them “major”; but there is no need to look at them from ALL angles, just the angles that truly aid in making a sound decision. Take some time, embrace introspection, and then trust yourself to select the most meaningful choice for your life. You got this!
as women, we have a tendency to view everyone as “closest to us.” Be honest with yourself and be intentional about who you want to truly include in your inner circle. These are the people that contribute to your life in a big way, including the process of making a major decision, so choose wisely.
Does choosing one direction over another actually matter? Sometimes, it really does not matter if we choose one decision over another. If you have answered the questions above, and still cannot determine which direction is better, select the slightly better option and then move on without stewing over whether you made the right decision. If you asked yourself the truly important questions, carved out time and space to do the mental work, and were honest with
and why, and that makes for a good story, which is what I always want to tell with my art. HOW DID YOU LEARN YOUR SPECIFIC ART SKILLS?
I started with instructional books, on everything from “Learn to Draw Baby Animals,” to “How to Make a Watercolor Paint Itself,” and I brought paper and pencils with me everywhere so I could draw whenever I had a minute. I learned watercolor painting from Dick Dubois at BHSU, and then my style gradually changed as I got better at predicting what the medium would do. I took classes from other teachers through the Northern Plains Watercolor Society show. I try to take workshops from visiting experts
“Backstage” is my favorite, or at least a favorite (see the cover). It’s the first painting that I won an art show with, and it tells an interesting story. Usually pictures of dancers focus on the dance itself, the way the dancer moves on the stage when he or she is seen by the audience. “Backstage” focuses on the moment of anticipation, when the dancer
I knew I wanted to be an artist from age five. I didn’t know how I could make a living at it until I read a Lois Lowry book in the fourth grade called “Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst” in which the main character’s mother is an illustrator who works from her home studio. I knew that that was the job for me, so I worked on my art all the time. I drew black and white photos that my grandfather took, and copied portraits from Family of Man. When I was about twelve, my parents started me on
Artist Profile
is carefully watching the show, waiting for her turn in the Rapid in 2004, I joined the Northern Plains Watercolor Society
spotlight. It’s dark, but still beautiful as the lights hitting
and started working as an illustrator for local authors.
the main attraction splash back and illuminate the sparkles
I draw and paint realistically, and most often in watercolor. I was drawn to it initially by a simple desire to make things look accurate, but then it became more of a personal challenge to see if I could capture an exact scene from my imagination.
on the waiting dancer’s costume. It was also a very challenging painting to pull off technically, and I’m proud of the results.
with it. For one thing, that’s the only way you’ll ever learn anything new and grow in your art, and for another, those moments of changing the way you do things are the only times you really question what you do and why. Most of us get in a groove and create art the same way
over and over again, from the brushes we choose to the
That’s easy: be a good student. Whenever you have the
a right or wrong to any of it, it’s just the way we learned.
way we fasten the paper to the board. There really isn’t
private lessons with teachers in acrylic and oil painting, then I
went to Black Hills State and Baylor University to get a degree
opportunity to learn, focus on what you’re being taught.
A new way of doing things means a chance to test and
People, and specifically children. Their body language and
in fine arts. When my husband and I moved back home to
Do exactly what the teacher says, even if you don’t agree
find the best way of getting the results you want.
facial expressions make it very clear what they’re thinking
Artist Profile
Steve Hanks, Nita Engle, Dick Dubois, William Turner, and the Florentine Renaissance painters. WHERE WE CAN SEE YOUR WORK: My on-line work profile at I have also been encouraged to start a YouTube channel on drawing, so that might be happening soon as well. There’s often something at the Dahl, as well as at Rensch Law and Grey Law in Rapid City. In Spearfish, I have pieces at Black Hills State University and downtown at the city building. BHW
Artist Profile
Set the Stage for a Positive Dental Visit for Your Child by Kimberly Blaker
a consult room. It will include education, tips for brushing/
your child doesn't pick up on your anxiety. Explain your
flossing, when teeth will erupt, nutritional recommen-
specific concerns so the dentist can address and alleviate
dations, and allow parents to ask questions. “It is a great
your worries.
opportunity to get to know your dentist. We want to set the patient and parents up for success and the prevention
Approaching scared or uncooperative children
of dental decay,” says Dr. Jobman.
For a variety of reasons, some children become fearful or uncooperative during a visit to the dentist. If your child
Depending on your child's age and the dental office
arrives unprepared or senses your anxiety, your child may
policies, many dentists will ask you to remain in the lobby
develop undue worry. A previous experience could also
during your child's checkup. Typically, this is recommend-
cause stress. Children who are ill or have a physical or
ed for children over the age of 3. There's good reason for
mental disability, a behavioral disorder, or developmental
this. Separating a child from parents usually results in
delay may also be challenging to treat. Whatever the
fuller cooperation from children. This can go a long way
reason, the way your dentist handles your child's fears and
toward a more positive experience for your child.
behavior is vital to your child's emotional well being and ability to cope with future visits.
When your child is placed in the care of the dental staff, they'll try to make your child's first experience fun and
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has devel-
informative. The dentist will explain and demonstrate
oped guidelines for behavior management that dentists
routine procedures to your child and then perform those
should follow. Your dentist should use the communication
procedures. Your child quickly learns the dentist is some-
techniques learned in dental school, including positive
one to trust.
reinforcement, distraction, voice control, non-verbal communication, and the tell-show-do approach.
Down the road, if your child needs non-routine dental
Pediatric dentists are specialists in treating children and
The earlier your child begins going to the dentist, the better. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends
work, the dentist will work with your child in a similar
attended 2-3 years of additional education and training.
a first visit should be by the time your child turns one or within 6 months of when the first tooth erupts. At this stage, your
fashion to help alleviate fears.
“We all have unique approaches in making the appoint-
child's visit will be quick, simple, and pain-free. Providing your child early positive experiences will help your child establish a great relationship with your dentist. According to Dr. Kelli Jobman, a Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist at Black Hills Pediatric Dentistry, the age-one dental visit
ment fun. My trick is singing. I love to let the kids pick their If you're still concerned with sending your child in alone,
favorite Disney song, and I sing away while we find those
call and ask to speak with the dentist or hygienist. Avoid
sugar bugs! It is a fun way to get the child involved and
causing your child alarm, and make the call in private so
make it a positive experience.” says Dr. Jobman.
is the best way to establish a good relationship with your dentist! This first appointment will be a lap exam with a parent in
Health & Fitness
Health & Fitness
These techniques all help reassure patients and gain their trust.
dentist can communicate with your child accordingly.
In most cases, these approaches are sufficient, leading to visits
• Pediatric dentists have specialized training for dealing with
that end on a positive note. If a practitioner lacks the expertise
situations that can arise with children. If you suspect your child
for handling a situation, your child should be referred to a
may have difficulty with dental visits, seek a pediatric dentist.
dentist with the appropriate skills.
Prevent an experience that heightens your child’s fears by being proactive
Tips to get your child on the right track Tell your child about the benefits of going to the dentist to help keep their teeth strong and healthy and so they'll have a nice smile.
• Contact your state’s board of dentistry when choosing a practitioner to make sure no disciplinary actions have been
Visit your dentist’s website! Often there are video tours to get
them familiar with the office. They can also see pictures of their
• Inform your dentist of any medical, behavior, or other
dentist and staff.
conditions that might affect your child’s visit. That way the
Where Bright Smiles Begin
RAPID CITY (605) 341-3068
Karli M. Williams, DDS
Brent J. Bradley, DDS
Kelli J. Jobman, DDS 38
Health & Fitness
Read to your child before their first visit to the dentist. Try one of the following: • Why We Go to the Dentist by Rosalyn Clark • The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist by Stan
Berenstain and Jan Berenstain
• Celebrate! Going to the Dentist by Sophia Day • Dentist Trip (Peppa Pig) by Scholastic • Curious George Visits the Dentist by H.A. Rey Also, express positive feelings about your own dental experiences. Don't discuss non-routine procedures such as fillings. Explain to your child the basic procedures your child will undergo. For example, the dentist will count your child's teeth and look at them with a tiny mirror. Avoid frightening terminology. As your child grows, if you have concern over a possible cavity, don't give your child too much
Jacob M. Weasel, M.D.
Matthew J. Wideroff, M.D.
Patrick J. Kenney, D.O., FACS
Irony C. Sade, M.D.
information. This can result in undo anxiety. Your dentist should have the experience and expertise to talk to your child about such procedures in a manner that alleviates any anxiety your child might experience. If your child is anxious, don't try to soothe your child by lying about a procedure or possible pain. Instead, try to alleviate fears that may be out of proportion to the situation.
Call 605-755-INFO (4636) or email to schedule your Free Hernia Screening with one of our general surgeons. Free screenings available January to June 2019
Finally, if you know you’ll be attending your child
throughout the procedure (speak to your dentist
Regional Health Medical Clinic 2805 5th Street | Rapid City, SD 57701
first to confirm this), you can offer your hand to squeeze.
Health & Fitness
SHAUNA is the BEST!!! Always there when we need her. When we found the home we wanted to purchase we had 3 days to list and sell our home to be able to purchase our new one, and we got
it done! We always have a great experience with
- Ronda Risner -
SerNATIO ies N Black H
WOM ills
K, N
MAR/AP AN R 2019
Shauna and her team.
Getting a little R&R couldn’t be easier. Rapid City Regional Airport now offers a nonstop flight linking Rapid City to Newark, NJ and many major metropolitan destinations on the East Coast. If Newark isn’t your final stop, New York City is just 8 short miles away. Or if you desire to travel to more exotic lands, there are over 30 airline carriers connecting you to many other alluring locations from Newark. Whether you stay in Newark and experience all it has to offer or hop a flight or taxi to your next destination, you'll be sure to find rest and relaxation.
This multi-part destination series will feature the fascinating cities you can experience through nonstop flights offered in Rapid City. Discover the amazing adventures each of these major cities have to offer, as
Newark, NJ
well as the allure of worldwide travel through direct services.
Newark, New Jersey is one of the oldest cities in the United States, exceeded only by New York and Boston. It has been welcoming travelers since its first hotel opened in 1670. Today, major air, shipping and rail hubs are located in Newark. It is rich with history and has much to offer visitors. Newark boasts many interesting attractions. America’s first and oldest public park, Branch Brook Park, and the nation’s fifth largest cathedral, Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, are located in Newark. The first ever skyway built in the U.S., the General Pulaski Skyway, connects Newark to Jersey City. Every spring, visitors can take in the largest collection of cherry blossoms in North America at Branch Brook Park. While Gutzon Borglum is well known for carving Mount Rushmore, he Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
also sculpted four public works in Newark. Most notably is the Wars of America monument in Military Park, which portrays 42 humans and two horses and honors those who died in service to our country. For the music lover, take a tour of the Grammy Museum Experience and take part in hands-on fun, like singing onstage interactively with music stars and legendary musicians. Stop by New Jersey native Shaquille O’Neal’s super-sized cinema, Shaq DX, at CityPlex 12 Newark and check out an epic 3D screen with stadium seating,
Times Square, New York City 44
or catch a concert at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Hop on the AirTrain, grab a taxi or car service and experience the Big Apple. In no time at all you’ll be exploring the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Times Square, the 9/11 Memorial, Empire State Building and Broadway. Coney Island Beach, just 24 miles away in Brooklyn, NY, offers three miles of sandy beaches and a bustling boardwalk. Sensible travelers know they can easily have adventures in NYC and stay in Newark for less. You can be at the center of it all with New York style at a fraction of Cherry Blossoms at Branch Brook Park
the price. Plan on traveling a little further than Newark? Connect to popular domestic and international destinations worldwide at Newark Liberty International Airport. Grab a flight and explore the beauty of London, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, Paris or Copenhagen. Plus JFK and LaGuardia airports are roughly only 15 minutes away by airport transfer shuttles. Wherever you decide to go once you’ve reached Newark, you won’t be disappointed. Staying and checking out what the city has to offer, exploring New York City, continuing on and traveling to a far off destination are all fantastic options. It’s never been easier to go on an adventure. BHW
The average American produces 5.91 pounds of trash every single day.1 That’s over 2,175 pounds of waste, every single year, per person. Americans only recycle about 34 percent of that, which means the great majority of all of our waste heads to the landfill.2
Creative Ways to
As a country, we produce about 44 percent of the world’s waste.3 This can largely be attributed to our consumerist culture as much of what we toss tends to be cardboard (187 pounds per person per year), plastic (197 pounds per person per year), clothing (90 pounds per person per year), and food (220 pounds per person per year).4 “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” What can we do about our waste issue to not only help create a greener planet but to also help save money within our own budget? We can follow the saying we learned in grade school.
Reduce There are many easy ways that you can begin to reduce the amount of waste used in your home each year. • Stop using disposable products, look into reusable products. • Create a meal plan, learn how to use your leftovers, and begin composting to reduce the amount of food waste in your home. • Learn to repair broken items instead of just discarding them. • Buy products and supplies that have the least amount of packaging possible. • Consider making your own products such as household cleaners and body products like lotions. • Buy products produced and sold locally to reduce the amount of packaging needed. • Buy items in bulk or in refillable packages.
Reuse Not only can the amount of waste be reduced by following the simple methods above, but less waste will find its way to the trash if we can also learn to reuse everyday items.
Repurpose and Recycle by Merissa Alink
• Reuse various products and pieces for art supplies and STEM learning projects. (Example, if you have a radio that cannot be repaired, let your child take it apart to learn how it’s made!) • Reuse plastic shopping bags as trash bags, stuffing, packaging, or you can even braid them and make them into ropes or baskets. • Find a new purpose for old clothing; use it for kids dress up, alter it into something that can be worn, or give it to someone else who can use it.
Home & Garden
Home & Garden
• When you shop at the farmer’s market or if
In additional to those city recycling sites for large
you buy directly from a farm, bring back any
quantities of items, you can recycle the following
containers such as egg cartons for reuse.
items in your Blue Curbside Bin for weekly pickup:
• Use up every inch of paper. Write on both
• Aluminum
sides or tear it in half to create different notes. If
• Steel
possible, let the kids use it for art projects (such
• Plastics
as paper mache) when you are done with it. You
• Glass
can also use this tip for junk mail that comes to your home.
There are also several places around the country that
• Give your old towels and sheets new life
will uniquely recycle certain products that you may
by cutting them into washcloths or rags for
want to consider, including:
cleaning. Sheets can be torn, braided, and made into rugs.
• The Crayon Initiative in California – The Crayon Initiative in California will recycle old crayons into new for use in children’s hospitals across the U.S.
If you know where and how to recycle items that do accumulate, you are more likely to utilize the
• Cell Phones for Soldiers – Cell Phones for Soldiers
recycling resources that we already have in place.
will reuse your old cell phones to provide cost-free services to active duty military and veterans around
In Rapid City, the following items can be recycled
the world.
at the following drop off sites: • Newspapers
• Nike’s Reuse-a-Shoe – Nike's Reuse-a-Shoe recycles
• Corrugated Cardboard
old sneakers to create courts for various sports
• Plastic-Steel-Glass-Aluminum
around the world so children have a place to play.
• Bra Recyclers – Bra Recyclers accepts donations of
• Entrance to the Rapid City Landfill: South
bras in all shapes and sizes and distributes them to
Highway 79
local shelters or to women in developing countries.
• West Boulevard North: Anamosa Street &
Home & Garden
Service Road West I-I90
• St. Jude’s Ranch for Children – St. Jude's Ranch for
• Fitzgerald Stadium parking lot: Sheridan Lake
Children recycles new and used greeting cards to
Road across from Sioux Park
create new ones. Money from the sales of these cards
Home & Garden
goes to fund programming for abused and homeless children and families. Are you ready to begin a new outlook on that grade-school saying, “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”? With all of the methods available for recycling and repurposing, there is no reason that you can’t start today. Try to get the whole family involved to see how you can not only make a difference in your own home, but to also lessen your waste footprint in our country and potentially help those all over the world. BHW 1,2,3
trash-one-person-produces-year/ 4
Home & Garden
Karma Boutique 529 Main St. Rapid City
Roam'n Around 512 Main St. Rapid City
S & Company 910 Main St. Rapid City
SoleMate Shoes 719 Main St. Rapid City
O&A Farmhouse 320 7th St, Suite C Rapid City
Cost: $10-$199
The Bad
A DermaRoller contains hundreds of tiny needles on a roller
• It does hurt a little but it was very tolerable.
designed to make minuscule punctures in the skin so that skin
• I was red and blotchy for a few hours after.
care products can penetrate deeper. The damage caused by the
• I did not see immediate results.
puncture is also thought to increase collagen production during
• The tools are fragile. I dropped one. The needles bent, and it
healing. Various needle lengths are available depending on the
was ruined.
desired level of penetration. For a more intense comprehensive treatment, micro-needling can also be done in-office by
dermatologists using a derma-pen, an electronic micro-needling
This is one of the most effective at-home cosmetic devices I have
device that oscillates as it punctures the skin. Both at-home and
tried to date. I partnered my device with a really good vitamin c
in-office treatments often have immediate and dramatic results
product and did it at night since I would be red. In the morning, I
but also have side effects like pain, bleeding and risk of infection.
would look more glowy. After a few weeks, I could see a definite improvement in my skin’s firmness. I will keep using this product.
For this review, two at-home rollers were purchased, one with a
.25 needle length and one with .5 needle length.
The Good • Both rollers were affordable (under $20). • Simple to use with a quick scan of instructions. No batteries or plug-ins are required, you basically roll over the face twice with moderate pressure, switching directions each time. • Cleaning was easy after I purchased a small disinfecting spray for cosmetic tools.
The Pigment Puzzle Unscrambling Beauty Jargon by Jessie Fewson
We all want to have lovely flawless skin, but when it comes to beauty products the industry loves to use terminology that leaves you puzzled and perplexed. Here is a guide to help you solve the pigment puzzle and decide which product is right for you.
B.B. Cream- Although it seems like a new buzz term, B.B. Cream was created back in the sixties by a German dermatologist who wanted a product that would protect her client’s skin after laser treatments. B.B. stands for “Beauty Balm” or “Blemish Balm.” This product contains a mixture of pigment (color) and skin care ingredients such as sunscreen or vitamins. B.B. Cream gives very light coverage and can be used as a light foundation or a
skin boosting vitamins and sunscreens as B.B. Creams however the pigment is much stronger in these formulas. C.C. Creams cover more imperfections and are great for redness or shadows. If you struggle with severe discoloration or acne you may want to go for a foundation that offers even more coverage rather than a C.C. Cream.
HD Products- "HD" is a term that is usually thrown
foundation alternative.
around when talking about a television or electronic
C.C. Cream- C.C. Cream stands for Color Correcting
think of cosmetics. High definition cameras pick up both
Cream. Ultimately these creams have the same
display but not generally something that makes you cakey thick layers of makeup and also fine lines and wrinkles. HD products are generally sheer in texture but highly pigmented so that they cover skin texture and flaws without looking unnatural on camera. HD products are a great option for photoshoots or jobs that require you to have your makeup last through the day or night.
Blur Products- Blur products are primarily used in the prepping process of your makeup. Primers that blur cause pores to appear smaller, and they also mattify and smooth the skin creating an even base for your makeup. There are also some foundations that are advertised as blur products, and this simply means that they have more pigment/coverage to blur and hide imperfections. With an improved beauty vocabulary and knowledge of pigment function you will be ready to take on the plethora of products that are being marketed to you with ease. Find the level of pigment that is right for you and wear it with pride. BHW
What is the hardest part about being a mother? When my kids were toddlers, I used to say that watching them was like looking in a tiny, distorted mirror. I’d hear them repeat things I said and wonder, “Do I really sound like that?” Sometimes it was funny, and sometimes it wasn’t. Being a mother means that my failures directly affect the children I’m raising. It’s a sobering reality that keeps me accountable, but I’m so grateful that God gives grace to cover my shortcomings. What is the best part about being a mother? The best part is getting to know these neat people that I’m raising. They each have such unique personalities and strengths, and it’s a joy
What is your favorite time-saver?
to see them learn, develop, and grow. They are
My kids take the same basic lunch to school
so much fun—they keep us laughing every day.
every day. If I take a few minutes once a week to portion it all out, throwing lunches together
NT E M O M E H T F O MOM Occupation: Pastor’s wife, part-time support at Scheels Age: 36 Mother of: Micah (10), Eli (8), Lydia (6)
Mom of the Moment
Tell us your favorite story about one of your
each morning takes very little time.
kids. One time, after I had made everyone eat
What is your favorite sanity-saver?
leftovers for supper, Eli gave me what he
Meal planning for a whole month at once
thought was a genuine compliment. He said,
saves me so much effort on a daily basis. We
“Thanks for supper, Mom. It was better than
frequently host our small group and the college
group from church for meals, and I’m not the kind of cook that can just throw together a
Mom of the Moment
meal out of what I have in the pantry. Writing
If you knew then what you know now, what
out the plan and doing a big shopping trip at the
would you do differently?
beginning of the month ensures that I have what
I think I would keep my advice and opinions
I need to feed our family and any extra people in
to myself. In my early years of motherhood, I
our home, even if I don’t follow the plan exactly.
thought I had it all figured out, and I’m sure I inserted my “wisdom” where it was not needed.
What is your philosophy on discipline?
But the older I get, the more I realize that every
I can’t name a specific method of discipline
family and every kid is different, and my success-
that we follow, but we try to lead our children
es are due to God’s grace rather than my stellar
with consistent, loving authority. We strive to
parenting skills. There’s a place for sharing what
communicate that although we expect them to
you’ve learned, but not when it comes out of
listen to and obey us, our love for them doesn’t
depend on their behavior. When they fail, it’s an opportunity to teach them, which often involves consequences. But we also want to find opportunities to show them grace, just as we Cadillac user experience1 with phone integration offers Apple CarPlay™1 compatibility. Access Siri™, Apple Music™, contacts and more from your iPhone® with a touch of the vehicle screen.
have received grace from Jesus. What is your favorite parenting musthave? A community! Being a pastor’s family comes with certain trials, but so many benefits. Dozens of awesome teenagers and college-age kids have played with and babysat our kids over the years, and the
1.Functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. Vehicle user interface is a product of Apple and its terms and privacy statements apply. Requires compatible iPhone and data plan rates apply. Apple CarPlay is a trademark of Apple Inc. Siri, iPhone and iTunes are trademarks for Apple Inc, registered in the U.S. and other countries. ©2019 General Motors. All Rights Reserved. Cadillac® Apple™
1910 North Main Street Spearfish, SD 57783 605-642-7000
parenting support and encouragement from other moms in our small group and at church have helped me through the tougher seasons.
Mom of the Moment
What advice do you have for new parents? Write things down, whether in a baby book, a simple notebook, or on Facebook or some other online platform. You will treasure being able to go back through memories of milestones and funny things your kids said or did. Name a time when you felt like a parenting genius. During a game of Skip-Bo, our younger two were having trouble holding their cards, I took a six-inch section of pool noodle, sliced part of it off to make a flat bottom, and cut a slit along the length of it to hold their cards. It’s a little thing, but it’s made family game night more smooth and therefore more fun. I could have won the worst mother award when... When my oldest was nine months old, my husband was the camp speaker at a tiny little camp in Kansas. Micah and I went along, and we were staying in a cabin that only had small, stand-up shower to bathe him. I decided I would just set him on the floor of the shower and try to wash him—but I didn’t think about letting the water warm up before I set him in there and turned it on. I’ll never forget the image of a naked baby crawling in circles as fast as he could to try to get away from the cold spray! BHW
Mom of the Moment