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3 Cheers for Jenna Farrar of Rushmore Athletics

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Artist Eva Galant

Artist Eva Galant

3 CHEERS! for Jenna Farrar of Rushmore Athletics


Founded in 2018, Rushmore Athletics is West River’s first All Star Cheerleading gym. They offer recreational and competitive youth cheer, tumbling, tots classes, and special needs cheer. Jenna is a coach, as well as the owner of the gym. Here's our Q&A with Jenna.

Tell us the story behind starting your business; how did you garner the courage?

I began competitive gymnastics when I was five years old. My gymnastics career took me all the way through high school, where I finished as the 3rd best all-around gymnast in the state of South Dakota. I attended college at the University of Wyoming, where my gymnastics career changed paths to cheerleading. I immediately fell in love with the sport and knew I would somehow be involved with cheer for the rest of my life. In 2015, I began my competitive cheer-coaching career at Rapid City Central High School. Upon returning from our first East River competition, it was clear that Rapid City needed a cheer gym of its own! Sioux Falls opened its first of three gyms in 2002 with Mitchell, Huron, and Brookings not far behind. To say Rapid City was behind the times would be a huge understatement! I decided it was finally time for Rapid City to have another option for our youth. The rest was history!

What do you think is the smartest career decision you’ve made?

As hard as it was to quit my teaching job at East Middle School, I knew it wasn’t my true passion. I had to follow my heart and do what was right for me.

What has been your greatest career challenge? How have you overcome it?

Quitting my teaching job and jumping in head first. It was very scary to leave the only professional career I had ever known to start something brand new. However, I knew if I was going to make it work, I had to dedicate 100% of myself career-wise to the gym!

What advice would you give to those with a product or idea to launch?

Just do it! I know people hear that all the time, but it really is true. You cannot go through life wondering what could have been. Make it happen.

What habits have made you successful?

Setting a schedule and sticking to it! Classes and competitive team practices do not run for8 hours each day. I have tried to be very diligent about setting aside specific time each week for cleaning, ordering supplies, working on routines, etc. If not, things tend to get away from me!

No one does it alone – tell us about the most influential people who have assisted you in your venture.

I would not be where I am today without the help of my mom, husband, in-laws, and friends. I am so lucky to have people in my life who have supported me along the way. I remember the day I told everyone I was quitting my job to open a cheer gym. They didn’t even look at me like I was crazy; just offered their support in any way they could! I am hopeful that someday I will actually be able to pay mom for doing the accounting work with real money rather than hugs! BHW

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