Parenting Styles And Their Effect On Children. I have to write an essay regarding parenting styles and demonstrate how sociological theories, models or concepts contribute to a better understanding of the topic.. Parenting Style Essay. I have to answer 4 questions in this essay, which are: 1.) How would you characterize the style of parenting under which you were raised? 2.)What specific behavioral effects of your upbringing can you identify in yourself?. Parenting Styles. 539.386.721.0.. What are some ideas for an essay being wrote on Parenting Styles. Research Essay Sample I am writing an essay on the 4 parenting styles and I need some help!!. UK Essays.Please help and edit Parenting Styles Compare and Contrast Seeing how parents in my neighborhood interacted with their children made me aware that corporate punishment seemed more like abuse and the yelling,. I have to answer 4 questions in this essay, which are: 1.) How