Berry Magazine - Fall 2012

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BERRY Fall 2012

a magazine for alumni and friends of Berry College

Class extraordinaire 1958 college alumni set standard for excellence, commitment

Distinguished Alumni Awards 2012 winners share insights on success

On the Ice The Antarctic adventures of Emily Wampler (03C)

VOL. 99, NO. 1

FALL 2012

BERRY Features 12

On the Ice

The Antarctic adventures of Emily Wampler (03C)

Distinguished Alumni Awards

2012 winners share insights on success


Class extraordinaire

1958 college alumni set standard for excellence, commitment

16 Brian Vanden Bosch



Departments Noteworthy News

• Julia Cottage reborn as student housing • BSN program approved for development • Dr. Mac campaign soars past $5 million • Kevin Bacon films TV pilot on campus • Donor Opportunity Fund highlights banner year in giving • Berry people: College welcomes new trustees, honors faculty/staff achievement

President’s Essay

• A high calling


Learn. Live. Give.

• Gate Scholar Anna Garber (12C) graduates early and debt free • J. Bobby Bailey (54C) excels at helping others • John Hall (09C) wastes no time giving back


Class Notes

• Celebrating 50 years of men’s soccer at Berry


Memory and Honor Gifts


Alan Storey



Alan Storey


A new day dawns for a group of deer grazing near Hermann Hall. Photo by Zane Cochran. Cover Photo: Emily Wampler demonstrates her exuberance for Antarctica during a trip by utility vehicle over the ice. Photo courtesy of Emily Wampler.



BERRY magazine

Published three times per year for alumni and friends of Berry College

Managing Editor Rick Woodall (93C) Contributing Writers Debbie Rasure Joni Kenyon Design and Production Shannon Biggers (81C) Chief Photographer Alan Storey Class Notes and Gifts Listings Justin Karch (01C, 10G), Joni Kenyon and Rose Nix


Contact Information Class Notes and Change of Address:; 706-236-2256; 800-782-0130; or Berry Alumni Office, P.O. Box 495018, Mount Berry, GA 30149. Editorial:; 706-378-2870; or Berry magazine, P.O. Box 490069, Mount Berry, GA 30149.


Past President: Barbara Pickle McCollum (79C)

TREES is one of the most lasting

Chaplain: The Rev. Scott McClure (89C) Parliamentarian: Giles M. Chapman Jr. (66C) Secretary: Nelda P. Ragsdale (64C) Historian: Dr. David F. Slade (97C, FS) Director of Alumni Relations Chris Watters (89C) Assistant Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing Jeanne Mathews Vice President for Advancement Bettyann O’Neill President Stephen R. Briggs



BERRY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION President: Haron W. Wise (57H)

Vice Presidents: Alumni Events, Ruth K. Martin (65C); Berry Heritage, Kimberly A. Terrell (04C, 06G, FS); Financial Support, Tim Goodwin (03C); Young Alumni and Student Relations, Laura A. Sutton (09C); Alumni Awards, Rebecca Christopher (61C)


student photographer Blake Childers

Julia Cottage welcomes student residents

Alan Storey

Editor Karilon L. Rogers


images of the April 2011 storm that swept across the Berry campus. This fall, a newly renovated Julia has been reborn as student housing. Throughout late spring and summer, workers swarmed over the structure that previously served as faculty/staff housing, rebuilding it from the ground up in time to welcome its new student residents for fall semester. Using the existing rock foundation and 2x4 stud framing, crews replaced the walls and roof and installed new doors and windows. Closets and restrooms also were added. Now designated as female housing, Julia is home to two groups of students – transfers previously housed in Dorothy

Cottage (destroyed in the storm) and 16 students selected for a new service living/ learning program. Julia is one of four former faculty/staff residences (also including Hope Cottage, Louise Cottage and Poland Hall) converted into student housing this summer that – along with Sunshine Cottage – are making it possible for an additional 68 students to benefit from Berry’s residential experience. Sunshine was previously part of the Child Development Center; an addition has been made to Faith Cottage to make up for the CDC’s loss of space. “Learning is intensified and enriched when you live on campus,” explained Dean of Students Debbie Heida. “Our efforts over the past five years have resulted in increasing our on-campus residency to about 88 percent. In converting buildings in the log cabin area, it’s exciting to return students to a historic part of our campus. One of the

many things I love about Berry is that we celebrate our history and find new ways to be good stewards of our legacy buildings. In particular, the service living/learning program in Julia is a wonderful opportunity to encourage students to live out our motto as part of their residential experience.” Other upgrades this summer included carpet and paint for Memorial Library and Evans Hall; a new “learning lab” classroom in Evans featuring four-wall projection accessible to students with laptops; a “smart classroom” in the science building boasting four-wall projection and approximately 30 computer work stations; and improvements at Martha Berry’s gravesite to make it more visible and accessible to visitors during special observances. Of particu­ lar note are the installation of English boxwoods fulfilling Miss Berry’s desires for the site and stone work done by Berry’s student masonry crew.

BSN program approved for development THE GEORGIA BOARD OF NURSING HAS GRANTED BERRY COLLEGE APPROVAL TO PROCEED with planning for a four-year, bachelor-level

Alan Storey

nursing program with an anticipated start date of 2014. According to Berry Provost Katherine Whatley, student recruitment will begin this year. “Students will be able to enter Berry and enroll in the foundation classes taken by all freshmen and sophomores,” she said. “By the time they are upper-level students, nursing courses will be available, and students can be admitted into the BSN program.” Dr. Vanice Roberts, who assisted Berry in a consulting role in its bid to gain approval for program development, was named dean of nursing effective July 1. Roberts is a 30-year veteran of Kennesaw State University’s faculty, retiring in 2007 as professor of nursing. In addition to her teaching role, she held many administrative posts at KSU, including associate dean of the WellStar College of Health and Human Services and acting chair of the School of Nursing. Roberts came to Berry from Shorter Dr. Vanice Roberts

University in Rome, where she was the first dean of nursing. She holds a Doctor of Science in nursing degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a Master of Science in nursing degree from Georgia State University, as well as nursing bachelor’s and associate degrees from Mississippi University for Women. Berry currently offers a dual-degree nursing program with Emory University in which students spend three years at Berry and then transfer to Emory to complete their nursing education. The program has experienced significant growth during the past few years. “We are very pleased to receive approval for the program, and we are grateful for the support we have received from area health care providers,” Whatley said. “The addition of an on-campus program for nursing will give our students the opportunity to remain at Berry for their entire undergraduate experience and will help meet demand for nursing professionals.” For more information on Berry’s commitment to strengthening the communities of tomorrow by graduating nurses prepared to effectively manage and improve our nation’s increasingly complex health care system, please see President Steve Briggs’ essay in the Summer 2012 issue of Berry magazine. It can be found online at

Dr. Mac campaign soars past $5 million THE ALUMNI-INSPIRED CAMPAIGN to name Berry’s

science building for the late Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister has succeeded beyond all expectations. Thanks to the generosity of 1954 college alumnus J. Bobby Bailey (see page 22) and many others, the campaign reached its initial $5 million goal before its Alumni Weekend public launch. As of Aug. 22, a total of 106 donors had given or pledged $5.94 million in support of the project.

Donations continue as alumni and other members of the college commu­nity take the opportu­nity to honor the founder of Berry’s physics program with gifts in support of science student scholarships and science education. Dr. Mac served on the Berry faculty from 1932 to 1971, during which time he played a major role in laying the founda­

tion for the overall commitment to excellence exhibited today by students and faculty in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences. “By naming the science building after Dr. Mac, we are not just honoring a dedicated teacher,” said Dr. Bruce Conn, MNS dean. “We are sending a message every day to students and faculty

that the mission of education at Berry College is based on the two things that Dr. Mac best modeled – close personal interactions between student and mentor and commitment to hands-on experiential learning in the laboratory, field and classroom. In these ways, Dr. Mac would have embraced today’s invitation from Berry for students to “experience it firsthand.” Editor’s Note: At press time, the official naming ceremony was scheduled for Mountain Day weekend. Those who still want to participate can share memories of Dr. Mac or make a gift in support of the sciences at



FALL 2012

Sullivan Awards recognize service DESHON BATTLE (12C) AND

Photos by Alan Storey

ABBY AKRIDGE (12C) shared the

Star struck BERRY WAS ABUZZ LAST SPRING with news that Kevin Bacon

– star of such notable films as Footloose and Apollo 13 – was on campus to shoot scenes for a new television pilot,

The Following, in which he plays a former FBI profiler called back into the field to track a serial killer. The show has since been picked up by FOX and is scheduled for a midseason premiere. Stephen Walker (12C) and Brittany Regan (12C) gained valuable experience as production assistants for the shoot, which took place in and around Green Hall. Dozens of Berry students served as extras.

spotlight as the first members of the Berry community to receive the prestigious Algernon Sydney Sullivan and Mary Mildred Sullivan Awards in recognition of their commitment to service. Berry is one of a select group of colleges and universities invited to present the awards annually in partnership with the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation. The program recognizes one male and one female member of each college’s community whose character and dedication to service set them apart as examples for others. Battle was a leader and mentor for the PLUS (Preparing Leaders for Ultimate Success) Summer Program, the Multicultural and International Student Programming Work Team, and the Bonner Scholars Program. He also served as a presidential ambassador and research assistant. His commitment to helping those in

Abby Akridge (left) and DeShon Battle (right) with Sullivan Foundation President Steve McDavid.

need included planning a 2009 campus concert, Hearts for Haiti, to benefit Partners In Health. Akridge served her fellow students as a resident assistant and provided leadership for The African SOUP (Sponsorship of Orphans in Uganda Project) and a local nonprofit, Young Moms. She has also worked at an orphanage in China, interned at a home for mentally handi­ capped adults and worked with teen moms through Three Rivers Church in Rome.

Sustainablesuccess Princeton Review ranks Berry among nation’s top ‘green’ colleges BERRY’S CONTINUING COMMITMENT TO RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP of its natural resources has once again drawn the

attention of The Princeton Review, which included the institution in its Guide to 322 Green Colleges: 2012 Edition. Produced in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council, the guide profiles 320 colleges and universities in the United States and two in Canada that demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation. “It is a great honor for Berry to again be featured in the Guide to Green Colleges,” said Eddie



Elsberry, director of environmental compliance and sustainability. “We have a very unique and beautiful campus, offering multiple opportunities for students to make a direct connection with nature, wildlife, the environment and the earth. Berry will continue to advance in sustainable practices and environmental education, and it is exciting to know that the college is being recognized nationally as a leader in environmental stewardship and green practices.”

r Banner Yea


alumni and friends and their belief in Berry over the 2011-12 fiscal year would be an under­ statement of significant proportion. “It’s nearly impossible to read the news these days without seeing articles on the afforda­ bility and relevancy of a college education,” said Bettyann O’Neill, vice president for advancement. “And in true Berry style, our alumni and friends are reaching deeper into their hearts – and their pockets – to ensure that the types of opportunity and firsthand experiences that set Berry apart from all other colleges and universities remain available and enhanced.” Berry received more than $13.7 million in gifts in 2011-12, an amazing total that was spurred in large part by the new Donor Opportunity Fund created by an anonymous friend of the college to encourage and enable more Berry alumni and friends to support students willing to work hard for their education through Gate of Opportunity Scholarships. By providing a $1.25-for-$1 match, the fund makes it possible for donors to establish $225,000 endowed scholarships with gifts of $100,000. The match also can be used for enhancing an existing endowed scholarship into Gate of Opportunity status. One-half of the fund’s seed money was received in 2011-12, and by fiscal year-end, the crea­ tion of 23 Gate of Opportunity Scholarships had already been stimulated, including three from reunion classes.

Also of particular note in the year’s giving total was support for the alumni-inspired campaign to name the Berry science building in honor of the late Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister (see page 3). The Firsthand Fund (annual fund) played a significant role as well, bringing in a record $2.4 million. Gifts to the Firsthand Fund support students immediately and are critical to the college’s provision of financial aid and student work wages. The Berry Heritage Society added 35 new members (people who have made provisions for Berry in their wills or other estate instruments) over the course of the year, thanks in large part to great support from the Berry Alumni Council. And Berry students continued to experience the joys of philanthropy in growing numbers, with the Board of Trustees acting once again to (more than) double the senior students’ record giving total. “With 100 percent of our trustees and alumni leaders involved in giving and alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students of all ages continuing to remember Berry despite a weak economy, we are meeting the issues of access and quality head on,” O’Neill emphasized. “Martha Berry once said that investing in the lives of students yields 100 percent human dividends. That is what our donors have always done and what they are doing today. On behalf of Berry students, I extend heartfelt thanks to one and all.”

student photographer Blake Childers

Support for Berry grows

Berry history in signage WAYSIDE MARKERS, many funded by the National

Society Daughters of the American Revolution and its Junior Membership Committee, are making it possible for campus visitors to experience Berry history in a whole new way. Featuring an interpretive panel with text and vintage photos, each marker is designed to tell the story of a particular building or site. The panels were prepared by Dr. Jennifer Dickey (77A, 80C, FFS), preservation consultant for Berry. “The NSDAR and several other donors have done Berry a great service through their sponsorship of these interpretive markers,” Dickey said. “The buildings at Berry represent our history on the landscape, and the markers help interpret that history. Hopefully, they will also contribute to a greater interest in and preservation of our historic resources.” The Daughters of Berry funded the prototype, on display at Roosevelt Cabin. Other supporters include the Berry Alumni Council and Dr. Ouida Word Dickey (50C, FFS). Markers have already been installed at such locations as the historic Gate of Opportunity, Original 83 Acres, Log Cabin Campus, Emery Barns, Possum Trot, House o’ Dreams, Mountain Campus, Cabin in the Pines, Barnwell Chapel, Berry College Chapel, Frost Chapel, Hoge Building and Blackstone Hall. Approximately 30 are planned. If you are interested in supporting this project, contact the Berry College Office of Advancement at 877-461-0039. BERRY MAGAZINE • FALL 2012


student photographer Blake Childers

[Berry People]


Here they come



continues to

attract families seeking the highest return on their investment. This year, applications to Berry reached an all-time high – topping out at nearly 3,700 – leading to one of the largest incoming classes in school history (620 first-year students plus transfers). Boasting an impressive academic profile, the incoming class includes the fourth group of Gate of Opportunity Scholars, as well as three Gates Millennium Scholars (a national program funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). “The continued success of our admissions efforts reflects a distinctive emphasis on strong academics, relevant work experiences, personal attention to students and wise management of college resources,” said Dr. Gary Waters (80C, 89G), vice president for enrollment management. “In a difficult economy, families are increasingly focused on investing in a rigorous education, grounded in values that prepare graduates for lifelong success.” 6


welcomed Cathy O’Connell Anderson (77C), Anne Hydrick Kaiser and A.D. Frazier as new members. Anderson is president and CEO of Woody Anderson Ford in Huntsville, Ala. – one of the top Ford dealerships in the Southeast – and Southern Hospitality Hotel Group. Cathy Anderson She serves on the board of the Alabama Auto Dealers’ Association and is a member of Ford Motor Company’s Product Advisory and Consumer Experience committees. A political science major at Berry who went on to earn a master’s degree in social work and psychology from the University of Alabama, Anderson was one of nine dealers among all Ford brands selected for the 2005 “Salute to Dealers” award recognizing her considerable community service commit­ ments. Involvement at Berry includes her role as a sponsor of the college’s student enterprises program. Kaiser is a Rome resident and vice president of the Northwest Region of Georgia Power Co., her profes­ sional home since 1998. Anne Kaiser

Before joining Georgia Power, she was Southeast director of marketing and a member of the national leadership team for KPMG Peat Marwick. Her numerous civic affiliations include founding membership in the United Way of America’s Women’s Legacy Program. She is a graduate of the University of Georgia and the advanced management program at Harvard Business School. Frazier currently serves as president of Georgia Oak Partners LLC. He is also known by many for his stellar work as chief operating officer and second in command of the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, which earned him the A.D. Frazier International Olympic Committee’s highest service award, the Olympic Order in Gold. His executive leadership experience is extensive, including current board and committee membership for both the Apache Corp. and MHM Services. He has also lent his expertise to numerous nonprofit boards, including the National Council for the Humanities (presidential appointee). Frazier holds a bachelor’s degree and Juris Doctor from the University of North Carolina and is a graduate of Harvard’s advanced management program.

Aimee Madden

HARON “HARRY” W. WISE (57H) has succeeded Barbara Pickle McCollum (79C) as president of the Berry Alumni Association. An Alabama native and veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Wise enjoyed a 36-year career in various sales, marketing and management positions before retiring as partner and corporate vice president of a steel and fibre drum manufacturing company in Mason, Ohio. He also served as mayor of Montgomery, Ohio. He and wife Virginia returned to Rome in 2008. Joining Wise in new positions of leadership for the Alumni Association are Ruth K. Martin

(65C), vice president, alumni events; Laura A. Sutton (09C), vice president, young alumni and student relations; Kimberly A. Terrell (04C, 06G, FS), vice president, Berry Heritage; Giles M. Chapman Jr. (66C), parliamen­ tarian; Nelda P. Ragsdale (64C), secretary; and Dr. David F. Slade (97C, FS), historian. Additionally, Dr. Ouida Word Dickey (50C, FFS) has been conferred lifetime membership on the Alumni Council in recognition of her many accomplishments and devotion to the institution. Also recognized were Bart A. Cox (92C), recipient of the inaugural

Alan Storey

Alumni Association update

Alumni Association President Harry Wise leads the singing at the high school chapel service during Alumni Weekend. Inset photo: Alumni Association Past President Barbara Pickle McCollum honors Dr. Ouida Word Dickey with lifetime membership on the Alumni Council. (See pages 26-27 for more photos from Alumni Weekend.)

Virginia R. Webb (44c) Exceptional Service Award honoring his 10+ years of excellent service to the Berry Alumni Association and Alumni

Council; and Allyson G. Chambers (80C, 84G, FS), who received the association’s annual President’s Award for devotion, contributions and loyalty.


Alan Storey

was honored with two major campus distinctions last spring, the Martindale Award of Distinction for faculty and the Dave and Lu Garrett Award for Meritorious Teaching. Joining him as the staff Martindale recipient was Becky McLarty, secretary and office manager for animal science and agriculture services. These special awards,

Martindale Award recipients Ron Taylor and Becky McLarty

established in 2001 by Larry and Susan Byrd (73C) Martindale, honor those who promote continuous improvement, implement innovative approaches to problem solving, and inspire others to extraordinary achievement. Taylor was praised by colleagues as a national leader in the use of interactive teaching who helps his students “own their mathematical knowledge” by actively engaging them in the problem-solving process, while McLarty was applauded as a “fantastic role model” for students – especially those involved in student-operated campus enterprises – who also provides “invaluable help” to the faculty and staff. Other Berry community members honored in 2012 include: • Dr. Christy Snider, associate professor and chair of history, Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award • Dr. Janna Johnson (81C), lecturer in mathematics and computer science and associate director of athletics, Eleana M. Garrett Award for Meritorious Advising and Caring

• Dr. Frank Stephenson, professor and chair of economics, Mary S. and Samuel Poe Carden Award for Outstanding Teaching, Scholarship and Service • Dr. David Slade (97C), associate professor of Spanish and director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Faculty Member of the Year; and interim chaplain (and associate alumnus) Jonathan R. Huggins, Staff Member of the Year (both selected by the Student Government Association) • Cecily Crow (94C), director of student activities, John R. Bertrand Superior (Student) Work Supervisor Award • Ollie (51C) and Tom (48H, 52C) Poe, Charter Fellows Award for Outstanding Service to the Profession of Teaching • Jerry Shelton (58C) and Royce Agerter, Berry High School/Academy Outstanding Faculty/Staff Awards • Dan T. Cathy and Terry A. Graham, college trustees, Honorary Alumni



New heights: head, Berry athletes prove athletic prowess A NATIONAL EQUESTRIAN

In addition, Jenny Miller earned a spot in the Intercolle­giate Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Associa­ tion Division III North-South Senior All-Star Game after finishing the Jenny Miller season as one of the nation’s leading scorers.

Tasty SOUP:

Student awarded $40,000 grant for work with nonprofit BRIN ENTERKIN (12C) ENDED HER CAREER AT BERRY JUST AS SHE BEGAN,

earning well-deserved praise for her

service to others. Enterkin – who was lauded as a high school student for successfully spearheading a fundraising drive to build a school in Cambodia – is

MHarris Photography

CHAMPIONSHIP in hunter seat

Berry Sports Information

competition for Kristin Brennan and Ryan James’ victory in Nashville’s Country Music Marathon were spring highlights for Berry’s student-athletes. Brennan took first in the Novice Equitation on the Flat event at the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association finals in Raleigh, N.C. Berry’s western riders also enjoyed a strong showing, tying for fifth in the team com­ petition. James’ win in Nashville came in Kristin Brennan his firstever marathon (pictured on back cover). Covering the 26.2-mile distance in 2 hours, 32 minutes and 50 seconds, the 19-year-old Gate of Opportunity Scholar became the youngest marathon champion in the history of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series.

Campaign trail

SENIOR ELLIOTT ECHOLS, chair emeritus of the Georgia Associ­ ation of College Republicans, is taking a break from his studies this fall to serve as political director for the College Republican National Committee. He is coordinating efforts to encourage participation among young voters and train workers in the field. After the November election, the economics major will return to Berry to complete his degree requirements so that he can graduate with his classmates in the spring.

the 2012 recipient of the Intercollegiate Studies Noble Purpose Grant in recognition of her work with The African SOUP (Sponsorship of Orphans in Uganda Project), a nonprofit she founded while at Berry. True to form, she donated her unrestricted cash grant to The SOUP, which continues under the direction of two other Berry students. Visit for more information. Enterkin is now serving a prestigious one-year fellowship with the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation after spending part of her summer in Costa Rica on assignment with the Sullivan Foundation. 8


Prestigious Goldwater Scholar

RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES AT BERRY helped junior physics and math major Aaron Ostrander emerge from a pool of 1,123 nominees to claim a Goldwater Scholarship for 2012-13. Established by Congress to honor longtime U.S. Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, the scholarship is regarded as the premier undergraduate award in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. student photographer Mary Claire Stewart

Institute’s $40,000 William E. Simon Fellowship for

heart, hands Taking it to the (Capitol) Hill KYLIA GOODNER (12C) WAS THE ONLY STUDENT FROM GEORGIA (and one of 74 nationwide) selected for this spring’s Council on Undergraduate Research “Posters on the Hill” event in Washington, D.C. Goodner, who has been accepted into the Ph.D. program in cancer biology at Yale University, presented research on Caribbean Yellow Band Disease in coral, showcasing techniques that are commonly used in cancer research. Portions of her research were later shared by her mentor, Associate Professor of Biology Michael Morgan, at the International Coral Reef Symposium.



recounting past international experi­ ences earned sophomore Caleb Timmerman a $1,000 scholarship (and $1,000 in outdoor living gear) in Grand Trunk’s first-ever Study Abroad Scholarship Contest. The honorable mention award enabled Timmerman, pictured here tossing a coin into Italy’s Trevi Fountain, to journey to Europe in May with other Berry students, faculty and staff. Olivia Edwards and Zoe Williams received scholarships from the American Institute for Foreign Study. Edwards’ $500 award was applied to the cost of her AIFS summer program at the College

Praise from students earns national awards for faculty

International de Cannes in France. Williams received a


this fall at Ireland’s University of Limerick.

bring national acclaim to two members of the Berry faculty last spring. Assistant Professor of Spanish Julia Barnes was named Most Valuable Professor in a contest sponsored by Questia after being nominated by student Marlon Blugh and win­ning a public vote on Facebook. Professor of Communication Kathy Brittain Richardson was lauded as Teacher of the Year by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communi­ cation Small Programs Interest Group with help from a nomination letter written by a former student. The letter read, in part: “There are certain mentors in life whose presence does not fade. As time passes,

their voices instead resonate, continuing to influence and inspire long after daily conversa­ tions and weekly classes cease.”

Julia Barnes Alan Storey


$1,000 scholarship to support her semester abroad



RISING JUNIOR SYDNEY HULEBAK got a taste of her dream

career this summer while interning with highly Kathy Brittain Richardson

acclaimed fashion designer Billy Reid. The communi­ ca­tion major with a public relations concentration hopes to work in fashion or as a fashion journalist. BERRY MAGAZINE • FALL 2012




Dr. Stephen R. Briggs


A high calling


a year ago, four former students returned to speak at his memorial service in the Berry College Chapel: Bert Clark (82C), Greg Hanthorn (82C), Tim Howard (82C) and William Pence (76C). All four have been active in leadership at Berry, with Clark as a member of the Board of Trustees and the other three serving on the Board of Visitors or the Alumni Council. As I listened to their tributes in those consecrated moments, I found it remarkable how each had remained in touch with Carper in the decades following graduation, enjoying a relationship with him defined by mutual respect and devotion. Something profound and lasting happened during their college years with Carper, something that is the essence and epitome of a Berry education. What is it that causes highly successful professionals to look back at their lives and credit a college teacher as being pivotal in their development as whole people? What makes a faculty member, as Clark described Carper, “a teacher in the finest sense of the word … a teacher outside the classroom and inside … a teacher for our entire lives, not just our formative years”? Gordon Carper would no doubt be amused to find himself highlighted as an exemplar in this column given his sometimes vexing and volatile relationship with Berry’s president in years past. In the tumultuous 1970s, he stepped to the center of controversies related to college decision making and academic freedom. As Clark described it, lest we canonize him, “Gordon was sometimes, shall we say: difficult.



Whatever word you want to use, no one can deny that Gordon was boldly self-confident in the expression of his opinions. And, let there be no doubt, he ALWAYS had an opinion. Feisty is just a great word to describe him … an animated person who is full of energy, courage and spirit.” While that feistiness could be deliberately disruptive, when directed toward his students it was also magical. Here again are the words of Bert Clark: “Many of us (like me) probably arrived at Berry with no particular major in mind. Many of us (like me) had no real academic discipline when we arrived, certainly not enough discipline to justify any particular professional aspiration. Many of us (like me) needed to learn how to learn. … And by God’s grace, at that particularly sensitive point in our lives, when so much hangs in the balance, each one of us met an incredible man who changed the course of our lives, entirely and forever. Every one of us can look at the arc of our lives and attest to how Gordon moved us forward.” Carper was a famously hard teacher, but his rigorous grading was a means to move students toward more rigorous reasoning. Students understood that he was demanding intellectually because he wanted them to succeed. “After a C+ on my first paper in my first class with Gordon, I realized there was much work to be done if I were indeed to fulfill my dreams of becoming a lawyer,” Pence said. “Gordon … made it clear that he was there to ensure that I achieved that dream. … Without his guidance and personal commitment, I would not be where I am professionally today.”

Hanthorn explained the magnitude of Carper’s commitment when it came time for letters of reference to law school in the era before word processing. “When you applied to law schools you did not fill out the ‘unified online application’ that exists now,” Hanthorn noted. “So any professor writing a recommendation had to type it up, sign an original and deliver it to you in a sealed envelope to go to the specific school. I applied to several law schools, and Gordon did not write me a letter of recommendation. He wrote several separate, highly individualized letters – one for each law school to which I applied – and named students he had taught who were attending or had attended that particular law school and noted what I did or did not have in common with each.” Carper joined the Berry faculty in 1965 as chairman of the social science department, and he served as Dana professor of history from 1969 until his retirement in 2003. In 1970, he established Berry’s nationally ranked College Bowl program, which he coached for 33 years. As coach, he spent countless hours with successive generations of students. Carper was passionate about the competition because of the way that it inspired intellectual curiosity and hard work in the midst of irreverent fun and camaraderie. College Bowl provided Carper with a means for creating educational experiences that complemented and supplemented the classroom. What made Carper so effective and set him apart? According to Clark, it was not only a combination of his intelligence, energy, passion and commitment but also that he showed his students he truly cared


Each generation of students has benefitted from faculty members with an extraordinary ability to see in students what they often could not see in themselves. Like McAllister and Carper, these faculty members have combined a deep commitment to their disciplines with a dedication to bringing out the best in their students.

about them and was as interested in their development as human beings as in their academic progress. For Pence, it was Carper’s willingness to become fully engaged with those around him that set his mentor apart. “Gordon taught me that you can’t succeed without help from others and that, upon achieving that success, you have a responsibility to assist others in reaching their full potential,” he said. Of course, Carper is just one of the renowned teachers in Berry’s history. Another of the legends, Lawrence “Dr. Mac” McAllister, was profiled in the last Berry magazine. As Berry’s sole professor of physics for many years, he had an amazing ability to identify talented students in his introductory classes and lure them into becoming majors before sending them on to graduate programs and research careers. Ray Fewell (58C), for example, had no plans to major in physics until his first exposure to McAllister. Out of the 10 physics majors in his class, he said, only two or three were not converted from another major. McAllister was relentlessly curious. He bought one of the first available color televisions and promptly disassembled it to see how it worked. He ushered Berry into the electronics age by fabricating, installing and maintaining sound amplification and optical equipment on campus. He brought his classes to life using a constant flow of practical demonstrations to illustrate concepts and principles. Even when these demonstrations went awry, he would salvage the moment with his dry wit. More than 80 percent of the physics majors McAllister taught over his 39 years at

Berry went on to earn advanced degrees. He often worked quietly behind the scenes to help a student receive an unexpected graduate assistantship and, when needed, drove students to interviews in Atlanta or Huntsville. His former students describe him as a humble man – gentle, kind, unflappable and sensitive to individual needs. McAllister’s imperturbable nature was in direct contrast to Carper’s vociferous, largerthan-life personality, yet the two shared an unquestionable ability to inspire students. According to Donald Arrington (60C), McAllister possessed a keen intellect that inspired both curiosity and a sense of awe in the unknown areas being pursued in physics. “He instilled an appreciation for the technological revolution that was rapidly moving upon us in the 1950s and ’60s … in space exploration, advanced electronics, new mathematics and the field of nuclear power,” Arrington wrote. McAllister also shared with Carper a commitment to the success of the individual student. For McAllister, that meant an education of the head, heart and hands. “He set high standards; he always expected my best,” wrote Gwen Jones (56C). “In addition to reviewing classes and lab work, we spent much time discussing Dr. Mac’s favorite subject, the value of education on my career and success in life. Much of what I have achieved and the way that I look at life and family can be attributed to the timeless discussions with this remarkable man.” According to Peter Henriksen (53H, 57C), McAllister not only counseled students in academics, but he also counseled them in religion, morality and how to commence a

professional career. He took a personal interest in them that continued throughout their lives. After a 40-year career with NASA, Jack Jones (57C) described how McAllister chose to see in him something he did not see in himself. “The day he took me aside while I was taking my first physics course and suggested that I consider majoring in physics was, as I later realized, a life-defining event,” Jones remembered. “Until then, I was adrift in indecision and uncertainty with little ambition. With his kind and gentle demeanor, he taught me … by example to become a better person. Like the good parent, he had a knack of treating all of his students fairly and impartially. Yet, he had a gift of being able to make each feel special. We did not want to disappoint him. I was not his best student, but I can assure you that no one loved and admired him more.” Berry has been blessed over the years to have many renowned teachers. Each generation of students has benefitted from faculty members with an extraordinary ability to see in students what they often could not see in themselves. Like McAllister and Carper, these faculty members have combined a deep commitment to their disciplines with a dedication to bringing out the best in their students. Today, Berry has many such teacherscholars, and as we look to the future, we must continue to encourage, nurture and celebrate faculty who understand the potential power of their relationships with their students in a residential learning community. The legacy of this high calling is reflected in the arc of those students’ lives. B



On the Ice by Karilon L. Rogers


t wasn’t yet dark when Emily Wampler (03C) arrived at the National Science Foundation’s Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in February 2009 to become the 161st woman in history to spend the winter at the bottom of the earth. Darkness doesn’t begin to fall until the March 21 equinox when the sun finally dips completely below the horizon, ushering in a deepening twilight that slowly fades to black. Until the process begins in reverse in late August for the sun to show its face again Sept. 21, the moon, stars and mind-bending auroras are the only light nature provides. It is incredibly dark, and it is unspeakably cold.

It is amazing.



Sven Lidstrom, National Science Foundation

Brian Vanden Bosch


The South Pole station is one of three scientific outposts operated by the NSF’s United States Antarctic Program (USAP).

The station’s population swells to about 250 in the summer, but only 42 hardy souls joined Wampler that winter. They were an eclectic array of researchers (focused for the most part on the astronomical and atmospheric sciences) and those, like Wampler, needed to keep the station running. At an altitude of 9,306 feet, the station sits on an ice sheet more than 9,000 feet thick. Temperatures in winter average minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit; Wampler experienced minus 98 degrees and wind chill in excess of minus 140 degrees. “I actually don’t like the cold,” she laughed, “but you get acclimatized to it. You learn how to manage it.” While isolation over the long cold months of winter was an issue, it was not nearly as significant for Wampler as for earlier adventurers. She was able to stay in touch with family and friends through eight hours a day of Internet connection and satelliteenabled telephone service that was disturbed only when blizzards raged. She also had the company of best friend and soul mate Brian Vanden Bosch (pictured above with Wampler), a satellite communications engineer. She met Vanden Bosch on her second deployment, and he encouraged her to accept the challenge of the Pole. “I might not have had the courage to go without knowing that someone I was close to would be there,” she said. Long periods of work – 10 hours a day, Courtesy of Emily Wampler

Wampler had already spent three summer seasons on the frozen continent since her first deployment in 2006, and she would spend three more through March 2012. But this was different. “It is like being on another planet,” she explained. “To experience the auroras and see the stars at high altitude and with no light pollution is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” Words cannot aptly describe the phenomena of aurora, a stunning natural light display visible only near the ends of the earth. The other-worldly, undulating sky dances of greens, reds, blues and purples are generated by collisions of atmospheric elements with highly charged particles in the solar wind. “They make it worth not seeing the sun,” Wampler declared, although auroras weren’t the only things she got in trade. There was the splendor. And the silence. “By paring away all the ornamentation, you see simple beauty,” she said of both the Pole itself and the continent in general, which is void of vegetation beyond algae, lichens and mosses. “The starkness actually emphasizes the subtleties and textures – things you might not notice if there were flowers or trees to dress it up.” The silence could be so complete, her ears rang with it. “It makes you feel small and insignificant, but at the same time so connected to this place,” she remembered.



Emily Wampler

Courtesy of Emily Wampler

Living on the edge Clockwise from left: Emily Wampler “jumps off the bottom of the world” at the geographic South Pole; the South Pole Station living quarters before winter falls; Wampler (left) and McMurdo Station fuel hose crew after running a two-mile hose line over the sea ice; a gentoo penguin and kelp gull share an iceberg; “Fuelie Emily” poses near a new “fuelz rulez” newel post at McMurdo Station; an aurora dances over the BICEP (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization) telescope at the South Pole Station as the moon rises.

Brian Vanden Bosch

six days a week – and a carefully maintained routine of meals, tasks and activities (including pool tournaments, musical gatherings and even an indoor 5K run up and down stairways and corridors) helped all the “Polies” get through the days in that long period of night. A number of milestonemoment special events, such as the fancydress June 21 Midwinter dinner, helped mark the passage of time. “I did struggle with the unchanging nature of the location – cabin fever of a sort,” Wampler admitted. “After all, I was in one single square kilometer for nine months, and nothing changed. I was antsy. I was ready to see something different. And I didn’t go back after that one winter.” YOU CAN’T GET THERE FROM HERE

While the stark beauty of Antarctica astounded Wampler, it was not the siren song that continually drew her to return. It was the human community that called to her



year after year. She found it to be a model for the kind of society she is dedicated to helping build wherever life takes her. “Antarctica is international; no one owns it,” she explained. “It is set aside for peace and research and has an environment that pulls people together. It is a harsh continent on which people are forced to get along to survive, a place where separateness and interdependence come together. Living there taught me that humanity can do this – we can overcome our differences, solve our problems and make it work.” When Wampler first deployed to Antarctica, however, she didn’t know about the diverse community of passionate adventurers with whom she would bond so completely. She was simply bowled over by the uniqueness of the opportunity. “I was wowed that it was even an option and that people could get paid to see this place that hardly anyone gets to see,” she declared.

An interdisciplinary major at Berry, Wampler had chosen to spend two years in full-time service with her church’s volunteer organization, the Brethren Volunteer Service, after a first post-graduation year working on a family farm. “We have a saying about offering a cup of water to someone who is thirsty,” Wampler explained. “Maybe you can’t do much, but you can do something. The service emphasis is one of the reasons why I chose Berry, and after I graduated I wanted to do it face-toface. I wanted to concentrate on service 100 percent.” A fellow volunteer who had experienced Antarctica captivated her with tales of life on the Ice, and since Wampler’s volunteer position was then nearing an end and wanderlust is an inherent part of her nature, she felt the stars begin to align. With help from her friend, the summa cum laude Berry graduate secured a coveted position, one that many Antarctic hopefuls await for years:

Courtesy of Emily Wampler

dining attendant. After what was then the journey of a lifetime through New Zealand, she arrived at McMurdo, the continent’s largest station, ready to wash dishes, stock shelves and clean tables as part of a 25-person crew sporting mostly bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. “Many people want to go to Antarctica, and most are willing to work at any job to make that dream come true,” she said. “It is like going to the moon, and people will do anything to get to the moon!” Each Antarctic station is like a town supporting a myriad of research activities and the scientists who lead them. Skilled workers who can help keep the community going, such as plumbers and electricians, are required. Others who want to experience the continent have to find a way to serve the community. The majority go into helping positions – assistants to plumbers, for example, or, as in Wampler’s case, assistants to those who provide sustenance in the station’s sole dining hall. There is one makeor-break requirement: You must be willing to work hard as part of a team. Most who join the community come back again. Some like Wampler do so regularly. Over the course of six years, she experienced all sides and all seasons of the incredible continent, spending five austral summers at McMurdo, one winter at the Pole and a partial summer at Palmer Station. McMurdo, located on Ross Island, the solid ground farthest south that is accessible by ship, is the logistical hub of the continent and a community of vast and diverse research activity. It boasts more than 1,000 residents in summer and 150 in winter. Palmer, the smallest station with about 50 residents in summer and only 15 in winter, focuses almost exclusively on biology and marine science. IT’S ABOUT THE WORK

Wampler worked just one season as a dining attendant, spending her second summer at McMurdo in a program designed to reduce the USAP’s footprint on the continent. “For the first 40 to 50 years, the footprint was heavy,” Wampler said, explaining that much has changed in terms of trash recycling

and removal and sewage treatment. “The objective of the Retrograde Program was to eliminate old or unnecessary things. We collected usable items to send to the U.S. for auction, with proceeds benefitting the USAP – everything from duplicate scientific equipment to huge Caterpillar tractors.” She fell in love, however, with her third and longer-term role, one that allowed her to work outside and travel the continent. She was a fuels operator – or, as they call it on the Ice, a “fuelie” – during four deployments, responsible for fueling planes, helicopters and field stations after carefully and safely unloading the 5 to 7 million gallons of fuel that arrive annually by ship. “Because of the importance of work in Antarctica, people are known by their jobs,” she laughed. “I’m not Emily Wampler, I’m Fuelie Emily!” Fuels operators have a strong team identity because of the scale of their work and level of responsibility. “If we mess up, we cause an international incident,” she stated. Wampler served as an inventory control specialist and a member of the fire brigade at the South Pole Station in winter because no fuelies were required. She also interacted regularly with a third-grade class in Virginia, sharing photos and stories of life at the Pole. The intense seasons of work in Antarctica provided an important side benefit for Wampler, enabling her to spend long stretches of her time off the Ice cultivating her passions for volunteer service and exploring the world. In between treks south, she spent two Northern Hemisphere summers volunteering at a horse ranch for children in Oregon and another traveling around the globe. THE NEXT ADVENTURE

When Wampler steamed away from Palmer Station in March 2012, she was headed in a new direction. In June, she enrolled at the College of William and Mary to study for a master’s degree in education. She is excited about the possibilities, but she isn’t planning too far ahead just yet, intending to experience the program as it unfolds and discover where it leads.

Keith Vanderlinde, National Science Foundation

“I’m going with the flow,” she said. “I’m going to see if the passion I think is there for teaching ignites. My home area is part of my motivation. So many kids in the Shenandoah Valley (Va.) never have the opportunity to experience other cultures. How can I open up their world? I also wonder how I can make my teaching universal. Maybe I’ll teach English in China! What my future looks like, I have no idea.” One thing Wampler knows for certain is that she wants to go back to the Ice and to the people with whom she shares such an intense bond of common experience. “I don’t want to be done with Antarctica,” she declared. “It has a piece of my heart; it is under my skin. I don’t want to say I am never going back, but I don’t know what that means. Maybe I’ll go back to design curricu­ lum about it!” B

Wampler on Berry


scholarship recipient and avid student worker at Berry who also seized two opportunities to travel abroad, Emily Wampler credits her college experience with setting her up for life on and off the Antarctic ice. “Work made me open to learning new skills,” she said. “I discovered that with a good work ethic, you can be taught to do just about anything. And I came out of Berry debt free. That is huge. That set the course for my life. I was very fortunate to have no obligations to keep me from following my path.” Her time at Berry also continues to shape her focus on life and her personal goals. “I first visited Berry because they sent me a brochure, and I liked the pretty pictures,” she admitted. “But when I visited, the three-fold mission grabbed me. ‘Head, heart and hands’ was what I wanted for my education, and it is what I want my life to be about.” Courtesy of Emily Wampler

Emily Wampler



Introducing Portraits by Alan Storey

Ray Fewell (58C)

John Coleman (04C)

Amy Moskovitz Williams (03C)

2012 Distinguished Alumni Award Winners The willingness to set aside insecurities, learn from difficult experiences and embrace hard work motivated the award-winning levels of personal accomplishment, career success and service to others personified by Berry’s 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award winners. Here are their personal stories. by Joni Kenyon

Ray Fewell (58C)

Distinguished Achievement Award

Genuinely try to do the best you can. Today, Ray Fewell is known as one of the nation’s foremost innovators in measuring radiation and is responsible for developing methods, devices and research widely in use by scientists and the medical community. In college, he didn’t even know he wanted to be a physicist until he took a course with Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister, the father of Berry’s physics program. “He took me aside and convinced me that I had what it took,” Fewell said. “He had a mannerism that would inspire you to do more. He instilled that desire to succeed.” Fewell also credits his physics and 1958C classmates, as well as a strong work ethic, with helping propel him to success.



“When you do your work, you genuinely try to do the best you can,” he said, “and you work long hours.” Fewell’s formula for success is a good one; his accomplishments as a physicist are world class. While working at Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M., he developed specialized detectors for measuring radiation from underground nuclear weapons tests at the Nevada Test Site. Before joining this group, he developed detectors and techniques used to determine when certain components on nuclear weapons should be replaced. “Ray’s work has contributed to our nation’s defense and to the health and well being of its citizens,” said Buford Jennings (58C), retired director of technology with the U.S. Army Missile Command and recipient of Berry’s 2003 Distinguished Achievement Award. “Many of the detectors he developed and their implementation for measuring the radiation produced by nuclear weapons have since become standards in the field.” Fewell also was the first investigator to experimentally measure

Aimee Madden

and publish X-ray spectra accepted by the scientific community. His published data, on the X-ray attenuation of shielding materials, was later used to revise the handbook for designing shielding facilities for diagnostic X-ray generators. “He and his colleagues not only advanced the analysis of X-ray generating equipment, but their work led to the development of better and safer X-ray equipment in use in today’s medical facilities,” noted Peter Henriksen, Ph.D. (53H, 57C). Over the course of his career, Fewell also worked as an adjunct professor in physics at George Washington University, served for 25 years as professional referee for the Medical Physics Journal, published more than 40 articles and papers in journals and books, and received numerous awards from the U.S. Public Health Service, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

John Coleman (04C)

Outstanding Young Alumni Award

Push through failure and learn from it. At 30, John W. Coleman has built a resume that would be impressive at any age: He is the author or co-author of three books, a sought-after speaker, and a respected scholar and management consultant. He believes that success comes in finding work you love and sticking to it despite all setbacks. “Growing up, my family encouraged me to do the things I enjoyed and to really pursue things if I aspired to them,” he explained. “At Berry, I had professors, classmates and friends who cultivated in me the same spirit. I always believed that if I wanted to do something – that if I liked it – then I should go ahead and try. The worst thing that could happen would be I’d fail and try again.” Coleman loves writing but like many authors experienced early rejection from publishers. Challenged to identify, acknowledge and address his shortcomings, he tried again, rewriting many times until he had crafted manuscripts with strong and viable messages for potential readers. Crossway Books published his first book, How to Argue Like Jesus: Learning Persuasion from History’s Greatest Communicator, in 2009; Harvard Business Review published his second, Passion and Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders, in 2011. After graduating from Berry, Coleman attended Harvard where he earned an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and an M.P.A. from Harvard Kennedy School. During that time, he won numerous distinctions, including the prestigious Zuckerman Fellowship and the George Fellowship, both for leadership. Coleman is now a strategic planning manager in the Atlanta office of Invesco, a global investment management firm. He has remained involved with Berry despite living since graduation in London, Boston and Washington, D.C. An active member of the Alumni Council and Berry’s Young Alumni Advisory Board, he regular­ly assists Berry students looking for internships or career advice.

“I think one of my biggest pieces of advice to current students would be to not fear failure,” he said, emphasizing that the people who push through failure and learn from it are those who achieve their goals.

Amy Moskovitz Williams (03C) Distinguished Service Award

With privilege comes responsibility. When Amy Williams was first approached about traveling overseas to conduct a health and needs assessment in the desperately underserved rural area of Montipora, India, her faculty advisors at Emory University counseled against it. The conditions were too severe, she was advised, and she would have to spend two months away from her husband, her master’s program in public health, and her work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “I listened carefully to their precautions,” she said, “but I felt that denying the community my time would be denying why I entered the field of public health in the first place. I want to be involved in community development not for recognition or a paycheck but because I believe that I am meant to do my part in making the world a safer place.” The assignment called for her to work in 115-degree heat in a tigerridden jungle with no running water or electricity, circumstances that “would have sent anyone of less strength and character home,” according to friend Sandhya Joshi, a public health analyst. Williams has counseled sex workers in New Zealand and recently spent a month in Istanbul organizing a regional network of government and nongovernment organizations and individuals dedicated to reproductive health in humanitarian emergencies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. During this time, she coordinated the 13th annual meeting of the Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises, a global network that promotes access to quality reproductive health care for refugee women and others affected by humanitarian emergencies. In the U.S., she is on the leadership team for Atlanta’s Health Day with the Homeless and works as a consultant with the Division of Reproductive Health’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Program at the CDC. She also volunteers with the Metro Atlanta Red Cross Disaster Action Team. Williams’ volunteer efforts, both at home and abroad, reflect her unique ability to assess and respond to those in need and her willingness to meet those she serves on their own terms as she advocates “for those who rarely have their voices heard.” She implements Proverbs 24:32 as a guiding force in her life, which she said is about “applying your heart to what you observe and then taking the time to learn a lesson from it.” “I am by no means a wealthy woman,” she concluded, “but I am in the top percent of the world just by default. And I think that with privilege comes responsibility.” B



Class extraordinaire by Rick Woodall



close to telling the whole story. Take this group of Berry College alumni, pictured in front of the Cook Building in the spring of their graduation year, 1958. Scanning these youthful, optimistic faces, there is nothing to indicate that seven members of the class would eventually be inducted into the Berry Alumni Association Hall of Fame as Distinguished Alumni Award winners, or that the class as a whole would endow three



scholarships at Berry, with the promise of more to come. No matter how closely you look, there is no hint that one classmate – future Board of Visitors member Roy Miller – had already displayed as a teenager the business acumen that one day would earn him Berry’s Entrepreneurial Spirit Award, purchasing a 112-acre farm from his uncle and doubling his investment just two years later by selling the timber on the property. Nor is there any inkling that another – Doyle Mathis – would

win Berry’s highest alumni honor, the Distin­ guished Achievement Award, after serving many years as the college’s chief academic officer. You also wouldn’t guess that some of the brain power in this group would help pro­ pel America’s space program to new heights. On this day, the graduates in the class of 1958 were like the many thousands of Berry alumni who came before or have come after, proud to have earned their degrees and excited to start the next chapter of their lives. Fiftyfour years later, their accomplishments and

1958 commitment – both to each other and to their beloved alma mater – stamp them as one of the most unique classes in Berry history. Age may have slowed them a bit, but they’re not done yet, staging annual reunions at sites across the Southeast and exploring ambitious new ways to provide Berry students the same opportunities they once enjoyed. TIES THAT BIND

Every January, Ray Fewell gets in his car and drives 700 miles from Lusby, Md., to Berry for what he calls a “pre-meeting” meeting preceding the class of 1958C reunion. There’s no real reason for the meeting, he says; it’s just another opportunity to spend time with college classmates who are like family to him. “The friends actually mean more than anything else,” said the retired physicist, who in May became the third member of his class to earn the Distinguished Achievement Award (see page 16). “You can’t put a value on something like that.” The same sentiment has motivated the classmates to meet annually every year since 1998, when the idea was first tossed out at their 40th reunion. (They are the only Berry class that meets on such a regular basis.) From their first off-campus reunion in Charleston, S.C., to this year’s gathering in Huntsville, Ala., the classmates have thrived on each other’s company, delighting in stories of days gone by and sharing the triumphs – and trials – of life today. “We all came from modest and challenging circumstances, and the swinging of the Gate of Opportunity in and out marked a major change in our lives,” said Lee Waller, who hosted with wife Betty the first off-campus gathering in Charleston. “Little did we know how big a change that would be until our later years, but we learned very quickly that your classmates were your friends and you could depend on them. And as the years have gone by, that bond has grown even stronger.”

For Lee and Betty, Berry produced not only lifelong friendships but lifelong love. The couple met the summer they arrived on campus, and when they turn back the pages of time to tell the story, it seems as though it happened only yesterday. “We came to work that summer, and they had a dance in the gym that first or second weekend we were here,” Betty recalled. “They lined the boys up in a circle and the girls on an inner circle. They played the music, and when the music stopped you danced with the person in front of you. I danced with Lee, and we never danced with anyone else all four years.” “It was fate,” Lee added. “We stopped in front of each other, and we’ve been standing in front of each other now for 58 years.” Others in the class also found lifelong com­ panionship at Berry, but not always right away. Morris and Lecy Garner (59c) Brunson, for example, didn’t start dating until January 1958, though a courtship of sorts began earlier. “He played basketball, and I was a cheerleader,” Lecy explained. “And see, I didn’t know this, but he always made arrangements to line up behind me when we went out on the floor. He wasn’t as shy as he pretends.”

“I graduated from high school on Monday night and came down here on Tuesday morning,” recalled Harlan Chapman, a retired educator and the 2010 recipient of Berry’s Distinguished Service Award. “Dr. S.H. Cook [dean of the college] asked me if I wanted to start to work that afternoon, and I said, ‘I believe I better move into my dorm,’ so I went to work the next morning.” And so it was that Chapman and his classmates immersed themselves in Berry’s work program, which was mandatory at the time with students in class four days a week and at work two. Then, as now, students gained valuable experience in a wide variety of jobs, many of which were vital to the daily operation of the school. But the world was different back then, and so were customs at Berry: Students wore uniforms, no one drove cars and all lived on campus. Those circumstances drew them together. “Berry was like a little town,” said Mary Charles Lambert Traynham, who lived in a five-person room in Mary Hall as a freshman. “At that time we could not go home. It wasn’t ‘there for five days and then back home every weekend,’ and we developed very close relationships because we did not go home.”



The lasting bonds connecting so many of the classmates have their roots in the farming culture of the rural South. Berry represented an opportunity – perhaps the only opportunity – for many alumni to leave behind a hard-scrabble existence and chart a new course for their lives. “My dad was a farmer with six kids, so I had to work for my tuition,” said Alabama native Bonnie Pope Ellison. “Otherwise, I would have had to work in the field with him.” The future classmates learned about Berry in different ways. Keitha Davis Weatherford read about it in a book. Others heard about it from relatives or local educators. All jumped at the chance to attend.

If there is one person who embodies the spirit of this special class and its strong love of Berry, it is Jerry Shelton. In many respects, he is the glue that holds his classmates together, and his tireless efforts have helped keep their reunions going all these years. Even as a student, Shelton had a reputation as a meticulous planner. “He was a very organized person, even back then,” recounted college roommate Buford Jennings, winner of the 2003 Distinguished Achievement Award. “Before he went to bed every night he would make out his agenda for the next day. Of course, I got up not having the slightest idea what I was going to do.”



Paul O’Mara

Shelton’s disciplined nature paid great dividends throughout his career as a coach, professor and administrator, including service at the Mount Berry School for Boys and Berry Academy. It also made him a natural choice to lead the annual reunion effort. At the time, the man who would claim Berry’s Distinguished Service Award in 2006 never imagined that the tradition he was starting would eventually span 15 years – with no end in sight. “These reunions have been something I never even dreamed,” he marveled. Hard work made them happen; Shelton has spent hours on the phone contacting classmates and has driven countless miles to and from reunion sites. “He has been phenomenal,” said Nona Sparks Patterson, the 2009 winner of Berry’s Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and a member of the Board of Visitors. “Had it not been for him, we would not have a reunion.” Many others have also answered the call, making their own unique contributions to each reunion’s success. Billy Blair, for example, distributes homegrown tomatoes to his classmates; the Rev. Bill Priester donates his own paintings and woodworking for door prizes; Russ Jackson keeps the group in touch via email updates throughout the year; and Jim Ellison (57C) documents the festivities as volunteer photographer and videographer.


In recent years, Shelton’s focus has moved beyond the reunions to an even greater legacy: scholarships that support Berry students. He played a key role in the establishment of two endowed scholarships specific to his class and has also initiated fundraising for another to honor his late wife, Joyce (63C), who passed away in 2010. Most recently, he has approached classmates with an ambi­tious plan to raise an additional $2 million in support of student work and scholarships. “We know that there are many students now that are needy,” Shelton noted. “And if they’re going to get a college education, they need to have some source of funds available for them.” Already, one of Shelton’s classmates has stepped up with an anonymous gift of $1 million to fund a new Gate of Opportunity Scholarship and other priorities. The class also secretly rallied around a surprise for Shelton this year – funding the Jerry W. Shelton Endowed Scholarship. Their effort took on added meaning when ill health prevented the longtime planner from attend­ ing the 2012 reunion, where the scholarship was to be announced. He joined them by telephone, however, and afterward shared his appreciation for the unexpected honor. “I consider this to be probably the single greatest honor I have ever received,” he said.

The college class of 1958C gathered in Huntsville, Ala., last spring.


Well Traveled 1958C REUNION SITES 1998 – Berry College (40th) 1999 – Charleston, S.C. 2000 – Nashville, Tenn. 2001 – Asheville, N.C. 2002 – St. Augustine, Fla. 2003 – Berry College (45th) 2004 – Savannah, Ga. 2005 – Pigeon Forge, Tenn. 2006 – Myrtle Beach, S.C. 2007 – Kingsport, Tenn. 2008 – Berry College (50th) 2009 – Chattanooga, Tenn. 2010 – Panama City Beach, Fla. 2011 – Wilmington, N.C. 2012 – Huntsville, Ala. (pictured below) 2013 – Berry College (55th)


For the college class of 1958, supporting Berry is the natural thing to do. Though they all worked their way through college, they re­ cognize that, even in their day, donors helped to supplement their Berry experience. A halfcentury later, they are pleased to do the same. “It’s knowing the importance of education and helping kids get an education,” said Katherine Armitage, who spent her first two years at Berry and later rejoined her classmates after marrying alumnus Jack Jones (57C), “because goodness knows, neither of us could have gone to college without help, a lot of help.” With each passing year, Shelton and others wonder how long the annual reunions will continue. Age and infirmity are taking their inexorable toll, and yet whenever the subject is broached, the response is, “We want to go as long as we can.” And why should this be any different? Whether through their commitment to each other or their love of Berry, this class never does anything halfway. B


Anna Garber

Alan Storey

Clean slate • Gate Scholar graduates early and debt free •




graduated a year early, and thanks to a generous donor and the Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Program, she graduated debt free. Garber’s accomplishments are no small feat, considering Berry’s challenging academic program and the increasing number of college students across the country graduating with exorbitant debt. In fact, in 2010 nearly two-thirds of new college graduates in the United States entered a weak job market owing more than $25,000 in student loans. Garber is happy to be an exception. “I have no financial burdens. I’m beginning a life full of possibilities, and it’s an amazing feeling,” she said. “Saying thank you doesn’t even begin to cover how grateful I am to the trustees of the Ellsworth

Foundation for putting their faith in me.” Garber’s Gate of Opportunity Scholarship was funded by the William H. Ellsworth Foundation of New York. Gate of Opportunity Scholarships offer students who otherwise might not be able to afford a college education the chance to work their way through Berry with the potential of graduat­ing debt free. Garber was among the first group of nine students named Gate Scholars in 2009 and one of two who graduated in three years. Currently, 41 students are enrolled in the program. Berry’s goal, with donor support, is to create a total of 120 Gate of Opportunity Scholarships. VALUE ADDED

From her early teens, Garber knew what she wanted to accomplish in life, and she possessed the drive to make her dreams come true. She excelled

in school, working beyond her grade level in math and science, and completed college courses before graduating a year early from high school. Fueled by her hope to one day study viruses and metabolic diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Garber set her sights on Berry with its excellent science curriculum and reputation for rigorous classes. When Garber learned that her parents could not help her pay for college, the York, S.C., native was undaunted and began searching for scholarships, determined to find a way to fund her education. When she was accepted into the Gate of Opportunity Program, little did she know that its emphasis on study, work, personal development activities and mentoring experiences would be as valuable as was the financial aid she needed so desperately. “At first, I saw the Gate as just an excellent scholarship opportunity,” she recalled. “But the program helped me grow in self-confidence, learn to be patient and persistent, and focus on becoming the kind of person a Gate Scholar should be. Every day, I was aware that I was not just a student, but that I was also a representative of the program and the school.” LIVING THE DREAM

Garber’s plans for her future became more defined after she attended a presentation by an Emory University biochemistry doctoral candidate who urged students to get research experience before applying to graduate school.

“I went from there right to my biochemistry professor and asked to work for him over Christmas break as a volunteer, just to learn the techniques,” she recalled. By spring semester, Garber was assigned her own project and soon realized that an advanced degree in biochemistry would prepare her for a variety of professional opportunities. By her senior year, she had worked her way up to student supervisor in Berry’s biochemistry lab, a position that laid the foundation for her to pursue a career doing what she loves most – research. “Being able to work in the lab helped me feel confident enough to go on to grad school,” she said. “The work has given me experience that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else as an undergraduate.” After earning top grades and gaining valuable work experience at Berry, Garber entered the doctoral program in biochemistry at Colorado State University with her tuition and fees paid and a graduate assistantship with a small stipend. Garber said coming to Berry made all the difference for her. “I wouldn’t have received the support, encouragement and genuine interest in my personal and professional well-being that I have experienced at Berry,” she said. “If I had attended another school, I would have had to settle for a lesser dream.” B

by Debbie Rasure



J. Bobby Bailey and future wife Sarah visit the Old Mill in 1954.

Paying t ribute W


HONORING those who

devoted their lives to helping others, J. Bobby Bailey (54C) excels. This summer, the retired engi­ neer donated land valued at more than $1.83 million in honor of his late wife, Sarah, to support the alumni-led effort to name the science building for Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister. The gift also added to scholarships the Baileys had established earlier in tribute to two Berry professors he remembers with great fond­ness, McAllister and Alta Spruill. It is a gift and tribute that brings him great joy, not only because of who it honors, but also because of who it helps – Berry students taking classes in the science building and those



majoring in math or physics, subjects Bailey focused on while a student at Berry. “It’s not every day that a man gets to give away one half of his net worth and feel so good about it,” he said. “I’m thrilled to be able to do it.” And Bailey is quick to point out that it is a gift he couldn’t have made without the lifelong support of his wife. PROFESSORS AND FRIENDS

Bailey, the oldest son of a one-time tenant farmer in Heard County, Ga., enrolled at Berry in 1950 with his parents’ full support and encouragement. As the first person in his family to attend college, Bailey wasn’t sure what to expect but soon discovered that his country school had done little to prepare

by Debbie Rasure photography by Alan Storey

him for the demands of higher education. “That first year was tough,” he recalled. “But I enjoyed Miss Alta Sproull’s math class and Dr. Mac’s physics class immensely. I didn’t even know physics existed until I came to Berry. Out of all of the professors I studied under (Bailey has graduate degrees from Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology), they were the best I ever had.” Sproull and McAllister stand out in Bailey’s memory for other reasons as well. “She was a great personal friend to her students,” he said of Sproull. “She hosted bridge games at her home for her favorite students, and while I was never a good bridge player, I enjoyed the companionship.” And Bailey remembers

McAllister as a person who was always smiling, as well as a great teacher and friend. “When it came time for me to apply to graduate school, Dr. Mac loaded me up in his DeSoto and took me to Emory for my entrance interview,” he said. BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN

By the beginning of his third year at Berry, Bailey had adjusted well enough to the requirements of college life that he began to notice other things – specifically a girl back home named Sarah, whom he had known since childhood. “Back then, church singings were a big thing,” Bailey remembered. “One time when I was home for a visit, Sarah asked me to take her and her girlfriend Bonnie to a singing on


Sunday afternoon. Of course I said, ‘Yes,’ and when the day came I borrowed my dad’s car. When I went to pick up the girls, I told Bonnie that she could drive, thinking I’d be able to sit next to her. But Sarah jumped into the middle, leaving me to sit by the passenger door.” From that day forward, Bailey began to see Sarah as more than a childhood friend. They dated whenever he came home from Berry, and their romance blossomed into love. After a yearlong courtship, he asked Sarah for her hand in marriage, declaring his intention to quit school so they could start their life together. With wisdom beyond her years, Sarah said she would marry him – after he finished school. Bailey completed his bachelor’s degree in physics at Berry and then went on to earn a master’s degree in physics from Emory the following year. True to her word, Sarah married Bailey after he graduated from Emory in 1955. On their wedding day, the two packed their car and moved to Akron, Ohio, where Bailey had secured a job at B.F. Goodrich. They returned to Georgia a year later when he was hired as an engineer at what was then Lockheed Corp. in Marietta. In 1958, the Baileys welcomed their first child, Chester, into the world; then in 1965 their daughter, Pamela, was born. While still working full time at Lockheed, Bailey enrolled at Georgia Tech to pursue a second master’s degree, this time in engineering mechanics, leaving Sarah to

manage the household and care for the children with only limited help from him. Like most couples of their era, this division of labor continued throughout the Baileys’ marriage. After 35 years at Lockheed, Bailey retired in 1991 with plans to enjoy his golden years with Sarah. His wife’s health was beginning to decline, however, which limited their activities. By 2001 she was bedridden, and from that time forward Bailey devoted himself to taking care of his beloved wife the way she had cared for him and their children throughout their marriage. It was his way of honoring the commitment they had made to each other so many years earlier. Sarah died in the summer of 2011, one day after the couple’s 56th wedding anniversary.

“We had over 700 acres of land in Oglethorpe County that we never did anything with,” he explained. “We didn’t sell the timber; we didn’t build a subdivision. After Sarah died, I couldn’t think of a better use for that property than to give it to Berry.” Money gained from the sale of the land will not only support science education through Berry’s School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, but will also add to the Sarah and Bobby Bailey Endowed Miss Alta

Sproull Scholarship for mathematics majors and the Sarah and Bobby Bailey Endowed Dr. Lawrence McAllister (Dr. Mac) Physics Scholarship. Both are needbased scholarships for a junior or senior who works on campus and has at least a 3.0 grade point average. With his exceptional gift, Bailey has enriched the lives of Berry students for generations to come – a fitting tribute for the special people who so enriched his life. B


In the wake of Sarah’s death, Bailey began to consider how he might memorialize the woman he loved so dearly and recognize the two professors who had helped him get a solid start in life. Junior Carrie Fincannon and J. Bobby Bailey compare notes on their experiences as physics majors at Berry. Far right: Fincannon proves learning a physics principle can be fun.



their stories:


Students’ lives shaped by scholarships

All that he can be Army veteran Nick Morrow gives thanks for endowed scholarships


BERRY STUDENT, BUT HE IS NOT. While most of his Berry peers were in the throes of middle-school angst, Morrow was in Iraq, perched at the door of a Blackhawk helicopter with an M-240B machine gun in hand. “There is no feeling like being two minutes out from your objective, 50 feet above the ground, skirting trees and rooftops with night vision goggles, when the bullets start going and it gets real,” Morrow said. After serving six and a half years on active duty and being deployed twice to Iraq, Morrow is grateful to be alive, grateful to be an American and grateful for the scholarship assistance that has given him the opportunity to attend Berry. Morrow had just begun his freshman year at Georgia State University when America came under attack the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. As Morrow watched the horrific scenes unfold, he became determined to help defend his nation. He finished the year at Georgia State and then enlisted in the Army, rising to the rank of sergeant and serving as crew chief of an assault combat helicopter battalion. “No matter how many times you go out on a mission, there is always that little hint of uncertainty every night, like a knot in your stomach,” Morrow said. “We planned. We made sure we were the best at our jobs, but there was always a chance someone might go down.” After his second tour of duty, Morrow returned to the U.S. ready to restart his college education, dreaming of a degree in animal science and life as a farmer. But after nearly seven years away, he wanted to go to school closer to his Cartersville, Ga., home. Berry offered everything he needed – a strong animal science program, small classes, the opportunity for hands-on experiences and a great location. There was only one problem: The GI Bill offered only a limited amount of funds, and he needed to graduate without debt. Morrow received the assistance he needed through government grants, Berry scholarships and the opportunity to work in the Berry College Dairy. It wasn’t long before he was preparing for an expanded post-graduation dream: After experiences in the sciences and with the encouragement of his professors, Morrow



Photos Courtesy of Nick Morrow


Scholarship recipient Nick Morrow served two tours of duty in Iraq with an assault combat helicopter battalion before coming to Berry.

has set his sights on becoming a physician. He expects to graduate in 2013 thanks to such scholarships as the Marie L. Diercks Scholarship and the Elster Foundation Endowed Scholarship. “I can’t put into words how much it has meant to me,” Morrow said of his scholarship support. “I would like to tell all the people who helped me a very big thank you. Without them, I probably wouldn’t be at Berry, and I wouldn’t be planning to go on to medical school if I had come out of my undergrad program in debt.” As important as the financial support is for Morrow, the endowed scholarships mean more to him than simply money for college. “They help keep me going,” he said. “Whenever I get worn out or discouraged, I remember someone is giving their money to help me finish my education. It serves as a great motivator. I won’t let them down.” Hooah!

by Alyssa Hollingsworth student editorial assistant


Influencing the future



continue to show strong support for students, with gifts for scholarships their most popular recent option. Every gift and pledge helps Berry students and is greatly appreciated. We acknowledge each one in our annual online Honor Roll of Donors. It is our pleasure, however, to list gifts of $10,000 or more here. The following gifts and new pledges were made between March 1 and June 30, 2012. Terry and Susan Anderson, $25,000 for master planning for the Gunby Equine Center J. Bobby Bailey (54C), $1.83 million in-kind gift of land in honor of his late wife, Sarah, to help name the science building for Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister and to add to the Sarah and Bobby Bailey Endowed Miss Alta Sproull Scholarship for mathematics majors and the Sarah and Bobby Bailey Endowed Dr. Lawrence McAllister (Dr. Mac) Physics Scholarship Randy and Nancy Berry, $20,000 to support Berry Information Technology Students (B.I.T.S.) Steven J. Cage (74C), $10,000 to support the general fund Virginia M. George, $59,526 to support the establishment of Berry’s new nursing program Georgia Independent College Association, $17,763 for the general fund

Judy Lane Gilbert Memorial Foundation, $100,000 to establish the Judy Lane Gilbert Endowed Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Yvonne Linker Hall (80C), commitment to the Lil Dorton Endowed Scholarship to ultimately establish the Lillian Dorton Endowed Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Lee Jones Lance (53C), $80,000 charitable gift annuity Paul C. and Velma Smith Maddox Foundation, $14,000 to fund the 2012-13 Paul C. and Velma Smith Maddox Scholarship Bowen H. and Barbara (61C) McCoy, $10,000 for Berry College Viking Creations Nichols Trust, $10,000 to fund the 2012-13 Rudge Nichols Professorship Robert H. Prince, $100,000 to establish the Dr. Amber Prince Gate of Opportunity Endowed Scholarship Fred J. Tharpe (68A), $11,590 addition to the Fred J. Tharpe Endowed Scholarship Roger Clinton Tutterow (84C), $25,000 to help fund the football/track facility Virgil P. Warren Foundation, $20,000 for the Gunby Equine Center Gary A. (80C, 89G) and Bambi Estill (79C) Waters, $15,000 to fund the James E. and Dorris Waters Endowed Scholarship Winshape Foundation Inc., $240,892 to fund Chick-fil-A Scholarships

student photographer Blake Childers

by Rick Woodall

No time like the present



IMPORTANCE OF A HELPING HAND. Confined to a wheelchair

since a 2003 high school cheerleading accident, the former athlete found success at Berry, in part because of the assistance he received from the likes of Martha Van Cise, director of the Academic Support Center, and Eric Morris, his trainer at the Cage Center. “I probably wouldn’t have made it through Berry if it wasn’t for Martha Van Cise,” Hall said. “She made sure that I got all the accommodations that I needed, and she always helped me out. If there was anything that I needed, she was my go-to person.” Plagued by illness and depression his first two years on campus, the Chattooga County (Ga.) native eventually became an active participant in Berry’s Model United Nations and forensic programs. He also found his way to the Cage, where Morris helped him resume a more active lifestyle through regular hand-cycle workouts. By the time graduation came Hall was a national forensic champion ready to take on the world. Today, as a program analyst at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Hall continues to navigate the daily challenges of life in a wheelchair, but that doesn’t prevent him from exploring ways to help others – especially Berry students. Already, he’s taken advantage of one opportunity available to him by making Berry the beneficiary of his life insurance policy through the college’s planned giving program. In the future, he hopes to do even more. “As a young professional, I don’t have a lot of financial assets to invest. I can’t give cash; I don’t have property. But I did have a life insurance policy, and that was a commitment I could make,” he explained. “When people give back, there really is an impact. It’s a big impact, even if they don’t see it right away. All of the Cage donors don’t know that it was really instrumental for me, but it was. Hopefully, I can relay that to other potential donors. I would like to eventually raise money for a scholarship fund endowed in my name.” Still in the process of determining criteria for his scholarship, Hall dreams of creating a pipeline to Berry from his hometown. He also wants to provide opportunities for students to build connections on campus. In the process, he hopes to serve as an example to other young alumni. “I didn’t know about planned giving,” he related. “I hope that more young alumni will see that there’s a commitment they can make now.” Editor’s note: To learn more about the planned giving options available to donors of all ages, contact Helen Lansing at 877-461-0039 (toll free) or





Photos by Alan Storey, Aimee Madden and Paul O’Mara


Coming home


IN THE MAKING took place during

the May 18 kickoff gala for Alumni Weekend as the high school and college classes of 1962 took their place in the Golden Guard, a distinction re­served only for Berry alumni who have been out of school at least 50 years. The gala also featured the presentation of this year’s combined reunion gift (Alumni Weekend 2012 and Mountain Day 2011) of more than $3 million and the awarding of the annual Reunion Cups to the winning classes. The victors were the classes of 1967A (percentage attendance), 1962C (giving percentage), 1971C (giving total), 1947H (percentage increase in Firsthand Fund – annual fund – gifts) and 1967C (greatest increase in Berry Heritage Society membership). Overall, nearly 500 alumni and friends participated in the weekend’s festivities, which included the annual Friday afternoon golf scramble, nine different class reunions, and a Sunday worship service featuring remarks by the Rev. George Gravitte (62C) and an alumni choir directed by Len Willingham (70C). A separate worship service for high school alumni was held on the Mountain Campus, with the Rev. Chuck Smith (60H) presiding. Please see page 16 to learn about the winners of Berry’s highest alumni honors, the Distinguished Alumni Awards, which also were presented at the Alumni Weekend Gala.



A celebration of service and friendship

A CROWD MORE THAN 180 STRONG TURNED OUT FOR ALUMNI WORK WEEK, with participants engaged in a total of 24 different projects,

including reconstruction of the Oak Hill gazebo that was crushed last year by a falling tree. “It’s these people that keep me coming back,” said Tom Bowen (55H), a veteran of 25 previous Work Week celebrations, of his fellow participants. “I love working with these guys.”

YOUNG ALUMNI Going once, going twice! ANYONE WHO SAYS GIVING AND SERVICE CAN’T BE FUN HASN’T TALKED TO THE GRADUATES on hand for Berry’s second-annual Young

Alumni Weekend celebration. Building on the tradition of high-energy fun established in 2011, this year’s participants put their own spin on giving back by hosting an auction – complete with Hugh Hagen (08C) as auctioneer – in support of the Season’s Harvest student enterprise. Items up for bid included trips, artwork, Viking Furniture Adirondack chairs and an iPad. The idea – conceived by Berry’s Young Alumni Advisory Board – was a smashing success, raising more than $5,000 to fund the purchase of a tractor. From Hagen’s perspective, the event worked because it “allowed young alumni to give something back, have fun while doing it and get something for it.” “The night was a lot of fun,” he stated. “We are extremely thankful for everyone who donated items and purchased items.” The auction was one of many activities that kept participants busy throughout the weekend, including a variety of service projects, renewed intramural rivalries and a Party on the Green at Oak Hill. Those interested in learning more about Young Alumni Weekend and the Young Alumni Advisory Board may contact Jennifer Beard (93C, 00G) at or 800-782-0130. BERRY MAGAZINE • FALL 2012


WHERE? are they now Pitch

CLASS YEARS are followed by an uppercase or lowercase letter


that indicates the following status: C College graduate G Graduate school alumna/us A Academy graduate H High school graduate c, g Anticipated year of graduation from Berry College a Anticipated year of graduation from academy h Anticipated year of graduation from high school FFS Former faculty and staff FS Current faculty and staff


In April, more than 100 alumni and friends turned out for a twoday celebration marking the 50th anniversary of men’s soccer on the world’s largest campus. Among those in attendance were three former coaches – Bob Warming, Bob Pearson and Bret Simon – who together accounted for 192 men’s soccer victories at Berry. They were joined by Ouida Word Dickey (50C, FFS), wife of the late Garland Dickey (42C, FFS), the athletic director under whose leadership men’s soccer first came to Berry. During the reunion, returning players had a chance to relive their glory days (and test their endurance level) by scrimmaging against fellow alumni as well as the current varsity team. “The event was a wonderful experience for everyone involved,” said current coach Richard Vardy, who helped put the reunion together. “The current players really enjoyed watching the older guys play and came away with a strong sense of exactly how good they were. The highlight for many of them was attending the reunion banquet, hearing the older coaches speak and watching the video we had put together. There was a lot that they did not know about Berry soccer. They came away with a better understanding of what they owe those who came before them, that they will have a chance to leave a legacy when they graduate, and that our soccer program at Berry has a very strong reputation across the nation.” Many alumni are taking an active role in the program’s continued success through involvement in the new Viking Center Circle Booster Club. Already, the group has generated more than $26,000 in gifts and pledges to support the program, including a $10,000 commitment from Koji Yoda (65C), a member of Berry’s inaugural team. Goals include raising the funds necessary to install lights at Ford Field. To learn more about how you can support the men’s soccer program, contact Vardy at 706-236-1728 or Editor’s Note: The highlight video shown at the reunion banquet can be viewed online at

SEND ALL CLASS NOTES TO: or Alumni Office,

P.O. Box 495018, Mount Berry, GA 30149 All class notes are subject to editing due to space limitations. Class notes and death notices in this issue include those received March 1 – June 30, 2012.

1950s Earl Tillman (52H) of Rome received the Hugh Burns Christian Service Award presented in May at the Rome Leadership Prayer Breakfast.


Alan Storey





Larry Barnes (70C) has been named chair of the Education Committee for the State of Georgia Juvenile Justice Department. Joe K. Dunagan (76C), priest in charge of St. Christopher’s at the Crossroads Church in Macon, Ga., received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Sewanee: The University of the South. Kathy Gunderman (78C) has been recognized by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for helping to revitalize the agricultural sector in Afghanistan. From 2010 to 2012, she served as a U.S. Department of Agriculture advisor in Kapisa Province, Afghanistan, and as a communications specialist at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. LuAnne Gilbert Worley (79C) retired as director of human resources from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. She previously worked with the Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Merit System. She and husband Terry (78C) live in Ellenwood, Ga.

1980s Greg Hanthorn (82C) was one of three panelists who discussed “Ethics Surrounding Attorneys’ Fees: How to Agree to Them, Collect Them, Keep Them, and Persuasively Seek Them as Sanctions,” for a session of the American Bar Association’s Litigation Section Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., in April. He practices law in the Atlanta office of Jones Day and is a co-chair of the Ethics and Professionalism Committee of the Litigation Section of the American Bar Association and president of the Lamar Inn of Court. Melinda Shell Strickland (83C), principal of the Floyd County Education Center in Rome, is serving a two-year term as president of the Georgia Association of Alternative Education, a group of innovative educational leaders in Georgia. S. Paul Raybon (86C) completed his dissertation, “Evaluation of Best Practices in Online Continuing Theological Education,” and received an Ed.D. in educational leadership from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte in May. He is associate pastor of Hominy Baptist Church in Candler, N.C., and adjunct professor for the GardnerWebb University School of Divinity. His wife, Anne Selman Raybon (85C), was a recent contestant on Jeopardy!


To have your news included in Berry magazine, mail to Berry College Alumni Office, P.O. Box 495018, Mount Berry, GA 30149, or submit via email to

Charles “Chip” Mattocks Jr. (86C) of Albany, Ga., was one of 62 U.S. Department of Agriculture employees recognized by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack for helping to revitalize the agricultural sectors in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was an agricultural advisor in Ghor Province, Afghanistan, in 2011. Timothy W. Hall (88C) earned his Master of Divinity degree from the Campbell University Divinity School in May 2012. Michael Hendrick (89C) sang Walther’s Preislied from the opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and as Siegmund in Die Walküre in allWagner concerts with l’Orchestre Symphonique de Mulhouse in Mulhouse, France.

1990s David Grindle (93C) was one of four international lecturers at the 10th China Entertainment Technology Association Summit in Beijing in May. His lecture on production-driven architecture in

American venue construction will be reprinted in two Chinese journals. Deborah Neenan Davis (93C) and husband Scott brought home adopted daughter Mihret Rebekah from Ethiopia on Dec. 24, 2011. Mihret, born Apr. 15, 2011, joined brothers Aaron (13) and Andrew (11) at the family home in Knoxville, Tenn. Jason Ian Ransom (93C) received his doctorate in behavioral ecology from Colorado State University and joined the National Park Service as threatened and endangered species specialist. Jason, wife Dori and son Liam live in Loveland, Colo. Greg Henderson (93C) and Tiffany Bonczek Henderson (93C) announce the Sept. 7, 2011, adoption of sisters Shayla Claire (3), Breanna Danielle (2) and Marietta Skye (1). They joined brother Nicholas (10) at the family home in Cartersville, Ga. Julie Babb Geoghagan (97C) and husband Drew announce the Dec. 28, 2011, birth of daughter Sophia Christine, who joined

AlumniAuthors Berry magazine has been notified about the following new alumni-authored books since our last listing. Congratulations! nM arc

Duckeck (05C), Sportstipendium in den USA: Kombiniere Sport und Studium in den USA [Sports Scholarships: Combine Sports and Studies in the USA], Books on Demand, May 2012 (includes a Berry photo on the cover),

nA nthony

Baker (72c), Walk Along the Ocean Road: The

Poetry and Songs of Tony Baker as Illustrated by David Dickerson, Tony Baker Music, 2011, If you have a newly published book (2011-2012) you’d like us to include, please send your name and class year, book title, publisher, publication date, and a Web address for a synopsis and/or order information to with a subject line of “Berry Alumni Authors.”

brother Logan (7) at their Woodstock, Ga., residence. Mandy Brown Fox (97C) was selected as one of four finalists for Alabama Teacher of the Year. Mandy teaches at Greystone Elementary in Hoover. She and husband Stephen have three sons and live in Birmingham. Stacey Sanders Daniel (99C) and husband Joe announce the March 16, 2012, birth of son Seth Josiah. Seth joined older siblings Sophie and Isaac at the family residence in Eastman, Ga. Quincy Bailey Nation (99C, 02G) was chosen by the faculty of West Central Elementary in Rome as 2013-14 Teacher of the Year. Stacie Petter (99C) received a 2012 Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award from the University of Nebraska at Omaha Alumni Association in honor of distinguished classroom teaching. She is assistant professor in the university’s College of Information Science and Technology and holds an M.B.A. and Ph.D. from Georgia State University.

2000s Ruth Yoda-Bunnelle (01C, 06G) graduated with an Educational Specialist degree from the School Psychology Program at Lewis and Clark College. She has applied for national certification and will be a school psychologist for the Reynolds School District in Portland, Ore. Christopher Pierce (01C) and Regan O’Boyle-Pierce (01C) announce the March 2, 2012, birth of son Sullivan Pence, who was welcomed by older siblings Madelena and Collin to the family home in Roswell, Ga. Lauren Hayes Roberts (01C) and Brian Roberts were married March 9, 2012, in Huntsville, Ala. The wedding party included Lori Pope Todd (01C) and Michelle Machen Hoyer (01C). The couple resides in Maryland, where Lauren is a physical therapist and Brian is stationed at Andrews Air Force Base. John Cornett (01C, 03G) and Deborah McCorvey Cornett (01C) announce the Oct. 26, 2011, birth of son Orson Jack, weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces and measuring 18.5 inches long. The family resides in Boone, N.C.

Tannika King (02C) has been elected president of the board of directors for the Sexual Assault Center of Northwest Georgia. Amy Morrill Younkins (02C) and husband Jack welcomed daughter Lexi Annalisa on April 3, 2012. Lexi joined brother Grant (3) in the family’s Roswell, Ga., home. Beth Lovin Olson (02C) and husband Jake announce the Dec. 30, 2011, birth of twin sons Asher Franklin and Maclain Rex. The family resides in Athens, Ga. Chad Bennett (02C) was installed in March as senior pastor of Grace Fellowship Church of Hazleton, Pa. Chad and wife Amanda welcomed second child Grace Eden on March 3, 2012; son Hayden Josiah is 3. Jeremy Swafford (03C) was named one of the “Top 10 Young Professionals to Watch” in Cherokee County, Ga., by the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Enjoy! Cherokee magazine. He is chief financial officer for Southeast Restoration Group in Holly Springs. Lauren Stegall Cone (03C) and Jarrod Cone (03C) announce the Oct. 20, 2011, birth of first child Miles Stegall Cone. Lauren is a public relations manager at CNN, and Jarrod works in on-air promotions for CNN International. The family resides in Decatur, Ga. Misty Capley Forehand (03C) married Micah Forehand on Nov. 5, 2011, in Shelbyville, Tenn. She works as a polysomnographic technologist. The couple resides in Murfreesboro. Jessica Rabun Johns (04C) and Andy Johns (06C) announce the Feb. 24, 2012, birth of son Braden Harper Johns. Jessica is a social worker at Chattanooga Kidney Center, and Andy works as a writer and editor at WordSouth Public Relations. Andy graduated with an M.B.A. from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in August 2011. Brian Mezzell (04C) and Amy Stafford Mezzell (04C) announce the Jan. 11, 2012, birth of daughter Cora Ruth Mezzell. The family resides in Birmingham, Ala.



Zane Goldthorp’s (04C) tie for fourth in the Georgia MidAmateur Golf Championship triggered a feature article on

2010s Laura Mitchell Davis (10C) and Chase Davis (09C) were married May 22, 2010, at Frost Chapel. The couple resides in Birmingham, Ala.



So we’ve heard

Samantha Shal / Neighbor Newspapers

BusinessWire announced the promotion of Shayne A. Thomas (98C) to partner in the Roetzel & Andress law firm. Thomas practices in Roetzel’s Orlando, Fla., office in the areas of products liability, business litigation and creditors’ rights. She received her J.D. from the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law. The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times-Free Press announced that Jayne Curtis Maupin (10C) has been named golf coach at Girls Preparatory School in Chattanooga, while the Gwinnett (Ga.) Daily Post included Judson Hamby (00C, 03G), head girls soccer coach at Parkview High School, in its “Getting to Know …” series.

Martha Compton Wilkinson (87C) made news on the entertain­ment website http:// for her direction of Fiddler on the Roof for a Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre production in West Nashville, Tenn. She was heralded as a nine-time First Night Award-winning actress for her work in musical theater and for her earlier Best Actress selection by the Tennessean and Nashville Scene for her portrayal of Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd. The Edmonton (Canada) Journal reported that Daniel Ferguson (09C) left in July to play profes­sional basketball with the B.C. Boncourt in Switzerland. The 6-foot-3 guard had excelled for two years at the Canadian Interuniversity Sport level for the University of Alberta while earning his master’s degree in sport management. He had just moved to the Edmonton Energy when he landed the Swiss contract. The Tennessean’s “Nashville People in Business” included the appointment of Hunter Barrow (99C) as senior art director for Sullivan Branding, a Nashville advertising and marketing agency.

The Rome News-Tribune covered the promotion of Anna Brock Bridges (08G) to assistant vice president for Citizens First Bank and the appointment of Tricia Dillard (08C) as marketing manager for Mount Berry Square Mall. The Gainesville (Ga.) Times applauded Bert Harrison’s (11C) No. 1 national ranking in the duathlon in the 20-24 age group despite a recent serious illness. The Marietta Daily Journal announced the installation of Darrell L. Sutton (00C) as president-elect of the Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Georgia. Sutton earned his law degree at Mercer University. Recent award winners in the news include Evelyn Hamilton (69C) in the Rome News-Tribune and Jacqueline Black Mullen (05C) in The Citizen. Hamilton was honored for service at the NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet. Mullen, a math teacher at Whitewater High School, was named the 2012 Fayette County (Ga.) Teacher of the Year.

Deaths Berry College extends sincere condolences to family and friends of the following alumni, faculty and staff members, and retirees. This list includes notices received March 1 – June 30, 2012.

1930s Richard A. Steinheimer (36C) of Miami, Fla., April 28, 2012. Francelle Jarrad Buckminster (37H, 40C) of Canton, Ga., June 17, 2012.

1940s Terrell Neugent (41H, 47c) of Bagdad, Fla., June 6, 2012. Jack D. Summers (41C) of Auburndale, Fla., April 7, 2012. Louise Moon Garrison (42H, 60C) of Rome, March 10, 2012. Herman O. Rooks (43C) of Panama City, Fla., Nov. 17, 2011.

Algerine D. Garner (44C) of Baxley, Ga., June 26, 2012. Louise Burson McClure (45c) of Decatur, Ala., April 23, 2012. Alice Arnold Broome (46C) of Spartanburg, S.C., June 8, 2012. Lois Raley Dease (46C) of Coward, S.C., May 15, 2012.

Kathy Richardson Photography

From the editors of Berry magazine: Highlights about Berry alumni sometimes come to our attention via the news media – especially when a Berry affiliation is mentioned. When we can, we want to share what we’ve heard with you. See any names you know?

courtesy of Roetzel & Andress

Ronald Ogden (04C) was featured in the movie Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, which was released in May on Red Box and Netflix. He was also cast as the lead in two Dish Network commercial spots last spring. Evan Conlon Hopkins (05C) and husband Stephen announce the Feb. 21, 2012, birth of daughter Stella Marie weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. She joined triplet siblings Andrew, Bradley and Charlotte in the family’s Douglasville, Ga., home. Stephanni (Stevie) Smith Prelac (05C) and husband Timothy announce the March 3, 2012, birth of daughter Evangeline Palmer weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces. Stevie is a science teacher at Duluth (Ga.) High School. The family resides in Kennesaw. Lori J. Tipton (05C) is news director for joint news operations at KYUR-TV (ABC) and KTBY-TV (FOX) in Anchorage, Alaska. Kerri Lynn Taylor (06C) and Jeffrey Scott Carter were married July 27, 2011, at The Piedmont Room at Park Tavern in Atlanta. Teresa Ann Weimann (06C) was a bridesmaid. The couple resides in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. Katy Ensminger (07C), senior tax associate at the Atlanta accounting firm of Moore Colson CPAs, won the fourth-quarter 2011 Moore Colson Peak Award for initiative, organization and leadership and for serving as a team resource on numerous client projects. Lance Simpson (09C), graduate student at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama, and Associate Professor Jamie C. Naidoo were awarded one of two 2012 Diversity Research Grants from the American Library Association’s Office for Diversity for the project, “Beyond Broken Borders: Examining Library Services to Latino and Spanish-Speaking Populations in New Latino South States with Anti-Immigration Laws.”


Robert Henry Lovelace Sr. (46H) of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., March 1, 2009. Thelma Ruth Owen Sorrow (46c) of Dudley, Ga., March 31, 2012. Walter W. Ferebee (47C) of Mocksville, N.C., Nov. 15, 2010. Louise Whiteside McLure (47C) of Macon, Ga., April 23, 2012. Sarah Zell Sargent Robertson (47c) of Ashburn, Ga., May 10, 2012. Elizabeth Snare Smith (47C) of Gillsville, Ga., April 9, 2012. Thelma Walker Webb (47c) of Clarksville, Ga., April 21, 2012. Edward J. Bible Jr. (48c) of Augusta, Ga., Feb. 29, 2012. Sarah Ridley Hyatt (48c) of Franklin, Ga., Jan. 8, 2011. Wilma Wright Kenney (48H) of Carrollton, Ga., March 21, 2012. James O. Mintz (49H, 53c) of Lenoir City, Tenn., April 29, 2012.

1950s Derald W. Tumlin (50H) of Acworth, Ga., April 27, 2012. Jessie Bailey White (50C) of Jackson, Ohio, Dec. 24, 2011. Milton A. Morgan (51C) of Winston, Ga., May 27, 2012.

Annette Grant Skipper (51H) of Montgomery, Ala., April 13, 2010. Hubert D. Greene (52C) of Shelby, N.C., Feb. 19, 2012. Norma Scott Morris (52c) of Warner Robins, Ga., Jan. 11, 2011. Jean Garrett Beaver (53H) of Snellville, Ga., Nov. 5, 2011. Richardia Wilson Gibson (54H) of Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 12, 2011. Richard N. Mashburn (56C) of Arden, N.C., June 22, 2011. Jacqueline Smith Ogle (57C) of Eatonton, Ga., Jan 18, 2012. Tommy Poole (58H) of Cartersville, Ga., June 6, 2011. Charles R. Summerville (58H) of Bremen, Ga., Jan. 5, 2009. Doris Sue Smith (58C) of Gainesville, Ga., March 18, 2012.

Charles L. Huskey Jr. (66A) of Rome, Jan. 9, 2012. James Douglas Haggerty (67A, 71c) of Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Dec. 21, 2010. Kenneth L. Brown (69C) of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., June 4, 2012.

1970s Philip E. Wyatt (70C) of Lake Forest, Ill., June 17, 2012. Adele A. Evans (73G) of Rome, Feb. 4, 2012. Leah Jarrett Herring (79G) of Litchfield Park, Ariz., June 16, 2012.

1980s Elaine F. O’Rourke (84G) of Cassville, Ga., Oct. 20, 2009. Janie Martin Stokes (87G) of Woodstock, Ga., April 10, 2012.



Stanley Johnston (62H) of Cave Spring, Ga., March 22, 2012. Alfred Winston Chassereau (64C) of Savannah, Ga., March 26, 2012. Donald Glenn Whitener (64C) of Folkston, Ga., Feb. 18, 2012.

Hazel T. Woodfin of Lindale, Ga. (retired from food services), June 20, 2012.

In memoriam David C. Garrett Jr., Berry emeritus trustee and retired chair and CEO of Delta Air Lines, died June 2, 2012, at the age of 89. He is credited with elevating the Atlantabased airline into a powerful national carrier. His service to Berry College also was extraordinary. Garrett began his association with Berry as a member of the Board of Visitors in 1977 and served as its chairman in 1982 and 1983. He was elected trustee in 1983 and served until 1986, when he became emeritus trustee. A steadfast and generous supporter of the college, Garrett established a variety of scholarships, awards and funds that continue to have a lasting impact on faculty, staff and students. They include the David C. Garrett Jr. Presidential Scholarship, Dave and Lu Garrett Award for Meritorious Teaching, Eleana M. Garrett Award for Meritorious Advising and Caring, David C. Garrett Jr. Library Fund, David C. Garrett Jr. Faculty/Staff Development Fund, and David C. Garrett Jr. Professor of Business endowment.

an individual. Honor and memory gifts can be made by noting your intentions and the name of the person recognized at the time you make the gift. Note: Memory gifts have been designated to scholarship funds named for the honoree unless otherwise specified by the donor.

MEMORY GIFTS March 1, 2012 – June 30, 2012 1967C Classmates Mrs. June Bass Hardy Mr. Sterling Bargeron Mrs. Amy Bargeron Dale Mr. Edward J. Bible Jr. Ms. Georgiana Vines Mr. Dan U. Biggers The Rev. George H. Donigian Mrs. Bobbie Dixon Burks Mrs. Janie Dove Thornton Scenic Hills Garden Club Ms. Anna Elisabeth Burns Mrs. Julia Parrish Burns Mr. David H. Cox Ms. Phyllis E. Cox Mrs. Lois Raley Dease Mr. Earnest Rabon Rodgers Mrs. Wendy Huey Deck Mrs. Shirley Carter Gimbert Mrs. Lillian C. Farmer Mrs. Peggie Hicks Ellington Mrs. Sandra Gresham Frost Mr. W. Leon Frost Mrs. Louise Moon Garrison Mrs. Cheryl Pridmore Lucas Ms. Ruth Lois Glover Dr. Jeanette Justice Fleming

Mr. Thomas C. Glover Dr. Jeanette Justice Fleming Dr. Larry A. Green Ms. Kelly Ann Cochran Mr. John K. Hamrick Sr. Ms. Dana Patterson Mrs. Maxine Kirby Harman Mr. Henry V. Harman Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Jackson Mrs. Patricia Jackson Vaughn Mrs. Wilma Wright Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Bearden Ms. Carolyn S. Creel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Hipps Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Register Mrs. Martha L. Thurman Ms. Margaret S. Walker Mrs. Willa Sue Wright White Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wright Mrs. Myrtle Joiner Lawhon Mrs. Sharon McDonald Newby Mr. William Wesley Leachman Mrs. Clara King Evans Mr. Tommy J. Shrouder Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister Mrs. Martha Perkins Aubel Dr. Larry D. Mullins Dr. Milton McDonald Mr. Charles M. Walker

Mr. Milton A. Morgan Mrs. Jim Ann Stewart Mrs. Carolyn Smith Nelson Ms. Jean Benoy Lacey Mr. Terrell Neugent Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dunlap III Mrs. Bessie Worley Parker Mrs. Sharon McDonald Newby Mrs. Evelyn Hoge Pendley Mrs. Carolyn Tillman Steele Dr. Amber T. Prince Mrs. Carolyn Tillman Steele Dr. Gloria M. Shatto Mrs. Carolyn Tillman Steele Mrs. Betty Leachman Shrouder Mr. Tommy J. Shrouder Mr. Bernard Storey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Storey Mr. Philip Sike Storey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Storey Mrs. Elbia K. Tutterow Dr. Roger Clinton Tutterow Mr. Donald Glenn Whitener Mr. Paul A. McFarland Mr. Paul Renee Willis Mr. Jack Burks Allen Mr. Jeffrey Alex Wingo Mrs. Brandi Calhoun Diamond Mr. Richard Wood Ms. Kelly Ann Cochran


MEMORY AND HONOR GIFTS Special thanks go out for the following gifts to Berry, which were specifically designated in memory or honor of

HONOR GIFTS March 1, 2012 – June 30, 2012 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Buice Mr. Paul A. McFarland Dr. D. Dean Cantrell Mrs. Carolyn Tillman Steele Mrs. Jo Ann White Chambers Miss Imogene T. Patterson Ms. Kelsy Elizabeth Dawsey Ms. Dana Patterson Ms. Kit Dawsey Ms. Dana Patterson Ms. Patricia Kathryn Dawsey Ms. Dana Patterson Mr. Paul B. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Adam Douglas Newton Mrs. Barbara DeStephano Mrs. Carolyn Tillman Steele Dr. Ouida W. Dickey Dr. and Mrs. David V. Martin Mr. Joshua David Martin Dr. E. Kay Davis Dunn Ms. Paula Lawton Bevington Dr. William Gorden The Rev. and Mrs. George Gravitte



Ms. Karen Holley Horrell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Weidner Mrs. Joy Padgett Johnson Ms. Karen Holley Horrell Mrs. Maureen Munro Kurowsky Mrs. Ellen Free Lueck Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Kilpatrick Dr. Roger Clinton Tutterow Mrs. Catherine M. McDonald Mr. Paul A. McFarland Mr. Charles M. Walker Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Poydence Mrs. Abby D. Wise Ms. Evangeline Palmer Prelac Mrs. Stephanni Smith Prelac Dr. Jeanne Mar Schul Mr. and Mrs. Jason Emmett McMillan Mr. C.B. Wright III River City Bank

GIFTS TO NAMED SCHOLARSHIPS AND WORK ENDOWMENTS March 1, 2012 – June 30, 2012 Frank and Kathryn Adams Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. John Franklin Adams Dr. Christina G. Bucher Dr. James H. Watkins Dr. Lara B. Whelan African American Alumni Chapter Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Melissa Ransby Hunt Mrs. Emma Jean Moreland Agriculture Alumni Endowed Scholarship Ms. Eugenia Lynn Aycock Mrs. Kristy Ingle Hammond Leo W. Anglin Memorial Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Wade A. Carpenter Dr. Jacqueline Macy McDowell D. Randolph Berry and Thomas Berry Endowed Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. D. Randolph Berry Mrs. Marti Walstad John R. and Annabel Hodges Bertrand Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. David M. Williams Dan Biggers Distinguished Actor Award Mrs. Shannon W. Biggers Mrs. Susan Anderson Hancock Mr. Jeffrey Douglas Horn W.S. Black Conservation Scholarship Ms. Margaret W. Browne Beatrice Lockerman Bollam (39C) Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mr. Richard Owen Bollam Joshua Bradshaw-Whittemore Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mr. Richard N. Bass Horace Brown Chemistry Scholarship Dr. Horace D. Brown Louise Paul Brown Work Scholarship Dr. Horace D. Brown Merck Company Foundation Selma Hall Browning Memorial Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Alton H. Christopher Wanda Lou Bumpus Endowed Scholarship Ms. Julie A. Bumpus Dr. David R. Burnette Agriculture Leadership Endowed Scholarship Ms. Sandra Beck Allen Mr. Leach Delano Richards Sr. N. Gordon Carper Award Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Davis



N. Gordon Carper Endowed History Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William N. Harber Ms. Rachel Amanda Tidwell Microsoft Corp. Milton and Jo Ann Chambers Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. A. Milton Chambers Mr. and Mrs. William M. Chambers Ms. Susan A. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. William Ebbert Evans Cathy and Bert Clark Expendable Study Abroad Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. G. Bert Clark Jr. Gene B. and Jean E. Clark Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Jean Etherton Clark Percy N. Clark and Family Scholarship Mr. Paul Norman Clark Mr. James M. Legates Wells Fargo Foundation Class of 1943C Scholarship Dr. Clayton C. O’Mary Class of 1951C Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Selman Class of 1953C Scholarship Dr. James K. Miller Class of 1953H in Memory of StaleyLoveday Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Sundy Class of 1954C Endowed Scholarship Mr. J. Gene Johnson Mrs. Lois Eason Woodcock Class of 1956C Endowed Scholarship Dr. Jean Adcock Curran Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Davis Mr. Russell M. Evans Mr. William B. Keith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sims Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mell Strickland Mrs. Joyce Jarvis Vickery Norfolk Southern Foundation Class of 1957C Scholarship Dr. Latha Mimbs Barnes Mr. Warren N. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. James Larry Ellison Mrs. Helen Coffey Hegwood Dr. Forrest W. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Gray Midkiff Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Pass Mr. Joel L. Patterson Mrs. Penelope Selman Penny Mrs. Margie Grogan Pope Mrs. Wylene Hegwood Selman Mr. and Mrs. William Custer Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Traynham Mr. and Mrs. Charlie P. Underwood Jr. Mr. Franklin D. Windham Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lee Winton Class of 1960C Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. Larry B. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cooper Mr. Lewis R. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. LeBron J. Holden Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowell Loadholtz Mrs. Carole Carter Long Dr. and Mrs. Larry G. McRae Mrs. Ann Nichols Pope Mr. Earnest Rabon Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. W. Cleveland Rowland Mr. Michael A. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. James Perry Vincent Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Macon Sidney Wheeler AGL Resources Inc. Class of 1961C Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Alton H. Christopher Ms. M. Naomi Douglas Mr. Aaron Ellis

Class of 1962C Dairy Milk Quality Manager Endowed Work Position Mrs. Ariadne Papadopoulou Alvanos Mr. Emil B. Askew Mrs. Rachel Reese Askew Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce Barnes Mrs. Charlotte Keckley Bitzer Mrs. Geraldine Johnson Bridges Mr. John J. Bridges Mr. Tommie A. Chandler Mrs. Eva McCarter Clark Mrs. Barbara Sue Clemons Mr. Roger W. Clemons Mrs. Glenda York Cook Mr. Wendell Lamar Cook Mrs. Sylvia M. Cordle Mr. W. Glenn Cornell Mr. Frank Louis Davis Mrs. Jane Vaughn Davis Dr. James D. Garner Mr. R. Alvin Guillebeau Jr. Mrs. Martha Lord Hancock Dr. Franklin D. Heath Sr. Mrs. Judith Whaley Heath Mrs. Dana Braddy Herrman Dr. Charles E. Hudson Mr. Billy D. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. McDonald Jr. Mr. Leewin Glenn Miller Mrs. Yoniece Perry Miller Dr. Larry D. Mullins Mrs. Evie Quinn O’Brien Ms. Annette Tomlinson Miss Mary F. Turpin Mrs. Gayle Y. Wagoner Mrs. Duanne Self Walton Mr. Joseph L. Walton Sr. Mr. John R. Weatherman Mrs. Martha Lewis Weatherman Mrs. Jean McRorie Westberry Mrs. Mickey Tipton Wilson Class of 1963C Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mrs. Hazl Paige Brumby Mr. John L. Burrell Mrs. Sue Godfrey Dowdy Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Fite Ms. Loretta Frances Hamby Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donald Henry Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Hodges Mrs. Bettie Hester McClain Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. McKnight Mr. Larry H. Osborn Mr. Leach Delano Richards Sr. Mr. Bruce A. Taylor Class of 1965C Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Drs. John and Wanda Aldridge Dr. Mary Elizabeth Outlaw Class of 1972C Work Scholarship Fund Mr. Jack Burks Allen Mrs. Barbara Dodd Broome Mrs. Faye Jenkins Darby Mr. J. Tait Owens III Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund George W. Cofield Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Ellen May Partridge Hetty McEwen Coleman Scholarship Warren Coleman Fund Deberdt-Naidenko Award The Rev. George H. Donigian Dr. Ouida W. Dickey Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Price Lillian Dorton Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Yvonne Linker Hall Jessiruth Smith Doss Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William Ebbert Evans Thomas Harold Edwards Scholarship Mr. Ronald W. Edwards

Ray F. Faulkenberry Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Roslyn Glosson Faulkenberry Ray F. Faulkenberry Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Roslyn Glosson Faulkenberry Ruby and Clifton Fite Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. John Donald Fite George Gaddie Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Arlene D. Minshew Mrs. Cherrie D. Shaw Robert W. Gardner Endowed Scholarship Dr. Lucia I. Llorente Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. A. Madison Alexander Jr. Mr. Billy R. Blocker Sr. Dr. Horace D. Brown Mr. Bart A. Cox Mrs. Johnnie Mae Smith Curry Ms. Jenifer Joann Faison Mr. John G. Grelck IV Mr. and Mrs. William A. Holden II Mrs. Amanda Strickland Horton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew William Leathers Mr. Hart A. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin McElyea Mr. George E. McKnight Mrs. Marguerite K. Mullis Ms. Deborah L. Reis Mrs. Nell Dalton Roberts Mr. Velton L. Robinson Ms. Kimberly Jones Scales Dr. Ann Saywell Spears Merck Company Foundation George M. Glover International Scholarship Mr. Dwight Allen Glover Ed and Gayle Graviett Gmyrek Scholarship Mrs. Gayle Graviett Gmyrek Jorge and Ondina Gonzalez Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Ondina Santos Gonzalez Larry A. Green Memorial Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryan Ellis Mr. William A. Gay Dr. Janna S. Johnson Mrs. Melanie Green Jones Ms. Lucille S. Traylor Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Williams Lyn Gresham Endowed Scholarship Ms. Sandra Beck Allen William T. Groves Endowed Scholarship Mr. John Silcox Hamrick Family/Aunt Martha Freeman Scholarship Dr. Karen A. Kurz Jonathan Randall Hardin Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Abrams Mr. Jonathan C. Baggett Dr. Stephen R. Briggs Ms. Julie A. Bumpus Mr. Ryan Matthew Chesley Mrs. Penny Evans-Plants Mr. James T. Garner Mr. Steven Wayne Hatfield Mr. Jesse L. Kier Mrs. Sylvia Joan McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Phillips Mrs. Laura L. Phillips Mr. James R. Pruitt Jr. Mrs. Kathleen Robinson Ray Mr. Jeffery R. Smith Ms. Dianne H. Smithson Mrs. Monica Morgan Willingham Heneisen Service Award Mr. James B. Chandler Mrs. Laurie Hattaway Chandler

Cathleen Ann Henriksen Memorial Scholarship Mr. Peter N. Henriksen Edna F. Hetsko Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thomas Hunt Fred Hill Endowed Scholarship The Estate of Fred S. Hill Lewis A. Hopkins Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Britt Mr. Howard A. Richmond II IBM Ruby Hopkins Outstanding Student Teacher Award Mr. Howard A. Richmond II IBM Becky Musser Hosea Scholarship Dr. J. Marshall Jenkins Barbara Ballanger Hughes Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Barbara Ballanger Hughes Emily T. Ingram Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William G. Fron Dale Jones Expendable Scholarship Mr. Dale A. Jones H.I. “Ish” Jones Endowed Agriculture Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William Ebbert Evans Mr. and Mrs. H.I. “Ish” Jones Ms. Martha Jane Jones Kappa Delta Pi Endowed Award Dr. Mary C. Clement Kappa Delta Pi Clay Kenemer Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Bernice Arnold Holcomb Mr. Timothy R. Howard Mrs. Pamela Millwood Pettyjohn Mrs. Rethia Camp Spence Mrs. Joy Bernice Ogle Whaley Carpet Capital Alumni Chapter Michael and Elizabeth Nesbitt Krupa Scholarship Mrs. Elizabeth Nesbitt Krupa Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation Expendable Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation Peter A. Lawler Endowed Scholarship Mr. Jeffrey Douglas Horn Fred H. Loveday Endowed Scholarship Mr. Hollis Clayton Anglin Mr. James M. Brantley Mr. Robert L. Bugg Mr. James Franklin Jones Sr. Mr. Cecil R. Spooner Mr. Earl D. Tillman Ms. Betty L. White AGL Resources Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lusby III Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lusby III Frazier & Deeter Foundation Paul C. and Velma Smith Maddox Scholarship Paul C. and Velma Smith Maddox Foundation Ross Magoulas Endowed Scholarship Mr. Ross A. Magoulas Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Martin Ms. Cecily J. Nall Mr. Darryl L. Worth Percy Marchman Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Stephenson Mariella Griffiths Berry Loyalty Scholarship Fund Dr. Kristen A. Diliberto-Macaluso Dr. Gerald D. Jennings

Dr. Lawrence E. McAllister Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Harlan L. Chapman Mr. Norris D. Johnson Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Mr. and Mrs. John M. Whitaker Frank Miller Memorial Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William H. Banks Mrs. Faye Lovinggood Hood Mr. Claude M. McGinnis Mrs. Melanie Prater Miller Mrs. Janelle Cato Sabourin Graden Mullis Endowed Scholarship Mr. Thomas G. Mullis Music Scholarship Dr. John E. Davis Mary and Al Nadassy English Scholarship Dr. Christina G. Bucher Dr. Sandra L. Meek Dr. Mark N. Taylor Dr. James H. Watkins Dr. Lara B. Whelan NSDAR Scholarship DAR – California State Society DAR – Georgia State Society NSDAR James L. Paul Jr. Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Violet Paul Dr. Bob Pearson Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Price Dr. Amber T. Prince Education Graduate Student Award Dr. Karen A. Kurz Dr. Amber T. Prince Endowed Scholarship Dr. Steven H. Bell Mrs. Jean W. Druckenmiller Ms. Debbie E. Heida Mrs. Buffy Meeks Jobe Dr. Janna S. Johnson Mr. Justin Christopher Karch Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lindner Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pearson Dr. Amber T. Prince Expendable Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Breithaupt Roy Richards Sr. Scholarship Mr. Lee Wiley Richards Mr. Roy Richards Jr. Dr. R. Melvin and Sarah E. Rozar Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. R. Melvin Rozar Ann Russell Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Kathleen Robinson Ray William A. and Elizabeth M. Sadowski Endowed Scholarship Ms. Bettyann M. O’Neill Vesta Salmon Service Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Kraig Michael Ingalsbe Mrs. Angela P. Reynolds Mrs. Maki Reynolds Jerry Shelton Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Betty Brown Madden Mr. Frank R. Norman Mr. Edward Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Charlie J. Weatherford Norfolk Southern Foundation Ken Sicchitano/Bettyann O’Neill Expendable Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. Kenton J. Sicchitano MetLife Michele Norman Sims Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Margaret McClendon Bagwell

Hamilton/Smith Scholarship Mrs. Lauren T. Abrams Mr. Charles D. Alexander Mr. Kevin Deshawn Allen Mrs. Clementine F. Baker Mrs. Patsy A. Baker Mr. Calvin B. Barton Dr. Steven H. Bell Ms. Ann Boswell Ms. Ruby Jean Boyd Mrs. Claudette S. Bryson Mr. Marshall Burge Mrs. Celestine N. Burrell Dr. Barbara Searcy Cothran Mrs. Lila Frances Culberson Mr. William D. Culpepper Mrs. Ruby M. Curry Ms. Barbara J. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Davis Mrs. Donna J. Dean Ms. Kay B. Drennon Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Duhamel Mrs. Terri Colson Earls Mr. and Mrs. David H. Ford Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Neal Ford Mrs. L. Sharon Francis Rear Adm. Vincent L. Griffith Ms. Evelyn L. Hamilton Mr. Leroy Harris Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Hinman Jr. Mrs. Kimberly Hixon Ms. L. Faye Hixon Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Hudson Ms. Johnnie V. Hutchinson Ms. Mary E. Jackson Mrs. Emma L. Johnson Ms. Marion S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lawson Ms. Beatrice A. Malone Mr. John R. McClure Mrs. Joyce Anne McCord Mrs. Jean McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. McGregor Ms. Penney Y. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Morrow Sr. Mrs. Odge Philpot Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Puckett Ms. Lisa Fraley Rasheed Mr. Alfred T. Shropshire Mrs. Stacey Jones Spillers Mr. and Mrs. John N. Stevenson Mrs. Bernice Caldwell Swann Dr. Ethel Franklin Taylor Ms. Costella Smith Tiller Mrs. Barbara M. Vance Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Vaughn Mrs. Juanita E. Waldrep Mrs. Edna Earle Whatley Mrs. Robbie White Mary Alta Sproull Endowed Math Scholarship Mrs. Jim Ann Stewart Robert Earl Stafford Scholarship Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust Sara E. Stafford Scholarship Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust Stephens-Riley Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Riley Sr. Reginald E. Strickland Endowed Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Lt. Col. and Mrs. Reginald E. Strickland

Student Scholarships Dr. Sarah Lee Allred Mrs. Katie Hughes Anthony Mrs. Aimee Fontenot Braman Mr. John William Coleman Mrs. Kuhiwa Coody Erwin Ms. Sara Catherine Evans Mrs. Louise Jennings Fair Ms. Jessica Marie Faulhaber Ms. Kirsten Marie Fladland Mr. and Mrs. Alan Howard Goldin Dr. Randolph B. Green Mrs. Vanessa Mosley Greenlee Ms. Jessie Lynn Hamilton Mrs. Kimberly Connor Hughes Mrs. Erin Baldwin Kaminsky Mr. and Mrs. Dallas D. Kerce Mr. Fred E. Kilstrom Mrs. Mary McGuire Linskey Mr. John R. Mason Mrs. Jean Conley McMonigle Mrs. Jacquelyn Sue Mitchell Dr. Alison A. Moy Ms. Bettyann M. O’Neill Mr. William Outlaw Ms. Cynthia B. Pakicka Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Purser Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Eastwood Ragan Mr. Brad Thomas Reeder Mrs. Rebecca Smith Reynnells Mr. John R. Schneider Ms. Kay Salmon Shahan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan Spivey Ms. Kelli Jeanne Stansell Mrs. Marilyn Self Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthew Williams Mr. Charles R. Yarbrough Jr. Bekaert Corp. Georgia Independent College Association Sara Lee Foundation Larry and Betty Jane Taylor Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Taylor Fred J. Tharpe Endowed Scholarship Mr. Fred J. Tharpe Time Warner Inc. Grace and Maurice Thompson Scholarship Mrs. Donna N. Fulford Rex Thompson/Rufus Baird Scholarship Dr. Quincey L. Baird Troy/Gardner Endowed Award – Art History Dr. Virginia G. Troy James E. and Dorris Waters Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Waters Alexander Whyte Whitaker III Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Whyte Whitaker IV Jeff Wingo Memorial Scholarship Dr. Janna S. Johnson Mrs. Kathryn M. Wingo Clarence and Marie Witt Expendable Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edward Witt Craig Allyn Wofford Scholarship Mr. Ron W. Dean Mrs. Elaine Sexton Foster AT&T Foundation Richard Wood Scholarship Mr. Donald G. Collins Wyatt-Lipscomb Scholarship Mrs. Kathleen Robinson Ray




Berry magazine P.O. Box 495018 Mount Berry, GA 30149-5018

Beginner’s luck? At 19, Gate of Opportunity Scholar Ryan James became the youngest marathon champion in the history of the international Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series when he won the St. Jude Country Music Marathon in Nashville. Not a bad result for his first-ever marathon! Dipti Vaidya / The Tennessean, April 28, 2012

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