1 minute read
Right Sized
“My 13 years working for corporate America and moving from Georgia to Ohio to Wisconsin and back to Ohio ended when my division was sold, and I was part of a bunch who were ‘right-sized.’ It provided an opportunity to finally get back to Virginia where I've happily lived for 36 years.”
Dan Dowdy Business Development Valley Business FRONT
Justifiable Execution
“I was fired at least four times. All were justified.”
Dan Smith
FRONTcorrespondent; author of the FRONTcover story

Spun Out
“When I was sixteen years old, I worked one summer at a car rental company and was good at my job, until I made a stupid mistake. I was fired on the spot for racing cars around the airport with my co-worker. I did win that race, though… ok, maybe not.”
Tom Field Publisher / Creative Director Valley Business FRONT

Down and Out
“In the late 1980s I was a bank teller at the New River Valley Mall, which I loved because of the proximity to food and shopping and friends. As a cocky college student, I assumed I—not the customer—was always right, and apparently I wasn't subtle letting customers know it. After about two years, I was "offered" a transfer to the bowels of the main bank doing paperwork. I cried and turned down the move, and I never worked with the general public again.”
Jennifer Poff Cooper Senior Correspondent