Valley Business FRONT, Issue 147, December 2020

Page 46

New water tower serves several purposes > The Western Virginia Water Authority has erected a 102-foot-tall, 500,000-gallon tank that will provide water to the new Summit View Business Park under development and surrounding residential areas. It’s also acting as a billboard for those passing by on US 220 between Boones Mill and Rocky Mount: southbound motorists will see the Franklin County logo, while northbound (heading towards Roanoke) the Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge graphic is featured. Said Franklin County Administrator and Visit VBR Board member Chris Whitlow, “the water tank project is a prime example of the ongoing partnership between Franklin County and Visit VBR to increase awareness of the many opportunities that exist in the County and region for people to visit, play, and invest in Virginia’s Blue Ridge.”

Local craft brewer recognized > Beale's Beer in Bedford received the Bronze Medal at the 2020 Great American Beer Festival. Plumpricot, a traditional Berliner Weisse brewed with all-natural plums and apricots, took home the Bronze Specialty Berliner-Style Weisse beer style category at the virtual ceremony on October 16, hosted on The Brewing Network. “Winning this medal in 2020, a year filled with uncertainty and challenges for our business, is incredibly meaningful to us. Our brewers are committed to producing top-quality beer, and we’re thrilled to see that hard work recognized on a national stage,” said V P of Operations, Emily Sanfratella. Beale’s operates a 30-barrel system and a taproom in the Town of Bedford. Another taproom in Yorktown, VA is slated for 2021. Beale’s distributes its beer throughout Virginia and Washington, D.C. (pictured:) Beale’s brewers from left to right: Chris Sharrett, Bryson Foutz, and Seth Johnson celebrate the GABF award.


t DECEMBER 2020 /

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