2 minute read
This month we look at some of the real estate auction houses in the region, and the real estate market outlook in the New River Valley. There’s also a story on the construction, architecture and design companies behind the development going on locally. Stepping away from that there’s a snapshot of several local non-profits – and the institutions supporting them.
A commentary on maternal health in the U.S. may surprise you and offers a glimpse into the lack of affordable health care for mothers that is holding some businesses back from having the best talent available on their staff. Other countries are ahead of us in this respect, and on the availability of affordable health care for all. Dr. Jaclyn Nunziato weighs in there with her thoughtful Guest Commentary. Plenty of good stuff this month as we head towards summer. We hope you learn a thing or two along the way. Happy reading.
Tom Field Gene Marrano Publisher Editor
Surround yourself with like-minded people.
— Page 27
By Jessica Britton

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Publisher / Tom Field

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(540) 389-9945
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(540) 389-9945
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© Copyright 2022; Valley Business FRONT, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of this publication in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Information within Valley Business FRONT is obtained from sources considered reliable, but cannot be guaranteed. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the ownership. Valley Business FRONT is primarily distributed to subscribers by mail, digitally and select locations throughout the Roanoke Valley, New River Valley, and western Virginia.
Advisory Board
Valley Business FRONT has organized an Advisory Board comprised of a selective group of diverse business professionals who support our mission and have an interest in how our business journal best serves our local communities and region. As a sounding board throughout their term, board members have been given the task of helping FRONT understand the issues and develop coverage. You will note that the Board is comprised of experts in many different business / industry “fronts.” This is intentional, as we are reporting on all the areas that affect our regional economy and are important to you. Although the members are encouraged to keep FRONT updated on their own industries and the key players, they aren’t limited to their area of specialty, as all commercial enterprises ultimately collaborate to impact our quality of life here in this part of Virginia. An additional contribution by the Advisory Board involves direct input on the various FRONTLists we present throughout the year. In keeping with our policy of being “the voice of business in the valleys” we ask each reader to join us as an editorial partner by contacting us with your ideas. You know more than we know about your business—or you certainly should—and that inside knowledge shared with our readers will make us all better at what we do.